Пример #1
static struct form_control *
parse_select_element(struct form *forms, dom_html_select_element *select)
	struct form_control *control = NULL;
	dom_html_form_element *form = NULL;
	dom_string *ds_name = NULL;

	char *name = NULL;

	if (dom_html_select_element_get_form(select, &form) != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (dom_html_select_element_get_name(select, &ds_name) != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (ds_name != NULL)
		name = strndup(dom_string_data(ds_name),

	control = form_new_control(select, GADGET_SELECT);

	if (control == NULL)
		goto out;

	if (name != NULL) {
		/* Hand the name string over */
		control->name = name;
		name = NULL;


	if (form != NULL && control != NULL)
		form_add_control(find_form(forms, form), control);

	if (form != NULL)
	if (ds_name != NULL)

	if (name != NULL)

	return control;
Пример #2
static struct form_control *
parse_textarea_element(struct form *forms, dom_html_text_area_element *ta)
	struct form_control *control = NULL;
	dom_html_form_element *form = NULL;
	dom_string *ds_name = NULL;

	char *name = NULL;

	if (dom_html_text_area_element_get_form(ta, &form) != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (dom_html_text_area_element_get_name(ta, &ds_name) != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (ds_name != NULL)
		name = strndup(dom_string_data(ds_name),

	control = form_new_control(ta, GADGET_TEXTAREA);

	if (control == NULL)
		goto out;

	if (name != NULL) {
		/* Hand the name string over */
		control->name = name;
		name = NULL;

	if (form != NULL && control != NULL)
		form_add_control(find_form(forms, form), control);

	if (form != NULL)
	if (ds_name != NULL)

	if (name != NULL)

	return control;
Пример #3
void diagram_indeclinable_category(lexicon_form *forms, int length) {
  char *words = find_form(forms, length, 0, 0);
  int indent = 0;
  int width = columns - 39;

  do {
    if (indent) {
      printf("%40s", "");

    print_words_wrapped(words, width - indent, &words);


    indent = 2;
  } while (*words);

Пример #4
STATIC gchar*
post_rest_form( CURL *curl, const form_field_t *form )
	gchar                      *url_host;
	gchar                      *url_path;
	gchar                      *headers;
	struct curl_write_buffer_t body            = { .data = NULL, .size = 0 };
	gchar                      content_length[ 10 ];
	gchar                      *html_post;
	GRegex                     *url_split_regex;
	GMatchInfo                 *match_info;

	long                       socket_value;
	curl_socket_t              socket;
	size_t                     bytes_sent;
	char                       response_buffer[ 1024 ];
	CURLcode                   status;
	size_t                     bytes_received;
	gboolean                   read_error;

		/* Split the form action URL into host and path. */
		url_split_regex = g_regex_new( "^http[s?]://([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.-]+)/(.*)$",
									   0, 0, NULL );
		if( g_regex_match( url_split_regex, form_action, 0, &match_info ) )
			url_host = g_match_info_fetch( match_info, 1 );
			url_path = g_match_info_fetch( match_info, 2 );
			g_match_info_free( match_info );
			g_regex_unref( url_split_regex );

			/* Build the HTML post. */
			if( url_host != NULL )
				/* Build the body. */
				if( form_name != NULL )
					body.data = g_strconcat( form_name, "=", form_value, NULL );
					body.size = strlen( body.data );
				g_slist_foreach( form->input_fields, fill_body_with_input,
								 &body );

				/* Build the headers. */
				g_sprintf( content_length, "%d\n\0", (gint) body.size );
				headers = g_strconcat(
					"POST ", url_path, " HTTP/1.1\n",
					"Host: ", url_host, "\n",
					"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n",
					"Content-Length: ", content_length,
					NULL );
				g_free( url_path );
				g_free( url_host );

				/* Combine the headers and the body. */
				html_post = g_strconcat( headers, "\n", body.data, NULL );
				g_free( body.data );
				g_free( headers );

				printf( "DEBUG: Sending:\n-------\n%s-------", html_post );
				/* Prepare a connection. */
				curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_URL, form_action );
				curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY, 1 );
				curl_easy_perform( curl );
				curl_easy_getinfo( curl, CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET, &socket_value );
				socket = socket_value;
				/* Wait for the socket to become ready for sending. */
				if( wait_for_socket( socket, FALSE, 60000L ) == FALSE )
					g_free( html_post );
					g_fprintf( stderr, "Timeout connecting to "
							   "the Google REST service\n" );
					/* Submit the post. */
					curl_easy_send( curl, html_post, strlen( html_post ),
									&bytes_sent );
					/* To do: verify that all the bytes were sent; if not,
					   send the remainding bytes in a second, third, ...
					   call. */
					printf( "DEBUG: Sent %d out of %d bytes\n", (int)bytes_sent, (int) strlen(html_post) );
					g_free( html_post );

