int main(){ node *root = newNode(1); root->left = newNode(2); root->right = newNode(3); root->right->left = newNode(4); root->right->right = newNode(5); root->right->left->left = newNode(6); root->right->left->left->left = newNode(7); root->right->left->left->right = newNode(8); root->right->right->right = newNode(9); root->right->right->right->left = newNode(10); int k = 8; cout<<findClosestDown(root); cout << "Distace of the closest key from " << k << " is " << findClosest(root, k) << endl; k = 3; cout << "Distace of the closest key from " << k << " is " << findClosest(root, k) << endl; k = 5; cout << "Distace of the closest key from " << k << " is " << findClosest(root, k) << endl; k = 2; cout << "Distace of the closest key from " << k << " is " << findClosest(root, k) << endl; return 0; }
void readLeavesToPal(octNode **leaves,int gotLeaves,uint8 *palette,int palEntries) { octNode **leavesPtr; uint8 *palPtr; int R,G,B; int i,palGot; int distance,minDistance; palPtr = palette; palGot = 0; for(minDistance=256;minDistance>=0 && palGot < palEntries;minDistance>>=1) { leavesPtr = leaves; for(i=0;i<gotLeaves;i++) { R = (*leavesPtr)->R; G = (*leavesPtr)->G; B = (*leavesPtr)->B; leavesPtr++; distance = findClosest(R,G,B,palette,palGot,NULL); if ( distance >= minDistance ) { *palPtr++ = R; *palPtr++ = G; *palPtr++ = B; palGot ++; if ( palGot == palEntries ) break; } } } }
ClosestPolygonPoint findClosest(Point from, Polygons& polygons) { Polygon emptyPoly; ClosestPolygonPoint none(from, -1, emptyPoly); if (polygons.size() == 0) return none; PolygonRef aPolygon = polygons[0]; if (aPolygon.size() == 0) return none; Point aPoint = aPolygon[0]; ClosestPolygonPoint best(aPoint, 0, aPolygon); int64_t closestDist = vSize2(from - best.location); for (unsigned int ply = 0; ply < polygons.size(); ply++) { PolygonRef poly = polygons[ply]; if (poly.size() == 0) continue; ClosestPolygonPoint closestHere = findClosest(from, poly); int64_t dist = vSize2(from - closestHere.location); if (dist < closestDist) { best = closestHere; closestDist = dist; } } return best; }
const ColorRGB Scene3D::traceRay(const Ray& ray, int depth) const { float closest_t_value = NO_INTERSECT; const SceneObject* closest_object = findClosest(ray, closest_t_value); if (closest_object == 0) return ColorRGB(0,0,0); ColorRGB retColor(0,0,0); for (int i = 0; i < lights.size(); i++) { Vector3D normL = ((*lights[i]).get_position()-ray.getPointAt(closest_t_value)).normalize(); Vector3D normN = (*closest_object).surface_normal(ray.getPointAt(closest_t_value)); retColor += (*lights[i]).get_color()*(*closest_object).get_color()*std::max((normL*normN),float(0)); if (depth < 6 && (*closest_object).get_reflectivity() > 0) { Ray reflected_ray = ray.reflect(ray.getPointAt(closest_t_value), (*closest_object).surface_normal(ray.getPointAt(closest_t_value))); ColorRGB reflection_color = traceRay(reflected_ray, depth+1); retColor+= (*closest_object).get_reflectivity()*reflection_color; } } return retColor; }
void FaceDetectorFilter::facesCallback(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZL>::ConstPtr& msg) { tf::Transform cameraTransform; try { tf::StampedTransform tr; transformListener.lookupTransform ( "odom","camera_link2",ros::Time(0),tr); cameraTransform=tr; } catch(...) { return; } std::set<unsigned int> usedUsers = deleteOld(); std::list<Point> incomingUsers; fillList(incomingUsers, msg,cameraTransform); while(1) { std::pair<unsigned int,std::list<Point>::iterator> match = findClosest(incomingUsers); if(match.first == 0) break; float distance = getDistance(users[match.first],*match.second); if(distance> MAX_SPEED) break; if(usedUsers.find(match.first) == usedUsers.end()) { users[match.first] = *match.second; usedUsers.insert(match.first); std::cerr<<"user updated: "<<match.first<<", distance:" <<distance<<std::endl; } else { std::cerr<<"user ignored: "<<match.first<<", distance:" <<distance<<std::endl; } incomingUsers.erase(match.second); } for(std::list<Point>::iterator it = incomingUsers.begin(); it!=incomingUsers.end(); ++it) { unsigned int newId = getAvailableId(usedUsers); users[newId] = *it; std::cerr<<"added user: "******"camera_link2"; pmsg->height = 1; for(std::map<unsigned int,Point>::iterator it = users.begin(); it != users.end(); ++it) { pcl::PointXYZL point; Point p(it->second); transformPoint(p,cameraTransform,true); point.label = it->first; point.x=p.x; point.y=p.y; point.z = p.z; pmsg->points.push_back(point); } pmsg->width = pmsg->points.size(); facePublisher.publish(pmsg); }
