Пример #1
static void
wordout_write( fields *info, FILE *outptr, param *p, unsigned long numrefs )
	int max = fields_maxlevel( info );
	int type = get_type( info );

	fprintf( outptr, "<b:Source>\n" );
	output_citeparts( info, outptr, -1, max, type );
	fprintf( outptr, "</b:Source>\n" );

	fflush( outptr );
Пример #2
modsout_write( fields *f, FILE *outptr, param *p, unsigned long numrefs )
	int max, dropkey;
	max = fields_maxlevel( f );
	dropkey = ( p->format_opts & MODSOUT_DROPKEY );

	output_head( f, outptr, dropkey, numrefs );
	output_citeparts( f, outptr, 0, max );
	modsout_report_unused_tags( f, p, numrefs );

	fprintf( outptr, "</mods>\n" );
	fflush( outptr );
Пример #3
static int
get_type( fields *f, param *p )
	int type;
	type = get_type_genre( f, p );
	if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) type = get_type_resource( f, p );
	if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) type = get_type_issuance( f, p );
	if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
		if ( fields_maxlevel( f ) > 0 ) type = TYPE_INBOOK;
		else type = TYPE_STD;

	if ( p->verbose ) {
		if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname );
		fprintf( stderr, "Final type: " );
		write_type( stderr, type );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	return type;
Пример #4
static int
bibtexout_type( fields *info, char *filename, int refnum, param *p )
    char *genre;
    int type = TYPE_UNKNOWN, i, maxlevel, n, level;

    /* determine bibliography type */
    for ( i=0; i<info->nfields; ++i ) {
        if ( strcasecmp( info->tag[i].data, "GENRE" ) &&
                strcasecmp( info->tag[i].data, "NGENRE" ) ) continue;
        genre = info->data[i].data;
        level = info->level[i];
        if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "periodical" ) ||
                !strcasecmp( genre, "academic journal" ) ||
                !strcasecmp( genre, "magazine" ) ||
                !strcasecmp( genre, "newspaper" ) ||
                !strcasecmp( genre, "article" ) )
            type = TYPE_ARTICLE;
        else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "instruction" ) )
            type = TYPE_MANUAL;
        else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "unpublished" ) )
            type = TYPE_UNPUBLISHED;
        else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "conference publication" ) ) {
            if ( level==0 ) type=TYPE_PROCEEDINGS;
            else type = TYPE_INPROCEEDINGS;
        } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "collection" ) ) {
            if ( level==0 ) type=TYPE_COLLECTION;
            else type = TYPE_INCOLLECTION;
        } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "report" ) )
            type = TYPE_REPORT;
        else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "book" ) ) {
            if ( level==0 ) type=TYPE_BOOK;
            else type=TYPE_INBOOK;
        } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "thesis" ) ) {
            if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) type=TYPE_PHDTHESIS;
        } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "Ph.D. thesis" ) )
            type = TYPE_PHDTHESIS;
        else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "Masters thesis" ) )
            type = TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS;
        else  if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "electronic" ) )
            type = TYPE_ELECTRONIC;
    if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
        for ( i=0; i<info->nfields; ++i ) {
            if ( strcasecmp( info->tag[i].data, "ISSUANCE" ) ) continue;
            if ( !strcasecmp( info->data[i].data, "monographic" ) ) {
                if ( info->level[i]==0 ) type = TYPE_BOOK;
                else if ( info->level[i]==1 ) type=TYPE_INBOOK;

