Пример #1
double MCLR_SM::logit_g(double alpha,vnl_matrix<double> data_with_bias)
  	double gVal = 0;
	vnl_matrix<double> w_temp;
	w_temp = m.w + direction * alpha;
	vnl_matrix<double> f;

	f = Get_F_Matrix(data_with_bias,w_temp);

	vnl_vector<double> denominator(f.cols(),0);
	vnl_vector<double> f_vec(f.cols(),0);

	// Get the denominator
	for(int i=0;i<f.cols();++i)
	  vnl_vector<double> temp_col = f.get_column(i);
	  denominator(i) = temp_col.sum();	
	for(int i=0;i<f.cols();++i)
	  vnl_vector<double> temp_col = f.get_column(i);
	  f_vec(i) = temp_col(y(i)-1)/denominator(i);
		  f_vec(i) = 1e-9;
	// Objective function value
	for(int i=0;i<f_vec.size();++i)
		gVal = gVal+log(f_vec(i));
	//std::cout<<m.w(0,0)<<" --- " << m.w(0,1)<<"---"<< m.w(0,2)<<std::endl;
	//std::cout<<m.w(38,0) <<" --- " << m.w(38,1) <<"---"<< m.w(38,2) <<std::endl;

	//g = g - C*sum(sum(sqrt(w.^2+delta)));   % consider the sparseness penalty 
	double diff_term =0;

	for(int i=0;i<no_of_features+1;++i)
	  for(int j=0;j<no_of_classes;++j)
		 diff_term += sqrt(w_temp(i,j)*w_temp(i,j)+delta);
	diff_term = diff_term * m.sparsity_control;	
	gVal = diff_term-gVal;
	return gVal;
Пример #2
		var GroebnerBasis(Kernel& k,const Tuple& f_){
			uint n=f_.size-1;
			std::vector<var> f_vec(f_.tuple+1,f_.tuple+f_.size);
			for(uint i=n-1;i+1>0;i--){
					wcerr<<"all polynomials must be Exact\n";
					return $.Fail;
					if(!cmpD(f_vec[i].object(), 0.0))//is zero
							return list(new Integer(1L));
Пример #3
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT>::computeMLSPointNormal (int index,
                                                                     const PointCloudIn &input,
                                                                     const std::vector<int> &nn_indices,
                                                                     std::vector<float> &nn_sqr_dists,
                                                                     PointCloudOut &projected_points,
                                                                     NormalCloud &projected_points_normals)
  // Compute the plane coefficients
  //pcl::computePointNormal<PointInT> (*input_, nn_indices, model_coefficients, curvature);
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3f covariance_matrix;
  Eigen::Vector4f xyz_centroid;

  // Estimate the XYZ centroid
  pcl::compute3DCentroid (input, nn_indices, xyz_centroid);
  //pcl::compute3DCentroid (input, nn_indices, xyz_centroid);

  pcl::computeCovarianceMatrix (input, nn_indices, xyz_centroid, covariance_matrix);
  // Compute the 3x3 covariance matrix

  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Vector3f::Scalar eigen_value;
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Vector3f eigen_vector;
  Eigen::Vector4f model_coefficients;
  pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, eigen_value, eigen_vector);
  model_coefficients.head<3> () = eigen_vector;
  model_coefficients[3] = 0;
  model_coefficients[3] = -1 * model_coefficients.dot (xyz_centroid);

  // Projected query point
  Eigen::Vector3f point = input[(*indices_)[index]].getVector3fMap ();
  float distance = point.dot (model_coefficients.head<3> ()) + model_coefficients[3];
  point -= distance * model_coefficients.head<3> ();

  float curvature = covariance_matrix.trace ();
  // Compute the curvature surface change
  if (curvature != 0)
    curvature = fabsf (eigen_value / curvature);

  // Get a copy of the plane normal easy access
  Eigen::Vector3d plane_normal = model_coefficients.head<3> ().cast<double> ();
  // Vector in which the polynomial coefficients will be put
  Eigen::VectorXd c_vec;
  // Local coordinate system (Darboux frame)
  Eigen::Vector3d v (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), u (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

  // Perform polynomial fit to update point and normal
  if (polynomial_fit_ && static_cast<int> (nn_indices.size ()) >= nr_coeff_)
    // Update neighborhood, since point was projected, and computing relative
    // positions. Note updating only distances for the weights for speed
    std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> de_meaned (nn_indices.size ());
    for (size_t ni = 0; ni < nn_indices.size (); ++ni)
      de_meaned[ni][0] = input_->points[nn_indices[ni]].x - point[0];
      de_meaned[ni][1] = input_->points[nn_indices[ni]].y - point[1];
      de_meaned[ni][2] = input_->points[nn_indices[ni]].z - point[2];
      nn_sqr_dists[ni] = static_cast<float> (de_meaned[ni].dot (de_meaned[ni]));

