cl_list* clusterization(grid *grd)
    int_list *cell = NULL;
    cluster *parent = NULL;
    cl_list *current = NULL;
    cl_list *clusters = NULL;
    int k;
    for (k = 0; k < grd->width * grd->height; k++)
        if (grd->cells[k] == SITE_OPEN)
            cell = int_list_create_node(k);
            parent = cluster_create(cell, k < grd->width, k >= (grd->height - 1) * grd->width);
            // get list of clusters that contain grd->cells[k]
            current = find_neighbors(&clusters, grd, k);
            while (current != NULL)
                cluster_join(&parent, &(current->item));
                current = current->next;
            cl_list_push_item(&clusters, parent);
            grd->cells[k] = SITE_FULL;

    return clusters;
Пример #2
void SurfaceEdgeCollapse::update(int &red_tri, int v1, int v2, Star &star, pair *link, int num_link, float x_0, float y_0, float z_0)
{ // To be invoked to complete each edge collapsing iteration.
    // Removes the vertex v2 from the vertex list, updates the coordinates of v1
    // as well as all affected structures in the program:
    // stars of vertices in link, tri_list, heap, stars[v1]
    int l;
    int tri[2];
    int vert[MAXTRI];
    int to_remove = 0;
    int to_update = 0;

    // tri = pair of triangles to remove
    find_neighbors(v1, v2, star, to_remove, tri);
    if (!((to_remove == 2) || (star.boundary && (to_remove == 1))))
        Covise::sendInfo("Edge has wrong number of neighbors!");

    // vert = array of vertices in the link (to be updated)
    extract_points(v1, v2, num_link, link, to_update, vert);

    // update stars around the link
    for (l = 0; l < to_update; l++)
        update_star(v1, v2, star, l, vert, to_remove, tri);

    // update coordinates and label v2 as removed
    coords_x[v1] = x_0;
    coords_y[v1] = y_0;
    coords_z[v1] = z_0;
    is_removed[v2] = 1;

    // update star and tri_list
    update_global_structures(v1, v2, star, to_remove, tri);

    if (to_remove == 2)
        red_tri -= 2;

    // copy star to stars[v1]
    delete[] stars[v1].tri;
    stars[v1].tri = new int[star.num_tri];
    for (l = 0; l < star.num_tri; l++)
        stars[v1].tri[l] = star.tri[l];
    stars[v1].num_tri = star.num_tri;
    stars[v1].boundary = star.boundary;
    stars[v1].manifold = star.manifold;

    if (angle[v2] > angle[v1])
        angle[v1] = angle[v2];
    //angle[v1] = (angle[v1] || angle[v2]);

    // update heap and edge_array
    update_heap(v1, v2, star, to_remove, tri);

    delete[] star.tri;
Пример #3
void DBSCAN::dbscan( const DBSCAN::DistanceMatrix& dm )
    std::vector< uint8_t > visited( dm.size1() );

    uint32_t cluster_id = 0;

    for ( uint32_t pid = 0; pid < dm.size1(); ++pid ) {
        if ( !visited[pid] ) {
            visited[pid] = 1;

            Neighbors ne = find_neighbors( dm, pid );

            if ( ne.size() >= m_min_elems ) {
                m_labels[pid] = cluster_id;

                for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < ne.size(); ++i ) {
                    uint32_t nPid = ne[i];

                    if ( !visited[nPid] ) {
                        visited[nPid] = 1;

                        Neighbors ne1 = find_neighbors( dm, nPid );

                        if ( ne1.size() >= m_min_elems ) {
                            for ( const auto& n1 : ne1 ) {
                                ne.push_back( n1 );

                    if ( m_labels[nPid] == -1 ) {
                        m_labels[nPid] = cluster_id;

/* ************************************************** */
int bootstrap(call_t *c) {
    struct nodedata *nodedata = get_node_private_data(c);
    call_t c0 = {get_entity_bindings_down(c)->elts[0], c->node, c->entity};
    int nb_neigh = 0;
    /* Get mac header overhead */
    nodedata->overhead = GET_HEADER_SIZE(&c0);

