Пример #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    int width = fbs->width;
    int height = fbs->height;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;

    /* resources */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM, width, height, 0);

    /* bind render target to framebuffer */
    etna_fb_bind_resource(&fbs->fb, rt_resource);

    /* geometry */
    struct pipe_resource *vtx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);

    struct pipe_transfer *transfer = 0;
    float *vtx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, vtx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &transfer);
    for(int vert=0; vert<NUM_VERTICES; ++vert)
        int src_idx = vert * COMPONENTS_PER_VERTEX;
        int dest_idx = vert * COMPONENTS_PER_VERTEX * 3;
        for(int comp=0; comp<COMPONENTS_PER_VERTEX; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+0] = vVertices[src_idx + comp]; /* 0 */
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+3] = vNormals[src_idx + comp]; /* 1 */
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+6] = vColors[src_idx + comp]; /* 2 */
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, transfer);

    struct pipe_vertex_buffer vertex_buffer_desc = {
            .stride = (3 + 3 + 3)*4,
            .buffer_offset = 0,
            .buffer = vtx_resource,
            .user_buffer = 0
    struct pipe_vertex_element pipe_vertex_elements[] = {
        { /* positions */
            .src_offset = 0,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT 
        { /* normals */
            .src_offset = 0xc,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT 
        { /* texture coord */
            .src_offset = 0x18,
Пример #2
static struct pipe_resource *createSimpleTexture(struct pipe_screen *screen, struct pipe_context *pipe)
    struct pipe_resource *tex_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(screen, PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW, PIPE_FORMAT_L8_UNORM, TEX_WIDTH, TEX_HEIGHT, 0);
    uint8_t pixels[TEX_HEIGHT][TEX_WIDTH];

    for(int y=0; y<TEX_HEIGHT; ++y)
        for(int x=0; x<TEX_WIDTH; ++x)
            float xx = (float)x / (float)(TEX_WIDTH-1) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
            float yy = (float)y / (float)(TEX_HEIGHT-1) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
            //float vv = (0.25*xx*xx*yy*yy);
            //float vv = (sin(xx*2.0*M_PI*2.0)*sin(yy*2.0*M_PI*2.0) + 1.0f) / 2.0f;
            float vv = sin(xx*2.0*M_PI*2.0)*sin(yy*2.0*M_PI*2.0);
            vv = vv * (1.0 - yy * yy); /* flatten over poles */
            pixels[y][x] = etna_cfloat_to_uint8(vv);
            printf("%3i ", pixels[y][x]);

    etna_pipe_inline_write(pipe, tex_resource, 0, 0, &pixels[0][0], TEX_WIDTH*TEX_HEIGHT);

    return tex_resource;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    int width = fbs->width;
    int height = fbs->height;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;

    /* resources */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *vtx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    /* bind render target to framebuffer */
    etna_fb_bind_resource(&fbs->fb, rt_resource);

    /* interleave vertex data */
    struct pipe_transfer *transfer = 0;
    float *vtx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, vtx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &transfer);
    for(int vert=0; vert<NUM_VERTICES; ++vert)
        int dest_idx = vert * (3 + 3 + 3);
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+0] = vVertices[vert*3 + comp]; /* 0 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+3] = vNormals[vert*3 + comp]; /* 1 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+6] = vColors[vert*3 + comp]; /* 2 */
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, transfer);

    /* compile gallium3d states */
    void *blend = pipe->create_blend_state(pipe, &(struct pipe_blend_state) {
                .rt[0] = {
                    .blend_enable = 1,
                    .rgb_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD,
                    .rgb_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .rgb_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .alpha_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD,
                    .alpha_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .alpha_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .colormask = 0xf
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    int width = fbs->width;
    int height = fbs->height;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;

