Пример #1
int syscall_file_size(int fp, unsigned int *size)
  return fat_get_filesize(fp, size);
Пример #2
void Main (void)
	void (*kernel_entry_point)(struct BootInfo *bi);
	void (*procman_entry_point)(void);
	size_t nbytes_read;
	size_t filesz;
	void *mod;
	void *addr;
	vm_addr heap_base, heap_ceiling;
	vm_addr user_stack_base, user_stack_ceiling;

    // Initialize bootloader

	// Load kernel at 1MB mark
	if (elf_load ("BOOT/KERNEL", (void *)&kernel_entry_point) != 0)
		KPanic ("Cannot load kernel");
	kernel_phdr_cnt = phdr_cnt;
	bmemcpy (kernel_phdr_table, phdr_table, sizeof (Elf32_PHdr) *  MAX_PHDR);
	user_base = 0x00800000;
	heap_base    = segment_table[segment_cnt-1].base;
	heap_ceiling = segment_table[segment_cnt-1].ceiling;
	if (heap_ceiling > user_base)
		heap_ceiling = user_base;
	addr = SegmentCreate (heap_base, heap_ceiling - heap_base, SEG_TYPE_ALLOC, MAP_FIXED | PROT_READWRITE);

	if (addr == NULL)
		KPanic ("Could not allocate HEAP!");

	KLog ("heap_base = %#010x, heap_ceiling = %#010x", heap_base, heap_ceiling);

    // Load root process (the Executive at 8MB mark
	if (elf_load ("BOOT/FILESYS", (void *)&procman_entry_point) != 0)
		KPanic ("Cannot load filesystem manager");

	procman_phdr_cnt = phdr_cnt;
	bmemcpy (procman_phdr_table, phdr_table, sizeof (Elf32_PHdr) * MAX_PHDR);

    // Allocate memory for module table, read startup.txt
    // and load modules above 8MB
	module_table = SegmentCreate (user_base, sizeof (struct Module) * NMODULE, SEG_TYPE_ALLOC, PROT_READWRITE);
	KLog ("module_table = %#010x", module_table);

	if ((vm_addr)module_table < user_base)
		KPanic ("Bad module_table");
	if (fat_open ("BOOT/STARTUP.TXT") != 0)
		KPanic ("Cannot open STARTUP.TXT");
	module_cnt = 0;
	while (module_cnt < NMODULE)
		if ((nbytes_read = fat_getline(module_table[module_cnt].name, 64)) == 0)
		if (module_table[module_cnt].name[0] == '\0' ||
			module_table[module_cnt].name[0] == '\n' ||
			module_table[module_cnt].name[0] == '\r' ||
			module_table[module_cnt].name[0] == ' ')
			KLOG ("Skipping blank lines");
		if (fat_open (module_table[module_cnt].name) != 0)
			KPanic ("Cannot open module");
		filesz = fat_get_filesize();
		mod = SegmentCreate (user_base, filesz, SEG_TYPE_ALLOC, PROT_READWRITE);
		if (fat_read (mod, filesz) == filesz)
			module_table[module_cnt].addr = mod;
			module_table[module_cnt].size = filesz;
	// Allocate a stack for the Executive
	user_stack_base = SegmentCreate (user_base, 65536, SEG_TYPE_ALLOC, PROT_READWRITE);	
	user_stack_ceiling = user_stack_base + 65536;

    // Pass the bootinfo, segment_table and module_table to kernel.
	bootinfo.procman_entry_point = procman_entry_point;
	bootinfo.user_stack_base = user_stack_base;
	bootinfo.user_stack_ceiling = user_stack_ceiling;
	bootinfo.user_base = user_base;
	bootinfo.heap_base = heap_base;
	bootinfo.heap_ceiling = heap_ceiling;
	bootinfo.screen_width = screen_width;
	bootinfo.screen_height = screen_height;
	bootinfo.screen_buf = screen_buf;
	bootinfo.screen_pitch = screen_pitch;
	bootinfo.module_table = module_table;
	bootinfo.module_cnt = module_cnt;
	bootinfo.segment_table = segment_table;
	bootinfo.segment_cnt = segment_cnt;
	KLOG ("Calling KERNEL entry point %#010x", (uint32) kernel_entry_point);
	while (1);