					/* Receive the response. */
					read_error = FALSE;
						/* Wait for the socket to become ready for receiving. */
						if( wait_for_socket( socket, TRUE, 60000L ) == FALSE )
							read_error = TRUE;
							g_fprintf( stderr, "Timeout connecting to "
									   "the Google REST service\n" );
						/* Copy chunks of data into html_response. */
							status = curl_easy_recv( curl, response_buffer,
													 sizeof( response_buffer ),
													 &bytes_received );
							if( status == CURLE_OK )
								receive_curl_response( response_buffer,
													   bytes_received, 1,
													   &html_response );
					} while( ( status == CURLE_AGAIN ) &&
							 ( read_error == FALSE ) );
					printf( "DEBUG: CURL code %d: %s\n", (int)status, curl_easy_strerror( status ) );

#if 0
 * Auxiliary function used by decode_user_code_response to copy a JSON
 * response into a local data structure.
 * @param node [in] Object with JSON data (unused).
 * @param member_name [in] Name of the JSON field.
 * @param member_node [in] Node with JSON data.
 * @param user_code_ptr [out] Pointer to the structure where the JSON
 *        data will be stored.
 * @return Nothing.
parse_user_code_json( const gchar *member_name,
					  JsonNode *member_node, gpointer user_code_ptr )
	struct user_code_t *user_code = user_code_ptr;

	SET_JSON_MEMBER( user_code, device_code );
	SET_JSON_MEMBER( user_code, verification_url );
	SET_JSON_MEMBER( user_code, user_code );

 * Decode the initial OAuth2 response with device code, user code, and
 * verification URL.
 * @param user_code_response [in] Raw JSON response data.
 * @return \a user_code_t structure with authentication data, or \a FALSE
 *         if the user code could not be obtained.
#if 0
STATIC struct user_code_t*
decode_user_code_response( const gchar *user_code_response )
	struct user_code_t *user_code;

	user_code = g_new0( struct user_code_t, 1 );

	if( user_code_response != NULL )
		/* Decode the JSON response. */
		decode_json_reply( user_code_response, parse_user_code_json,
						   user_code );
		/* Verify that all fields have been decoded. */
		if( ( user_code->device_code == NULL ) ||
			( user_code->user_code == NULL ) ||
			( user_code->verification_url == NULL ) )
			g_free( (gchar*) user_code->device_code );
			g_free( (gchar*) user_code->user_code );
			g_free( (gchar*) user_code->verification_url );
			g_free( user_code );
			user_code = NULL;

	return( user_code );

 * Obtain a device code for device access.  The CURL session must include the
 * user's login to Google, which may be obtained by calling \a login_to_gmail
 * with the user's credentials.
 * @param curl [in] CURL handle.
 * @param client_id [in] Google Developer Client ID.
 * @return Device code or \a NULL if an error occurred.
 * Test: manual (via non-automated test).
struct user_code_t*
obtain_device_code( CURL *curl, const gchar *client_id )
	/* Note: the following code is more elegant than the code that is
	   currently used but is disabled because a bug in Google's API system
	   prevents devices from using the tasks scope. */
#if 0
	static gchar *form_action = 
	gchar *scope =
//		"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email "
//	    "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile";
	form_field_t       form = { .name         = NULL,
								.value        = NULL,
								.action       = form_action,
								.input_fields = NULL };
	gchar              *user_code_response;
	struct user_code_t *user_code;
	gboolean           success;

	/* Create a user code request. */
	add_input_to_form( &form, "client_id", client_id );
	add_input_to_form( &form, "scope", scope );

	/* Post the request and decode the response. */
	user_code_response = post_form( curl, &form );
	destroy_form_inputs( &form );
	g_printf( "%s\n", user_code_response );
	user_code = decode_user_code_response( user_code_response );
	return( user_code );

