inline void init_towbar() { body_s_ = findFirstNode((tow_visual_object_)->root(),"body_s"); body_b_ = findFirstNode((tow_visual_object_)->root(),"body_b"); body_a_ = findFirstNode((tow_visual_object_)->root(),"body_a"); osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbvs; body_s_->accept( cbvs ); const osg::BoundingBox bb_s = cbvs.getBoundingBox(); osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbvb; body_b_->accept( cbvb ); const osg::BoundingBox bb_b = cbvb.getBoundingBox(); osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbva; body_a_->accept( cbva ); const osg::BoundingBox bb_a = cbva.getBoundingBox(); osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor cbv; (tow_visual_object_)->root()->accept( cbv ); const osg::BoundingBox bb_ = cbv.getBoundingBox(); radius_ = abs(bb_.yMax() - bb_.yMin())/2.0;//(*tow_visual_object_)->root()->getBound().radius(); radius_s_ = abs(bb_s.yMax() - bb_s.yMin())/2.0;//body_s_->getBound().radius(); radius_a_ = abs(bb_a.yMax() - bb_a.yMin())/2.0;//body_a_->getBound().radius(); radius_b_ = abs(bb_b.yMax() - bb_b.yMin())/2.0;//body_b_->getBound().radius(); }
std::vector<unsigned int> bTree::findGreater(Index ind, bool equal){ unsigned int i; std::vector<unsigned int> res; bTreeNode cur = findFirstNode(ind); for (i = 0; i < cur.valNum; ++i) { if(cur.indexList[i]>=ind) break; } if(i>=cur.valNum) { freeNode(cur); if(cur.ptrList.back()==0) return res; cur = assignNode(cur.ptrList.back()); i = 0; } while(true) { if(equal || cur.indexList[i]!=ind) res.push_back(cur.ptrList[i]); i++; if(i>=cur.valNum) { if(cur.ptrList[i]==0) break; freeNode(cur); cur = assignNode(cur.ptrList[i]); i = 0; } } freeNode(cur); return res; }
std::vector<unsigned int> bTree::findAll(Index ind){ unsigned int i; std::vector<unsigned int> res; bTreeNode cur = findFirstNode(ind); for (i = 0; i < cur.valNum; ++i) { if(cur.indexList[i]==ind) break; } if(i>=cur.valNum) { freeNode(cur); if(cur.ptrList.back()==0) return res; cur = assignNode(cur.ptrList.back()); if(cur.indexList.front()!=ind) return res; i = 0; } while(cur.indexList[i]==ind) { res.push_back(cur.ptrList[i++]); if(i==cur.valNum) { if(cur.ptrList[i]==0) break; freeNode(cur); cur = assignNode(cur.ptrList[i]); i = 0; } } freeNode(cur); return res; }
bool ossimXmlNode::getChildTextValue(ossimString& value, const ossimString& relPath)const { ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> node = findFirstNode(relPath); if(node.valid()) { value = node->getText(); } return node.valid(); }
ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> ossimXmlNode::addNode(const ossimString& relPath, const ossimString& text) { // // Make a copy to manipulate: // ossimString relXpath (relPath); if (relXpath.empty()) return 0; // // First verify that this is not an absolute path: // if (relXpath[static_cast<std::string::size_type>(0)] == XPATH_DELIM[static_cast<std::string::size_type>(0)]) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "WARNING: ossimXmlNode::findChildNodes\n" << "Only relative XPaths can be searched from a node. " << "Returning null list...\n"; return 0; } // // Read the desired tag from the relative xpath // ossimString desiredTag (relXpath); if (relXpath.contains(XPATH_DELIM)) { desiredTag = relXpath.before(XPATH_DELIM); } ossimString subPath (relXpath.after(XPATH_DELIM)); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> node = findFirstNode(desiredTag); if(!node.valid()) { if(subPath.empty()) { node = addChildNode(desiredTag, text); } else { node = addChildNode(desiredTag, ""); } } if(!subPath.empty()) { return node->addNode(subPath, text); } return node; }
