void WindowManager::removeWindow(Window *window) {
  static WMGlobals globals;

  fatal_assert((window == NULL), "How did you do that?  removeWindow has been passed a NULL pointer", __FILE__, __LINE__);


  if(globals->handleractive == true) {

    fatal_assert((globals->mousefilters.count(window) != 1), 
      "Tried to remove a window that is not in the mousefilter map", __FILE__, __LINE__);


    fatal_assert((globals->keyfilters.count(window) != 1), 
      "Tried to remove a window that is not in the keyfilter map", __FILE__, __LINE__);


    fatal_assert((globals->timerfilters.count(window) != 1), 
      "Tried to remove a window that is not in the timerfilter map", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Daemon::Daemon(Window *window) : window(window) {
  fatal_assert((window == NULL), "I seem to have recieved a NULL Window pointer", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  if(!renderer_active) {
    renderer = new RENDERER;
    renderer_active = true;
Пример #3
 * @brief Converts a filename according to the Unix path separator rules
 * @param[in,out] file_path null-terminated string, with a file path to convert
 * @return returns a pointer to the \file_path C string
 * @see http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904975/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html
 * @author Cristian Martinez
char* to_unix_path_separators(char* file_path) {
  // check that that finename is not a NULL pointer
  fatal_assert(!file_path,    "NULL error in to_unix_path_separators file_path\n");

  // pointer to the first occurrence of '\'
  char* it_current = strchr(file_path, '\\');
  // return when there are nothing to do
  if (it_current == NULL) return file_path;
  // pointer to the next character after the first '\'
  char* it_next    = it_current + 1;

  // convert '\' to '/'
  while (*it_current != '\0') {
    // do not convert file paths with escaped spaces
    if (*it_current  == '\\' && *it_next != ' ' ) {
      *it_current = '/';
  // conserve UNC paths
  if(file_path[0] && file_path[0] == '/' && 
     file_path[1] && file_path[1] == '/') {
     file_path[0] = '\\';
     file_path[1] = '\\';
  // remove trailing slashes
  if (file_path[1] && *(it_current-1) == '/') {
    while (*(it_current-1) == '/') {
      *(it_current-1) = '\0';
    // put back a single slash if file_path is now empty
    if(file_path[0] == '\0') {
       file_path[0]  = '/'; 

  // put a trailing slash to DRIVE:/, e.g. 'c:/'
  if (file_path[1] == ':' && 
      file_path[2] == '\0') {
      file_path[2]  = '/';
      file_path[3]  = '\0';

  return file_path;
Пример #4
 * Returns 1 if the state is not final and has no outgoing transition; 0 otherwise.
static inline int is_useless_state(OptimizedFst2State s) {
fatal_assert(s==NULL,"NULL error in is_useless_state\n");

return !(s->control&1)
		&& s->graph_calls==NULL
		&& s->metas==NULL
		&& s->patterns==NULL
		&& s->compound_patterns==NULL
		&& s->number_of_tokens==0
		&& s->input_variable_starts==NULL
		&& s->input_variable_ends==NULL
		&& s->output_variable_starts==NULL
		&& s->output_variable_ends==NULL
		&& (s->contexts==NULL || (s->contexts->non_NULL_positive_transitions==0 && s->contexts->size_negative==0 && s->contexts->end_mark==NULL));
void WindowManager::registerWindow(Window *window) {
  static WMGlobals globals;

  fatal_assert((window == NULL), "How did you do that?  registerWindow has been passed a NULL pointer", __FILE__, __LINE__);

  if(globals->handleractive == true) {
    globals->mousefilters[window] = window->getMouseFilter();
//    window->setMouseFilter(NULL);
    globals->keyfilters[window] = window->getKeyboardFilter();   
//    window->setKeyboardFilter(NULL);
    globals->timerfilters[window] = window->getTimerFilter();   
//    window->setTimerFilter(NULL);

Пример #6
 * @brief Converts a filename according to the Windows path separator rules
 * @param[in,out] filename null-terminated string, with a file path to convert
 * @return returns a pointer to the \file_path C string
 * @author Cristian Martinez
char* to_windows_path_separators(char* file_path) {
  // check that that the file path is not a NULL pointer
  fatal_assert(!file_path,    "NULL error in to_native_path file_path\n");

