// Code for  :  x->x() {x->cond()} x->y() ? x->tval() : x->fval()
void LIRGenerator::do_IfOp(IfOp* x) {
#ifdef ASSERT
    ValueTag xtag = x->x()->type()->tag();
    ValueTag ttag = x->tval()->type()->tag();
    assert(xtag == intTag || xtag == objectTag, "cannot handle others");
    assert(ttag == addressTag || ttag == intTag || ttag == objectTag || ttag == longTag, "cannot handle others");
    assert(ttag == x->fval()->type()->tag(), "cannot handle others");

  LIRItem left(x->x(), this);
  LIRItem right(x->y(), this);

  emit()->ifop_phase1(x->cond(), left.result(), right.result());

  LIRItem t_val(x->tval(), this);
  LIRItem f_val(x->fval(), this);
  RInfo reg;
  if (x->fval()->type()->tag() == longTag) {
    // must lock before releasing
    reg = rlock_result(x)->rinfo();
  if (x->fval()->type()->tag() != longTag) {
    reg = rlock_result(x)->rinfo();

  emit()->ifop_phase2(reg, t_val.result(), f_val.result(), x->cond());
Пример #2
void NuSVC::train_binary(const DataSet &dataset, int i, int j, SyncArray<float_type> &alpha, float_type &rho) {
    DataSet::node2d ins = dataset.instances(i, j);//get instances of class i and j
    int n_pos = dataset.count()[i];
    int n_neg = dataset.count()[j];
    SyncArray<int> y(ins.size());
    SyncArray<float_type> f_val(ins.size());
    float_type sum_pos = param.nu * ins.size() / 2;
    float_type sum_neg = sum_pos;
    int *y_data = y.host_data();
    float_type *alpha_data = alpha.host_data();
    for (int l = 0; l < n_pos; ++l) {
        y_data[l] = +1;
        alpha_data[l] = min(1., sum_pos);
        sum_pos -= alpha_data[l];
    for (int l = 0; l < n_neg; ++l) {
        y_data[n_pos + l] = -1;
        alpha_data[n_pos + l] = min(1., sum_neg);
        sum_neg -= alpha_data[n_pos + l];
    vector<int> ori = dataset.original_index(i, j);

    KernelMatrix k_mat(ins, param);
    int ws_size = get_working_set_size(ins.size(), k_mat.n_features());
    NuSMOSolver solver(false);
    solver.solve(k_mat, y, alpha, rho, f_val, param.epsilon, 1, 1, ws_size, max_iter);

    LOG(INFO)<<"rho = "<<rho;
    int n_sv = 0;
    alpha_data = alpha.host_data();
    for (int l = 0; l < alpha.size(); ++l) {
        alpha_data[l] *= y_data[l];
        if (alpha_data[l] != 0) n_sv++;
    LOG(INFO)<<"#sv = "<<n_sv;
Пример #3
void HeapContainer<NodeType,CostType,PlannerSpecificVariables>::update (heapItem_p np, BubbleDirection bubdir)
    // Does both bubble up and down
    if (!(np->inHeap)) return;
    int currentPos = np->heapArrayPos;
    // Bubble up
    if (bubdir != DOWNONLY_BUBDIR) {
        int parentPos = (currentPos - 1) / 2; // position of parent
        if ( f_val(heapArray[parentPos]) > f_val(np) ) {
            heapArray[currentPos] = heapArray[parentPos];
            heapArray[parentPos] = np;
            heapArray[currentPos]->heapArrayPos = currentPos;
            heapArray[parentPos]->heapArrayPos = parentPos;
            update(heapArray[parentPos], UPONLY_BUBDIR); // recursive call. If heap, downward bubbling won't be needed.
            return; // no need to check children, since chilren will have higher values
        if (bubdir == UPONLY_BUBDIR) return;
    // Bubble down
    int leftChildPos = 2*currentPos + 1;
    int rightChildPos = 2*currentPos + 2;
    int exchangeChildPos;
    if (leftChildPos<heapArray.size() && rightChildPos<heapArray.size())
        exchangeChildPos = ( f_val(heapArray[leftChildPos]) > f_val(heapArray[rightChildPos]) ) ? rightChildPos : leftChildPos;
    else if (leftChildPos<heapArray.size())
        exchangeChildPos = leftChildPos;
    else if (rightChildPos<heapArray.size())
        exchangeChildPos = rightChildPos;
    if ( f_val(np) > f_val(heapArray[exchangeChildPos]) ) {
        heapArray[currentPos] = heapArray[exchangeChildPos];
        heapArray[exchangeChildPos] = np;
        heapArray[currentPos]->heapArrayPos = currentPos;
        heapArray[exchangeChildPos]->heapArrayPos = exchangeChildPos;
        update(heapArray[exchangeChildPos], DOWNONLY_BUBDIR); // recursive call. If heap, upward bubbling won't be needed.