void task_b_main(void) { struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer_ts; int i, fifobuf[128]; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf); timer_ts = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer_ts, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer_ts, 2); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { io_sti(); io_hlt(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (i == 1) { /* タスクスイッチ */ farjmp(0, 3 * 8); timer_settime(timer_ts, 2); } } } }
void task_b_main(struct SHEET *sht_win_b) { struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer_1s; int i, fifobuf[128], count = 0, count0 = 0; char s[12]; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf,0); timer_1s = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer_1s, &fifo, 100); timer_settime(timer_1s, 100); for (;;) { count++; io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (i == 100) { sprintf(s, "%11d", count - count0); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win_b, 24, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s, 11); count0 = count; timer_settime(timer_1s, 100); } } } }
void task_b_main(void) { struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer; int i, fifobuf[128]; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 500); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { io_sti(); io_hlt(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (i == 1) { taskswitch3(); } } } }
void task_b_main(void) { struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer; int i, fifobuf[128]; //extern int count; char s[MAX_LENGTH]; int count = 0; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 1); extern struct SHEET *sht_back; for (;;) { count ++ ; _io_cli(); if(fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0){ _io_stihlt(); //_io_sti(); } else{ i = fifo32_get(&fifo); _io_sti(); if(i==1){ itoa(s,count,MAX_LENGTH); putfont8_asc_sht(sht_back, 240, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_C6C6C6, s ,12 ); timer_settime(timer, 1); } } } }
void task_b_main (struct SHEET *sht_back) { struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer_ts, *timer_put; int i, fifobuf[128], count = 0; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf); timer_ts = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer_ts, &fifo, 2); timer_settime(timer_ts, 2); timer_put = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer_put, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer_put, 1); for (;;) { count++; io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { io_stihlt(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (i == 1) { char s[11]; sprintf (s, "%d", count); putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 144, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 11); timer_settime (timer_put, 1); } else if (i == 2) { // timeout 5 sec farjmp(0, 3 * 8); timer_settime(timer_ts, 2); } } } }
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet) { struct TIMER *timer; struct TASK *task = task_now(); int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_c = COL8_000000; char s[2]; fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); /* 显示提示符 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo); io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* 光标用定时器 */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 下次置0 */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } else { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 下次置1 */ cursor_c = COL8_000000; } timer_settime(timer, 50); } if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* 键盘数据(通过任务A) */ if (i == 8 + 256) { /* 退格键 */ if (cursor_x > 16) { /* 用空白擦除光标后将光标前移一位 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else { /* 一般字符 */ if (cursor_x < 240) { /* 显示一个字符之后将光标后移一位 */ s[0] = i - 256; s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } } /* 重新显示光标 */ boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } }
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet) { struct TIMER *timer; struct TASK *task = task_now(); int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_c = COL8_000000; char s[2]; fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); /* プロンプト表示 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo); io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } else { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */ cursor_c = COL8_000000; } timer_settime(timer, 50); } if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ(タスクA経由) */ if (i == 8 + 256) { /* バックスペース */ if (cursor_x > 16) { /* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else { /* 一般文字 */ if (cursor_x < 240) { /* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */ s[0] = i - 256; s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } } /* カーソル再表示 */ boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } }
void _benmain(void) { int i; int c = 0; int keybuf[128]={0}; struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, keybuf); struct TSS32 tss_a, tss_c; env_init(); /* keyboard setting */ init_kb(&fifo, 256); i=0; timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); tss_a.ldtr = 0; tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000; tss_c.ldtr = 0; tss_c.iomap = 0x40000000; set_segmdesc(gdt + 3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32); task_init(memman); /* Unfortunate try the switch back to 3*8 (_benmain) with farjmp but not working. * And the reason still unknown. * So that I use another thread_kb_io() to catch the keyboard interrupt. */ load_tr(3 * 8); // record current working task to tss_a task_create((int) &thread_kb_io, memman, "bshell"); /* strange issue encountered if run pci_init at the setup_hw() */ puts("pci scan bus\n"); pci_init(); for (;;) { asm_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { asm_stihlt(); // wake while keyboard input // got a interrupt } else { /* scan_code input */ c=fifo32_get(&fifo); asm_sti(); if (c == 1) { farjmp(0, 4*8); } else { puts("disabled boot options.\n"); } } } puts("\nSystem Halted \n"); _syshalt(); }
void keyboard(void){ struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO*) ADR_BOOTINFO; int *buf_keyboard; char *s; struct FIFO32 fifo_keyboard; buf_keyboard = (int *) memman_alloc(memman, 40); s = (char *) memman_alloc(memman, 40); fifo32_init(&fifo_keyboard, 10, buf_keyboard); init_keyboard(&fifo_keyboard, 0); for(;;){ if(fifo32_status(&fifo_keyboard) != 0){ sprintf(s, "%X", fifo32_get(&fifo_keyboard)); boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_000000, 10, 10, 26, 26); putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 10, 10, COL8_848400, s); } } }
void sysclock_task(void){ int i, j; unsigned char t[7]; char err, cnt; unsigned char *s; static unsigned char adr[7] = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x32 }; static unsigned char max[7] = { 0x60, 0x59, 0x23, 0x31, 0x12, 0x99, 0x99 }; struct CLOCK *clock_rtc; int *buf_rtc; struct FIFO32 fifo_rtc; struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO*) ADR_BOOTINFO; buf_rtc = (int *) memman_alloc(memman, 40); s = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc(memman, 6); fifo32_init(&fifo_rtc, 10, buf_rtc); clock_rtc = clock_alloc(); clock_init(clock_rtc, &fifo_rtc, 1); clock_set_time(clock_rtc, 100); for (;;) { if (fifo32_status(&fifo_rtc) != 0){ i = fifo32_get(&fifo_rtc); if (i == 1) { for (cnt = 0; cnt < 3; cnt++) { err = 0; for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { io_out8(0x70, adr[j]); t[j] = io_in8(0x71); } for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) { io_out8(0x70, adr[j]); if (t[j] != io_in8(0x71) || (t[j] & 0x0f) > 9 || t[j] > max[j]) { err = 1; } } if (err == 0) { break; } } sprintf(s, "%02X:%02X\0", t[2], t[1]); boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_000000, 100, 100, 164, 116); putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 100, 100, COL8_848400, s); clock_set_time(clock_rtc, 100); } } } }
void mouse(void){ struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO*) ADR_BOOTINFO; int *buf_mouse; char *s; struct FIFO32 fifo_mouse; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; buf_mouse = (int *) memman_alloc(memman, 40); s = (char *) memman_alloc(memman, 40); fifo32_init(&fifo_mouse, 10, buf_mouse); enable_mouse(&fifo_mouse, 0, &mdec); for(;;){ if(fifo32_status(&fifo_mouse) != 0){ if(mouse_decode(&mdec, fifo32_get(&fifo_mouse)) == 1){ sprintf(s, "X:%d Y:%d BTN:%d Phase:%d", mdec.x, mdec.y, mdec.btn, mdec.phase); boxfill8(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, COL8_FF0000, 16, 64, 220, 80); putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 16, 64, COL8_C6C6C6, s); } } } }
static int read_char_from_keyboard(int read_bytes) { struct TASK *task = current; struct CONSOLE *cons = task->cons; cons->sht->read_kb_task = task; //debug("read_bytes = %d",read_bytes); //debug("read kb pid: %d", task->pid); task->readKeyboard = 1; int i; for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->ch_buf) == 0) { task_sleep(task); /* FIFO中没有内容,睡眠等待 */ } i = fifo32_get(&task->ch_buf); io_sti(); if (i >= 256 && i<512) { /* 键盘按键 */ if (cons->cur_x < CONSOLE_CONTENT_WIDTH) { /* 显示输入的字符 */ int ch = i - 256; switch(ch){ case 8: if (read_bytes > 0) { /* 将当前的字符变为空格 */ cons->cur_x -= 8; cons->buf_x -= 8; cons_putchar(cons, ' ', 0); } break; default: cons_putchar(cons, ch, 1); } } task->readKeyboard = 0; return i - 256; } } }
void task_b_main(struct SHEET *sht_back) { struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer_put, *timer_1s; int i, fifobuf[128], count = 0, count0 = 0; char s[128]; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf); timer_put = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer_put, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer_put, 1); timer_1s = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer_1s, &fifo, 100); timer_settime(timer_1s, 100); for (;;) { count++; io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (i == 1) { sprintf(s, "+%11d, times=%d", count, task_switch_times); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 144, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 31); timer_settime(timer_put, 1); } else if (i == 100) { sprintf(s, "-%11d", count - count0); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 128, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 31); count0 = count; timer_settime(timer_1s, 100); } } } }
void task_b_main(struct SHEET *sht_back) { struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer_ls, *timer_put; int i, fifobuf[128], count = 0, count0 = 0; char s[11]; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf); timer_ls = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer_ls, &fifo, 100); timer_settime(timer_ls, 100); timer_put = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer_put, &fifo, 1); // timer_settime(timer_put, 1); for (;;) { count++; io_cli(); if (0 == fifo32_status(&fifo)) { io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (1 == i) { sprintf(s, "%x", count); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 144, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); timer_settime(timer_put, 1); } else if (100 == i) { sprintf(s, "%x", count - count0); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 128, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 11); count0 = count; timer_settime(timer_ls, 100); } } } }
