Пример #1
static void
fillarray(Symbol* basetype, Dimset* dimset, int index, Datalist* arraylist)
    int i;
    Symbol* dim = dimset->dimsyms[index];
    unsigned int size = dim->dim.declsize;
    int isunlimited = (size == 0);
    int lastdim = (index == (dimset->ndims - 1));
    int firstdim = (index == 0);
    Datalist* sublist;

    sublist = (firstdim?builddatalist(0):arraylist);
    if(isunlimited) {
	/* do a single entry to satisfy*/
        if(lastdim) {
	} else {
    } else { /* bounded*/
        if(lastdim) {
	    for(i=0;i<size;i++) filllist(basetype,sublist);
	} else {
	    for(i=0;i<size;i++) {
Пример #2
// Run an algorithm and report the time used
void timeTest() {
  double algTime, T;
  int seed;
  int seedLimit = 3;
  int z;
  // int siz = 1024 * 1024 * 16;
  int siz = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
  printf("timeTest() on size: %d \n", siz);
  // construct array
  struct intval *pi;
  void **A = myMalloc("timeTest 1", sizeof(pi) * siz);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
    pi = myMalloc("timeTest 2", sizeof (struct intval));
    A[i] = pi;

  // warm up the process
  fillarray(A, siz, 666); 
  float sumTimes = 0;
  for (z = 0; z < 3; z++) { // repeat to check stability
    algTime = 0;
    // measure the array fill time
    // int TFill = clock();
      struct timeval tim;
      gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
      double TFILL=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0);
    for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) 
      fillarray(A, siz, seed);
      // here alternative ways to fill the array
      // int k;
      // for ( k = 0; k < siz; k++ ) A[k] = 0;
      // for ( k = 0; k < siz; k++ ) A[k] = k%5;
      // for ( k = 0; k < siz; k++ ) A[k] = siz-k;
    // TFill = clock() - TFill;
    gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
    TFILL=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0) - TFILL;
    // now we know how much time it takes to fill the array
    // measure the time to fill & sort the array
    // T = clock();
    gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
    for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) { 
      fillarray(A, siz, seed);
      // for ( k = 0; k < siz; k++ ) A[k] = 0;
      // for ( k = 0; k < siz; k++ ) A[k] = k%5;
      // for ( k = 0; k < siz; k++ ) A[k] = siz-k;
      // foursort(A, siz, compareIntVal, NUMTHREADS);
      callCut2(A, siz, compareIntVal);
    // ... and subtract the fill time to obtain the sort time
    // algTime = clock() - T - TFill;
    gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
    algTime=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0) - T - TFILL;
    printf("algTime: %f \n", algTime);
    sumTimes = sumTimes + algTime;
  printf("%s %f %s", "sumTimes: ", sumTimes, "\n");
} // end timeTest()
Пример #3
static void
fill(Symbol* tsym, Datalist* filler)
    int i;
    NCConstant con;
    Datalist* sublist;