void appendToExisting(std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > & contours) { for (std::deque<Trackable*>::iterator it = objects.begin(); it != objects.end(); it++) { Trackable * trackable = *it; std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point > >::iterator closest = findClosest(trackable->getLastLocalization(), contours); if (closest != contours.end()) { std::vector<cv::Point> contour = *closest; cv::Point cog = getCOG(contour); if (getDistance(cog, trackable->getLastLocalization()) < distanceThreshold) { trackable->signal(cog); contours.erase(closest); } } } }
void Weaver::connect_polygons(Polygons& supporting, int z0, Polygons& supported, int z1, WeaveConnection& result) { if (supporting.size() < 1) { DEBUG_PRINTLN("lower layer has zero parts!"); return; } result.z0 = z0; result.z1 = z1; std::vector<WeaveConnectionPart>& parts = result.connections; for (unsigned int prt = 0 ; prt < supported.size(); prt++) { const PolygonRef upperPart = supported[prt]; parts.emplace_back(prt); WeaveConnectionPart& part = parts.back(); PolyLine3& connection = part.connection; Point3 last_upper; bool firstIter = true; for (const Point& upper_point : upperPart) { ClosestPolygonPoint lowerPolyPoint = findClosest(upper_point, supporting); Point& lower = lowerPolyPoint.location; Point3 lower3 = Point3(lower.X, lower.Y, z0); Point3 upper3 = Point3(upper_point.X, upper_point.Y, z1); if (firstIter) connection.from = lower3; else connection.segments.emplace_back<>(lower3, WeaveSegmentType::DOWN); connection.segments.emplace_back<>(upper3, WeaveSegmentType::UP); last_upper = upper3; firstIter = false; } } }
std::vector<int> getPath(const Locations& input) { if(input.empty()) return {}; Locations locations(input); std::vector<int> results; Locations::iterator current = locations.begin(); do { Position curPos = current->second; results.push_back(current->first); locations.erase(current); current = findClosest(curPos, locations); } while(!locations.empty()); return results; }
void RegionMerger::fillPriorityQueue(){ currentTime=0; queue_vector.clear(); Region *r; map<int,Region>::iterator rit; for(rit=regionList.begin();rit!=regionList.end();rit++){ r=&(rit->second); r->timestamp=0; // updateFeatureValues(i); // set<int>::iterator it; // for(it=r->nList.begin(); it != r->nList.end(); it++) // if(*it > i){ // regionDiff d; // d.timestamp=0; // d.r1=i; // d.r2=*it; // d.dist=-regionDist(i,*it); // queue.push(d); // } r->closestNeighbour=findClosest(rit->first); regionDiff d; d.timestamp=0; d.r1=rit->first; d.r2=r->closestNeighbour; d.dist=-regionDist(rit->first,r->closestNeighbour); //queue.push(d); // cout << "Initial merge: " << d.print() << endl; queue_vector.push_back(d); } make_heap(queue_vector.begin(),queue_vector.end()); }
int main(void) { clockSetup(); ioSetup(); adcSetup(); while (1) { adcSample(); avg_adc = ((adc[0]+adc[1]+adc[2]+adc[3]+adc[4]+adc[5]+adc[6]+adc[7]+adc[8]+adc[9]) / 10);; findClosest(); if (distance < 20) { if (alarm_state == STATE_DISARMED) state = 0; else { if (state == 0) { alarm_state = STATE_ALERT; memset(txString, 0, 80); sprintf(txString, "%s%sSystem Status: %s", clear_screen, line_1, ALERT); i = 0; state = STATE_CHANGE; UC0IE |= UCA0TXIE; // Enable USCI_A0 TX interrupt UCA0TXBUF = txString[i++]; } P2OUT |= ALERTLED; P2OUT &= ~(SAFELED + WARNLED); change_lights = 1; } } else if (change_lights == 1) { if (alarm_state == STATE_ARMED) { P2OUT |= SAFELED; P2OUT &= ~(ALERTLED + WARNLED); } else if (alarm_state == STATE_DISARMED) { P2OUT |= WARNLED; P2OUT &= ~(ALERTLED + SAFELED); } } } }
