void getABCRotMatFromEulerAngles(float phi, float theta, float psi, arm_matrix_instance_f32 *rotationMatrix)
    float32_t tempRotationVector[9] = {       f_cos(psi)*f_cos(theta),                              f_cos(theta)*f_sin(psi),         -f_sin(theta),
                                              f_cos(psi)*f_sin(phi)*f_sin(theta) - f_cos(phi)*f_sin(psi), f_cos(phi)*f_cos(psi) + f_sin(phi)*f_sin(psi)*f_sin(theta), f_cos(theta)*f_sin(phi),
                                              f_sin(phi)*f_sin(psi) + f_cos(phi)*f_cos(psi)*f_sin(theta), f_cos(phi)*f_sin(psi)*f_sin(theta) - f_cos(psi)*f_sin(phi), f_cos(phi)*f_cos(theta)};

    arm_copy_f32(tempRotationVector, rotationMatrix->pData, 9);
Пример #2
f_besj0()	/* j0(a) = sin(a)/a */
struct value a;
	a = top_of_stack;
Пример #3
f_besj1()	/* j1(a) = sin(a)/(a**2) - cos(a)/a */
struct value a;
	a = top_of_stack;
Пример #4
f_besy1()	/* y1(a) = -cos(a)/(a**2) - sin(a)/a */
struct value a;

	a = top_of_stack;
Пример #5
float delayline::envelope()
    float fdist = ((float) distance) / time[tap];
    if (fdist > 0.5f) {
        if (fdist <= 1.0f)
            fdist = 1.0f - fdist;
            fdist = 0.0f;

    if (fdist <= 0.125f) {
        fdist =
            1.0f - f_sin(M_PI * fdist * 4.0f + 1.5707963267949f);
    } else
        fdist = 1.0f;
    return fdist;

Пример #6
int main(int argc, char**argv){
	fun_t *f;
	f = f_mult(f_window(f_cu(0,SEC),f_cu(3,SEC)),
			f_sin(f_c(1),f_cu(50,HZ),f_c(0)) );
	f = f_add(f,
			f_tri(f_c(1),f_cu(50,HZ),f_c(0)) ));
	f = f_add(f,
			f_square(f_c(1),f_cu(50,HZ),f_c(0),f_c(0.5)) ));

	f = s_down_sample(f_c(10),f);


	return 0;
Пример #7
bool TestExtMath::test_sin() {
  VC(f_sin(f_deg2rad(90)), 1);
  return Count(true);
Пример #8
Waveshaper::waveshapesmps (int n, float * smps, int type,
                           int drive, int eff)

    int nn=n;
	temps = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * param->PERIOD * period_coeff);
    if(Wave_res_amount >= 0) {
    else memcpy(temps,smps,sizeof(float)*n);
	//temps = smps;

    int i;
    float ws = (float)drive / 127.0f + .00001f;
    ws = 1.0f - expf (-ws * 4.0f);
    float tmpv;
    float factor;