void bTree::insertIndex(Index ind){ unsigned int i; bTreeNode cur = findFirstNode(ind); for (i = 0; i < cur.valNum; ++i) { if (ind<cur.indexList[i]) break; } cur.dirty = true; //if(i==cur.valNum) //cur.indexList.push_back(ind); //else //cur.indexList.insert(cur.indexList.begin()+i,ind); //std::cout<<"num:"<<cur.valNum<<std::endl; if (cur.valNum>0) cur.indexList.insert(cur.indexList.begin()+i,ind); else cur.indexList.push_back(ind); cur.valNum++; cur.ptrList.insert(cur.ptrList.begin()+i,ind.getTuple()); //std::cout<<ind.getInt()<<std::endl; //cur.testOutput(); //std::cout<<std::endl; if (cur.isFull()) { bTreeNode newNode = createNode(LEAF); unsigned int half = cur.valNum/2; newNode.valNum = cur.valNum - half; for (i = 0; i < newNode.valNum; ++i) { newNode.indexList.push_back(cur.indexList[i+half]); newNode.ptrList.push_back(cur.ptrList[i+half]); } newNode.ptrList.push_back(cur.ptrList.back()); newNode.parentPtr = cur.parentPtr; cur.indexList.erase(cur.indexList.begin()+half,cur.indexList.end()); cur.ptrList.erase(cur.ptrList.begin()+half,cur.ptrList.end()); cur.ptrList.push_back(newNode.blockNo); cur.valNum = half; freeNode(newNode); freeNode(cur); insertNode(newNode.parentPtr,newNode.blockNo,findPath.back(),newNode.indexList.front()); } else freeNode(cur); return; }
Task TaskList::find(std::function<bool(QDomElement)> predicate) const { if (m_element.isNull()) { return Task{}; } auto found = findFirstNode(m_element.childNodes(), predicate); if (!found.isNull()) { return Task{m_dataSource, found}; } return Task{}; }
ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> ossimXmlNode::addNode(const ossimString& relPath, const ossimString& text) { if (relPath.empty()) return 0; // // First verify that this is not an absolute path: // if (relPath[static_cast<std::string::size_type>(0)] == XPATH_DELIM) { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_WARN) << "WARNING: ossimXmlNode::addNode\n" << "Only relative XPaths can be searched from a node. " << "Returning null list...\n"; } return 0; } // // Read the desired tag from the relative xpath // const std::string::size_type delim_pos = relPath.find(XPATH_DELIM); const ossimString desiredTag = relPath.substr(0,delim_pos); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> node = findFirstNode(desiredTag); if(!node.valid()) { // No XPATH_DELIM character found, or XPATH_DELIM at the end of xpath if (delim_pos==std::string::npos || delim_pos == relPath.size()-1) { node = addChildNode(desiredTag, text); } else { node = addChildNode(desiredTag, ""); } } if (delim_pos != std::string::npos && delim_pos != relPath.size()-1) // XPATH_DELIM character found! { const ossimString subPath = relPath.substr(delim_pos+1, std::string::npos); return node->addNode(subPath, text); } return node; }
void InstancesManagerImpl::commitInstancesPositions() { bool bCommit = false; size_t instCounter=0; if(animDataLoaded_) { instancesNodes_.erase(std::remove_if(instancesNodes_.begin(), instancesNodes_.end(), [](const InstancedNodesVectorType::value_type& v){return v.second && (v.second->getNumParents()==0) && v.parented;}) , instancesNodes_.end()); for ( size_t idx = 0; idx < instancesNodes_.size(); ++idx ) { auto & nd = instancesNodes_[idx]; auto & inst_data = instancesData_[idx]; if(!nd.second) { nd.second = findFirstNode(nd.first,"phys_ctrl",FindNodeVisitor::not_exact,osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_PARENTS); } if(nd.second && nd.second->getNumParents()>0) { nd.parented = true; osg::Matrixf matrix = nd.second->asTransform()->asMatrixTransform()->getMatrix(); osg::Matrixf modelMatrix = osg::Matrixf::scale(/*instancesData_[idx].getScale()*/srcScale_) * osg::Matrix::rotate(srcQuat_ * matrix.getRotate()) * osg::Matrixf::translate(matrix.getTrans()); instancesData_[idx] = modelMatrix; float * data = (float*)instTextureBuffer_->getImage(0)->data( idx *4u); memcpy(data, instancesData_[idx].ptr(), 16 * sizeof(float)); bCommit = true; instCounter++; } } } else { instCounter = instancesData_.size(); float * data = (float*)instTextureBuffer_->getImage(0)->data(0); if (instNum_!