QString KCheckGmailTray::takeScreenshotOfTrayIcon()
    // Process the events else the icon will not be there and the screenie will fail!

    // Taken from Akregator TrayIcon::takeScreenshot()
    const QRect rect = geometry();
    const QPoint g = rect.topLeft();
    int desktopWidth  = kapp->desktop()->width();
    int desktopHeight = kapp->desktop()->height();
    int tw = rect.width();
    int th = rect.height();
    int w = desktopWidth / 4;
    int h = desktopHeight / 9;
    int x = g.x() + tw/2 - w/2; // Center the rectange in the systray icon
    int y = g.y() + th/2 - h/2;
    if (x < 0)
        x = 0; // Move the rectangle to stay in the desktop limits
    if (y < 0)
        y = 0;
    if (x + w > desktopWidth)
        x = desktopWidth - w;
    if (y + h > desktopHeight)
        y = desktopHeight - h;

    // Grab the desktop and draw a circle around the icon:
    QPixmap shot = QPixmap::grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId(), x, y, w, h);
    QPainter painter(&shot);
    painter.setRenderHint( QPainter::Antialiasing );
    const int MARGINS = 6;
    const int WIDTH   = 3;
    int ax = g.x() - x - MARGINS -1;
    int ay = g.y() - y - MARGINS -1;
    painter.setPen( QPen(Qt::red/*KApplication::palette().active().highlight()*/, WIDTH) );
    painter.drawArc(ax, ay, tw + 2*MARGINS, th + 2*MARGINS, 0, 16*360);

    // Paint the border
    const int BORDER = 1;
    QPixmap finalShot(w + 2*BORDER, h + 2*BORDER);
    finalShot.fill( KApplication::palette().color( QPalette::Foreground ));
    painter.drawPixmap(BORDER, BORDER, shot);
//	return shot; // not finalShot?? -fo

    // End of Taken from Akregator

    QString filename;
    KTemporaryFile* tmpfile = new KTemporaryFile;
    if (tmpfile->open()) {
        filename = tmpfile->fileName();
        shot.save(tmpfile, "png");
    return filename;
Пример #2
void KSystemTray2::displayCloseMessage(QString fileMenu)
	*  - Use queuedMessageBox() but it need a dontAskAgainName parameter
	*    and image in QMimeSourceFactory shouldn't be removed.
	*  - Sometimes the systray icon is covered (a passive popup...)
	*    Use XComposite extension, if available, to get the kicker pixmap.
	*  - Perhapse desaturate the area around the proper SysTray icon,
	*    helping bring it into sharper focus. Or draw the cicle with XOR
	*    brush.
	*  - Perhapse add the icon in the text (eg. "... in the
	*    system tray ([icon])."). Add some clutter to the dialog.
#if KDE_IS_VERSION( 3, 1, 90 )
	// Don't do all the computations if they are unneeded:
	if ( ! KMessageBox::shouldBeShownContinue("hideOnCloseInfo") )
	// "Default parameter". Here, to avoid a i18n() call and dependancy in the .h
	if (fileMenu.isEmpty())
		fileMenu = i18n("File");

	// Some values we need:
	QPoint g = mapToGlobal(pos());
	int desktopWidth  = kapp->desktop()->width();
	int desktopHeight = kapp->desktop()->height();
	int tw = width();
	int th = height();

	// We are triying to make a live screenshot of the systray icon to circle it
	//  and show it to the user. If no systray is used or if the icon is not visible,
	//  we should not show that screenshot but only a text!

	// 1. Determine if the user use a system tray area or not:
	QByteArray screenstr;
	QByteArrray trayatom = "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S" + screenstr;
	bool useSystray = (KSelectionWatcher(trayatom).owner() != 0L);

	// 2. And then if the icon is visible too (eg. this->show() has been called):
	useSystray = useSystray && isVisible();

	// 3. Kicker (or another systray manager) can be visible but masked out of
	//    the screen (ie. on right or on left of it). We check if the icon isn't
	//    out of screen.
	if (useSystray) {
		QRect deskRect(0, 0, desktopWidth, desktopHeight);
		if ( !deskRect.contains(g.x(), g.y()) ||
		     !deskRect.contains(g.x() + tw, g.y() + th) )
			useSystray = false;