    switch (type + 1 ) {
    case 1:
        ws = powf (10.0f, ws * ws * 3.0f) - 1.0f + 0.001f;	//Arctangent
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
            temps[i] = atanf (temps[i] * ws) / atanf (ws);
    case 2:
        ws = ws * ws * 32.0f + 0.0001f;	//Asymmetric
        if (ws < 1.0)
            tmpv = f_sin (ws) + 0.1f;
            tmpv = 1.1f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            temps[i] = f_sin (temps[i] * (0.1f + ws - ws * temps[i])) / tmpv;
    case 3:
        ws = ws * ws * ws * 20.0f + 0.0001f;	//Pow
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            temps[i] *= ws;
            if (fabsf (temps[i]) < 1.0) {
                temps[i] = (temps[i] - powf (temps[i], 3.0f)) * 3.0f;
                if (ws < 1.0)
                    temps[i] /= ws;
            } else
                temps[i] = 0.0;
    case 4:
        ws = ws * ws * ws * 32.0f + 0.0001f;	//Sine
        if (ws < 1.57f)
            tmpv = f_sin (ws);
            tmpv = 1.0f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
            temps[i] = f_sin (temps[i] * ws) / tmpv;
    case 5:
        ws = ws * ws + 0.000001f;	//Quantisize
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
            temps[i] = floorf (temps[i] / ws + 0.15f) * ws;
    case 6:
        ws = ws * ws * ws * 32.0f + 0.0001f;	//Zigzag
        if (ws < 1.0)
            tmpv = f_sin (ws);
            tmpv = 1.0f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
            temps[i] = asinf (f_sin (temps[i] * ws)) / tmpv;
    case 7:
        ws = powf (2.0f, -ws * ws * 8.0f);	//Limiter
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i];
            if (fabsf (tmp) > ws) {
                if (tmp >= 0.0)
                    temps[i] = 1.0f;
                    temps[i] = -1.0f;
            } else
                temps[i] /= ws;
    case 8:
        ws = powf (2.0f, -ws * ws * 8.0f);	//Upper Limiter
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i];
            if (tmp > ws)
                temps[i] = ws;
            temps[i] *= 2.0f;
    case 9:
        ws = powf (2.0f, -ws * ws * 8.0f);	//Lower Limiter
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i];
            if (tmp < -ws)
                temps[i] = -ws;
            temps[i] *= 2.0f;
    case 10:
        ws = (powf (2.0f, ws * 6.0f) - 1.0f) / powf (2.0f, 6.0f);	//Inverse Limiter
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i];
            if (fabsf (tmp) > ws) {
                if (tmp >= 0.0)
                    temps[i] = tmp - ws;
                    temps[i] = tmp + ws;
            } else
                temps[i] = 0;
    case 11:
        ws = powf (5.0f, ws * ws * 1.0f) - 1.0f;	//Clip
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
            temps[i] =
                temps[i] * (ws + 0.5f) * 0.9999f - floorf (0.5f +
                        temps[i] * (ws +
                                    0.5f) * 0.9999f);
    case 12:
        ws = ws * ws * ws * 30.0f + 0.001f;	//Asym2
        if (ws < 0.3)
            tmpv = ws;
            tmpv = 1.0f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i] * ws;
            if ((tmp > -2.0) && (tmp < 1.0))
                temps[i] = tmp * (1.0f - tmp) * (tmp + 2.0f) / tmpv;
                temps[i] = 0.0f;
    case 13:
        ws = ws * ws * ws * 32.0f + 0.0001f;	//Pow2
        if (ws < 1.0)
            tmpv = ws * (1.0f + ws) / 2.0f;
            tmpv = 1.0f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i] * ws;
            if ((tmp > -1.0f) && (tmp < 1.618034f))
                temps[i] = tmp * (1.0f - tmp) / tmpv;
            else if (tmp > 0.0)
                temps[i] = -1.0f;
                temps[i] = -2.0f;
    case 14:
        ws = powf (ws, 5.0f) * 80.0f + 0.0001f;	//sigmoid
        if (ws > 10.0)
            tmpv = 0.5f;
            tmpv = 0.5f - 1.0f / (expf (ws) + 1.0f);
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i] * ws;
            if (tmp < -10.0)
                tmp = -10.0f;
            else if (tmp > 10.0)
                tmp = 10.0f;
            tmp = 0.5f - 1.0f / (expf (tmp) + 1.0f);
            temps[i] = tmp / tmpv;
    case 15:		//Sqrt "Crunch" -- Asymmetric square root distortion.
        ws = ws*ws*CRUNCH_GAIN + 1.0f;

        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i] * ws;
            if (tmp < Tlo) {
                temps[i] = Tlc - sqrtf(-tmp*DIV_TLC_CONST);

            } else if (tmp > Thi) {
                temps[i] = Thc + sqrtf(tmp*DIV_THC_CONST);
            } else {
                temps[i] = tmp;

            if (temps[i] < -1.0)
                temps[i] = -1.0f;
            else if (temps[i] > 1.0)
                temps[i] = 1.0f;

    case 16:		//Sqrt "Crunch2" -- Asymmetric square root distortion.
        ws = ws*ws*CRUNCH_GAIN + 1.0f;

        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = temps[i] * ws;
            if (tmp < Tlo) {
                temps[i] = Tlc;

            } else if (tmp > Thi) {
                temps[i] = Thc + sqrtf(tmp*DIV_THC_CONST);
            } else {
                temps[i] = tmp;

            if (temps[i] < -1.0)
                temps[i] = -1.0f;
            else if (temps[i] > 1.0)
                temps[i] = 1.0f;

    case 17:		//Octave Up
        ws = ws*ws*30.0f + 1.0f;