    /* default to BOOK type */
    if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
        maxlevel = fields_maxlevel( info );
        if ( maxlevel > 0 ) type = TYPE_INBOOK;
        else {
            if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname );
            fprintf( stderr, "Cannot identify TYPE "
                     "in reference %d ", refnum+1 );
            n = fields_find( info, "REFNUM", -1 );
            if ( n!=-1 )
                fprintf( stderr, " %s", info->data[n].data);
            fprintf( stderr, " (defaulting to @Misc)\n" );
            type = TYPE_MISC;
    return type;
Пример #5
static int
get_type( fields *info, param *p, unsigned long refnum )
	/* Comment out TYPE_GENERIC entries as that is default, but
         * keep in source as record of mapping decision. */
	match_type match_genres[] = {
		/* MARC Authority elements */
		{ "art original",              TYPE_ARTWORK },
		{ "art reproduction",          TYPE_ARTWORK },
		{ "article",                   TYPE_ARTICLE },
		{ "atlas",                     TYPE_MAP },
		{ "autobiography",             TYPE_BOOK },
/*		{ "bibliography",              TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "biography",                 TYPE_BOOK },
		{ "book",                      TYPE_BOOK },
/*		{ "calendar",                  TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "catalog",                   TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "chart",                     TYPE_CHARTTABLE },
/*		{ "comic or graphic novel",    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "comic strip",               TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "conference publication",    TYPE_PROCEEDINGS },
		{ "database",                  TYPE_ONLINEDATABASE },
/*		{ "dictionary",                TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "diorama",                   TYPE_ARTWORK },
/*		{ "directory",                 TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "discography",               TYPE_AUDIOVISUAL },
/*		{ "drama",                     TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "encyclopedia",              TYPE_BOOK },
/*		{ "essay",                     TYPE_GENERIC }, */
/*		{ "festschrift",               TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "fiction",                   TYPE_BOOK },
		{ "filmography",               TYPE_FILMBROADCAST },
		{ "filmstrip",                 TYPE_FILMBROADCAST },
/*		{ "finding aid",               TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "flash card",                TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "folktale",                  TYPE_CLASSICALWORK },
		{ "font",                      TYPE_ELECTRONIC },
/*		{ "game",                      TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "government publication",    TYPE_GOVERNMENT },
		{ "graphic",                   TYPE_FIGURE },
		{ "globe",                     TYPE_MAP },
/*		{ "handbook",                  TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "history",                   TYPE_BOOK },
		{ "hymnal",                    TYPE_BOOK },
/*		{ "humor, satire",             TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "index",                     TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "instruction",               TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "interview",                 TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "issue",                     TYPE_ARTICLE },
		{ "journal",                   TYPE_ARTICLE },
/*		{ "kit",                       TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "language instruction",      TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "law report or digest",      TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "legal article",             TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "legal case and case notes", TYPE_CASE },
		{ "legislation",               TYPE_BILL },
		{ "letter",                    TYPE_COMMUNICATION },
		{ "loose-leaf",                TYPE_GENERIC },
		{ "map",                       TYPE_MAP },
/*		{ "memoir",                    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "microscope slide",          TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "model",                     TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "motion picture",            TYPE_AUDIOVISUAL },
		{ "multivolume monograph",     TYPE_BOOK },
		{ "newspaper",                 TYPE_NEWSARTICLE },
		{ "novel",                     TYPE_BOOK },
/*		{ "numeric data",              TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "offprint",                  TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "online system or service",  TYPE_ELECTRONIC },
		{ "patent",                    TYPE_PATENT },
		{ "periodical",                TYPE_MAGARTICLE },
		{ "picture",                   TYPE_ARTWORK },
/*		{ "poetry",                    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "programmed text",           TYPE_PROGRAM },
/*		{ "realia",                    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "rehearsal",                 TYPE_AUDIOVISUAL },
/*		{ "remote sensing image",      TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "reporting",                 TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "review",                    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "script",                    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "series",                    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "short story",               TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "slide",                     TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "sound",                     TYPE_AUDIOVISUAL },
/*		{ "speech",                    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "standard or specification", TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "statistics",                TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "survey of literature",      TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "technical drawing",         TYPE_ARTWORK },
		{ "techincal report",          TYPE_REPORT },
		{ "thesis",                    TYPE_THESIS },
/*		{ "toy",                       TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "transparency",              TYPE_GENERIC },*/
/*		{ "treaty",                    TYPE_GENERIC },*/
		{ "videorecording",            TYPE_AUDIOVISUAL },
		{ "web site",                  TYPE_ELECTRONIC },
		/* Non-MARC Authority elements */
		{ "academic journal",          TYPE_ARTICLE },
		{ "magazine",                  TYPE_MAGARTICLE },
		{ "hearing",                   TYPE_HEARING },
		{ "Ph.D. thesis",              TYPE_PHDTHESIS },
		{ "Masters thesis",            TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS },
		{ "Diploma thesis",            TYPE_DIPLOMATHESIS },
		{ "Doctoral thesis",           TYPE_DOCTORALTHESIS },
		{ "Habilitation thesis",       TYPE_HABILITATIONTHESIS },
		{ "communication",             TYPE_COMMUNICATION },
		{ "manuscript",                TYPE_MANUSCRIPT },
		{ "report",                    TYPE_REPORT },
		{ "unpublished",               TYPE_UNPUBLISHED },
	int nmatch_genres = sizeof( match_genres ) / sizeof( match_genres[0] );