STATIC gboolean
submit_approval_form( CURL *curl, const gchar *approval_page )
	form_field_t       *approval_form;
	const gchar *const approval_names[ ] = { "submit_access", NULL };
	gchar              *form_response;
	gboolean           success;

	approval_form = find_form( approval_page,
					    approval_names );
	if( approval_form != NULL )
		g_printf( "Submitting approval form\n" );

		/* Submit the approval form. */
		form_response = post_form( curl, approval_form );

		destroy_form( approval_form );
		g_free( form_response );
		success = TRUE;
		success = FALSE;

	return( success );
Пример #5
static struct form_control *
parse_input_element(struct form *forms, dom_html_input_element *input)
	struct form_control *control = NULL;
	dom_html_form_element *form = NULL;
	dom_string *ds_type = NULL;
	dom_string *ds_name = NULL;
	dom_string *ds_value = NULL;

	char *name = NULL;

	if (dom_html_input_element_get_form(input, &form) != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (dom_html_input_element_get_type(input, &ds_type) != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (dom_html_input_element_get_name(input, &ds_name) != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (ds_name != NULL)
		name = strndup(dom_string_data(ds_name),

	if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_password)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_PASSWORD);
	} else if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_file)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_FILE);
	} else if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_hidden)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_HIDDEN);
	} else if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_checkbox)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_CHECKBOX);
	} else if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_radio)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_RADIO);
	} else if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_submit)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_SUBMIT);
	} else if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_reset)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_RESET);
	} else if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_button)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_BUTTON);
	} else if (ds_type != NULL && dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
			corestring_lwc_image)) {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_IMAGE);
	} else {
		control = form_new_control(input, GADGET_TEXTBOX);

	if (control == NULL)
		goto out;

	if (name != NULL) {
		/* Hand the name string over */
		control->name = name;
		name = NULL;

	if (control->type == GADGET_CHECKBOX || control->type == GADGET_RADIO) {
		bool selected;
		if (dom_html_input_element_get_checked(
			    input, &selected) == DOM_NO_ERR) {
			control->selected = selected;

	if (control->type == GADGET_PASSWORD ||
	    control->type == GADGET_TEXTBOX) {
		int32_t maxlength;
		if (dom_html_input_element_get_max_length(
			    input, &maxlength) != DOM_NO_ERR) {
			maxlength = -1;

		if (maxlength >= 0) {
			/* Got valid maxlength */
			control->maxlength = maxlength;
		} else {
			/* Input has no maxlength attr, or
			 * dom_html_input_element_get_max_length failed.
			 * Set it to something insane. */
			control->maxlength = UINT_MAX;

	if (control->type != GADGET_FILE && control->type != GADGET_IMAGE) {
		if (dom_html_input_element_get_value(
			    input, &ds_value) == DOM_NO_ERR) {
			if (ds_value != NULL) {
				control->value = strndup(
				if (control->value == NULL) {
					control = NULL;
					goto out;
				control->length = strlen(control->value);

		if (control->type == GADGET_TEXTBOX ||
				control->type == GADGET_PASSWORD) {
			if (control->value == NULL) {
				control->value = strdup("");
				if (control->value == NULL) {
					control = NULL;
					goto out;

				control->length = 0;

			control->initial_value = strdup(control->value);
			if (control->initial_value == NULL) {
				control = NULL;
				goto out;

	if (form != NULL && control != NULL)
		form_add_control(find_form(forms, form), control);

	if (form != NULL)
	if (ds_type != NULL)
	if (ds_name != NULL)
	if (ds_value != NULL)

	if (name != NULL)

	return control;
Пример #6
static struct form_control *
parse_button_element(struct form *forms, dom_html_button_element *button)
	struct form_control *control = NULL;
	dom_exception err;
	dom_html_form_element *form = NULL;
	dom_string *ds_type = NULL;
	dom_string *ds_value = NULL;
	dom_string *ds_name = NULL;

	err = dom_html_button_element_get_form(button, &form);
	if (err != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	err = dom_html_button_element_get_type(button, &ds_type);
	if (err != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (ds_type == NULL) {
		control = form_new_control(button, GADGET_SUBMIT);
	} else {
		if (dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
				corestring_lwc_submit)) {
			control = form_new_control(button, GADGET_SUBMIT);
		} else if (dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(ds_type,
				corestring_lwc_reset)) {
			control = form_new_control(button, GADGET_RESET);
		} else {
			control = form_new_control(button, GADGET_BUTTON);

