Пример #1
 *  Find directories which containing pattern.
 *  @param patterns Search patterns.
 *  @param root_path Search root.
 *  @param recursive_search Be recurse or not.
 *  @return vector or directories without pattern filename at end.
std::vector<std::string> get_directories_with( const std::vector<std::string> &patterns,
        const std::string &root_path, const bool recursive_search )
    if( patterns.empty() ) {
        return std::vector<std::string>();

    const auto ext_beg = std::begin( patterns );
    const auto ext_end = std::end( patterns );

    auto files = find_file_if_bfs( root_path, recursive_search, [&]( const dirent & entry, bool ) {
        return std::any_of( ext_beg, ext_end, [&]( const std::string & ext ) {
            return name_contains( entry, ext, true );
        } );
    } );

    //chop off the file names
    for( auto &file : files ) {
        file.erase( file.rfind( '/' ), std::string::npos );

    //remove resulting duplicates
    files.erase( std::unique( std::begin( files ), std::end( files ) ), std::end( files ) );

    return files;
Пример #2
std::vector<std::string> get_files_from_path( const std::string &pattern,
        const std::string &root_path, const bool recursive_search, const bool match_extension )
    return find_file_if_bfs( root_path, recursive_search, [&]( const dirent & entry, bool ) {
        return name_contains( entry, pattern, match_extension );
    } );
Пример #3
std::vector<std::string> get_files_from_path(std::string const &pattern,
    std::string const &root_path, bool const recurse, bool const match_extension)
    return find_file_if_bfs(root_path, recurse, [&](dirent const &entry, bool) {
        return name_contains(entry, pattern, match_extension);
Пример #4
 *  Find directories which containing pattern.
 *  @param pattern Search pattern.
 *  @param root_path Search root.
 *  @param recursive_search Be recurse or not.
 *  @return vector or directories without pattern filename at end.
std::vector<std::string> get_directories_with( const std::string &pattern,
        const std::string &root_path, const bool recursive_search )
    if( pattern.empty() ) {
        return std::vector<std::string>();

    auto files = find_file_if_bfs( root_path, recursive_search, [&]( const dirent & entry, bool ) {
        return name_contains( entry, pattern, true );
    } );

    // Chop off the file names. Dir path MUST be splitted by '/'
    for( auto &file : files ) {
        file.erase( file.rfind( '/' ), std::string::npos );

    files.erase( std::unique( std::begin( files ), std::end( files ) ), std::end( files ) );

    return files;