=instCounter) memcpy(data, instancesData_[0].ptr(), 16 * sizeof(float) * instCounter ); } if(instNum_!=instCounter || bCommit) { instTextureBuffer_->getImage(0)->dirty(); instGeode_->setNodeMask(instCounter>0?REFLECTION_MASK:0); for(unsigned i=0;i<instGeode_->getNumDrawables(); ++i) { instGeode_->getDrawable(i)->dirtyBound(); if (instNum_!=instCounter) { auto geometry = instGeode_->getDrawable(i)->asGeometry(); // first turn on hardware instancing for every primitive set for (unsigned int j = 0; j < geometry->getNumPrimitiveSets(); ++j) { geometry->getPrimitiveSet(j)->setNumInstances(instCounter); } } } } instNum_ = instCounter; }
void assignSlots(uint32_t slot, Node *table, symtab_t *symbols, symtab_t *block) { while (slot) switch (table[slot].type) { case node_fcndef: case node_fcnexpr: { fcnDeclNode *fd = (fcnDeclNode *)(table + slot); fd->symbols.depth = symbols->depth + 1; assignSlots(fd->body, table, &fd->symbols, block); return; } case node_endlist: case node_list: { listNode *ln; do { ln = (listNode *)(table + slot); assignSlots(ln->elem, table, symbols, block); slot -= sizeof(listNode) / sizeof(Node); } while (ln->hdr->type == node_list); return; } case node_neg: case node_enum: case node_incr: case node_typeof: case node_return: { exprNode *en = (exprNode *)(table + slot); slot = en->expr; continue; } case node_ternary: { ternaryNode *tn = (ternaryNode *)(table + slot); assignSlots(tn->condexpr, table, symbols, block); assignSlots(tn->trueexpr, table, symbols, block); slot = tn->falseexpr; continue; } case node_lor: case node_land: case node_math: case node_access: case node_opassign: case node_assign: { binaryNode *bn = (binaryNode *)(table + slot); assignSlots(bn->left, table, symbols, block); slot = bn->right; continue; } case node_ifthen: { ifThenNode *iftn = (ifThenNode *)(table + slot); assignSlots(iftn->condexpr, table, symbols, block); assignSlots(iftn->thenstmt, table, symbols, block); slot = iftn->elsestmt; continue; } case node_elem: { binaryNode *bn = (binaryNode *)(table + slot); slot = bn->right; continue; } case node_array: { arrayNode *an = (arrayNode *)(table + slot); slot = an->exprlist; continue; } case node_obj: { objNode *on = (objNode *)(table + slot); slot = on->elemlist; continue; } case node_while: case node_dowhile: { whileNode *wn = (whileNode *)(table + slot); assignSlots(wn->cond, table, symbols, block); slot = wn->stmt; continue; } case node_forin: { forInNode *forn = (forInNode*)(table + slot); block = &forn->symbols; // set our baseIdx after parent's frameIdx if (block->parent) block->baseIdx = block->parent->baseIdx + block->parent->frameIdx; else block->baseIdx = symbols->frameIdx; assignSlots(forn->var, table, symbols, block); assignSlots(forn->expr, table, symbols, block); slot = forn->stmt; continue; } case node_for: { forNode *forn = (forNode*)(table + slot); block = &forn->symbols; // set our baseIdx after parent's frameIdx if (block->parent) block->baseIdx = block->parent->baseIdx + block->parent->frameIdx; else block->baseIdx = symbols->frameIdx; assignSlots(forn->init, table, symbols, block); assignSlots(forn->cond, table, symbols, block); assignSlots(forn->incr, table, symbols, block); slot = forn->stmt; continue; } case node_var: { symNode *sym = (symNode *)(table + slot); stringNode *sn = (stringNode *)(table + sym->name); symbol_t *symbol = lookupSymbol(&sn->str, symbols, block); if (!symbol) { firstNode *fn = findFirstNode(table, slot); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Symbol