    // Allocate matrices and vectors to hold the data used for the polynomial fit
    Eigen::VectorXd weight_vec (nn_indices.size ());
    Eigen::MatrixXd P (nr_coeff_, nn_indices.size ());
    Eigen::VectorXd f_vec (nn_indices.size ());
    Eigen::MatrixXd P_weight; // size will be (nr_coeff_, nn_indices.size ());
    Eigen::MatrixXd P_weight_Pt (nr_coeff_, nr_coeff_);

    // Get local coordinate system (Darboux frame)
    v = plane_normal.unitOrthogonal ();
    u = plane_normal.cross (v);

    // Go through neighbors, transform them in the local coordinate system,
    // save height and the evaluation of the polynome's terms
    double u_coord, v_coord, u_pow, v_pow;
    for (size_t ni = 0; ni < nn_indices.size (); ++ni)
      // (re-)compute weights
      weight_vec (ni) = exp (-nn_sqr_dists[ni] / sqr_gauss_param_);

      // transforming coordinates
      u_coord = de_meaned[ni].dot (u);
      v_coord = de_meaned[ni].dot (v);
      f_vec (ni) = de_meaned[ni].dot (plane_normal);

      // compute the polynomial's terms at the current point
      int j = 0;
      u_pow = 1;
      for (int ui = 0; ui <= order_; ++ui)
        v_pow = 1;
        for (int vi = 0; vi <= order_ - ui; ++vi)
          P (j++, ni) = u_pow * v_pow;
          v_pow *= v_coord;
        u_pow *= u_coord;

    // Computing coefficients
    P_weight = P * weight_vec.asDiagonal ();
    P_weight_Pt = P_weight * P.transpose ();
    c_vec = P_weight * f_vec;
    P_weight_Pt.llt ().solveInPlace (c_vec);

  switch (upsample_method_)
    case (NONE):
      Eigen::Vector3d normal = plane_normal;

      if (polynomial_fit_ && static_cast<int> (nn_indices.size ()) >= nr_coeff_ && pcl_isfinite (c_vec[0]))
        point += (c_vec[0] * plane_normal).cast<float> ();

        // Compute tangent vectors using the partial derivates evaluated at (0,0) which is c_vec[order_+1] and c_vec[1]
        if (compute_normals_)
          normal = plane_normal - c_vec[order_ + 1] * u - c_vec[1] * v;

      PointOutT aux;
      aux.x = point[0];
      aux.y = point[1];
      aux.z = point[2];
      projected_points.push_back (aux);

      if (compute_normals_)
        pcl::Normal aux_normal;
        aux_normal.normal_x = static_cast<float> (normal[0]);
        aux_normal.normal_y = static_cast<float> (normal[1]);
        aux_normal.normal_z = static_cast<float> (normal[2]);
        aux_normal.curvature = curvature;
        projected_points_normals.push_back (aux_normal);


      // Uniformly sample a circle around the query point using the radius and step parameters
      for (float u_disp = -static_cast<float> (upsampling_radius_); u_disp <= upsampling_radius_; u_disp += static_cast<float> (upsampling_step_))
        for (float v_disp = -static_cast<float> (upsampling_radius_); v_disp <= upsampling_radius_; v_disp += static_cast<float> (upsampling_step_))
          if (u_disp*u_disp + v_disp*v_disp < upsampling_radius_*upsampling_radius_)
            PointOutT projected_point;
            pcl::Normal projected_normal;
            projectPointToMLSSurface (u_disp, v_disp, u, v, plane_normal, curvature, point, c_vec, 
                                      static_cast<int> (nn_indices.size ()),
                                      projected_point, projected_normal);

            projected_points.push_back (projected_point);
            if (compute_normals_)
              projected_points_normals.push_back (projected_normal);

      // Compute the local point density and add more samples if necessary
      int num_points_to_add = static_cast<int> (floor (desired_num_points_in_radius_ / 2.0 / static_cast<double> (nn_indices.size ())));

