Пример #1
static R_INLINE void hankelize_fft(double *F,
                                   const double *U, const double *V,
                                   const hankel_matrix *h) {
  R_len_t N = h->length, L = h->window;
  R_len_t K = N - L + 1;
  R_len_t i;
  int maxf, maxp, *iwork;
  double *work;
  complex double *iU, *iV;

  /* Estimate the best plans for given input length */
  fft_factor(N, &maxf, &maxp);
  if (maxf == 0)
    error("fft factorization error");

  /* Allocate needed memory */
  iU = Calloc(N, complex double);
  iV = Calloc(N, complex double);
  work = Calloc(4 * maxf, double);
  iwork = Calloc(maxp, int);

  /* Fill in buffers */
  for (i = 0; i < L; ++i)
    iU[i] = U[i];

  for (i = 0; i < K; ++i)
    iV[i] = V[i];

  /* Compute the FFTs */
  fft_factor(N, &maxf, &maxp);
  fft_work((double*)iU, ((double*)iU)+1, 1, N, 1, -2, work, iwork);
  fft_factor(N, &maxf, &maxp);
  fft_work((double*)iV, ((double*)iV)+1, 1, N, 1, -2, work, iwork);

  /* Dot-multiply */
  for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    iU[i] = iU[i] * iV[i];

  /* Compute the inverse FFT */
  fft_factor(N, &maxf, &maxp);
  fft_work((double*)iU, ((double*)iU)+1, 1, N, 1, +2, work, iwork);

  /* Form the result */
  for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
    R_len_t leftu, rightu, l;

    if (i < L) leftu = i; else leftu = L - 1;
    if (i < K) rightu = 0; else  rightu = i - K + 1;

    l = (leftu - rightu + 1);

    F[i] = creal(iU[i]) / l / N;

Пример #2
static void hankel_tmatmul(double* out,
                           const double* v,
                           const void* matrix) {
  const hankel_matrix *h = matrix;
  R_len_t N = h->length, L = h->window;
  R_len_t K = N - L + 1, i;
  double *work;
  complex double *circ;
  int *iwork, maxf, maxp;

  /* Estimate the best plans for given input length */
  fft_factor(N, &maxf, &maxp);
  if (maxf == 0)
    error("fft factorization error");

  /* Allocate needed memory */
  circ = Calloc(N, complex double);
  work = Calloc(4 * maxf, double);
  iwork = Calloc(maxp, int);

  /* Fill the arrays */
  for (i = 0; i < L; ++i)
    circ[i + K - 1] = v[L - i - 1];

  /* Compute the FFT of the reversed vector v */
  fft_work((double*)circ, ((double*)circ)+1, 1, N, 1, -2, work, iwork);

  /* Dot-multiply with pre-computed FFT of toeplitz circulant */
  for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
    circ[i] = circ[i] * h->circ_freq[i];

  /* Compute the reverse transform to obtain result */
  fft_factor(N, &maxf, &maxp);
  fft_work((double*)circ, ((double*)circ)+1, 1, N, 1, +2, work, iwork);

  /* Cleanup and return */
  for (i = 0; i < K; ++i)
    out[i] = creal(circ[i + L - 1]) / N;

Пример #3
SEXP attribute_hidden do_mvfft(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP z, d;
    int i, inv, maxf, maxp, n, p;
    double *work;
    int *iwork;

    checkArity(op, args);

    z = CAR(args);

    d = getAttrib(z, R_DimSymbol);
    if (d == R_NilValue || length(d) > 2)
	error(_("vector-valued (multivariate) series required"));
    n = INTEGER(d)[0];
    p = INTEGER(d)[1];

    switch(TYPEOF(z)) {
    case INTSXP:
    case LGLSXP:
    case REALSXP:
	z = coerceVector(z, CPLXSXP);
    case CPLXSXP:
	if (NAMED(z)) z = duplicate(z);
	error(_("non-numeric argument"));

