Пример #1
skin_t* loadskin(char* skindir, int desktopbpp)
    FILE *fp;
    int reachedendofwindow = 0;
    int linenumber = 0;
    skin_t *skin = calloc(1, sizeof(skin_t));
    char *filename;
    char *tmp = calloc(1, MAX_LINESIZE);
    char *desc = calloc(1, MAX_LINESIZE);
    window* mywindow = NULL;

    /* setup funcs */
    skin->freeskin = freeskin;
    skin->pngRead = pngRead;
    skin->addwidget = addwidget;
    skin->removewidget = removewidget;
    skin->geteventname = geteventname;
    skin->desktopbpp = desktopbpp;
    skin->skindir = strdup(skindir);

    filename = calloc(1, strlen(skin->skindir) + strlen("skin") + 2);
    sprintf(filename, "%s\\skin", skin->skindir);
    if(!(fp = fopen(filename, "rb")))
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_FATAL, "[SKIN LOAD] Skin \"%s\" not found\n", skindir);
        return NULL;

        int pos = 0;
        unsigned int i;
        int insidequote = 0;
        fgets(tmp, MAX_LINESIZE, fp);
        memset(desc, 0, MAX_LINESIZE);
        for (i=0; i<strlen(tmp); i++)
            if((tmp[i] == '"') && !insidequote) { insidequote=1; continue; }
            else if((tmp[i] == '"') && insidequote) { insidequote=0 ; continue; }
            /* remove spaces and linebreaks */
            if((!insidequote && (tmp[i] == ' ')) || (tmp[i] == '\n') || (tmp[i] == '\r')) continue;
            /* remove comments */
            else if(tmp[i] == ';')
#ifdef DEBUG
                mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN LOAD] Comment: %s", tmp + i + 1);
            desc[pos] = tmp[i];

        if(!strlen(desc)) continue;
        /* now we have "readable" output -> parse it */
        /* parse window specific info */
        if(!strncmp(desc, "section", 7))
#ifdef DEBUG
            mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [SECTION] \"%s\"\n", desc + 8);
        else if(!strncmp(desc, "window", 6))
#ifdef DEBUG
            mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [WINDOW] \"%s\"\n", desc + 7);
            reachedendofwindow = 0;
            skin->windows = realloc(skin->windows, sizeof(window *) * skin->windowcount);
            mywindow = skin->windows[(skin->windowcount) - 1] = calloc(1, sizeof(window));
            mywindow->name = strdup(desc + 7);
            if(!strncmp(desc + 7, "main", 4)) mywindow->type = wiMain;
            else if(!strncmp(desc+7, "sub", 3))
                mywindow->type = wiSub;
                mywindow->decoration = 1;
            else if(!strncmp(desc + 7, "menu", 4)) mywindow->type = wiMenu;
            else if(!strncmp(desc + 7, "playbar", 7)) mywindow->type = wiPlaybar;
            else mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_V, "[SKIN] warning found unknown windowtype");
        else if(!strncmp(desc, "decoration", 10) && !strncmp(desc + 11, "enable", 6))
            mywindow->decoration = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
            mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [DECORATION] enabled decoration for window \"%s\"\n", mywindow->name);
        else if(!strncmp(desc, "background", 10))
            int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
            char temp[MAX_LINESIZE];
            mywindow->backgroundcolor[0] = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
            mywindow->backgroundcolor[1] = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
            mywindow->backgroundcolor[2] = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
#ifdef DEBUG
            mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [BACKGROUND] window \"%s\" has backgroundcolor (%i,%i,%i)\n", mywindow->name,
        else if(!strncmp(desc, "end", 3))
#ifdef DEBUG
                mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [END] of section\n");
                reachedendofwindow = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
                mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [END] of window \"%s\"\n", mywindow->name);
        else if(!strncmp(desc, "font", 4))
            unsigned int i;
            int id = 0;
            char temp[MAX_LINESIZE];
            int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=')+1;
            findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
            findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
            for (i=0; i<skin->fontcount; i++)
                if(!strcmp(skin->fonts[i]->id, temp))
                    id = i;
                int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
                findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
                id = skin->fontcount;
                skin->fonts = realloc(skin->fonts, sizeof(font_t *) * skin->fontcount);
                skin->fonts[id]=calloc(1, sizeof(font_t));
                skin->fonts[id]->name = strdup(temp);
                skin->fonts[id]->id = strdup(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
#ifdef DEBUG
            mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [FONT] id  \"%s\" name \"%s\"\n", skin->fonts[id]->name, skin->fonts[id]->id);
            skin->addwidget(skin, mywindow, desc);

    mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_V, "[SKIN LOAD] loaded skin \"%s\"\n", skin->skindir);
    /* dumpwidgets(skin); */
    return skin;
Пример #2
static void addwidget(skin_t *skin, window *win, const char *desc)
    widget *mywidget;
    char *temp = calloc(1, strlen(desc) + 1);
    skin->widgets = realloc(skin->widgets, sizeof(widget *) * skin->widgetcount);
    mywidget = skin->widgets[(skin->widgetcount) - 1] = calloc(1, sizeof(widget));
    mywidget->id = skin->lastusedid;
    mywidget->window = win->type;
    /* parse and fill widget specific info */
    if(!strncmp(desc, "base", 4))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        mywidget->type = tyBase;
        mywidget->bitmap[0] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth = mywidget->width = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight = mywidget->height = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        win->base = mywidget;
#ifdef DEBUG
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [BASE] %s %i %i %i %i\n",
              (mywidget->bitmap[0]) ? mywidget->bitmap[0]->name : NULL,
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->width, mywidget->height);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "button", 6))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        int i;
        mywidget->type = tyButton;
        mywidget->bitmap[0] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth = mywidget->width = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight = mywidget->height = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);

        /* Assign corresponding event to the widget */
        mywidget->msg = evNone;
        for (i=0; i<evBoxs; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, evNames[i].name))
                mywidget->msg = evNames[i].msg;