      // Just add the query point, because the density is good
      if (num_points_to_add <= 0)
        // Just add the current point
        Eigen::Vector3d normal = plane_normal;
        if (polynomial_fit_ && static_cast<int> (nn_indices.size ()) >= nr_coeff_ && pcl_isfinite (c_vec[0]))
          // Projection onto MLS surface along Darboux normal to the height at (0,0)
          point += (c_vec[0] * plane_normal).cast<float> ();
          // Compute tangent vectors using the partial derivates evaluated at (0,0) which is c_vec[order_+1] and c_vec[1]
          if (compute_normals_)
            normal = plane_normal - c_vec[order_ + 1] * u - c_vec[1] * v;
        PointOutT aux;
        aux.x = point[0];
        aux.y = point[1];
        aux.z = point[2];
        projected_points.push_back (aux);

        if (compute_normals_)
          pcl::Normal aux_normal;
          aux_normal.normal_x = static_cast<float> (normal[0]);
          aux_normal.normal_y = static_cast<float> (normal[1]);
          aux_normal.normal_z = static_cast<float> (normal[2]);
          aux_normal.curvature = curvature;
          projected_points_normals.push_back (aux_normal);
        // Sample the local plane
        for (int num_added = 0; num_added < num_points_to_add;)
          float u_disp = (*rng_uniform_distribution_) (),
                v_disp = (*rng_uniform_distribution_) ();
          // Check if inside circle; if not, try another coin flip
          if (u_disp * u_disp + v_disp * v_disp > search_radius_ * search_radius_/4)

          PointOutT projected_point;
          pcl::Normal projected_normal;
          projectPointToMLSSurface (u_disp, v_disp, u, v, plane_normal, curvature, point, c_vec, 
                                    static_cast<int> (nn_indices.size ()),
                                    projected_point, projected_normal);

          projected_points.push_back (projected_point);
          if (compute_normals_)
            projected_points_normals.push_back (projected_normal);

          num_added ++;

      // Take all point pairs and sample space between them in a grid-fashion
      // \note consider only point pairs with increasing indices
      MLSResult result (plane_normal, u, v, c_vec, static_cast<int> (nn_indices.size ()), curvature);
      mls_results_[index] = result;
Пример #4
 * For each run, the input filename must be given on the command line.  In all *
 * cases, the command line is:                                                 *
 *                                                                             *
 *    executable <input file name>                                             *
 *                                                                             *
main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Initialize PETSc, MPI, and SAMRAI.
    PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, NULL);

    { // cleanup dynamically allocated objects prior to shutdown

        // Parse command line options, set some standard options from the input
        // file, and enable file logging.
        Pointer<AppInitializer> app_initializer = new AppInitializer(argc, argv, "sc_poisson.log");
        Pointer<Database> input_db = app_initializer->getInputDatabase();

        // Create major algorithm and data objects that comprise the
        // application.  These objects are configured from the input database.
        Pointer<CartesianGridGeometry<NDIM> > grid_geometry = new CartesianGridGeometry<NDIM>(
            "CartesianGeometry", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("CartesianGeometry"));
        Pointer<PatchHierarchy<NDIM> > patch_hierarchy = new PatchHierarchy<NDIM>("PatchHierarchy", grid_geometry);
        Pointer<StandardTagAndInitialize<NDIM> > error_detector = new StandardTagAndInitialize<NDIM>(
            "StandardTagAndInitialize", NULL, app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("StandardTagAndInitialize"));
        Pointer<BergerRigoutsos<NDIM> > box_generator = new BergerRigoutsos<NDIM>();
        Pointer<LoadBalancer<NDIM> > load_balancer =
            new LoadBalancer<NDIM>("LoadBalancer", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("LoadBalancer"));
        Pointer<GriddingAlgorithm<NDIM> > gridding_algorithm =
            new GriddingAlgorithm<NDIM>("GriddingAlgorithm",

        // Create variables and register them with the variable database.
        VariableDatabase<NDIM>* var_db = VariableDatabase<NDIM>::getDatabase();
        Pointer<VariableContext> ctx = var_db->getContext("context");

        Pointer<SideVariable<NDIM, double> > u_sc_var = new SideVariable<NDIM, double>("u_sc");
        Pointer<SideVariable<NDIM, double> > f_sc_var = new SideVariable<NDIM, double>("f_sc");
        Pointer<SideVariable<NDIM, double> > e_sc_var = new SideVariable<NDIM, double>("e_sc");
        Pointer<SideVariable<NDIM, double> > r_sc_var = new SideVariable<NDIM, double>("r_sc");

        const int u_sc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(u_sc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(1));
        const int f_sc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(f_sc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(1));
        const int e_sc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(e_sc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(1));
        const int r_sc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(r_sc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(1));

        Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > u_cc_var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("u_cc", NDIM);
        Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > f_cc_var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("f_cc", NDIM);
        Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > e_cc_var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("e_cc", NDIM);
        Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > r_cc_var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("r_cc", NDIM);

        const int u_cc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(u_cc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(0));
        const int f_cc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(f_cc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(0));
        const int e_cc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(e_cc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(0));
        const int r_cc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(r_cc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(0));