  // pointer to the first occurrence of '\'
  char* it_current = strchr(file_path, '/');
  // return when there are nothing to do
  if (it_current == NULL) return file_path;
  // convert '/' to '\'
  while (*it_current != '\0') {
    if (*it_current  == '/') {
      *it_current = '\\';

  return file_path;
void WindowManager::handleEvents() {
  static WMGlobals globals;

  list<Window *>::iterator iterate;

  iterate = globals->registeredwindows.begin();
  while(iterate != globals->registeredwindows.end()) {

    fatal_assert((*iterate == NULL), "There seems to be a NULL pointer in the window list", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    globals->mousefilters[*iterate] = (*iterate)->getMouseFilter();
//    (*iterate)->setMouseFilter(NULL);
    globals->keyfilters[*iterate] = (*iterate)->getKeyboardFilter();
//    (*iterate)->setKeyboardFilter(NULL);
    globals->timerfilters[*iterate] = (*iterate)->getTimerFilter();
//    (*iterate)->setTimerFilter(NULL);
  globals->handleractive = true;
  while(globals->handleractive) {
    // Necessary for doing cooperative threading

    iterate = globals->registeredwindows.begin();
    while(iterate != globals->registeredwindows.end()) {
      fatal_assert((*iterate == NULL), "There seems to be a a NULL pointer in the window list", __FILE__, __LINE__);



      // Necessary for doing cooperative threading

  iterate = globals->registeredwindows.begin();
  while(iterate != globals->registeredwindows.end()) {

    fatal_assert((*iterate == NULL), "There seems to be a NULL pointer in the window list", __FILE__, __LINE__);

    fatal_assert((globals->mousefilters.count(*iterate) != 1), 
      "There is a window in the window list that is not in the mousefilter map", __FILE__, __LINE__);

///    mousefilters[*iterate] = NULL;

    fatal_assert((globals->keyfilters.count(*iterate) != 1), 
      "There is a window in the window list that is not in the keyfilter map.", __FILE__, __LINE__);

//    keyfilters[*iterate] = NULL;

    fatal_assert((globals->timerfilters.count(*iterate) != 1), 
      "There is a window in the window list that is not in the timerfilter map.", __FILE__, __LINE__);

//    timerfilters[*iterate] = NULL;
Пример #8
 * @brief Unitex implementation of realpath()
 * Derives from the pathname pointed to by filename, an absolute pathname that 
 * names the same file, whose resolution does not involve ".", "..", or symbolic
 * links
 * @param[in] filename null-terminated string, with a filename to resolve
 * @param[out] resolved_name null-terminated string, up to a maximum of {FILENAME_MAX} bytes
 * @return different from SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE if fails
 * @remarks if resolved_name is a null pointer, function will fail
 * @author Cristian Martinez
int get_real_path(const char* filename, char* resolved_name) {
 // check that the arguments are not NULL pointers
 fatal_assert(!filename,      "NULL error in get_realpath filename\n");
 fatal_assert(!resolved_name, "NULL error in get_realpath resolved_name\n");

 // check that the file name is not empty
 if (filename[0]=='\0') {
 // get the file type
 UnitexFileType file_type = get_file_type(filename);
 // if get_file_type() fails or the file doesn't exist 
 if(file_type <= FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
 // if the file is under the abstract file layer, the name
 // is already resolved
 if(file_type == FILE_ABST) {
  strncpy(resolved_name, filename, FILENAME_MAX);
 // default value to be returned by this function
 int return_code = DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE;

 // temporal buffer to store the resolved_name
 char buffer[FILENAME_MAX + 1] = {0};

 // try to get the resolved filename
 if (realpath(filename, buffer) != NULL) {
  return_code = SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE;
#else   // under Windows
 wchar_t w_filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1] = {0};  // wide string filename
 wchar_t w_buffer[FILENAME_MAX + 1]   = {0};  // wide string resolved filename
 // get the required size, in characters, for the wide string buffer output
 int length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,     // Windows ANSI code page
                                  0,          // no flags for conversion type
                                  filename,   // string to convert
                                  -1,         // filename is null-terminated
                                  NULL,       // wide string buffer output
                                  0);         // size of the buffer output