not found: %s line = %d node = %d\n", fn->script, sn->str.val, (int)sym->hdr->lineNo, slot); exit(1); } if (symbol->scoped) sym->hdr->flag |= flag_scope; sym->level = symbols->depth - symbol->depth; sym->frameIdx = symbol->frameIdx; return; } case node_block: { blkEntryNode *be = (blkEntryNode *)(table + slot); // prepare for nested stmt block scope block = &be->symbols; // set our baseIdx after parent's frameIdx if (block->parent) block->baseIdx = block->parent->baseIdx + block->parent->frameIdx; else block->baseIdx = symbols->frameIdx; slot = be->body; continue; } case node_pipe: case node_fcncall: { fcnCallNode *fc = (fcnCallNode *)(table + slot); assignSlots(fc->args, table, symbols, block); symNode *sym = (symNode *)(table + fc->name); if (sym->hdr->type != node_var) { assignSlots(fc->name, table, symbols, block); return; } stringNode *sn = (stringNode *)(table + sym->name); symbol_t *symbol = lookupSymbol(&sn->str, symbols, block); if (symbol) { sym->level = symbols->depth - symbol->depth; sym->frameIdx = symbol->frameIdx; return; } firstNode *fn = findFirstNode(table, slot); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Function not found: %s line = %d node = %d\n", fn->script, sn->str.val, (int)sym->hdr->lineNo, slot); exit(1); } default: if (hoistDebug) fprintf(stderr, "node %d type %d assignment skipped\n", slot, (int)table[slot].type); return; } }
void bTree::deleteIndex(Index ind){ unsigned int i; bTreeNode cur = findFirstNode(ind); for (i = 0; i < cur.valNum; ++i) { if (ind<=cur.indexList[i] && ind>=cur.indexList[i]) break; } if(i == cur.valNum) return; cur.dirty = true; cur.indexList.erase(cur.indexList.begin()+i); cur.ptrList.erase(cur.ptrList.begin()+i); cur.valNum--; if(cur.type != ROOT && cur.valNum<(cur.maxNum+1)/2) { bTreeNode left,right; unsigned int path = findPath.back(); bTreeNode temp = findBro(cur); if(temp.type == INIT) { freeNode(cur); return; } if(temp.indexList.front()<cur.indexList.front()) { left = temp; right = cur; } else { left = cur; right = temp; path++; } left.dirty = true; right.dirty = true; if(left.valNum + right.valNum <= left.maxNum) { left.ptrList.pop_back(); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < right.valNum; ++i) { left.indexList.push_back(right.indexList[i]); left.ptrList.push_back(right.ptrList[i]); } left.ptrList.push_back(right.ptrList.back()); left.valNum+=right.valNum; freeNode(left); cleanNode(right); deleteNode(right.parentPtr,path); } else { unsigned int half = (left.valNum + right.valNum) / 2; unsigned int i; for (i = left.valNum; i < half; ++i) { left.indexList.push_back(right.indexList[i-left.valNum]); left.ptrList.insert(left.ptrList.end()-1,right.ptrList.back()); left.valNum++; right.indexList.erase(right.indexList.begin()); right.ptrList.erase(right.ptrList.begin()); right.valNum--; } for (i = left.valNum-1; i >= half; --i) { right.indexList.insert(right.indexList.begin(),left.indexList.back()); right.ptrList.insert(right.ptrList.begin(),left.ptrList[left.valNum-1]); right.valNum++; left.indexList.erase(left.indexList.end()-1); left.ptrList.erase(left.ptrList.end()-2); left.valNum--; } bTreeNode temp = assignNode(right.parentPtr); temp.dirty = true; temp.indexList[path-1] = right.indexList.front(); freeNode(temp); freeNode(left); freeNode(right); } } else freeNode(cur); return; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { // use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments. osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv); // set up the usage document, in case we need to print out how to use this program. arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setApplicationName(arguments.getApplicationName()); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setDescription(arguments.getApplicationName()+" is a utility for converting between various input and output databases formats."