        // Register variables for plotting.
        Pointer<VisItDataWriter<NDIM> > visit_data_writer = app_initializer->getVisItDataWriter();

        visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(u_cc_var->getName(), "VECTOR", u_cc_idx);
        for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
            ostringstream stream;
            stream << d;
            visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(u_cc_var->getName() + stream.str(), "SCALAR", u_cc_idx, d);

        visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(f_cc_var->getName(), "VECTOR", f_cc_idx);
        for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
            ostringstream stream;
            stream << d;
            visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(f_cc_var->getName() + stream.str(), "SCALAR", f_cc_idx, d);

        visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(e_cc_var->getName(), "VECTOR", e_cc_idx);
        for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
            ostringstream stream;
            stream << d;
            visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(e_cc_var->getName() + stream.str(), "SCALAR", e_cc_idx, d);

        visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(r_cc_var->getName(), "VECTOR", r_cc_idx);
        for (unsigned int d = 0; d < NDIM; ++d)
            ostringstream stream;
            stream << d;
            visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(r_cc_var->getName() + stream.str(), "SCALAR", r_cc_idx, d);

        // Initialize the AMR patch hierarchy.
        gridding_algorithm->makeCoarsestLevel(patch_hierarchy, 0.0);
        int tag_buffer = 1;
        int level_number = 0;
        bool done = false;
        while (!done && (gridding_algorithm->levelCanBeRefined(level_number)))
            gridding_algorithm->makeFinerLevel(patch_hierarchy, 0.0, 0.0, tag_buffer);
            done = !patch_hierarchy->finerLevelExists(level_number);

        // Allocate data on each level of the patch hierarchy.
        for (int ln = 0; ln <= patch_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber(); ++ln)
            Pointer<PatchLevel<NDIM> > level = patch_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln);
            level->allocatePatchData(u_sc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(f_sc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(e_sc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(r_sc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(u_cc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(f_cc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(e_cc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(r_cc_idx, 0.0);

        // Setup vector objects.
        HierarchyMathOps hier_math_ops("hier_math_ops", patch_hierarchy);
        const int h_sc_idx = hier_math_ops.getSideWeightPatchDescriptorIndex();

        SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> u_vec("u", patch_hierarchy, 0, patch_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber());
        SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> f_vec("f", patch_hierarchy, 0, patch_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber());
        SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> e_vec("e", patch_hierarchy, 0, patch_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber());
        SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> r_vec("r", patch_hierarchy, 0, patch_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber());

        u_vec.addComponent(u_sc_var, u_sc_idx, h_sc_idx);
        f_vec.addComponent(f_sc_var, f_sc_idx, h_sc_idx);
        e_vec.addComponent(e_sc_var, e_sc_idx, h_sc_idx);
        r_vec.addComponent(r_sc_var, r_sc_idx, h_sc_idx);


        // Setup exact solutions.
        muParserCartGridFunction u_fcn("u", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("u"), grid_geometry);
        muParserCartGridFunction f_fcn("f", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("f"), grid_geometry);

        u_fcn.setDataOnPatchHierarchy(e_sc_idx, e_sc_var, patch_hierarchy, 0.0);
        f_fcn.setDataOnPatchHierarchy(f_sc_idx, f_sc_var, patch_hierarchy, 0.0);

        // Setup the Poisson solver.
        PoissonSpecifications poisson_spec("poisson_spec");
        vector<RobinBcCoefStrategy<NDIM>*> bc_coefs(NDIM, static_cast<RobinBcCoefStrategy<NDIM>*>(NULL));
        SCLaplaceOperator laplace_op("laplace_op");
        laplace_op.initializeOperatorState(u_vec, f_vec);

        string solver_type = input_db->getString("solver_type");
        Pointer<Database> solver_db = input_db->getDatabase("solver_db");
        string precond_type = input_db->getString("precond_type");
        Pointer<Database> precond_db = input_db->getDatabase("precond_db");
        Pointer<PoissonSolver> poisson_solver = SCPoissonSolverManager::getManager()->allocateSolver(
            solver_type, "poisson_solver", solver_db, "", precond_type, "poisson_precond", precond_db, "");
        poisson_solver->initializeSolverState(u_vec, f_vec);

        // Solve -L*u = f.
        poisson_solver->solveSystem(u_vec, f_vec);