void Weaver::chainify_polygons(Polygons& parts1, Point start_close_to, Polygons& result, bool include_last) { for (unsigned int prt = 0 ; prt < parts1.size(); prt++) { const PolygonRef upperPart = parts1[prt]; ClosestPolygonPoint closestInPoly = findClosest(start_close_to, upperPart); PolygonRef part_top = result.newPoly(); GivenDistPoint next_upper; bool found = true; int idx = 0; for (Point upper_point = upperPart[closestInPoly.pos]; found; upper_point = next_upper.location) { found = getNextPointWithDistance(upper_point, nozzle_top_diameter, upperPart, idx, closestInPoly.pos, next_upper); if (!found) { break; } part_top.add(upper_point); idx = next_upper.pos; } if (part_top.size() > 0) start_close_to = part_top.back(); else result.remove(result.size()-1); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ FILE *inputFile; //done int breakMe = 0, lastRead = 0; char *buffer, *tmpChar; //done long i=0, j=0, n=0, l=0, colAmt=0, rowAmt=0, fileSize=0, k=atoi(argv[2]); long closePoint = 0; long iterCount = 0; double *M, *centers1, *centers2, *tmpCenters, *centerWeights; //done //Variable allocation and initialization inputFile = fopen(argv[1], "r"); buffer = malloc(memBlock); M = malloc(memBlock); srand(time(NULL)); fgets(buffer, memBlock, inputFile); tmpChar = strtok(buffer, delims); while(tmpChar != NULL){ ++colAmt; tmpChar = strtok(NULL, delims); } rowAmt = memBlock/(sizeof(double)*colAmt); fseek(inputFile, 0, SEEK_END); fileSize = ftell(inputFile); rewind(inputFile); centers1 = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k*colAmt); centers2 = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k*colAmt); centerWeights = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*k); /*******SEEDING**********************/ tmpChar = NULL; lastRead = 0; do{ fillBuffer(inputFile, fileSize, buffer); for(i=0;i<(rowAmt*colAmt); ++i){ if(tmpChar == NULL){ if(lastRead){ breakMe=1; break; } else{ lastRead = fillBuffer(inputFile, fileSize, buffer); tmpChar = strtok(buffer, delims); } } M[i] = atof(tmpChar); tmpChar = strtok(NULL, delims); } }while(i<(rowAmt*colAmt) && !breakMe); breakMe = 0; for(j=0; j<k; ++j){ centerWeights[j] = 0; memmove(centers1+(j*colAmt), M+((rand()%(i/colAmt))*colAmt), sizeof(double)*colAmt); memmove(centers2+(j*colAmt), centers1+(j*colAmt), sizeof(double)*colAmt); } /********CLUSTERING**********************/ rewind(inputFile); tmpChar = NULL; lastRead = 0; breakMe = 0; iterCount = 0; for(n=0; n<10; ++n){ do{ do{ for(i=0;i<(rowAmt*colAmt); ++i){ if(tmpChar == NULL){ if(lastRead){ breakMe=1; break; } else{ printf("%zu : %lu\r", ftell(inputFile), fileSize); lastRead = fillBuffer(inputFile, fileSize, buffer); tmpChar = strtok(buffer, delims); } } M[i] = atof(tmpChar); tmpChar = strtok(NULL, delims); } for(j=0; j<(i/colAmt); ++j){ closePoint = findClosest(M+(j*colAmt), centers1, colAmt, k); for(l=0; l<colAmt; ++l){ centers2[closePoint*colAmt+l] = ((centers2[closePoint*colAmt+l] * centerWeights[closePoint]) + M[j*colAmt + l]) / (centerWeights[closePoint] +1); } ++centerWeights[closePoint]; } }while(!breakMe); /*******PRINT CENTERS************************ printf("---CENTERS---\n"); for(j=0;j<k; ++j){ printf("%lu: ", j+1); for(l=0; l<colAmt; ++l) printf("%f ", centers2[j*colAmt + l]); printf("\n"); } ********************************************/ for(i=0;i<k;++i) centerWeights[i] = 0; tmpCenters = centers1; centers1 = centers2; centers2 = tmpCenters; breakMe = 0; lastRead = 0; rewind(inputFile); ++iterCount; if(iterCount > iterLimit){ printf("ITERLIMITBREAK\n"); break; } }while(centerDiff(centers1, centers2, .0001, k, colAmt)); } printf("---CENTERS---\n"); for(j=0;j<k; ++j){ printf("%lu: ", j+1); for(l=0; l<colAmt; ++l) printf("%f ", centers2[j*colAmt + l]); printf("\n"); } fclose(inputFile); free(buffer); free(M); free(centers1); free(centers2); free(centerWeights); return 1; }
void RegionMerger::mergeTopRegions(){ //regionDiff; //queue.pop(); pop_heap(queue_vector.begin(),queue_vector.end()); regionDiff d=queue_vector.back(); queue_vector.pop_back(); if(regionList.count(d.r1)==0 ||regionList.count(d.r2)==0){ // cout << "popped inexistent merge" << endl; return; } if(d.r1>d.r2){ int tmp=d.r1; d.r1=d.r2; d.r2=tmp; } Region *r1=&(regionList[d.r1]); Region *r2=&(regionList[d.r2]); if(d.timestamp < r1->timestamp || d.timestamp < r2->timestamp) return; currentTime++; int i=d.r1,i2=d.r2; // cout << "Merging regions " << d.r1 <<" and " << d.r2 // << " w\\ d=" << d.dist << endl; // cout << "Feature vectors:" << endl << " r1: "; // Feature::printFeatureVector(cout,r1->fV); // cout << endl << " r2: "; // Feature::printFeatureVector(cout,r2->fV); // cout << "Neighbours of r1: " << endl; set<int>::iterator it; // for(it=r1->nList.begin(); it != r1->nList.end(); it++){ // if(regionList[*it].count){ // cout << " #"<<*it<<" (size "<<regionList[*it].count<<"):"; // Feature::printFeatureVector(cout,regionList[*it].fV); // cout << endl; // } // } // cout << "Neighbours of r2: " << endl; // for(it=r2->nList.begin(); it != r2->nList.end(); it++){ // if(regionList[*it].count){ // cout << " #"<<*it<<" (size "<<regionList[*it].count<<"):"; // Feature::printFeatureVector(cout,regionList[*it].fV); // cout << endl; // } // } mergeRegions(d.r1,d.r2,full_update); // now pointer r2 becomes invalid for(it=r1->nList.begin(); it != r1->nList.end(); it++){ Region *r=&(regionList[*it]); bool otherBefore = (r->closestNeighbour != i && r->closestNeighbour != i2); r->closestNeighbour=findClosest(*it); if(r->closestNeighbour != i && otherBefore) continue; // other relevant merges remain in the queue regionDiff d; d.timestamp=currentTime; d.r1=*it; d.r2=r->closestNeighbour; d.dist = -regionDist(d.r1,d.r2); //queue.push(d); // cout << "pushed merge: " << d.print() << endl; queue_vector.push_back(d); push_heap(queue_vector.begin(),queue_vector.end()); } if(r1->nList.size()){ r1->closestNeighbour=findClosest(i); regionDiff dn; dn.timestamp=currentTime; dn.r1=i; dn.r2=r1->closestNeighbour; dn.dist = -regionDist(dn.r1,dn.r2); //queue.push(d); queue_vector.push_back(dn); //cout << "pushed merge: " << dn.print() << endl; push_heap(queue_vector.begin(),queue_vector.end()); r1->timestamp=currentTime; //r2->timestamp=currentTime; } // dumpRegionList(); }
void geotag_worker(wc_work_queue &wq, std::vector<GPXPoint> &gpxData) { std::string fname; // Grab a file from the work queue while ((fname = wq.getFile()) != "") { try { Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(fname.c_str()); if (image.get() == 0) continue; image->readMetadata(); Exiv2::ExifData &exifData = image->exifData(); if (exifData.empty()) { std::string error = fname; error += ": No Exif data found in the file"; throw Exiv2::Error(1, error); } std::string tmpTime = exifData["Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal"].toString(); auto tstamp = getImageTimeStamp(tmpTime); size_t idx = 0; bool foundIt = findClosest(gpxData, tstamp, idx); if (!foundIt) { std::cout << fname << " is not on the GPX track!\n"; continue; } else { std::cout << fname << " was at (" << std::setprecision(10) << gpxData[idx].lat << ", " << std::setprecision(10) << gpxData[idx].lon << ")\n"; } clearGPSFields(exifData); exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSMapDatum"] = "WGS-84"; exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude"] = Exiv2::Rational(gpxData[idx].ele * 1000, 1000); exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitudeRef"] = Exiv2::byte(0); // Convert the latitude to DDD*MM'SS.SSS" and set int dd, mm; double ss; convertToDDMMSS(gpxData[idx].lat, dd, mm, ss); if (gpxData[idx].lat<0) { exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef"] = "S"; } else { exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef"] = "N"; } Exiv2::URationalValue::AutoPtr latitude(new Exiv2::URationalValue); latitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(dd,1)); latitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(mm,1)); latitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(std::trunc(ss*10000)-1,10000)); auto latKey = Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude"); exifData.add(latKey, latitude.get()); convertToDDMMSS(gpxData[idx].lon, dd, mm, ss); Exiv2::URationalValue::AutoPtr longitude(new Exiv2::URationalValue); if (gpxData[idx].lon<0) { exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef"] = "W"; } else { exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef"] = "E"; } longitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(dd,1)); longitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(mm,1)); longitude->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(int(ss*10000)-1,10000)); auto longKey = Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude"); exifData.add(longKey, longitude.get()); Exiv2::URationalValue::AutoPtr timestamp(new Exiv2::URationalValue); timestamp->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(gpxData[idx].hour,1)); timestamp->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(gpxData[idx].minute,1)); timestamp->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(gpxData[idx].second,1)); auto timeKey = Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSTimeStamp"); exifData.add(timeKey, timestamp.get()); exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDateStamp"] = gpxData[idx].dateStamp.c_str(); image->setExifData(exifData); image->writeMetadata(); } catch (Exiv2::AnyError& e) { std::cout << "Caught Exiv2 exception '" << e.what() << "'\n"; continue; } } }
