DatabaseViewComponent::DatabaseViewComponent(GuiContainer* owner) : GuiElement(owner, "DATABASE_VIEW") { database_entry = nullptr; item_list = new GuiListbox(this, "DATABASE_ITEM_LIST", [this](int index, string value) { P<ScienceDatabase> entry; if (selected_entry) { if (index == 0) { selected_entry = selected_entry->parent; fillListBox(); }else{ entry = selected_entry->items[index - 1]; } } else { entry = ScienceDatabase::science_databases[index]; } display(entry); }); item_list->setPosition(0, 0, ATopLeft)->setMargins(20, 20, 20, 130)->setSize(400, GuiElement::GuiSizeMax); fillListBox(); }
void ClassAssociationsPage::slotMenuSelection(QAction* action) { int currentItemIndex = m_pAssocLW->currentRow(); if (currentItemIndex == -1) { return; } AssociationWidget * a =; ListPopupMenu::MenuType id = ListPopupMenu::typeFromAction(action); switch (id) { case ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete: m_pScene->removeAssocInViewAndDoc(a); fillListBox(); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Line_Color: //:TODO: uDebug() << "MenuType mt_Line_Color not yet implemented!"; break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Properties: slotDoubleClick(m_pAssocLW->currentItem()); break; default: uDebug() << "MenuType " << ListPopupMenu::toString(id) << " not implemented"; } }
/** * Constructs an instance of AssocPage. * * @param parent The parent of the page * @param s The scene on which the UMLObject is being represented * @param o The UMLObject being represented */ ClassAssociationsPage::ClassAssociationsPage(QWidget *parent, UMLScene *s, UMLObject *o) : DialogPageBase(parent), m_pObject(o), m_pScene(s) { int margin = fontMetrics().height(); QHBoxLayout * mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout(this); mainLayout->setSpacing(10); m_pAssocGB = new QGroupBox(i18n("Associations"), this); mainLayout->addWidget(m_pAssocGB); QHBoxLayout * layout = new QHBoxLayout(m_pAssocGB); layout->setSpacing(10); layout->setMargin(margin); m_pAssocLW = new QListWidget(m_pAssocGB); m_pAssocLW->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); layout->addWidget(m_pAssocLW); setMinimumSize(310, 330); fillListBox(); connect(m_pAssocLW, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(slotDoubleClick(QListWidgetItem*))); connect(m_pAssocLW, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(slotRightButtonPressed(QPoint))); }
void AssocTab::slotPopupMenuSel(QAction* action) { int currentItemIndex = m_pAssocTW->currentRow(); if ( currentItemIndex == -1 ) { return; } AssociationWidget * a =; ListPopupMenu::Menu_Type id = m_pMenu->getMenuType(action); switch (id) { case ListPopupMenu::mt_Delete: m_pView->removeAssocInViewAndDoc(a); fillListBox(); break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Line_Color: //:TODO: uDebug() << "Menu_Type mt_Line_Color not yet implemented!"; break; case ListPopupMenu::mt_Properties: slotDoubleClick(m_pAssocTW->currentItem()); break; default: uDebug() << "Menu_Type " << id << " not implemented"; } }
static void onInitDialog(HWND hWnd, LPSTR lpsz) { hWndDirPicker = hWnd; lpszStringToReturn = lpsz; hIconDrives[0] = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_DRIVEFLOPPY)); hIconDrives[1] = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_DRIVEHARD)); hIconDrives[2] = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_DRIVENETWORK)); hIconDrives[3] = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_DRIVECDROM)); hIconDrives[4] = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_DRIVERAM)); hIconFolders[0] = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_FOLDERCLOSED)); hIconFolders[1] = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_FOLDEROPEN)); hIconFolders[2] = LoadIcon(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ID_ICON_OPENSELECT)); if(lpsz[0] == '\0') _getcwd(lpsz, _MAX_PATH); else if(lpsz[lstrlen(lpsz) - 1] == ':') lstrcat(lpsz, "\\"); int ret = _chdir(lpsz); if(ret == -1) { char szText[_MAX_PATH + 80]; sprintf(szText, "The specified directory %s\ncannot be found", lpsz); MessageBox(GetParent(hWnd), szText, "Choose Directory", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK); _getcwd(lpsz, _MAX_PATH); } if((lpsz[0] == '\\') && (lpsz[1] == '\\')) fillUNCRootArray(lpsz); fillListBox(hWnd, lpsz); fillComboBox(hWnd); }