        // Compute error and print error norms.
        e_vec.subtract(Pointer<SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> >(&e_vec, false),
                       Pointer<SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> >(&u_vec, false));
        pout << "|e|_oo = " << e_vec.maxNorm() << "\n";
        pout << "|e|_2  = " << e_vec.L2Norm() << "\n";
        pout << "|e|_1  = " << e_vec.L1Norm() << "\n";

        // Compute the residual and print residual norms.
        laplace_op.apply(u_vec, r_vec);
        r_vec.subtract(Pointer<SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> >(&f_vec, false),
                       Pointer<SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> >(&r_vec, false));
        pout << "|r|_oo = " << r_vec.maxNorm() << "\n";
        pout << "|r|_2  = " << r_vec.L2Norm() << "\n";
        pout << "|r|_1  = " << r_vec.L1Norm() << "\n";

        // Interpolate the side-centered data to cell centers for output.
        static const bool synch_cf_interface = true;
        hier_math_ops.interp(u_cc_idx, u_cc_var, u_sc_idx, u_sc_var, NULL, 0.0, synch_cf_interface);
        hier_math_ops.interp(f_cc_idx, f_cc_var, f_sc_idx, f_sc_var, NULL, 0.0, synch_cf_interface);
        hier_math_ops.interp(e_cc_idx, e_cc_var, e_sc_idx, e_sc_var, NULL, 0.0, synch_cf_interface);
        hier_math_ops.interp(r_cc_idx, r_cc_var, r_sc_idx, r_sc_var, NULL, 0.0, synch_cf_interface);

        // Set invalid values on coarse levels (i.e., coarse-grid values that
        // are covered by finer grid patches) to equal zero.
        for (int ln = 0; ln <= patch_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber() - 1; ++ln)
            Pointer<PatchLevel<NDIM> > level = patch_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln);
            BoxArray<NDIM> refined_region_boxes;
            Pointer<PatchLevel<NDIM> > next_finer_level = patch_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln + 1);
            refined_region_boxes = next_finer_level->getBoxes();
            for (PatchLevel<NDIM>::Iterator p(level); p; p++)
                Pointer<Patch<NDIM> > patch = level->getPatch(p());
                const Box<NDIM>& patch_box = patch->getBox();
                Pointer<CellData<NDIM, double> > e_cc_data = patch->getPatchData(e_cc_idx);
                Pointer<CellData<NDIM, double> > r_cc_data = patch->getPatchData(r_cc_idx);
                for (int i = 0; i < refined_region_boxes.getNumberOfBoxes(); ++i)
                    const Box<NDIM> refined_box = refined_region_boxes[i];
                    const Box<NDIM> intersection = Box<NDIM>::grow(patch_box, 1) * refined_box;
                    if (!intersection.empty())
                        e_cc_data->fillAll(0.0, intersection);
                        r_cc_data->fillAll(0.0, intersection);

        // Output data for plotting.
        visit_data_writer->writePlotData(patch_hierarchy, 0, 0.0);

    } // cleanup dynamically allocated objects prior to shutdown

    return 0;
} // main
Пример #5
 * For each run, the input filename must be given on the command line.  In all *
 * cases, the command line is:                                                 *
 *                                                                             *
 *    executable <input file name>                                             *
 *                                                                             *
run_example(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Initialize PETSc, MPI, and SAMRAI.
    PetscInitialize(&argc, &argv, NULL, NULL);

    // Since SAMRAI and PETSc both require finalization routines we have to
    // ensure that no SAMRAI or PETSc objects are active at the point where we
    // call SAMRAIManager::shutdown() or PetscFinalize. Hence, to guarantee
    // that all objects are cleaned up by that point, we put everything we use
    // in an inner scope.
        // Parse command line options, set some standard options from the input
        // file, and enable file logging.
        Pointer<AppInitializer> app_initializer = new AppInitializer(argc, argv, "cc_laplace.log");
        Pointer<Database> input_db = app_initializer->getInputDatabase();

        // Create major algorithm and data objects that comprise the
        // application. These objects are configured from the input
        // database. Nearly all SAMRAI applications (at least those in IBAMR)
        // start by setting up the same half-dozen objects.
        Pointer<CartesianGridGeometry<NDIM> > grid_geometry = new CartesianGridGeometry<NDIM>(
            "CartesianGeometry", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("CartesianGeometry"));
        Pointer<PatchHierarchy<NDIM> > patch_hierarchy = new PatchHierarchy<NDIM>("PatchHierarchy", grid_geometry);
        Pointer<StandardTagAndInitialize<NDIM> > error_detector = new StandardTagAndInitialize<NDIM>(
            "StandardTagAndInitialize", NULL, app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("StandardTagAndInitialize"));
        Pointer<BergerRigoutsos<NDIM> > box_generator = new BergerRigoutsos<NDIM>();
        Pointer<LoadBalancer<NDIM> > load_balancer =
            new LoadBalancer<NDIM>("LoadBalancer", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("LoadBalancer"));
        Pointer<GriddingAlgorithm<NDIM> > gridding_algorithm =
            new GriddingAlgorithm<NDIM>("GriddingAlgorithm",