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet) { struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TIMER *timer; struct TASK *task = task_now(); int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 8, cursor_c = COL8_000000; fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, task); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */ cursor_c = COL8_000000; } timer_settime(timer, 50); boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } }
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal) { int fifobuf[128]; struct TASK *task = task_now(); struct TIMER *timer; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; int *fat = (int *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 4 * 2880); struct CONSOLE cons = {sheet, 8, 28, -1}; int i; char cmdline[30]; *((int *) 0x0fec) = (int) &cons; fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); file_readfat(fat, (unsigned char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x000200)); // 将FAT展开到fat中 /* 显示提示符 */ cons_putchar(&cons, '>', 1); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo); io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* 光标用定时器 */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 下次置0 */ if (cons.cur_c >= 0) { cons.cur_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } } else { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 下次置1 */ if (cons.cur_c >= 0) { cons.cur_c = COL8_000000; } } timer_settime(timer, 50); } // 光标ON、OFF功能用于窗口切换时 if (i == 2) { /* 光标ON */ cons.cur_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } if (i == 3) { /* 光标OFF */ boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cons.cur_x, cons.cur_y, cons.cur_x + 7, cons.cur_y + 15); cons.cur_c = -1; } if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* 键盘数据(通过任务A) */ if (i == 8 + 256) { /* 退格键 */ if (cons.cur_x > 16) { /* 用空白擦除光标后将光标前移一位 */ cons_putchar(&cons, ' ', 0); cons.cur_x -= 8; } } else if (i == 10 + 256) { /* 回车键 */ /* 将光标用空格擦除后换行 */ cons_putchar(&cons, ' ', 0); cmdline[cons.cur_x / 8 - 2] = 0; cons_newline(&cons); cons_runcmd(cmdline, &cons, fat, memtotal); /* 运行命令 */ /* 显示提示符 */ cons_putchar(&cons, '>', 1); } else { /* 一般字符 */ if (cons.cur_x < 240) { /* 显示一个字符之后将光标后移一位 */ cmdline[cons.cur_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256; cons_putchar(&cons, i - 256, 1); } } } /* 重新显示光标 */ if (cons.cur_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cons.cur_c, cons.cur_x, cons.cur_y, cons.cur_x + 7, cons.cur_y + 15); } sheet_refresh(sheet, cons.cur_x, cons.cur_y, cons.cur_x + 8, cons.cur_y + 16); } } }
int *hrb_api(int edi, int esi, int ebp, int esp, int ebx, int edx, int ecx, int eax) { struct TASK *task = task_now(); int ds_base = task->ds_base; struct CONSOLE *cons = task->cons; struct SHTCTL *shtctl = (struct SHTCTL *) *((int *) 0x0fe4); struct SHEET *sht; struct FIFO32 *sys_fifo = (struct FIFO32 *) *((int *) 0x0fec); int *reg = &eax + 1; /* 返し値 */ int i; struct FILEINFO *finfo; struct FILEHANDLE *fh; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; unsigned char *p; int *memtotal = (int *) *((int *) 0x0fe2); struct TASK *task2; struct FIFO32 *fifo; struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO; int bpp = binfo->vmode; unsigned short *sp; unsigned int *ip; struct PICTURE *pic; if (edx == 1) { cons_putchar(cons, eax & 0xff, 1); } else if (edx == 2) { cons_putstr0(cons, (char *) ebx + ds_base); } else if (edx == 3) { cons_putstr1(cons, (char *) ebx + ds_base, ecx); } else if (edx == 4) { return &(task->tss.esp0); } else if (edx == 5) { sht = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht->task = task; sht->flags |= 0x10; sheet_setbuf(sht, (char *) ebx + ds_base, esi, edi, eax); make_window((unsigned int *) ((char *) ebx + ds_base), esi, edi, (char *) ecx + ds_base, 0, 0); sht->windowname = (char *) ecx + ds_base; sheet_slide(sht, ((shtctl->xsize - esi) / 2) & ~3, (shtctl->ysize - edi) / 2); keywin_off(shtctl->sheets[shtctl->top - 2]); sheet_updown(sht, shtctl->top - 1); keywin_on(sht); fifo32_put(sys_fifo, 0x4000); /* key_win変更要求 */ reg[7] = (int) sht; } else if (edx == 6) { sht = (struct SHEET *) (ebx & 0xfffffffe); putfonts((unsigned int *) (sht->buf), sht->bxsize, esi, edi, get_color(1, eax), (char *) ebp + ds_base); if ((ebx & 1) == 0) { sheet_refresh(sht, esi, edi, esi + ecx * 8, edi + 16); } } else if (edx == 7) { sht = (struct SHEET *) (ebx & 0xfffffffe); boxfill((unsigned int *) (sht->buf), sht->bxsize, get_color(1, ebp), eax, ecx, esi, edi); if ((ebx & 1) == 0) { sheet_refresh(sht, eax, ecx, esi + 1, edi + 1); } } else if (edx == 8) { memman_init((struct MEMMAN *) (ebx + ds_base)); ecx &= 0xfffffff0; /* 16バイト単位にする */ memman_free((struct MEMMAN *) (ebx + ds_base), eax, ecx); } else if (edx == 9) { ecx = (ecx + 0x0f) & 0xfffffff0; /* 16バイト単位に切り上げ */ reg[7] = memman_alloc((struct MEMMAN *) (ebx + ds_base), ecx); } else if (edx == 10) { ecx = (ecx + 0x0f) & 0xfffffff0; /* 16バイト単位に切り上げ */ memman_free((struct MEMMAN *) (ebx + ds_base), eax, ecx); } else if (edx == 11) { sht = (struct SHEET *) (ebx & 0xfffffffe); i = get_color(1, eax); if (bpp == 8) { sht->buf[sht->bxsize * edi + esi] = get_color(bpp, i); } else if (bpp == 16) { sp = (unsigned short *) (sht->buf); sp[sht->bxsize * edi + esi] = get_color(bpp, i); } else if (bpp == 24) { ip = (unsigned int *) (sht->buf); ip[sht->bxsize * edi + esi] = get_color(bpp, i); } if ((ebx & 1) == 0) { sheet_refresh(sht, esi, edi, esi + 1, edi + 1); } } else if (edx == 12) { sht = (struct SHEET *) ebx; sheet_refresh(sht, eax, ecx, esi, edi); } else if (edx == 13) { sht = (struct SHEET *) (ebx & 0xfffffffe); hrb_api_linewin(sht, eax, ecx, esi, edi, get_color(1, ebp)); if ((ebx & 1) == 0) { if (eax > esi) { i = eax; eax = esi; esi = i; } if (ecx > edi) { i = ecx; ecx = edi; edi = i; } sheet_refresh(sht, eax, ecx, esi + 1, edi + 1); } } else if (edx == 14) { sheet_free((struct SHEET *) ebx); keywin_on(shtctl->sheets[shtctl->top - 2]); } else if (edx == 15) { for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) { if (eax != 0) { /* fifoカラッポ */ task_sleep(task); /* 寝て待つ */ } else { io_sti(); reg[7] = -1; return 0; } } i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo); io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用 */ /* アプリ実行中はカーソルが出ないので、いつも次は表示用の1を注文 */ timer_init(cons->timer, &task->fifo, 1); timer_settime(cons->timer, 50); } if (i == 2) { /* カーソルON */ cons->curcol = 0xffffff; } if (i == 3) { /* カーソルOFF */ cons->curcol = -1; } if (i == 4) { timer_cancel(cons->timer); io_cli(); fifo32_put(sys_fifo, cons->sht - shtctl->sheets0 + 2024); /* 2024〜2279 */ cons->sht = 0; io_sti(); } if (i >= 256) { reg[7] = i - 256; return 0; } } } else if (edx == 16) { reg[7] = (int) timer_alloc(); ((struct TIMER *) reg[7])->flags2 = 1; /* 自動キャンセル有効 */ } else if (edx == 17) { timer_init((struct TIMER *) ebx, &task->fifo, eax + 256); } else if (edx == 18) { timer_settime((struct TIMER *) ebx, eax); } else if (edx == 19) { timer_free((struct TIMER *) ebx); } else if (edx == 20) { if (eax == 0) { /* 音を消す */ i = io_in8(0x61); io_out8(0x61, i & 0x0d); } else { i = 1193180000 / eax; io_out8(0x43, 0xb6); io_out8(0x42, i & 0xff); io_out8(0x42, i >> 8); i = io_in8(0x61); io_out8(0x61, (i | 0x03) & 0x0f); } } else if (edx == 21) {
void HariMain(void) { struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO; struct FIFO32 fifo; char s[40]; int fifobuf[128]; struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3; int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c; // cursor_x: 记录光标显示位置 unsigned int memtotal; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; struct SHTCTL *shtctl; struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win; unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win; static char keytable[0x54] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '=', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '[', ']', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, '\\', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.' }; init_gdtidt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* IDT/PIC的初始化结束,开启CPU中断 */ fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf); init_pit(); init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* 许可PIC1和键盘(11111000) */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* 许可鼠标(11101111) */ timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10); timer_settime(timer, 1000); timer2 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3); timer_settime(timer2, 300); timer3 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer3, 50); memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); // 使用的内存空间,包含了0x00400000前已用的内存 memman_init(memman); memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */ memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000); init_palette(); shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny); buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52); sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 没有透明色 */ sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); // 透明色号99 sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); /* 没有透明色 */ init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99); make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "window"); make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0); mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2; sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72); sheet_updown(sht_back, 0); sheet_updown(sht_win, 1); sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2); sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); sprintf(s, "memory %dMB free : %dKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { /* J char ss[10]; sprintf(ss, "%c", "J"); putfonts8_asc(binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, 100, 100, COL8_FFFFFF, ss); */ io_stihlt(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* 键盘数据 */ sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2); if (i < 256 + 0x54) { if (keytable[i - 256] != 0 && cursor_x < 144) { /* 通常文字 */ /* 显示1个字符就前移1次光标 */ s[0] = keytable[i - 256]; s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { /* 退格键 */ /* 用空格键把光标消去后,后移1次光标 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } /* カーソルの再表示 */ boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */ if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) { /* 鼠标的3个字节都齐了,显示出来 */ sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; } if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; } if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; } putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15); /* 移动鼠标 */ mx += mdec.x; my += mdec.y; if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; } sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { /* 按下左键、移动sht_win */ sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8); } } } else if (i == 10) { /* 10秒定时器 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7); } else if (i == 3) { /* 3秒定时器 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6); } else if (i <= 1) { /* 光标用定时器 */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); /* 下面设定0 */ cursor_c = COL8_000000; } else { timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); /* 下面设定1 */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } timer_settime(timer3, 50); boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } }
/* 控制台任务 */ void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal) { struct TIMER *timer; struct TASK *task = task_now(); int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_y = 28, cursor_c = -1; char s[30], cmdline[30], *p; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; int x, y; struct FILEINFO *finfo = (struct FILEINFO *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x002600); int *fat = (int *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 4 * 2880); struct SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *gdt = (struct SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *) ADR_GDT; fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); file_readfat(fat, (unsigned char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x000200)); /* 输出一个">" */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) { /* 控制台任务自己的缓冲区中没有数据 */ task_sleep(task); /* 睡眠自己 */ io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo); /* 读出数据 */ io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* 光标用定时器 */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 下面是设定0 */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { /* 如果需要显示光标 */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } } else { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 下面是设定1 */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { /* 如果需要显示光标 */ cursor_c = COL8_000000; } } timer_settime(timer, 50); /* 设置半秒 */ } if (i == 2) { /* 光标ON */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } if (i == 3) { /* 光标OFF */ /* 直接用黑色将原来光标的位置消去 */ boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15); cursor_c = -1; } if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* 任务A传送过来的键盘的数据 */ if (i == 8 + 256) { /* 注意!在任务A中已经将键值转换成字符的ASCII码了 */ /* 退格键 */ if (cursor_x > 16) { /* 用空格把光标消去之后 光标向左移8个像素点 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else if (i == 10 + 256) { /* 如果是回车 (10是换行符的ASCII码) */ /* Enter */ /* 用空格将光标擦除 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = 0; /* 计算前面有几个字符 在字符的后面加上'\0' */ /* 加'\0'是因为C语言中字符串都是以它结尾的 */ /* 减2是减去'\0'的位置还有一个回车的位置 所*/ /* 以最后'\0'是刚好在最后一个字符后面 */ cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); /* 换行 */ /* 执行命令 */ if (strcmp(cmdline, "mem") == 0) { /* mem命令 */ /* 输出内存总大小和空闲内存大小 */ sprintf(s, "total %dMB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024)); putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); /* 换行 */ sprintf(s, "free %dKB", memman_total(memman) / 1024); putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); /* 换行 */ cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); /* 换行 */ } else if (strcmp(cmdline, "cls") == 0) { /* cls命令 */ /* 最简单。。每个像素都设为黑色..... */ for (y = 28; y < 28 + 128; y++) { for (x = 8; x < 8 + 240; x++) { sheet->buf[x + y * sheet->bxsize] = COL8_000000; } } sheet_refresh(sheet, 8, 28, 8 + 240, 28 + 128); cursor_y = 28; } else if (strcmp(cmdline, "dir") == 0) { /* dir命令 */ for (x = 0; x < 224; x++) { /* 遍历所有的根目录条目 */ /* 这个224是在ipl10中定义的 */ if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) { /* 该条目不包含任何文件信息 */ break; } if (finfo[x].name[0] != 0xe5) { /* 该条目包含文件信息 */ if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) { /* 该条目记录的不是目录 也不是非文件信息 */ sprintf(s, "filename.ext %7d", finfo[x].size); for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) { /* 设置文件名 */ s[y] = finfo[x].name[y]; } s[ 9] = finfo[x].ext[0]; /* 设置扩展名 */ s[10] = finfo[x].ext[1]; s[11] = finfo[x].ext[2]; putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); /* 换行 */ } } } cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); /* 换行 */ } else if (strncmp(cmdline, "type ", 5) == 0) { /* type命令 */ /* 准备文件名 */ for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { s[y] = ' '; } y = 0; for (x = 5; y < 11 && cmdline[x] != 0; x++) { if (cmdline[x] == '.' && y <= 8) { y = 8; } else { s[y] = cmdline[x]; if ('a' <= s[y] && s[y] <= 'z') { /* 将小写字母转换成大写字母 */ s[y] -= 0x20; } y++; } } /* 寻找文件 */ for (x = 0; x < 224; ) { if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) { /* 该条目不包含任何文件信息 */ break; } if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) { /* 该条目记录的不是目录 也不是非文件信息 */ for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { if (finfo[x].name[y] != s[y]) { goto type_next_file; } } break; /* 找到文件就退出循环 */ } type_next_file: x++; } if (x < 224 && finfo[x].name[0] != 0x00) { /* 找到文件的情况 */ /* 分配内存 这块内存用于存放文件的内容 */ p = (char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, finfo[x].size); /* 将软盘中该文件的内容复制到p指向的内存中 */ file_loadfile(finfo[x].clustno, finfo[x].size, p, fat, (char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x003e00)); cursor_x = 8; for (y = 0; y < finfo[x].size; y++) { /* 逐个输出文件中的内容 */ s[0] = p[y]; s[1] = 0; if (s[0] == 0x09) { /* 制表符 */ for (;;) { /* 这一小段就不注释了,偷下懒 书中解释的很详细 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cursor_x += 8; if (cursor_x == 8 + 240) { cursor_x = 8; cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } if (((cursor_x - 8) & 0x1f) == 0) { break; /* 被32整除则break */ } } } else if (s[0] == 0x0a) { /* 换行 */ cursor_x = 8; cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (s[0] == 0x0d) { /* 回车 */ /* 忽略 */ } else { /* 一般字符 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; if (cursor_x == 8 + 240) { cursor_x = 8; cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } } } /* 输出完毕 将刚申请的内存空间释放掉 */ memman_free_4k(memman, (int) p, finfo[x].size); } else { /* 文件没有找到 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "File not found.", 15); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (strcmp(cmdline, "hlt") == 0) { /* 调用应用程序 */ for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { s[y] = ' '; } /* 设置文件名 */ s[0] = 'H'; s[1] = 'L'; s[2] = 'T'; s[8] = 'H'; s[9] = 'R'; s[10] = 'B'; /* 查找文件 */ for (x = 0; x < 224; ) { if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) { break; } if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) { for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { if (finfo[x].name[y] != s[y]) { goto hlt_next_file; } } break; /* 找到文件 */ } hlt_next_file: x++; } if (x < 224 && finfo[x].name[0] != 0x00) { /* 找到文件的情况 */ /* 分配一块内存 文件将被加载到这个并执行 */ p = (char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, finfo[x].size); /* 将文件的内容复制到p指向的缓冲区 */ file_loadfile(finfo[x].clustno, finfo[x].size, p, fat, (char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x003e00)); /* 为我们的应用程序创建一个描述符 */ set_segmdesc(gdt + 1003, finfo[x].size - 1, (int) p, AR_CODE32_ER); /* 跳转到应用程序执行 */ farjmp(0, 1003 * 8); /* 释放内存 */ memman_free_4k(memman, (int) p, finfo[x].size); } else { /* 文件没有找到 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "File not found.", 15); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (cmdline[0] != 0) { /* 控制台有输入但不是上面的命令 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "Bad command.", 12); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } /* 输出一个'>' */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1); cursor_x = 16; } else { /* 一般字符 */ if (cursor_x < 240) { /* 显示一个字符后光标向右移8个像素点 */ s[0] = i - 256; s[1] = 0; cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256; putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } } /* 如果需要显示光标 */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15); } sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 8, cursor_y + 16); } } }
void HariMain(void) { struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO; struct SHTCTL *shtctl; char s[40]; struct FIFO32 fifo, keycmd; int fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32]; int mx, my, i, new_mx = -1, new_my = 0, new_wx = 0x7fffffff, new_wy = 0; unsigned int memtotal; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256]; struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse; struct TASK *task_a, *task; static char keytable0[0x80] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0x08, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0x0a, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x5c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x5c, 0, 0 }; static char keytable1[0x80] = { 0, 0, '!', 0x22, '#', '$', '%', '&', 0x27, '(', ')', '~', '=', '~', 0x08, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '`', '{', 0x0a, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '+', '*', 0, 0, '}', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '_', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '|', 0, 0 }; int key_shift = 0, key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7, keycmd_wait = -1; int j, x, y, mmx = -1, mmy = -1, mmx2 = 0; struct SHEET *sht = 0, *key_win; init_gdtidt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */ fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, 0); *((int *) 0x0fec) = (int) &fifo; init_pit(); init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PITとPIC1とキーボードを許可(11111000) */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */ fifo32_init(&keycmd, 32, keycmd_buf, 0); memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); memman_init(memman); memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */ memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000); init_palette(); shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); task_a = task_init(memman); fifo.task = task_a; task_run(task_a, 1, 2); *((int *) 0x0fe4) = (int) shtctl; /* sht_back */ sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny); sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 透明色なし */ init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); /* sht_cons */ key_win = open_console(shtctl, memtotal); /* sht_mouse */ sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99); mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */ my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2; sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0); sheet_slide(key_win, 32, 4); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_updown(sht_back, 0); sheet_updown(key_win, 1); sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2); keywin_on(key_win); /* 最初にキーボード状態との食い違いがないように、設定しておくことにする */ fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); for (;;) { if (fifo32_status(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) { /* キーボードコントローラに送るデータがあれば、送る */ keycmd_wait = fifo32_get(&keycmd); wait_KBC_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait); } io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { /* FIFOがからっぽになったので、保留している描画があれば実行する */ if (new_mx >= 0) { io_sti(); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, new_mx, new_my); new_mx = -1; } else if (new_wx != 0x7fffffff) { io_sti(); sheet_slide(sht, new_wx, new_wy); new_wx = 0x7fffffff; } else { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (key_win != 0 && key_win->flags == 0) { /* ウィンドウが閉じられた */ if (shtctl->top == 1) { /* もうマウスと背景しかない */ key_win = 0; } else { key_win = shtctl->sheets[shtctl->top - 1]; keywin_on(key_win); } } if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ */ if (i < 0x80 + 256) { /* キーコードを文字コードに変換 */ if (key_shift == 0) { s[0] = keytable0[i - 256]; } else { s[0] = keytable1[i - 256]; } } else { s[0] = 0; } if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z') { /* 入力文字がアルファベット */ if (((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) || ((key_leds & 4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) { s[0] += 