void RegionMerger::initialApproximateMerge(){ // const int batchSize=40; const int initialStop=400; int batchnr=0; while((int)regionList.size() > initialStop){ // cout << "beginning batch of initialApproximateMerge" << endl; // cout <<"regionCount="<<regionList.size() << endl; set<int> region; set<int> neighbours; set<regionDiff> joins; int batchSize=(regionList.size()-numberOfRegions)/2; //int batchSize=500; const int l=regionList.size(); vector<int> labelsInRL; map<int,Region>::iterator rit; for(rit=regionList.begin();rit!=regionList.end();rit++) labelsInRL.push_back(rit->first); // cout << labelsInRL.size() << " labels collected:( l=" << l<<")"<<endl; // for(size_t i=0;i<labelsInRL.size();i++) // cout<<labelsInRL[i]<<endl; for(int i=0;i<batchSize;i++){ int j; int r=random(l-1); //cout << "r="<<r<<endl; j=labelsInRL[r]; if(region.count(j)||neighbours.count(j)) continue; //cout << "region set: "<<formVirtualSegmentLabel(region)<<endl; //cout << "neighbours: "<<formVirtualSegmentLabel(neighbours)<<endl; region.insert(j); //char jstr[80]; //sprintf(jstr,"%d",j); //if(regionList.count(j)==0) // throw string("accepted region ")+jstr+ " not in regionlist"; const set<int> &nbr=regionList[j].nList; //cout << "accepted region "<<j<<" w/ neighbours " << endl // <<" "<< formVirtualSegmentLabel(nbr)<<endl; neighbours.insert(nbr.begin(),nbr.end()); regionDiff tmp; tmp.r1=j; tmp.r2=findClosest(j); //cout << "closest region: "<<tmp.r2<<endl; tmp.dist=regionList[j].count*regionDist(tmp.r1,tmp.r2); tmp.dist=regionDist(tmp.r1,tmp.r2); joins.insert(tmp); } // cout <<"joins.size()="<<joins.size()<<endl; // sort(joins.begin(),joins.end()); int i=0; map<int,int> joinedTo; int njoins=joins.size()/2; // arbitrary choice, quite aggressive if(njoins<1) njoins=1; for(set<regionDiff>::iterator it=joins.begin();i<njoins; i++,it++){ regionDiff d=*it; //cout << "i= "<<i<<" dist="<<it->dist<<endl; while(joinedTo.count(d.r1)) d.r1=joinedTo[d.r1]; while(joinedTo.count(d.r2)) d.r2=joinedTo[d.r2]; if(d.r1==d.r2) continue; mergeRegions(d.r1,d.r2,full_update); // if(regionList.size() != countRegions()){ // cout << "batch nr " << batchnr << endl; // cout << "joined regions "<<d.r1<<" and "<<d.r2<<endl; // cout << "regionList.size()="<<regionList.size()<<" (real="<<countRegions() // << ") -> batchSize="<<batchSize<<endl; //} if(d.r1<d.r2) joinedTo[d.r2]=d.r1; else joinedTo[d.r1]=d.r2; } batchnr++; } }
void Convert2Tlv::buildInks(TRasterCM32P &rout, const TRaster32P &rin) { std::map<TPixel, int>::const_iterator it; TPixel curColor = TPixel::Transparent; int i, j; int curIndex; //prima passata: identifico i colori di inchiostro e metto in rout i pixel di inchiostro puro for (i = 0; i < rin->getLy(); i++) { TPixel *pixin = rin->pixels(i); TPixelCM32 *pixout = rout->pixels(i); for (j = 0; j < rin->getLx(); j++, pixin++, pixout++) { TPixel colorIn; if (pixin->m != 255) continue; if (curColor != *pixin) { curColor = *pixin; if ((it = m_colorMap.find(curColor)) == m_colorMap.end()) { if (m_colorTolerance > 0) it = findNearestColor(curColor); //if (it==colorMap.end() && (int)colorMap.size()>origColorCount) // it = findNearestColor(curColor, colorMap, colorTolerance, origColorCount, colorMap.size()-1); if (it == m_colorMap.end() && m_lastIndex < 4095) { m_colorMap[curColor] = ++m_lastIndex; curIndex = m_lastIndex; } else if (it != m_colorMap.end()) { m_colorMap[curColor] = it->second; curIndex = it->second; } } else curIndex = it->second; } *pixout = TPixelCM32(curIndex, 0, 0); } } //seconda passata: metto gli inchiostri di antialiasing curColor = TPixel::Transparent; for (i = 0; i < rin->getLy(); i++) { TPixel *pixin = rin->pixels(i); TPixelCM32 *pixout = rout->pixels(i); for (j = 0; j < rin->getLx(); j++, pixin++, pixout++) { TPixel colorIn; if (pixin->m == 255) //gia' messo nel ciclo precedente continue; if (pixin->m == 0) continue; colorIn = unmultiply(*pixin); //findClosestOpaque(rin, i, j); if (curColor != colorIn) { curColor = colorIn; if ((it = m_colorMap.find(curColor)) != m_colorMap.end()) curIndex = it->second; else curIndex = findClosest(m_colorMap, curColor); } *pixout = TPixelCM32(curIndex, 0, 255 - pixin->m); } } }