    /* texture */
    int tex_base_width = 0;
    int tex_base_height = 0;
        printf("Pass path to smoke.tga on command line\n");
    uint8_t *tex_buffer = (uint8_t*)esLoadTGA(argv[1], &tex_base_width, &tex_base_height );
        printf("Could not load texture\n");
    struct pipe_resource *tex_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, 
            tex_base_width, tex_base_height, 0);
    printf("Uploading texture (%ix%i)\n", tex_base_width, tex_base_height);
    uint32_t *temp = malloc(tex_base_width * tex_base_height * 4);
    etna_convert_r8g8b8_to_b8g8r8x8(temp, tex_buffer, tex_base_width * tex_base_height);
    etna_pipe_inline_write(pipe, tex_resource, 0, 0, temp, tex_base_width * tex_base_height * 4);

    /* render target resources and surfaces */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM, width, height, 0);

    /* bind render target to framebuffer */
    etna_fb_bind_resource(&fbs->fb, rt_resource);
    /* surfaces */
    struct pipe_surface *cbuf = pipe->create_surface(pipe, rt_resource, &(struct pipe_surface){
        .texture = rt_resource,
        .format = rt_resource->format,
        .u.tex.level = 0
Пример #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    int width = fbs->width;
    int height = fbs->height;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;

    /* resources */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *vtx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, sizeof(vVertices));
    /* bind render target to framebuffer */
    etna_fb_bind_resource(fbs, rt_resource);

    /* vertex / index buffer setup */
    struct pipe_transfer *vtx_transfer = 0;
    float *vtx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, vtx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &vtx_transfer);
    memcpy(vtx_logical, vVertices, sizeof(vVertices));
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, vtx_transfer);

    struct pipe_vertex_buffer vertex_buf_desc = {
            .stride = VERTEX_STRIDE*4,
            .buffer_offset = 0,
            .buffer = vtx_resource,
            .user_buffer = 0
    struct pipe_vertex_element pipe_vertex_elements[] = {
        { /* positions */
            .src_offset = 0*4,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT 
        { /* texcoord */
            .src_offset = 4*4,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT 
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int width = 1920;
    int height = 1080;
    bool do_clear = false;
    bool super_tiled = false;
    bool enable_ts = true;
    bool early_z = false;
    int num_frames = 2000;
    unsigned fmt_rt = PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM;
    unsigned fmt_zs = PIPE_FORMAT_S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM;

    int opt;
    int error = 0;
    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "w:h:l:s:t:e:f:d:c:")) != -1) {
        case 'w': width = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'h': height = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'l': do_clear = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 's': super_tiled = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 't': enable_ts = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'e': early_z = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'f': num_frames = atoi(optarg); break;
        case 'd':
            case 0: fmt_zs = PIPE_FORMAT_NONE; break;
            case 16: fmt_zs = PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM; break;
            case 32: fmt_zs = PIPE_FORMAT_S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM; break;
                printf("Invalid depth stencil surface depth %s\n", optarg);
                error = 1;
        case 'c':
            case 0: fmt_rt = PIPE_FORMAT_NONE; break;
            case 16: fmt_rt = PIPE_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM; break;
            case 32: fmt_rt = PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM; break;
                printf("Invalid color surface depth %s\n", optarg);
                error = 1;
            printf("Unknown argument %c\n", opt);
            error = 1;
        printf("  %s [-w <width>] [-h <height>] [-l <0/1>] [-s <0/1>] [-t <0/1>] [-e <0/1>] [-f <frames>] [-d <0/16/32>] [-c <16/32>]\n", argv[0]);
        printf("  -w <width>    Width of surface (default is 1920)\n");
        printf("  -h <height>   Height of surface (default is 1080)\n");
        printf("  -l <0/1>      Clear surface every frame (0=no, 1=yes, default is 0)\n");
        printf("  -s <0/1>      Use supertile layout (0=no, 1=yes, default is 0)\n");
        printf("  -t <0/1>      Enable TS (0=no, 1=yes, default is 1)\n");
        printf("  -e <0/1>      Enable early Z (0=no, 1=yes, default is 0)\n");
        printf("  -f <frames>   Number of frames to render (default is 2000)\n");
        printf("  -d <0/16/32>  Depth/stencil surface depth\n");
        printf("  -c <16/32>    Color surface depth\n");