    con.filled = 0;
    ASSERT(tsym->objectclass == NC_TYPE);
    switch (tsym->subclass) {
    case NC_ENUM: case NC_OPAQUE: case NC_PRIM:
        con.nctype = tsym->typ.typecode;
    case NC_COMPOUND:
	sublist = builddatalist(listlength(tsym->subnodes));
        for(i=0;i<listlength(tsym->subnodes);i++) {
	    Symbol* field = (Symbol*)listget(tsym->subnodes,i);
	    if(field->typ.dimset.ndims > 0) {	
	    } else
	con = builddatasublist(sublist);
    case NC_VLEN:
	sublist = builddatalist(0);
	filllist(tsym->typ.basetype,sublist); /* generate a single instance*/
	con = builddatasublist(sublist);
    default: PANIC1("fill: unexpected subclass %d",tsym->subclass);
Пример #4
// initializing an array, sort it and check it
void testFoursort() {
  printf("Running testFoursort ...\n");
  int siz = 1024 * 1024 * 8;
  // int siz = 1024 * 1024;
  // int siz = 15;
  // create array
  struct intval *pi;
  void **A = myMalloc("testFoursort 1", sizeof(pi) * siz);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
    pi = myMalloc("testFoursort 2", sizeof (struct intval));
    A[i] = pi;
  // fill its content
  fillarray(A, siz, 100);
  // sort it
  // int t0 = clock();
    struct timeval tim;
    gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
    double t0=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0);
  int compareIntVal();
  foursort(A, siz, compareIntVal, NUMTHREADS);
  // int t1 = clock();
    gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
    double t1=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0);
  // and check it
  check(A, 0, siz-1);
  // printf("Sorting size: %d time: %d\n", siz, t1-t0);
  printf("Sorting time: siz: %d duration: %.3lf\n", siz, t1-t0);
} // end testFoursort()
int main()
    int bestnum=0;
    for(int remainder=0,curchain=1,maxchain=0,primendx=3;prime[primendx]<1000;primendx++,remainder=9,curchain=1)
            remainder=remainder*10+9;//add extra digit of 9 when not divisible
            remainder=remainder%prime[primendx];//only care about remainder
    return 0;
Пример #6
int main(){
  int a[LENGTH];
  srand(time(NULL));		// set seed for rand with unix time,
				//otherwise same sequence each run
  printf("First random number is %d\n", rand() );
  fillarray (a, LENGTH);		// fill the arrray randomly
  printarray(a, LENGTH);		// show initial array
  sort (a, LENGTH);			// sort it
  printarray(a, LENGTH);		// show final array
return 0;}
Пример #7
int main()
	double vals[NUM];
	fillarray(vals, NUM);
	puts("Random list: ");
	showarray(vals, NUM);
	qsort(vals, NUM, sizeof(double), mycomp);
	puts("\nSorted list: ");
	showarray(vals, NUM);
	return 0;
Пример #8
void main(void) {
	int array[MAX];
	int x;
	printf("wuwedi x\n");
	scanf("%d\n", &x);
	printf("sortiraniyat masiw:");
Пример #9
// validateAlgorithm0 is used to check algorithm alg1 against a
// trusted algorithm alg2
// The check consists of making sure that starting from identical
// inputs they produce identical outputs
// alg1 is a parallel one, alg2 is sequential
void validateAlgorithm0(char* label, int siz, void (*alg1)(), void (*alg2)() ) {
  printf("%s on size: %d\n", label, siz);
  // create the input for alg1 ...
  struct intval *pi;
  void **A = myMalloc("validateAlgorithm0 1", sizeof(pi) * siz);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
    pi = myMalloc("validateAlgorithm0 2", sizeof (struct intval));
    A[i] = pi;
  fillarray(A, siz, 100);
  // ... sort it
  int compareIntVal();
  (*alg1)(A, siz, compareIntVal, NUMTHREADS);

