Пример #1
main (void)
  FILE *f;
  char chem_file[] = "network.chm";
  net_t network;
  int verbose = 1;

  /* Create the network.chm file */

  f = fopen ("network.chm", "w");
  fprintf (f, "# This network file was created by network test\n");
  fprintf (f, "# The reaction were extracted form the OSU 2008 network\n");
  fprintf (f, "H            + H                           -> H2                                                           4.95e-17  5.00e-01  0.00e+00  0    1\n");
  fprintf (f, "C(+)         + grain(-)                    -> C            + grain                                         4.90e-17  5.00e-01  0.00e+00  0    3\n");
  fprintf (f, "H3(+)        + grain(-)                    -> H2           + H            + grain                          1.00e-16  5.00e-01  0.00e+00  0   13\n");
  fprintf (f, "C            + cosmic-ray                  -> C(+)         + e(-)                                          1.02e+03  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  1   15\n");
  fprintf (f, "CH5N         + cosmic-ray                  -> HCN          + H2           + H            + H               1.41e+03  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  1  176\n");
  fprintf (f, "C(+)         + Fe                          -> Fe(+)        + C                                             2.60e-09  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  2  218\n");
  fprintf (f, "He(+)        + HNC                         -> C(+)         + N            + H            + He              4.43e-09 -5.00e-01  0.00e+00  2  735\n");
  fprintf (f, "C(-)         + NO                          -> CN(-)        + O                                             1.00e-09  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  3 3151\n");
  fprintf (f, "C(+)         + H                           -> CH(+)                                                        1.70e-17  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  4 3162\n");
  fprintf (f, "C(-)         + C                           -> C2           + e(-)                                          5.00e-10  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  5 3243\n");
  fprintf (f, "O            + CH                          -> HCO(+)       + e(-)                                          2.00e-11  4.40e-01  0.00e+00  6 3289\n");
  fprintf (f, "C            + CH                          -> C2           + H                                             6.59e-11  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  7 3290\n");
  fprintf (f, "C            + C                           -> C2           + photon                                        1.00e-17  0.00e+00  0.00e+00  8 3672\n");
  fprintf (f, "C2(+)        + e(-)                        -> C            + C                                             8.84e-08 -5.00e-01  0.00e+00  9 3688\n");
  fprintf (f, "C(+)         + e(-)                        -> C            + photon                                        4.40e-12 -6.10e-01  0.00e+00 10 4227\n");
  fprintf (f, "C(+)         + C(-)                        -> C            + C                                             2.30e-07 -5.00e-01  0.00e+00 11 4243\n");
  fprintf (f, "C            + e(-)                        -> C(-)                                                         3.00e-15  0.00e+00  0.00e+00 12 4279\n");
  fprintf (f, "O            + -13-CH                      -> H-13-CO(+)   + e(-)                                          2.00e-11  4.40e-01  0.00e+00  6 3289\n");
  fprintf (f, "CO                                         -> CO(ice)                                                      1.00e+00  2.80e+01  0.00e+00 20 10044\n");
  fclose (f);

  /* Read it */

  if( read_network(chem_file, &network, verbose) != EXIT_SUCCESS )
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  /* Check that the values are correct */

  if ((network.n_reactions == 19) &&
      (network.n_species == 29) &&

      /* Reaction #1 */
      (network.reactions[0].reactants[0] == find_species("H", &network)) &&
      (network.reactions[0].reactants[1] ==  find_species("H", &network)) &&
      (network.reactions[0].reactants[2] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[0].products[0] ==  find_species("H2", &network)) &&
      (network.reactions[0].products[1] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[0].products[2] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[0].products[3] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[0].alpha == 4.95e-17) &&
      (network.reactions[0].beta == .5) &&
      (network.reactions[0].gamma == 0) &&
      (network.reactions[0].reaction_type == 0) &&
      (network.reactions[0].reaction_no == 1) &&

      /* Reaction #176 */
      (network.reactions[4].reactants[0] == find_species("CH5N", &network)) &&
      (network.reactions[4].reactants[1] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[4].reactants[2] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[4].products[0] ==  find_species("HCN", &network)) &&
      (network.reactions[4].products[1] ==  find_species("H2", &network)) &&
      (network.reactions[4].products[2] ==  find_species("H", &network)) &&
      (network.reactions[4].products[3] ==  find_species("H", &network) )&&
      (network.reactions[4].alpha == 1.41e3) &&
      (network.reactions[4].beta == 0) &&
      (network.reactions[4].gamma == 0) &&
      (network.reactions[4].reaction_type == 1) &&
      (network.reactions[4].reaction_no == 176) &&