    /* -2 for forward  transform, complex values */
    /* +2 for backward transform, complex values */

    inv = asLogical(CADR(args));
    if (inv == NA_INTEGER || inv == 0) inv = -2;
    else inv = 2;

    if (n > 1) {
	fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp);
	if (maxf == 0)
	    error(_("fft factorization error"));
	work = (double*)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
	iwork = (int*)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
	for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
	    fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp);
	    fft_work(&(COMPLEX(z)[i*n].r), &(COMPLEX(z)[i*n].i),
		     1, n, 1, inv, work, iwork);
    return z;
Пример #4
static void initialize_circulant(hankel_matrix *h,
                                 const double *F, R_len_t N, R_len_t L) {
  R_len_t K = N - L + 1, i;
  int *iwork, maxf, maxp;
  double *work;
  complex double * circ;

  /* Allocate needed memory */
  circ = Calloc(N, complex double);

  /* Estimate the best plans for given input length */
  fft_factor(N, &maxf, &maxp);
  if (maxf == 0)
    error("fft factorization error");

  work = Calloc(4 * maxf, double);
  iwork = Calloc(maxp, int);

  /* Fill input buffer */
  for (i = K-1; i < N; ++i)
    circ[i - K + 1] = F[i];

  for (i = 0; i < K-1; ++i) {
    circ[L + i] = F[i];

  /* Run the FFT on input data */
  fft_work((double*)circ, ((double*)circ)+1, 1, N, 1, -2, work, iwork);

  /* Cleanup and return */

  h->circ_freq = circ;
  h->window = L;
  h->length = N;
Пример #5
SEXP attribute_hidden do_fft(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP z, d;
    int i, inv, maxf, maxmaxf, maxmaxp, maxp, n, ndims, nseg, nspn;
    double *work;
    int *iwork;

    checkArity(op, args);

    z = CAR(args);

    switch (TYPEOF(z)) {
    case INTSXP:
    case LGLSXP:
    case REALSXP:
	z = coerceVector(z, CPLXSXP);
    case CPLXSXP:
	if (NAMED(z)) z = duplicate(z);
	error(_("non-numeric argument"));

    /* -2 for forward transform, complex values */
    /* +2 for backward transform, complex values */

    inv = asLogical(CADR(args));
    if (inv == NA_INTEGER || inv == 0)
	inv = -2;
	inv = 2;

    if (LENGTH(z) > 1) {
	if (isNull(d = getAttrib(z, R_DimSymbol))) {  /* temporal transform */
	    n = length(z);
	    fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp);
	    if (maxf == 0)
		error(_("fft factorization error"));
	    work = (double*)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
	    iwork = (int*)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
	    fft_work(&(COMPLEX(z)[0].r), &(COMPLEX(z)[0].i),
		     1, n, 1, inv, work, iwork);
	else {					     /* spatial transform */
	    maxmaxf = 1;
	    maxmaxp = 1;
	    ndims = LENGTH(d);
	    /* do whole loop just for error checking and maxmax[fp] .. */
	    for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
		if (INTEGER(d)[i] > 1) {
		    fft_factor(INTEGER(d)[i], &maxf, &maxp);
		    if (maxf == 0)
			error(_("fft factorization error"));
		    if (maxf > maxmaxf)
			maxmaxf = maxf;
		    if (maxp > maxmaxp)
			maxmaxp = maxp;
	    work = (double*)R_alloc(4 * maxmaxf, sizeof(double));
	    iwork = (int*)R_alloc(maxmaxp, sizeof(int));
	    nseg = LENGTH(z);
	    n = 1;
	    nspn = 1;
	    for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
		if (INTEGER(d)[i] > 1) {
		    nspn *= n;
		    n = INTEGER(d)[i];
		    nseg /= n;
		    fft_factor(n, &maxf, &maxp);
		    fft_work(&(COMPLEX(z)[0].r), &(COMPLEX(z)[0].i),
			     nseg, n, nspn, inv, work, iwork);
    return z;
Пример #6
void rextremaltcirc(int *nObs, int *ngrid, double *steps, int *dim,
		    int *covmod, double *nugget, double *range,
		    double *smooth, double *DoF, double *uBound, double *ans){
  /* This function generates random fields from the Schlather model

