Пример #1
static void process_pkt(void* data) {
  struct pkt_buff pkt;
  struct ioq_header *ioq = data;
  unsigned int size = ntohs(ioq->byte_length);
  unsigned short dest = ntohs(ioq->src_port) ^ 2;

  //print_pkt(data, size + sizeof(struct ioq_header));
  log("%hd -> %hd (%d)\n", ntohs(ioq->src_port), dest, size);

  //  log("ioq_hdr: dst=%hx words=%hu src=%hu bytes=%hu\n", ntohs(ioq->dst_port), ntohs(ioq->word_length), ntohs(ioq->src_port), size);
  pkt_fill(&pkt, data, size + sizeof(struct ioq_header));

  struct pkt_buff reply;
  struct ioq_header *dioq;

  while (pkt_alloc(&reply, pkt.len) == 0) {
    log("Failed to alloc\n");

  memcpy32(reply.data+ sizeof(struct ioq_header),
	   pkt.data  + sizeof(struct ioq_header), 
	   reply.len - sizeof(struct ioq_header));

  dioq = pkt_pull_type(&reply, struct ioq_header);
  fill_ioq(dioq, dest, size);

  nf_pktout_send(reply.data, reply.data + reply.total_size);
Пример #2
int main(void)
  if (nf_tid() != 0) {
    while (1) {}

  t_addr *pkt = nf_pktout_alloc(SIZE);
  fill_ioq((struct ioq_header *)pkt, 0, SIZE-sizeof(struct ioq_header));

  nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + SIZE);
  nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + SIZE);
  nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + SIZE);
  nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + SIZE);

  while (1) {}
  return 0;
Пример #3
int process_arp(struct net_iface *iface, struct ioq_header *ioq, struct ether_header *eth, struct pkt_buff *pkt)
	unsigned short int my_hrd;
	unsigned short int my_pro;
	unsigned short int my_op;
	struct ether_arp *etharp;
	//struct pkt_buff reply;
	t_addr *reply;
	struct ether_header *reth;
	struct ether_arp *rarp;

	my_hrd = 6;		// set to mac(6)
	my_pro = 4;		// set to ipv4(4)
	my_op = ARPOP_REPLY;	// set to reply

	etharp = pkt_pull(pkt, sizeof(struct ether_arp));

	//if(ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_hrd) != ARPHRD_ETHER &&
	//	ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_pro) !=  ETHERTYPE_IP &&
	//	etharp->ea_hdr.ar_hln != 6 &&
	//	etharp->ea_hdr.ar_pln != 4 &&
	//		(
	//			ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_op) != ARPOP_REPLY ||
	//			ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_op) != ARPOP_REQUEST
	//		)
	//	)
	//if(memcmp(htonl(etharp->arp_tpa), iface->ip, 4) == 0)
		//if(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_op == ARPOP_REQUEST)
			reply = nf_pktout_alloc(PKT_SIZE);

			// setup the ioq_header
			fill_ioq((struct ioq_header*) reply, 2, PKT_SIZE);

			// setup the ethernet header
			reth = (struct ether_header*) (reply + sizeof(struct ioq_header));

			// setup the ethernet arp
			rarp = (struct ether_arp*) (reply + sizeof(struct ioq_header) + sizeof(struct ether_header));
			// start putting things into the packet
			// ethernet
			memcpy(reth->ether_shost, iface->mac, ETH_ALEN);
			memcpy(reth->ether_dhost, eth->ether_shost, ETH_ALEN);
			reth->ether_type = ETHERTYPE_ARP;

			// arp header
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_hrd = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pro = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_hln = 6;
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pln = 4;
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REPLY);

			// arp ethernet
				// source
			memcpy(rarp->arp_sha, iface->mac, ETH_ALEN);
			memcpy(rarp->arp_spa, iface->ip, 4);
				// target
			memcpy(rarp->arp_tha, etharp->arp_sha, ETH_ALEN);
			memcpy(rarp->arp_tpa, etharp->arp_spa, 4);

			// send it
			nf_pktout_send(reply, reply + PKT_SIZE); 
			//nf_pktout_send(reply, reply + PKT_SIZE); 
			//nf_pktout_send(reply, reply + PKT_SIZE); 
			//nf_pktout_send(reply, reply + PKT_SIZE); 

Пример #4
int main(void)
	t_addr *pkt;
	struct net_iface iface;
	struct ether_header *reth;
	struct ether_arp *rarp;
	unsigned char dest_mac[6];
	unsigned char dest_ip[4];
	//u_int16_t ethtype;