      /* Reaction #4227 */
      (network.reactions[14].reactants[0] == find_species("C(+)", &network) )&&
      (network.reactions[14].reactants[1] == find_species("e(-)", &network) )&&
      (network.reactions[14].reactants[2] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[14].products[0] == find_species("C", &network) )&&
      (network.reactions[14].products[1] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[14].products[2] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[14].products[3] == -1) &&
      (network.reactions[14].alpha == 4.40e-12) &&
      (network.reactions[14].beta == -.61) &&
      (network.reactions[14].gamma == 0) &&
      (network.reactions[14].reaction_type == 10) &&
      (network.reactions[14].reaction_no == 4227)  &&

      /* Mass and charge of a few species */

      (abs(network.species[find_species("C(+)", &network)].mass / UMA - 12) <= 0.01) &&
      (network.species[find_species("C(+)", &network)].charge == 1.0) &&
      (abs(network.species[find_species("HCO(+)", &network)].mass / UMA - 29) <= 0.01) &&
      (network.species[find_species("HCO(+)", &network)].charge == 1.0) &&
      (abs(network.species[find_species("H-13-CO(+)", &network)].mass / UMA - 30) <= 0.01) &&
      (network.species[find_species("H-13-CO(+)", &network)].charge == 1.0) &&
      (abs(network.species[find_species("CH5N", &network)].mass / UMA - 31) <= 0.01) &&
      (network.species[find_species("CH5N", &network)].charge == 0.0) &&
      (network.species[find_species("e(-)", &network)].charge == -1))
      free_network (&network);
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
      free_network (&network);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
Пример #2
full_solve (hid_t fid, hid_t dataset, hid_t* routeDatasets, hid_t dataspace, hid_t routeDataspace, hid_t datatype, hid_t routeDatatype, int cell_index, const inp_t * input_params, SOURCE_MODE mode,
            const cell_table_t * cell, const net_t * network, const time_steps_t * ts,
            int verbose)

  double *abundances = NULL;
  alloc_abundances( network, &abundances ); // Allocate the abundances array; it contains all species.

  rout_t* routes = NULL;
  if (( routes =
        malloc (sizeof (rout_t) *  input_params->output.n_output_species * N_OUTPUT_ROUTES)) == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "astrochem: %s:%d: routes allocation failed.\n",
               __FILE__, __LINE__);
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  double* output_abundances = NULL;
  if (( output_abundances =
        malloc (sizeof (double) * input_params->output.n_output_species )) == NULL)
      fprintf (stderr, "astrochem: %s:%d: array allocation failed.\n",
               __FILE__, __LINE__);
      return EXIT_FAILURE;


  // Create the memory dataspace, selecting all output abundances
  hsize_t size = input_params->output.n_output_species;
  hid_t memDataspace = H5Screate_simple(1, &size, NULL);

  // Create the file dataspace, and prepare selection of a chunk of the file
  hid_t fileDataspace = H5Scopy(dataspace);
  hsize_t     count[3]={  1, 1,  input_params->output.n_output_species };

  hsize_t routeSize[2] = { input_params->output.n_output_species, N_OUTPUT_ROUTES };
  hsize_t     routeCount[4]={  1, 1,  input_params->output.n_output_species, N_OUTPUT_ROUTES };
  hid_t routeFileDataspace, routeMemDataspace;
  if (input_params->output.trace_routes)
      // Create the route memory dataspace, selecting all output routes
      routeMemDataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, routeSize, NULL);
      // Create the route file dataspace, and prepare selection of a chunk of the file
      routeFileDataspace = H5Scopy(routeDataspace);