        // Create variables and register them with the variable database.
        VariableDatabase<NDIM>* var_db = VariableDatabase<NDIM>::getDatabase();
        Pointer<VariableContext> ctx = var_db->getContext("context");

        // We create a variable for every vector we ultimately declare,
        // instead of creating and then cloning vectors. The rationale for
        // this is given below.
        Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > u_cc_var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("u_cc");
        Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > f_cc_var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("f_cc");
        Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > e_cc_var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("e_cc");
        Pointer<CellVariable<NDIM, double> > f_approx_cc_var = new CellVariable<NDIM, double>("f_approx_cc");

        // Internally, SAMRAI keeps track of variables (and their
        // corresponding vectors, data, etc.) by converting them to
        // indices. Here we get the indices after notifying the variable
        // database about them.
        const int u_cc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(u_cc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(1));
        const int f_cc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(f_cc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(1));
        const int e_cc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(e_cc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(1));
        const int f_approx_cc_idx = var_db->registerVariableAndContext(f_approx_cc_var, ctx, IntVector<NDIM>(1));

        // Register variables for plotting.
        Pointer<VisItDataWriter<NDIM> > visit_data_writer = app_initializer->getVisItDataWriter();

        visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(u_cc_var->getName(), "SCALAR", u_cc_idx);
        visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(f_cc_var->getName(), "SCALAR", f_cc_idx);
        visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(f_approx_cc_var->getName(), "SCALAR", f_approx_cc_idx);
        visit_data_writer->registerPlotQuantity(e_cc_var->getName(), "SCALAR", e_cc_idx);

        // Initialize the AMR patch hierarchy. This sets up the coarsest level
        // (level 0) as well as any other levels specified in the input
        // file. We normally use the value tag_buffer to specify the number of
        // cells between a patch on level N and a patch on level N - 2:
        // however, SAMRAI ignores this value when setting up a hierarchy from
        // an input file so we just set it to an invalid value.
        gridding_algorithm->makeCoarsestLevel(patch_hierarchy, 0.0);
        const int tag_buffer = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
        int level_number = 0;
        while ((gridding_algorithm->levelCanBeRefined(level_number)))
            gridding_algorithm->makeFinerLevel(patch_hierarchy, 0.0, 0.0, tag_buffer);

        const int finest_level = patch_hierarchy->getFinestLevelNumber();

        // Allocate data for each variable on each level of the patch
        // hierarchy.
        for (int ln = 0; ln <= finest_level; ++ln)
            Pointer<PatchLevel<NDIM> > level = patch_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln);
            level->allocatePatchData(u_cc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(f_cc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(e_cc_idx, 0.0);
            level->allocatePatchData(f_approx_cc_idx, 0.0);

        // By default, the norms defined on SAMRAI vectors are vectors in R^n:
        // however, in IBAMR we almost always want to use a norm that
        // corresponds to a numerical quadrature. To do this we have to
        // associate each vector with a set of cell-centered volumes. Rather
        // than set this up manually, we rely on an IBTK utility class that
        // computes this (as well as many other things!). These values are
        // known as `cell weights' in this context, so we get the ID of the
        // associated data by asking for that. Behind the scenes
        // HierarchyMathOps sets up the necessary cell-centered variables and
        // registers them with the usual SAMRAI objects: all we need to do is
        // ask for the ID. Due to the way SAMRAI works these calls must occur
        HierarchyMathOps hier_math_ops("hier_math_ops", patch_hierarchy);
        const int cv_cc_idx = hier_math_ops.getCellWeightPatchDescriptorIndex();

        // SAMRAI patches do not store data as a single contiguous arrays;
        // instead, each hierarchy contains several contiguous arrays. Hence,
        // to do linear algebra, we rely on SAMRAI's own vector class which
        // understands these relationships. We begin by initializing each
        // vector with the patch hierarchy:
        SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> u_vec("u", patch_hierarchy, 0, finest_level);
        SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> f_vec("f", patch_hierarchy, 0, finest_level);
        SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> f_approx_vec("f_approx", patch_hierarchy, 0, finest_level);
        SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> e_vec("e", patch_hierarchy, 0, finest_level);