	if (control == NULL)
		goto out;

	err = dom_html_button_element_get_value(button, &ds_value);
	if (err != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;
	err = dom_html_button_element_get_name(button, &ds_name);
	if (err != DOM_NO_ERR)
		goto out;

	if (ds_value != NULL) {
		control->value = strndup(

		if (control->value == NULL) {
			control = NULL;
			goto out;

	if (ds_name != NULL) {
		control->name = strndup(

		if (control->name == NULL) {
			control = NULL;
			goto out;

	if (form != NULL && control != NULL)
		form_add_control(find_form(forms, form), control);

	if (form != NULL)
	if (ds_type != NULL)
	if (ds_value != NULL)
	if (ds_name != NULL)

	return control;
Пример #7
static void test__modify_form_inputs( const char *param )
	FILE               *filehd;
	char               *html_buf;
	const gchar *const input_names[ ] = { NULL, NULL };
	form_field_t       *form;
	int                ctr = 1;

	const input_field_t input_to_change1 = { .name = "dsh", .value = "test1" };
	const input_field_t input_to_change2 = { .name = "new", .value = "test2" };

	html_buf = malloc( 75000 );
	filehd = fopen( "../../data/google-login.html", "r" );
	if( ! filehd )
		printf( "Error: cannot find test data\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	if( fread( html_buf, 75000, 1, filehd ) )
		printf( "Error: cannot read test data\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	form = find_form( html_buf, "https://accounts.google.com/", input_names );
	if( ! form )
		printf( "Form not found\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	modify_form_inputs( (gpointer) &input_to_change1, (gpointer) form );
	modify_form_inputs( (gpointer) &input_to_change2, (gpointer) form );
	print_form( form, &ctr );

static void test__modify_form( const char *param )
	FILE               *filehd;
	char               *html_buf;
	const gchar *const input_names[ ] = { NULL, NULL };
	form_field_t       *form;
	int                ctr = 1;

	input_field_t input_to_change1  = { .name = "dsh", .value = "test1" };
	input_field_t input_to_change2  = { .name = "new", .value = "test2" };
	GSList        *inputs_to_modify = NULL;

	html_buf = malloc( 75000 );
	filehd = fopen( "../../data/google-login.html", "r" );
	if( ! filehd )
		printf( "Error: cannot find test data\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	if( fread( html_buf, 75000, 1, filehd ) )
		printf( "Error: cannot read test data\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	form = find_form( html_buf, "https://accounts.google.com/", input_names );
	if( ! form )
		printf( "Form not found\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	inputs_to_modify = g_slist_append( inputs_to_modify, &input_to_change1 );
	inputs_to_modify = g_slist_append( inputs_to_modify, &input_to_change2 );
	modify_form( form, inputs_to_modify );

	print_form( form, &ctr );

static void test__post_form( const char *param )
	FILE               *filehd;
	char               *html_buf;
	const gchar *const input_names[ ] = { NULL, NULL };
	form_field_t       *form;
	char               action_url[ 2048 ] = "file://";
	CURL               *curl;
	char               *html;

	html_buf = malloc( 75000 );
	filehd = fopen( "../../data/google-login.html", "r" );
	if( ! filehd )
		printf( "Error: cannot find test data\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	if( fread( html_buf, 75000, 1, filehd ) )
		printf( "Error: cannot read test data\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	form = find_form( html_buf, "https://accounts.google.com/", input_names );
	if( ! form )
		printf( "Form not found\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	/* Create a file URL action. */
	g_free( form->action );
	getcwd( &action_url[ strlen( "file://" ) ], sizeof( action_url ) );
	strcat( action_url, "/../../data/post.response.html" );
	form->action = action_url;

	curl = curl_easy_init( );
	html = post_form( curl, form, NULL );
	curl_easy_cleanup( curl );
	printf( "%s\n", html );

static void test__login_to_gmail( const char *param )
	FILE *filehd;
	char username[ 100 ];
	char password[ 100 ];
	CURL *curl;

	global_config.ipv4_only = TRUE;

	/* Skip test if no internet access is available. */
	if( test_check_internet( ) == FALSE )
		exit( 77 );