        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            float tmp = fabs(temps[i])* ws;
            if (tmp > 1.0f) {
                tmp = 1.0f;

            temps[i] = tmp;		//a little bit of DC correction

    case 18:
        ws = ws*D_PI+.00001;
        if (ws < 1.57f)
            tmpv = f_sin (ws);
            tmpv = 1.0f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
            temps[i]=f_sin(ws * temps[i] + f_sin( ws * 2.0f*temps[i]))/ tmpv;


    case 19:
        ws =  ws * D_PI + 0.0001f;
        if (ws < 1.57f)
            tmpv = f_sin (ws);
            tmpv = 1.0f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
            temps[i]=f_sin(ws * temps[i] + f_sin(ws * temps[i])/tmpv);

    case 20:  //Compression
        cratio = 1.0f - 0.25f * ws;
        ws =  1.5f*ws*CRUNCH_GAIN + 4.0f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {  //apply compression
            tmpv = fabs(ws * temps[i]);
            dyno += 0.01f * (1.0f - dynodecay) * tmpv;
            dyno *= dynodecay;
            tmpv += dyno;

            if(tmpv > dthresh) {                              //if envelope of signal exceeds thresh, then compress
                compg = dthresh + dthresh*(tmpv - dthresh)/tmpv;
                dthresh = 0.25f + cratio*(compg - dthresh);   //dthresh changes dynamically

                if (temps[i] > 0.0f) {
                    temps[i] = compg;
                } else {
                    temps[i] = -1.0f * compg;

            } else {
                temps[i] *= ws;

            if(tmpv < dthresh) dthresh = tmpv;
            if(dthresh < 0.25f) dthresh = 0.25f;


    case 21: //Overdrive
        ws = powf (10.0f, ws * ws * 3.0f) - 1.0f + 0.001f;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            if(temps[i]>0.0f) temps[i] = sqrtf(temps[i]*ws);
            else temps[i] = -sqrtf(-temps[i]*ws);

    case 22: //Soft
        ws = powf(4.0f, ws*ws+1.0f);
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            if(temps[i]>0.0f) temps[i] = ws*powf(temps[i],1.4142136f);
            else temps[i] = ws* -powf(-temps[i],1.4142136f);

    case 23: //Super Soft

        ws = powf (20.0f, ws * ws) + 0.5f;
        factor = 1.0f / ws;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            if(temps[i] > 1.0) temps[i] = 1.0f;
            if(temps[i] < -1.0) temps[i] = -1.0f;

            if(temps[i]<factor) temps[i]=temps[i];
            else if(temps[i]>factor) temps[i]=factor+(temps[i]-factor)/powf(1.0f+((temps[i]-factor)/(1.0f-temps[i])),2.0f);
            else if(temps[i]>1.0f) temps[i]=(factor+1.0f)*.5f;

    case 24:  // Hard Compression (used by stompboxes)
        cratio = 0.05;
        if (eff) {
            ws =  1.5f*ws*CRUNCH_GAIN + 1.0f;
        } else {
            ws = 1.0f;
        }           //allows functions applying gain before waveshaper

        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {  //apply compression
            tmpv = fabs(ws * temps[i]);

            if(tmpv > dthresh) {                              //if envelope of signal exceeds thresh, then compress
                compg = dthresh + dthresh*(tmpv - dthresh)/tmpv;
                dthresh = 0.5f + cratio*(compg - dthresh);   //dthresh changes dynamically

                if (temps[i] > 0.0f) {
                    temps[i] = compg;
                } else {
                    temps[i] = -1.0f * compg;

            } else {
                temps[i] *= ws;

            if(tmpv < dthresh) dthresh = tmpv;
            if(dthresh < 0.5f) dthresh = 0.5f;


    case 25:  // Op Amp limiting (used by stompboxes), needs to get a large signal to do something
        cratio = 0.05;
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {  //apply compression
            tmpv = fabs(temps[i]);

            if(tmpv > dthresh) {                              //if envelope of signal exceeds thresh, then compress
                compg = dthresh + dthresh*(tmpv - dthresh)/tmpv;
                dthresh = 3.5f + cratio*(compg - dthresh);   //dthresh changes dynamically

                if (temps[i] > 0.0f) {
                    temps[i] = compg;
                } else {
                    temps[i] = -1.0f * compg;

            } else {
                temps[i] *= 1.0f;

            if(tmpv < dthresh) dthresh = tmpv;
            if(dthresh < 3.5f) dthresh = 3.5f;


    case 26: //JFET

        ws = powf (35.0f, ws * ws) + 4.0f;
        factor = sqrt(1.0f / ws);
        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            temps[i] = temps[i] + factor;
            if(temps[i] < 0.0) temps[i] = 0.0f;
            temps[i] = 1.0f - 2.0f/(ws*temps[i]*temps[i] + 1.0f);

    case 27: //dyno JFET

        ws = powf (85.0f, ws * ws) + 10.0f;