//*************************************************************************************************************** int Ccode::getChimeras(Sequence* query) { try { closest.clear(); refCombo = 0; sumRef.clear(); varRef.clear(); varQuery.clear(); sdRef.clear(); sdQuery.clear(); sumQuery.clear(); sumSquaredRef.clear(); sumSquaredQuery.clear(); averageRef.clear(); averageQuery.clear(); anova.clear(); isChimericConfidence.clear(); isChimericTStudent.clear(); isChimericANOVA.clear(); trim.clear(); spotMap.clear(); windowSizes = window; windows.clear(); querySeq = query; //find closest matches to query closest = findClosest(query, numWanted); if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } //initialize spotMap for (int i = 0; i < query->getAligned().length(); i++) { spotMap[i] = i; } //mask sequences if the user wants to if (seqMask != "") { decalc->setMask(seqMask); decalc->runMask(query); //mask closest for (int i = 0; i < closest.size(); i++) { decalc->runMask(closest[i].seq); } spotMap = decalc->getMaskMap(); } if (filter) { vector<Sequence*> temp; for (int i = 0; i < closest.size(); i++) { temp.push_back(closest[i].seq); } temp.push_back(query); createFilter(temp, 0.5); for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) { if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } runFilter(temp[i]); } //update spotMap map<int, int> newMap; int spot = 0; for (int i = 0; i < filterString.length(); i++) { if (filterString[i] == '1') { //add to newMap newMap[spot] = spotMap[i]; spot++; } } spotMap = newMap; } //trim sequences - this follows ccodes remove_extra_gaps trimSequences(query); if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } //windows are equivalent to words - ccode paper recommends windows are between 5% and 20% on alignment length(). //Our default will be 10% and we will warn if user tries to use a window above or below these recommendations windows = findWindows(); if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } //remove sequences that are more than 20% different and less than 0.5% different - may want to allow user to specify this later removeBadReferenceSeqs(closest); if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } //find the averages for each querys references getAverageRef(closest); //fills sumRef, averageRef, sumSquaredRef and refCombo. getAverageQuery(closest, query); //fills sumQuery, averageQuery, sumSquaredQuery. if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } //find the averages for each querys references findVarianceRef(); //fills varRef and sdRef also sets minimum error rate to 0.001 to avoid divide by 0. if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } //find the averages for the query findVarianceQuery(); //fills varQuery and sdQuery also sets minimum error rate to 0.001 to avoid divide by 0. if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } determineChimeras(); //fills anova, isChimericConfidence, isChimericTStudent and isChimericANOVA. if (m->control_pressed) { return 0; } return 0; } catch(exception& e) { m->errorOut(e, "Ccode", "getChimeras"); exit(1); } }
int putIntoTour(int length, int **adjacencyMatrix, const int &n, int vertex) { tour.insert(findClosest(vertex, adjacencyMatrix),vertex); return 0; }
bool RegionMerger::joinSmallRegions() { // first look for small regions that have only one neighbour int nregions=0; // dumpRegionList(); map<int,Region>::iterator rit=regionList.begin(); bool first=true; while(rit!=regionList.end()&&(int)regionList.size()>numberOfRegions){ if((int)rit->second.count<=sizeThreshold ){ nregions++; if((int)rit->second.nList.size()==1){ // some tricks to avoid iterators going invalid if(first){ mergeRegions(rit->first,*rit->second.nList.begin(),no_update); rit=regionList.begin(); continue; } else{ const map<int,Region>::iterator ritwas=rit; rit--; mergeRegions(ritwas->first, *ritwas->second.nList.begin(),no_update); } } } rit++; first=false; } // while if(Verbose()>1){ cout << nregions <<" small regions." << endl; cout << "regions w/ one neighbour joined." << endl; cout << "region count now " << regionList.size() << endl; } // then merge all small regions to their closest neighbours int smallmerges=0; bool approx_update=!useAveraging; bool fromFirst=false; rit=regionList.begin(); while(rit!