  // Initializing abundance
#if 0 //Ultra complicated code
  const species_name_t* species = malloc( input_params->abundances.n_initial_abundances * sizeof(*species));
  double *initial_abundances = malloc( input_params->abundances.n_initial_abundances * sizeof(double) );

  int i;
  for( i = 0; i <  input_params->abundances.n_initial_abundances ; i++ )
      strcpy( network->species_names[input_params->abundances.initial_abundances[i].species_idx ] , species[i] );
      initial_abundances[i] = input_params->abundances.initial_abundances[i].abundance;
  set_initial_abundances( species, 3, initial_abundances, &network, abundances); // Set initial abundances
#else // same thing , without using api
  int i;
  for( i = 0; i <  input_params->abundances.n_initial_abundances ; i++ )
      abundances[ input_params->abundances.initial_abundances[i].species_idx ] = input_params->abundances.initial_abundances[i].abundance;
    // Add grain abundances
    int g, gm, gp;
    double gabs;
    g = find_species ("grain", network);
    gm = find_species ("grain(-)", network);
    gp = find_species ("grain(+)", network);
    // Check if grain abundances have already been initialized one way or another
    if(g>=0) gabs += abundances[ g ];
    if(gm>=0) gabs += abundances[ gm ];
    if(gp>=0) gabs += abundances[ gp ];
    if(gabs == 0.0) {
    	// Grains have not been initialized
    	// Check that grains are defined in our network, and if so, set the grain abundance
    		abundances[ g ] = input_params->phys.grain_abundance;

  double min_nh;                 /* Minimum density */

  /* Compute the minimum density to set the absolute tolerance of the
     solver */
  min_nh = cell->nh[0];
  if (mode == DYNAMIC)
      int i;

      for (i = 1; i < ts->n_time_steps; i++)
          if (cell->nh[i] < min_nh)
              min_nh = cell->nh[i];

  astrochem_mem_t astrochem_mem;
  cell_t cell_unik;
  cell_unik.av = cell->av[0];
  cell_unik.nh = cell->nh[0];
  cell_unik.tgas = cell->tgas[0];
  cell_unik.tdust = cell->tdust[0];
  if( solver_init( &cell_unik, network, &input_params->phys, abundances, min_nh, input_params->solver.abs_err,  input_params->solver.rel_err, &astrochem_mem ) != EXIT_SUCCESS )
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
      int i, j;

      /* Solve the system for each time step. */
      for (i = 0; i < ts->n_time_steps; i++)

          if (i!=0 && mode == DYNAMIC)
              cell_unik.av = cell->av[i];
              cell_unik.nh = cell->nh[i];
              cell_unik.tgas = cell->tgas[i];
              cell_unik.tdust = cell->tdust[i];

              if( solve( &astrochem_mem, network, abundances,  ts->time_steps[i], &cell_unik, verbose ) != EXIT_SUCCESS )
                  return EXIT_FAILURE;
              if( solve( &astrochem_mem, network, abundances,  ts->time_steps[i], NULL, verbose ) != EXIT_SUCCESS )
                  return EXIT_FAILURE;

          /* Fill the array of abundances with the output species
             abundances. Ignore species that are not in the
             network. Abundance that are lower than MIN_ABUNDANCES are
             set to 0. */

          for (j = 0; j < input_params->output.n_output_species; j++)
              if (mode == STATIC)
                  output_abundances[j] =
                   (double) NV_Ith_S (astrochem_mem.y, input_params->output.output_species_idx[j]) / cell->nh[0];
                  output_abundances[j] =
                   (double) NV_Ith_S (astrochem_mem.y, input_params->output.output_species_idx[j]) / cell->nh[i];
              if (output_abundances[j] < MIN_ABUNDANCE)
                output_abundances[j] = 0.;

              // Select a chunk of the file
              hsize_t     start[3]={  cell_index, i, 0 };
              H5Sselect_hyperslab( fileDataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, start, NULL, count , NULL );

              // Write the chunk
              H5Dwrite(dataset, datatype, memDataspace, fileDataspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                       output_abundances );