void AssocTab::setObject(UMLObject * o, UMLView * v) { if (m_pObject != o) { m_pObject = o; m_pView = v; fillListBox(); } }
void dlgNewVSCPSession::OnInitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent& event) { ////@begin wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG event handler for ID_DIALOG_NEW_VSCP_SESSION in DlgNewVSCPSession. // Before editing this code, remove the block markers. event.Skip(); ////@end wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG event handler for ID_DIALOG_NEW_VSCP_SESSION in DlgNewVSCPSession. fillListBox(wxString(_(""))); }
/** * Show the screen. * If it is called from WebScreen it does not need refresh, * but if from TitleScreen the list box needs refresh. */ void SummaryScreen::showScreen(bool needsRefresh) { // Each time this screen is shown, refresh the list taken from the engine. if ( needsRefresh ){ fillListBox(); } // Display the current screen. BasicScreen::showScreen(); }
void dlgNewVSCPSession::OnButtonRemoveClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { int selidx = -1; if (wxNOT_FOUND != (selidx = m_ctrlListInterfaces->GetSelection())) { if ((0 == selidx) && m_bShowUnconnectedMode) { wxMessageBox(_("Can't remove this line.")); } else { if (wxYES == wxMessageBox(_("Do you really want to remove interface?"), _("Confirm"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL)) { both_interface *pBoth = (both_interface *) m_ctrlListInterfaces->GetClientData(selidx); if (NULL != pBoth) { if ((INTERFACE_CANAL == pBoth->m_type) && (NULL != pBoth->m_pcanalif)) { if (g_Config.m_canalIfList.DeleteObject(pBoth->m_pcanalif)) { delete pBoth->m_pcanalif; fillListBox(wxString(_(""))); ::wxGetApp().writeConfiguration(); } } else if ( ( INTERFACE_VSCP == pBoth->m_type ) && ( NULL != pBoth->m_pvscpif ) ) { if (g_Config.m_vscpIfList.DeleteObject(pBoth->m_pvscpif)) { delete pBoth->m_pvscpif; fillListBox(wxString(_(""))); ::wxGetApp().writeConfiguration(); } } } } } } else { wxMessageBox(_("You need to select one interface to remove before this operation can be performed."), _("Remove interface"), wxICON_INFORMATION); } event.Skip(); }
/** * Show the screen. * If it does not need refresh, it is called from the SummaryScreen. * The list box need refresh when this is called from the home screen. */ void TitleScreen::showScreen(bool needsRefresh) { if (needsRefresh) { // Each time a new search is initiated, refresh the check box list. // Data is taken from the engine. fillListBox(); } // Display the current screen. BasicScreen::showScreen(); }
static void rebuildIpsList() { fillListBox(); checkActivePatches(); // parse ips relations if (parseRelations()) { hasAssist = FALSE; } else { hasAssist = TRUE; } EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hIpsDlg, IDC_IPS_ENFORCE), hasAssist); }
void ClassAssociationsPage::slotDoubleClick(QListWidgetItem * item) { if (!item) { return; } int row = m_pAssocLW->currentRow(); if (row == -1) { return; } AssociationWidget * a =; a->showPropertiesDialog(); fillListBox(); }
void AssocTab::slotDoubleClick(QTableWidgetItem * item) { if (!item) { return; } int row = m_pAssocTW->currentRow(); if ( row == -1 ) { return; } AssociationWidget * a =; if (a->showDialog()) { fillListBox(); } }
void WizardEditor::applyClicked() { if ( commands.isEmpty() ) return; // schedule macro command MacroCommand* cmd = new MacroCommand( tr( "Edit Wizard Pages" ), formwindow, commands ); formwindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); // clear command list commands.clear(); // fix wizard buttons for ( int i = 0; i < wizard->pageCount(); i++ ) { QWidget * page = wizard->page( i ); if ( i == 0 ) { // first page wizard->setBackEnabled( page, FALSE ); wizard->setNextEnabled( page, TRUE ); } else if ( i == wizard->pageCount() - 1 ) { // last page wizard->setBackEnabled( page, TRUE ); wizard->setNextEnabled( page, FALSE ); } else { wizard->setBackEnabled( page, TRUE ); wizard->setNextEnabled( page, TRUE ); } wizard->setFinishEnabled( page, FALSE ); } // update listbox int index = listBox->currentItem(); fillListBox(); listBox->setCurrentItem( index ); // show current page wizard->showPage( wizard->page( 0 ) ); }
