static /* orchestra{} section */ void readorch(Inst **insttopp) { char s[128]; Inst *p, *q = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Reading orchestra section\n"); #endif gmac = NULL; if (expectchar('{')) scotferror(Str("Syntax error: no {")); p = (*insttopp) = (Inst *) malloc(sizeof(Inst)); p->lmac = NULL; for (;;) { efindword(s); if (s[0] == (char) '}') break; if (s[0] == (char) '[') { if (p == (*insttopp)) readmacros(&gmac); else readmacros(&q->lmac); continue; } p->name = (char *) malloc(strlen(s) + 1); strcpy(p->name, s); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Instrument name: %s ", p->name); #endif if (expectchar('=')) scoterror(Str("Syntax error: no =")); if (findint((int *) &p->number)) scoterror(Str("Syntax error: no number")); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" number: %d\n", p->number); #endif p->next = (Inst *) malloc(sizeof(Inst)); q = p; p = p->next; p->lmac = NULL; } if (p == *insttopp) scotferror(Str("No instruments declared")); free((char *) p); q->next = NULL; }
/////////////////////////////////////////////// // i_inherit(i_name*) (+) // store references to inherited interfaces // BtFImpl(i_inherit, t, p) { ArgIdArityList i(t.getarg(0), p, "i_inherit"); while ( { DbIntlog *dbi = findint(p->get_db(), i.funct); if (!dbi || !p->get_db()->InheritInterface(dbi)) { p->BtErr(BTERR_CANT_INHERIT, CCP(i.funct)); break; } } return i.status; }
////////////////////////////////////////// // i_create(i_name, HandleEngine) // create a new running interface (+, -) // BtFImpl(i_create, t, p) { ASSERT(all_engines); ArgIdArityList i(t.getarg(0), p, "i_create"); if (!p->eval_term(t.getarg(1)).type(f_NOTERM)) { p->BtErr(BTERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE); return 0; } EngHandle h = GetEngines()->create(p->get_db()); if (h == EH_NULL) { p->BtErr(BTERR_CANT_CREATE_ENG); return 0; } IntlogExec *pExec = GetEngines()->HtoD(h); DbIntlog *engdb = pExec->get_db(), *dbi; // scan all interfaces names int errc = 0; while ( { // search for declared interface (from current to root) if ((dbi = findint(p->get_db(), i.funct)) == 0) errc = BTERR_CANT_FIND_DB; else if (!engdb->InheritInterface(dbi)) errc = BTERR_CANT_INHERIT; if (errc) { // on error signal and reset p->BtErr(errc, CCP(i.funct)); all_engines->destroy(h); return 0; } } return p->unify(p->save(Term(new EngineObj(h))), t.getarg(1)); }
static /* reads from one $instrument to the next */ void readinstsec(Inst *inst, Nextp **nextlist, Rat *grpmul, Rat *timesig, Rat *curtime, Rat *lastbar, Rat *lastnote, Note **notetop, Note **ln, Tempo **tempop, int *accidentals, int *octaves, int *vertical, int *key, int *barkey, int *transpose, char *endchar) { static Rat durdiv = { 4L, 1L }; int c, z, lastpitchclass; char s[128], *sp; Rat ratstack, rattmp; Note *pn, *nn, *pn2 = NULL; Strlist *ps; Nextp *nextpp; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Reading instrument section: %s\n", inst->name); #endif pn = (*notetop); for (;;) { findchar(&c); if (strchr(endchar, c)) break; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Processing char: %c\n", c); #endif switch (c) { case 't': if (findint(&c)) { scoterror(Str("Tempo must be specified")); break; } if ((*tempop)->next) { scoterror(Str("Redefinition of tempo")); break; } (*tempop)->next = (Tempo *) malloc(sizeof(Tempo)); *tempop = (*tempop)->next; (*tempop)->next = NULL; ratass(&((*tempop)->time), curtime); (*tempop)->val = c; break; case '!': efindword(s); if ((c = strlen(s)) < 2) scoterror(Str("Must specify 2 or