//#ifndef DEBUG
//  t_addr* next_packet;
//  int i=nf_tid();
//  if(i== 0)
//    {
//      nf_lock(LOCK_INIT); // should get it on the first attempt
//      nf_pktout_init();
//      nf_pktin_init();
//    }
//  else 
//    {
//      nf_stall_a_bit();
//      nf_lock(LOCK_INIT); // should not get it
//    }
//   nf_unlock(LOCK_INIT); 

	// iface is not shared, it's on the stack

	iface.mac[0] = 0x00;
	iface.mac[1] = 0x43;
	iface.mac[2] = 0x32;
	iface.mac[3] = 0x46;
	iface.mac[4] = 0x4e;
	iface.mac[5] = 0x00;

	iface.ip[0] = 192;
	iface.ip[1] = 168;
	iface.ip[2] = 0;
	iface.ip[3] = 100;

	//dest_mac[0] = 0x70;
	//dest_mac[1] = 0x56;
	//dest_mac[2] = 0x81;
	//dest_mac[3] = 0xa9;
	//dest_mac[4] = 0x2c;
	//dest_mac[5] = 0x39;

	dest_mac[0] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[1] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[2] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[3] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[4] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[5] = 0xff;

	dest_ip[0] = 192;
	dest_ip[1] = 168;
	dest_ip[2] = 0;
	dest_ip[3] = 185;

	//ethtype = ETHERTYPE_ARP;

	//only run this program on thread 0
	if (nf_tid() != 0) 
	   while (1) {}
	// initialize

	// allocate an output buffer
	pkt = nf_pktout_alloc(PKT_SIZE);

	// setup the ioq_header
	fill_ioq((struct ioq_header*) pkt, 2, PKT_SIZE);

	// setup the ethernet header
	//struct ether_header *reth = (struct ether_header*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header));
	reth = (struct ether_header*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header));
	// setup the ethernet arp
	//struct ether_arp *rarp = (struct ether_arp*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header) + sizeof(struct ether_header));
	rarp = (struct ether_arp*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header) + sizeof(struct ether_header));

	// start putting things into the packet
	// ethernet
	memcpy(reth->ether_shost, &iface.mac, ETH_ALEN);
	memcpy(reth->ether_dhost, &dest_mac, ETH_ALEN);
	//memcpy(reth->ether_type, htons(ethtype), sizeof(u_int16_t));
	//memcpy(reth->ether_type, &ethtype, 2);
	//memcpy(reth->ether_type, &mytype, 2);
	reth->ether_type = ETHERTYPE_ARP;

	// arp header
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_hrd = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pro = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
	//rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pro = htons(0x0800);
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_hln = 6;
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pln = 4;
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REQUEST);

	// arp ethernet
		// source
	memcpy(rarp->arp_sha, &iface.mac, ETH_ALEN);
	memcpy(rarp->arp_spa, &iface.ip, 4);
		// target
	memcpy(rarp->arp_tha, dest_mac, ETH_ALEN);
	memcpy(rarp->arp_tpa, dest_ip, 4);

	// send it
	nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 
	nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 
	nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 
	nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE);


	// start in on replying
	//	pkt = nf_pktin_pop();  // test for next_packet
	//	if(!nf_pktin_is_valid(pkt))
	//		continue;

	//	process_eth(&iface, pkt);

	//	nf_pktin_free(pkt);
//memcpy(reply.data, pkt->head, pkt->len);

//struct ioq_header *reply_ioq = pkt_pull(&reply, sizeof(struct ioq_header));
//fill_ioq(reply_ioq, ioq->src_port, reply.len);

//struct ether_header *reply_ether = pkt_pull(&reply, sizeof(struct ether_header));
//struct ether_arp *reply_arp = pkt_pull(&reply, sizeof(struct ether_arp));
// copy source ip and mac to target
//memcpy(reply_arp->arp_tha, reply_arp->arp_sha, ETH_ALEN);
//memcpy(reply_arp->arp_tpa, reply_arp->arp_spa, 4);
// copy this interface's mac and ip to source
//memcpy(reply_arp->arp_sha, iface->mac, ETH_ALEN);
//memcpy(reply_arp->arp_spa, iface->ip, 4);

//reply_arp->ea_hdr.ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REPLY);
//memcpy(reply_ether->ether_shost, iface->mac, ETH_ALEN);
//memcpy(reply_ether->ether_dhost, reply_arp->arp_tha, ETH_ALEN);