WizardEditor::WizardEditor( QWidget *parent, QWizard *w, FormWindow *fw ) : WizardEditorBase( parent, 0 ), formwindow( fw ), wizard( w ), draggedItem( 0 ) { connect( buttonHelp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), MainWindow::self, SLOT( showDialogHelp() ) ); fillListBox(); // Add drag and drop ListBoxDnd *listBoxDnd = new ListBoxDnd( listBox ); listBoxDnd->setDragMode( ListBoxDnd::Internal | ListBoxDnd::Move ); QObject::connect( listBoxDnd, SIGNAL( dropped( QListBoxItem * ) ), listBoxDnd, SLOT( confirmDrop( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); QObject::connect( listBoxDnd, SIGNAL( dragged( QListBoxItem * ) ), this, SLOT( itemDragged( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); QObject::connect( listBoxDnd, SIGNAL( dropped( QListBoxItem * ) ), this, SLOT( itemDropped( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); // Add in-place rename new ListBoxRename( listBox ); }
void HelpDialogCallBack( a_dialog *info ) { char buf[_MAX_PATH]; unsigned len; if( info != curHelpDialog ) return; if( info->curr == editVField ) { if( info->edit_data->edit_eline.dirty ) { curHelpDialog->edit_data->edit_eline.dirty = FALSE; len = min( editCtl.length, sizeof( buf ) ); strncpy( buf, editCtl.buffer, len ); buf[ len ] = '\0'; len--; while( len > 0 && isspace( buf[len] ) ) { buf[len] = '\0'; len--; } fillListBox( buf ); } } }
//! constructor CGUIFileOpenDialog::CGUIFileOpenDialog(const wchar_t* title, IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, bool restoreCWD, io::path::char_type* startDir) : IGUIFileOpenDialog(environment, parent, id, core::rect<s32>((parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth()-FOD_WIDTH)/2, (parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight()-FOD_HEIGHT)/2, (parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth()-FOD_WIDTH)/2+FOD_WIDTH, (parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight()-FOD_HEIGHT)/2+FOD_HEIGHT)), FileNameText(0), FileList(0), Dragging(false) { #ifdef _DEBUG IGUIElement::setDebugName("CGUIFileOpenDialog"); #endif Text = title; FileSystem = Environment?Environment->getFileSystem():0; if (FileSystem) { FileSystem->grab(); if (restoreCWD) RestoreDirectory = FileSystem->getWorkingDirectory(); if (startDir) { StartDirectory = startDir; FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo(startDir); } } else return; IGUISpriteBank* sprites = 0; video::SColor color(255,255,255,255); IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin(); if (skin) { sprites = skin->getSpriteBank(); color = skin->getColor(EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL); } const s32 buttonw = skin->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH); const s32 posx = RelativeRect.getWidth() - buttonw - 4; CloseButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect<s32>(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw), this, -1, L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_CLOSE) : L"Close"); CloseButton->setSubElement(true); CloseButton->setTabStop(false); if (sprites) { CloseButton->setSpriteBank(sprites); CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), color); CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), color); } CloseButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); CloseButton->grab(); OKButton = Environment->addButton( core::rect<s32>(RelativeRect.getWidth()-80, 30, RelativeRect.getWidth()-10, 50), this, -1, skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_OK) : L"OK"); OKButton->setSubElement(true); OKButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); OKButton->grab(); CancelButton = Environment->addButton( core::rect<s32>(RelativeRect.getWidth()-80, 55, RelativeRect.getWidth()-10, 