Пример #1
Variant f_call_user_func_rpc(int _argc, CStrRef host, int port, CStrRef auth,
                             int timeout, CVarRef function,
                             CArrRef _argv /* = null_array */) {
  string shost = host.data();
  if (!RuntimeOption::DebuggerRpcHostDomain.empty()) {
    unsigned int pos = shost.find(RuntimeOption::DebuggerRpcHostDomain);
    if (pos == string::npos ||
        pos != shost.length() - RuntimeOption::DebuggerRpcHostDomain.size()) {
      shost += RuntimeOption::DebuggerRpcHostDomain;

  string url = "http://";
  url += shost;
  url += ":";
  url += lexical_cast<string>(port);
  url += "/call_user_func_serialized?auth=";
  url += auth.data();

  Array blob = CREATE_MAP2("func", function, "args", _argv);
  String message = f_serialize(blob);

  vector<string> headers;
  LibEventHttpClientPtr http = LibEventHttpClient::Get(shost, port);
  if (!http->send(url, headers, timeout < 0 ? 0 : timeout, false,
                  message.data(), message.size())) {
    raise_error("Unable to send RPC request");
    return false;

  int code = http->getCode();
  if (code <= 0) {
    raise_error("Server timed out or unable to find specified URL: %s",
    return false;

  int len = 0;
  char *response = http->recv(len);
  String sresponse(response, len, AttachString);
  if (code != 200) {
    raise_error("Internal server error: %d %s", code,
    return false;

  // This double decoding can be avoided by modifying RPC server to directly
  // take PHP serialization format.
  Variant res = f_unserialize(f_json_decode(sresponse));
  if (!res.isArray()) {
    raise_error("Internal protocol error");
    return false;

  if (res.toArray().exists("exception")) {
    throw res["exception"];
  return res["ret"];
Пример #2
Array f_hphp_get_status() {
  std::string out;
  ServerStats::ReportStatus(out, ServerStats::Format::JSON);
  return f_json_decode(String(out)).toArray();
bool RPCRequestHandler::executePHPFunction(Transport *transport,
                                           SourceRootInfo &sourceRootInfo) {
  // reset timeout counter
  ThreadInfo::s_threadInfo->m_reqInjectionData.started = time(0);

  string rpcFunc = transport->getCommand();
    ServerStatsHelper ssh("input");
    RequestURI reqURI(rpcFunc);
    HttpProtocol::PrepareSystemVariables(transport, reqURI, sourceRootInfo);

  bool isFile = rpcFunc.rfind('.') != string::npos;
  string rpcFile;
  bool error = false;

  Array params;
  string sparams = transport->getParam("params");
  if (!sparams.empty()) {
    Variant jparams = f_json_decode(String(sparams), true);
    if (jparams.isArray()) {
      params = jparams.toArray();
    } else {
      error = true;
  } else {
    vector<string> sparams;
    transport->getArrayParam("p", sparams);
    if (!sparams.empty()) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sparams.size(); i++) {
        Variant jparams = f_json_decode(String(sparams[i]), true);
        if (same(jparams, false)) {
          error = true;
    } else {
      // single string parameter, used by xbox to avoid any en/decoding
      int size;
      const void *data = transport->getPostData(size);
      if (data && size) {
        params.append(String((char*)data, size, AttachLiteral));

  if (transport->getIntParam("reset") == 1) {
    m_reset = true;
  int output = transport->getIntParam("output");

  int code;
  if (!error) {
    Variant funcRet;
    string errorMsg = "Internal Server Error";
    string warmupDoc, reqInitFunc, reqInitDoc;
    if (m_serverInfo) {
      warmupDoc = m_serverInfo->getWarmupDoc();
      reqInitFunc = m_serverInfo->getReqInitFunc();
      reqInitDoc = m_serverInfo->getReqInitDoc();
    if (!warmupDoc.empty()) warmupDoc = canonicalize_path(warmupDoc, "", 0);
    if (!warmupDoc.empty()) {
      warmupDoc = getSourceFilename(warmupDoc, sourceRootInfo);

    if (!reqInitDoc.empty()) reqInitDoc = canonicalize_path(reqInitDoc, "", 0);
    if (!reqInitDoc.empty()) {
        reqInitDoc = getSourceFilename(reqInitDoc, sourceRootInfo);