more letters of keyword")); if (!strncmp(s, "accidentals", c)) { if (findonoff(accidentals)) scoterror(Str("Must be \"on\" or \"off\"")); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" accidentals %s\n", accidentals ? "on" : "off"); #endif } else if (!strncmp(s, "octaves", c)) { if (findonoff(octaves)) scoterror(Str("Must be \"on\" or \"off\"")); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" ocatves %s\n", *octaves ? "on" : "off"); #endif } else if (!strncmp(s, "vertical", c)) { if (findonoff(vertical)) scoterror(Str("Must be \"on\" or \"off\"")); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" vertical %s\n", *vertical ? "on" : "off"); #endif } else if (!strncmp(s, "timesignature", c)) { efindword(s); if ((sscanf(s, "%lu/%lu", ×ig->num, ×ig->denom) != 2) || (&(timesig->denom) == 0) ) { scoterror(Str("Invalid time signature")); timesig->num = 0; timesig->denom = 1; } #ifdef DEBUG printf(" time sig=%lu/%lu\n", timesig->num, timesig->denom); #endif ratstack.num = 4; ratstack.denom = 1; ratmul(timesig, timesig, &ratstack); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" measure length=%f\n", ratval(timesig)); #endif } else if (!strncmp(s, "key", c)) { int y; efindword(s); for (z = 0; z < PITCHCLASSES; z++) key[z] = 0; c = y = 0; for (z = 0; s[z] != (char) 0; z++) switch ((int) s[z]) { case '#': c = y + 1; y++; break; case '-': c = y - 1; y--; break; default: if (!isalpha(s[z])) scoterror(Str("Bad key signature")); key[letterval((int) s[z])] = c; y = 0; } for (z = 0; z < PITCHCLASSES; z++) barkey[z] = key[z]; } else if (!strncmp(s, "transpose", c)) { efindword(s); *transpose = 0; for (z = 0; s[z]; z++) { switch (s[z]) { case ',': (*transpose) -= NOTESPEROCT; break; case '\'': (*transpose) += NOTESPEROCT; break; case '=': (*transpose) = 0; break; case '#': (*transpose)++; break; case '-': (*transpose)--; break; default: (*transpose) += naturals[letterval((int) s[z])]; } } } else if (!strncmp(s, "next", c)) { efindword(s); if (sscanf(s, "p%d", &c) != 1) { scoterror(Str("Invalid field")); efindword(s); break; } efindword(s); if (sscanf(s, "p%d", &z) != 1) { scoterror(Str("Invalid field")); break; } if (*nextlist == NULL) { *nextlist = (Nextp *) malloc(sizeof(Nextp)); nextpp = (*nextlist); nextpp->next = NULL; } else { nextpp = (*nextlist); if ((c == nextpp->dst) || (z == nextpp->src)) scoterror(Str("Nested next-parameter passing")); while (nextpp->next) { nextpp = nextpp->next; if ((c == nextpp->dst) || (z == nextpp->src)) scoterror(Str("Nested next-parameter passing")); } nextpp->next = (Nextp *) malloc(sizeof(Nextp)); nextpp = nextpp->next; nextpp->next = NULL; } nextpp->src = c; nextpp->dst = z; } else scoterror(Str("Unrecognised keyword")); break; case '{': findint(&c); expectchar(':'); if (!c) { ratstack.num = 2L; ratstack.denom = 3L; } else { ratstack.denom = (unsigned long) c; findint(&c); if (!c) { for (z = 1; (unsigned long) z < ratstack.denom; z *= 2); z /= 2; ratstack.num = (unsigned long) z; } else ratstack.num = (unsigned long) c; expectchar(':'); } ratmul(grpmul, grpmul, &ratstack); readinstsec(inst, nextlist, grpmul, timesig, curtime, lastbar, lastnote, notetop, ln, tempop, accidentals, octaves, vertical, key, barkey, transpose, ":"); ratdiv(grpmul, grpmul, &ratstack); expectchar(':'); expectchar('}'); break; case '(': ratass(&ratstack, curtime); if (pn == (*notetop)) { readinstsec(inst, nextlist, grpmul, timesig, curtime, lastbar, lastnote, notetop, ln, tempop, accidentals, octaves, vertical, key, barkey, transpose, ")"); pn = (*notetop); } else { readinstsec(inst, nextlist, grpmul, timesig, curtime, lastbar, lastnote, &pn2->next, ln, tempop, accidentals, octaves, vertical, key, barkey, transpose, ")"); pn = pn2->next; } expectchar(')'); ratass(lastnote, &ratstack); break; case '/': ratadd(lastbar, lastbar, timesig); if ((timesig->num) && (ratcmp(lastbar, curtime))) { scoterror(Str("Wrong number of beats in bar")); ratass(lastbar, curtime); } for (z = 0; z < PITCHCLASSES; z++) barkey[z] = key[z]; break; case '<': if (pn == NULL) { scoterror(Str("Syntax error: cannot back up")); break; } if (pn->next == NULL) { pn->next = (Note *) malloc(sizeof(Note)); initnote(pn->next); pn->next->instrum = pn->instrum + 0.01; } pn2 = pn; pn = pn->next; ratass(curtime, lastnote); break; default: #ifdef DEBUG printf("Reading note\n"); printf(" time=%lu/%lu\n", curtime->num, curtime->denom); printf(" =%f\n", ratval(curtime)); #endif scotungetc(); nn = (Note *) malloc(sizeof(Note)); nn->p = NULL; nn->written = FALSE; if (*notetop == NULL) { pn = (*ln) = (*notetop) = (Note *) malloc(sizeof(Note)); initnote(*notetop); (*notetop)->instrum = (double) inst->number + 0.01; } else if (ratcmp(curtime, lastnote)) pn = (*notetop); nn->instrum = pn->instrum; #ifdef DEBUG printf(" instrument #%f\n", nn->instrum); #endif if (*vertical) strlistcopy(&nn->carryp, &(*ln)->carryp); else strlistcopy(&nn->carryp, &pn->carryp); for (nextpp = (*nextlist); nextpp; nextpp = nextpp->next) { sp = findparam(nextpp->dst, &nn->carryp); if (!strcmp(sp, ".")) strcpy(sp, NEXTP); } ratass(&nn->start, curtime); if (!findint(&c)) { ratstack.num = (unsigned long) c; ratstack.denom = 1L; ratdiv(&nn->dur, &durdiv, &ratstack); ratass(&ratstack, &nn->dur); rattmp.num = 1L; rattmp.denom = 2L; for (;;) { findchar(&c); if (c != '.') break; ratmul(&ratstack, &ratstack, &rattmp); ratadd(&nn->dur, &nn->dur, &ratstack); } } else { if (*vertical) ratass(&nn->dur, &((*ln)->lastdur)); else ratass(&nn->dur, &pn->lastdur); findchar(&c); } ratass(&nn->lastdur, &nn->dur); ratmul(&nn->dur, &nn->dur, grpmul); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" duration=%f\n", ratval(&nn->dur)); printf(" c=%c\n", c); #endif if (c == '=') { nn->octave = 8; lastpitchclass = 0; } else { nn->octave = pn->octave; lastpitchclass = pn->pitchclass; scotungetc(); } for (;;) { findchar(&c); if (c == '\'') nn->octave++; else if (c == ',') nn->octave--; else break; } if (c == 'r') { ratass(lastnote, curtime); ratmul(&rattmp, &nn->lastdur, grpmul); ratadd(curtime, curtime, &rattmp); ratass(&(*ln)->lastdur, &nn->lastdur); ratass(&pn->lastdur, &nn->lastdur); freenote(nn); break; } else { nn->pitchclass = letterval(c); if (*octaves) { c = nn->pitchclass - lastpitchclass; if (c < -(PITCHCLASSES / 2)) nn->octave++; else if (c > PITCHCLASSES / 2) nn->octave--; } } nn->accid = 0; nn->accmod = FALSE; for (;;) { findchar(&c); if (c == '#') { nn->accid++; nn->accmod = TRUE; } else if (c == '-') { nn->accid--; nn->accmod = TRUE; } else if (c == 'n') { nn->accid = 0; nn->accmod = TRUE; } else break; } if (!nn->accmod) nn->accid = barkey[nn->pitchclass]; else if (*accidentals) barkey[nn->pitchclass] = nn->accid; #ifdef DEBUG printf(" transpose=%d\n", *transpose); printf(" octave=%d pitchclass=%d accid=%d transpose=%d pitch=%f\n", nn->octave, nn->pitchclass, nn->accid, *transpose, pitchval(nn->octave, nn->pitchclass, nn->accid, *transpose)); #endif if (c == '_') { findchar(&c); if (c == '_') { nn->tie = TRUE; nn->slur = 0; findchar(&c); } else { nn->slur = 1; nn->tie = FALSE; } } else { nn->slur = 0; nn->tie = FALSE; } if (pn->slur & 1) nn->slur += 2; #ifdef DEBUG printf(" slur=%d tie=%d\n", nn->slur, nn->tie); #endif if (pn->tie) { ratadd(&rattmp, &pn->start, &pn->dur); if (ratcmp(&rattmp, curtime)) scoterror(Str("Improper tie")); if (((nn->octave != pn->octave) || (nn->pitchclass != pn->pitchclass) || ((nn->accid != pn->accid) && (nn->accmod))) && (pitchval(nn->octave, nn->pitchclass, nn->accid, *transpose) != pitchval(pn->octave, pn->pitchclass, pn->accid, *transpose))) scoterror(Str("Tie between different pitches")); ratadd(&pn->dur, &pn->dur, &nn->dur); ratass(&pn->lastdur, &nn->lastdur); pn->slur += nn->slur; pn->tie = nn->tie; freenote(nn); nn = pn; if (c == (char) '[') scoterror(Str("Warning: params changed on tie")); } else { ps = nn->p = (Strlist *) malloc(sizeof(Strlist)); for (z = 0; z < 4; z++) { ps->next = (Strlist *) malloc(sizeof(Strlist)); ps = ps->next; } ps->next = NULL; } ps = nn->p; sprintf(ps->str, "%.02f", nn->instrum); ps = ps->next; sprintf(ps->str, "%g", ratval(&nn->start)); ps = ps->next; sprintf(ps->str, "%g", ratval(&nn->dur)); ps = ps->next; sprintf(ps->str, "%d", nn->slur); ps = ps->next; sprintf(ps->str, "%.02f", pitchval(nn->octave, nn->pitchclass, nn->accid, *transpose)); if (c == '[') { char *pars; int pnum; pars = readparams(inst); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Params: %s\n", pars); #endif z = 0; pnum = 6; while (strchr(" \t\r\n", (int) pars[z])) z++; for (;;) { if (pars[z] == (char) ']') break; c = 0; while (!strchr(" \t\r\n:]", (int) pars[z])) s[c++] = pars[z++]; s[c] = (char) 0; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Read: %s\n", s); #endif while (strchr(" \t\r\n", (int) pars[z])) z++; if (pars[z] == (char) ':') { pnum = atoi(s); if (pnum < 6) scoterror(Str("Parameter number out of range")); z++; while (strchr(" \t\r\n", (int) pars[z])) z++; continue; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Param #%d: %s\n", pnum, s); #endif if (s[0] == (char) '\'') { addparam(pnum, &s[1], &nn->p); addparam(pnum, ".", &nn->carryp); } else { addparam(pnum, s, &nn->p); addparam(pnum, s, &nn->carryp); } pnum++; } free(pars); } else scotungetc(); if ((nn != pn) && (!pn->written)) { #ifdef DEBUG printf(" doing nextp stuff:\n"); #endif for (nextpp = (*nextlist); nextpp; nextpp = nextpp->next) { #ifdef DEBUG printf(" carrying p%d to p%d?\n", nextpp->src, nextpp->dst); #endif if (!strcmp(findparam(nextpp->dst, &pn->carryp), NEXTP)) { sp = findparam(nextpp->dst, &pn->p); if (!strcmp(sp, ".")) { char *sp2; sp2 = findparam(nextpp->src, &nn->p); if (!strcmp(sp2, ".")) sp2 = findparam(nextpp->src, &nn->carryp); strcpy(sp, sp2); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" Yes.\n"); #endif } } } writenote(pn); } if ((!(*nextlist)) && (!nn->tie)) writenote(nn); if (nn != pn) { if (!pn->written) scoterror(Str("Lost previous note: not written")); #ifdef DEBUG if (pn->next == nn) printf("* pn->next==nn\n"); #endif nn->next = pn->next; #ifdef DEBUG if (pn2 == nn) printf("* pn2==nn\n"); #endif if (pn == *notetop) *notetop = nn; else pn2->next = nn; freenote(pn); pn = nn; #ifdef DEBUG if (nn->next == nn) printf("* Circular list created\n"); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG printf(" nn linked into note list\n"); printf(" curtime=%lu/%lu\n", curtime->num, curtime->denom); printf(" nn->dur=%lu/%lu\n", nn->dur.num, nn->dur.denom); #endif *ln = nn; ratass(lastnote, curtime); ratmul(&rattmp, &nn->lastdur, grpmul); ratadd(curtime, curtime, &rattmp); #ifdef DEBUG printf(" curtime=%lu/%lu\n", curtime->num, curtime->denom); printf(" Done with note\n"); #endif } } scotungetc(); }
