Пример #1

  Does one iteration towards a better solution for the problem.
  See 'solveMaxHelper'.
bool QSimplex::iterate()
    // Find Pivot column
    int pivotColumn = findPivotColumn();
    if (pivotColumn == -1)
        return false;

    // Find Pivot row for column
    int pivotRow = pivotRowForColumn(pivotColumn);
    if (pivotRow == -1) {
        qWarning() << "QSimplex: Unbounded problem!";
        return false;

    // Normalize Pivot Row
    qreal pivot = valueAt(pivotRow, pivotColumn);
    if (pivot != 1.0)
        combineRows(pivotRow, pivotRow, (qreal(1.0) - pivot) / pivot);

    // Update other rows
    for (int row=0; row < rows; ++row) {
        if (row == pivotRow)

        combineRows(row, pivotRow, -1 * valueAt(row, pivotColumn));

    // Update first column
    setValueAt(pivotRow, 0, pivotColumn);

    //    dumpMatrix();
    //    qDebug("------------ end of iteration --------------\n");
    return true;
Пример #2
Eigen::VectorXf Simplex::run() {
	int piv_col, piv_row;
		piv_col = findPivotColumn();
		//std::cout << " CHOIX PIVOT " << std::endl;
		//std::cout << " simplexe run piv_col : "<< piv_col << std::endl;
		if(piv_col < 0)
			//std::cout<< " STOP " << std::endl;
			getBest(); // optimal
			return best;
		piv_row = findPivotRow(piv_col);
		//std::cout << " simplexe run piv_row : " << piv_row << std::endl;

		if(piv_row < 0)
			//std::cout << " Pas de solution" << std::endl;
			break; //caca
		//std::cout << " val pivot : " << tab(piv_row,piv_col);
		//std::cout << " " << std::endl;
		pivot(piv_row, piv_col);
		//std::cout << tab << std::endl;
	return best;