0x20; /* 大文字を小文字に変換 */ } } if (s[0] != 0 && key_win != 0) { /* 通常文字、バックスペース、Enter */ fifo32_put(&key_win->task->fifo, s[0] + 256); } if (i == 256 + 0x0f && key_win != 0) { /* Tab */ keywin_off(key_win); j = key_win->height - 1; if (j == 0) { j = shtctl->top - 1; } key_win = shtctl->sheets[j]; keywin_on(key_win); } if (i == 256 + 0x2a) { /* 左シフト ON */ key_shift |= 1; } if (i == 256 + 0x36) { /* 右シフト ON */ key_shift |= 2; } if (i == 256 + 0xaa) { /* 左シフト OFF */ key_shift &= ~1; } if (i == 256 + 0xb6) { /* 右シフト OFF */ key_shift &= ~2; } if (i == 256 + 0x3a) { /* CapsLock */ key_leds ^= 4; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x45) { /* NumLock */ key_leds ^= 2; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x46) { /* ScrollLock */ key_leds ^= 1; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x3b && key_shift != 0 && key_win != 0) { /* Shift+F1 */ task = key_win->task; if (task != 0 && task->tss.ss0 != 0) { cons_putstr0(task->cons, "\nBreak(key) :\n"); io_cli(); /* 強制終了処理中にタスクが変わると困るから */ task->tss.eax = (int) &(task->tss.esp0); task->tss.eip = (int) asm_end_app; io_sti(); } } if (i == 256 + 0x3c && key_shift != 0) { /* Shift+F2 */ /* 新しく作ったコンソールを入力選択状態にする(そのほうが親切だよね?) */ if (key_win != 0) { keywin_off(key_win); } key_win = open_console(shtctl, memtotal); sheet_slide(key_win, 32, 4); sheet_updown(key_win, shtctl->top); keywin_on(key_win); } if (i == 256 + 0x57) { /* F11 */ sheet_updown(shtctl->sheets[1], shtctl->top - 1); } if (i == 256 + 0xfa) { /* キーボードがデータを無事に受け取った */ keycmd_wait = -1; } if (i == 256 + 0xfe) { /* キーボードがデータを無事に受け取れなかった */ wait_KBC_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait); } } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */ if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) { /* マウスカーソルの移動 */ mx += mdec.x; my += mdec.y; if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; } new_mx = mx; new_my = my; if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { /* 左ボタンを押している */ if (mmx < 0) { /* 通常モードの場合 */ /* 上の下じきから順番にマウスが指している下じきを探す */ for (j = shtctl->top - 1; j > 0; j--) { sht = shtctl->sheets[j]; x = mx - sht->vx0; y = my - sht->vy0; if (0 <= x && x < sht->bxsize && 0 <= y && y < sht->bysize) { if (sht->buf[y * sht->bxsize + x] != sht->col_inv) { sheet_updown(sht, shtctl->top - 1); if (sht != key_win) { keywin_off(key_win); key_win = sht; keywin_on(key_win); } if (3 <= x && x < sht->bxsize - 3 && 3 <= y && y < 21) { mmx = mx; /* ウィンドウ移動モードへ */ mmy = my; mmx2 = sht->vx0; new_wy = sht->vy0; } if (sht->bxsize - 21 <= x && x < sht->bxsize - 5 && 5 <= y && y < 19) { /* 「×」ボタンクリック */ if ((sht->flags & 0x10) != 0) { /* アプリが作ったウィンドウか? */ task = sht->task; cons_putstr0(task->cons, "\nBreak(mouse) :\n"); io_cli(); /* 強制終了処理中にタスクが変わると困るから */ task->tss.eax = (int) &(task->tss.esp0); task->tss.eip = (int) asm_end_app; io_sti(); } } break; } } } } else { /* ウィンドウ移動モードの場合 */ x = mx - mmx; /* マウスの移動量を計算 */ y = my - mmy; new_wx = (mmx2 + x + 2) & ~3; new_wy = new_wy + y; mmy = my; /* 移動後の座標に更新 */ } } else { /* 左ボタンを押していない */ mmx = -1; /* 通常モードへ */ if (new_wx != 0x7fffffff) { sheet_slide(sht, new_wx, new_wy); /* 一度確定させる */ new_wx = 0x7fffffff; } } } } else if (768 <= i && i <= 1023) { /* コンソール終了処理 */ close_console(shtctl->sheets0 + (i - 768)); } } } }
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal) { struct TIMER *timer; struct TASK *task = task_now(); int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_y = 28, cursor_c = -1; char s[30], cmdline[30]; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; int x, y; fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); /* プロンプト表示 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo); io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } } else { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_000000; } } timer_settime(timer, 50); } if (i == 2) { /* カーソルON */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } if (i == 3) { /* カーソルOFF */ boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15); cursor_c = -1; } if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ(タスクA経由) */ if (i == 8 + 256) { /* バックスペース */ if (cursor_x > 16) { /* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else if (i == 10 + 256) { /* Enter */ /* カーソルをスペースで消してから改行する */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = 0; cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); /* コマンド実行 */ if (strcmp(cmdline, "mem") == 0) { /* memコマンド */ sprintf(s, "total %dMB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024)); putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); sprintf(s, "free %dKB", memman_total(memman) / 1024); putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (strcmp(cmdline, "cls") == 0) { /* clsコマンド */ for (y = 28; y < 28 + 128; y++) { for (x = 8; x < 8 + 240; x++) { sheet->buf[x + y * sheet->bxsize] = COL8_000000; } } sheet_refresh(sheet, 8, 28, 8 + 240, 28 + 128); cursor_y = 28; } else if (cmdline[0] != 0) { /* コマンドではなく、さらに空行でもない */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "Bad command.", 12); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } /* プロンプト表示 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1); cursor_x = 16; } else { /* 一般文字 */ if (cursor_x < 240) { /* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */ s[0] = i - 256; s[1] = 0; cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256; putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } } /* カーソル再表示 */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15); } sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 8, cursor_y + 16); } } }
void HariMain(void) { int i; struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)0x0ff0; int xsize = (*binfo).scrnx; int ysize = (*binfo).scrny; char *vram = (*binfo).vram; char msg[40], mcursor[256]; int mx = xsize/2; int my = ysize/2; int fifobuf[128]; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; unsigned char s[32]; unsigned int memtotal, count = 0; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR; int cursor_x, cursor_c; struct SHTCTL *shtctl; struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_win_b[3]; unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_win_b; struct TIMER *timer; struct FIFO32 fifo; struct TASK *task_a, *task_b[3]; static char keytable[0x54] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.' }; init_gdtidt (); init_pic (); io_sti (); fifo32_init(&fifo, 32, fifobuf, 0); init_pit(); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* Allow PIT and Keyboard (11111000) */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* Allow Mouse (11101111) */ init_keyboard (&fifo, 256); enable_mouse (&fifo, 512, &mdec); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); memman_init (memman); memman_free (memman, 0x00001000, 0x009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */ memman_free (memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000); init_pallete(); shtctl = shtctl_init (memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny); buf_win = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, 160 * 52); sheet_setbuf (sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); sheet_setbuf (sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); sheet_setbuf (sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); init_screen (buf_back, xsize, ysize); init_mouse_cursor8 (buf_mouse, 99); make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "task_a", 1); sprintf (s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my); putfonts8_asc (buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s); sprintf (s, "Memory %dMB, free : %dKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024); putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s); make_textbox8 (sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; //===================== // Task Settings //===================== task_a = task_init(memman); fifo.task = task_a; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sht_win_b[i] = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_win_b = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, 144 * 52); sheet_setbuf(sht_win_b[i], buf_win_b, 144, 52, -1); sprintf(s, "task_b%d", i); make_window8(buf_win_b, 144, 52, s, 0); task_b[i] = task_alloc(); task_b[i]->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8; task_b[i]->tss.eip = (int)&task_b_main; task_b[i]->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.gs = 1 * 8; *((int *)(task_b[i]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int)sht_win_b[i]; task_run (task_b[i], i+1); } //======================= // Sheet Setting //======================= sheet_slide (sht_back, 0, 0); sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_slide (sht_win_b[0], 168, 56); sheet_slide (sht_win_b[1], 8, 116); sheet_slide (sht_win_b[2], 168, 116); sheet_slide (sht_win, 8, 56); sheet_updown (sht_back, 0); sheet_updown (sht_win_b[0], 1); sheet_updown (sht_win_b[1], 2); sheet_updown (sht_win_b[2], 3); sheet_updown (sht_win, 4); sheet_updown (sht_mouse, 5); sheet_refresh (sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48); for (;;) { count ++; io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { // Keyboard Data sprintf (s, "%x", i - 256); putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2); if (i < 256 + 0x54) { if (keytable[i - 256] != 0) { s[0] = keytable[i-256]; s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { // Backspace putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { // Mouse Data if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i-512) != 0) { sprintf (s, "[lcr %d %d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; } if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; } if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; } putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15); mx += mdec.x; my += mdec.y; if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; } if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; } sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my); putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { sheet_slide (sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8); } } } else if (i == 10) { putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7); } else if (i == 3) { putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6); count = 0; } else if (i <= 1) { if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); cursor_c = COL8_000000; } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } timer_settime(timer, 50); boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } }
void HariMain(){ int *buf_clock; char *s; struct FIFO32 fifo_clock; struct CLOCK *clock; struct TASK *task_keyboard, *task_mouse, *task_rtc; int count = 0; init_all(); buf_clock = (int *) memman_alloc(memman, 40); s = (char *) memman_alloc(memman, 40); fifo32_init(&fifo_clock, 10, buf_clock); clock = clock_alloc(); clock_init(clock, &fifo_clock, 1); clock_set_time(clock, 100); io_sti(); task_run(first_task(), 2); task_keyboard = task_alloc(); task_keyboard->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024; task_keyboard->tss.eip = (int) &keyboard; task_keyboard->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_keyboard->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_keyboard->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_keyboard->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_keyboard->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_keyboard->tss.gs = 1 * 8; task_run(task_keyboard, 2); task_mouse = task_alloc(); task_mouse->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024; task_mouse->tss.eip = (int) &mouse; task_mouse->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_mouse->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_mouse->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_mouse->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_mouse->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_mouse->tss.gs = 1 * 8; task_run(task_mouse, 2); task_rtc = task_alloc(); task_rtc->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024; task_rtc->tss.eip = (int) &sysclock_task; task_rtc->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_rtc->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_rtc->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_rtc->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_rtc->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_rtc->tss.gs = 1 * 8; task_run(task_rtc, 2); for(;;){ if(fifo32_status(&fifo_clock) != 0){ panic_i(count += fifo32_get(&fifo_clock)); clock_set_time(clock, 10); } } }
void HariMain(void) { int i; struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *)0x0ff0; int xsize = (*binfo).scrnx; int ysize = (*binfo).scrny; int mx = xsize/2; int my = ysize/2; int fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32]; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; unsigned char s[32]; unsigned int memtotal; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *)MEMMAN_ADDR; int cursor_x, cursor_c; int key_to = 0, key_shift = 0, key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7, keycmd_wait = -1; struct SHTCTL *shtctl; struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_cons; unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_cons; struct TIMER *timer; struct FIFO32 fifo, keycmd; struct CONSOLE *cons; struct TASK *task_a, *task_cons; static char keytable0[0x80] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x5c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x5c, 0, 0 }; static char keytable1[0x80] = { 0, 0, '!', 0x22, '#', '$', '%', '&', 0x27, '(', ')', '~', '=', '~', 0x08, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '`', '{', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '+', '*', 0, 0, '}', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '_', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '|', 0, 0 }; init_gdtidt (); init_pic (); io_sti (); fifo32_init(&fifo, 32, fifobuf, 0); fifo32_init(&keycmd, 32, keycmd_buf, 0); init_pit(); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* Allow PIT and Keyboard (11111000) */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* Allow Mouse (11101111) */ init_keyboard (&fifo, 256); enable_mouse (&fifo, 512, &mdec); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); memman_init (memman); memman_free (memman, 0x00001000, 0x009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */ memman_free (memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000); init_pallete(); shtctl = shtctl_init (memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_back = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny); buf_win = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k (memman, 160 * 52); sheet_setbuf (sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); sheet_setbuf (sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); sheet_setbuf (sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); init_screen (buf_back, xsize, ysize); init_mouse_cursor8 (buf_mouse, 99); make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "task_a", 1); // sprintf (s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my); // putfonts8_asc (buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, s); // sprintf (s, "Memory %dMB, free : %dKB", // memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024); // putfonts8_asc(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, s); make_textbox8 (sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; //===================== // Task Settings //===================== task_a = task_init(memman); fifo.task = task_a; task_run (task_a, 1, 0); /* console sheet */ sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_cons = (unsigned char *)memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256 * 165); sheet_setbuf (sht_cons, buf_cons, 256, 165, -1); make_window8 (buf_cons, 256, 165, "console", 0); make_textbox8 (sht_cons, 8, 28, 240, 128, COL8_000000); task_cons = task_alloc (); task_cons->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k (memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 12; task_cons->tss.eip = (int)&console_task; task_cons->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_cons->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.gs = 1 * 8; *((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_cons; *((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 8)) = (int) memtotal; task_run (task_cons, 1, 0); /* level = 2, priority = 2 */ //======================= // Sheet Setting //======================= sheet_slide (sht_back, 0, 0); sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_slide (sht_cons, 32, 4); sheet_slide (sht_win, 64, 56); sheet_updown (sht_back, 0); sheet_updown (sht_cons, 1); sheet_updown (sht_win, 2); sheet_updown (sht_mouse, 3); sheet_refresh (sht_back, 0, 0, binfo->scrnx, 48); fifo32_put (&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put (&keycmd, key_leds); for (;;) { if (fifo32_status(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) { keycmd_wait = fifo32_get(&keycmd); wait_KBC_sendready (); io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait); } io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { // Keyboard Data // sprintf (s, "%x", i - 256); // putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2); if (i < 0x80 + 256) { if (key_shift == 0) { s[0] = keytable0[i - 256]; } else { s[0] = keytable1[i - 256]; } } else { s[0] = 0; } if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z') { if (((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) || ((key_leds & 4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) { s[0] += 0x20; } } if (s[0] != 0) { if (key_to == 0) { if (cursor_x < 128) { s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } else { // To Console fifo32_put (&task_cons->fifo, s[0] + 256); } } if (i == 256 + 0x0e) { // Backspace if (key_to == 0) { // To Task-A if (cursor_x > 8) { putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else { fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 8 + 256); } } if (i == 256 + 0x0f) { // Tab if (key_to == 0) { key_to = 1; make_wtitle8 (buf_win, sht_win->bxsize, "task_a", 0); make_wtitle8 (buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 1); cursor_c = -1; // Delete cursor boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, COL8_FFFFFF, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); fifo32_put (&task_cons->fifo, 2); // cursor ON console } else { key_to = 0; make_wtitle8 (buf_win, sht_win->bxsize, "task_a", 1); make_wtitle8 (buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 0); cursor_c = COL8_000000; // Delete cursor fifo32_put (&task_cons->fifo, 3); // cursor OFF console } sheet_refresh (sht_win, 0, 0, sht_win->bxsize, 21); sheet_refresh (sht_cons, 0, 0, sht_cons->bxsize, 21); } if (i == 256 + 0x1c) { if (key_to != 0) { fifo32_put (&task_cons->fifo, 10 + 256); } } if (i == 256 + 0x2a) { // Left Shift ON key_shift |= 1; } if (i == 256 + 0x36) { // Right Shift ON key_shift |= 2; } if (i == 256 + 0xaa) { // Left Shift OFF key_shift &= ~1; } if (i == 256 + 0xb6) { // Right Shift ON key_shift &= ~2; } if (i == 256 + 0x3a) { // CapsLock key_leds ^= 4; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x45) { // NumLock key_leds ^= 2; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x45) { // ScrollLock key_leds ^= 1; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0xfa) { // KeyBoard receive Data keycmd_wait = -1; } if (i == 256 + 0xfe) { // KeyBoard failed to receive Data wait_KBC_sendready (); io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait); } if (i == 256 + 0x3b && key_shift != 0 && task_cons->tss.ss0 != 0) { /* Shift+F1 */ cons = (struct CONSOLE *) *((int *) 0x0fec); cons_putstr0 (cons, "\nBreak(key) : \n"); io_cli (); task_cons->tss.eax = (int) &(task_cons->tss.esp0); task_cons->tss.eip = (int) asm_end_app; io_sti (); } // Redraw cursor if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); } sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { // Mouse Data if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i-512) != 0) { // sprintf (s, "[lcr %d %d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); // if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; } // if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; } // if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; } // putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15); mx += mdec.x; my += mdec.y; if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; } if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; } // sprintf(s, "(%d, %d)", mx, my); // putfonts8_asc_sht (sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); sheet_slide (sht_mouse, mx, my); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { sheet_slide (sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8); } } } else if (i <= 1) { if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_000000; } } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } } timer_settime(timer, 50); if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8 (sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } } }
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal) { struct TIMER *timer; struct TASK *task = task_now(); struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; int i, fifobuf[128], *fat = (int *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 4 * 2880); struct CONSOLE cons; char cmdline[30]; cons.sht = sheet; cons.cur_x = 8; cons.cur_y = 28; cons.cur_c = -1; *((int *) 0x0fec) = (int) &cons; fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); file_readfat(fat, (unsigned char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x000200)); /* プロンプト表示 */ cons_putchar(&cons, '>', 1); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo); io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */ if (cons.cur_c >= 0) { cons.cur_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } } else { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */ if (cons.cur_c >= 0) { cons.cur_c = COL8_000000; } } timer_settime(timer, 50); } if (i == 2) { /* カーソルON */ cons.cur_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } if (i == 3) { /* カーソルOFF */ boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cons.cur_x, cons.cur_y, cons.cur_x + 7, cons.cur_y + 15); cons.cur_c = -1; } if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ(タスクA経由) */ if (i == 8 + 256) { /* バックスペース */ if (cons.cur_x > 16) { /* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */ cons_putchar(&cons, ' ', 0); cons.cur_x -= 8; } } else if (i == 10 + 256) { /* Enter */ /* カーソルをスペースで消してから改行する */ cons_putchar(&cons, ' ', 0); cmdline[cons.cur_x / 8 - 2] = 0; cons_newline(&cons); cons_runcmd(cmdline, &cons, fat, memtotal); /* コマンド実行 */ /* プロンプト表示 */ cons_putchar(&cons, '>', 1); } else { /* 一般文字 */ if (cons.cur_x < 240) { /* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */ cmdline[cons.cur_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256; cons_putchar(&cons, i - 256, 1); } } } /* カーソル再表示 */ if (cons.cur_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cons.cur_c, cons.cur_x, cons.cur_y, cons.cur_x + 7, cons.cur_y + 15); } sheet_refresh(sheet, cons.cur_x, cons.cur_y, cons.cur_x + 8, cons.cur_y + 16); } } }