        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            tmpv = fabs(temps[i]);
            if(tmpv > 0.15f) { // -16dB crossover distortion... dyno only picks up the peaks above 16dB.  Good for nasty fuzz
                dyno += (1.0f - dynodecay) * tmpv;
            dyno *= dynodecay;  //always decays
            temps[i] = temps[i] + sqrtf((1.0f + 0.05f*dyno) / ws);
            if(temps[i] < 0.0) temps[i] = 0.0f;

            temps[i] = 1.0f - 2.0f/(ws*temps[i]*temps[i] + 1.0f);


    case 28: //Valve 1

        ws = powf (4.0f, ws * ws) - 0.98f;

        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
            Vg = Vgbias + ws*temps[i] - 0.1f*Vdyno;

            if(Vg<=0.05f) Vg = 0.05f/((-20.0f*Vg) + 2.0f);

            Ip = P*powf(Vg,Vfactor);
            tmpv = Vsupp - (Vmin - (Vmin/(R*Ip + 1.0f)));  //Here is the plate voltage
            tmpv = (tmpv - 106.243f)/100.0f;
            Vdyno += (1.0f - dynodecay) * tmpv;
            Vdyno *= dynodecay;
            temps[i] = tmpv;


    case 29: //Valve 2

        ws = powf (110.0f, ws);

        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {

            Vg2 = mu*(V2bias + V2dyno + ws*temps[i]);

            if(Vg2 <= vfact) Vg2 = vfact/((-Vg2/vfact) + 2.0f);	 //Toward cut-off, behavior is a little different than 2/3 power law
            Vlv2out = Vsupp - R*Is*powf(Vg2,1.5f);   //2/3 power law relationship
            if(Vlv2out <= ffact) Vlv2out = ffact/((-Vlv2out/ffact) + 2.0f);  //Then as Vplate decreases, gain decreases until saturation

            temps[i] = (Vlv2out - 95.0f)*0.01f;
            V2dyno += (1.0f - dynodecay)*temps[i];
            V2dyno *= dynodecay;  //always decays

    case 30: //Diode clipper

        ws = 5.0f + powf (110.0f, ws);

        for (i = 0; i < nn; i++) {

            tmpv = ws*temps[i];
            if (tmpv>0.0f) tmpv = 1.0f - 1.0f/powf(4.0f, tmpv);
            else tmpv = -(1.0f - 1.0f/powf(4.0f, -tmpv));
            temps[i] = tmpv;



    if(Wave_res_amount >= 0) {
    } else
void kalman_filter(kalman_filter_state *buffer_filtro, float medida_gyro[], float medida_accel[], float medida_mag[], float angles[], uint16_t estado_motores)
    GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_14);
    //Insf_tancias das matrizes utilizadas para o cálculo
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 X;			//Matriz de estados. [n,1]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 F;			//Matriz de transição de estados. [n,n]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 Ft;			//Matriz de transição de estados transposta. [n,n]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 I;			//Matriz identidadee. [n,n]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 P;			//Matriz de confiabilidade do processo de atualização. [n,n]
    //arm_matrix_instance_f32 h;		//Matriz de mapeamento de observabilidade [a,n]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 H;			//Matriz Jacobiana para atualização da confiabilidade do erro [a, n].
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 Ht;			//Matriz Jacobiana transposta para atualização da confiabilidade do erro. [n, a]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 Q;			//Matriz de covariância multiplicada de processos; [n, n]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 R;			//Matriz de variância [a ,a]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 S;			//Matriz .... [a, a]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 Sinv;		//Matriz S inversa. [a, a]
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 K;			//Matriz com os ganhos de Kalman [n,a]

    //Matrices intermediàrias para cálculo

    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_a1_0;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_a1_1;

    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_n1_0;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_n1_1;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_aa_0;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_aa_1;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_na_0;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_an_0;

    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_nn_0;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 temp_calc_nn_1;

	//Matriz S...
    float S_f32[a*a];
    arm_mat_init_f32(&S, a, a, S_f32);

    float Sinv_f32[a*a];
    arm_mat_init_f32(&Sinv, a, a, Sinv_f32);

	//Matriz do ganho de Kalman 
    float K_f32[n*a];
    arm_mat_init_f32(&K, n, a, K_f32);

	//Matrizes de suporte para o cálculo
		//Matrizes de 9 linhas e 1 coluna
    float temp_calc_n1_0_f32[n];
    float temp_calc_n1_1_f32[n];
    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_n1_0, n, 1, temp_calc_n1_0_f32);
    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_n1_1, n, 1, temp_calc_n1_1_f32);

	//Matrizes de 9 linhas e 1 coluna
    float temp_calc_a1_0_f32[a];
    float temp_calc_a1_1_f32[a];
    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_a1_0, a, 1, temp_calc_a1_0_f32);
    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_a1_1, a, 1, temp_calc_a1_1_f32);