75), this, -1, skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_CANCEL) : L"Cancel"); CancelButton->setSubElement(true); CancelButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); CancelButton->grab(); FileBox = Environment->addListBox(core::rect<s32>(10, 55, RelativeRect.getWidth()-90, 230), this, -1, true); FileBox->setSubElement(true); FileBox->setAlignment(EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT); FileBox->grab(); FileNameText = Environment->addEditBox(0, core::rect<s32>(10, 30, RelativeRect.getWidth()-90, 50), true, this); FileNameText->setSubElement(true); FileNameText->setAlignment(EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); FileNameText->grab(); setTabGroup(true); fillListBox(); }
//! called if an event happened. bool CGUIFileOpenDialog::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { if (isEnabled()) { switch(event.EventType) { case EET_GUI_EVENT: switch(event.GUIEvent.EventType) { case EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST: Dragging = false; break; case EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED: if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == CloseButton || event.GUIEvent.Caller == CancelButton) { sendCancelEvent(); remove(); return true; } else if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == OKButton ) { if ( FileDirectory != L"" ) { sendSelectedEvent( EGET_DIRECTORY_SELECTED ); } if ( FileName != L"" ) { sendSelectedEvent( EGET_FILE_SELECTED ); remove(); return true; } } break; case EGET_LISTBOX_CHANGED: { s32 selected = FileBox->getSelected(); if (FileList && FileSystem) { if (FileList->isDirectory(selected)) { FileName = L""; FileDirectory = FileList->getFullFileName(selected); } else { FileDirectory = L""; FileName = FileList->getFullFileName(selected); } return true; } } break; case EGET_LISTBOX_SELECTED_AGAIN: { const s32 selected = FileBox->getSelected(); if (FileList && FileSystem) { if (FileList->isDirectory(selected)) { FileDirectory = FileList->getFullFileName(selected); FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo(FileList->getFileName(selected)); fillListBox(); FileName = ""; } else { FileName = FileList->getFullFileName(selected); } return true; } } break; case EGET_EDITBOX_ENTER: if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == FileNameText) { io::path dir( FileNameText->getText () ); if ( FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo( dir ) ) { fillListBox(); FileName = L""; } return true; } break; default: break; } break; case EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT: switch(event.MouseInput.Event) { case EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL: return FileBox->OnEvent(event); case EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X; DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y; Dragging = true; return true; case EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: Dragging = false; return true; case EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if ( !event.MouseInput.isLeftPressed () ) Dragging = false; if (Dragging) { // gui window should not be dragged outside its parent if (Parent) if (event.MouseInput.X < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.X +1 || event.MouseInput.Y < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.Y +1 || event.MouseInput.X > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.X -1 || event.MouseInput.Y > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.Y -1) return true; move(core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X - DragStart.X, event.MouseInput.Y - DragStart.Y)); DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X; DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y; return true; } break; default: break; } default: break; } } return IGUIElement::OnEvent(event); }