void console_task(struct SHEET *sheet, unsigned int memtotal) { struct TIMER *timer; struct TASK *task = task_now(); int i, fifobuf[128], cursor_x = 16, cursor_y = 28, cursor_c = -1; char s[30], cmdline[30], *p; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; int x, y; struct FILEINFO *finfo = (struct FILEINFO *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x002600); int *fat = (int *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 4 * 2880); struct SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *gdt = (struct SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *) ADR_GDT; fifo32_init(&task->fifo, 128, fifobuf, task); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); file_readfat(fat, (unsigned char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x000200)); /* プロンプト表示 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, 28, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&task->fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&task->fifo); io_sti(); if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } } else { timer_init(timer, &task->fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_000000; } } timer_settime(timer, 50); } if (i == 2) { /* カーソルON */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } if (i == 3) { /* カーソルOFF */ boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, COL8_000000, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15); cursor_c = -1; } if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ(タスクA経由) */ if (i == 8 + 256) { /* バックスペース */ if (cursor_x > 16) { /* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else if (i == 10 + 256) { /* Enter */ /* カーソルをスペースで消してから改行する */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = 0; cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); /* コマンド実行 */ if (strcmp(cmdline, "mem") == 0) { /* memコマンド */ sprintf(s, "total %dMB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024)); putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); sprintf(s, "free %dKB", memman_total(memman) / 1024); putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (strcmp(cmdline, "cls") == 0) { /* clsコマンド */ for (y = 28; y < 28 + 128; y++) { for (x = 8; x < 8 + 240; x++) { sheet->buf[x + y * sheet->bxsize] = COL8_000000; } } sheet_refresh(sheet, 8, 28, 8 + 240, 28 + 128); cursor_y = 28; } else if (strcmp(cmdline, "dir") == 0) { /* dirコマンド */ for (x = 0; x < 224; x++) { if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) { break; } if (finfo[x].name[0] != 0xe5) { if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) { sprintf(s, "filename.ext %7d", finfo[x].size); for (y = 0; y < 8; y++) { s[y] = finfo[x].name[y]; } s[ 9] = finfo[x].ext[0]; s[10] = finfo[x].ext[1]; s[11] = finfo[x].ext[2]; putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 30); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } } } cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (strncmp(cmdline, "type ", 5) == 0) { /* typeコマンド */ /* ファイル名を準備する */ for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { s[y] = ' '; } y = 0; for (x = 5; y < 11 && cmdline[x] != 0; x++) { if (cmdline[x] == '.' && y <= 8) { y = 8; } else { s[y] = cmdline[x]; if ('a' <= s[y] && s[y] <= 'z') { /* 小文字は大文字に直す */ s[y] -= 0x20; } y++; } } /* ファイルを探す */ for (x = 0; x < 224; ) { if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) { break; } if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) { for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { if (finfo[x].name[y] != s[y]) { goto type_next_file; } } break; /* ファイルが見つかった */ } type_next_file: x++; } if (x < 224 && finfo[x].name[0] != 0x00) { /* ファイルが見つかった場合 */ p = (char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, finfo[x].size); file_loadfile(finfo[x].clustno, finfo[x].size, p, fat, (char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x003e00)); cursor_x = 8; for (y = 0; y < finfo[x].size; y++) { /* 1文字ずつ出力 */ s[0] = p[y]; s[1] = 0; if (s[0] == 0x09) { /* タブ */ for (;;) { putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, " ", 1); cursor_x += 8; if (cursor_x == 8 + 240) { cursor_x = 8; cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } if (((cursor_x - 8) & 0x1f) == 0) { break; /* 4で割り切れたらbreak */ } } } else if (s[0] == 0x0a) { /* 改行 */ cursor_x = 8; cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (s[0] == 0x0d) { /* 復帰 */ /* とりあえずなにもしない */ } else { /* 普通の文字 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; if (cursor_x == 8 + 240) { cursor_x = 8; cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } } } memman_free_4k(memman, (int) p, finfo[x].size); } else { /* ファイルが見つからなかった場合 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "File not found.", 15); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (strcmp(cmdline, "hlt") == 0) { /* hlt.hrbアプリケーションを起動 */ for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { s[y] = ' '; } s[0] = 'H'; s[1] = 'L'; s[2] = 'T'; s[8] = 'H'; s[9] = 'R'; s[10] = 'B'; for (x = 0; x < 224; ) { if (finfo[x].name[0] == 0x00) { break; } if ((finfo[x].type & 0x18) == 0) { for (y = 0; y < 11; y++) { if (finfo[x].name[y] != s[y]) { goto hlt_next_file; } } break; /* ファイルが見つかった */ } hlt_next_file: x++; } if (x < 224 && finfo[x].name[0] != 0x00) { /* ファイルが見つかった場合 */ p = (char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, finfo[x].size); file_loadfile(finfo[x].clustno, finfo[x].size, p, fat, (char *) (ADR_DISKIMG + 0x003e00)); set_segmdesc(gdt + 1003, finfo[x].size - 1, (int) p, AR_CODE32_ER); farjmp(0, 1003 * 8); memman_free_4k(memman, (int) p, finfo[x].size); } else { /* ファイルが見つからなかった場合 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "File not found.", 15); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } else if (cmdline[0] != 0) { /* コマンドではなく、さらに空行でもない */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, "Bad command.", 12); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); cursor_y = cons_newline(cursor_y, sheet); } /* プロンプト表示 */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, 8, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, ">", 1); cursor_x = 16; } else { /* 一般文字 */ if (cursor_x < 240) { /* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */ s[0] = i - 256; s[1] = 0; cmdline[cursor_x / 8 - 2] = i - 256; putfonts8_asc_sht(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_000000, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } } /* カーソル再表示 */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sheet->buf, sheet->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 7, cursor_y + 15); } sheet_refresh(sheet, cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_x + 8, cursor_y + 16); } } }
void HariMain(void) { struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO; struct SHTCTL *shtctl; char s[40]; struct FIFO32 fifo, keycmd; int fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32]; int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c; unsigned int memtotal; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_cons; struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_cons; struct TASK *task_a, *task_cons; struct TIMER *timer; static char keytable0[0x80] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x5c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x5c, 0, 0 }; static char keytable1[0x80] = { 0, 0, '!', 0x22, '#', '$', '%', '&', 0x27, '(', ')', '~', '=', '~', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '`', '{', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '+', '*', 0, 0, '}', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '_', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '|', 0, 0 }; int key_to = 0, key_shift = 0, key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7, keycmd_wait = -1; struct CONSOLE *cons; init_gdtidt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */ fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, 0); init_pit(); init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PITとPIC1とキーボードを許可(11111000) */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */ fifo32_init(&keycmd, 32, keycmd_buf, 0); memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); memman_init(memman); memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */ memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000); init_palette(); shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); task_a = task_init(memman); fifo.task = task_a; task_run(task_a, 1, 2); *((int *) 0x0fe4) = (int) shtctl; /* sht_back */ sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny); sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 透明色なし */ init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); /* sht_cons */ sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_cons = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256 * 165); sheet_setbuf(sht_cons, buf_cons, 256, 165, -1); /* 透明色なし */ make_window8(buf_cons, 256, 165, "console", 0); make_textbox8(sht_cons, 8, 28, 240, 128, COL8_000000); task_cons = task_alloc(); task_cons->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 12; task_cons->tss.eip = (int) &console_task; task_cons->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_cons->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.gs = 1 * 8; *((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_cons; *((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 8)) = memtotal; task_run(task_cons, 2, 2); /* level=2, priority=2 */ /* sht_win */ sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52); sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 144, 52, -1); /* 透明色なし */ make_window8(buf_win, 144, 52, "task_a", 1); make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 128, 16, COL8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); /* sht_mouse */ sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99); mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */ my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2; sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0); sheet_slide(sht_cons, 32, 4); sheet_slide(sht_win, 64, 56); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_updown(sht_back, 0); sheet_updown(sht_cons, 1); sheet_updown(sht_win, 2); sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 3); /* 最初にキーボード状態との食い違いがないように、設定しておくことにする */ fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); for (;;) { if (fifo32_status(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) { /* キーボードコントローラに送るデータがあれば、送る */ keycmd_wait = fifo32_get(&keycmd); wait_KBC_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait); } io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ */ if (i < 0x80 + 256) { /* キーコードを文字コードに変換 */ if (key_shift == 0) { s[0] = keytable0[i - 256]; } else { s[0] = keytable1[i - 256]; } } else { s[0] = 0; } if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z') { /* 入力文字がアルファベット */ if (((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) || ((key_leds & 4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) { s[0] += 0x20; /* 大文字を小文字に変換 */ } } if (s[0] != 0) { /* 通常文字 */ if (key_to == 0) { /* タスクAへ */ if (cursor_x < 128) { /* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */ s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } else { /* コンソールへ */ fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, s[0] + 256); } } if (i == 256 + 0x0e) { /* バックスペース */ if (key_to == 0) { /* タスクAへ */ if (cursor_x > 8) { /* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else { /* コンソールへ */ fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 8 + 256); } } if (i == 256 + 0x1c) { /* Enter */ if (key_to != 0) { /* コンソールへ */ fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 10 + 256); } } if (i == 256 + 0x0f) { /* Tab */ if (key_to == 0) { key_to = 1; make_wtitle8(buf_win, sht_win->bxsize, "task_a", 0); make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 1); cursor_c = -1; /* カーソルを消す */ boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, COL8_FFFFFF, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 2); /* コンソールのカーソルON */ } else { key_to = 0; make_wtitle8(buf_win, sht_win->bxsize, "task_a", 1); make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 0); cursor_c = COL8_000000; /* カーソルを出す */ fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 3); /* コンソールのカーソルOFF */ } sheet_refresh(sht_win, 0, 0, sht_win->bxsize, 21); sheet_refresh(sht_cons, 0, 0, sht_cons->bxsize, 21); } if (i == 256 + 0x2a) { /* 左シフト ON */ key_shift |= 1; } if (i == 256 + 0x36) { /* 右シフト ON */ key_shift |= 2; } if (i == 256 + 0xaa) { /* 左シフト OFF */ key_shift &= ~1; } if (i == 256 + 0xb6) { /* 右シフト OFF */ key_shift &= ~2; } if (i == 256 + 0x3a) { /* CapsLock */ key_leds ^= 4; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x45) { /* NumLock */ key_leds ^= 2; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x46) { /* ScrollLock */ key_leds ^= 1; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x3b && key_shift != 0 && task_cons->tss.ss0 != 0) { /* Shift+F1 */ cons = (struct CONSOLE *) *((int *) 0x0fec); cons_putstr0(cons, "\nBreak(key) :\n"); io_cli(); /* 強制終了処理中にタスクが変わると困るから */ task_cons->tss.eax = (int) &(task_cons->tss.esp0); task_cons->tss.eip = (int) asm_end_app; io_sti(); } if (i == 256 + 0x57 && shtctl->top > 2) { /* F11 */ sheet_updown(shtctl->sheets[1], shtctl->top - 1); } if (i == 256 + 0xfa) { /* キーボードがデータを無事に受け取った */ keycmd_wait = -1; } if (i == 256 + 0xfe) { /* キーボードがデータを無事に受け取れなかった */ wait_KBC_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait); } /* カーソルの再表示 */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); } sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */ if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) { /* マウスカーソルの移動 */ mx += mdec.x; my += mdec.y; if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; } sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { /* 左ボタンを押していたら、sht_winを動かす */ sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8); } } } else if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_000000; } } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } } timer_settime(timer, 50); if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } } }
void HariMain(void) { struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO; struct FIFO32 fifo; char s[40]; int fifobuf[128]; int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c; unsigned int memtotal; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; struct SHTCTL *shtctl; static char keytable[0x54] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.' }; unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_win_b; struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_win_b[3]; struct TASK *task_a, *task_b[3]; struct TIMER *timer; init_gdtidt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); /* IDT/PICの初期化が終わったのでCPUの割り込み禁止を解除 */ fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, 0); init_pit(); init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PITとPIC1とキーボードを許可(11111000) */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* マウスを許可(11101111) */ memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); memman_init(memman); memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */ memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000); init_palette(); shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); task_a = task_init(memman); fifo.task = task_a; /* sht_back */ sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny); sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 透明色なし */ init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); /* sht_win_b */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sht_win_b[i] = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_win_b = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 144 * 52); sheet_setbuf(sht_win_b[i], buf_win_b, 144, 52, -1); /* 透明色なし */ sprintf(s, "task_b%d", i); make_window8(buf_win_b, 144, 52, s, 0); task_b[i] = task_alloc(); task_b[i]->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8; task_b[i]->tss.eip = (int) &task_b_main; task_b[i]->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.gs = 1 * 8; *((int *) (task_b[i]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_win_b[i]; task_run(task_b[i]); } /* sht_win */ sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52); sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 144, 52, -1); /* 透明色なし */ make_window8(buf_win, 144, 52, "task_a", 1); make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 128, 16, COL8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); /* sht_mouse */ sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99); mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 画面中央になるように座標計算 */ my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2; sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0); sheet_slide(sht_win_b[0], 168, 56); sheet_slide(sht_win_b[1], 8, 116); sheet_slide(sht_win_b[2], 168, 116); sheet_slide(sht_win, 8, 56); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_updown(sht_back, 0); sheet_updown(sht_win_b[0], 1); sheet_updown(sht_win_b[1], 2); sheet_updown(sht_win_b[2], 3); sheet_updown(sht_win, 4); sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 5); sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); sprintf(s, "memory %dMB free : %dKB", memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40); for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /* キーボードデータ */ sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2); if (i < 0x54 + 256) { if (keytable[i - 256] != 0 && cursor_x < 128) { /* 通常文字 */ /* 一文字表示してから、カーソルを1つ進める */ s[0] = keytable[i - 256]; s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { /* バックスペース */ /* カーソルをスペースで消してから、カーソルを1つ戻す */ putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } /* カーソルの再表示 */ boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* マウスデータ */ if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) { /* データが3バイト揃ったので表示 */ sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; } if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; } if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; } putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15); /* マウスカーソルの移動 */ mx += mdec.x; my += mdec.y; if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; } sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { /* 左ボタンを押していたら、sht_winを動かす */ sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8); } } } else if (i <= 1) { /* カーソル用タイマ */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); /* 次は0を */ cursor_c = COL8_000000; } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); /* 次は1を */ cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } timer_settime(timer, 50); boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } }
void HariMain(void) { struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) 0x0ff0;//the boot info saved in asmhead char s[40]; int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c; unsigned int memtotal; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; //内存管理结构地址 struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; struct SHTCTL *shtctl; static char keytable0[0x80] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x5c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x5c, 0, 0 }; static char keytable1[0x80] = { 0, 0, '!', 0x22, '#', '$', '%', '&', 0x27, '(', ')', '~', '=', '~', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '`', '{', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '+', '*', 0, 0, '}', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', '<', '>', '?', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '_', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '|', 0, 0 }; unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win, *buf_win_b, *buf_cons; struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win, *sht_win_b[3], *sht_cons; struct TASK *task_a, *task_b[3], *task_cons; struct TIMER *timer; int key_to = 0, key_shift = 0, key_leds = (binfo->leds >> 4) & 7, keycmd_wait = -1; struct FIFO32 fifo, keycmd; int fifobuf[128], keycmd_buf[32]; init_gdtidt(); init_pic();//init the programed interrupt controller. io_sti(); // enable interrupt fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf, 0);//初始化队列 init_pit();//初始化计时器; init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec);//鼠标中断 io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); /* PIC1 允许 0(timer),1,2号中断,屏蔽其他(11111000) */ io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); /* 允许c号中断,屏蔽其他(11101111) */ fifo32_init(&keycmd, 32, keycmd_buf, 0); //内存管理初始化 memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); memman_init(memman); memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); /* 0x00001000 - 0x0009efff */ memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000); init_palette(); //调色板 shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny);//对图层管理结构体的初始化 task_a = task_init(memman); fifo.task = task_a; task_run(task_a,1,0); *((int *) 0x0fe4) = (int) shtctl; /* sht_back */ sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny); sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); /* 无透明色 */ /*桌面先显示到内存中*/ init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); /* sht_cons */ sht_cons = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_cons = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 256 * 165); sheet_setbuf(sht_cons, buf_cons, 256, 165, -1); /* 摟柧怓側偟 */ make_window8(buf_cons, 256, 165, "console", 0); make_textbox8(sht_cons, 8, 28, 240, 128, COL8_000000); task_cons = task_alloc(); task_cons->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 12; task_cons->tss.eip = (int) &console_task; task_cons->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_cons->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_cons->tss.gs = 1 * 8; *((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_cons; *((int *) (task_cons->tss.esp + 8)) = memtotal; task_run(task_cons, 2, 2); /* level=2, priority=2 */ /* sht_mouse */ sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); /*鼠标显示到内存中*/ init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99); mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; /* 