#ifdef DEBUG
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [BUTTON] %s %i %i %i %i msg %i\n",
              (mywidget->bitmap[0]) ? mywidget->bitmap[0]->name : NULL,
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->width, mywidget->height, mywidget->msg);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "hpotmeter", 9) || !strncmp(desc, "vpotmeter", 9))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        int i;
        /* hpotmeter = button, bwidth, bheight, phases, numphases, default, X, Y, width, height, message */
        if(!strncmp(desc, "hpotmeter", 9)) mywidget->type = tyHpotmeter;
        else mywidget->type = tyVpotmeter;
        mywidget->bitmap[0] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->width = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->height = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->bitmap[1] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->phases = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->value = atof(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->x = mywidget->wx = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->y = mywidget->wy = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->msg = evNone;
        for (i=0; i<evBoxs; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, evNames[i].name))
                mywidget->msg = evNames[i].msg;
#ifdef DEBUG
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [ITEM] %s %s %i %i %s %i %f %i %i %i %i msg %i\n",
                (mywidget->type == tyHpotmeter) ? "[HPOTMETER]" : "[VPOTMETER]",
                (mywidget->bitmap[0]) ? mywidget->bitmap[0]->name : NULL,
                mywidget->width, mywidget->height,
                (mywidget->bitmap[1]) ? mywidget->bitmap[1]->name : NULL,
                mywidget->phases, mywidget->value,
                mywidget->wx, mywidget->wy, mywidget->wwidth, mywidget->wwidth,
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "potmeter", 8))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        int i;
        /* potmeter = phases, numphases, default, X, Y, width, height, message */
        mywidget->type = tyPotmeter;
        mywidget->bitmap[0] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->phases = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->value = atof(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth = mywidget->width = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight = mywidget->height = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->msg = evNone;
        for (i=0; i<evBoxs; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, evNames[i].name))
#ifdef DEBUG
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [POTMETER] %s %i %i %i %f %i %i msg %i\n",
                (mywidget->bitmap[0]) ? mywidget->bitmap[0]->name : NULL,
                mywidget->width, mywidget->height,
                mywidget->phases, mywidget->value,
                mywidget->x, mywidget->y,
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "menu", 4))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        int i;
        mywidget->type = tyMenu;
        mywidget->wx=atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy=mywidget->y=atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth=mywidget->width=atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight=mywidget->height=atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->msg = evNone;
        for (i=0; i<evBoxs; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, evNames[i].name))
                mywidget->msg = evNames[i].msg;
#ifdef DEBUG
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [MENU] %i %i %i %i msg %i\n",
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->width, mywidget->height, mywidget->msg);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "selected", 8))
        win->base->bitmap[1] = pngRead(skin, (char *) desc + 9);
#ifdef DEBUG
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [BASE] added image %s\n", win->base->bitmap[1]->name);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "slabel",6))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        unsigned int i;
        mywidget->type = tySlabel;
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->font = NULL;
        for (i=0; i<skin->fontcount; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, skin->fonts[i]->name))
                mywidget->font = skin->fonts[i];
        mywidget->label = strdup(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
#ifdef DEBUG
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [SLABEL] %i %i %s %s\n",
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->font->name, mywidget->label);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "dlabel", 6))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        unsigned int i;
        mywidget->type = tyDlabel;
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->length = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->align = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->font = NULL;
        for (i=0; i<skin->fontcount; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, skin->fonts[i]->name))
        mywidget->label=strdup(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
#ifdef DEBUG
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [DLABEL] %i %i %i %i %s \"%s\"\n",
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->length, mywidget->align, mywidget->font->name, mywidget->label);
Пример #3
static void loadfonts(skin_t* skin)
    unsigned int x;
    for (x=0; x<skin->fontcount; x++)
        FILE *fp;
        int linenumber=0;
        char *filename;
        char *tmp = calloc(1, MAX_LINESIZE);
        char *desc = calloc(1, MAX_LINESIZE);
        filename = calloc(1, strlen(skin->skindir) + strlen(skin->fonts[x]->name) + 6);
        sprintf(filename, "%s\\%s.fnt", skin->skindir, skin->fonts[x]->name);
        if(!(fp = fopen(filename,"rb")))
            mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_ERR, "[FONT LOAD] Font not found \"%s\"\n", skin->fonts[x]->name);
            int pos = 0;
            unsigned int i;
            fgets(tmp, MAX_LINESIZE, fp);
            memset(desc, 0, MAX_LINESIZE);
            for (i=0; i<strlen(tmp); i++)
                /* remove spaces and linebreaks */
                if((tmp[i] == ' ') || (tmp[i] == '\n') || (tmp[i] == '\r')) continue;
                /* remove comments */
                if((tmp[i] == ';') &&  ((i < 1) || (tmp[i-1] != '\"')))
#ifdef DEBUG
                    mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[FONT LOAD] Comment: %s", tmp + i + 1);
                desc[pos] = tmp[i];
            if(!strlen(desc)) continue;
            /* now we have "readable" output -> parse it */
            if(!strncmp(desc, "image", 5))
                skin->fonts[x]->image = pngRead(skin, desc + 6);
#ifdef DEBUG
                mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[FONT] [IMAGE] \"%s\"\n", desc + 6);
                int base = 4;
                if(*desc != '"') break;
                if(*(desc + 1) == 0) break;
                skin->fonts[x]->chars = realloc(skin->fonts[x]->chars, sizeof(char_t *) *skin->fonts[x]->charcount);
                skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]=calloc(1, sizeof(char_t));
                skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->c = ((*(desc + 1) == '"') && (*(desc + 2) != '"')) ? ' ': *(desc + 1);
                if((*(desc + 1) == '"') && (*(desc + 2) != '"')) base = 3;
                skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->x = atoi(findnextstring(tmp, desc, &base));
                skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->y = atoi(findnextstring(tmp, desc, &base));
                skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->width = atoi(findnextstring(tmp, desc, &base));
                skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->height = atoi(findnextstring(tmp, desc, &base));
#ifdef DEBUG
                mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG4, "[FONT] [CHAR] %c %i %i %i %i\n",
                        skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->c,
                        skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->x,
                        skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->y,
                        skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->width,
                        skin->fonts[x]->chars[skin->fonts[x]->charcount - 1]->height);
Пример #4
static void addwidget(skin_t *skin, window *win, const char *desc)
    widget *mywidget;
    char *temp = calloc(1, strlen(desc) + 1);
    skin->widgets = realloc(skin->widgets, sizeof(widget *) * skin->widgetcount);
    mywidget = skin->widgets[(skin->widgetcount) - 1] = calloc(1, sizeof(widget));
    mywidget->id = skin->lastusedid;
    mywidget->window = win->type;
    /* parse and fill widget specific info */
    if(!strncmp(desc, "base", 4))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        mywidget->type = tyBase;
        mywidget->bitmap[0] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth = mywidget->width = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight = mywidget->height = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        win->base = mywidget;
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [BASE] %s %i %i %i %i\n",
              (mywidget->bitmap[0]) ? mywidget->bitmap[0]->name : NULL,
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->width, mywidget->height);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "button", 6))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        int i;
        mywidget->type = tyButton;
        mywidget->bitmap[0] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth = mywidget->width = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight = mywidget->height = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);