void dlgNewVSCPSession::OnButtonCloneClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { int selidx = -1; if (wxNOT_FOUND != (selidx = m_ctrlListInterfaces->GetSelection())) { if ((0 == selidx) && m_bShowUnconnectedMode) { wxMessageBox(_("Can't edit this line.")); } else { both_interface *pBoth = (both_interface *) m_ctrlListInterfaces->GetClientData(selidx); if (NULL != pBoth) { if (INTERFACE_CANAL == pBoth->m_type) { // A new CANAL driver canal_interface *pInfo = new canal_interface; if (NULL != pInfo) { pInfo->m_strDescription = wxGetTextFromUser(_("Enter new description")); pInfo->m_strPath = pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_strPath; pInfo->m_strConfig = pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_strConfig; pInfo->m_flags = pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_flags; g_Config.m_canalIfList.Append(pInfo); } } else if (INTERFACE_VSCP == pBoth->m_type) { // A new remote host vscp_interface *pInfo = new vscp_interface; if (NULL != pInfo) { pInfo->m_strDescription = wxGetTextFromUser(_("Enter description")); pInfo->m_strHost = pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strHost; pInfo->m_strUser = pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strUser; pInfo->m_strPassword = pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strPassword; pInfo->m_strInterfaceName = pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strInterfaceName; pInfo->m_bLevel2 = pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_bLevel2; memcpy( &pInfo->m_vscpfilter, &pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_vscpfilter, sizeof( vscpEventFilter)); g_Config.m_vscpIfList.Append(pInfo); } } else { wxMessageBox( _("Unknown interface type!"), _("Edit Interface"), wxICON_STOP); return; } // Write the configuration ::wxGetApp().writeConfiguration(); fillListBox(wxString(_(""))); m_ctrlListInterfaces->SetSelection(selidx); } else { wxMessageBox( _("No data associated with listbox line"), _("Edit Interface"), wxICON_STOP); } } // 0 == selidx } else { wxMessageBox(_("You need to select one interface to edit before this operation can be performed."), _("Edit interface"), wxICON_INFORMATION); } }
void dlgNewVSCPSession::OnButtonEditClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { int selidx = -1; if (wxNOT_FOUND != (selidx = m_ctrlListInterfaces->GetSelection())) { if ((0 == selidx) && m_bShowUnconnectedMode) { wxMessageBox(_("Can't edit this line.")); } else { both_interface *pBoth = (both_interface *) m_ctrlListInterfaces->GetClientData(selidx); if (NULL != pBoth) { dlgVscpInterfaceSettings dlg(this); if (INTERFACE_CANAL == pBoth->m_type) { dlg.SetTitle(_("Edit VSCP interface")); dlg.m_DriverDescription->SetValue(pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_strDescription); dlg.m_PathToDriver->SetValue(pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_strPath); dlg.m_DriverConfigurationString->SetValue(pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_strConfig); dlg.m_DriverFlags->SetValue(wxString::Format(_("%lu"), pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_flags)); dlg.GetBookCtrl()->SetSelection(0); dlg.GetBookCtrl()->RemovePage(1); } else if (INTERFACE_VSCP == pBoth->m_type) { dlg.m_RemoteServerDescription->SetValue(pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strDescription); dlg.m_RemoteServerURL->SetValue(pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strHost); dlg.m_RemoteServerUsername->SetValue(pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strUser); dlg.m_RemoteServerPassword->SetValue(pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strPassword); dlg.m_RemoteInterfaceName->SetValue(pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strInterfaceName); memcpy(&dlg.m_vscpfilter, &pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_vscpfilter, sizeof( vscpEventFilter)); dlg.GetBookCtrl()->SetSelection(1); dlg.GetBookCtrl()->RemovePage(0); } else { wxMessageBox(_("Unknown interface type!"), _("Edit Interface"), wxICON_STOP); return; } // Show the dialog if (wxID_OK == dlg.ShowModal()) { if (INTERFACE_CANAL == pBoth->m_type) { pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_strDescription = dlg.m_DriverDescription->GetValue(); pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_strPath = dlg.m_PathToDriver->GetValue(); pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_strConfig = dlg.m_DriverConfigurationString->GetValue(); dlg.m_DriverFlags->GetValue().ToULong(&pBoth->m_pcanalif->m_flags); } else if (INTERFACE_VSCP == pBoth->m_type) { pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strDescription = dlg.m_RemoteServerDescription->GetValue(); pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strHost = dlg.m_RemoteServerURL->GetValue(); pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strUser = dlg.m_RemoteServerUsername->GetValue(); pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strPassword = dlg.m_RemoteServerPassword->GetValue(); pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_strInterfaceName = dlg.m_RemoteInterfaceName->GetValue(); pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_bLevel2 = dlg.m_fullLevel2->GetValue(); memcpy(&pBoth->m_pvscpif->m_vscpfilter, &dlg.m_vscpfilter, sizeof( vscpEventFilter)); } // Write the configuration ::wxGetApp().writeConfiguration(); fillListBox(wxString(_(""))); m_ctrlListInterfaces->SetSelection(selidx); } } else { wxMessageBox(_("No data associated with listbox line"), _("Edit Interface"), wxICON_STOP); } } // 0 == selidx } else { wxMessageBox(_("You need to select one interface to edit before this operation can be performed."), _("Edit interface"), wxICON_INFORMATION); } event.Skip(); }
void dlgNewVSCPSession::OnButtonAddClick(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString strDecription; dlgVscpInterfaceSettings dlg(this); dlg.SetTitle(_("Add new VSCP/CANAL interface")); if (wxID_OK == dlg.ShowModal()) { // We add the driver to the structure if (dlg.m_DriverDescription->GetValue().Length()) { // A new CANAL driver canal_interface *pInfo = new canal_interface; if (NULL != pInfo) { strDecription = pInfo->m_strDescription = dlg.m_DriverDescription->GetValue(); pInfo->m_strPath = dlg.m_PathToDriver->GetValue(); pInfo->m_strConfig = dlg.m_DriverConfigurationString->GetValue(); dlg.m_DriverFlags->GetValue().ToULong(&pInfo->m_flags); g_Config.m_canalIfList.Append(pInfo); // Write the configuration ::wxGetApp().writeConfiguration(); } } else if (dlg.m_RemoteServerDescription->GetValue().Length()) { // A new remote host vscp_interface *pInfo = new vscp_interface; if (NULL != pInfo) { strDecription = pInfo->m_strDescription = dlg.m_RemoteServerDescription->GetValue(); pInfo->m_strHost = dlg.m_RemoteServerURL->GetValue(); pInfo->m_strHost.Trim(false); pInfo->m_strHost.Trim(); pInfo->m_strUser = dlg.m_RemoteServerUsername->GetValue(); pInfo->m_strUser.Trim(false); pInfo->m_strUser.Trim(); pInfo->m_strPassword = dlg.m_RemoteServerPassword->GetValue(); pInfo->m_strPassword.Trim(false); pInfo->m_strPassword.Trim(); pInfo->m_bLevel2 = dlg.m_fullLevel2->GetValue(); wxString str; // Interface name pInfo->m_strInterfaceName = dlg.m_RemoteInterfaceName->GetValue(); // Filter memcpy(&pInfo->m_vscpfilter, &dlg.m_vscpfilter, sizeof( vscpEventFilter)); g_Config.m_vscpIfList.Append(pInfo); // Write the configuration ::wxGetApp().writeConfiguration(); } } else { wxMessageBox(_("No driver added as a needed description is not found.")); } fillListBox(strDecription); } event.Skip(); }
void dlgNewVSCPSession::OnInitDialog(wxInitDialogEvent& event) { event.Skip(); fillListBox( wxString(_("") ) ); }
//! called if an event happened. bool CGUIFileOpenDialog::OnEvent(SEvent event) { switch(event.EventType) { case EET_GUI_EVENT: switch(event.GUIEvent.EventType) { case EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST: Dragging = false; break; case EGET_BUTTON_CLICKED: if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == CloseButton || event.GUIEvent.Caller == CancelButton) { sendCancelEvent(); remove(); return true; } else if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == OKButton && FileName != L"") { sendSelectedEvent(); remove(); return true; } break; case EGET_LISTBOX_CHANGED: { s32 selected = FileBox->getSelected(); if (FileList && FileSystem) { if (FileList->isDirectory(selected)) FileName = L""; else FileName = FileList->getFullFileName(selected); } } break; case EGET_LISTBOX_SELECTED_AGAIN: { s32 selected = FileBox->getSelected(); if (FileList && FileSystem) { if (FileList->isDirectory(selected)) { FileSystem->changeWorkingDirectoryTo(FileList->getFileName(selected)); fillListBox(); FileName = L""; } else { FileName = FileList->getFullFileName(selected); return true; } } } break; } break; case EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT: switch(event.MouseInput.Event) { case EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X; DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y; Dragging = true; Environment->setFocus(this); return true; case EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: Dragging = false; Environment->removeFocus(this); return true; case EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if (Dragging) { // gui window should not be dragged outside its parent if (Parent) if (event.MouseInput.X < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.X +1 || event.MouseInput.Y < Parent->getAbsolutePosition().UpperLeftCorner.Y +1 || event.MouseInput.X > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.X -1 || event.MouseInput.Y > Parent->getAbsolutePosition().LowerRightCorner.Y -1) return true; move(core::position2d<s32>(event.MouseInput.X - DragStart.X, event.MouseInput.Y - DragStart.Y)); DragStart.X = event.MouseInput.X; DragStart.Y = event.MouseInput.Y; return true; } break; } } return Parent ? Parent->OnEvent(event) : false; }
//! constructor CGUIFileOpenDialog::CGUIFileOpenDialog(const wchar_t* title, IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id) : IGUIFileOpenDialog(environment, parent, id, core::rect<s32>((parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth()-FOD_WIDTH)/2, (parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight()-FOD_HEIGHT)/2, (parent->getAbsolutePosition().getWidth()-FOD_WIDTH)/2+FOD_WIDTH, (parent->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight()-FOD_HEIGHT)/2+FOD_HEIGHT)), FileNameText(0), FileList(0), Dragging(false) { #ifdef _DEBUG IGUIElement::setDebugName("CGUIFileOpenDialog"); #endif Text = title; IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin(); IGUISpriteBank* sprites = 0; video::SColor color(255,255,255,255); if (skin) { sprites = skin->getSpriteBank(); color = skin->getColor(EGDC_WINDOW_SYMBOL); } const s32 buttonw = environment->getSkin()->getSize(EGDS_WINDOW_BUTTON_WIDTH); const s32 posx = RelativeRect.getWidth() - buttonw - 4; CloseButton = Environment->addButton(core::rect<s32>(posx, 3, posx + buttonw, 3 + buttonw), this, -1, L"", skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_WINDOW_CLOSE) : L"Close"); CloseButton->setSubElement(true); CloseButton->setTabStop(false); if (sprites) { CloseButton->setSpriteBank(sprites); CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_UP, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), color); CloseButton->setSprite(EGBS_BUTTON_DOWN, skin->getIcon(EGDI_WINDOW_CLOSE), color); } CloseButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); CloseButton->grab(); OKButton = Environment->addButton( core::rect<s32>(RelativeRect.getWidth()-80, 30, RelativeRect.getWidth()-10, 50), this, -1, skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_OK) : L"OK"); OKButton->setSubElement(true); OKButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); OKButton->grab(); CancelButton = Environment->addButton( core::rect<s32>(RelativeRect.getWidth()-80, 55, RelativeRect.getWidth()-10, 75), this, -1, skin ? skin->getDefaultText(EGDT_MSG_BOX_CANCEL) : L"Cancel"); CancelButton->setSubElement(true); CancelButton->setAlignment(EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); CancelButton->grab(); FileBox = Environment->addListBox(core::rect<s32>(10, 55, RelativeRect.getWidth()-90, RelativeRect.getHeight() - 20), this, -1, true); FileBox->setSubElement(true); FileBox->setAlignment(EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT); FileBox->grab(); FileNameText = Environment->addEditBox(0, core::rect<s32>(10, 30, RelativeRect.getWidth()-90, 50), true, this); FileNameText->setSubElement(true); FileNameText->setAlignment(EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_LOWERRIGHT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT, EGUIA_UPPERLEFT); FileNameText->grab(); FileSystem = Environment->getFileSystem(); if (FileSystem) FileSystem->grab(); setTabGroup(true); fillListBox(); //CGUIFileOpenDialog changes: // Careful, don't just set the modal as parent above. That will mess up the focus (and is hard to change because we have to be very // careful not to get virtual function call, like OnEvent, in the window. IGUIElement * modalScreen = Environment->addModalScreen(parent); modalScreen->addChild(this); initialWorkingDirectory = FileSystem->getWorkingDirectory(); }
