Пример #1
struct annoRow *aggvIntergenicRow(struct annoGratorGpVar *self, struct variant *variant,
				  boolean *retRJFilterFailed, struct lm *callerLm)
/* If intergenic variants (no overlapping or nearby genes) are to be included in output,
 * make an output row with empty genePred and a gpFx that is empty except for soNumber. */
struct annoGrator *gSelf = &(self->grator);
struct annoStreamer *sSelf = &(gSelf->streamer);
char **wordsOut;
lmAllocArray(self->lm, wordsOut, sSelf->numCols);
// Add empty strings for genePred string columns:
int gpColCount = gSelf->mySource->numCols;
int i;
for (i = 0;  i < gpColCount;  i++)
    wordsOut[i] = "";
struct gpFx *intergenicGpFx;
lmAllocVar(self->lm, intergenicGpFx);
intergenicGpFx->allele = firstAltAllele(variant->alleles);
if (isAllNt(intergenicGpFx->allele, strlen(intergenicGpFx->allele)))
intergenicGpFx->soNumber = intergenic_variant;
intergenicGpFx->detailType = none;
aggvStringifyGpFx(&wordsOut[gpColCount], intergenicGpFx, self->lm);
boolean rjFail = (retRJFilterFailed && *retRJFilterFailed);
return annoRowFromStringArray(variant->chrom, variant->chromStart, variant->chromEnd, rjFail,
			      wordsOut, sSelf->numCols, callerLm);
Пример #2
static struct gpFx *gpFxCheckUpDownstream(struct variant *variant, struct genePred *pred,
					  struct lm *lm)
// check to see if the variant is up or downstream
struct gpFx *effectsList = NULL;
char *defaultAltAllele = firstAltAllele(variant->alleles);

for(; variant ; variant = variant->next)
    // Is this variant to the left or right of transcript?
    enum soTerm soNumber = 0;
    if (variant->chromStart < pred->txStart &&
	variant->chromEnd > pred->txStart - GPRANGE)
	if (*pred->strand == '+')
	    soNumber = upstream_gene_variant;
	    soNumber = downstream_gene_variant;
    else if (variant->chromEnd > pred->txEnd &&
	     variant->chromStart < pred->txEnd + GPRANGE)
	if (*pred->strand == '+')
	    soNumber = downstream_gene_variant;
	    soNumber = upstream_gene_variant;
    if (soNumber != 0)
	struct gpFx *effects = gpFxNew(defaultAltAllele, pred->name, soNumber, none, lm);
	effectsList = slCat(effectsList, effects);

return effectsList;
Пример #3
static struct gpFx *gpFxCheckTranscript(struct variant *variant, struct genePred *pred,
					struct dnaSeq *transcriptSeq, struct lm *lm)
/* Check to see if variant overlaps an exon and/or intron of pred. */
struct gpFx *effectsList = NULL;
uint varStart = variant->chromStart, varEnd = variant->chromEnd;
if (varStart < pred->txEnd && varEnd > pred->txStart)
    boolean predIsNmd = genePredNmdTarget(pred);
    char *defaultAltAllele = firstAltAllele(variant->alleles);
    struct txCoords txc = getTxCoords(variant, pred);
    // Simplest case first: variant starts and ends in a single exon or single intron
    if (txc.startInExon == txc.endInExon && txc.startExonIx == txc.endExonIx)
	int ix = txc.startExonIx;
	if (txc.startInExon)
	    // Exonic variant; figure out what kind:
	    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
				gpFxInExon(variant, &txc, ix, pred, predIsNmd, transcriptSeq, lm));
	    // Intronic (and/or splice) variant:
	    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
				gpFxInIntron(variant, &txc, ix, pred, predIsNmd, defaultAltAllele,
	if (!predIsNmd)
	    // Let the user beware -- this variant is just complex (it overlaps at least one
	    // exon/intron boundary).  It could be an insertion, an MNV (multi-nt var) or
	    // a deletion.
	    struct gpFx *effect = gpFxNew(defaultAltAllele, pred->name, complex_transcript_variant,
					  none, lm);
	    effectsList = slCat(effectsList, effect);
	// But we can at least say which introns and/or exons are affected.
	// Transform exon and intron numbers into ordered integers, -1 (upstream) through
	// 2*lastExonIx+1 (downstream), with even numbers being exonNum*2 and odd numbers
	// being intronNum*2 + 1:
	int vieStart = (2 * txc.startExonIx) + (txc.startInExon ? 0 : 1);
	int vieEnd = (2 * txc.endExonIx) + (txc.endInExon ? 0 : 1);
	if (vieEnd < vieStart)
	    // Insertion at exon boundary (or bug)
	    if (vieEnd != vieStart-1 || varStart != varEnd || txc.startInExon == txc.endInExon)
		errAbort("gpFxCheckTranscript: expecting insertion in pred=%s "
			 "but varStart=%d, varEnd=%d, vieStart=%d, vieEnd=%d, "
			 "starts in %son, ends in %son",
			 pred->name, varStart, varEnd, vieStart, vieEnd,
			 (txc.startInExon ? "ex" : "intr"), (txc.endInExon ? "ex" : "intr"));
	    // Since it's an insertion, remember that end is before start.
	    if (txc.startInExon)
		// Intronic end precedes exonic start. Watch out for upstream as "intron[-1]":
		if (txc.endExonIx >= 0)
		    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
					gpFxInIntron(variant, &txc, txc.endExonIx, pred, predIsNmd,
						     defaultAltAllele, lm));
		effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
				    gpFxInExon(variant, &txc, txc.startExonIx, pred, predIsNmd,
					       transcriptSeq, lm));
		// Exonic end precedes intronic start.
		effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
				    gpFxInExon(variant, &txc, txc.endExonIx, pred, predIsNmd,
					       transcriptSeq, lm));
		// Watch out for downstream as "intron[lastExonIx]"
		if (txc.startExonIx < txc.exonCount - 1)
		    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
					gpFxInIntron(variant, &txc, txc.startExonIx, pred,
						     predIsNmd, defaultAltAllele, lm));
	    } // end if variant is insertion
	    // MNV or deletion - consider each overlapping intron and/or exon
	    int ie;
	    // Watch out for upstream (vieStart < 0) and downstream (vieEnd > last exon).
	    for (ie = max(vieStart, 0);  ie <= min(vieEnd, 2*(pred->exonCount-1));  ie++)
		boolean isExon = (ie%2 == 0);
		int ix = ie / 2;
		if (isExon)
		    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
					gpFxInExon(variant, &txc, ix, pred, predIsNmd,
						   transcriptSeq, lm));
		    effectsList = slCat(effectsList,
					gpFxInIntron(variant, &txc, ix, pred, predIsNmd,
						     defaultAltAllele, lm));
		} // end for each (partial) exon/intron overlapping variant
	    } // end if variant is MNV or deletion
	} // end if variant is complex
    } // end if variant overlaps pred
return effectsList;