  // create the input for alg2 ...
  void **B = myMalloc("validateAlgorithm0 3", sizeof(pi) * siz);
  // int i;
  // struct intval *pi;
  for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
    pi =  myMalloc("validateAlgorithm0 4", sizeof (struct intval));
    B[i] = pi;
  fillarray(B, siz, 100);
  // ... sort it
  // int compareIntVal();
  (*alg2)(B, siz, compareIntVal);
  // check that the two outputs are the same
  int foundError = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < siz; i++)
    // if ( A[i] != B[i] ) {
    if ( compareIntVal(A[i], B[i]) != 0 ) {
      printf("validate error i: %d\n", i);
      foundError = 1;
  if ( !foundError ) 
    printf("NO error found ...\n");
} // end validateAlgorithm0
Пример #10
static Datalist*
buildfill(Symbol* tvasym)
    Datalist* filler = builddatalist(0);
    ASSERT(tvasym->objectclass == NC_VAR
	   || tvasym->objectclass == NC_TYPE
	   || tvasym->objectclass == NC_ATT);
    if(tvasym->objectclass == NC_VAR) {
	if(tvasym->typ.dimset.ndims > 0) {
	} else
    } else if(tvasym->objectclass == NC_ATT) {
    } else /*NC_TYPE*/
    return filler;
Пример #11
// alg1 is a sequential algorithm
void testAlgorithm0S(char* label, int siz, void (*alg1)() ) {
  printf("%s on size: %d\n", label, siz);
  // create array
  struct intval *pi;
  void **A = myMalloc("testAlgorithm0 1", sizeof(pi) * siz);
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
    pi = myMalloc("testAlgorithm0 2", sizeof (struct intval));
    A[i] = pi;
  // fill its content
  fillarray(A, siz, 100);
  // sort it
  int compareIntVal();
  (*alg1)(A, siz, compareIntVal);
  // and check it
  check(A, 0, siz-1);
} // end testAlgorithm0S
Пример #12
/* libcall(const libname[], const funcname[], const typestring[], ...)
 * Loads the DLL or shared library if not yet loaded (the name comparison is
 * case sensitive).
 * typestring format:
 *    Whitespace is permitted between the types, but not inside the type
 *    specification. The string "ii[4]&u16s" is equivalent to "i i[4] &u16 s",
 *    but the latter is easier on the eye.
 * types:
 *    i = signed integer, 16-bit in Windows 3.x, else 32-bit in Win32 and Linux
 *    u = unsigned integer, 16-bit in Windows 3.x, else 32-bit in Win32 and Linux
 *    f = IEEE floating point, 32-bit
 *    p = packed string
 *    s = unpacked string
 *    The difference between packed and unpacked strings is only relevant when
 *    the parameter is passed by reference (see below).
 * pass-by-value and pass-by-reference:
 *    By default, parameters are passed by value. To pass a parameter by
 *    reference, prefix the type letter with an "&":
 *    &i = signed integer passed by reference
 *    i = signed integer passed by value
 *    Same for '&u' versus 'u' and '&f' versus 'f'.
 *    Arrays are passed by "copy & copy-back". That is, libcall() allocates a
 *    block of dynamic memory to copy the array into. On return from the foreign
 *    function, libcall() copies the array back to the abstract machine. The
 *    net effect is similar to pass by reference, but the foreign function does
 *    not work in the AMX stack directly. During the copy and the copy-back
 *    operations, libcall() may also transform the array elements, for example
 *    between 16-bit and 32-bit elements. This is done because Pawn only
 *    supports a single cell size, which may not fit the required integer size
 *    of the foreign function.
 *    See "element ranges" for the syntax of passing an array.
 *    Strings may either be passed by copy, or by "copy & copy-back". When the
 *    string is an output parameter (for the foreign function), the size of the
 *    array that will hold the return string must be indicated between square
 *    brackets behind the type letter (see "element ranges"). When the string
 *    is "input only", this is not needed --libcall() will determine the length
 *    of the input string itself.
 *    The tokens 'p' and 's' are equivalent, but 'p[10]' and 's[10]' are not
 *    equivalent: the latter syntaxes determine whether the output from the
 *    foreign function will be stored as a packed or an unpacked string.
 * element sizes:
 *    Add an integer behind the type letter; for example, 'i16' refers to a
 *    16-bit signed integer. Note that the value behind the type letter must
 *    be either 8, 16 or 32.
 *    You should only use element size specifiers on the 'i' and 'u' types. That
 *    is, do not use these specifiers on 'f', 's' and 'p'.
 * element ranges:
 *    For passing arrays, the size of the array may be given behind the type
 *    letter and optional element size. The token 'u[4]' indicates an array of
 *    four unsigned integers, which are typically 32-bit. The token 'i16[8]'
 *    is an array of 8 signed 16-bit integers. Arrays are always passed by
 *    "copy & copy-back"
 * When compiled as Unicode, this library converts all strings to Unicode
 * strings.
 * The calling convention for the foreign functions is assumed:
 * -  "__stdcall" for Win32,
 * -  "far pascal" for Win16
 * -  and the GCC default for Unix/Linux (_cdecl)
 * C++ name mangling of the called function is not handled (there is no standard
 * convention for name mangling, so there is no portable way to convert C++
 * function names to mangled names). Win32 name mangling (used by default by
 * Microsoft compilers on functions declared as __stdcall) is also not handled.
 * Returns the value of the called function.
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL n_libcall(AMX *amx, const cell *params)
  const TCHAR *libname, *funcname, *typestring;
  MODLIST *item;
  int paramidx, typeidx, idx;
  cell *cptr,result;
  LIBFUNC LibFunc;

  amx_StrParam(amx, params[1], libname);
  item = findlib(&ModRoot, amx, libname);
  if (item == NULL)
    item = addlib(&ModRoot, amx, libname);
  if (item == NULL) {
    amx_RaiseError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE);
    return 0;
  } /* if */

  /* library is loaded, get the function */
  amx_StrParam(amx, params[2], funcname);
  LibFunc=(LIBFUNC)SearchProcAddress(item->inst, funcname);
  if (LibFunc==NULL) {
    amx_RaiseError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE);
    return 0;
  } /* if */