     nObs: the number of observations to be generated
    ngrid: the number of locations along one axis
      dim: the random field is generated in R^dim
   covmod: the covariance model
     nugget: the nugget parameter
    range: the range parameter
   smooth: the smooth parameter
      DoF: the degree of freedom
blockSize: see rextremalttbm
      ans: the generated random field */

  int i, j, k = -1, nbar = R_pow_di(*ngrid, *dim), r, m;
  const double zero = 0;
  double *rho, *irho, sill = 1 - *nugget;
    //Below is a table of highly composite numbers
  int HCN[39] = {1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240,
		 360, 720, 840, 1260, 1680, 2520, 5040, 7560,
		 10080, 15120, 20160, 25200, 27720, 45360, 50400,
		 55440, 83160, 110880, 166320, 221760, 277200,
		 332640, 498960, 554400, 665280, 720720, 1081080};

  /* Find the smallest size m for the circulant embedding matrix */
    int dummy = 2 * (*ngrid - 1);
    do {
      m = HCN[k];
    } while (m < dummy);
  /* ---------- beginning of the embedding stage ---------- */
  int mbar = m * m, halfM = m / 2, notPosDef = 0;
  do {
    double *dist = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));

    notPosDef = 0;
    //Computation of the distance
    for (r=mbar;r--;){
      i = r % m;
      j = r / m;
      if (i > halfM)
	i -= m;
      if (j > halfM)
	j -= m;
      dist[r] = hypot(steps[0] * i, steps[1] * j);

    //Computations of the covariances
    rho = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));
    irho = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));
    for (i=mbar;i--;)
      irho[i] = 0;

    switch (*covmod){
    case 1:
      whittleMatern(dist, mbar, zero, sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 2:
      cauchy(dist, mbar, zero, sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 3:
      powerExp(dist, mbar, zero, sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 4:
      bessel(dist, mbar, *dim, zero, sill, *range, *smooth, rho);

    /* Compute the eigen values to check if the circulant embbeding
       matrix is positive definite */

    /* Note : The next lines is only valid for 2d random fields. I
       need to change if there are m_1 \neq m_2 as I suppose that m_1
       = m_2 = m */
    int maxf, maxp, *iwork;
    double *work;

    fft_factor(m, &maxf, &maxp);
    work = (double *)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
    fft_work(rho, irho, m, m, 1, -1, work, iwork);

    fft_factor(m, &maxf, &maxp);
    work = (double *)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
    fft_work(rho, irho, 1, m, m, -1, work, iwork);

    //Check if the eigenvalues are all positive
    for (i=mbar;i--;){
      notPosDef |= (rho[i] <= 0) || (fabs(irho[i]) > 0.001);

    if (notPosDef){
      m = HCN[k];
      halfM = m / 2;
      mbar = m * m;

    if (k > 30)
      error("Impossible to embbed the covariance matrix");
  } while (notPosDef);
  /* --------- end of the embedding stage --------- */

  /* Computation of the square root of the eigenvalues */
  for (i=mbar;i--;){
    rho[i] = sqrt(rho[i]);
    irho[i] = 0;//No imaginary part

  int mdag = m / 2 + 1, mdagbar = mdag * mdag;
  double isqrtMbar = 1 / sqrt(mbar);

  double *a = malloc(mbar * sizeof(double)),
    *ia = malloc(mbar * sizeof(double)),
    *gp = malloc(nbar * sizeof(double));

  for (int i=*nObs;i--;){
    int nKO = nbar;
    double poisson = 0;