    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;
    /* resources */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = NULL;
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = NULL;
        etna_mesa_debug |= ETNA_DBG_NO_SUPERTILE;
        etna_mesa_debug |= ETNA_DBG_NO_TS;
        etna_mesa_debug |= ETNA_DBG_NO_EARLY_Z;

    if(fmt_rt != PIPE_FORMAT_NONE)
        rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, fmt_rt, width, height, 0);
    if(fmt_zs != PIPE_FORMAT_NONE)
        z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, fmt_zs, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *vtx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, sizeof(vVertices));

    /* vertex / index buffer setup */
    struct pipe_transfer *vtx_transfer = 0;
    float *vtx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, vtx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &vtx_transfer);
    memcpy(vtx_logical, vVertices, sizeof(vVertices));
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, vtx_transfer);

    struct pipe_vertex_buffer vertex_buf_desc = {
            .stride = VERTEX_STRIDE*4,
            .buffer_offset = 0,
            .buffer = vtx_resource,
            .user_buffer = 0
    struct pipe_vertex_element pipe_vertex_elements[] = {
        { /* positions */
            .src_offset = 0*4,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT
        { /* texcoord */
            .src_offset = 4*4,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT
Пример #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    int width = fbs->width;
    int height = fbs->height;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;

    /* Convert and upload embedded texture */
    struct pipe_resource *tex_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, 
    etna_convert_r8g8b8_to_b8g8r8x8(temp, (const uint8_t*)companion_texture, COMPANION_TEXTURE_WIDTH * COMPANION_TEXTURE_HEIGHT);
    etna_pipe_inline_write(pipe, tex_resource, 0, 0, temp, COMPANION_TEXTURE_WIDTH * COMPANION_TEXTURE_HEIGHT * 4);

    /* resources */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM, width, height, 0);

    /* bind render target to framebuffer */
    etna_fb_bind_resource(&fbs->fb, rt_resource);

    /* geometry */
    struct pipe_resource *vtx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    struct pipe_resource *idx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE);

    struct pipe_transfer *vtx_transfer = 0;
    float *vtx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, vtx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &vtx_transfer);
    struct pipe_transfer *idx_transfer = 0;
    float *idx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, idx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &idx_transfer);
#ifndef INDEXED
    printf("Interleaving vertices...\n");
    float *vertices_array = companion_vertices_array();
    float *texture_coordinates_array =
    float *normals_array = companion_normals_array();
    assert(COMPANION_ARRAY_COUNT*(3+3+2)*sizeof(float) < VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    for(int vert=0; vert<COMPANION_ARRAY_COUNT; ++vert)
        int dest_idx = vert * (3 + 3 + 2);
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+0] = vertices_array[vert*3 + comp]; /* 0 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+3] = normals_array[vert*3 + comp]; /* 1 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<2; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+6] = texture_coordinates_array[vert*2 + comp]; /* 2 */
    printf("Interleaving vertices and copying index buffer...\n");
    assert(COMPANION_VERTEX_COUNT*(3+3+2)*sizeof(float) < VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    for(int vert=0; vert<COMPANION_VERTEX_COUNT; ++vert)
        int dest_idx = vert * (3 + 3 + 2);
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+0] = companion_vertices[vert][comp]; /* 0 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+3] = companion_normals[vert][comp]; /* 1 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<2; ++comp)
            ((float*)vtx_logical)[dest_idx+comp+6] = companion_texture_coordinates[vert][comp]; /* 2 */
    assert(COMPANION_TRIANGLE_COUNT*3*sizeof(unsigned short) < INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    memcpy(idx_logical, &companion_triangles[0][0], COMPANION_TRIANGLE_COUNT*3*sizeof(unsigned short));
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, vtx_transfer);
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, idx_transfer);

    struct pipe_vertex_buffer vertex_buffer_desc = {
            .stride = (3 + 3 + 2)*4,
            .buffer_offset = 0,
            .buffer = vtx_resource,
            .user_buffer = 0
    struct pipe_index_buffer index_buffer_desc = {
            .index_size = sizeof(unsigned short),
            .offset = 0,
            .buffer = idx_resource,
            .user_buffer = 0
    struct pipe_vertex_element pipe_vertex_elements[] = {
        { /* positions */
            .src_offset = 0,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT 
        { /* normals */
            .src_offset = 0xc,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT 
        { /* texture coord */
            .src_offset = 0x18,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT
Пример #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    int width = fbs->width;
    int height = fbs->height;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;