        /* Assign corresponding event to the widget */
        mywidget->msg = evNone;
        for (i=0; i<evBoxs; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, evNames[i].name))
                // legacy
                skin_legacy("evSetURL", temp);

                mywidget->msg = evNames[i].msg;

        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [BUTTON] %s %i %i %i %i msg %i\n",
              (mywidget->bitmap[0]) ? mywidget->bitmap[0]->name : NULL,
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->width, mywidget->height, mywidget->msg);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "hpotmeter", 9) || !strncmp(desc, "vpotmeter", 9) || !strncmp(desc, "rpotmeter", 9) || /* legacy */ !strncmp(desc, "potmeter", 8))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        int i, av_uninit(x0), av_uninit(y0), av_uninit(x1), av_uninit(y1);
        /* hpotmeter = button, bwidth, bheight, phases, numphases, default, X, Y, width, height, message */
        if(!strncmp(desc, "vpotmeter", 9)) mywidget->type = tyVpotmeter;
        else if(!strncmp(desc, "rpotmeter", 9)) mywidget->type = tyRpotmeter;
        else mywidget->type = tyHpotmeter;
        if (*desc == 'p')
            mywidget->bitmap[0] = NULL;
            mywidget->width = 0;
            mywidget->height = 0;

            // legacy
            skin_legacy("potmeter", "hpotmeter");
            mywidget->bitmap[0] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
            mywidget->width = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
            mywidget->height = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->bitmap[1] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->phases = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));

        if (*desc == 'r')
            x0 = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
            y0 = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
            x1 = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
            y1 = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));

        mywidget->value = atof(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->x = mywidget->wx = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->y = mywidget->wy = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->msg = evNone;
        for (i=0; i<evBoxs; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, evNames[i].name))
                // legacy
                skin_legacy("evSetURL", temp);

                mywidget->msg = evNames[i].msg;
        if (*desc == 'r')
            mywidget->zeropoint = appRadian(mywidget, x0, y0);
            mywidget->arclength = appRadian(mywidget, x1, y1) - mywidget->zeropoint;