	//Matrizes de 6 linhas e 6 colunas
    float temp_calc_aa_0_f32[a*a];
    float temp_calc_aa_1_f32[a*a];

    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_aa_0, a, a, temp_calc_aa_0_f32);
    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_aa_1, a, a, temp_calc_aa_1_f32);
	//Matrizes de 9 linhas e 6 colunas
    float temp_calc_na_0_f32[n*a];

    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_na_0, n, a, temp_calc_na_0_f32);

	//Matrizes de 6 linhas e 9 colunas
    float temp_calc_an_0_f32[a*n];

    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_an_0, a, n, temp_calc_an_0_f32);

	//Matrizes de 9 linhas e 9 colunas
    float temp_calc_nn_0_f32[n*n];
    float temp_calc_nn_1_f32[n*n];

    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_nn_0, n, n, temp_calc_nn_0_f32);
    arm_mat_init_f32(&temp_calc_nn_1, n, n, temp_calc_nn_1_f32);
	/*************************************Atualização dos dados para cálcuo*******************************/
	//Variáveis para cálculos
	float dt = buffer_filtro->dt;

	/*Velocidades angulares subtraídas dos bias. */
    float p = medida_gyro[0];
    float q = medida_gyro[1];
    float r = medida_gyro[2];

	/*Atualização dos estados dos ângulos com base nas velocidades angulares e do bias estimado anteriormente*/
    float X_f32[n];
    arm_mat_init_f32(&X, n, 1, X_f32);

    arm_copy_f32(buffer_filtro->ultimo_estado, X_f32, n);

    float phi =  X_f32[0];
    float theta = X_f32[1];
    float psi =  X_f32[2];

    float bPhi = X_f32[9];
    float bTheta = X_f32[10];
    float bPsi = X_f32[11];

    //Atualizar o estado anterior - Apenas os ângulos precisam serm inicializados, uma vez que os bias são atualizados por uma identidade.
    X_f32[0] = phi + (p)*dt + f_sin(phi)*f_tan(theta)*(q)*dt + f_cos(phi)*f_tan(theta)*(r)*dt;
    X_f32[1] = theta + f_cos(phi)*(q)*dt - f_sin(phi)*(r)*dt;
    X_f32[2] = psi + f_sin(phi)*f_sec(theta)*(q)*dt + f_cos(phi)*f_sec(theta)*(r)*dt;

    phi = X_f32[0];
    theta = X_f32[1];
    psi = X_f32[2];

    //Com os angulos calculados, cálcula os senos e cossenos utilizados para agilizar os processos de cálculo.
    float cos_Phi = f_cos(phi);
    float sin_Phi = f_sin(phi);

    float cos_Theta = f_cos(theta);
    float sin_Theta = f_sin(theta);
    float tan_Theta = f_tan(theta);

    //Elementos da matriz para atualização dos estados (F).
    float F_f32[n*n] = { dt*q*cos_Phi*tan_Theta - dt*r*sin_Phi*tan_Theta + 1,               dt*r*cos_Phi*(pow(tan_Theta,2) + 1) + dt*q*sin_Phi*(pow(tan_Theta,2) + 1), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                 - dt*r*cos_Phi - dt*q*sin_Phi,                                                                                 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                         (dt*q*cos_Phi)/cos_Theta - (dt*r*sin_Phi)/cos_Theta, (dt*r*cos_Phi*sin_Theta)/pow(cos_Theta,2) + (dt*q*sin_Phi*sin_Theta)/pow(cos_Theta,2), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
                                                                               0,                                                                                 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};

    arm_mat_init_f32(&F, n, n, F_f32);

	//Matriz Jacobiana transposta para atualização de P.
    float Ft_f32[n*n];
    arm_mat_init_f32(&Ft, n, n, Ft_f32);
    arm_mat_trans_f32(&F, &Ft);

	//Processo à priori para atualização da matriz de confiabilidade P.

