Пример #1
/** Set mode for a feature.
 *  @pre feature_set_ initialized for this camera
 *  @param finfo pointer to information for this feature
 *  @param mode DC1394 mode desired
 *  @return true if mode set successfully
bool Features::setMode(dc1394feature_info_t *finfo, dc1394feature_mode_t mode)
  dc1394feature_t feature = finfo->id;
  if (hasMode(finfo, mode))
      // first, make sure the feature is powered on
      setPower(finfo, DC1394_ON);

      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("setting feature " << featureName(feature)
                       << " mode to " << modeName(mode));
      if (DC1394_SUCCESS !=
          dc1394_feature_set_mode(camera_, feature, mode))
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to set feature " << featureName(feature)
                          << " mode to " << modeName(mode));
          return false;
      // device does not support this mode for this feature
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("no " << modeName(mode)
                       << " mode for feature " << featureName(feature));
      return false;
  return true;
Пример #2
/** Get current state of a feature from the camera.
 *  @pre feature_set_ initialized for this camera
 *  @param finfo pointer to information for this feature
 *  @return current state ID
Features::state_t Features::getState(dc1394feature_info_t *finfo)
  dc1394feature_t feature = finfo->id;
  dc1394error_t rc;

  if (!finfo->available)
      // not available: nothing more to do
      return camera1394::Camera1394_None;

  if (finfo->on_off_capable)
      // get On/Off state
      dc1394switch_t pwr;
      rc = dc1394_feature_get_power(camera_, feature, &pwr);
      if (rc != DC1394_SUCCESS)
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to get feature " << featureName(feature)
                          << " Power setting ");
      else if (pwr == DC1394_OFF)
          // Off overrides mode settings
          return camera1394::Camera1394_Off;

  // not off, so get mode
  dc1394feature_mode_t mode;
  rc = dc1394_feature_get_mode(camera_, feature, &mode);
  if (rc != DC1394_SUCCESS)
      ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to get current mode of feature "
                      << featureName(feature));
      // treat unavailable mode as Off
      return camera1394::Camera1394_Off;

  switch (mode)
      return camera1394::Camera1394_Manual;
    case DC1394_FEATURE_MODE_AUTO:
      return camera1394::Camera1394_Auto;
      return camera1394::Camera1394_OnePush;
      return camera1394::Camera1394_Off;
Пример #3
/** Set a feature Off.
 *  @pre feature_set_ initialized for this camera
 *  @param finfo pointer to information for this feature
void Features::setOff(dc1394feature_info_t *finfo)
  dc1394feature_t feature = finfo->id;
  if (finfo->on_off_capable)
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("setting feature " << featureName(feature) << " Off");
      if (DC1394_SUCCESS !=
          dc1394_feature_set_power(camera_, feature, DC1394_OFF))
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to set feature " << featureName(feature)
                          << " Off ");
      // This device does not support turning this feature off.
      // Inform the user, but pretend it worked.
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("no Off mode for feature " << featureName(feature));
Пример #4
/** Set power for a feature On or Off.
 *  @pre feature_set_ initialized for this camera
 *  @param finfo pointer to information for this feature
 *  @param on_off either DC1394_ON or DC1394_OFF
void Features::setPower(dc1394feature_info_t *finfo, dc1394switch_t on_off)
  dc1394feature_t feature = finfo->id;
  if (finfo->on_off_capable)
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Setting power for feature " << featureName(feature)
                       << " to " << on_off);
      if (DC1394_SUCCESS !=
          dc1394_feature_set_power(camera_, feature, on_off))
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to set feature " << featureName(feature)
                          << " power to " << on_off);
      // This device does not support turning this feature on or off.
      // That's OK.
      ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("no power control for feature " << featureName(feature));
Пример #5
// ######################################################################
void RawVisualCortex::start1()


  // initialize out input or output MGZ handlers if necessary:
  if (itsSaveOutTo.getVal().empty() == false)
    itsOutputMgzOut = rutz::make_shared(new MgzEncoder(itsSaveOutTo.getVal(), 9));

  if (itsLoadOutFrom.getVal().empty() == false)
    itsOutputMgzIn = rutz::make_shared(new MgzDecoder(itsLoadOutFrom.getVal()));
  //write out some info to command line
  for (uint i = 0; i < this->numChans(); ++i)
      LINFO("Top-level channel (%u/%u): level=%s feature=%s submaps=%u name=%s",
            i+1, this->numChans(),
Пример #6
/** Get feature values.
 *  @pre feature_set_ initialized for this camera
 *  @param finfo pointer to information for this feature
 *  @param value [out] pointer where parameter value stored
 *  @param value2 [out] optional pointer for second parameter value
 *               for white balance.  Otherwise NULL.
void Features::getValues(dc1394feature_info_t *finfo,
                           double *value, double *value2)
  dc1394feature_t feature = finfo->id;
  dc1394error_t rc;

  if (!finfo->readout_capable)
      ROS_INFO_STREAM("feature " << featureName(feature)
                      << " value not available from device");