        // and then associate them with, in each case, the relevant
        // component. Note that adding the components in this way will
        // register the vector with the visit data writer declared above and
        // we will compute cell integrals over the entire domain with respect
        // to the control volumes defined by cv_cc_idx.
        u_vec.addComponent(u_cc_var, u_cc_idx, cv_cc_idx);
        f_vec.addComponent(f_cc_var, f_cc_idx, cv_cc_idx);
        f_approx_vec.addComponent(f_approx_cc_var, f_approx_cc_idx, cv_cc_idx);
        e_vec.addComponent(e_cc_var, e_cc_idx, cv_cc_idx);

        // By default, in SAMRAI, if we create another vector as
        //     SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> f_approx_vec("f_approx", patch_hierarchy, 0, finest_level);
        // we will simply get a shallow copy of the u vector: put another way,
        // the two vectors will have different names but refer to the same
        // numerical values. Unfortunately cloning the vector doesn't work
        // either: the following code
        //    tbox::Pointer<SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> > f_approx = u_vec.cloneVector("f_approx");
        //    SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> &f_approx_vec = *f_approx;
        //    f_approx_vec.setToScalar(0.0, false);
        // crashes in SAMRAI 2.4.4 with a failed assertion referring to an
        // unknown variable ID. While ambiguous, the error message is not
        // wrong: we have to explicitly allocate data for each variable, so
        // creating a new anonymous variable for a cloned vector does not make
        // much sense.

        // Zero the vectors, including possible ghost data:
        u_vec.setToScalar(0.0, false);
        f_vec.setToScalar(0.0, false);
        f_approx_vec.setToScalar(0.0, false);
        e_vec.setToScalar(0.0, false);

        // Next, we use functions defined with muParser to set up the right
        // hand side and solution. These functions are read from the input
        // database and can be changed without recompiling.
            muParserCartGridFunction u_fcn("u", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("u"), grid_geometry);
            muParserCartGridFunction f_fcn("f", app_initializer->getComponentDatabase("f"), grid_geometry);

            u_fcn.setDataOnPatchHierarchy(u_cc_idx, u_cc_var, patch_hierarchy, 0.0);
            f_fcn.setDataOnPatchHierarchy(f_cc_idx, f_cc_var, patch_hierarchy, 0.0);

        // Compute -L*u = f.
        PoissonSpecifications poisson_spec("poisson_spec");
        RobinBcCoefStrategy<NDIM>* bc_coef = NULL;
        CCLaplaceOperator laplace_op("laplace op");
        laplace_op.initializeOperatorState(u_vec, f_vec);
        laplace_op.apply(u_vec, f_approx_vec);

        // Compute error and print error norms. Here we create temporary smart
        // pointers that will not delete the underlying object since the
        // second argument to the constructor is false.
        e_vec.subtract(Pointer<SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> >(&f_vec, false),
                       Pointer<SAMRAIVectorReal<NDIM, double> >(&f_approx_vec, false));
        pout << "|e|_oo = " << e_vec.maxNorm() << "\n";
        pout << "|e|_2  = " << e_vec.L2Norm() << "\n";
        pout << "|e|_1  = " << e_vec.L1Norm() << "\n";

        // Finally, we clean up the output by setting error values on patches
        // on coarser levels which are covered by finer levels to zero.
        for (int ln = 0; ln < finest_level; ++ln)
            Pointer<PatchLevel<NDIM> > level = patch_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln);
            Pointer<PatchLevel<NDIM> > next_finer_level = patch_hierarchy->getPatchLevel(ln + 1);
            BoxArray<NDIM> refined_region_boxes = next_finer_level->getBoxes();
            for (PatchLevel<NDIM>::Iterator p(level); p; p++)
                const Patch<NDIM>& patch = *level->getPatch(p());
                const Box<NDIM>& patch_box = patch.getBox();
                Pointer<CellData<NDIM, double> > e_cc_data = patch.getPatchData(e_cc_idx);
                for (int i = 0; i < refined_region_boxes.getNumberOfBoxes(); ++i)
                    const Box<NDIM>& refined_box = refined_region_boxes[i];
                    // Box::operator* returns the intersection of two boxes.
                    const Box<NDIM>& intersection = patch_box * refined_box;
                    if (!intersection.empty())
                        e_cc_data->fillAll(0.0, intersection);

        // Output data for plotting.
        visit_data_writer->writePlotData(patch_hierarchy, 0, 0.0);