int main(void) { char choice; PLANE flights[FLIGHTS]; int i, j; int fl_num; int index; FILE * fp; int flight_nums[] = {102, 311, 444, 519}; fp = fopen("flight2.dat", "r+b"); if (!fp) { fputs("Can't open flight2.dat", stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } rewind(fp); if (getc(fp) == EOF) { for (i = 0; i < FLIGHTS; i++) { flights[i].flight_num = flight_nums[i]; for (j = 0; j < SEATS; j++) { flights[i].vacancy[j].seat_id = j; flights[i].vacancy[j].assigned = false; flights[i].vacancy[j].confirmed = false; flights[i].vacancy[j].first[0] = '\0'; flights[i].vacancy[j].last[0] = '\0'; } } puts("Done for initialization."); } else { fread(flights, sizeof(PLANE), FLIGHTS, fp); puts("We have Flights 102, 311, 444, 519"); puts("Enter the flight number, non-numeric value to quit:"); while (scanf("%d", &fl_num) == 1) { eatline(); if (index = findint(flight_nums, FLIGHTS, fl_num) == -1) { puts("No such flight number. Enter again:"); continue; } do { puts("To choose a function, enter its letter label:"); puts("a) Show number of empty seats"); puts("b) Show list of empty seats"); puts("c) Show alphabetical list of seats"); puts("d) Assign a customer to a seat assignment"); puts("e) Delete a seat assignment"); puts("f) Confirming a seat assignment"); puts("g) Back to the top level menu"); choice = getchar(); eatline(); if (choice != 'g') switch (choice) { case 'a' : show_empty_seat_num(flights[index].vacancy, SEATS); break; case 'b' : show_empty_seat_lst(flights[index].vacancy, SEATS); break; case 'c' : show_alpha_lst(flights[index].vacancy, SEATS); break; case 'd' : assign_customer(flights[index].vacancy, SEATS); break; case 'e' : del_assign(flights[index].vacancy, SEATS); break; case 'f' : confirm(flights[index].vacancy, SEATS); default : puts("Wrong choice!"); } } while (choice != 'g'); puts("Enter the next flight number, non-numeric value to quit:"); } } rewind(fp); fwrite(flights, sizeof(PLANE), FLIGHTS, fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }
///////////////////////////////////////////// // i_proplist(NameInt,Property,List) (+,+,?) // retrieve property name/arity list // for required interface e property // BtFImpl(i_proplist, t, p) { Term NameInt = p->eval_term(t.getarg(0)), Prop = p->eval_term(t.getarg(1)), ListProp(ListNULL); DbIntlog *db; if ( !NameInt.type(f_ATOM) || !Prop.type(f_ATOM) || (db = findint(p->get_db(), NameInt.kstr())) == 0) { err: p->BtErr(BTERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE); return 0; } // search for property DbEntry::scopemode prop; BuiltIn* bt = p->get_db()->is_builtin(Prop, 1); if (!bt) goto err; if (bt->eval == i_export) prop = DbEntry::exported; else if (bt->eval == i_import) prop = DbEntry::import; else if (bt->eval == i_dynamic) prop = DbEntry::dynamic; else if (bt->eval == i_begin) prop = DbEntry::local; else goto err; slist lprop; db->EntriesWithProperty(prop, lprop); // transform the slist in Prolog List if (lprop.numel() > 0) { Term tail(f_NOTERM); slist_iter it(lprop); DbIntlog::EntryWithProp *pEntry; while ((pEntry = (DbIntlog::EntryWithProp *) != 0) { // build the name/arity structure Term sProp = Term(kstring(Operator::DIV), 2); sProp.setarg(0, Term(kstring(pEntry->id))); sProp.setarg(1, Term(Int(pEntry->arity))); Term elem = Term(sProp, Term(ListNULL)); if (tail.type(f_NOTERM)) tail = ListProp = elem; else { tail.setarg(1, elem); tail = elem; } } ListProp = p->save(ListProp); } return p->unify(t.getarg(2), ListProp); }