/*! Removes the specified mesh by name from the vector. */ bool SLNode::removeMesh(SLstring name) { assert(name!=""); SLMesh* found = findMesh(name); if (found) return removeMesh(found); return false; }
FbxMesh* FBXConverter::findMesh( FbxNode* node ) { if ( node->GetMesh() ) { std::cout << node->GetName() << std::endl; return node->GetMesh(); } for ( int i = 0; i < node->GetChildCount(); i++ ) { FbxMesh* theMesh = findMesh( node->GetChild( i ) ); if ( theMesh ) { return theMesh; } }; return NULL; }
CMesh *CModelManager::registerMesh(const std::string fname){ CMesh *found = findMesh(fname); if(found)return found; gcon.printString("Loading mesh " + fname + "\n"); CMeshPtr mesh = new CMesh(); try { mesh->load(fname, CEngine::getSingleton()->vfs); } catch (CException e) { gcon.printString("Failed to load : " + fname + "\n "); gcon.printString(e.getExplanation() + "\n"); return 0; } registerMesh(mesh); return mesh; }
void FBXConverter::convert( const char* input , const char* output ) { if ( converting ) return; converting = true; FbxManager* fbxManger = FbxManager::Create(); FbxIOSettings* ios = FbxIOSettings::Create( fbxManger , IOSROOT ); fbxManger->SetIOSettings( ios ); FbxImporter* importer = FbxImporter::Create( fbxManger , "" ); bool status = importer->Initialize( input , -1 , fbxManger->GetIOSettings() ); if ( !status ) { std::cout << importer->GetStatus().GetErrorString() << std::endl; } FbxScene* scene = FbxScene::Create( fbxManger , "theScene" ); importer->Import( scene ); importer->Destroy(); FbxMesh* theMesh = findMesh( scene->GetRootNode() ); if ( theMesh ) { std::vector<VertexData> vertices; std::vector<IndexData> indices; FbxStringList uvSets; theMesh->GetUVSetNames( uvSets ); processPolygons( theMesh , vertices , indices , uvSets ); std::vector<JointData> skeleton; processSkeletonHierarchy( scene->GetRootNode() , skeleton ); if ( skeleton.size() ) processAnimations( theMesh->GetNode() , skeleton , vertices , indices ); std::string modelData; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i ) { modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].position ); modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].uv ); modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].normal ); modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].tangent ); modelData += DATASTRING( vertices[i].bitangent ); for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < 4 ; ++j ) { if ( j < vertices[i].blendingInfo.size() ) { int blendingIndex = vertices[i].blendingInfo[j].blendingIndex; modelData += DATASTRING( blendingIndex ); } else { int blendingIndex = -1; modelData += DATASTRING( blendingIndex ); } } for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; ++j ) { if ( j < vertices[i].blendingInfo.size() ) { float blendingIndex = vertices[i].blendingInfo[j].blendingWeight; modelData += DATASTRING( blendingIndex ); } else { float blendingIndex = -1; modelData += DATASTRING( blendingIndex ); } } } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) { modelData += DATASTRING( indices[i].index ); } std::string boneData; std::vector<unsigned int> boneChildren; std::vector<AnimationData> boneAnimation; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < skeleton.size(); ++i ) { boneData += DATASTRING( skeleton[i].offsetMatrix ); int childDataStart , childDataEnd , animationDataStart , animationDataEnd; if ( skeleton[i].children.size() ) { childDataStart = boneChildren.size(); for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < skeleton[i].children.size(); ++j ) { boneChildren.push_back( skeleton[i].children[j] ); } childDataEnd = boneChildren.size(); } else { childDataStart = -1; childDataEnd = -1; } if ( skeleton[i].animation.size() ) { animationDataStart = boneAnimation.size(); for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < skeleton[i].animation.size(); ++j ) { boneAnimation.push_back( skeleton[i].animation[j] ); } animationDataEnd = boneAnimation.size(); } else { animationDataStart = -1; animationDataEnd = -1; } boneData += DATASTRING( childDataStart ); boneData += DATASTRING( childDataEnd ); boneData += DATASTRING( animationDataStart ); boneData += DATASTRING( animationDataEnd ); } unsigned int sizeofAnimationRangeInfo; AnimationFrameRangeInfo frameRange; if ( boneAnimation.size() > 0 ) { sizeofAnimationRangeInfo = 1; frameRange.nextAnimationFrameInfo = 0; frameRange.firstFrame = 1; frameRange.lastFrame = boneAnimation[boneAnimation.size() - 1].frame; } else { sizeofAnimationRangeInfo = 0; } std::fstream stream( output , std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc ); unsigned int sizeofVertices = vertices.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofVertices ) , sizeof( sizeofVertices )); unsigned int sizeofIndices = indices.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofIndices ) , sizeof( sizeofIndices ) ); unsigned int sizeofBoneData = skeleton.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &sizeofBoneData ) , sizeof( sizeofBoneData ) ); unsigned int sizeofBoneChildData = boneChildren.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofBoneChildData ) , sizeof( sizeofBoneChildData )); unsigned int sizeofBoneAnimationData = boneAnimation.size(); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofBoneAnimationData ) , sizeof( sizeofBoneAnimationData ) ); stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &sizeofAnimationRangeInfo ) , sizeof( sizeofAnimationRangeInfo ) ); stream.write( modelData.c_str() , modelData.size() ); stream.write( boneData.c_str() , boneData.size() ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < boneChildren.size(); ++i ) { stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &boneChildren[i] ) , sizeof( boneChildren[i] ) ); } for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < boneAnimation.size(); ++i ) { stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &boneAnimation[i] ) , sizeof( boneAnimation[i] ) ); } if(sizeofAnimationRangeInfo) stream.write( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &frameRange ) , sizeof( frameRange ) ); stream.close(); } converting = false; }
//! returns if a mesh already was loaded bool CMeshCache::isMeshLoaded(const c8* filename) { core::stringc name = filename; name.make_lower(); return findMesh(name.c_str()) != 0; }