  #if defined HAVE_DYNCALL_H
    /* (re-)initialize the dyncall library */
    if (dcVM==NULL) {
    } /* if */

  /* decode the parameters */
  amx_StrParam(amx, params[3], typestring);
  while (paramidx < MAXPARAMS && typestring[typeidx]!=__T('\0')) {
    /* skip white space */
    while (typestring[typeidx]!=__T('\0') && typestring[typeidx]<=__T(' '))
    if (typestring[typeidx]==__T('\0'))
    /* save "pass-by-reference" token */
    if (typestring[typeidx]==__T('&')) {
    } /* if */
    /* store type character */
    ps[paramidx].type |= (unsigned char)typestring[typeidx];
    /* set default size, then check for an explicit size */
    #if defined __WIN32__ || defined _WIN32 || defined WIN32
    #elif defined _Windows
    if (_istdigit(typestring[typeidx])) {
      ps[paramidx].size=(unsigned char)_tcstol(&typestring[typeidx],NULL,10);
      while (_istdigit(typestring[typeidx]))
    } /* if */
    /* set default range, then check for an explicit range */
    if (typestring[typeidx]=='[') {
      while (typestring[typeidx]!=']' && typestring[typeidx]!='\0')
      ps[paramidx].type |= BYREF; /* arrays are always passed by reference */
      typeidx++;                  /* skip closing ']' too */
    } /* if */
    /* get pointer to parameter */
    switch (ps[paramidx].type) {
    case 'i': /* signed integer */
    case 'u': /* unsigned integer */
    case 'f': /* floating point */
    case 'i' | BYREF:
    case 'u' | BYREF:
    case 'f' | BYREF:
      if (ps[paramidx].range>1) {
        /* convert array and pass by address */
        ps[paramidx].v.ptr = fillarray(amx, &ps[paramidx], cptr);
      } /* if */
    case 'p':
    case 's':
    case 'p' | BYREF:
    case 's' | BYREF:
      if (ps[paramidx].type=='s' || ps[paramidx].type=='p') {
        int len;
        /* get length of input string */
        len++;            /* include '\0' */
        /* check max. size */
        if (len<ps[paramidx].range)
      } /* if */
      if (ps[paramidx].v.ptr==NULL)
        return amx_RaiseError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE);
      amx_GetString((char *)ps[paramidx].v.ptr,cptr,sizeof(TCHAR)>1,UNLIMITED);
      /* invalid parameter type */
      return amx_RaiseError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE);
    } /* switch */
  } /* while */
  if ((params[0]/sizeof(cell)) - 3 != (size_t)paramidx)
    return amx_RaiseError(amx, AMX_ERR_NATIVE); /* format string does not match number of parameters */

  #if defined HAVE_DYNCALL_H
    for (idx = 0; idx < paramidx; idx++) {
      if ((ps[idx].type=='i' || ps[idx].type=='u' || ps[idx].type=='f') && ps[idx].range==1) {
        switch (ps[idx].size) {
        case 8:
          dcArgChar(dcVM,(unsigned char)(ps[idx].v.val & 0xff));
        case 16:
          dcArgShort(dcVM,(unsigned short)(ps[idx].v.val & 0xffff));
        } /* switch */
      } else {
      } /* if */
    } /* for */
  #else /* HAVE_DYNCALL_H */
    /* push the parameters to the stack (left-to-right in 16-bit; right-to-left
     * in 32-bit)
#if defined __WIN32__ || defined _WIN32 || defined WIN32
    for (idx=paramidx-1; idx>=0; idx--) {
    for (idx=0; idx<paramidx; idx++) {
      if ((ps[idx].type=='i' || ps[idx].type=='u' || ps[idx].type=='f') && ps[idx].range==1) {
        switch (ps[idx].size) {
        case 8:
          push((unsigned char)(ps[idx].v.val & 0xff));
        case 16:
          push((unsigned short)(ps[idx].v.val & 0xffff));
        } /* switch */
      } else {
      } /* if */
    } /* for */

    /* call the function; all parameters are already pushed to the stack (the
     * function should remove the parameters from the stack)
  #endif /* HAVE_DYNCALL_H */