	int i, j, n, maxlevel, type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
	char *tag, *data;

	/* Determine type from genre information */
	for ( i=0; i<info->n; ++i ) {
		tag = info->tag[i].data;
		if ( strcasecmp( tag, "GENRE" )!=0 &&
		     strcasecmp( tag, "NGENRE" )!=0 ) continue;
		data = info->data[i].data;
		for ( j=0; j<nmatch_genres; ++j ) {
			if ( !strcasecmp( data, match_genres[j].name ) ) {
				type = match_genres[j].type;
				fields_setused( info, i );
		if ( p->verbose ) {
			if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname );
			fprintf( stderr, "Type from tag '%s' data '%s': ", info->tag[i].data, info->data[i].data );
			write_type( stderr, type );
			fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
		if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
			if ( !strcasecmp( data, "periodical" ) )
				type = TYPE_ARTICLE;
			else if ( !strcasecmp( data, "thesis" ) )
				type = TYPE_THESIS;
			else if ( !strcasecmp( data, "book" ) ) {
				if ( info->level[i]==0 ) type = TYPE_BOOK;
				else type = TYPE_INBOOK;
			else if ( !strcasecmp( data, "collection" ) ) {
				if ( info->level[i]==0 ) type = TYPE_BOOK;
				else type = TYPE_INBOOK;
			if ( type!=TYPE_UNKNOWN ) fields_setused( info, i );
		/* the inbook type should be defined if 'book' in host */
		if ( type==TYPE_BOOK && info->level[i]>0 ) type = TYPE_INBOOK;
	if ( p->verbose ) {
		if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname );
		fprintf( stderr, "Type from genre element: " );
		write_type( stderr, type );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	/* Determine from resource information */
	if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
		for ( i=0; i<info->n; ++i ) {
			if ( strcasecmp( info->tag[i].data, "RESOURCE" ) )
			data = info->data[i].data;
			if ( !strcasecmp( data, "moving image" ) )
			else if ( !strcasecmp( data, "software, multimedia" ) )
				type = TYPE_PROGRAM;
			if ( type!=TYPE_UNKNOWN ) fields_setused( info, i );
		if ( p->verbose ) {
			if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname );
			fprintf( stderr, "Type from resource element: " );
			write_type( stderr, type );
			fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	/* Determine from issuance information */
	if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
		for ( i=0; i<info->n; ++i ) {
			if ( strcasecmp( info->tag[i].data, "ISSUANCE" ) )
			data = info->data[i].data;
			if ( !strcasecmp( data, "monographic" ) ) {
				if ( info->level[i]==0 ) type = TYPE_BOOK;
				else type = TYPE_INBOOK;
		if ( p->verbose ) {
			if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname );
			fprintf( stderr, "Type from issuance element: " );
			write_type( stderr, type );
			fprintf( stderr, "\n" );

	/* default to generic or book chapter, depending on maxlevel */
	if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) {
		maxlevel = fields_maxlevel( info );
		if ( maxlevel > 0 ) type = TYPE_INBOOK;
		else {
			if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname );
			fprintf( stderr, "Cannot identify TYPE in reference %lu ", refnum+1 );
			n = fields_find( info, "REFNUM", -1 );
			if ( n!=-1 )
				fprintf( stderr, " %s", info->data[n].data );
			fprintf( stderr, " (defaulting to generic)\n" );
			type = TYPE_GENERIC;

	if ( p->verbose ) {
		if ( p->progname ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: ", p->progname );
		fprintf( stderr, "Final type: " );
		write_type( stderr, type );
		fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
	return type;