	// 4. We raise the window containing the systray icon (typically the kicker) to
	//    have the most chances it is visible during the capture:
/*	if (useSystray) {
		// We are testing if one of the corners is hidden, and if yes, we would enter
		// a time consuming process (raise kicker and wait some time):
//		if (kapp->widgetAt(g) != this ||
//		    kapp->widgetAt(g + QPoint(tw-1, 0)) != this ||
//		    kapp->widgetAt(g + QPoint(0, th-1)) != this ||
//		    kapp->widgetAt(g + QPoint(tw-1, th-1)) != this) {
			int systrayManagerWinId = topLevelWidget()->winId();
			kapp->processEvents(); // Because without it the systrayManager is raised only after the messageBox is displayed
//			KWindowSystem::activateWindow(systrayManagerWinId);
//			kapp->processEvents(); // Because without it the systrayManager is raised only after the messageBox is displayed
//				KWindowSystem::raiseWindow(systrayManagerWinId);
//			kapp->processEvents(); // Because without it the systrayManager is raised only after the messageBox is displayed
			// TODO: Re-verify that at least one corner is now visible
//		}

//	KMessageBox::information(this, QString::number(g.x()) + ":" + QString::number(g.y()) + ":" +
//	                         QString::number((int)(kapp->widgetAt(g+QPoint(1,1)))));

	QString message = i18n(
		"<p>Closing the main window will keep %1 running in the system tray. "
		"Use <b>Quit</b> from the <b>Basket</b> menu to quit the application.</p>"
	// We are sure the systray icon is visible: ouf!
	if (useSystray) {
		// Compute size and position of the pixmap to be grabbed:
		int w = desktopWidth / 4;
		int h = desktopHeight / 9;
		int x = g.x() + tw/2 - w/2; // Center the rectange in the systray icon
		int y = g.y() + th/2 - h/2;
		if (x < 0)                 x = 0; // Move the rectangle to stay in the desktop limits
		if (y < 0)                 y = 0;
		if (x + w > desktopWidth)  x = desktopWidth - w;
		if (y + h > desktopHeight) y = desktopHeight - h;

		// Grab the desktop and draw a circle arround the icon:
		QPixmap shot = QPixmap::grabWindow(QX11Info::appRootWindow(), x, y, w, h);
		QPainter painter(&shot);
		const int CIRCLE_MARGINS = 6;
		const int CIRCLE_WIDTH   = 3;
		const int SHADOW_OFFSET  = 1;
		const int IMAGE_BORDER   = 1;
		int ax = g.x() - x - CIRCLE_MARGINS - 1;
		int ay = g.y() - y - CIRCLE_MARGINS - 1;
		painter.setPen( QPen(KApplication::palette().active().dark(), CIRCLE_WIDTH) );
		painter.drawArc(ax + SHADOW_OFFSET, ay + SHADOW_OFFSET,
		                tw + 2*CIRCLE_MARGINS, th + 2*CIRCLE_MARGINS, 0, 16*360);
		painter.setPen( QPen(Qt::red/*KApplication::palette().active().highlight()*/, CIRCLE_WIDTH) );
		painter.drawArc(ax, ay, tw + 2*CIRCLE_MARGINS, th + 2*CIRCLE_MARGINS, 0, 16*360);
#if 1
		// Draw the pixmap over the screenshot in case a window hide the icon:
		painter.drawPixmap(g.x() - x, g.y() - y + 1, *pixmap());

		// Then, we add a border arround the image to make it more visible:
		QPixmap finalShot(w + 2*IMAGE_BORDER, h + 2*IMAGE_BORDER);
		painter.drawPixmap(IMAGE_BORDER, IMAGE_BORDER, shot);

		// Associate source to image and show the dialog:
		QResource::registerResource(finalShot, "systray_shot");
			message + "<p><center><img source=\":/systray_shot\"></center></p>",
			i18n("Docking in System Tray"), "hideOnCloseInfo");
		QResource::unregisterResource(finalShot, "systray_shot");
	} else {
			i18n("Docking in System Tray"), "hideOnCloseInfo");