Пример #1
// update the dive and return the notes field, stripped of the HTML junk
void QMLManager::commitChanges(QString diveId, QString date, QString location, QString gps, QString duration, QString depth,
			       QString airtemp, QString watertemp, QString suit, QString buddy, QString diveMaster, QString weight, QString notes,
			       QString startpressure, QString endpressure, QString gasmix)
	struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(diveId.toInt());
	DiveObjectHelper *myDive = new DiveObjectHelper(d);

	// notes comes back as rich text - let's convert this into plain text
	QTextDocument doc;
	notes = doc.toPlainText();

	if (!d) {
		qDebug() << "don't touch this... no dive";
	bool diveChanged = false;
	bool needResort = false;

	diveChanged = needResort = checkDate(myDive, d, date);

	diveChanged |= checkLocation(myDive, d, location, gps);

	diveChanged |= checkDuration(myDive, d, duration);

	diveChanged |= checkDepth(myDive, d, depth);

	if (myDive->airTemp() != airtemp) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->airtemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(airtemp);
	if (myDive->waterTemp() != watertemp) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->watertemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(watertemp);
	// not sure what we'd do if there was more than one weight system
	// defined - for now just ignore that case
	if (weightsystem_none((void *)&d->weightsystem[1])) {
		if (myDive->sumWeight() != weight) {
			diveChanged = true;
			d->weightsystem[0].weight.grams = parseWeightToGrams(weight);
	// start and end pressures for first cylinder only
	if (myDive->startPressure() != startpressure || myDive->endPressure() != endpressure) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->cylinder[0].start.mbar = parsePressureToMbar(startpressure);
		d->cylinder[0].end.mbar = parsePressureToMbar(endpressure);
		if (d->cylinder[0].end.mbar > d->cylinder[0].start.mbar)
			d->cylinder[0].end.mbar = d->cylinder[0].start.mbar;
	// gasmix for first cylinder
	if (myDive->firstGas() != gasmix) {
		int o2 = parseGasMixO2(gasmix);
		int he = parseGasMixHE(gasmix);
		// the QML code SHOULD only accept valid gas mixes, but just to make sure
		if (o2 >= 0 && o2 <= 1000 &&
		    he >= 0 && he <= 1000 &&
		    o2 + he <= 1000) {
			diveChanged = true;
			d->cylinder[0].gasmix.o2.permille = o2;
			d->cylinder[0].gasmix.he.permille = he;
	if (myDive->suit() != suit) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->suit = strdup(qPrintable(suit));
	if (myDive->buddy() != buddy) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->buddy = strdup(qPrintable(buddy));
	if (myDive->divemaster() != diveMaster) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->divemaster = strdup(qPrintable(diveMaster));
	if (myDive->notes() != notes) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->notes = strdup(qPrintable(notes));
	// now that we have it all figured out, let's see what we need
	// to update
	DiveListModel *dm = DiveListModel::instance();
	int oldModelIdx = dm->getDiveIdx(d->id);
	int oldIdx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(d->id);
	if (needResort) {
		// we know that the only thing that might happen in a resort is that
		// this one dive moves to a different spot in the dive list
		int newIdx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(d->id);
		if (newIdx != oldIdx) {
			DiveListModel::instance()->insertDive(oldModelIdx - (newIdx - oldIdx), myDive);
			diveChanged = false; // because we already modified things
	if (diveChanged) {
		if (d->maxdepth.mm == d->dc.maxdepth.mm &&
		    d->maxdepth.mm > 0 &&
		    same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive") &&
		    d->dc.samples == 0) {
			// so we have depth > 0, a manually added dive and no samples
			// let's create an actual profile so the desktop version can work it
			// first clear out the mean depth (or the fake_dc() function tries
			// to be too clever
			d->meandepth.mm = d->dc.meandepth.mm = 0;
			d->dc = *fake_dc(&d->dc, true);
		DiveListModel::instance()->updateDive(oldModelIdx, d);
	if (diveChanged || needResort)
Пример #2
void ProfileGraphicsView::plot(struct dive *d, bool forceRedraw)
    struct divecomputer *dc = NULL;

    if (d)
        dc = select_dc(&d->dc);

    if (!forceRedraw && dive == d && (d && dc == diveDC))

    dive = d;
    diveDC = d ? dc : NULL;

    if (!isVisible() || !dive || !mainWindow()) {

    // best place to put the focus stealer code.
    scene()->setSceneRect(0,0, viewport()->width()-50, viewport()->height()-50);

    toolTip = new ToolTipItem();
    if (printMode)

