String BinaryResources::browseForResource (const String& title,
                                           const String& wildcard,
                                           const File& fileToStartFrom,
                                           const String& resourceToReplace)
    FileChooser fc (title, fileToStartFrom, wildcard);

    if (fc.browseForFileToOpen())
        String name (resourceToReplace);

        if (name.isEmpty())
            name = findUniqueName (fc.getResult().getFileName());

        if (! add (name, fc.getResult()))
            AlertWindow::showMessageBox (AlertWindow::WarningIcon,
                                         TRANS("Adding Resource"),
                                         TRANS("Failed to load the file!"));


        return name;

    return String::empty;
Пример #2
void genePredWriteToGtf(struct genePred *gp, char *source, 
	struct hash *dupeHash, FILE *f)
/* Write out genePredName to GTF file. */
int i;
char *name = findUniqueName(dupeHash, gp->name);
char *geneName = gp->name2;
char *chrom = gp->chrom;
char strand = gp->strand[0];
int *frames = (gp->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld) ? gp->exonFrames : calcFrames(gp);
struct codonCoords firstCodon = findFirstCodon(gp, frames);
struct codonCoords lastCodon = findLastCodon(gp, frames);

// figure out bounds of CDS and UTR regions, moving stop codon to outside of
// CDS.
int firstUtrEnd = gp->cdsStart, lastUtrStart = gp->cdsEnd;
int cdsStart = gp->cdsStart, cdsEnd = gp->cdsEnd;
if ((strand == '+') && codonComplete(&lastCodon))
    cdsEnd = movePos(gp, lastUtrStart, -3);
if ((strand == '-') && codonComplete(&firstCodon))
    cdsStart = movePos(gp, cdsStart, 3);

if (addComments)
    fprintf(f, "###\n# %s %s:%d-%d (%s) CDS: %d-%d\n#\n",
            gp->name, gp->chrom, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd,
            gp->strand, gp->cdsStart, gp->cdsEnd);

for (i=0; i<gp->exonCount; ++i)
    writeGtfLine(f, source, name, geneName, chrom, strand, "exon", 
             gp->exonStarts[i], gp->exonEnds[i], i, -1);
    if (cdsStart < cdsEnd)
        writeFeatures(gp, i, source, name, chrom, strand, geneName, 
                      firstUtrEnd, cdsStart, cdsEnd, lastUtrStart,
                      frames[i], f);
if (gp->strand[0] == '+')
    if (codonComplete(&firstCodon))
        writeCodon(f, source, name, geneName, chrom, strand, "start_codon", 
    if (codonComplete(&lastCodon))
        writeCodon(f, source, name, geneName, chrom, strand, "stop_codon",
    if (codonComplete(&lastCodon))
        writeCodon(f, source, name, geneName, chrom, strand, "start_codon",
    if (codonComplete(&firstCodon))
        writeCodon(f, source, name, geneName, chrom, strand, "stop_codon",
if (!(gp->optFields & genePredExonFramesFld))