    while (nKO){
      poisson += exp_rand();
      double ipoisson = 1 / poisson,
	thresh = *uBound * ipoisson;
      /* We simulate one realisation of a gaussian random field with
	 the required covariance function */
      circcore(rho, a, ia, m, halfM, mdag, mdagbar, *ngrid, nbar, isqrtMbar, *nugget, gp);
      nKO = nbar;
      for (int j=nbar;j--;){
	double dummy = R_pow(fmax2(gp[j], 0), *DoF) * ipoisson;
	ans[j + i * nbar] = fmax2(dummy, ans[j + i * nbar]);
	nKO -= (thresh <= ans[j + i * nbar]);
  //Lastly we multiply by the normalizing constant
  const double imean = M_SQRT_PI * R_pow(2, -0.5 * (*DoF - 2)) /
    gammafn(0.5 * (*DoF + 1));
  for (i=(nbar * *nObs);i--;)
    ans[i] *= imean;
  free(a); free(ia); free(gp);
Пример #7
void circemb(int *nsim, int *ngrid, double *steps, int *dim, int *covmod,
	     double *nugget, double *sill, double *range, double *smooth,
	     double *ans){

  int i, j, k = -1, r, nbar = *ngrid * *ngrid, m;
  //irho is the imaginary part of the covariance -> 0
  double *rho, *irho;
  const double zero = 0;
  //Below is a table of highly composite numbers
  int HCN[39] = {1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240,
		 360, 720, 840, 1260, 1680, 2520, 5040, 7560,
		 10080, 15120, 20160, 25200, 27720, 45360, 50400,
		 55440, 83160, 110880, 166320, 221760, 277200,
		 332640, 498960, 554400, 665280, 720720, 1081080};

  /* Find the smallest size m for the circulant embedding matrix */
    int dummy = 2 * (*ngrid - 1);
    do {
      m = HCN[k];
    } while (m < dummy);
  /* ---------- beginning of the embedding stage ---------- */
  int mbar = m * m, halfM = m / 2, notPosDef = 0;
  do {
    double *dist = malloc(mbar * sizeof(double));

    notPosDef = 0;
    //Computation of the distance
    for (r=mbar;r--;){
      i = r % m;
      j = r / m;
      if (i > halfM)
	i -= m;
      if (j > halfM)
	j -= m;
      dist[r] = hypot(steps[0] * i, steps[1] * j);

    //Computations of the covariances
    rho = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));
    irho = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));

    for (i=mbar;i--;)
      irho[i] = 0;

    switch (*covmod){
    case 1:
      whittleMatern(dist, mbar, zero, *sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 2:
      cauchy(dist, mbar, zero, *sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 3:
      powerExp(dist, mbar, zero, *sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 4:
      bessel(dist, mbar, *dim, zero, *sill, *range, *smooth, rho);

    /* Compute the eigen values to check if the circulant embbeding
       matrix is positive definite */

    /* Note : The next lines is only valid for 2d random fields. I
       need to change if there are m_1 \neq m_2 as I suppose that m_1
       = m_2 = m */
    int maxf, maxp, *iwork;
    double *work;

    fft_factor(m, &maxf, &maxp);
    work = (double *)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
    fft_work(rho, irho, m, m, 1, -1, work, iwork);

    fft_factor(m, &maxf, &maxp);
    work = (double *)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
    fft_work(rho, irho, 1, m, m, -1, work, iwork);

    //Check if the eigenvalues are all positive
    for (i=mbar;i--;){
      notPosDef |= (rho[i] < 0) || (fabs(irho[i]) > 0.001);

    if (notPosDef){
      m = HCN[k];
      halfM = m / 2;
      mbar = m * m;

    if (k > 30)
      error("Impossible to embbed the covariance matrix");

  } while (notPosDef);
  /* --------- end of the embedding stage --------- */

  /* Computation of the square root of the eigenvalues */
  for (i=mbar;i--;){
    rho[i] = sqrt(rho[i]);
    irho[i] = 0;//No imaginary part

  int mdag = m / 2 + 1, mdagbar = mdag * mdag;
  double isqrtMbar = 1 / sqrt(mbar);

  double *a = malloc(mbar * sizeof(double)),
    *ia = malloc(mbar * sizeof(double));
  for (k=*nsim;k--;){
    /* ---------- Simulation from \Lambda^1/2 Q* Z ------------ */
    for (r=mdagbar;r--;){
      /* Below is the procedure 5.2.4 in Wood and Chan */