    // Fix this for printing / screen later.
    // plot_set_scale(scale_mode_t);

    if (!dc || !dc->samples) {
        dc = fake_dc(dc);

    QString nick = get_dc_nickname(dc->model, dc->deviceid);
    if (nick.isEmpty())
        nick = QString(dc->model);

    if (nick.isEmpty())
        nick = tr("unknown divecomputer");

    if ( tr("unknown divecomputer") == nick) {
        mode = PLAN;
    } else {
        mode = DIVE;

     * Set up limits that are independent of
     * the dive computer
    calculate_max_limits(dive, dc, &gc);

    QRectF profile_grid_area = scene()->sceneRect();
    gc.maxx = (profile_grid_area.width() - 2 * profile_grid_area.x());
    gc.maxy = (profile_grid_area.height() - 2 * profile_grid_area.y());

    /* This is per-dive-computer */
    gc.pi = *create_plot_info(dive, dc, &gc);

    /* Bounding box */
    QPen pen = defaultPen;
    QGraphicsRectItem *rect = new QGraphicsRectItem(profile_grid_area);

    /* Depth profile */

    if (rulerEnabled && !printMode)

    /* Temperature profile */

    /* Cylinder pressure plot */

    /* Text on top of all graphs.. */

    /* Put the dive computer name in the lower left corner */
    gc.leftx = 0;
    gc.rightx = 1.0;
    gc.topy = 0;
    gc.bottomy = 1.0;

    text_render_options_t computer = {DC_TEXT_SIZE, TIME_TEXT, LEFT, TOP};
    diveComputer = plot_text(&computer, QPointF(gc.leftx, gc.bottomy), nick);
    // The Time ruler should be right after the DiveComputer:
    timeMarkers->setPos(0, diveComputer->y());



#if 0
    if (gc->printer) {
        last_pi_entry = pi->entry = NULL;
        pi->nr = 0;

    QRectF r = scene()->itemsBoundingRect();
    scene()->setSceneRect(r.x() - 15, r.y() -15, r.width() + 30, r.height() + 30);
    if (zoomLevel == 0) {

    if(mode == PLAN) {
        timeEditor = new GraphicsTextEditor();
        timeEditor->setPlainText( dive->duration.seconds ? QString::number(dive->duration.seconds/60) : tr("Set Duration: 10 minutes"));
        timeEditor->setPos(profile_grid_area.width() - timeEditor->boundingRect().width(), timeMarkers->y());
        connect(timeEditor, SIGNAL(editingFinished(QString)), this, SLOT(edit_dive_time(QString)));

    if (!printMode)

    if (rulerEnabled && !printMode)
Пример #3
// update the dive and return the notes field, stripped of the HTML junk
void QMLManager::commitChanges(QString diveId, QString date, QString location, QString gps, QString duration, QString depth,
			       QString airtemp, QString watertemp, QString suit, QString buddy, QString diveMaster, QString weight, QString notes,
			       QString startpressure, QString endpressure, QString gasmix)
#define DROP_EMPTY_PLACEHOLDER(_s) if ((_s) == QLatin1Literal("--")) (_s).clear()



	struct dive *d = get_dive_by_uniq_id(diveId.toInt());
	// notes comes back as rich text - let's convert this into plain text
	QTextDocument doc;
	notes = doc.toPlainText();

	if (!d) {
		qDebug() << "don't touch this... no dive";
	bool diveChanged = false;
	bool needResort = false;