 // maps filename C string to w_filename wide character string
 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,                  // Windows ANSI code page
                     0,                       // no flags for conversion type 
                     filename,                // string to convert
                     -1,                      // filename is null-terminated
                     w_filename,              // wide string buffer output
                     length);                 // size of the buffer output

 // try to get the resolved filename
 if (_wfullpath(w_buffer, w_filename, FILENAME_MAX)) {
  WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,                 // Windows ANSI code page
                      0,                      // no flags for conversion type 
                      w_buffer,               // string to convert
                      -1,                     // w_buffer is null-terminated
                      buffer,                 // C string buffer output
                      FILENAME_MAX,           // size of the buffer output  
                      NULL,                   // use the system default character
                      NULL);                  // parameter can be set to NULL
  return_code = SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE;
#endif  // #ifdef _NOT_UNDER_WINDOWS

 // if we have a resolved name copy it into the
 // resolved_name output buffer
 if(return_code == SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE) {
   strncpy(resolved_name, buffer, FILENAME_MAX);
 return return_code;
Пример #9
 * @brief Returns the type of the given file
 * @param filename null-terminated string, with a filename to check
 * @return \a UnitexFileType, a Unix file type
 * @author Cristian Martinez
UnitexFileType get_file_type(const char* filename) {
  // check that that the file name is not a NULL pointer
  fatal_assert(!filename,    "NULL error in is_regular_file filename\n");

  // test if the file is under the abstract file layer
  if (is_filename_in_abstract_file_space(filename)) {
    return FILE_ABST;
  // by default the file type is unknown 
  UnitexFileType file_type = FILE_UNK;
#ifndef _MSC_VER
  struct stat info;
  // return information about filename
  int status = stat(filename,&info);
  // on error, stat returns a non zero value
  if (status < 0) {
    // no such file or directory
    if      (errno == ENOENT || 
             errno == ENOTDIR)      return FILE_NOT_FOUND;
    // permission denied
    else if (errno == EACCES)       return FUNC_EACCES;
    // other stat() error
    else                            return FUNC_ERROR;
  }  // if (status < 0)
  if       (S_ISDIR (info.st_mode)) file_type = FILE_DIR;
  else if  (S_ISREG (info.st_mode)) file_type = FILE_REG;
  else if  (S_ISCHR (info.st_mode)) file_type = FILE_CHR;
  else if  (S_ISBLK (info.st_mode)) file_type = FILE_BLK;
  else if  (S_ISLNK (info.st_mode)) file_type = FILE_LNK;
  else if  (S_ISSOCK(info.st_mode)) file_type = FILE_SOCK;
  else if  (S_ISFIFO(info.st_mode)) file_type = FILE_FIFO;
# endif  // _NOT_UNDER_WINDOWS
#else  // under a non-POSIX system
  wchar_t w_filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1] = {0};
  // get the required size, in characters, for the wide string buffer output
  int length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,    // Windows ANSI code page
                                   0,         // no flags for conversion type
                                   filename,  // string to convert
                                   -1,        // filename is null-terminated
                                   NULL,      // wide string buffer output
                                   0);        // size of the buffer output

  // maps filename string to w_filename wide character string
  MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,                 // Windows ANSI code page
                      0,                      // no flags for conversion type 
                      filename,               // string to convert
                      -1,                     // filename is null-terminated 
                      w_filename,             // wide string buffer output
                      length);                // size of the buffer output

  // retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory 
  DWORD dwAttribute =  GetFileAttributesW(w_filename);
  // on error, dwAttribute is 0xFFFFFFFF
  if (dwAttribute == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
    DWORD lastError = GetLastError();
    // no such file or directory
    if      (lastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || 
             lastError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)   return FILE_NOT_FOUND;
    // permission denied
    else if (lastError == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)       
                                                  return FUNC_EACCES;
    // other stat() error
    else                                          return FUNC_ERROR;
  }  // if (status < 0)
       if ((dwAttribute &  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) file_type = FILE_DIR;
  else if ((dwAttribute &  FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)   != 0) file_type = FILE_REG;
#endif  // _MSC_VER
  // return main file type
  return file_type;