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options] filename ..."); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display command line parameters"); arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("--help-env","Display environmental variables available"); //arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("--formats","List supported file formats"); //arguments.getApplicationUsage()->addCommandLineOption("--plugins","List database olugins"); // if user request help write it out to cout. if ("-h") ||"--help")) { osg::setNotifyLevel(osg::NOTICE); usage( arguments.getApplicationName().c_str(), 0 ); //arguments.getApplicationUsage()->write(std::cout); return 1; } if ("--help-env")) { arguments.getApplicationUsage()->write(std::cout, osg::ApplicationUsage::ENVIRONMENTAL_VARIABLE); return 1; } if ("--plugins")) { osgDB::FileNameList plugins = osgDB::listAllAvailablePlugins(); for(osgDB::FileNameList::iterator itr = plugins.begin(); itr != plugins.end(); ++itr) { std::cout<<"Plugin "<<*itr<<std::endl; } return 0; } std::string plugin; if ("--plugin", plugin)) { osgDB::outputPluginDetails(std::cout, plugin); return 0; } std::string ext; if ("--format", ext)) { plugin = osgDB::Registry::instance()->createLibraryNameForExtension(ext); osgDB::outputPluginDetails(std::cout, plugin); return 0; } if ("--formats")) { osgDB::FileNameList plugins = osgDB::listAllAvailablePlugins(); for(osgDB::FileNameList::iterator itr = plugins.begin(); itr != plugins.end(); ++itr) { osgDB::outputPluginDetails(std::cout,*itr); } return 0; } if (arguments.argc()<=1) { arguments.getApplicationUsage()->write(std::cout,osg::ApplicationUsage::COMMAND_LINE_OPTION); return 1; } FileNameList fileNames; OrientationConverter oc; bool do_convert = false; if ("--use-world-frame")) { oc.useWorldFrame(true); } std::string str; while ("-O",str)) { osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options = new osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options; options->setOptionString(str); osgDB::Registry::instance()->setOptions(options); } while ("-e",ext)) { std::string libName = osgDB::Registry::instance()->createLibraryNameForExtension(ext); osgDB::Registry::instance()->loadLibrary(libName); } std::string libName; while ("-l",libName)) { osgDB::Registry::instance()->loadLibrary(libName); } while ("-o",str)) { osg::Vec3 from, to; if( sscanf( str.c_str(), "%f,%f,%f-%f,%f,%f", &from[0], &from[1], &from[2], &to[0], &to[1], &to[2] ) != 6 ) { float degrees; osg::Vec3 axis; // Try deg-axis format if( sscanf( str.c_str(), "%f-%f,%f,%f", °rees, &axis[0], &axis[1], &axis[2] ) != 4 ) { usage( argv[0], "Orientation argument format incorrect." ); return 1; } else { oc.setRotation( degrees, axis ); do_convert = true; } } else { oc.setRotation( from, to ); do_convert = true; } } while ("-s",str)) { osg::Vec3 scale(0,0,0); if( sscanf( str.c_str(), "%f,%f,%f", &scale[0], &scale[1], &scale[2] ) != 3 ) { usage( argv[0], "Scale argument format incorrect." ); return 1; } oc.setScale( scale ); do_convert = true; } float simplifyPercent = 1.0; bool do_simplify = false; while ( "--simplify",str ) ) { float nsimp = 1.0; if( sscanf( str.c_str(), "%f", &nsimp ) != 1 ) { usage( argv[0], "Scale argument format incorrect." ); return 1; } std::cout << str << " " << nsimp << std::endl; simplifyPercent = nsimp; osg::notify( osg::INFO ) << "Simplifying with percentage: " << simplifyPercent << std::endl; do_simplify = true; } while ("-t",str)) { osg::Vec3 trans(0,0,0); if( sscanf( str.c_str(), "%f,%f,%f", &trans[0], &trans[1], &trans[2] ) != 3 ) { usage( argv[0], "Translation