	/* Skip the test if the password file is not available. To enable the
	   test, enter your own email and password in the "password" file in the
	   test/data directory; use test/data/password.template as a template. */
	filehd = fopen( "../../data/password", "r" );
	if( ! filehd )
		exit( 77 );
	fgets( username, sizeof( username ), filehd );
	fgets( password, sizeof( username ), filehd );

	curl = curl_easy_init( );
	curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, 1 );
	curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookies.txt" );
	(void)login_to_gmail( curl, username, password );
	curl_easy_cleanup( curl );
Пример #8
static void test__search_input_by_name( const char *param )
	gchar         *input_names[ ] = { "name1", "name2", "name3", NULL };
	input_field_t input1          = { .name = "name2", .value = "value2" };
	input_field_t input2          = { .name = "name3", .value = "value3" };
	input_field_t input4          = { .name = "name4", .value = "value4" };
	int found;

	found = search_input_by_name( &input1, input_names );
	printf( "1: %d\n", found );
	found = search_input_by_name( &input2, input_names );
	printf( "2: %d\n", found );
	found = search_input_by_name( &input4, input_names );
	printf( "3: %d\n", found );

static void test__search_form_by_action_and_inputs( const char *param )
	input_field_t input1 = { "in1", "ivalue1" };
	input_field_t input2 = { "in2", "ivalue2" };
	input_field_t input3 = { "in3", "ivalue3" };
	GSList        *input;

	form_field_t form1 = { "form1", "value1", "action1", NULL };

	const gchar *search1[ ] = { "in1", NULL };
	const gchar *search2[ ] = { "in4", NULL };
	const gchar *search3[ ] = { "in2", NULL };
	struct form_search_t search_form1 = { "action1", search1 };
	struct form_search_t search_form2 = { "act", search2 };
	struct form_search_t search_form3 = { "action4", search3 };

	int found;

	input = g_slist_append( NULL, &input1 );
	input = g_slist_append( input, &input2 );
	input = g_slist_append( input, &input3 );

	form1.input_fields = input;
	found = search_form_by_action_and_inputs( &form1, &search_form1 );
	printf( "1: %d\n", found );
	found = search_form_by_action_and_inputs( &form1, &search_form2 );
	printf( "2: %d\n", found );
	found = search_form_by_action_and_inputs( &form1, &search_form3 );
	printf( "3: %d\n", found );

static void test__find_form( const char *param )
	FILE *filehd;
	char *html_buf;
	int    ctr;
	form_field_t *form1;
	form_field_t *form2;
	const char *input_names[ ] = { "bgresponse", "submit_access", NULL };

	html_buf = malloc( 75000 );

	filehd = fopen( "../../data/oauth2-confirm.html", "r" );
	if( ! filehd )
		printf( "Error: cannot find test data\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	if( fread( html_buf, 75000, 1, filehd ) )
		printf( "Error: cannot read test data\n" );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

	ctr = 1;
	form1 = find_form( html_buf, "https://accounts.google.com/", input_names );
	print_form( form1, &ctr );
	form2 = find_form( html_buf, "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/nonexistent", input_names );
	if( form2 != NULL )
		printf( "2: found\n" );
		printf( "2: not found\n" );

static void test__receive_curl_response( const char *param )
	struct curl_write_buffer_t write_buffer = { NULL, 0 };
	const char                 *testdata = "01234567891011121314151617181920";
	size_t                     processed;

	processed = receive_curl_response( testdata, 5, 3, &write_buffer );
	printf( "1: %2d \"%s\"\n", (int) processed, write_buffer.data );

	processed = receive_curl_response( &testdata[ 15 ], 10, 1, &write_buffer );
	printf( "2: %2d \"%s\"\n", (int) processed, write_buffer.data );

	processed = receive_curl_response( &testdata[ 25 ], 1, 3, &write_buffer );
	printf( "3: %2d \"%s\"\n", (int) processed, write_buffer.data );

static void test__read_url( const char *param )
	CURL  *curl;
	gchar *html;

	/* Skip test if no internet access is available. */
	if( test_check_internet( ) == FALSE )
		exit( 77 );

	curl = curl_easy_init( );
	html = read_url( curl, "http://www.microsoft.com" );
	curl_easy_cleanup( curl );
	if( html != NULL )
		printf( "%s\n", html );
		g_free( html );
Пример #9
void print_singular_plural(lexicon_form *forms, int end, tag_t mask, tag_t value) {
  char *singular = find_form(forms, end, mask, value | TAG_NUMBER_SINGULAR);
  char *plural = find_form(forms, end, mask, value | TAG_NUMBER_PLURAL);

  print_wrapped(singular, plural);