sat::sat(ScribusDoc* doc, SATDialog* satdia, QString fileName, QString tmplDir) { lang = ScCore->getGuiLanguage(); m_Doc = doc; dia = satdia; dir = tmplDir; if (dir.right(1) == "/") dir = tmplDir.left(tmplDir.length() - 1); file = fileName; tmplXmlFile = findTemplateXml(dir); }
void SATDialog::addCategories(const QString& dir) { // Read categories from the dir itself QString tmplFile = findTemplateXml(dir); if (QFile::exists(tmplFile)) readCategories(tmplFile); // And from all the subdirectories. template.xml file is only searched one dir level deeper than the dir QDir tmpldir(dir); if (tmpldir.exists()) { tmpldir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); QStringList dirs = tmpldir.entryList(); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.size(); ++i) { tmplFile = findTemplateXml(dir + "/" + dirs[i]); if (QFile::exists(tmplFile)) readCategories(tmplFile); } } }
void nftsettings::addTemplates(QString dir) // dir will be searched for a sub folder called templates { // Add templates from the dir itself QString tmplFile = findTemplateXml(dir); QFile* tmplxml = new QFile(QDir::toNativeSeparators(tmplFile)); handler->setSourceDir(dir); handler->setSourceFile(tmplFile); if (tmplxml->exists()) { QXmlInputSource* source = new QXmlInputSource(tmplxml); reader->parse(source); delete source; } delete tmplxml; // And from all the subdirectories. template.xml file is only searched one dir level deeper than the dir QDir tmpldir(dir); if (tmpldir.exists()) { tmpldir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot); QStringList dirs = tmpldir.entryList(); for (int i = 0; i < dirs.size(); ++i) { tmplFile = findTemplateXml(dir + "/" + dirs[i]); QFile* tmplxml = new QFile(QDir::toNativeSeparators(tmplFile)); handler->setSourceDir(dir+"/"+dirs[i]); handler->setSourceFile(tmplFile); if (tmplxml->exists()) { QXmlInputSource* source = new QXmlInputSource(tmplxml); reader->parse(source); delete source; } delete tmplxml; } } }