  if (feature == DC1394_FEATURE_WHITE_BALANCE)
      // handle White Balance separately, it has two components
      if (finfo->absolute_capable && finfo->abs_control)
          // supports reading and setting float value
          // @todo get absolute White Balance values
          rc = DC1394_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED;
          // get integer White Balance values
          uint32_t bu_val;
          uint32_t rv_val;
          rc = dc1394_feature_whitebalance_get_value(camera_, &bu_val, &rv_val);
          if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
              // convert to double
              *value = bu_val;
              *value2 = rv_val;
      if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("feature " << featureName(feature)
                           << " Blue/U: " << *value
                           << " Red/V: " << *value2);
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to get values for feature "
                          << featureName(feature));
      // other features only have one component
      if (finfo->absolute_capable && finfo->abs_control)
          // supports reading and setting float value
          float fval;
          rc = dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera_, feature, &fval);
          if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
              *value = fval;                // convert to double
      else // no float representation
          uint32_t ival;
          rc = dc1394_feature_get_value(camera_, feature, &ival);
          if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
              *value = ival;                // convert to double
      if (DC1394_SUCCESS == rc)
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("feature " << featureName(feature)
                           << " has value " << *value);
          ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to get value of feature "
                          << featureName(feature));
Пример #7
/** Configure a feature for the currently open device.
 *  @pre feature_set_ initialized
 *  @param feature desired feature number
 *  @param control [in,out] pointer to control parameter (may change)
 *  @param value [in,out] pointer to requested parameter value (may
 *               change depending on device restrictions)
 *  @param value2 [in,out] optional pointer to second parameter value
 *               for white balance (may change depending on device
 *               restrictions).  No second value if NULL pointer.
 *  The parameter values are represented as double despite the fact
 *  that most features on most cameras only allow unsigned 12-bit
 *  values.  The exception is the rare feature that supports
 *  "absolute" values in 32-bit IEEE float format.  Double can
 *  represent all possible option values accurately.
void Features::configure(dc1394feature_t feature, int *control,
                         double *value, double *value2)
  // device-relevant information for this feature
  dc1394feature_info_t *finfo =
    &feature_set_.feature[feature - DC1394_FEATURE_MIN];

  if (!finfo->available)                // feature not available?
      *control = camera1394::Camera1394_None;

  switch (*control)
    case camera1394::Camera1394_Off:
      setPower(finfo, DC1394_OFF);

    case camera1394::Camera1394_Query:
      getValues(finfo, value, value2);

    case camera1394::Camera1394_Auto:
      if (!setMode(finfo, DC1394_FEATURE_MODE_AUTO))
          setPower(finfo, DC1394_OFF);

    case camera1394::Camera1394_Manual:
      if (!setMode(finfo, DC1394_FEATURE_MODE_MANUAL))
          setPower(finfo, DC1394_OFF);

      // TODO: break this into some internal methods
      if (finfo->absolute_capable && finfo->abs_control)
          // supports reading and setting float value
          float fmin, fmax;
          if (DC1394_SUCCESS ==
              dc1394_feature_get_absolute_boundaries(camera_, feature,
                                                     &fmin, &fmax))
              // clamp *value between minimum and maximum
              if (*value < fmin)
                *value = (double) fmin;
              else if (*value > fmax)
                *value = (double) fmax;
              ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to get feature "
                              << featureName(feature) << " boundaries ");

          // @todo handle absolute White Balance values
          float fval = *value;
          if (DC1394_SUCCESS !=
              dc1394_feature_set_absolute_value(camera_, feature, fval))
              ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to set feature "
                              << featureName(feature) << " to " << fval);
      else // no float representation
          // round requested value to nearest integer
          *value = rint(*value);

          // clamp *value between minimum and maximum
          if (*value < finfo->min)
            *value = (double) finfo->min;
          else if (*value > finfo->max)
            *value = (double) finfo->max;

          dc1394error_t rc;
          uint32_t ival = (uint32_t) *value;

          // handle White Balance, which has two components
          if (feature == DC1394_FEATURE_WHITE_BALANCE)
              *value2 = rint(*value2);

              // clamp *value2 between same minimum and maximum
              if (*value2 < finfo->min)
                *value2 = (double) finfo->min;
              else if (*value2 > finfo->max)
                *value2 = (double) finfo->max;

              uint32_t ival2 = (uint32_t) *value2;
              rc = dc1394_feature_whitebalance_set_value(camera_, ival, ival2);
              // other features only have one component
              rc = dc1394_feature_set_value(camera_, feature, ival);
          if (rc != DC1394_SUCCESS)
              ROS_WARN_STREAM("failed to set feature "
                              << featureName(feature) << " to " << ival);

    case camera1394::Camera1394_OnePush:
      // Try to set OnePush mode
      setMode(finfo, DC1394_FEATURE_MODE_ONE_PUSH_AUTO);

      // Now turn the control off, so camera does not continue adjusting
      setPower(finfo, DC1394_OFF);

    case camera1394::Camera1394_None:
      // Invalid user input, because this feature actually does exist.
      ROS_INFO_STREAM("feature " << featureName(feature)
                      << " exists, cannot set to None");

      ROS_WARN_STREAM("unknown state (" << *control
                      <<") for feature " << featureName(feature));

  // return actual state reported by the device
  *control = getState(finfo);
  ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("feature " << featureName(feature)
                   << " now in state " << *control);