	//Matriz de covariâncias do processo de atualização (Q).
    float qAngles = (buffer_filtro->Q_angles);
    float qBiasAcel = (buffer_filtro->Q_bias_acel);
    float qBiasMag = (buffer_filtro->Q_bias_mag);
    float qBiasAngles = (buffer_filtro->Q_bias_angle);

    /*Matriz de confiabilidade do processo de atualização. */
    /* Pk|k-1 = Pk-1|k-1 */
    float P_f32[n*n];
    arm_copy_f32(buffer_filtro->P, P_f32, n*n);
    arm_mat_init_f32(&P, n, n, P_f32);

    //temp_calc_nn_0 = F*P
    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&F, &P, &temp_calc_nn_0) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    //temp_calc_nn_1 = F*P*F'
    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&temp_calc_nn_0, &Ft, &temp_calc_nn_1) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    //Atualiza a matriz de covariâncias dos processos
    float Q_f32[n*n] = {	qAngles,   0,           0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,              0,
                            0,          qAngles,    0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,              0,
                            0,          0,          qAngles,	0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,              0,
                            0,          0,          0,          qBiasAcel,  0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,              0,
                            0,          0,          0,          0,          qBiasAcel,  0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,              0,
                            0,          0,      	0,          0,          0,          qBiasAcel,  0,          0,          0,          0,          0,              0,
                            0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          qBiasMag,   0,          0,          0,          0,              0,
                            0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          qBiasMag,   0,          0,          0,              0,
                            0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          qBiasMag,   0,          0,              0,
                            0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          qBiasAngles, 0,             0,
                            0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          qBiasAngles,    0,
                            0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,          0,              qBiasAngles};

    arm_mat_init_f32(&Q, n, n, Q_f32);

    //P = temp_calc_nn_1 + Q = F*P*F' + Q
    if(arm_mat_add_f32(&temp_calc_nn_1, &Q, &P) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

	/*Estados iniciais do magnetômetro */
    float magRefVector[3];
    float acelRefVector[3];
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 magRefMatrix;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 acelRefMatrix;

    arm_mat_init_f32(&magRefMatrix, 3, 1, magRefVector);
    arm_mat_init_f32(&acelRefMatrix, 3, 1, acelRefVector);

    float ax = buffer_filtro->AcelInicial[0];
    float ay = buffer_filtro->AcelInicial[1];
    float az = buffer_filtro->AcelInicial[2];

    float hx = buffer_filtro->MagInicial[0];
    float hy = buffer_filtro->MagInicial[1];
    float hz = buffer_filtro->MagInicial[2];

    magRefVector[0] = hx;
    magRefVector[1] = hy;
    magRefVector[2] = hz;

    acelRefVector[0] = ax;
    acelRefVector[1] = ay;
    acelRefVector[2] = az;

    //Matrizes com o resultado das operações de rotação
    float observatedStateVector[a];

    arm_matrix_instance_f32 observatedStateMatrix;
    arm_mat_init_f32(&observatedStateMatrix, a, 1, observatedStateVector);

    //Matriz contendo os valores observados utilizados pra gerar o rezíduo (yk)
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 rotatedMagMatrix;
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 rotatedAcelMatrix;

    arm_mat_init_f32(&rotatedAcelMatrix, 3, 1, observatedStateVector);
    arm_mat_init_f32(&rotatedMagMatrix, 3, 1, observatedStateVector+3);

    //Matriz de rotação com base nos angulos estimados.
    float rotationVector[9];
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 rotationMatrix;
    arm_mat_init_f32(&rotationMatrix, 3, 3, rotationVector);
    getABCRotMatFromEulerAngles(phi-bPhi, theta-bTheta, psi-bPsi, &rotationMatrix);

    /* Cálculo das referências com base no magnetômetro e no estado do acelerômetro parado [0; 0; 1]; */
    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&rotationMatrix, &acelRefMatrix, &rotatedAcelMatrix) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&rotationMatrix, &magRefMatrix, &rotatedMagMatrix) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    //Vetor com as médidas
    float zkVector[a];

    zkVector[0] = medida_accel[0];
    zkVector[1] = medida_accel[1];
    zkVector[2] = medida_accel[2];

    zkVector[3] = medida_mag[0];
    zkVector[4] = medida_mag[1];
    zkVector[5] = medida_mag[2];

    zkVector[6] = angles[0];
    zkVector[7] = angles[1];
    zkVector[8] = angles[2];

    arm_matrix_instance_f32 zkMatrix;
    arm_mat_init_f32(&zkMatrix, a, 1, zkVector);

    //Vetor de resíduo
    float ykVector[a];
    arm_matrix_instance_f32 ykMatrix;
    arm_mat_init_f32(&ykMatrix, a, 1, ykVector);

    //Adiciona os bias estimados pelo filtro
    observatedStateVector[0] += X_f32[3];
    observatedStateVector[1] += X_f32[4];
    observatedStateVector[2] += X_f32[5];
    observatedStateVector[3] += X_f32[6];
    observatedStateVector[4] += X_f32[7];
    observatedStateVector[5] += X_f32[8];

    //Remove o bias estimado pelo filtro
    float correctedPhi =    -(X_f32[0] - X_f32[9]);
    float correctedTheta =  -(X_f32[1] - X_f32[10]);
    float correctedPsi =    -(X_f32[2] - X_f32[11]);