    /* resources */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *vtx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    struct pipe_resource *idx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    /* bind render target to framebuffer */
    etna_fb_bind_resource(fbs, rt_resource);

    /* vertex / index buffer setup */
    struct pipe_transfer *vtx_transfer = 0;
    float *vtx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, vtx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &vtx_transfer);
    for(int vert=0; vert<NUM_VERTICES; ++vert)
        int dest_idx = vert * 3;
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+0] = vVertices[vert*3 + comp]; /* 0 */
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, vtx_transfer);

    struct pipe_transfer *idx_transfer = 0;
    void *idx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, idx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &idx_transfer);
    memcpy(idx_logical, indices, sizeof(indices));
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, idx_transfer);

    struct pipe_vertex_buffer vertex_buf_desc = {
            .stride = (3)*4,
            .buffer_offset = 0,
            .buffer = vtx_resource,
            .user_buffer = 0
    struct pipe_vertex_element pipe_vertex_elements[] = {
        { /* positions */
            .src_offset = 0,
            .instance_divisor = 0,
            .vertex_buffer_index = 0,
            .src_format = PIPE_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT 
    void *vertex_elements = pipe->create_vertex_elements_state(pipe, 
            sizeof(pipe_vertex_elements)/sizeof(pipe_vertex_elements[0]), pipe_vertex_elements);
    struct pipe_index_buffer index_buf_desc = {
            .index_size = 1,
            .offset = 0,
            .buffer = idx_resource,
            .user_buffer = 0

    /* compile gallium3d states */
    void *blend = pipe->create_blend_state(pipe, &(struct pipe_blend_state) {
                .rt[0] = {
                    .blend_enable = 0,
                    .rgb_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD,
                    .rgb_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .rgb_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .alpha_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD,
                    .alpha_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .alpha_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .colormask = 0xf

    void *sampler = pipe->create_sampler_state(pipe, &(struct pipe_sampler_state) {
                .wrap_s = PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
                .wrap_t = PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
                .wrap_r = PIPE_TEX_WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
                .min_img_filter = PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR,
                .min_mip_filter = PIPE_TEX_MIPFILTER_LINEAR,
                .mag_img_filter = PIPE_TEX_FILTER_LINEAR,
                .normalized_coords = 1,
                .lod_bias = 0.0f,
                .min_lod = 0.0f, .max_lod=1000.0f
Пример #9
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    int width = fbs->width;
    int height = fbs->height;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;

    dds_texture *dds = 0;
    if(argc<2 || !dds_load(argv[1], &dds))
        printf("Error loading texture\n");

    uint32_t tex_format = 0;
    uint32_t tex_base_width = dds->slices[0][0].width;
    uint32_t tex_base_height = dds->slices[0][0].height;
    case FMT_A8R8G8B8: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; break;
    case FMT_X8R8G8B8: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM; break;
    case FMT_DXT1: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_DXT1_RGB; break;
    case FMT_DXT3: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_DXT3_RGBA; break;
    case FMT_DXT5: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_DXT5_RGBA; break;
    case FMT_ETC1: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_ETC1_RGB8; break;
    case FMT_A8: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_A8_UNORM; break;
    case FMT_L8: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_L8_UNORM; break;
    case FMT_A8L8: tex_format = PIPE_FORMAT_L8A8_UNORM; break;
        printf("Unknown texture format\n");

    struct pipe_resource *tex_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_SAMPLER_VIEW, tex_format, tex_base_width, tex_base_height,
            dds->num_mipmaps - 1);

    printf("Loading compressed texture (format %i, %ix%i)\n", dds->fmt, tex_base_width, tex_base_height);

    for(int ix=0; ix<dds->num_mipmaps; ++ix)
        printf("%08x: Uploading mipmap %i (%ix%i)\n", dds->slices[0][ix].offset, ix, dds->slices[0][ix].width, dds->slices[0][ix].height);
        etna_pipe_inline_write(pipe, tex_resource, 0, ix, dds->slices[0][ix].data, dds->slices[0][ix].size);