    // At this point all SAMRAI, PETSc, and IBAMR objects have been cleaned
    // up, so we shut things down in the opposite order of initialization:
    return true;
} // run_example
Пример #6
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::MLSResult::computeMLSSurface (const pcl::PointCloud<PointT> &cloud,
                                   int index,
                                   const std::vector<int> &nn_indices,
                                   double search_radius,
                                   int polynomial_order,
                                   boost::function<double(const double)> weight_func)
  // Compute the plane coefficients
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Matrix3d covariance_matrix;
  Eigen::Vector4d xyz_centroid;

  // Estimate the XYZ centroid
  pcl::compute3DCentroid (cloud, nn_indices, xyz_centroid);

  // Compute the 3x3 covariance matrix
  pcl::computeCovarianceMatrix (cloud, nn_indices, xyz_centroid, covariance_matrix);
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Vector3d::Scalar eigen_value;
  EIGEN_ALIGN16 Eigen::Vector3d eigen_vector;
  Eigen::Vector4d model_coefficients (0, 0, 0, 0);
  pcl::eigen33 (covariance_matrix, eigen_value, eigen_vector);
  model_coefficients.head<3> ().matrix () = eigen_vector;
  model_coefficients[3] = -1 * model_coefficients.dot (xyz_centroid);

  // Projected query point
  valid = true;
  query_point = cloud.points[index].getVector3fMap ().template cast<double> ();
  double distance = query_point.dot (model_coefficients.head<3> ()) + model_coefficients[3];
  mean = query_point - distance * model_coefficients.head<3> ();

  curvature = covariance_matrix.trace ();
  // Compute the curvature surface change
  if (curvature != 0)
    curvature = std::abs (eigen_value / curvature);

  // Get a copy of the plane normal easy access
  plane_normal = model_coefficients.head<3> ();

  // Local coordinate system (Darboux frame)
  v_axis = plane_normal.unitOrthogonal ();
  u_axis = plane_normal.cross (v_axis);

  // Perform polynomial fit to update point and normal
  num_neighbors = static_cast<int> (nn_indices.size ());
  order = polynomial_order;
  if (order > 1)
    int nr_coeff = (order + 1) * (order + 2) / 2;

    if (num_neighbors >= nr_coeff)
      // Note: The max_sq_radius parameter is only used if weight_func was not defined
      double max_sq_radius = 1;
      if (weight_func == 0)
        max_sq_radius = search_radius * search_radius;
        weight_func = boost::bind (&pcl::MLSResult::computeMLSWeight, this, _1, max_sq_radius);

      // Allocate matrices and vectors to hold the data used for the polynomial fit
      Eigen::VectorXd weight_vec (num_neighbors);
      Eigen::MatrixXd P (nr_coeff, num_neighbors);
      Eigen::VectorXd f_vec (num_neighbors);
      Eigen::MatrixXd P_weight; // size will be (nr_coeff_, nn_indices.size ());
      Eigen::MatrixXd P_weight_Pt (nr_coeff, nr_coeff);

      // Update neighborhood, since point was projected, and computing relative
      // positions. Note updating only distances for the weights for speed
      std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3d> > de_meaned (num_neighbors);
      for (size_t ni = 0; ni < (size_t) num_neighbors; ++ni)
        de_meaned[ni][0] = cloud.points[nn_indices[ni]].x - mean[0];
        de_meaned[ni][1] = cloud.points[nn_indices[ni]].y - mean[1];
        de_meaned[ni][2] = cloud.points[nn_indices[ni]].z - mean[2];
        weight_vec (ni) = weight_func (de_meaned[ni].dot (de_meaned[ni]));

      // Go through neighbors, transform them in the local coordinate system,
      // save height and the evaluation of the polynome's terms
      double u_coord, v_coord, u_pow, v_pow;
      for (size_t ni = 0; ni < (size_t) num_neighbors; ++ni)
        // Transforming coordinates
        u_coord = de_meaned[ni].dot (u_axis);
        v_coord = de_meaned[ni].dot (v_axis);
        f_vec (ni) = de_meaned[ni].dot (plane_normal);

        // Compute the polynomial's terms at the current point
        int j = 0;
        u_pow = 1;
        for (int ui = 0; ui <= order; ++ui)
          v_pow = 1;
          for (int vi = 0; vi <= order - ui; ++vi)
            P (j++, ni) = u_pow * v_pow;
            v_pow *= v_coord;
          u_pow *= u_coord;

      // Computing coefficients
      P_weight = P * weight_vec.asDiagonal ();
      P_weight_Pt = P_weight * P.transpose ();
      c_vec = P_weight * f_vec;
      P_weight_Pt.llt ().solveInPlace (c_vec);