	if (date != get_dive_date_string(d->when)) {
		diveChanged = needResort = true;
		QDateTime newDate;
		// what a pain - Qt will not parse dates if the day of the week is incorrect
		// so if the user changed the date but didn't update the day of the week (most likely behavior, actually),
		// we need to make sure we don't try to parse that
		QString format(QString(prefs.date_format) + QChar(' ') + prefs.time_format);
		if (format.contains(QLatin1String("ddd")) || format.contains(QLatin1String("dddd"))) {
			QString dateFormatToDrop = format.contains(QLatin1String("ddd")) ? QStringLiteral("ddd") : QStringLiteral("dddd");
			QDateTime ts;
			QLocale loc = getLocale();
			ts.setMSecsSinceEpoch(d->when * 1000L);
			QString drop = loc.toString(ts.toUTC(), dateFormatToDrop);
			format.replace(dateFormatToDrop, "");
			date.replace(drop, "");
		newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, format);
		if (!newDate.isValid()) {
			qDebug() << "unable to parse date" << date << "with the given format" << format;
			QRegularExpression isoDate("\\d+-\\d+-\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+");
			if (date.contains(isoDate)) {
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "yyyy-M-d h:m:s");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "yy-M-d h:m:s");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
			QRegularExpression isoDateNoSecs("\\d+-\\d+-\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+");
			if (date.contains(isoDateNoSecs)) {
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "yyyy-M-d h:m");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "yy-M-d h:m");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
			QRegularExpression usDate("\\d+/\\d+/\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+:\\d+");
			if (date.contains(usDate)) {
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "M/d/yyyy h:m:s");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "M/d/yy h:m:s");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date.toLower(), "M/d/yyyy h:m:sap");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date.toLower(), "M/d/yy h:m:sap");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
			QRegularExpression usDateNoSecs("\\d+/\\d+/\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+");
			if (date.contains(usDateNoSecs)) {
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "M/d/yyyy h:m");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "M/d/yy h:m");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date.toLower(), "M/d/yyyy h:map");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date.toLower(), "M/d/yy h:map");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
			QRegularExpression leDate("\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+:\\d+");
			if (date.contains(leDate)) {
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "d.M.yyyy h:m:s");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "d.M.yy h:m:s");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
			QRegularExpression leDateNoSecs("\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+[^\\d]+\\d+:\\d+");
			if (date.contains(leDateNoSecs)) {
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "d.M.yyyy h:m");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
				newDate = QDateTime::fromString(date, "d.M.yy h:m");
				if (newDate.isValid())
					goto parsed;
		if (newDate.isValid()) {
			// stupid Qt... two digit years are always 19xx - WTF???
			// so if adding a hundred years gets you into something before a year from now...
			// add a hundred years.
			if (newDate.addYears(100) < QDateTime::currentDateTime().addYears(1))
				newDate = newDate.addYears(100);
			d->dc.when = d->when = newDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000 + gettimezoneoffset(newDate.toMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000);
		} else {
			qDebug() << "none of our parsing attempts worked for the date string";
	struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(d->dive_site_uuid);
	char *locationtext = NULL;
	if (ds)
		locationtext = ds->name;
	if (!same_string(locationtext, qPrintable(location))) {
		diveChanged = true;
		// this is not ideal - and it's missing the gps information
		// but for now let's just create a new dive site
		ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(create_dive_site(qPrintable(location), d->when));
		d->dive_site_uuid = ds->uuid;
	if (!gps.isEmpty()) {
		QString gpsString = getCurrentPosition();
		if (gpsString != QString("waiting for the next gps location")) {
			qDebug() << "from commitChanges call to getCurrentPosition returns" << gpsString;
			double lat, lon;
			if (parseGpsText(qPrintable(gpsString), &lat, &lon)) {
				struct dive_site *ds = get_dive_site_by_uuid(d->dive_site_uuid);
				if (ds) {
					ds->latitude.udeg = lat * 1000000;
					ds->longitude.udeg = lon * 1000000;
				} else {
					degrees_t latData, lonData;
					latData.udeg = lat;
					lonData.udeg = lon;
					d->dive_site_uuid = create_dive_site_with_gps("new site", latData, lonData, d->when);
				qDebug() << "set up dive site with new GPS data";
		} else {
			qDebug() << "still don't have a position - will need to implement some sort of callback";
	if (get_dive_duration_string(d->duration.seconds, tr("h:"), tr("min")) != duration) {
		diveChanged = true;
		int h = 0, m = 0, s = 0;
		QRegExp r1(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)\\s*%1[\\s,:]*(\\d*)\\s*%2[\\s,:]*(\\d*)\\s*%3").arg(tr("h")).arg(tr("min")).arg(tr("sec")), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
		QRegExp r2(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)\\s*%1[\\s,:]*(\\d*)\\s*%2").arg(tr("h")).arg(tr("min")), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
		QRegExp r3(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)\\s*%1").arg(tr("min")), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
		QRegExp r4(QStringLiteral("(\\d*):(\\d*):(\\d*)"));
		QRegExp r5(QStringLiteral("(\\d*):(\\d*)"));
		QRegExp r6(QStringLiteral("(\\d*)"));
		if (r1.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
			h = r1.cap(1).toInt();
			m = r1.cap(2).toInt();
			s = r1.cap(3).toInt();
		} else if (r2.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
			h = r2.cap(1).toInt();
			m = r2.cap(2).toInt();
		} else if (r3.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
			m = r3.cap(1).toInt();
		} else if (r4.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
			h = r4.cap(1).toInt();
			m = r4.cap(2).toInt();
			s = r4.cap(3).toInt();
		} else if (r5.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
			h = r5.cap(1).toInt();
			m = r5.cap(2).toInt();
		} else if (r6.indexIn(duration) >= 0) {
			m = r6.cap(1).toInt();
		d->dc.duration.seconds = d->duration.seconds = h * 3600 + m * 60 + s;
		if (same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive")) {
			d->dc.sample = 0;
			d->dc.samples = 0;
		} else {
			qDebug() << "changing the duration on a dive that wasn't manually added - Uh-oh";