  /* store return values and free allocated memory */
  for (idx=0; idx<paramidx; idx++) {
    switch (ps[idx].type) {
    case 'p':
    case 's':
    case 'p' | BYREF:
    case 's' | BYREF:
      amx_SetString(cptr,(char *)ps[idx].v.ptr,ps[idx].type==('p'|BYREF),sizeof(TCHAR)>1,UNLIMITED);
    case 'i':
    case 'u':
    case 'f':
    case 'i' | BYREF:
    case 'u' | BYREF:
    case 'f' | BYREF:
      if (ps[idx].range==1) {
        /* modify directly in the AMX (no memory block was allocated */
        switch (ps[idx].size) {
        case 8:
          *cptr= (ps[idx].type==('i' | BYREF)) ? (long)((signed char)*cptr) : (*cptr & 0xff);
        case 16:
          *cptr= (ps[idx].type==('i' | BYREF)) ? (long)((short)*cptr) : (*cptr & 0xffff);
        } /* switch */
      } else {
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<ps[idx].range; i++) {
          switch (ps[idx].size) {
          case 8:
            *cptr= (ps[idx].type==('i' | BYREF)) ? ((signed char*)ps[idx].v.ptr)[i] : ((unsigned char*)ps[idx].v.ptr)[i];
          case 16:
            *cptr= (ps[idx].type==('i' | BYREF)) ? ((short*)ps[idx].v.ptr)[i] : ((unsigned short*)ps[idx].v.ptr)[i];
            *cptr= (ps[idx].type==('i' | BYREF)) ? ((long*)ps[idx].v.ptr)[i] : ((unsigned long*)ps[idx].v.ptr)[i];
          } /* switch */
        } /* for */
        free((char *)ps[idx].v.ptr);
      } /* if */
    } /* switch */
  } /* for */

  return result;

/* bool: libfree(const libname[]="")
 * When the name is an empty string, this function frees all libraries (for this
 * abstract machine). The name comparison is case sensitive.
 * Returns true if one or more libraries were freed.
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL n_libfree(AMX *amx, const cell *params)
  const TCHAR *libname;
  return freelib(&ModRoot,amx,libname) > 0;

#else /* HAVE_DYNCALL_H || WIN32_FFI */

static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL n_libcall(AMX *amx, const cell *params)
  return 0;
Пример #13
// Report the speed fraction of two algorithms on a range of array sizes
// alg1 is parallel, alg2 is sequential
void compareAlgorithms0(char *label, int siz, int seedLimit, void (*alg1)(), void (*alg2)() ) {
  printf("%s on size: %d seedLimit: %d #treads: %d\n", label, siz, seedLimit, NUMTHREADS);
  double alg1Time, alg2Time, T;
  int seed;
  int z;
  int limit = 1024 * 1024 * 16 + 1;
  while (siz <= limit) {
    printf("%s %d %s %d %s", "siz: ", siz, " seedLimit: ", seedLimit, "\n");
    struct intval *pi;
    void **A = myMalloc("compareAlgorithms0 1", sizeof(pi) * siz);
    // construct array
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
      pi = myMalloc("compareAlgorithms0 2", sizeof (struct intval));
      A[i] = pi;
    // warm up the process
    for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) 
      fillarray(A, siz, seed);
    for (z = 0; z < 4; z++) { // repeat to check stability
      alg1Time = 0; alg2Time = 0;
      // int TFill = clock();
      struct timeval tim;
      gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
      double TFILL=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0);
      for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) 
	fillarray(A, siz, seed);
      //  TFill = clock() - TFill;
      gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
      TFILL=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0) - TFILL;
      // T = clock();
      gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
      for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) { 
	fillarray(A, siz, seed);
	(*alg1)(A, siz, compareIntVal, NUMTHREADS); 
      // alg1Time = clock() - T - TFill;
      gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
      alg1Time=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0) - T - TFILL;
      // T = clock();
      gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
      for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) { 
	fillarray(A, siz, seed);
	(*alg2)(A, siz, compareIntVal);
      // alg2Time = clock() - T - TFill;
      gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
      alg2Time=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0) - T - TFILL;