      //Computation of the cardinality of A(j)
      int j1, j2,i = r % mdag, j = r / mdag;
      double u, v;

      int card = (i != 0) * (i != halfM) + 2 * (j != 0) * (j != halfM);
      switch (card){
      case 3:
	//B(1) = {1}, B^c(1) = {2}
	j1 = (m - i) + m * j;
	j2 = i + m * (m - j);
	u = norm_rand();
	v = norm_rand();
	a[j1] = ia[j1] = M_SQRT1_2 * rho[j1];
	a[j1] *= u;
	ia[j1] *= v;
	a[j2] = ia[j2] = M_SQRT1_2 * rho[j2];
	a[j2] *= u;
	ia[j2] *= -v;
	//B(2) = {1,2}, B^c(2) = {0}
	j1 = (m - i) + m * (m - j);
	j2 = i + m * j;
	u = norm_rand();
	v = norm_rand();
	a[j1] = ia[j1] = M_SQRT1_2 * rho[j1];
	a[j1]*= u;
	ia[j1] *= v;
	a[j2] = ia[j2] = M_SQRT1_2 * rho[j2];
	a[j2]*= u;
	ia[j2] *= -v;      
      case 1:
	//B(1) = 0, B^c(1) = {1}
	j1 = i + m * j;
	j2 = m - i + m * j;
	u = norm_rand();
	v = norm_rand();
	a[j1] = ia[j1] = M_SQRT1_2 * rho[j1];
	a[j1] *= u;
	ia[j1] *= v;
	a[j2] = ia[j2] = M_SQRT1_2 * rho[j2];
	a[j2] *= u;
	ia[j2] *= -v;
      case 2:
	//B(1) = 0, B^c(1) = {2}
	j1 = i + m * j;
	j2 = i + m * (m - j);
	u = norm_rand();
	v = norm_rand();
	a[j1] = ia[j1] = M_SQRT1_2 * rho[j1];
	a[j1] *= u;
	ia[j1] *= v;
	a[j2] = ia[j2] = M_SQRT1_2 * rho[j2];
	a[j2] *= u;
	ia[j2] *= -v;
      case 0:
	j1 = i + m * j;
	a[j1] = rho[j1] * norm_rand();
	ia[j1] = 0;

    /* ---------- Computation of Q \Lambda^1/2 Q* Z ------------ */
    int maxf, maxp, *iwork;
    double *work;
    /* The next lines is only valid for 2d random fields. I need to
       change if m_1 \neq m_2 as here I suppose that m_1 = m_2 = m */
    fft_factor(m, &maxf, &maxp);
    work = (double *)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
    fft_work(a, ia, m, m, 1, -1, work, iwork);
    fft_factor(m, &maxf, &maxp);
    work = (double *)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
    fft_work(a, ia, 1, m, m, -1, work, iwork);
    for (i=nbar;i--;)
      ans[i + k * nbar] = isqrtMbar * a[i % *ngrid + m * (i / *ngrid)];
  if (*nugget > 0){
    int dummy = *nsim * nbar;
    double sqrtNugget = sqrt(*nugget);
    for (i=dummy;i--;)
      ans[i] += sqrtNugget * norm_rand();


  free(a); free(ia);

Пример #8
void rgeomcirc(int *nObs, int *ngrid, double *steps, int *dim,
	       int *covmod, double *sigma2, double *nugget, double *range,
	       double *smooth, double *uBound, double *ans){
  /* This function generates random fields from the geometric model

     nObs: the number of observations to be generated
    ngrid: the number of locations along one axis
      dim: the random field is generated in R^dim
   covmod: the covariance model
     nugget: the nugget parameter
    range: the range parameter
   smooth: the smooth parameter
   uBound: the uniform upper bound for the stoch. proc.
      ans: the generated random field */

  int i, j, k = -1, nbar = R_pow_di(*ngrid, *dim), r, m;
  const double loguBound = log(*uBound), halfSigma2 = 0.5 * *sigma2,
    zero = 0;
  double sigma = sqrt(*sigma2), sill = 1 - *nugget, *rho, *irho, *dist;