	if (get_depth_string(d->maxdepth.mm, true, true) != depth) {
		int depthValue = parseLengthToMm(depth);
		// the QML code should stop negative depth, but massively huge depth can make
		// the profile extremely slow or even run out of memory and crash, so keep
		// the depth <= 500m
		if (0 <= depthValue && depthValue <= 500000) {
			diveChanged = true;
			d->maxdepth.mm = depthValue;
			if (same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive")) {
				d->dc.maxdepth.mm = d->maxdepth.mm;
				d->dc.sample = 0;
				d->dc.samples = 0;
	if (get_temperature_string(d->airtemp, true) != airtemp) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->airtemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(airtemp);
	if (get_temperature_string(d->watertemp, true) != watertemp) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->watertemp.mkelvin = parseTemperatureToMkelvin(watertemp);
	// not sure what we'd do if there was more than one weight system
	// defined - for now just ignore that case
	if (weightsystem_none((void *)&d->weightsystem[1])) {
		if (get_weight_string(d->weightsystem[0].weight, true) != weight) {
			diveChanged = true;
			d->weightsystem[0].weight.grams = parseWeightToGrams(weight);
	// start and end pressures for first cylinder only
	if (get_pressure_string(d->cylinder[0].start, true) != startpressure || get_pressure_string(d->cylinder[0].end, true) != endpressure) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->cylinder[0].start.mbar = parsePressureToMbar(startpressure);
		d->cylinder[0].end.mbar = parsePressureToMbar(endpressure);
		if (d->cylinder[0].end.mbar > d->cylinder[0].start.mbar)
			d->cylinder[0].end.mbar = d->cylinder[0].start.mbar;
	// gasmix for first cylinder
	if (get_gas_string(d->cylinder[0].gasmix) != gasmix) {
		int o2 = parseGasMixO2(gasmix);
		int he = parseGasMixHE(gasmix);
		// the QML code SHOULD only accept valid gas mixes, but just to make sure
		if (o2 >= 0 && o2 <= 1000 &&
		    he >= 0 && he <= 1000 &&
		    o2 + he <= 1000) {
			diveChanged = true;
			d->cylinder[0].gasmix.o2.permille = o2;
			d->cylinder[0].gasmix.he.permille = he;
	if (!same_string(d->suit, qPrintable(suit))) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->suit = strdup(qPrintable(suit));
	if (!same_string(d->buddy, qPrintable(buddy))) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->buddy = strdup(qPrintable(buddy));
	if (!same_string(d->divemaster, qPrintable(diveMaster))) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->divemaster = strdup(qPrintable(diveMaster));
	if (!same_string(d->notes, qPrintable(notes))) {
		diveChanged = true;
		d->notes = strdup(qPrintable(notes));
	// now that we have it all figured out, let's see what we need
	// to update
	DiveListModel *dm = DiveListModel::instance();
	int oldModelIdx = dm->getDiveIdx(d->id);
	int oldIdx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(d->id);
	if (needResort) {
		// we know that the only thing that might happen in a resort is that
		// this one dive moves to a different spot in the dive list
		int newIdx = get_idx_by_uniq_id(d->id);
		if (newIdx != oldIdx) {
			DiveObjectHelper *newDive = new DiveObjectHelper(d);
			DiveListModel::instance()->insertDive(oldModelIdx - (newIdx - oldIdx), newDive);
			diveChanged = false; // because we already modified things
	if (diveChanged) {
		if (d->maxdepth.mm == d->dc.maxdepth.mm &&
		    d->maxdepth.mm > 0 &&
		    same_string(d->dc.model, "manually added dive") &&
		    d->dc.samples == 0) {
			// so we have depth > 0, a manually added dive and no samples
			// let's create an actual profile so the desktop version can work it
			// first clear out the mean depth (or the fake_dc() function tries
			// to be too clever
			d->meandepth.mm = d->dc.meandepth.mm = 0;
			d->dc = *fake_dc(&d->dc, true);
		DiveListModel::instance()->updateDive(oldModelIdx, d);
	if (diveChanged || needResort)
		// we no longer save right away, but only the next time the app is not
		// in the foreground (or when explicitly requested)