=regionList.end()&&(int)regionList.size()>numberOfRegions){ while((int)rit->second.count<=sizeThreshold){ const int n=findClosest(rit->first); bool isInvalidated= rit->first > n; fromFirst= isInvalidated && (rit==regionList.begin()); const map<int,Region>::iterator ritwas=rit; if(isInvalidated) rit--; mergeRegions(ritwas->first,n, approx_update?choose_larger:full_update); smallmerges++; if(Verbose()>1 && smallmerges%100==0) cout << smallmerges <<" small regions merged." << endl; if(isInvalidated) break; } // while if(fromFirst){ rit=regionList.begin(); fromFirst=false; } else{ rit++; } } // while if(approx_update){ // all merges done, update remaining feature vectors for(rit=regionList.begin();rit!=regionList.end();rit++) updateFeatureValues(rit->first); } // cout << "small regions joined" << endl; return true; }
void BuddyPlayer::act( vector< Object * > * others, World * world, vector< Object * > * add ){ Character::act(others, world, add); if (show_life > getHealth()){ show_life--; } if (show_life < getHealth()){ show_life++; } vector<Object *> enemies; if (getStatus() != Status_Ground && getStatus() != Status_Jumping){ return; } filterEnemies(enemies, others); if (animation_current->Act()){ animation_current->reset(); // nextTicket(); // animation_current = movements[ "idle" ]; animation_current = getMovement("idle"); animation_current->reset(); } if (animation_current == getMovement("idle") || animation_current == getMovement("walk") ){ if (enemies.empty() && want_x == -1 && want_z == -1 && Util::rnd(15) == 0){ // want_x = Util::rnd( 100 ) - 50 + furthestFriend( others, getAlliance(), this ); want_x = Util::rnd(100) - 50 + (int) leader->getX(); want_z = Util::rnd(world->getMinimumZ(), world->getMaximumZ()); } else if (! enemies.empty()){ const Object * main_enemy = findClosest(enemies); if ( main_enemy->getX() > getX() ){ want_x = (int)(main_enemy->getX() - 20 - Util::rnd(20)); } else { want_x = (int)(main_enemy->getX() + 20 + Util::rnd(20)); } if (want_x < 1){ want_x = Util::rnd(100) - 50 + (int) leader->getX(); } want_z = (int)(Util::rnd(3) - 1 + main_enemy->getZ()); faceObject(main_enemy); if (Util::rnd(35) == 0){ vector<Util::ReferenceCount<Animation> > attacks; for (map<string, Util::ReferenceCount<Animation> >::const_iterator it = getMovements().begin(); it != getMovements().end(); it++){ Util::ReferenceCount<Animation> maybe = (*it).second; if (maybe->isAttack() && maybe->getStatus() == Status_Ground && maybe->getName() != "special"){ attacks.push_back(maybe); } } double attack_range = fabs( getX() - main_enemy->getX() ); double zdistance = ZDistance( main_enemy ); for (vector<Util::ReferenceCount<Animation> >::iterator it = attacks.begin(); it != attacks.end(); /**/){ Util::ReferenceCount<Animation> maybe = *it; if (attack_range > maybe->getRange() || zdistance > maybe->getMinZDistance()){ it = attacks.erase(it); } else { it++; } } if (!attacks.empty()){ animation_current = attacks[Util::rnd(attacks.size())]; world->addMessage(animationMessage()); nextTicket(); animation_current->reset(); return; } else { } } } if (want_x != -1 && want_z != -1){ bool walk = false; if (want_x < 1){ want_x = 1; } if (want_z < world->getMinimumZ()){ want_z = world->getMinimumZ() + 1; } if (want_z >= world->getMaximumZ()){ want_z = world->getMaximumZ() - 1; } if (getX() - want_x < -2){ moveX(getSpeed()); setFacing(FACING_RIGHT); walk = true; } else if (getX() - want_x > 2){ setFacing(FACING_LEFT); moveX(getSpeed()); walk = true; } if (getZ() < want_z){ moveZ(getSpeed()); walk = true; } else if (getZ() > want_z){ moveZ(-getSpeed()); walk = true; } if (walk){ animation_current = getMovement("walk"); } if (fabs(getX() - want_x) <= 2 && fabs(getZ() - want_z) <= 2){ want_x = -1; want_z = -1; animation_current = getMovement("idle"); } } } }