    //Com os angulos corrigidos calculados, cálcula os senos e cossenos utilizados para agilizar os processos de cálculo.
    float cos_correctedPhi = f_cos(correctedPhi);
    float sin_correctedPhi = f_sin(correctedPhi);

    float cos_correctedTheta = f_cos(correctedTheta);
    float sin_correctedTheta = f_sin(correctedTheta);

    float cos_correctedPsi = f_cos(correctedPsi);
    float sin_correctedPsi = f_sin(correctedPsi);
    observatedStateVector[6] = -correctedPhi;
    observatedStateVector[7] = -correctedTheta;
    observatedStateVector[8] = -correctedPsi;

    if(arm_mat_sub_f32(&zkMatrix, &observatedStateMatrix, &ykMatrix) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    float H_f32[a*n] = {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0,                                                 ax*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi - az*cos_correctedTheta - ay*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta,                                                                                                         ay*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta + ax*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0,                                                 az*cos_correctedTheta - ax*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi + ay*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta,                                                                                                       - ay*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - ax*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta,
                         ax*(sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi - sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi) + ay*(sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi + sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi) + az*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta, ay*sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - ax*sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - az*sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta, ay*(sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi + sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi) - ax*(cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi - sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, - ax*(sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi - sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi) - ay*(sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi + sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi) - az*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta, az*sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta + ax*sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - ay*sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta, ax*(cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi - sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta) - ay*(sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi + sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi),
                         az*sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta - ay*(cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi - sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta) - ax*(sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi + sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi), az*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi + ax*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - ay*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta, ay*(sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi - sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi) - ax*(sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi + sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,   ax*(sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi + sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi) + ay*(cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi - sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta) - az*sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta, ay*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta - ax*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - az*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi, ax*(sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi + sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi) - ay*(sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi - sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0,                                                 hx*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi - hz*cos_correctedTheta - hy*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta,                                                                                                         hy*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta + hx*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0,                                                 hz*cos_correctedTheta - hx*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi + hy*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta,                                                                                                       - hy*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - hx*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta,
                         hx*(sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi - sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi) + hy*(sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi + sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi) + hz*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta, hy*sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - hx*sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - hz*sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta, hy*(sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi + sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi) - hx*(cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi - sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, - hx*(sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi - sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi) - hy*(sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi + sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi) - hz*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta, hz*sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta + hx*sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - hy*sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta, hx*(cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi - sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta) - hy*(sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi + sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi),
                         hz*sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta - hy*(cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi - sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta) - hx*(sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi + sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi), hz*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi + hx*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - hy*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta, hy*(sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi - sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi) - hx*(sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi + sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,   hx*(sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi + sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPsi) + hy*(cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi - sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta) - hz*sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta, hy*sin_correctedPsi*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedTheta - hx*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi*cos_correctedTheta - hz*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi, hx*(sin_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi + sin_correctedPsi*sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi) - hy*(sin_correctedPhi*sin_correctedPsi - sin_correctedTheta*cos_correctedPhi*cos_correctedPsi),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1,                                                                                                                                                        0,                                                                                                                                                                                       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -1,                                                                                                                                                        0,                                                                                                                                                                                       0,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0,                                                                                                                                                        1,                                                                                                                                                                                       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0,                                                                                                                                                       -1,                                                                                                                                                                                       0,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0,                                                                                                                                                        0,                                                                                                                                                                                       1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0,                                                                                                                                                        0,                                                                                                                                                                                      -1};

    arm_mat_init_f32(&H, a, n, H_f32);

	/* Matriz Jacobiana transposta para cálculo da confiabilidade do erro . */
    float Ht_f32[n*a];
    arm_mat_init_f32(&Ht, n, a, Ht_f32);

    arm_mat_trans_f32(&H, &Ht);

	//Matriz de variâncias
	float Racel = buffer_filtro->R_acel;
	float Rmag = buffer_filtro->R_mag;	 //Variância inicial do magnetômetro.
    float Rangles = buffer_filtro->R_angles;

    float acelModulus = getVectorModulus(medida_accel, 3);
//    float magModulus = getVectorModulus(medida_mag, 3);
//    float magInitialModulus = getVectorModulus(buffer_filtro->MagInicial, 3);

    //Racel += 100*fabsf(1 - acelModulus);
    //Rmag += 1*fabs(magInitialModulus - magModulus);

    float R_f32[a*a] = {(Racel), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                        0, (Racel), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, (Racel), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, (Rmag),  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 0, (Rmag),	 0, 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Rmag), 0, 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Rangles), 0, 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Rangles), 0,
                        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (Rangles)};

    arm_mat_init_f32(&R, a, a, R_f32);