    bool runOnce = false;
    bool ret = true;
    if (isFile) {
      rpcFile = rpcFunc;
    } else {
      rpcFile = transport->getParam("include");
      if (rpcFile.empty()) {
        rpcFile = transport->getParam("include_once");
        runOnce = true;
    if (!rpcFile.empty()) {
      // invoking a file through rpc
      bool forbidden = false;
      if (!RuntimeOption::ForbiddenFileExtensions.empty()) {
        const char *ext = rpcFile.c_str() + rpcFile.rfind('.') + 1;
        if (RuntimeOption::ForbiddenFileExtensions.find(ext) !=
            RuntimeOption::ForbiddenFileExtensions.end()) {
          forbidden = true;
      if (!forbidden) {
        rpcFile = canonicalize_path(rpcFile, "", 0);
        rpcFile = getSourceFilename(rpcFile, sourceRootInfo);
        ret = hphp_invoke(m_context, rpcFile, false, Array(), null,
                          warmupDoc, reqInitFunc, reqInitDoc,
                          error, errorMsg, runOnce);
      // no need to do the initialization for a second time
    if (ret && !rpcFunc.empty()) {
      ret = hphp_invoke(m_context, rpcFunc, true, params, ref(funcRet),
                        warmupDoc, reqInitFunc, reqInitDoc,
                        error, errorMsg);
    if (ret) {
      String response;
      switch (output) {
        case 0: response = f_json_encode(funcRet);   break;
        case 1: response = m_context->obDetachContents(); break;
        case 2:
          response =
            f_json_encode(CREATE_MAP2("output", m_context->obDetachContents(),
                                      "return", f_json_encode(funcRet)));
      code = 200;
      transport->sendRaw((void*)response.data(), response.size());
    } else if (error) {
      code = 500;
      transport->sendString(errorMsg, 500);
      m_reset = true;
    } else {
      code = 404;
      transport->sendString("Not Found", 404);
  } else {
    code = 400;
    transport->sendString("Bad Request", 400);

  ServerStats::LogPage(isFile ? rpcFile : rpcFunc, code);

  m_context->obClean(); // in case postsend/cleanup output something
  return !error;
Пример #4
bool TestExtJson::test_json_decode() {
  Array arr = CREATE_MAP1("fbid", 101501853510151001LL);
  VS(f_json_decode(f_json_encode(arr), true), arr);

  VS(f_json_decode("{\"0\":{\"00\":0}}", true),
     CREATE_MAP1("0", CREATE_MAP1("00", 0)));

  VS(f_json_decode("{\"a\":1,\"b\":2.3,\"3\":\"test\"}", true),
     CREATE_MAP3("a", 1, "b", 2.3, 3, "test"));
  VS(f_json_decode("[\"a\",1,true,false,null]", true),
     CREATE_VECTOR5("a", 1, true, false, uninit_null()));

  Object obj = f_json_decode("{\"a\":1,\"b\":2.3,\"3\":\"test\"}");
  Object obj2(SystemLib::AllocStdClassObject());
  obj2->o_set("a", 1);
  obj2->o_set("b", 2.3);
  obj2->o_set("3", "test");
  VS(obj.toArray(), obj2.toArray());

  obj = f_json_decode("[\"a\",1,true,false,null]");
  VS(obj.toArray(), CREATE_VECTOR5("a", 1, true, false, uninit_null()));

  VS(f_json_decode("{z:1}",     true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{z:1}",     true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_MAP1("z", 1));
  VS(f_json_decode("{z:\"z\"}", true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{z:\"z\"}", true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_MAP1("z", "z"));
  VS(f_json_decode("{'x':1}",   true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{'x':1}",   true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_MAP1("x", 1));
  VS(f_json_decode("{y:1,}",    true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{y:1,}",    true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_MAP1("y", 1));
  VS(f_json_decode("{,}",       true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("{,}",       true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("[1,2,3,]",  true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("[1,2,3,]",  true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), CREATE_VECTOR3(1,2,3));
  VS(f_json_decode("[,]",       true),       uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("[,]",       true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), uninit_null());
  VS(f_json_decode("[]",        true),       Array::Create());
  VS(f_json_decode("[]",        true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), Array::Create());
  VS(f_json_decode("{}",        true),       Array::Create());
  VS(f_json_decode("{}",        true, k_JSON_FB_LOOSE), Array::Create());

