Пример #1
static void streaks(NodeGlare* ndg, CompBuf* dst, CompBuf* src)
	CompBuf *bsrc, *tsrc, *tdst, *sbuf;
	int x, y, n;
	unsigned int nump=0;
	fRGB c1, c2, c3, c4;
	float a, ang = 360.f/(float)ndg->angle;

	bsrc = BTP(src, ndg->threshold, 1 << ndg->quality);
	tsrc = dupalloc_compbuf(bsrc); // sample from buffer
	tdst = alloc_compbuf(tsrc->x, tsrc->y, tsrc->type, 1); // sample to buffer
	sbuf = alloc_compbuf(tsrc->x, tsrc->y, tsrc->type, 1);  // streak sum buffer

	for (a=0.f; a<360.f; a+=ang) {
		const float an = (a + (float)ndg->angle_ofs)*(float)M_PI/180.f;
		const float vx = cos((double)an), vy = sin((double)an);
		for (n=0; n<ndg->iter; ++n) {
			const float p4 = pow(4.0, (double)n);
			const float vxp = vx*p4, vyp = vy*p4;
			const float wt = pow((double)ndg->fade, (double)p4);
			const float cmo = 1.f - pow((double)ndg->colmod, (double)n+1);	// colormodulation amount relative to current pass
			float* tdstcol = tdst->rect;
			for (y=0; y<tsrc->y; ++y) {
				for (x=0; x<tsrc->x; ++x, tdstcol+=4) {
					// first pass no offset, always same for every pass, exact copy,
					// otherwise results in uneven brightness, only need once
					if (n==0) qd_getPixel(tsrc, x, y, c1); else c1[0]=c1[1]=c1[2]=0;
					qd_getPixelLerp(tsrc, x + vxp,     y + vyp,     c2);
					qd_getPixelLerp(tsrc, x + vxp*2.f, y + vyp*2.f, c3);
					qd_getPixelLerp(tsrc, x + vxp*3.f, y + vyp*3.f, c4);
					// modulate color to look vaguely similar to a color spectrum
					fRGB_rgbmult(c2, 1.f, cmo, cmo);
					fRGB_rgbmult(c3, cmo, cmo, 1.f);
					fRGB_rgbmult(c4, cmo, 1.f, cmo);
					tdstcol[0] = 0.5f*(tdstcol[0] + c1[0] + wt*(c2[0] + wt*(c3[0] + wt*c4[0])));
					tdstcol[1] = 0.5f*(tdstcol[1] + c1[1] + wt*(c2[1] + wt*(c3[1] + wt*c4[1])));
					tdstcol[2] = 0.5f*(tdstcol[2] + c1[2] + wt*(c2[2] + wt*(c3[2] + wt*c4[2])));
			memcpy(tsrc->rect, tdst->rect, sizeof(float)*tdst->x*tdst->y*tdst->type);

		addImage(sbuf, tsrc, 1.f/(float)(6 - ndg->iter));
		memset(tdst->rect, 0, tdst->x*tdst->y*tdst->type*sizeof(float));
		memcpy(tsrc->rect, bsrc->rect, bsrc->x*bsrc->y*bsrc->type*sizeof(float));

	mixImages(dst, sbuf, 0.5f + 0.5f*ndg->mix);

Пример #2
static void ghosts(NodeGlare* ndg, CompBuf* dst, CompBuf* src)
	// colormodulation and scale factors (cm & scalef) for 16 passes max: 64
	int x, y, n, p, np;
	fRGB c, tc, cm[64];
	float sc, isc, u, v, sm, s, t, ofs, scalef[64];
	CompBuf *tbuf1, *tbuf2, *gbuf;
	const float cmo = 1.f - ndg->colmod;
	const int qt = 1 << ndg->quality;
	const float s1 = 4.f/(float)qt, s2 = 2.f*s1;

	gbuf = BTP(src, ndg->threshold, qt);
	tbuf1 = dupalloc_compbuf(gbuf);
	IIR_gauss(tbuf1, s1, 0, 3);
	IIR_gauss(tbuf1, s1, 1, 3);
	IIR_gauss(tbuf1, s1, 2, 3);
	tbuf2 = dupalloc_compbuf(tbuf1);
	IIR_gauss(tbuf2, s2, 0, 3);
	IIR_gauss(tbuf2, s2, 1, 3);
	IIR_gauss(tbuf2, s2, 2, 3);

