Пример #1
/*! This function reads initial conditions, in one of the three possible file
 *  formats currently supported by Gadget.  Note: When a snapshot file is
 *  started from initial conditions (start-option 0), not all the information
 *  in the header is used, in particular, the STARTING TIME needs to be set in
 *  the parameterfile.  Also, for gas particles, only the internal energy is
 *  read, the density and mean molecular weight will be recomputed by the
 *  code.  When InitGasTemp>0 is given, the gas temperature will be initialzed
 *  to this value assuming a mean colecular weight either corresponding to
 *  complete neutrality, or full ionization.
 *  However, when the code is started with start-option 2, then all the this
 *  data in the snapshot files is preserved, i.e. this is also the way to
 *  resume a simulation from a snapshot file in case a regular restart file is
 *  not available.
void read_ic(char *fname)
  int i, num_files, rest_files, ngroups, gr, filenr, masterTask, lastTask, groupMaster;
  double u_init;
  char buf[500];

  double molecular_weight;
  double gamm1;
#endif /* CHEMCOOL */
#endif /* ISOTHERM_EQS */
#ifdef SFR
  double original_gas_mass, mass, masstot;

  NumPart = 0;
  N_gas = 0;
  N_sinks = 0;
  All.TotNumPart = 0;

  num_files = find_files(fname);

  sprintf(buf, "%s.hdf5", fname);
  read_file(buf, ThisTask, ThisTask);

  /* this makes sure that masses are initialized in the case that the mass-block
     is completely empty */
  for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
      if(All.MassTable[P[i].Type] != 0)
	P[i].Mass = All.MassTable[P[i].Type];

  for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
    SphP[i].Entropy = dmax(All.MinEgySpec, SphP[i].Entropy);

  if(ThisTask == 0)
      printf("reading done.\n");

  if(ThisTask == 0)
      printf("Total number of particles :  %d%09d\n\n",
	     (int) (All.TotNumPart / 1000000000), (int) (All.TotNumPart % 1000000000));
Пример #2
/*! This function reads initial conditions, in one of the three possible file
 *  formats currently supported by Gadget.  Note: When a snapshot file is
 *  started from initial conditions (start-option 0), not all the information
 *  in the header is used, in particular, the STARTING TIME needs to be set in
 *  the parameterfile.  Also, for gas particles, only the internal energy is
 *  read, the density and mean molecular weight will be recomputed by the
 *  code.  When InitGasTemp>0 is given, the gas temperature will be initialzed
 *  to this value assuming a mean colecular weight either corresponding to
 *  complete neutrality, or full ionization.
 *  However, when the code is started with start-option 2, then all the this
 *  data in the snapshot files is preserved, i.e. this is also the way to
 *  resume a simulation from a snapshot file in case a regular restart file is
 *  not available.
void read_ic(char *fname)
  int i, num_files, rest_files, ngroups, gr, filenr, masterTask, lastTask, groupMaster;
  double u_init;
  char buf[500];

  double molecular_weight;
#ifdef SFR
  double original_gas_mass, mass, masstot;

  NumPart = 0;
  N_gas = 0;
  All.TotNumPart = 0;

  num_files = find_files(fname);

  rest_files = num_files;


  while(rest_files > NTask)
      sprintf(buf, "%s.%d", fname, ThisTask + (rest_files - NTask));
      if(All.ICFormat == 3)
	sprintf(buf, "%s.%d.hdf5", fname, ThisTask + (rest_files - NTask));

      ngroups = NTask / All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel;
      if((NTask % All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel))
      groupMaster = (ThisTask / ngroups) * ngroups;

      for(gr = 0; gr < ngroups; gr++)
	  if(ThisTask == (groupMaster + gr))	/* ok, it's this processor's turn */
	    read_file(buf, ThisTask, ThisTask);

      rest_files -= NTask;

  if(rest_files > 0)
      distribute_file(rest_files, 0, 0, NTask - 1, &filenr, &masterTask, &lastTask);

      if(num_files > 1)
	  sprintf(buf, "%s.%d", fname, filenr);
	  if(All.ICFormat == 3)
	    sprintf(buf, "%s.%d.hdf5", fname, filenr);
	  sprintf(buf, "%s", fname);
	  if(All.ICFormat == 3)
	    sprintf(buf, "%s.hdf5", fname);

      ngroups = rest_files / All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel;
      if((rest_files % All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel))

      for(gr = 0; gr < ngroups; gr++)
	  if((filenr / All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel) == gr)	/* ok, it's this processor's turn */
	    read_file(buf, masterTask, lastTask);

  /* this makes sure that masses are initialized in the case that the mass-block
     is completely empty */
  for(i = 0; i < NumPart; i++)
      if(All.MassTable[P[i].Type] != 0)
	P[i].Mass = All.MassTable[P[i].Type];

  if(RestartFlag == 0)
       /* Initial sound velocity = 3.6e-5 c (94.1 Omega_Nu * h^2)^-2 * (1+z)^2 */
       u_init  = (BOLTZMANN / PROTONMASS) * 10000.;
       u_init *= All.UnitMass_in_g / All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs;	/* unit conversion */
       if (ThisTask == 0) printf("U_init 10000K :  %f\n\n",u_init);

       u_init = 0.2 * 2.02e-7 * (29979245800. / All.UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s)        