Пример #4
void DivePlannerPointsModel::loadFromDive(dive *d)
	int depthsum = 0;
	int samplecount = 0;
	o2pressure_t last_sp;
	bool oldRec = recalc;
	struct divecomputer *dc = &(d->dc);
	recalc = false;
	duration_t lasttime = {};
	duration_t lastrecordedtime = {};
	duration_t newtime = {};
	if (mode != PLAN)
	diveplan.when = d->when;
	// is this a "new" dive where we marked manually entered samples?
	// if yes then the first sample should be marked
	// if it is we only add the manually entered samples as waypoints to the diveplan
	// otherwise we have to add all of them

	bool hasMarkedSamples = false;

	if (dc->samples)
		hasMarkedSamples = dc->sample[0].manually_entered;
		dc = fake_dc(dc, true);

	// if this dive has more than 100 samples (so it is probably a logged dive),
	// average samples so we end up with a total of 100 samples.
	int plansamples = dc->samples <= 100 ? dc->samples : 100;
	int j = 0;
	int cylinderid = 0;
	last_sp.mbar = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < plansamples - 1; i++) {
		while (j * plansamples <= i * dc->samples) {
			const sample &s = dc->sample[j];
			if (s.time.seconds != 0 && (!hasMarkedSamples || s.manually_entered)) {
				depthsum += s.depth.mm;
				last_sp = s.setpoint;
				newtime = s.time;
		if (samplecount) {
			cylinderid = get_cylinderid_at_time(d, dc, lasttime);
			if (newtime.seconds - lastrecordedtime.seconds > 10) {
				addStop(depthsum / samplecount, newtime.seconds, cylinderid, last_sp.mbar, true);
				lastrecordedtime = newtime;
			lasttime = newtime;
			depthsum = 0;
			samplecount = 0;
	// make sure we get the last point right so the duration is correct
	if (!hasMarkedSamples) addStop(0, d->dc.duration.seconds,cylinderid, last_sp.mbar, true);
	recalc = oldRec;