  //Below is a table of highly composite numbers
  int HCN[39] = {1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240,
		 360, 720, 840, 1260, 1680, 2520, 5040, 7560,
		 10080, 15120, 20160, 25200, 27720, 45360, 50400,
		 55440, 83160, 110880, 166320, 221760, 277200,
		 332640, 498960, 554400, 665280, 720720, 1081080};

  /* Find the smallest size m for the circulant embedding matrix */
    int dummy = 2 * (*ngrid - 1);
    do {
      m = HCN[k];
    } while (m < dummy);
  /* ---------- beginning of the embedding stage ---------- */
  int mbar = m * m, halfM = m / 2, notPosDef = 0;
  do {
    dist = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));

    notPosDef = 0;
    //Computation of the distance
    for (r=mbar;r--;){
      i = r % m;
      j = r / m;
      if (i > halfM)
	i -= m;
      if (j > halfM)
	j -= m;
      dist[r] = hypot(steps[0] * i, steps[1] * j);

    //Computations of the covariances
    rho = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));
    irho = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));
    for (i=mbar;i--;)
      irho[i] = 0;

    switch (*covmod){
    case 1:
      whittleMatern(dist, mbar, zero, sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 2:
      cauchy(dist, mbar, zero, sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 3:
      powerExp(dist, mbar, zero, sill, *range, *smooth, rho);
    case 4:
      bessel(dist, mbar, *dim, zero, sill, *range, *smooth, rho);

    /* Compute the eigen values to check if the circulant embbeding
       matrix is positive definite */

    /* Note : The next lines is only valid for 2d random fields. I
       need to change if there are m_1 \neq m_2 as I suppose that m_1
       = m_2 = m */
    int maxf, maxp;

    fft_factor(m, &maxf, &maxp);
    double *work = (double *)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
    int *iwork = (int *)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
    fft_work(rho, irho, m, m, 1, -1, work, iwork);

    fft_factor(m, &maxf, &maxp);
    work = (double *)R_alloc(4 * maxf, sizeof(double));
    iwork = (int *)R_alloc(maxp, sizeof(int));
    fft_work(rho, irho, 1, m, m, -1, work, iwork);

    //Check if the eigenvalues are all positive
    for (i=mbar;i--;){
      notPosDef |= (rho[i] <= 0) || (fabs(irho[i]) > 0.001);

    if (notPosDef){
      m = HCN[k];
      halfM = m / 2;
      mbar = m * m;

    if (k > 30)
      error("Impossible to embbed the covariance matrix");
  } while (notPosDef);
  /* --------- end of the embedding stage --------- */

  /* Computation of the square root of the eigenvalues */
  for (i=mbar;i--;){
    rho[i] = sqrt(rho[i]);
    irho[i] = 0;//No imaginary part

  int mdag = m / 2 + 1, mdagbar = mdag * mdag;
  double isqrtMbar = 1 / sqrt(mbar);

  double *a = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));
  double *ia = (double *)R_alloc(mbar, sizeof(double));
  for (i=*nObs;i--;){
    int nKO = nbar;
    double poisson = 0;
    while (nKO) {
      /* The stopping rule is reached when nKO = 0 i.e. when each site
	 satisfies the condition in Eq. (8) of Schlather (2002) */
      int j;
      double *gp = (double *)R_alloc(nbar, sizeof(double));
      poisson += exp_rand();
      double ipoisson = -log(poisson), thresh = loguBound + ipoisson;
      /* We simulate one realisation of a gaussian random field with
	 the required covariance function */
      circcore(rho, a, ia, m, halfM, mdag, mdagbar, *ngrid, nbar, isqrtMbar, *nugget, gp);
      nKO = nbar;
      double ipoissonMinusHalfSigma2 = ipoisson - halfSigma2;
      for (j=nbar;j--;){
	ans[j + i * nbar] = fmax2(sigma * gp[j] + ipoissonMinusHalfSigma2,
				  ans[j + i * nbar]);
	nKO -= (thresh <= ans[j + i * nbar]);

  /* So fare we generate a max-stable process with standard Gumbel
     margins. Switch to unit Frechet ones */
  for (i=*nObs * nbar;i--;)
    ans[i] = exp(ans[i]);