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, CombPaths& combPaths) { if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, max_comb_distance_ignored)) { return true; } bool startInside = true; bool endInside = true; //Move start and end point inside the comb boundary unsigned int start_inside_poly = boundary_inside.findInside(startPoint, true); if (start_inside_poly == NO_INDEX) { start_inside_poly = moveInside(boundary_inside, startPoint, offset_extra_start_end, max_moveInside_distance2); if (start_inside_poly == NO_INDEX) //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract. { startInside = false; } } unsigned int end_inside_poly = boundary_inside.findInside(endPoint, true); if (end_inside_poly == NO_INDEX) { end_inside_poly = moveInside(boundary_inside, endPoint, offset_extra_start_end, max_moveInside_distance2); if (end_inside_poly == NO_INDEX) //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract. { endInside = false; } } unsigned int start_part_boundary_poly_idx; unsigned int end_part_boundary_poly_idx; unsigned int start_part_idx = partsView_inside.getPartContaining(start_inside_poly, &start_part_boundary_poly_idx); unsigned int end_part_idx = partsView_inside.getPartContaining(end_inside_poly, &end_part_boundary_poly_idx); if (startInside && endInside && start_part_idx == end_part_idx) { // normal combing within part PolygonsPart part = partsView_inside.assemblePart(start_part_idx); combPaths.emplace_back(); LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part, startPoint, endPoint, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside); return true; } else { // comb inside part to edge (if needed) >> move through air avoiding other parts >> comb inside end part upto the endpoint (if needed) Point middle_from; Point middle_to; if (startInside && endInside) { ClosestPolygonPoint middle_from_cp = findClosest(endPoint, boundary_inside[start_part_boundary_poly_idx]); ClosestPolygonPoint middle_to_cp = findClosest(middle_from_cp.location, boundary_inside[end_part_boundary_poly_idx]); // walkToNearestSmallestConnection(middle_from_cp, middle_to_cp); // TODO: perform this optimization? middle_from = middle_from_cp.location; middle_to = middle_to_cp.location; } else { if (!startInside && !endInside) { middle_from = startPoint; middle_to = endPoint; } else if (!startInside && endInside) { middle_from = startPoint; ClosestPolygonPoint middle_to_cp = findClosest(middle_from, boundary_inside[end_part_boundary_poly_idx]); middle_to = middle_to_cp.location; } else if (startInside && !endInside) { middle_to = endPoint; ClosestPolygonPoint middle_from_cp = findClosest(middle_to, boundary_inside[start_part_boundary_poly_idx]); middle_from = middle_from_cp.location; } } if (startInside) { // start to boundary PolygonsPart part_begin = partsView_inside.assemblePart(start_part_idx); // comb through the starting part only combPaths.emplace_back(); LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part_begin, startPoint, middle_from, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside); } // throught air from boundary to boundary if (avoid_other_parts) { Polygons& middle = *getBoundaryOutside(); // comb through all air, since generally the outside consists of a single part Point from_outside = middle_from; if (startInside || middle.inside(from_outside, true)) { // move outside moveInside(middle, from_outside, -offset_extra_start_end, max_moveOutside_distance2); } Point to_outside = middle_to; if (endInside || middle.inside(to_outside, true)) { // move outside moveInside(middle, to_outside, -offset_extra_start_end, max_moveOutside_distance2); } combPaths.emplace_back(); combPaths.back().throughAir = true; if ( vSize(middle_from - middle_to) < vSize(middle_from - from_outside) + vSize(middle_to - to_outside) ) { // via outside is a detour combPaths.back().push_back(middle_from); combPaths.back().push_back(middle_to); } else { LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(middle, from_outside, to_outside, combPaths.back(), offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside); } } else { // directly through air (not avoiding other parts) combPaths.emplace_back(); combPaths.back().throughAir = true; combPaths.back().cross_boundary = true; // TODO: calculate whether we cross a boundary! combPaths.back().push_back(middle_from); combPaths.back().push_back(middle_to); } if (endInside) { // boundary to end PolygonsPart part_end = partsView_inside.assemblePart(end_part_idx); // comb through end part only combPaths.emplace_back(); LinePolygonsCrossings::comb(part_end, middle_to, endPoint, combPaths.back(), -offset_dist_to_get_from_on_the_polygon_to_outside); } return true; } }