          /* Compute the rate of each formation/destruction route for
             each output specie. */

          if (input_params->output.trace_routes)
              for (j = 0; j < input_params->output.n_output_species; j++)
                  int k;
                  int l;
                  for (l = 0; l < N_OUTPUT_ROUTES; l++)
                      routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + l ].formation.rate = 0;
                      routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + l ].destruction.rate = 0;
                  for (k = 0; k < network->n_reactions; k++)
                      /* If the species is a product of the
                         reaction then compute the formation
                         rate. If the rate is greater than the
                         smallest rate in the formation route
                         structure, we add the current reaction
                         number and rate to that structure. */

                      bool specie_in_products = false;
                      int p;
                      for( p = 0; p < MAX_PRODUCTS; p++ )
                          if( network->reactions[k].products[p] ==  input_params->output.output_species_idx[j])
                              specie_in_products = true;
                      if( specie_in_products )
                          r_t formation_route;
                          double min_rate;
                          unsigned int min_rate_index;
                          if (network->reactions[k].reaction_type == 0)
                              formation_route.rate = astrochem_mem.params.reac_rates[k];
                              formation_route.rate *=
                               NV_Ith_S (astrochem_mem.y, network->reactions[k].reactants[0]);
                          else if (network->reactions[k].reaction_type == 23)
                              formation_route.rate = astrochem_mem.params.reac_rates[k];
                              formation_route.rate = astrochem_mem.params.reac_rates[k];
                              int r;
                              for( r = 0; r < MAX_REACTANTS; r++ )
                                  if( network->reactions[k].reactants[r] != -1 )
                                      formation_route.rate *=
                                       NV_Ith_S (astrochem_mem.y, network->reactions[k].reactants[r]);
                          formation_route.reaction_no =
                          min_rate = routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES  ].formation.rate;
                          min_rate_index = 0;
                          for (l = 1; l < N_OUTPUT_ROUTES; l++)
                              if (routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + l ].formation.rate <
                                  min_rate =
                                   routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + l ].formation.rate;
                                  min_rate_index = (unsigned int) l;
                          if (formation_route.rate > min_rate)
                              routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + min_rate_index ].formation.rate = formation_route.rate;
                              routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + min_rate_index ].formation.reaction_no = formation_route.reaction_no;

                      /* If the species is reactant of the reaction
                         then compute the destruction rate. */
                      bool species_in_reactants = false;
                      int r;
                      for ( r = 0; r < MAX_REACTANTS; r++ )
                          if ( network->reactions[k].reactants[r] == input_params->output.output_species_idx[j])
                              species_in_reactants = true;
                      if( species_in_reactants )
                          r_t destruction_route;
                          double min_rate;
                          unsigned int min_rate_index;

                          if (network->reactions[k].reaction_type == 0)
                              destruction_route.rate = astrochem_mem.params.reac_rates[k];
                              destruction_route.rate *=
                               NV_Ith_S (astrochem_mem.y, network->reactions[k].reactants[0]);
                          else if (network->reactions[k].reaction_type == 23)
                              destruction_route.rate = astrochem_mem.params.reac_rates[k];
                              destruction_route.rate = astrochem_mem.params.reac_rates[k];
                              for ( r = 0; r < MAX_REACTANTS; r++ )
                                  if (network->reactions[k].reactants[r] != -1)
                                      destruction_route.rate *=
                                       NV_Ith_S (astrochem_mem.y, network->reactions[k].reactants[r]);
                          destruction_route.reaction_no =

                          min_rate = routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES  ].destruction.rate;
                          min_rate_index = 0;
                          for (l = 1; l < N_OUTPUT_ROUTES; l++)
                              if (routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + l ].destruction.rate <
                                  min_rate =
                                   routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + l ].destruction.rate;
                                  min_rate_index = (unsigned int) l;
                          if (destruction_route.rate > min_rate)
                              routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + min_rate_index ].destruction.rate = destruction_route.rate;
                              routes[ j*N_OUTPUT_ROUTES + min_rate_index ].destruction.reaction_no = destruction_route.reaction_no;
              // Selecting a chunk of the file
              hsize_t     routeStart[4]={  cell_index, i, 0, 0 };
              H5Sselect_hyperslab( routeFileDataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, routeStart, NULL, routeCount , NULL );

              int spec_idx;
              for( spec_idx = 0; spec_idx < input_params->output.n_output_species; spec_idx++ )
                  // Writing in each route datasets
                  H5Dwrite( routeDatasets[ spec_idx ], routeDatatype, routeMemDataspace, routeFileDataspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                            routes );


  // Cleaning up hdf5
  if (input_params->output.trace_routes)
  // Free
  free( output_abundances );
  free( routes );
  free_abundances( abundances );
  solver_close( &astrochem_mem );
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;