夋柺拞墰偵側傞傛偆偵嵗昗寁嶼 */ my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2; /* sht_win_b */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sht_win_b[i] = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_win_b = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 144 * 52); sheet_setbuf(sht_win_b[i], buf_win_b, 144, 52, -1); /* 无透明 */ sprintf(s, "task_b%d", i); make_window8(buf_win_b, 144, 52, s, 0); task_b[i] = task_alloc(); task_b[i]->tss.esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024 - 8; task_b[i]->tss.eip = (int) &task_b_main; task_b[i]->tss.es = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.cs = 2 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.ss = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.ds = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.fs = 1 * 8; task_b[i]->tss.gs = 1 * 8; *((int *) (task_b[i]->tss.esp + 4)) = (int) sht_win_b[i]; //task_run(task_b[i],2,i+1); } /* sht_win */ sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52); sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 144, 52, -1); /* 摟柧怓側偟 */ make_window8(buf_win, 144, 52, "task_a", 1); make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 128, 16, COL8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF;//白色 timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer, 50); sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0); sheet_slide(sht_win_b[0], 168, 56); sheet_slide(sht_win_b[1], 8, 116); sheet_slide(sht_win_b[2], 168, 116); sheet_slide(sht_win, 8, 56); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_slide(sht_cons, 32, 4); /*设置图层高度,并显示*/ sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0); sheet_slide(sht_cons, 32, 4); sheet_slide(sht_win, 64, 56); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_updown(sht_back, 0); sheet_updown(sht_cons, 1); sheet_updown(sht_win, 2); sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 3); //键盘指示灯 fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); for (;;) { if (fifo32_status(&keycmd) > 0 && keycmd_wait < 0) { /* 如果存在向键盘控制器发送的的数据,则发送 */ keycmd_wait = fifo32_get(&keycmd); wait_KBC_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait); } io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { task_sleep(task_a); io_sti(); } else{ i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <= i && i <= 511) { /*键盘数据 */ if (i < 0x80 + 256) { /* 将按键编码转换成字符编码 */ if (key_shift == 0) { s[0] = keytable0[i - 256]; } else { s[0] = keytable1[i - 256]; } } else { s[0] = 0; } if ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z') { /* 当输入的字符为英文字母时 */ if (((key_leds & 4) == 0 && key_shift == 0) || ((key_leds & 4) != 0 && key_shift != 0)) { s[0] += 0x20; /* 将大写字母转换时为小写字母 */ } } if (s[0] != 0) { /* 一般字符 */ if (key_to == 0) { /* 发送给任务A */ if (cursor_x < 128) { s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } else { /* 发送给命令行窗口 */ fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, s[0] + 256); } } if (i == 256 + 0x0e) { /* 退格键 */ if (key_to == 0) { /* 发送给任务A */ if (cursor_x > 8) { /* 用白色擦出光标后将光标前移移位*/ putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } } else { /* 发送给命令窗口 */ fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 8 + 256); } } if (i == 256 + 0x3a) { /* CapsLock */ key_leds ^= 4; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x45) { /* NumLock */ key_leds ^= 2; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x46) { /* ScrollLock */ key_leds ^= 1; fifo32_put(&keycmd, KEYCMD_LED); fifo32_put(&keycmd, key_leds); } if (i == 256 + 0x0f) { /* Tab */ if (key_to == 0) { key_to = 1; make_wtitle8(buf_win, sht_win->bxsize, "task_a", 0); make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 1); cursor_c = -1; /* 不显示光标 */ boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, COL8_FFFFFF, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 2); /* 令命令行窗口光标ON */ } else { key_to = 0; make_wtitle8(buf_win, sht_win->bxsize, "task_a", 1); make_wtitle8(buf_cons, sht_cons->bxsize, "console", 0); cursor_c = COL8_000000; /* 显示光标 */ fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 3); /* 令命令行窗口光标OFF */ } sheet_refresh(sht_win, 0, 0, sht_win->bxsize, 21); sheet_refresh(sht_cons, 0, 0, sht_cons->bxsize, 21); } if (i == 256 + 0x2a) { /* ON */ key_shift |= 1; } if (i == 256 + 0x36) { /* ON */ key_shift |= 2; } if (i == 256 + 0xaa) { /* OFF */ key_shift &= ~1; } if (i == 256 + 0xb6) { /* OFF */ key_shift &= ~2; } if (i == 256 + 0xfa) { /* 键盘成功接收 */ keycmd_wait = -1; } if (i == 256 + 0xfe) { /* 键盘没有成功接收到数据 */ wait_KBC_sendready(); io_out8(PORT_KEYDAT, keycmd_wait); } if (i == 256 + 0x1c) { /* Enter */ if (key_to != 0) { /* 发送命令给窗口 */ fifo32_put(&task_cons->fifo, 10 + 256); } } //重新显示光标 if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); } sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { /* 鼠标数据 */ if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) { /* 鼠标指针移动 */ mx += mdec.x; my += mdec.y; if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; } sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { /* 始终定位鼠标的左上角 */ sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8); } } }else if (i <= 1) { /* 光标定时器 */ if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 0); /* 下次置0 */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_000000; } } else { timer_init(timer, &fifo, 1); /* 下次置1 */ if (cursor_c >= 0) { cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } } timer_settime(timer, 50); if (cursor_c >= 0) { boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } } }
void HariMain(void) { struct BOOTINFO *binfo = (struct BOOTINFO *) ADR_BOOTINFO; struct FIFO32 fifo; char s[40]; int fifobuf[128]; struct TIMER *timer, *timer2, *timer3; int mx, my, i, cursor_x, cursor_c, task_b_esp; unsigned int memtotal; struct MOUSE_DEC mdec; struct MEMMAN *memman = (struct MEMMAN *) MEMMAN_ADDR; struct SHTCTL *shtctl; struct SHEET *sht_back, *sht_mouse, *sht_win; unsigned char *buf_back, buf_mouse[256], *buf_win; static char keytable[0x54] = { 0, 0, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '0', '-', '^', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P', '@', '[', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ';', ':', 0, 0, ']', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', ',', '.', '/', 0, '*', 0, ' ', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6', '+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.' }; struct TSS32 tss_a, tss_b; struct SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *gdt = (struct SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *) ADR_GDT; init_gdtidt(); init_pic(); io_sti(); fifo32_init(&fifo, 128, fifobuf); init_pit(); init_keyboard(&fifo, 256); enable_mouse(&fifo, 512, &mdec); io_out8(PIC0_IMR, 0xf8); io_out8(PIC1_IMR, 0xef); timer = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer, &fifo, 10); timer_settime(timer, 1000); timer2 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer2, &fifo, 3); timer_settime(timer2, 300); timer3 = timer_alloc(); timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); timer_settime(timer3, 50); memtotal = memtest(0x00400000, 0xbfffffff); memman_init(memman); memman_free(memman, 0x00001000, 0x0009e000); memman_free(memman, 0x00400000, memtotal - 0x00400000); init_palette(); shtctl = shtctl_init(memman, binfo->vram, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); sht_back = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht_mouse = sheet_alloc(shtctl); sht_win = sheet_alloc(shtctl); buf_back = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, binfo->scrnx * binfo->scrny); buf_win = (unsigned char *) memman_alloc_4k(memman, 160 * 52); sheet_setbuf(sht_back, buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny, -1); sheet_setbuf(sht_mouse, buf_mouse, 16, 16, 99); sheet_setbuf(sht_win, buf_win, 160, 52, -1); init_screen8(buf_back, binfo->scrnx, binfo->scrny); init_mouse_cursor8(buf_mouse, 99); make_window8(buf_win, 160, 52, "window"); make_textbox8(sht_win, 8, 28, 144, 16, COL8_FFFFFF); cursor_x = 8; cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; sheet_slide(sht_back, 0, 0); mx = (binfo->scrnx - 16) / 2; my = (binfo->scrny - 28 - 16) / 2; sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); sheet_slide(sht_win, 80, 72); sheet_updown(sht_back, 0); sheet_updown(sht_win, 1); sheet_updown(sht_mouse, 2); sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); sprintf(s, "memory %dMB free : %dKB" , memtotal / (1024 * 1024), memman_total(memman) / 1024); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 32, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 40); tss_a.ldtr = 0; tss_a.iomap = 0x40000000; tss_b.ldtr = 0; tss_b.iomap = 0x40000000; set_segmdesc(gdt + 3, 103, (int) &tss_a, AR_TSS32); set_segmdesc(gdt + 4, 103, (int) &tss_b, AR_TSS32); load_tr(3 * 8); task_b_esp = memman_alloc_4k(memman, 64 * 1024) + 64 * 1024; tss_b.eip = (int) &task_b_main; tss_b.eflags = 0x00000202; tss_b.eax = 0; tss_b.ecx = 0; tss_b.edx = 0; tss_b.ebx = 0; tss_b.esp = task_b_esp; tss_b.ebp = 0; tss_b.esi = 0; tss_b.edi = 0; tss_b.es = 1 * 8; tss_b.cs = 2 * 8; tss_b.ss = 1 * 8; tss_b.ds = 1 * 8; tss_b.fs = 1 * 8; tss_b.gs = 1 * 8; for (;;) { io_cli(); if (fifo32_status(&fifo) == 0) { io_stihlt(); } else { i = fifo32_get(&fifo); io_sti(); if (256 <=i && i <= 511) { sprintf(s, "%02X", i - 256); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 2); if (i < 0x54 + 256) { if (keytable[i - 256] != 0 && cursor_x < 144) { s[0] = keytable[i - 256]; s[1] = 0; putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x , 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, s, 1); cursor_x += 8; } } if (i == 256 + 0x0e && cursor_x > 8) { putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, COL8_000000, COL8_FFFFFF, " ", 1); cursor_x -= 8; } boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } else if (512 <= i && i <= 767) { if (mouse_decode(&mdec, i - 512) != 0) { sprintf(s, "[lcr %4d %4d]", mdec.x, mdec.y); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { s[1] = 'L'; } if ((mdec.btn & 0x02) != 0) { s[3] = 'R'; } if ((mdec.btn & 0x04) != 0) { s[2] = 'C'; } putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 32, 16, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 15); mx += mdec.x; my += mdec.y; if (mx < 0) { mx = 0; } if (my < 0) { my = 0; } if (mx > binfo->scrnx - 1) { mx = binfo->scrnx - 1; } if (my > binfo->scrny - 1) { my = binfo->scrny - 1; } sprintf(s, "(%3d, %3d)", mx, my); putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 0, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, s, 10); sheet_slide(sht_mouse, mx, my); if ((mdec.btn & 0x01) != 0) { sheet_slide(sht_win, mx - 80, my - 8); } } } else if (i == 10) { putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 64, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "10[sec]", 7); taskswitch4(); } else if (i == 3) { putfonts8_asc_sht(sht_back, 0, 80, COL8_FFFFFF, COL8_008484, "3[sec]", 6); } else if (i <= 1) { if (i != 0) { timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 0); cursor_c = COL8_000000; } else { timer_init(timer3, &fifo, 1); cursor_c = COL8_FFFFFF; } timer_settime(timer3, 50); boxfill8(sht_win->buf, sht_win->bxsize, cursor_c, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 7, 43); sheet_refresh(sht_win, cursor_x, 28, cursor_x + 8, 44); } } } }