      printf("%s %d %s", "siz: ", siz, " ");
      printf("%s %f %s", "alg1Time: ", alg1Time, " ");
      printf("%s %f %s", "alg2Time: ", alg2Time, " ");
      float frac = 0; float frac2 = 0;
      if ( alg1Time != 0 &&  alg2Time != 0) { 
	frac = alg2Time / ( 1.0 * alg1Time ); frac2 = 1.0/frac;
      printf("%s %f %s %f %s", "frac: ", frac, "frac2: ", frac2, "\n");
    // free array
    for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
    siz = siz * 2;
    seedLimit = seedLimit / 2;
} // end compareAlgorithms0
Пример #14
//Get the central point between the two parallel lines
CvPoint getcentralpoint(IplImage *image, CvSeq *res) 
    CvPoint *pnt1, *pnt2, *pnt3, *pnt4, *pnt5, *pnt6;
    double dif1, dif2, dif3;
    int dif;
    CvPoint tmpPnt1, tmpPnt2, tmpPnt3;
    if(ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE == 8){
        //get the points
        pnt1 = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(res,points[ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE-3][0],0);
        pnt2 = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(res,points[ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE-3][1],0);
        pnt3 = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(res,points[ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE-2][0],0);
        pnt4 = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(res,points[ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE-2][1],0);
        pnt5 = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(res,points[ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE-1][0],0);
        pnt6 = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(res,points[ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE-1][1],0);
        //get directions of the lines
        dif1 = difference(pnt1, pnt2, pnt3, pnt4, 'x') + difference(pnt1, pnt2, pnt3, pnt4, 'y'); 
        dif2 = difference(pnt1, pnt2, pnt5, pnt6, 'x') + difference(pnt1, pnt2, pnt5, pnt6, 'y'); 
        dif3 = difference(pnt3, pnt4, pnt5, pnt6, 'x') + difference(pnt3, pnt4, pnt5, pnt6, 'y'); 
        //get lines who run parallel to each other
        //dir3 = line 1 and 2
        //dir4 = line 1 and 3
        //dir5 = line 2 and 3
        if ((dif1 <= dif2) && (dif1 <= dif3)) 
            dif = 3;
        if ((dif2 <= dif1) && (dif2 <= dif3))
            dif = 4;
        if ((dif3 <= dif1) && (dif3 <= dif2))
            dif = 5;
        //estimate middle point between two parallel lines
        if (dif == 3) {
            tmpPnt1 = centralpoint(*pnt3, *pnt4);
            tmpPnt2 = centralpoint(*pnt1, *pnt2);
            tmpPnt3 = centralpoint(tmpPnt1, tmpPnt2);
        if (dif == 4) {
            tmpPnt1 = centralpoint(*pnt5, *pnt6);
            tmpPnt2 = centralpoint(*pnt1, *pnt2);
            tmpPnt3 = centralpoint(tmpPnt1, tmpPnt2);
        if (dif == 5) {
            tmpPnt1 = centralpoint(*pnt3, *pnt4);
            tmpPnt2 = centralpoint(*pnt5, *pnt6);
            tmpPnt3 = centralpoint(tmpPnt1, tmpPnt2);
    if(ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE == 12){
        pnt3 = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(res,points[ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE-2][0],0);
        pnt4 = (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(res,points[ORIENT_ARRAY_SIZE-2][1],0);
        tmpPnt3 =  centralpoint(*pnt3, *pnt4);
    //print center point in image
    //cvCircle(image, tmpPnt1, 10, CV_RGB(100,100,100), 2);