	if (ndg->iter & 1) ofs = 0.5f; else ofs = 0.f;
	for (x=0; x<(ndg->iter*4); x++) {
		y = x & 3;
		cm[x][0] = cm[x][1] = cm[x][2] = 1;
		if (y==1) fRGB_rgbmult(cm[x], 1.f, cmo, cmo);
		if (y==2) fRGB_rgbmult(cm[x], cmo, cmo, 1.f);
		if (y==3) fRGB_rgbmult(cm[x], cmo, 1.f, cmo);
		scalef[x] = 2.1f*(1.f-(x+ofs)/(float)(ndg->iter*4));
		if (x & 1) scalef[x] = -0.99f/scalef[x];

	sc = 2.13;
	isc = -0.97;
	for (y=0; y<gbuf->y; y++) {
		v = (float)(y+0.5f) / (float)gbuf->y;
		for (x=0; x<gbuf->x; x++) {
			u = (float)(x+0.5f) / (float)gbuf->x;
			s = (u-0.5f)*sc + 0.5f, t = (v-0.5f)*sc + 0.5f;
			qd_getPixelLerp(tbuf1, s*gbuf->x, t*gbuf->y, c);
			sm = smoothMask(s, t);
			fRGB_mult(c, sm);
			s = (u-0.5f)*isc + 0.5f, t = (v-0.5f)*isc + 0.5f;
			qd_getPixelLerp(tbuf2, s*gbuf->x - 0.5f, t*gbuf->y - 0.5f, tc);
			sm = smoothMask(s, t);
			fRGB_madd(c, tc, sm);
			qd_setPixel(gbuf, x, y, c);

	memset(tbuf1->rect, 0, tbuf1->x*tbuf1->y*tbuf1->type*sizeof(float));
	for (n=1; n<ndg->iter; n++) {
		for (y=0; y<gbuf->y; y++) {
			v = (float)(y+0.5f) / (float)gbuf->y;
			for (x=0; x<gbuf->x; x++) {
				u = (float)(x+0.5f) / (float)gbuf->x;
				tc[0] = tc[1] = tc[2] = 0.f;
				for (p=0;p<4;p++) {
					np = (n<<2) + p;
					s = (u-0.5f)*scalef[np] + 0.5f;
					t = (v-0.5f)*scalef[np] + 0.5f;
					qd_getPixelLerp(gbuf, s*gbuf->x - 0.5f, t*gbuf->y - 0.5f, c);
					fRGB_colormult(c, cm[np]);
					sm = smoothMask(s, t)*0.25f;
					fRGB_madd(tc, c, sm);
				p = (x + y*tbuf1->x)*tbuf1->type;
				tbuf1->rect[p] += tc[0];
				tbuf1->rect[p+1] += tc[1];
				tbuf1->rect[p+2] += tc[2];
		memcpy(gbuf->rect, tbuf1->rect, tbuf1->x*tbuf1->y*tbuf1->type*sizeof(float));


	mixImages(dst, gbuf, 0.5f + 0.5f*ndg->mix);
void GlareGhostOperation::generateGlare(float *data, MemoryBuffer *inputTile, NodeGlare *settings)
	const int qt = 1 << settings->quality;
	const float s1 = 4.0f / (float)qt, s2 = 2.0f * s1;
	int x, y, n, p, np;
	fRGB c, tc, cm[64];
	float sc, isc, u, v, sm, s, t, ofs, scalef[64];
	const float cmo = 1.0f - settings->colmod;

	MemoryBuffer *gbuf = inputTile->duplicate();
	MemoryBuffer *tbuf1 = inputTile->duplicate();

	bool breaked = false;

	FastGaussianBlurOperation::IIR_gauss(tbuf1, s1, 0, 3);
	if (!breaked) FastGaussianBlurOperation::IIR_gauss(tbuf1, s1, 1, 3);
	if (isBreaked()) breaked = true;
	if (!breaked) FastGaussianBlurOperation::IIR_gauss(tbuf1, s1, 2, 3);

