Пример #1
static void check_error(SCF *scf, const char *func)
{     int n = scf->n;
      double *f = scf->f;
      double *u = scf->u;
      int *p = scf->p;
      double *c = scf->c;
      int i, j, k;
      double d, dmax = 0.0, s, t;
      xassert(c != NULL);
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
      {  for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
         {  /* compute element (i,j) of product F * C */
            s = 0.0;
            for (k = 1; k <= n; k++)
               s += f[f_loc(scf, i, k)] * c[f_loc(scf, k, j)];
            /* compute element (i,j) of product U * P */
            k = p[j];
            t = (i <= k ? u[u_loc(scf, i, k)] : 0.0);
            /* compute the maximal relative error */
            d = fabs(s - t) / (1.0 + fabs(t));
            if (dmax < d) dmax = d;
      if (dmax > 1e-8)
         xprintf("%s: dmax = %g; relative error too large\n", func,
Пример #2
static void bg_transform(SCF *scf, int k, double un[])
{     int n = scf->n;
      double *f = scf->f;
      double *u = scf->u;
      int j, k1, kj, kk, n1, nj;
      double t;
      xassert(1 <= k && k <= n);
      /* main elimination loop */
      for (k = k; k < n; k++)
      {  /* determine location of U[k,k] */
         kk = u_loc(scf, k, k);
         /* determine location of F[k,1] */
         k1 = f_loc(scf, k, 1);
         /* determine location of F[n,1] */
         n1 = f_loc(scf, n, 1);
         /* if |U[k,k]| < |U[n,k]|, interchange k-th and n-th rows to
            provide |U[k,k]| >= |U[n,k]| */
         if (fabs(u[kk]) < fabs(un[k]))
         {  /* interchange k-th and n-th rows of matrix U */
            for (j = k, kj = kk; j <= n; j++, kj++)
               t = u[kj], u[kj] = un[j], un[j] = t;
            /* interchange k-th and n-th rows of matrix F to keep the
               main equality F * C = U * P */
            for (j = 1, kj = k1, nj = n1; j <= n; j++, kj++, nj++)
               t = f[kj], f[kj] = f[nj], f[nj] = t;
         /* now |U[k,k]| >= |U[n,k]| */
         /* if U[k,k] is too small in the magnitude, replace U[k,k] and
            U[n,k] by exact zero */
         if (fabs(u[kk]) < eps) u[kk] = un[k] = 0.0;
         /* if U[n,k] is already zero, elimination is not needed */
         if (un[k] == 0.0) continue;
         /* compute gaussian multiplier t = U[n,k] / U[k,k] */
         t = un[k] / u[kk];
         /* apply gaussian elimination to nullify U[n,k] */
         /* (n-th row of U) := (n-th row of U) - t * (k-th row of U) */
         for (j = k+1, kj = kk+1; j <= n; j++, kj++)
            un[j] -= t * u[kj];
         /* (n-th row of F) := (n-th row of F) - t * (k-th row of F)
            to keep the main equality F * C = U * P */
         for (j = 1, kj = k1, nj = n1; j <= n; j++, kj++, nj++)
            f[nj] -= t * f[kj];
      /* if U[n,n] is too small in the magnitude, replace it by exact
         zero */
      if (fabs(un[n]) < eps) un[n] = 0.0;
      /* store U[n,n] in a proper location */
      u[u_loc(scf, n, n)] = un[n];
Пример #3
void VectorFEBoundaryTangentLFIntegrator::AssembleRHSElementVect(
    const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &Tr, Vector &elvect)
    int dof = el.GetDof();
    DenseMatrix vshape(dof, 2);
    Vector f_loc(3);
    Vector f_hat(2);

    elvect = 0.0;

    const IntegrationRule *ir = IntRule;
    if (ir == NULL)
        int intorder = 2*el.GetOrder();  // <----------
        ir = &IntRules.Get(el.GetGeomType(), intorder);

    for (int i = 0; i < ir->GetNPoints(); i++)
        const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir->IntPoint(i);

        f.Eval(f_loc, Tr, ip);
        Tr.Jacobian().MultTranspose(f_loc, f_hat);
        el.CalcVShape(ip, vshape);