    /* Find all the node's neighbors (i.e. the one in range) */
    nb_neigh = find_neighbors(c);
    PRINT_ROUTING("Node %d has %d neighbors\n", c->node, nb_neigh);
    return 0;
Пример #5
void search_neighbors(double **x,double **cy,struct param p,struct sfound sf)
    int ei,ej,i,hdim,whichsize,whichbox;
    long found;
    double epsilon;


    if (ei < 0) ei=0;
    else if (ei>(EPSILONS-1)) ei=EPSILONS-1;
    if (ej < 0) ej=0;
    else if (ej>(EPSILONS-1)) ej=EPSILONS-1;

    if (countstarteps[ei][ej] > 0)

    epsilon /= EPSFAC;

    while (found < p.MINN) {
        epsilon *= EPSFAC;
        if (whichsize > neigh[NEIGH-1].n)
        else {
            for (i=NEIGH-1; i>0; i--) {
                if ((whichsize > neigh[i-1].n) && (whichsize <= neigh[i].n))
    if (sf.distance[p.MINN-1] == 0.0) {
        fprintf(stderr,"all neighbors collapse to one point. Maybe add\n"
                "initial noise to the data\n");
    starteps[ei][ej] += sf.distance[p.MINN-1];
Пример #6
void generate_maze(long col, uint16_t (*cell)[col], long row, struct node *head
                  ,long cl, char (*maze)[cl], long rl)
        long cell_count = row*col;
        long visited_count = 1;

        // selected col/row
        long sc = get_rand(col);
        long sr = get_rand(row);

        // keep 1 before for visual (knock down wall)
        long sc_old = sc;
        long sr_old = sr;

        /* printf("AT (%ld, %ld)\n", sc, sr); */
        int *dir_good = malloc(sizeof(int) * 4);
        update_maze(cl, maze, rl, sr, sc, sr_old, sc_old, START);
        while (visited_count < cell_count) {
                int neighbor_count = find_neighbors(col, cell, row, sc, sr, dir_good);
                if (neighbor_count > 0) {
                        // pick a direction to go
                        sc_old = sc;
                        sr_old = sr;
                        select_dir(col, cell, &sc, &sr, dir_good, head);
                        update_maze(cl, maze, rl, sr, sc, sr_old, sc_old, PATH);
                } else {
                        // backtrack
                        struct coord loc = stack_pop(head);
                        if (loc.col > sc) cell[sr][sc] = cell[sr][sc] | 0x2000; // east
                        if (loc.col < sc) cell[sr][sc] = cell[sr][sc] | 0x8000; // west
                        if (loc.row > sr) cell[sr][sc] = cell[sr][sc] | 0x4000; // south
                        if (loc.row < sr) cell[sr][sc] = cell[sr][sc] | 0x1000; // north

                        // new loc
                        update_maze(cl, maze, rl, loc.row, loc.col, sr, sc, BACK);
                        sc = loc.col;
                        sr = loc.row;
                        /* printf("BA (%ld, %ld)\n", sc, sr); */
        update_maze(cl, maze, rl, sr, sc, sr_old, sc_old, END);
Пример #7
 Sets up a plain icosahedron.

 The icosahedron has 12 vertices: (0, ±1, ±φ) (±1, ±φ, 0) (±φ, 0, ±1)

 We need to have duplicates however because we keep three vertices for each
 face, regardless of unique position because their UV coordinates will probably
 be different.
static void generate_icosahedron(void)
        int i, regular_faces[] = {

                /* Front faces */
                7, 5, 4,        5, 7, 0,        0, 2, 5,
                3, 5, 2,        2, 10, 3,       10, 2, 1,

                /* Rear faces */
                1, 11, 10,      11, 1, 6,       6, 8, 11,
                9, 11, 8,       8, 4, 9,        4, 8, 7,