                * (29979245800. / All.UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s)

                / (94.1 * All.OmegaNeutrino * All.HubbleParam * All.HubbleParam)
                / (94.1 * All.OmegaNeutrino * All.HubbleParam * All.HubbleParam)
                / (All.Time * All.Time);
       if (ThisTask == 0) printf("U_init Neutrinos :  %f\n\n",u_init);
       All.InitGasTemp = u_init; 

       for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
           SphP[i].Entropy = u_init;
           /* Note: the coversion to entropy will be done in the function init(),
              after the densities have been computed */
      if(All.InitGasTemp > 0)
	  u_init = (BOLTZMANN / PROTONMASS) * All.InitGasTemp;
	  u_init *= All.UnitMass_in_g / All.UnitEnergy_in_cgs;	/* unit conversion */

	  u_init *= 1.0;
	  u_init *= (1.0 / GAMMA_MINUS1);

	  if(All.InitGasTemp > 1.0e4)	/* assuming FULL ionization */
	    molecular_weight = 4 / (8 - 5 * (1 - HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC));
	  else			/* assuming NEUTRAL GAS */
	    molecular_weight = 4 / (1 + 3 * HYDROGEN_MASSFRAC);

	  u_init /= molecular_weight;

	  for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
	      if(SphP[i].Entropy == 0)
		SphP[i].Entropy = u_init;

	      /* Note: the coversion to entropy will be done in the function init(),
	         after the densities have been computed */

  for(i = 0; i < N_gas; i++)
    SphP[i].Entropy = dmax(All.MinEgySpec, SphP[i].Entropy);


  if(ThisTask == 0)
      printf("reading done.\n");

  if(ThisTask == 0)
      printf("Total number of particles :  %d%09d\n\n",
	     (int) (All.TotNumPart / 1000000000), (int) (All.TotNumPart % 1000000000));
Пример #3
/*! This function writes a snapshot of the particle distribution to one or
 *  several files using the selected file format.  If NumFilesPerSnapshot>1,
 *  the snapshot is distributed onto several files, several of them can be
 *  written simultaneously (up to NumFilesWrittenInParallel). Each file
 *  contains data from a group of processors.
void savepositions(int num)
  double t0, t1;
  char buf[500];
  int i, j, *temp, n, filenr, gr, ngroups, masterTask, lastTask;

  t0 = second();

  if(ThisTask == 0)
    printf("\nwriting snapshot file... \n");

#if defined(SFR) || defined(BLACK_HOLES)
  /* ensures that new tree will be constructed */
  All.NumForcesSinceLastDomainDecomp = 1 + All.TreeDomainUpdateFrequency * All.TotNumPart;

  if(NTask < All.NumFilesPerSnapshot)
      if(ThisTask == 0)
	printf("Fatal error.\nNumber of processors must be larger or equal than All.NumFilesPerSnapshot.\n");
  if(All.SnapFormat < 1 || All.SnapFormat > 3)
      if(ThisTask == 0)
	printf("Unsupported File-Format\n");
#ifndef  HAVE_HDF5
  if(All.SnapFormat == 3)
      if(ThisTask == 0)
	printf("Code wasn't compiled with HDF5 support enabled!\n");

  /* determine global and local particle numbers */
  for(n = 0; n < 6; n++)
    n_type[n] = 0;

  for(n = 0; n < NumPart; n++)

  /* because ntot_type_all[] is of type `long long', we cannot do a simple
   * MPI_Allreduce() to sum the total particle numbers
  temp = malloc(NTask * 6 * sizeof(int));
  MPI_Allgather(n_type, 6, MPI_INT, temp, 6, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
      ntot_type_all[i] = 0;
      for(j = 0; j < NTask; j++)
	ntot_type_all[i] += temp[j * 6 + i];

  /* assign processors to output files */
  distribute_file(All.NumFilesPerSnapshot, 0, 0, NTask - 1, &filenr, &masterTask, &lastTask);


  if(All.NumFilesPerSnapshot > 1)
    sprintf(buf, "%s%s_%03d.%d.g", All.OutputDir, All.SnapshotFileBase, num, filenr);
    sprintf(buf, "%s%s_%03d.g", All.OutputDir, All.SnapshotFileBase, num);

  ngroups = All.NumFilesPerSnapshot / All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel;
  if((All.NumFilesPerSnapshot % All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel))

  for(gr = 0; gr < ngroups; gr++)
      if((filenr / All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel) == gr)	/* ok, it's this processor's turn */
	write_file(buf, masterTask, lastTask);

  if(ThisTask == 0)
    printf("done with snapshot.\n");

  t1 = second();

  All.CPU_Snapshot += timediff(t0, t1);