            if (mywidget->arclength < 0.0) mywidget->arclength += 2 * M_PI;
            // else check if radians of (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) only differ below threshold
            else if (mywidget->arclength < 0.05) mywidget->arclength = 2 * M_PI;
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[SKIN] [ITEM] %s %s %i %i %s %i ",
                (mywidget->type == tyHpotmeter) ? "[HPOTMETER]" : (mywidget->type == tyVpotmeter) ? "[VPOTMETER]" : "[RPOTMETER]",
                (mywidget->bitmap[0]) ? mywidget->bitmap[0]->name : NULL,
                mywidget->width, mywidget->height,
                (mywidget->bitmap[1]) ? mywidget->bitmap[1]->name : NULL,
        if (*desc == 'r')
            mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "%i,%i %i,%i ", x0, y0, x1, y1);
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "%f %i %i %i %i msg %i\n", mywidget->value,
                mywidget->wx, mywidget->wy, mywidget->wwidth, mywidget->wwidth,
        if (mywidget->bitmap[0] == NULL || mywidget->width == 0 || mywidget->height == 0)
            mywidget->bitmap[0] = mywidget->bitmap[1];
            mywidget->width = mywidget->wwidth;
            mywidget->height = mywidget->wheight;
        if (*desc == 'r')
            mywidget->maxwh = FFMAX(mywidget->width, mywidget->height);

            // clickedinsidewidget() checks with width/height, so set it
            mywidget->width = mywidget->wwidth;
            mywidget->height = mywidget->wheight;
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "pimage", 6))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        int i;
        /* pimage = phases, numphases, default, X, Y, width, height, message */
        mywidget->type = tyPimage;
        mywidget->bitmap[0] = pngRead(skin, findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->phases = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->value = atof(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth = mywidget->width = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight = mywidget->height = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->msg = evNone;
        for (i=0; i<evBoxs; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, evNames[i].name))
                // legacy
                skin_legacy("evSetURL", temp);

        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [PIMAGE] %s %i %i %i %f %i %i msg %i\n",
                (mywidget->bitmap[0]) ? mywidget->bitmap[0]->name : NULL,
                mywidget->width, mywidget->height,
                mywidget->phases, mywidget->value,
                mywidget->x, mywidget->y,
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "menu", 4))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        int i;
        mywidget->type = tyMenu;
        mywidget->wx=atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy=mywidget->y=atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wwidth=mywidget->width=atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wheight=mywidget->height=atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->msg = evNone;
        for (i=0; i<evBoxs; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, evNames[i].name))
                // legacy
                skin_legacy("evSetURL", temp);

                mywidget->msg = evNames[i].msg;
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [MENU] %i %i %i %i msg %i\n",
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->width, mywidget->height, mywidget->msg);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "selected", 8))
        win->base->bitmap[1] = pngRead(skin, desc + 9);
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [BASE] added image %s\n", win->base->bitmap[1]->name);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "slabel",6))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        unsigned int i;
        mywidget->type = tySlabel;
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->font = NULL;
        for (i=0; i<skin->fontcount; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, skin->fonts[i]->name))
                mywidget->font = skin->fonts[i];
        mywidget->label = strdup(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [SLABEL] %i %i %s %s\n",
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->font->name, mywidget->label);
    else if(!strncmp(desc, "dlabel", 6))
        int base = counttonextchar(desc, '=') + 1;
        unsigned int i;
        mywidget->type = tyDlabel;
        mywidget->wx = mywidget->x = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->wy = mywidget->y = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->length = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        mywidget->align = atoi(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));
        findnextstring(temp, desc, &base);
        mywidget->font = NULL;
        for (i=0; i<skin->fontcount; i++)
            if(!strcmp(temp, skin->fonts[i]->name))
        mywidget->label=strdup(findnextstring(temp, desc, &base));

        // legacy
        skin_legacy("$l", mywidget->label);

        mp_msg(MSGT_GPLAYER, MSGL_DBG2, "[SKIN] [ITEM] [DLABEL] %i %i %i %i %s \"%s\"\n",
               mywidget->x, mywidget->y, mywidget->length, mywidget->align, mywidget->font->name, mywidget->label);