        Swap<double>(f_hat(0), f_hat(1));
        f_hat(0) = -f_hat(0);
        f_hat *= ip.weight;
        vshape.AddMult(f_hat, elvect);
Пример #4
static void tsolve(SCF *scf, double x[])
{     int n = scf->n;
      double *f = scf->f;
      double *u = scf->u;
      int *p = scf->p;
      double *y = scf->w;
      int i, j, ij;
      double t;
      /* y := P * b */
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) y[i] = x[p[i]];
      /* y := inv(U') * y */
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
      {  /* compute y[i] */
         ij = u_loc(scf, i, i);
         t = (y[i] /= u[ij]);
         /* substitute y[i] in other equations */
         for (j = i+1, ij++; j <= n; j++, ij++)
            y[j] -= u[ij] * t;
      /* x := F' * y (computed as linear combination of rows of F) */
      for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) x[j] = 0.0;
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
      {  t = y[i]; /* coefficient of linear combination */
         for (j = 1, ij = f_loc(scf, i, 1); j <= n; j++, ij++)
            x[j] += f[ij] * t;
Пример #5
static void solve(SCF *scf, double x[])
{     int n = scf->n;
      double *f = scf->f;
      double *u = scf->u;
      int *p = scf->p;
      double *y = scf->w;
      int i, j, ij;
      double t;
      /* y := F * b */
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
      {  /* y[i] = (i-th row of F) * b */
         t = 0.0;
         for (j = 1, ij = f_loc(scf, i, 1); j <= n; j++, ij++)
            t += f[ij] * x[j];
         y[i] = t;
      /* y := inv(U) * y */
      for (i = n; i >= 1; i--)
      {  t = y[i];
         for (j = n, ij = u_loc(scf, i, n); j > i; j--, ij--)
            t -= u[ij] * y[j];
         y[i] = t / u[ij];
      /* x := P' * y */
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) x[p[i]] = y[i];
Пример #6
static void gr_transform(SCF *scf, int k, double un[])
{     int n = scf->n;
      double *f = scf->f;
      double *u = scf->u;
      int j, k1, kj, kk, n1, nj;
      double c, s;
      xassert(1 <= k && k <= n);
      /* main elimination loop */
      for (k = k; k < n; k++)
      {  /* determine location of U[k,k] */
         kk = u_loc(scf, k, k);
         /* determine location of F[k,1] */
         k1 = f_loc(scf, k, 1);
         /* determine location of F[n,1] */
         n1 = f_loc(scf, n, 1);
         /* if both U[k,k] and U[n,k] are too small in the magnitude,
            replace them by exact zero */
         if (fabs(u[kk]) < eps && fabs(un[k]) < eps)
            u[kk] = un[k] = 0.0;
         /* if U[n,k] is already zero, elimination is not needed */
         if (un[k] == 0.0) continue;
         /* compute the parameters of Givens plane rotation */
         givens(u[kk], un[k], &c, &s);
         /* apply Givens rotation to k-th and n-th rows of matrix U */
         for (j = k, kj = kk; j <= n; j++, kj++)
         {  double ukj = u[kj], unj = un[j];
            u[kj] = c * ukj - s * unj;
            un[j] = s * ukj + c * unj;
         /* apply Givens rotation to k-th and n-th rows of matrix F
            to keep the main equality F * C = U * P */
         for (j = 1, kj = k1, nj = n1; j <= n; j++, kj++, nj++)
         {  double fkj = f[kj], fnj = f[nj];
            f[kj] = c * fkj - s * fnj;
            f[nj] = s * fkj + c * fnj;
      /* if U[n,n] is too small in the magnitude, replace it by exact
         zero */
      if (fabs(un[n]) < eps) un[n] = 0.0;
      /* store U[n,n] in a proper location */
      u[u_loc(scf, n, n)] = un[n];
Пример #7
int scf_update_exp(SCF *scf, const double x[], const double y[],
      double z)
{     int n_max = scf->n_max;
      int n = scf->n;
      double *f = scf->f;
      double *u = scf->u;
      int *p = scf->p;
      double *c = scf->c;
      double *un = scf->w;
      int i, ij, in, j, k, nj, ret = 0;
      double t;
      /* check if the factorization can be expanded */
      if (n == n_max)
      {  /* there is not enough room */
         ret = SCF_ELIMIT;
         goto done;
      /* increase the order of the factorization */
      scf->n = ++n;
      /* fill new zero column of matrix F */
      for (i = 1, in = f_loc(scf, i, n); i < n; i++, in += n_max)
         f[in] = 0.0;
      /* fill new zero row of matrix F */
      for (j = 1, nj = f_loc(scf, n, j); j < n; j++, nj++)
         f[nj] = 0.0;
      /* fill new unity diagonal element of matrix F */
      f[f_loc(scf, n, n)] = 1.0;
      /* compute new column of matrix U, which is (old F) * x */
      for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
      {  /* u[i,n] := (i-th row of old F) * x */
         t = 0.0;
         for (j = 1, ij = f_loc(scf, i, 1); j < n; j++, ij++)
            t += f[ij] * x[j];
         u[u_loc(scf, i, n)] = t;
      /* compute new (spiked) row of matrix U, which is (old P) * y */
      for (j = 1; j < n; j++) un[j] = y[p[j]];
      /* store new diagonal element of matrix U, which is z */
      un[n] = z;
      /* expand matrix P */
      p[n] = n;
      /* expand matrix C */
      /* fill its new column, which is x */
      for (i = 1, in = f_loc(scf, i, n); i < n; i++, in += n_max)
         c[in] = x[i];
      /* fill its new row, which is y */
      for (j = 1, nj = f_loc(scf, n, j); j < n; j++, nj++)
         c[nj] = y[j];
      /* fill its new diagonal element, which is z */
      c[f_loc(scf, n, n)] = z;
      /* restore upper triangular structure of matrix U */
      for (k = 1; k < n; k++)
         if (un[k] != 0.0) break;
      transform(scf, k, un);
      /* estimate the rank of matrices C and U */
      scf->rank = estimate_rank(scf);
      if (scf->rank != n) ret = SCF_ESING;
      /* check that the factorization is accurate enough */
      check_error(scf, "scf_update_exp");
done: return ret;