	MemoryBuffer *tbuf2 = tbuf1->duplicate();

	if (isBreaked()) breaked = true;
	if (!breaked) FastGaussianBlurOperation::IIR_gauss(tbuf2, s2, 0, 3);
	if (isBreaked()) breaked = true;
	if (!breaked) FastGaussianBlurOperation::IIR_gauss(tbuf2, s2, 1, 3);
	if (isBreaked()) breaked = true;
	if (!breaked) FastGaussianBlurOperation::IIR_gauss(tbuf2, s2, 2, 3);

	ofs = (settings->iter & 1) ? 0.5f : 0.0f;
	for (x = 0; x < (settings->iter * 4); x++) {
		y = x & 3;
		cm[x][0] = cm[x][1] = cm[x][2] = 1;
		if (y == 1) fRGB_rgbmult(cm[x], 1.0f, cmo, cmo);
		if (y == 2) fRGB_rgbmult(cm[x], cmo, cmo, 1.0f);
		if (y == 3) fRGB_rgbmult(cm[x], cmo, 1.0f, cmo);
		scalef[x] = 2.1f * (1.0f - (x + ofs) / (float)(settings->iter * 4));
		if (x & 1) scalef[x] = -0.99f / scalef[x];

	sc = 2.13;
	isc = -0.97;
	for (y = 0; y < gbuf->getHeight() && (!breaked); y++) {
		v = ((float)y + 0.5f) / (float)gbuf->getHeight();
		for (x = 0; x < gbuf->getWidth(); x++) {
			u = ((float)x + 0.5f) / (float)gbuf->getWidth();
			s = (u - 0.5f) * sc + 0.5f, t = (v - 0.5f) * sc + 0.5f;
			tbuf1->readBilinear(c, s * gbuf->getWidth(), t * gbuf->getHeight());
			sm = smoothMask(s, t);
			mul_v3_fl(c, sm);
			s = (u - 0.5f) * isc + 0.5f, t = (v - 0.5f) * isc + 0.5f;
			tbuf2->readBilinear(tc, s * gbuf->getWidth() - 0.5f, t * gbuf->getHeight() - 0.5f);
			sm = smoothMask(s, t);
			madd_v3_v3fl(c, tc, sm);

			gbuf->writePixel(x, y, c);
		if (isBreaked()) breaked = true;


	memset(tbuf1->getBuffer(), 0, tbuf1->getWidth() * tbuf1->getHeight() * COM_NUM_CHANNELS_COLOR * sizeof(float));
	for (n = 1; n < settings->iter && (!breaked); n++) {
		for (y = 0; y < gbuf->getHeight() && (!breaked); y++) {
			v = ((float)y + 0.5f) / (float)gbuf->getHeight();
			for (x = 0; x < gbuf->getWidth(); x++) {
				u = ((float)x + 0.5f) / (float)gbuf->getWidth();
				tc[0] = tc[1] = tc[2] = 0.0f;
				for (p = 0; p < 4; p++) {
					np = (n << 2) + p;
					s = (u - 0.5f) * scalef[np] + 0.5f;
					t = (v - 0.5f) * scalef[np] + 0.5f;
					gbuf->readBilinear(c, s * gbuf->getWidth() - 0.5f, t * gbuf->getHeight() - 0.5f);
					mul_v3_v3(c, cm[np]);
					sm = smoothMask(s, t) * 0.25f;
					madd_v3_v3fl(tc, c, sm);
				tbuf1->addPixel(x, y, tc);
			if (isBreaked()) breaked = true;
		memcpy(gbuf->getBuffer(), tbuf1->getBuffer(), tbuf1->getWidth() * tbuf1->getHeight() * COM_NUM_CHANNELS_COLOR * sizeof(float));
	memcpy(data, gbuf->getBuffer(), gbuf->getWidth() * gbuf->getHeight() * COM_NUM_CHANNELS_COLOR * sizeof(float));

	delete gbuf;
	delete tbuf1;
	delete tbuf2;