argument format incorrect." ); return 1; } oc.setTranslation( trans ); do_convert = true; } FixTransparencyVisitor::FixTransparencyMode fixTransparencyMode = FixTransparencyVisitor::NO_TRANSPARANCY_FIXING; std::string fixString; while("--fix-transparency")) fixTransparencyMode = FixTransparencyVisitor::MAKE_OPAQUE_TEXTURE_STATESET_OPAQUE; while("--fix-transparency-mode",fixString)) { if (fixString=="MAKE_OPAQUE_TEXTURE_STATESET_OPAQUE") fixTransparencyMode = FixTransparencyVisitor::MAKE_OPAQUE_TEXTURE_STATESET_OPAQUE; if (fixString=="MAKE_ALL_STATESET_OPAQUE") fixTransparencyMode = FixTransparencyVisitor::MAKE_ALL_STATESET_OPAQUE; }; bool pruneStateSet = false; while("--prune-StateSet")) pruneStateSet = true; osg::Texture::InternalFormatMode internalFormatMode = osg::Texture::USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT; while("--compressed") ||"--compressed-arb")) { internalFormatMode = osg::Texture::USE_ARB_COMPRESSION; } while("--compressed-dxt1")) { internalFormatMode = osg::Texture::USE_S3TC_DXT1_COMPRESSION; } while("--compressed-dxt3")) { internalFormatMode = osg::Texture::USE_S3TC_DXT3_COMPRESSION; } while("--compressed-dxt5")) { internalFormatMode = osg::Texture::USE_S3TC_DXT5_COMPRESSION; } bool smooth = false; while("--smooth")) { smooth = true; } bool addMissingColours = false; while("--addMissingColours") ||"--addMissingColors")) { addMissingColours = true; } bool do_overallNormal = false; while("--overallNormal") ||"--overallNormal")) { do_overallNormal = true; } bool enableObjectCache = false; while("--enable-object-cache")) { enableObjectCache = true; } // any option left unread are converted into errors to write out later. arguments.reportRemainingOptionsAsUnrecognized(); // report any errors if they have occurred when parsing the program arguments. if (arguments.errors()) { arguments.writeErrorMessages(std::cout); return 1; } for(int pos=1;pos<arguments.argc();++pos) { if (!arguments.isOption(pos)) { fileNames.push_back(arguments[pos]); } } if (enableObjectCache) { if (osgDB::Registry::instance()->getOptions()==0) osgDB::Registry::instance()->setOptions(new osgDB::Options()); osgDB::Registry::instance()->getOptions()->setObjectCacheHint(osgDB::Options::CACHE_ALL); } std::string fileNameOut("converted.osg"); if (fileNames.size()>1) { fileNameOut = fileNames.back(); fileNames.pop_back(); } osg::Timer_t startTick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick(); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> root = osgDB::readNodeFiles(fileNames); if (root.valid()) { osg::Timer_t endTick = osg::Timer::instance()->tick(); osg::notify(osg::INFO)<<"Time to load files "<<osg::Timer::instance()->delta_m(startTick, endTick)<<" ms"<<std::endl; } if (pruneStateSet) { PruneStateSetVisitor pssv; root->accept(pssv); } if (fixTransparencyMode != FixTransparencyVisitor::NO_TRANSPARANCY_FIXING) { FixTransparencyVisitor atv(fixTransparencyMode); root->accept(atv); } if ( root.valid() ) { if (smooth) { osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor sv; root->accept(sv); } if (addMissingColours) { AddMissingColoursToGeometryVisitor av; root->accept(av); } auto to_lower = std::bind(&boost::to_lower_copy<std::string>,std::placeholders::_1,std::locale()); // all names to lower Utils::CommonVisitor<osg::Node> names_lower( [=](osg::Node& n)->void { n.setName(to_lower(n.getName())); }); root->accept(names_lower); // optimize the scene graph, remove rendundent nodes and state etc. osgUtil::Optimizer optimizer; FindNodeVisitor::nodeNamesList list_name; for(int i=0; i<sizeof(do_not_optimize::names)/sizeof(do_not_optimize::names[0]);++i) { list_name.push_back(do_not_optimize::names[i]); } FindNodeVisitor