	//Cálculos do filtro de Kalman

	//S = H*P*H' + R
    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&H, &P, &temp_calc_an_0) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&temp_calc_an_0, &Ht, &temp_calc_aa_0) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    if(arm_mat_add_f32(&temp_calc_aa_0, &R, &S) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    //Sinv = inv(S);
    //if(arm_mat_inverse_f32(&S, &Sinv) == ARM_MATH_SINGULAR)
    //    while(1);
    arm_mat_inverse_f32(&S, &Sinv);

    //Kk = P*Ht*S^(-1)
    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&P, &Ht, &temp_calc_na_0) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&temp_calc_na_0, &Sinv, &K) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)
    //temp_calc_n11 = Kk*y
    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&K, &ykMatrix, &temp_calc_n1_0) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    //X = X + temp_calc_n1_1;
    if(arm_mat_add_f32(&X, &temp_calc_n1_0, &temp_calc_n1_1) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    arm_copy_f32(temp_calc_n1_1_f32, X_f32, n);

	//P = (I-K*H)*P
	//Matriz identidade para atualização da matriz P à posteriori.
    float I_f32[n*n] = {	1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,

    arm_mat_init_f32(&I, n, n, I_f32);

    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&K, &H, &temp_calc_nn_0) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    if(arm_mat_sub_f32(&I, &temp_calc_nn_0, &temp_calc_nn_1) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    if(arm_mat_mult_f32(&temp_calc_nn_1, &P, &temp_calc_nn_0) != ARM_MATH_SUCCESS)

    arm_copy_f32(X_f32, buffer_filtro->ultimo_estado, n);
    arm_copy_f32(temp_calc_nn_0_f32, buffer_filtro->P, n*n);
Пример #10
 * Compute the shape of the LFO
float EffectLFO::getlfoshape (float x)
    float tmpv;
    float out=0.0;
    int iterations = 1;  //make fractal go faster
    switch (lfotype) {
    case 1:			//EffectLFO_TRIANGLE
        if ((x > 0.0) && (x < 0.25))
            out = 4.0f * x;
        else if ((x > 0.25) && (x < 0.75))
            out = 2.0f - 4.0f * x;
            out = 4.0f * x - 4.0f;
    case 2:			//EffectLFO_RAMP Ramp+
        out = 2.0f * x - 1.0f;
    case 3:			//EffectLFO_RAMP Ramp-
        out = - 2.0f * x + 1.0f;
    case 4:                     //ZigZag
        x = x * 2.0f - 1.0f;
        tmpv = 0.33f * f_sin(x);
        out = f_sin(f_sin(x*D_PI)*x/tmpv);
    case 5:                     //Modulated Square ?? ;-)
        tmpv = x * D_PI;
    case 6:                     // Modulated Saw
        tmpv = x * D_PI;
    case 8:                       //Lorenz Fractal, faster, using X,Y outputs
        iterations = 4;
    case 7:			// Lorenz Fractal
        for(int j=0; j<iterations; j++) {
            x1 = x0 + h * a * (y0 - x0);
            y1 = y0 + h * (x0 * (b - z0) - y0);
            z1 = z0 + h * (x0 * y0 - c * z0);
            x0 = x1;
            y0 = y1;
            z0 = z1;
        if(lfotype==7) {
            if((radius = (sqrtf(x0*x0 + y0*y0 + z0*z0) * scale) - 0.25f)  > 1.0f) radius = 1.0f;
            if(radius < 0.0) radius = 0.0;
            out = 2.0f * radius - 1.0f;

    case 9:                  //Sample/Hold Random
        if(fmod(x,0.5f)<=(2.0f*incx)) {          //this function is called by left, then right...so must toggle each time called
            rreg = lreg;
            lreg = RND1;


        if(xlreg<lreg) xlreg += maxrate;
        else xlreg -= maxrate;
        if(xrreg<rreg) xrreg += maxrate;
        else xrreg -= maxrate;
        oldlreg = xlreg*tca + oldlreg*tcb;
        oldrreg = xrreg*tca + oldrreg*tcb;

        if(holdflag) {
            out = 2.0f*oldlreg -1.0f;
            holdflag = (1 + holdflag)%2;
        } else {
            out = 2.0f*oldrreg - 1.0f;


        //more to be added here; also ::updateparams() need to be updated (to allow more lfotypes)
        out = f_cos (x * D_PI);	//EffectLFO_SINE
    return (out);