//send_pkt(reply.data, reply.len);
  return 0;
Пример #5
int process_arp(struct net_iface *iface, struct ioq_header *ioq, struct ether_header *eth, struct ether_arp *etharp, t_addr *pkt)
	unsigned short int my_hrd;
	unsigned short int my_pro;
	unsigned short int my_op;
	t_addr *reply;
	struct ether_header *reth;
	struct ether_arp *rarp;

	my_hrd = 6;		// set to mac(6)
	my_pro = 4;		// set to ipv4(4)
	my_op = ARPOP_REPLY;	// set to reply

	// if this isn't an ARP reply or request we don't care
	if(ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_hrd) != ARPHRD_ETHER || 
		ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_pro) !=  ETHERTYPE_IP ||
		etharp->ea_hdr.ar_hln != my_hrd ||
		etharp->ea_hdr.ar_pln != my_pro ||
			ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_op) != ARPOP_REPLY &&
			ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_op) != ARPOP_REQUEST
		return 1;
	if(memcmp(htonl(etharp->arp_tpa), iface->ip, 4) == 0)
		if(ntohs(etharp->ea_hdr.ar_op) == ARPOP_REQUEST)
			// allocate reply size
			reply = nf_pktout_alloc(PKT_SIZE);

			// setup the ioq_header
			fill_ioq((struct ioq_header*) reply, 2, PKT_SIZE);

			// setup the ethernet header
			reth = (struct ether_header*) (reply + sizeof(struct ioq_header));

			// setup the ethernet arp
			rarp = (struct ether_arp*) (reply + sizeof(struct ioq_header) + sizeof(struct ether_header));
			// start putting things into the packet
			// ethernet
			memcpy(reth->ether_shost, iface->mac, ETH_ALEN);
			memcpy(reth->ether_dhost, eth->ether_shost, ETH_ALEN);
			reth->ether_type = ETHERTYPE_ARP;

			// arp header
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_hrd = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pro = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_hln = 6;
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pln = 4;
			rarp->ea_hdr.ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REPLY);

			// arp ethernet
				// source
			memcpy(rarp->arp_sha, iface->mac, ETH_ALEN);
			memcpy(rarp->arp_spa, iface->ip, 4);
				// target
			memcpy(rarp->arp_tha, etharp->arp_sha, ETH_ALEN);
			memcpy(rarp->arp_tpa, etharp->arp_spa, 4);

			// send it
			nf_pktout_send(reply, reply + PKT_SIZE); 
			//nf_pktout_send(reply, reply + PKT_SIZE); 
			//nf_pktout_send(reply, reply + PKT_SIZE); 
			//nf_pktout_send(reply, reply + PKT_SIZE); 

Пример #6
int main(void)
	t_addr *pkt;
	struct net_iface iface;
	struct ether_header *reth;
	struct ether_arp *rarp;
	unsigned char dest_mac[6];
	unsigned char dest_ip[4];

	// iface is not shared, it's on the stack

	iface.mac[0] = 0x00;
	iface.mac[1] = 0x43;
	iface.mac[2] = 0x32;
	iface.mac[3] = 0x46;
	iface.mac[4] = 0x4e;
	iface.mac[5] = 0x00;

	iface.ip[0] = 192;
	iface.ip[1] = 168;
	iface.ip[2] = 0;
	iface.ip[3] = 100;

	dest_mac[0] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[1] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[2] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[3] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[4] = 0xff;
	dest_mac[5] = 0xff;

	dest_ip[0] = 192;
	dest_ip[1] = 168;
	dest_ip[2] = 0;
	dest_ip[3] = 185;

	//only run this program on thread 0
	if (nf_tid() != 0) 
	   while (1) {}
	// initialize

	// This is to just send an ARP request start uncommenting to play
	// allocate an output buffer
	//t_addr *pkt = nf_pktout_alloc(PKT_SIZE);
	pkt = nf_pktout_alloc(PKT_SIZE);

	// setup the ioq_header
	fill_ioq((struct ioq_header*) pkt, 2, PKT_SIZE);

	// setup the ethernet header
	//struct ether_header *reth = (struct ether_header*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header));
	reth = (struct ether_header*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header));
	// setup the ethernet arp
	//struct ether_arp *rarp = (struct ether_arp*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header) + sizeof(struct ether_header));
	rarp = (struct ether_arp*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header) + sizeof(struct ether_header));

	// start putting things into the packet
	// ethernet
	memcpy(reth->ether_shost, &iface.mac, ETH_ALEN);
	memcpy(reth->ether_dhost, &dest_mac, ETH_ALEN);
	//memcpy(reth->ether_type, htons(ethtype), sizeof(u_int16_t));
	//memcpy(reth->ether_type, &ethtype, 2);
	//memcpy(reth->ether_type, &mytype, 2);
	reth->ether_type = ETHERTYPE_ARP;