findNodes(list_name,FindNodeVisitor::not_exact); root->accept(findNodes); const FindNodeVisitor::nodeListType& wln_list = findNodes.getNodeList(); for(auto it = wln_list.begin(); it != wln_list.end(); ++it ) { optimizer.setPermissibleOptimizationsForObject(*it,0); } optimizer.optimize(root.get(), osgUtil::Optimizer::FLATTEN_STATIC_TRANSFORMS | osgUtil::Optimizer::REMOVE_REDUNDANT_NODES | osgUtil::Optimizer::SHARE_DUPLICATE_STATE | osgUtil::Optimizer::MERGE_GEOMETRY | osgUtil::Optimizer::MERGE_GEODES | osgUtil::Optimizer::STATIC_OBJECT_DETECTION ); boost::filesystem::path pathFileOut(fileNameOut); std::string base_file_name = pathFileOut.parent_path().string() + "/" + pathFileOut.stem().string(); cg::point_3 offset; bool res = generateBulletFile(base_file_name + ".bullet", root, offset); if (res) { osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Data written to '"<< base_file_name + ".bullet"<<"'."<< std::endl; } else { osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<< "Error Occurred While Writing to "<< base_file_name + ".bullet"<< std::endl; } osg::Group* newroot = dynamic_cast<osg::Group*>(findFirstNode(root,"Root")); if(newroot==nullptr) { newroot = new osg::Group; newroot->setName("Root"); newroot->addChild( root ); root = newroot; } std::ofstream filelogic( base_file_name + ".stbin", std::ios_base::binary ); std::ofstream logfile ( base_file_name + std::string("_structure") + ".txt" ); heilVisitor hv(filelogic, logfile, offset); hv.apply(*root.get()); if( do_convert ) root = oc.convert( root.get() ); FIXME(Without textures useless) #if 0 const std::string name = pathFileOut.stem().string(); osgDB::FilePathList fpl_; fpl_.push_back(pathFileOut.parent_path().string() + "/"); std::string mat_file_name = osgDB::findFileInPath(name+".dae.mat.xml", /*fpl.*/fpl_,osgDB::CASE_INSENSITIVE); MaterialVisitor::namesList nl; nl.push_back("building"); nl.push_back("default"); nl.push_back("tree"); nl.push_back("ground"); nl.push_back("concrete"); nl.push_back("mountain"); nl.push_back("sea"); nl.push_back("railing"); nl.push_back("panorama"); nl.push_back("plane"); //nl.push_back("rotor"); /// �ללללללללללללל נאסךמלוםעאנטע� ט הטםאלטקוסךטי ףבתועס� MaterialVisitor mv ( nl, std::bind(&creators::createMaterial,sp::_1,sp::_2,name,sp::_3,sp::_4),creators::computeAttributes,mat::reader::read(mat_file_name)); root->accept(mv); #endif if (internalFormatMode != osg::Texture::USE_IMAGE_DATA_FORMAT) { std::string ext = osgDB::getFileExtension(fileNameOut); CompressTexturesVisitor ctv(internalFormatMode); root->accept(ctv); ctv.compress(); osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options *options = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getOptions(); if (ext!="ive" || (options && options->getOptionString().find("noTexturesInIVEFile")!=std::string::npos)) { ctv.write(osgDB::getFilePath(fileNameOut)); } } // scrub normals if ( do_overallNormal ) { DefaultNormalsGeometryVisitor dngv; root->accept( dngv ); } // apply any user-specified simplification if ( do_simplify ) { osgUtil::Simplifier simple; simple.setSmoothing( smooth ); osg::notify( osg::ALWAYS ) << " smoothing: " << smooth << std::endl; simple.setSampleRatio( simplifyPercent ); root->accept( simple ); } osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult result = osgDB::Registry::instance()->writeNode(*root,fileNameOut,osgDB::Registry::instance()->getOptions()); if (result.success()) { osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Data written to '"<<fileNameOut<<"'."<< std::endl; } else if (result.message().empty()) { osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<"Warning: file write to '"<<fileNameOut<<"' not supported."<< std::endl; } else { osg::notify(osg::NOTICE)<<result.message()<< std::endl; } } else {