static char * parse_req (char *line, char **method, char **protocol) { char *req = NULL, *request = NULL, *proto = NULL, *dreq = NULL; const char *meth; ptrdiff_t rlen; meth = extract_method (line); /* couldn't find a method, so use the whole request line */ if (meth == NULL) { request = xstrdup (line); } /* method found, attempt to parse request */ else { req = line + strlen (meth); if ((proto = strstr (line, " HTTP/1.0")) == NULL && (proto = strstr (line, " HTTP/1.1")) == NULL) { return alloc_string ("-"); } req++; if ((rlen = proto - req) <= 0) return alloc_string ("-"); request = xmalloc (rlen + 1); strncpy (request, req, rlen); request[rlen] = 0; if (conf.append_method) (*method) = strtoupper (xstrdup (meth)); if (conf.append_protocol) (*protocol) = strtoupper (xstrdup (++proto)); } if ((dreq = decode_url (request)) && dreq != '\0') { free (request); return dreq; } return request; }
void client_handler::handle(const epoll_event &e) { if (!( & EPOLLOUT) || ( & EPOLLIN) || !output_buffer.empty()) { Log::d("Client handler: " + eetostr(e)); } if ( & EPOLLOUT) { if (serv->write_chunk(this, output_buffer) && message_type != HTTPS_MODE) { Log::d("Finished resending host response to client"); if (message_type == PRE_HTTPS_MODE) { message_type = HTTPS_MODE; std::string hostname; extract_header(input_buffer.string_data(), input_buffer.length(), "Host", hostname); input_buffer.clear(); output_buffer.clear(); serv->modify_handler(this, EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT); resolve_host_ip(hostname, EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT); } else { input_buffer.clear(); message_len = -1; message_type = NOT_EVALUATED; serv->modify_handler(this, EPOLLIN); } } } if ( & EPOLLIN) { if (read_message(this, input_buffer) && message_type != HTTPS_MODE) { std::string data = input_buffer.string_data(); serv->modify_handler(this, 0); std::string hostname; if (extract_header(data, (int) data.length(), "Host", hostname)) { if (message_type == WITHOUT_BODY && extract_method(data) == "CONNECT") { //output_buffer.set("HTTP/1.0 404 Fail\r\nProxy-agent: BotHQ-Agent/1.2\r\n\r\n"); output_buffer.set("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nProxy-agent: BotHQ-Agent/1.2\r\n\r\n"); serv->modify_handler(this, EPOLLOUT); message_type = PRE_HTTPS_MODE; Log::d("entering HTTPS_MODE"); } else { if (message_type == WITHOUT_BODY && extract_method(data) == "GET") { // modifying status line size_t from = data.find(hostname) + hostname.length(); Log::d("from is " + inttostr(from) + ", hostname is " + hostname); data = "GET " + input_buffer.string_data().substr(from, input_buffer.string_data().length() - from); input_buffer.clear(); input_buffer.put(data.c_str(), data.length()); Log::d("new query is: \"\n" + input_buffer.string_data() + "\""); Log::d("First line is \"" + input_buffer.string_data().substr(0, input_buffer.string_data().find("\r\n")) + "\""); } resolve_host_ip(hostname, EPOLLOUT); } } else { //TODO: send correspond answer Log::fatal("Client headers do not contain 'host' header"); //exit(-1); } } } }
static int parse_format (GLogItem * glog, const char *fmt, const char *date_format, char *str) { const char *p; double serve_secs; int special = 0; struct tm tm; unsigned long long bandw, serve_time; if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') return 1; memset (&tm, 0, sizeof (tm)); /* iterate over the log format */ for (p = fmt; *p; p++) { if (*p == '%') { special++; continue; } if (special && *p != '\0') { char *pch, *sEnd, *bEnd, *tkn = NULL, *end = NULL; errno = 0; bandw = 0; serve_time = 0; serve_secs = 0; switch (*p) { /* date */ case 'd': if (glog->date) return 1; /* parse date format including dates containing spaces, * i.e., syslog date format (Jul 15 20:10:56) */ tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], count_matches (date_format, ' ') + 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; end = strptime (tkn, date_format, &tm); if (end == NULL || *end != '\0') { free (tkn); return 1; } glog->date = tkn; break; /* remote hostname (IP only) */ case 'h': if (glog->host) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; if (invalid_ipaddr (tkn)) { free (tkn); return 1; } glog->host = tkn; break; /* request method */ case 'm': if (glog->method) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; if (!extract_method (tkn)) { free (tkn); return 1; } glog->method = tkn; break; /* request not including method or protocol */ case 'U': if (glog->req) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL || *tkn == '\0') return 1; if ((glog->req = decode_url (tkn)) == NULL) return 1; free (tkn); break; /* request protocol */ case 'H': if (glog->protocol) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; if (invalid_protocol (tkn)) { free (tkn); return 1; } glog->protocol = tkn; break; /* request, including method + protocol */ case 'r': if (glog->req) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; glog->req = parse_req (tkn, &glog->method, &glog->protocol); free (tkn); break; /* Status Code */ case 's': if (glog->status) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; strtol (tkn, &sEnd, 10); if (tkn == sEnd || *sEnd != '\0' || errno == ERANGE) { free (tkn); return 1; } glog->status = tkn; break; /* size of response in bytes - excluding HTTP headers */ case 'b': if (glog->resp_size) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; bandw = strtol (tkn, &bEnd, 10); if (tkn == bEnd || *bEnd != '\0' || errno == ERANGE) bandw = 0; glog->resp_size = bandw; conf.bandwidth = 1; free (tkn); break; /* referrer */ case 'R': if (glog->ref) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) tkn = alloc_string ("-"); if (tkn != NULL && *tkn == '\0') { free (tkn); tkn = alloc_string ("-"); } if (strcmp (tkn, "-") != 0) extract_referer_site (tkn, glog->site); glog->ref = tkn; break; /* user agent */ case 'u': if (glog->agent) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn != NULL && *tkn != '\0') { /* Make sure the user agent is decoded (i.e.: CloudFront) * and replace all '+' with ' ' (i.e.: w3c) */ glog->agent = char_replace (decode_url (tkn), '+', ' '); free (tkn); break; } else if (tkn != NULL && *tkn == '\0') { free (tkn); tkn = alloc_string ("-"); } /* must be null */ else { tkn = alloc_string ("-"); } glog->agent = tkn; break; /* time taken to serve the request, in seconds */ case 'T': if (glog->serve_time) return 1; /* ignore seconds if we have microseconds */ if (strstr (fmt, "%D") != NULL) break; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; if (strchr (tkn, '.') != NULL) serve_secs = strtod (tkn, &bEnd); else serve_secs = strtoull (tkn, &bEnd, 10); if (tkn == bEnd || *bEnd != '\0' || errno == ERANGE) serve_secs = 0; /* convert it to microseconds */ if (serve_secs > 0) glog->serve_time = serve_secs * SECS; else glog->serve_time = 0; conf.serve_usecs = 1; free (tkn); break; /* time taken to serve the request, in microseconds */ case 'D': if (glog->serve_time) return 1; tkn = parse_string (&str, p[1], 1); if (tkn == NULL) return 1; serve_time = strtoull (tkn, &bEnd, 10); if (tkn == bEnd || *bEnd != '\0' || errno == ERANGE) serve_time = 0; glog->serve_time = serve_time; conf.serve_usecs = 1; free (tkn); break; /* everything else skip it */ default: if ((pch = strchr (str, p[1])) != NULL) str += pch - str; } if ((str == NULL) || (*str == '\0')) return 0; special = 0; } else if (special && isspace (p[0])) { return 1; } else str++; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { bool extract, train; int width, height, max_horizontal_steps, max_vertical_steps, video_source; std::string output_file; std::string model_file; std::string positive_source_directory; std::string negative_source_directory; try { namespace po=boost::program_options; po::options_description desc("Options"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Print help messages") ("extract,e", po::value<bool>(&extract)->default_value(true), "Specify whether to extract features") ("train,t", po::value<bool>(&train)->default_value(false), "Specify whether to train") ("camera,c", po::value<int>(&video_source)->default_value(0), "Specify camera to retrieve test feed") ("width,w", po::value<int>(&width)->required(), "Specify train window width") ("height,h", po::value<int>(&height)->required(), "Specify train window height") ("max_horizontal_steps,mh", po::value<int>(&max_horizontal_steps)->default_value(0), "Specify max horizontal steps the window can take") ("max_vertical_steps,mh", po::value<int>(&max_vertical_steps)->default_value(0), "Specify max vertical steps the window can take") ("positive,p", po::value<std::string>(&positive_source_directory)->default_value(boost::filesystem::current_path().string<std::string>()+"/positive"), "Specify positive video files directory") ("negative,n", po::value<std::string>(&negative_source_directory)->default_value(boost::filesystem::current_path().string<std::string>()+"/negative"), "Specify negative video files direcotry") ("output,o", po::value<std::string>(&output_file)->default_value(boost::filesystem::current_path().string<std::string>()+"/features.dump"), "Specify an features file for save/load") ("model,m", po::value<std::string>(&model_file)->default_value(boost::filesystem::current_path().string<std::string>()+"/result.model"), "Specify an model file for save/load"); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc,argv).options(desc).run(), vm); if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options]" << std::endl; std::cout << desc; return 0; } po::notify(vm); } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "Exception of unknown type!" << std::endl; return 1; } const cv::Size window_size=cv::Size(width, height); std::vector<maav::Features> features_collection; std::vector<unsigned int> divider; maav::HOGExtractor extractor(window_size); if(extract) { maav::FeatureExtractMethod extract_method(extractor, features_collection); boost::function<void (const cv::Mat &)> f=boost::ref(extract_method); boost::filesystem::path positive_dir(positive_source_directory); if(boost::filesystem::is_directory(positive_dir)) { boost::filesystem::directory_iterator dir_iter(positive_dir), eod; unsigned int counter=0; BOOST_FOREACH(boost::filesystem::path const &file_path, std::make_pair(dir_iter, eod)) { maav::LoadEachFrameFromFile(file_path.string<std::string>(), f); for(unsigned int i=0;i<(features_collection.size()-divider.size());i++) { divider.push_back(counter); } counter++; } } boost::filesystem::path negative_dir(positive_source_directory); if(boost::filesystem::is_directory(negative_dir)) { boost::filesystem::directory_iterator dir_iter(negative_dir), eod; BOOST_FOREACH(boost::filesystem::path const &file_path, std::make_pair(dir_iter, eod)) { maav::LoadEachFrameFromFile(file_path.string<std::string>(), f); } }