  VS(f_json_decode("[{\"a\":\"apple\"},{\"b\":\"banana\"}]", true),
     CREATE_VECTOR2(CREATE_MAP1("a", "apple"), CREATE_MAP1("b", "banana")));

  Variant a = "[{\"a\":[{\"n\":\"1st\"}]},{\"b\":[{\"n\":\"2nd\"}]}]";
  VS(f_json_decode(a, true),
     (CREATE_MAP1("a", CREATE_VECTOR1(CREATE_MAP1("n", "1st"))),
      CREATE_MAP1("b", CREATE_VECTOR1(CREATE_MAP1("n", "2nd")))));

  return Count(true);
Пример #5
bool RPCRequestHandler::executePHPFunction(Transport *transport,
                                           SourceRootInfo &sourceRootInfo,
                                           ReturnEncodeType returnEncodeType) {
  string rpcFunc = transport->getCommand();
    ServerStatsHelper ssh("input");
    RequestURI reqURI(rpcFunc);
    HttpProtocol::PrepareSystemVariables(transport, reqURI, sourceRootInfo);

    GlobalVariables *g = get_global_variables();
    g->getRef(s__ENV).set(s_HPHP_RPC, 1);

  bool isFile = rpcFunc.rfind('.') != string::npos;
  string rpcFile;
  bool error = false;

  Array params;
  string sparams = transport->getParam("params");
  if (!sparams.empty()) {
    Variant jparams = f_json_decode(String(sparams), true);
    if (jparams.isArray()) {
      params = jparams.toArray();
    } else {
      error = true;
  } else {
    vector<string> sparams;
    transport->getArrayParam("p", sparams);
    if (!sparams.empty()) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sparams.size(); i++) {
        Variant jparams = f_json_decode(String(sparams[i]), true);
        if (same(jparams, false)) {
          error = true;
    } else {
      // single string parameter, used by xbox to avoid any en/decoding
      int size;
      const void *data = transport->getPostData(size);
      if (data && size) {
        params.append(String((char*)data, size, CopyString));

  if (transport->getIntParam("reset") == 1) {
    m_reset = true;
  int output = transport->getIntParam("output");

  int code;
  if (!error) {
    Variant funcRet;
    string errorMsg = "Internal Server Error";
    string reqInitFunc, reqInitDoc;
    reqInitDoc = transport->getHeader("ReqInitDoc");
    if (reqInitDoc.empty() && m_serverInfo) {
      reqInitFunc = m_serverInfo->getReqInitFunc();
      reqInitDoc = m_serverInfo->getReqInitDoc();

    if (!reqInitDoc.empty()) {
      reqInitDoc = (std::string)canonicalize_path(reqInitDoc, "", 0);
    if (!reqInitDoc.empty()) {
      reqInitDoc = getSourceFilename(reqInitDoc, sourceRootInfo);

    bool runOnce = false;
    bool ret = true;
    if (isFile) {
      rpcFile = rpcFunc;
    } else {
      rpcFile = transport->getParam("include");
      if (rpcFile.empty()) {
        rpcFile = transport->getParam("include_once");
        runOnce = true;
    if (!rpcFile.empty()) {
      // invoking a file through rpc
      bool forbidden = false;
      if (!RuntimeOption::ForbiddenFileExtensions.empty()) {
        const char *ext = rpcFile.c_str() + rpcFile.rfind('.') + 1;
        if (RuntimeOption::ForbiddenFileExtensions.find(ext) !=
            RuntimeOption::ForbiddenFileExtensions.end()) {
          forbidden = true;
      if (!forbidden) {
        rpcFile = (std::string) canonicalize_path(rpcFile, "", 0);
        rpcFile = getSourceFilename(rpcFile, sourceRootInfo);
        ret = hphp_invoke(m_context, rpcFile, false, Array(), uninit_null(),
                          reqInitFunc, reqInitDoc, error, errorMsg, runOnce);
      // no need to do the initialization for a second time
    if (ret && !rpcFunc.empty()) {
      ret = hphp_invoke(m_context, rpcFunc, true, params, ref(funcRet),
                        reqInitFunc, reqInitDoc, error, errorMsg);
    if (ret) {
      bool serializeFailed = false;
      String response;
      switch (output) {
        case 0: {
          assert(returnEncodeType == ReturnEncodeType::Json ||
                 returnEncodeType == ReturnEncodeType::Serialize);
          try {
            response = (returnEncodeType == ReturnEncodeType::Json) ?
                       f_json_encode(funcRet) :
          } catch (...) {
            serializeFailed = true;
        case 1: response = m_context->obDetachContents(); break;
        case 2:
          response =
              make_map_array(s_output, m_context->obDetachContents(),
                                      s_return, f_json_encode(funcRet)));
        case 3: response = f_serialize(funcRet); break;
      if (serializeFailed) {
        code = 500;
            "Serialization of the return value failed", 500);
        m_reset = true;
      } else {
        transport->sendRaw((void*)response.data(), response.size());
        code = transport->getResponseCode();
    } else if (error) {
      code = 500;
      transport->sendString(errorMsg, 500);
      m_reset = true;
    } else {
      code = 404;
      transport->sendString("Not Found", 404);
  } else {
    code = 400;
    transport->sendString("Bad Request", 400);