                /* Top/bottom faces */
                0, 6, 1,        6, 0, 7,        9, 3, 10,       3, 9, 4,

        flip_limit = 4;
        r_tiles_max = 20;
        r_globe_radius = sqrtf(C_TAU + 2);

        /* Flipped (over 0 vertex) face vertices */
        r_globe_verts[0] = C_vec3(0, C_TAU, 1);
        r_globe_verts[1] = C_vec3(-C_TAU, 1, 0);
        r_globe_verts[2] = C_vec3(-1, 0, C_TAU);
        r_globe_verts[3] = C_vec3(0, -C_TAU, 1);
        r_globe_verts[4] = C_vec3(C_TAU, -1, 0);
        r_globe_verts[5] = C_vec3(1, 0, C_TAU);
        r_globe_verts[6] = C_vec3(0, C_TAU, -1);
        r_globe_verts[7] = C_vec3(C_TAU, 1, 0);
        r_globe_verts[8] = C_vec3(1, 0, -C_TAU);
        r_globe_verts[9] = C_vec3(0, -C_TAU, -1);
        r_globe_verts[10] = C_vec3(-C_TAU, -1, 0);
        r_globe_verts[11] = C_vec3(-1, 0, -C_TAU);

        /* Regular face vertices */
        for (i = 12; i < r_tiles_max * 3; i++) {
                int index;

                index = regular_faces[i - 12];
                r_globe_verts[i] = r_globe_verts[index];

Пример #8
#cat: count_minutia_ridges - Takes a minutia, and determines its closest
#cat:                neighbors and counts the number of interveining ridges
#cat:                between the minutia point and each of its neighbors.

      minutia   - input minutia
      bdata     - binary image data (0==while & 1==black)
      iw        - width (in pixels) of image
      ih        - height (in pixels) of image
      lfsparms  - parameters and thresholds for controlling LFS
      minutiae  - minutia augmented with neighbors and ridge counts
   Return Code:
      Zero     - successful completion
      Negative - system error
int count_minutia_ridges(const int first, MINUTIAE *minutiae,
                      unsigned char *bdata, const int iw, const int ih,
                      const LFSPARMS *lfsparms)
   int i, ret, *nbr_list, *nbr_nridges, nnbrs;

   /* Find up to the maximum number of qualifying neighbors. */
   if((ret = find_neighbors(&nbr_list, &nnbrs, lfsparms->max_nbrs,
                           first, minutiae))){

   print2log("NBRS FOUND: %d,%d = %d\n", minutiae->list[first]->x,
              minutiae->list[first]->y, nnbrs);

   /* If no neighors found ... */
   if(nnbrs == 0){
      /* Then no list returned and no ridges to count. */

   /* Sort neighbors on delta dirs. */
   if((ret = sort_neighbors(nbr_list, nnbrs, first, minutiae))){

   /* Count ridges between first and neighbors. */
   /* List of ridge counts, one for each neighbor stored. */
   nbr_nridges = (int *)malloc(nnbrs * sizeof(int));
   if(nbr_nridges == (int *)NULL){
      fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : count_minutia_ridges : malloc : nbr_nridges\n");

   /* Foreach neighbor found and sorted in list ... */
   for(i = 0; i < nnbrs; i++){
      /* Count the ridges between the primary minutia and the neighbor. */
      ret = ridge_count(first, nbr_list[i], minutiae, bdata, iw, ih, lfsparms);
      /* If system error ... */
      if(ret < 0){
         /* Deallocate working memories. */
         /* Return error code. */

      /* Otherwise, ridge count successful, so store ridge count to list. */
      nbr_nridges[i] = ret;

   /* Assign neighbor indices and ridge counts to primary minutia. */
   minutiae->list[first]->nbrs = nbr_list;
   minutiae->list[first]->ridge_counts = nbr_nridges;
   minutiae->list[first]->num_nbrs = nnbrs;

   /* Return normally. */
Пример #9
ir3_group(struct ir3 *ir)