    //return the central point
    return tmpPnt3;
Пример #15
void validateFourSortBT() {  // validation on the Bentley bench test against heapsort
  printf("Entering validateFourSortBT Sawtooth ........\n");
  // printf("Entering validateFourSortBT Rand2 ........\n");
  // printf("Entering validateFourSortBT Plateau ........\n");
  // printf("Entering validateFourSortBT Shuffle ........\n");
  // printf("Entering validateFourSortBT Stagger ........\n");
  int sortcBTime, cut2Time, T;
  int seed =  666;
  int z;
  int siz = 1024*1024;
  // int limit = 1024 * 1024 * 16 + 1;
  // int seedLimit = 32 * 1024;
  int limit = siz + 1;
  // int seedLimit = 32;
  int seedLimit = 1;
  float frac;
  while (siz <= limit) {
    printf("%s %d %s %d %s", "siz: ", siz, " seedLimit: ", seedLimit, "\n");
    // int A[siz];
    struct intval *pi;
    void **A = myMalloc("compareAlgorithms0 1", sizeof(pi) * siz);
    void **B = myMalloc("compareAlgorithms0 3", sizeof(pi) * siz);
    // construct array
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
      pi = myMalloc("compareAlgorithms0 2", sizeof (struct intval));
      A[i] = pi;
      pi = myMalloc("compareAlgorithms0 4", sizeof (struct intval));
      B[i] = pi;
    // warm up the process
    fillarray(A, siz, seed);
    int TFill, m, tweak;
    int sortcBCnt, cut2Cnt; // , sortcBCntx, cut2Cntx;
    int sumQsortB, sumCut2; // , sumQsortBx, sumCut2x;
    // for (z = 0; z < 3; z++) { // repeat to check stability
    for (z = 0; z < 1; z++) { // repeat to check stability
      sortcBCnt = cut2Cnt = sumQsortB = sumCut2 = 0;
      // sortcBCntx = cut2Cntx = sumQsortBx = sumCut2x = 0;
      for (m = 1; m < 2 * siz; m = m * 2) {
      // m = 1024 * 1024; {
      // m = 1; {
      	for (tweak = 0; tweak <= 5; tweak++ ) {
	// tweak = 5; {
	  sortcBTime = 0; cut2Time = 0;
	  TFill = clock();
	  for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) 
	    sawtooth(A, siz, m, tweak);
	    // rand2(A, siz, m, tweak, seed);
	    // plateau(A, siz, m, tweak);
	    // shuffle(A, siz, m, tweak, seed);
	    // stagger(A, siz, m, tweak);
	  TFill = clock() - TFill;
	  T = clock();
	  for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) { 
	    sawtooth(A, siz, m, tweak);
	    // rand2(A, siz, m, tweak, seed);
	    // plateau(A, siz, m, tweak);
	    // shuffle(A, siz, m, tweak, seed);
	    // stagger(A, siz, m, tweak);
	    callHeapSort(A, siz, compareIntVal);
	  sortcBTime = sortcBTime + clock() - T - TFill;
	  sumQsortB += sortcBTime;
	  // if ( 4 != tweak ) sumQsortBx += sortcBTime;
	  T = clock();
	  for (seed = 0; seed < seedLimit; seed++) { 
	    sawtooth(B, siz, m, tweak);
	    // rand2(B, siz, m, tweak, seed);
	    // plateau(B, siz, m, tweak);
	    // shuffle(B, siz, m, tweak, seed);
	    // stagger(B, siz, m, tweak);
	    foursort(B, siz, compareIntVal, NUMTHREADS);  
	  cut2Time = cut2Time + clock() - T - TFill;
	  sumCut2 += cut2Time;
	  // if ( 4 != tweak ) sumCut2x += cut2Time;
	  printf("Size: %d m: %d tweak: %d ", siz, m, tweak);
	  printf("sortcBTime: %d ", sortcBTime);
	  printf("Cut2Time: %d ", cut2Time);
	  frac = 0;
	  if ( sortcBTime != 0 ) frac = cut2Time / ( 1.0 * sortcBTime );
	  printf("frac: %f \n", frac);
	  if ( sortcBTime < cut2Time ) sortcBCnt++;
	  else cut2Cnt++;
	  for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
	    if ( compareIntVal(A[i], B[i]) != 0 ) {
	      printf("***** validateFourSortBT m: %i tweak: %i at i: %i\n", 
		     m, tweak, i);
	printf("sumQsortB:   %i sumCut2:  %i frac: %f", 
	       sumQsortB, sumCut2, (sumCut2/(1.0 * sumQsortB)));
	printf(" sortcBCnt:  %i cut2Cnt:  %i\n", sortcBCnt, cut2Cnt);
      frac = 0;
      if ( sumQsortB != 0 ) frac = sumCut2 / ( 1.0 * sumQsortB );
      printf("sumQsortB:   %i sumCut2:  %i frac: %f", 
	     sumQsortB, sumCut2, (sumCut2/(1.0 * sumQsortB)));
      printf(" sortcBCnt:  %i cut2Cnt:  %i\n", sortcBCnt, cut2Cnt);
      // printf("sumQsortBx:  %i sumCut2x: %i", sumQsortBx, sumCut2x);
      // printf(" sortcBCntx: %i cut2Cntx: %i\n", sortcBCntx, cut2Cntx);

    // free array
    for (i = 0; i < siz; i++) {
      free(A[i]); free(B[i]);
    free(A); free(B);
    siz = siz * 2;
    seedLimit = seedLimit / 2;
} // end validateFourSortBT