  ServerStats::LogPage(isFile ? rpcFile : rpcFunc, code);

  m_context->obClean(); // in case postsend/cleanup output something
  return !error;
Пример #6
bool RPCRequestHandler::executePHPFunction(Transport *transport,
                                           SourceRootInfo &sourceRootInfo) {
  // reset timeout counter
  ThreadInfo::s_threadInfo->m_reqInjectionData.started = time(0);

  std::string rpcFunc = transport->getCommand();
    ServerStatsHelper ssh("input");
    RequestURI reqURI(rpcFunc);
    HttpProtocol::PrepareSystemVariables(transport, reqURI, sourceRootInfo);

  bool error = false;

  Array params;
  std::string sparams = transport->getParam("params");
  if (!sparams.empty()) {
    Variant jparams = f_json_decode(String(sparams), true);
    if (jparams.isArray()) {
      params = jparams.toArray();
    } else {
      error = true;
  } else {
    vector<string> sparams;
    transport->getArrayParam("p", sparams);
    if (!sparams.empty()) {
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sparams.size(); i++) {
        Variant jparams = f_json_decode(String(sparams[i]), true);
        if (same(jparams, false)) {
          error = true;
    } else {
      // single string parameter, used by xbox to avoid any en/decoding
      int size;
      const void *data = transport->getPostData(size);
      if (data && size) {
        params.append(String((char*)data, size, AttachLiteral));

  if (transport->getIntParam("reset") == 1) {
    m_reset = true;
  int output = transport->getIntParam("output");

  int code;
  if (!error) {
    Variant funcRet;
    std::string errorMsg = "Internal Server Error";
    string warmupDoc, reqInitFunc, reqInitDoc;
    if (m_serverInfo) {
      warmupDoc = m_serverInfo->getWarmupDoc();
      reqInitFunc = m_serverInfo->getReqInitFunc();
      reqInitDoc = m_serverInfo->getReqInitDoc();
    if (!warmupDoc.empty()) warmupDoc = canonicalize_path(warmupDoc, "", 0);
    if (!warmupDoc.empty()) warmupDoc = get_source_filename(warmupDoc.c_str());
    bool ret = hphp_invoke(m_context, rpcFunc, true, params, ref(funcRet),
                           warmupDoc, reqInitFunc, reqInitDoc,
                           error, errorMsg);
    if (ret) {
      String response;
      switch (output) {
        case 0: response = f_json_encode(funcRet);   break;
        case 1: response = m_context->obDetachContents(); break;
        case 2:
          response =
            f_json_encode(CREATE_MAP2("output", m_context->obDetachContents(),
                                      "return", f_json_encode(funcRet)));
      code = 200;
      transport->sendRaw((void*)response.data(), response.size());
    } else if (error) {
      code = 500;
      transport->sendString(errorMsg, 500);
      m_reset = true;
    } else {
      code = 404;
      transport->sendString("Not Found", 404);
  } else {
    code = 400;
    transport->sendString("Bad Request", 400);

  ServerStats::LogPage(rpcFunc, code);

  return !error;