	// arp header
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_hrd = htons(ARPHRD_ETHER);
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pro = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP);
	//rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pro = htons(0x0800);
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_hln = 6;
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_pln = 4;
	rarp->ea_hdr.ar_op = htons(ARPOP_REQUEST);

	// arp ethernet
		// source
	memcpy(rarp->arp_sha, &iface.mac, ETH_ALEN);
	memcpy(rarp->arp_spa, &iface.ip, 4);
		// target
	memcpy(rarp->arp_tha, dest_mac, ETH_ALEN);
	memcpy(rarp->arp_tpa, dest_ip, 4);

	// send it
	nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 
	nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 
	nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 
	nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE);
	//end uncomment

	// start in on replying
		pkt = nf_pktin_pop();  // test for next_packet


		process_eth(&iface, pkt);


  return 0;
Пример #7
 int main() 
   int mytid = nf_tid();
   if(mytid != 0)
       nf_lock(LOCK_INIT); // should not get it
       nf_lock(LOCK_INIT); // should get it on the first attempt

   //only run this program on thread 0
   //if (nf_tid() != 0) 
   //   while (1) {}

   //// initialize

   // allocate an output buffer
   t_addr *pkt = nf_pktout_alloc(PKT_SIZE);

   // setup the ioq_header
   fill_ioq((struct ioq_header*)pkt, 2, sizeof(struct netfpga_to_driver));

   // get a pointer to the payload struct
   struct netfpga_to_driver* n2d = 
     (struct netfpga_to_driver*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header));

   // initialize the message
   memset(n2d->str, 0, STR_SIZE); 
   memcpy(n2d->str, mystr, strlen(mystr));
   //n2d->str[strlen(mystr)+1] = nf_tid() + 0x30; //thread id in ascii
   n2d->str[strlen(mystr)+1] = mytid + 0x30; //thread id in ascii

   // send it
   nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 
   //int i = 0;
   //int mytid;
   //struct netfpga_to_driver* n2d;
   //t_addr *pkt;
   //while(i <= 1)
   //   mytid = nf_tid();
   //   if(mytid != 0)
   //     {
   //       nf_stall_a_bit();
   //       nf_lock(LOCK_INIT); // should not get it
   //     }
   //   else
   //     {
   //       nf_lock(LOCK_INIT); // should get it on the first attempt
   //       nf_pktout_init();
   //       nf_pktin_init();
   //     }
   //   nf_unlock(LOCK_INIT); 

   //   // allocate an output buffer
   //   pkt = nf_pktout_alloc(PKT_SIZE);

   //   // setup the ioq_header
   //   fill_ioq((struct ioq_header*)pkt, 2, sizeof(struct netfpga_to_driver));

   //   // get a pointer to the payload struct
   //   n2d = 
   //     (struct netfpga_to_driver*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header));

   //   // initialize the message
   //   memset(n2d->str, 0, STR_SIZE); 
   //   memcpy(n2d->str, mystr, strlen(mystr));
   //   //n2d->str[strlen(mystr)+1] = nf_tid() + 0x30; //thread id in ascii
   //   n2d->str[strlen(mystr)+1] = mytid + 0x30; //thread id in ascii

   //   // send it
   //   nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 
   //   i = i + 1;
//   int mytid = nf_tid();
//   if(mytid != 0)
//     {
//       nf_stall_a_bit();
//       nf_lock(LOCK_INIT); // should not get it
//     }
//   else
//     {
//       nf_lock(LOCK_INIT); // should get it on the first attempt
//       nf_pktout_init();
//       nf_pktin_init();
//     }
//   nf_unlock(LOCK_INIT); 
//   t_addr *pkt = nf_pktout_alloc(PKT_SIZE);
//   // setup the ioq_header
//   fill_ioq((struct ioq_header*)pkt, 2, sizeof(struct netfpga_to_driver));
//   // get a pointer to the payload struct
//   struct netfpga_to_driver* n2d = 
//     (struct netfpga_to_driver*) (pkt + sizeof(struct ioq_header));
//   // initialize the message
//   memset(n2d->str, 0, STR_SIZE); 
//   memcpy(n2d->str, mystr, strlen(mystr));
//   //n2d->str[strlen(mystr)+1] = nf_tid() + 0x30; //thread id in ascii
//   n2d->str[strlen(mystr)+1] = mytid + 0x30; //thread id in ascii
//   nf_pktout_send(pkt, pkt + PKT_SIZE); 

   return 0;