void ToolsConfigWidget::updateListBoxes() { fillListBox(toolsmenuBox, m_toolsmenuEntries); fillListBox(filecontextBox, m_filecontextEntries); fillListBox(dircontextBox, m_dircontextEntries); }
char *HelpSearch( HelpHdl hdl ) { EVENT event; char done; char *ret; static EVENT events[] = { EV_NO_EVENT, EV_ENTER, EV_ESCAPE, EV_MOUSE_PRESS, EV_LIST_BOX_DCLICK, EV_NO_EVENT }; searchHdl = hdl; listData = hdl->header.topiccnt; curHelpDialog = uibegdialog( "Search", helpSearchDialog, 12, 60, 0, 0 ); if( editCtl.buffer == NULL ) { fillListBox( "" ); } else { fillListBox( editCtl.buffer ); } uipushlist( NULL ); /* modal barrier */ uipushlist( events ); done = 0; while( !done ) { event = uidialog( curHelpDialog ); switch( event ) { case EV_MOUSE_PRESS: if( curHelpDialog->curr != NULL ) { if( curHelpDialog->curr->ptr == &listBox ) { copyLBLinetoEditCtl(>row ); } } break; case EV_KILL_UI: uiforceevadd( EV_KILL_UI ); /* fall through */ case EV_ESCAPE: ret = NULL; done = 1; break; case EV_ENTER: case EV_LIST_BOX_DCLICK: ret = HelpMemAlloc( MAX_EDIT_LINE_LEN ); GetLBItemLiteral( &listData,>row, ret, MAX_EDIT_LINE_LEN ); if( ret[0] == '\0' ) { HelpMemFree( ret ); ret = NULL; } done = 1; break; } } uipoplist(); uipoplist(); uienddialog( curHelpDialog ); return( ret ); }
static void onCommand(HWND hWnd, int id, HWND hWndCtl, UINT codeNotify) { char szCurDir[_MAX_PATH]; switch(id) { case ID_LIST_DIR: if(codeNotify == LBN_DBLCLK) { int index = ListBox_GetCurSel(hWndCtl); DWORD dwItemData = ListBox_GetItemData(hWndCtl, index); if(HIWORD(dwItemData) == ID_ICON_OPENSELECT) { shutDialog(hWnd); char szString[_MAX_PATH]; Edit_GetText(GetDlgItem(hWndDirPicker, ID_EDIT_DIR), szString, sizeof(szString)); lstrcpy(lpszStringToReturn, szString); EndDialog(hWnd, IDOK); break; } ListBox_GetText(hWndCtl, index, szCurDir); char szDir[_MAX_DIR]; LPSTR lpsz; if((HIWORD(dwItemData) == ID_ICON_FOLDEROPEN) && (index != 0)) { GetWindowText(hWndCtl, szDir, sizeof(szDir)); lpsz=_fstrstr(szDir, szCurDir); *(lpsz + lstrlen(szCurDir)) = '\0'; lstrcpy(szCurDir, szDir); } if (_chdir(szCurDir) == 0) { _getcwd(szCurDir, _MAX_PATH); fillListBox(hWndDirPicker, szCurDir); } } break; case ID_COMBO_DIR: if(codeNotify == CBN_SELCHANGE) { char szDrive[80]; int index = ComboBox_GetCurSel(hWndCtl); if(index == CB_ERR) break; ComboBox_GetLBText(hWndCtl, index, szDrive); int iCurDrive = _getdrive(); Retry: HCURSOR hCursorOld = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); SetCapture(hWndDirPicker); if((0 == _chdrive((int)(szDrive[0] - 'a' + 1))) && (NULL != _getcwd(szCurDir, _MAX_PATH))) { fillListBox(hWndDirPicker, szCurDir); ListBox_SetTopIndex(GetDlgItem(hWndDirPicker, ID_LIST_DIR), 0); SetCursor(hCursorOld); ReleaseCapture(); break; } SetCursor(hCursorOld); ReleaseCapture(); char szText[80]; sprintf(szText, "Cannot read drive %c:", szDrive[0]); if(IDRETRY == MessageBox(hWndDirPicker, szText, "Choose Directory", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_RETRYCANCEL)) goto Retry; //Changing drives failed so restore drive and selection _chdrive(iCurDrive); sprintf(szDrive, "%c:", (char)(iCurDrive + 'a' - 1)); index = ComboBox_SelectString(hWndCtl, -1, szDrive); } break; case IDOK: shutDialog(hWnd); char szString[_MAX_PATH]; Edit_GetText(GetDlgItem(hWndDirPicker, ID_EDIT_DIR), szString, sizeof(szString)); lstrcpy(lpszStringToReturn, szString); EndDialog(hWnd, IDOK); break; case IDCANCEL: shutDialog(hWnd); lpszStringToReturn[0] = '\0'; EndDialog(hWnd, IDCANCEL); break; default: break; } }