    /* resources */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *vtx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);

    /* bind render target to framebuffer */
    etna_fb_bind_resource(&fbs->fb, rt_resource);

    /* Phew, now we got all the memory we need.
     * Write interleaved attribute vertex stream.
     * Unlike the GL example we only do this once, not every time glDrawArrays is called, the same would be accomplished
     * from GL by using a vertex buffer object.
    struct pipe_transfer *vtx_transfer = 0;
    float *vtx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, vtx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &vtx_transfer);
    for(int vert=0; vert<NUM_VERTICES; ++vert)
        int dest_idx = vert * (3 + 3 + 2);
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+0] = vVertices[vert*3 + comp]; /* 0 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+3] = vNormals[vert*3 + comp]; /* 1 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<2; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+6] = vTexCoords[vert*2 + comp]; /* 2 */
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, vtx_transfer);

    /* compile gallium3d states */
    void *blend = NULL;
    if(tex_format == PIPE_FORMAT_A8_UNORM || tex_format == PIPE_FORMAT_L8A8_UNORM) /* if alpha texture, enable blending */
        blend = pipe->create_blend_state(pipe, &(struct pipe_blend_state) {
                .rt[0] = {
                    .blend_enable = 1,
                    .rgb_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD,
                    .rgb_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .rgb_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .alpha_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD,
                    .alpha_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .alpha_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_ALPHA,
                    .colormask = 0xf
Пример #10
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct fbdemos_scaffold *fbs = 0;
    int width = fbs->width;
    int height = fbs->height;
    struct pipe_context *pipe = fbs->pipe;

    /* resources */
    struct pipe_resource *rt_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *z_resource = fbdemo_create_2d(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_RENDER_TARGET, PIPE_FORMAT_Z16_UNORM, width, height, 0);
    struct pipe_resource *vtx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    struct pipe_resource *idx_resource = pipe_buffer_create(fbs->screen, PIPE_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER, PIPE_USAGE_IMMUTABLE, VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    /* bind render target to framebuffer */
    etna_fb_bind_resource(&fbs->fb, rt_resource);

    /* Phew, now we got all the memory we need.
     * Write interleaved attribute vertex stream.
     * Unlike the GL example we only do this once, not every time glDrawArrays is called, the same would be accomplished
     * from GL by using a vertex buffer object.
    float *vVertices;
    float *vNormals;
    float *vTexCoords;
    uint16_t *vIndices;
    int numVertices = 0;
    int numIndices = esGenSphere(80, 1.0f, &vVertices, &vNormals,
                                        &vTexCoords, &vIndices, &numVertices);

    unsigned vtxStride = 3+3+2;
    assert((numVertices * vtxStride*4) < VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    struct pipe_transfer *vtx_transfer = 0;
    float *vtx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, vtx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &vtx_transfer);
    for(int vert=0; vert<numVertices; ++vert)
        int dest_idx = vert * vtxStride;
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+0] = vVertices[vert*3 + comp]; /* 0 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<3; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+3] = vNormals[vert*3 + comp]; /* 1 */
        for(int comp=0; comp<2; ++comp)
            vtx_logical[dest_idx+comp+6] = vTexCoords[vert*2 + comp]; /* 2 */
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, vtx_transfer);

    assert((numIndices * 2) < VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    struct pipe_transfer *idx_transfer = 0;
    void *idx_logical = pipe_buffer_map(pipe, idx_resource, PIPE_TRANSFER_WRITE | PIPE_TRANSFER_UNSYNCHRONIZED, &idx_transfer);
    memcpy(idx_logical, vIndices, numIndices*sizeof(uint16_t));
    pipe_buffer_unmap(pipe, idx_transfer);

    /* compile gallium3d states */
    void *blend = pipe->create_blend_state(pipe, &(struct pipe_blend_state) {
                .rt[0] = {
                    .blend_enable = 0,
                    .rgb_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD,
                    .rgb_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_ONE,
                    .rgb_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO,
                    .alpha_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD,
                    .alpha_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_ONE,
                    .alpha_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO,
                    .colormask = 0xf