Пример #1
 typename _matmul_rvalue<A,B>::type
 operator * (A const & a, B const & b) { 
  if (second_dim(a) != first_dim(b)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "Matrix product : dimension mismatch in A*B "<< a<<" "<< b; 
  auto R = typename _matmul_rvalue<A,B>::type( first_dim(a), second_dim(b));
  blas::gemm(1.0,a, b, 0.0, R);
  return R;
Пример #2
 typename _mat_vec_mul_rvalue<M,V>::type
 operator * (M const & m, V const & v) { 
  if (second_dim(m) != v.size()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<< "Matrix product : dimension mismatch in Matrix*Vector "<< m<<" "<< v; 
  auto R = typename _mat_vec_mul_rvalue<M,V>::type(first_dim(m));
  return R;
Пример #3
matrix<double> impurity_trace::check_one_block_matrix_linear(node top, int b, bool print) {

 node p = tree.max(top);
 matrix<double> M = make_unit_matrix<double>(get_block_dim(b));
 auto _ = arrays::range();

 foreach_reverse(tree, top, [&](node n) {
    // multiply by the exponential unless it is the first call, i.e. first operator n==p
  if (n != p) {
   auto dtau = double(n->key - p->key);
   //  M <- exp * M
   auto dim = first_dim(M); // same as get_block_dim(b1);
   for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) M(i, _) *= std::exp(-dtau * get_block_eigenval(b, i));
   // M <- Op * M
  // multiply by operator matrix unless it is delete_flag
  if (!n->delete_flag) {
   int bp = this->get_op_block_map(n, b);
   if (bp == -1) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << " Nasty error ";
   M = get_op_block_matrix(n, b) * M;
   b = bp;
  p = n;

 return M;
Пример #4
  typename std::enable_if<is_blas_lapack_type<typename VTX::value_type>::value && have_same_value_type<VTX, VTY, MT>::value>::type
  ger(typename VTX::value_type alpha, VTX const &X, VTY const &Y, MT &A) {
    static_assert(is_amv_value_or_view_class<MT>::value, "ger : A must be a matrix or a matrix_view");
    if ((first_dim(A) != Y.size()) || (second_dim(A) != X.size()))
      TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Dimension mismatch in ger : A : " << get_shape(A()) << " while X : " << get_shape(X()) << " and Y : " << get_shape(Y());
    const_qcache<VTX> Cx(X); // mettre la condition a la main
    const_qcache<VTY> Cy(Y); // mettre la condition a la main
    reflexive_qcache<MT> Ca(A);
    if (Ca().memory_layout_is_c()) // tA += alpha y tx
      f77::ger(get_n_rows(Ca()), get_n_cols(Ca()), alpha, Cy().data_start(), Cy().stride(), Cx().data_start(), Cx().stride(), Ca().data_start(),
      f77::ger(get_n_rows(Ca()), get_n_cols(Ca()), alpha, Cx().data_start(), Cx().stride(), Cy().data_start(), Cy().stride(), Ca().data_start(),

    /* std::cerr << " Meme labout  C"<< Ca().memory_layout_is_c()  << "  "<<A.memory_layout_is_c()<<std::endl ;
   std::cerr<< " has_contiguous_data(A) : "<< has_contiguous_data(A) << std::endl;
   std::cerr<< Ca()<< std::endl;
   std::cerr<< Ca()(0,0) <<  "  "<< Ca()(1,0) <<  "  "<< Ca()(0,1) <<  "  "<< Ca()(1,1) <<  "  "<< std::endl;
   std::cerr<< Ca().data_start()[0]<< "  "<< Ca().data_start()[1]<< "  "<< Ca().data_start()[2]<< "  " << Ca().data_start()[3]<< "  "<<std::endl;

   std::cerr<< A<< std::endl;
   std::cerr<< A(0,0) <<  "  "<< A(1,0) <<  "  "<< A(0,1) <<  "  "<< A(1,1) <<  "  "<< std::endl;
   std::cerr<< A.data_start()[0]<< "  "<< A.data_start()[1]<< "  "<< A.data_start()[2]<< "  " << A.data_start()[3]<< "  "<<std::endl;
Пример #5
 double operator()(configuration const& c) const {
  auto delta = (rhs - kern(c)) / error_bars;
  int M = first_dim(delta);
  double kappa = 0;
  for(int i = 1; i < M; ++i) kappa += corr(delta(i), delta(i-1));
  kappa /= M - 1;
  return kappa;
Пример #6
 eigenelements_worker_base ( matrix_view <T,Opt> the_matrix) : mat(the_matrix) { 
  if (mat.is_empty())   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"eigenelements_worker : the matrix is empty : matrix =  "<<mat<<"  ";
  if (!mat.is_square())   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"eigenelements_worker : the matrix "<<mat<<" is not square ";
  if (!mat.indexmap().is_contiguous())   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"eigenelements_worker : the matrix "<<mat<<" is not contiguous in memory";
  dim = first_dim(mat);
  lwork = 64*dim;
  uplo='U';compz='N' ;
  has_run = false;
Пример #7
double trace_rho_op(block_matrix_t const& density_matrix, many_body_op_t const& op, atom_diag const& atom) {
 h_scalar_t result = 0;
 if (atom.n_blocks() != density_matrix.size()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "trace_rho_op : size mismatch : number of blocks differ";
 for (int bl = 0; bl < atom.n_blocks(); ++bl) {
  if (atom.get_block_dim(bl) != first_dim(density_matrix[bl]))
   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "trace_rho_op : size mismatch : size of block " << bl << " differ";
  for (auto const& x : op) {
   auto b_m = atom.matrix_element_of_monomial(x.monomial, bl);
   if (b_m.first == bl) result += x.coef * dot_product(b_m.second, density_matrix[bl]);
 if (imag(result) > threshold) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "trace_rho_op: the result is not real.";
 return real(result);
Пример #8
    void _invoke(triqs::mpi::tag::scatter) {

        auto c = laz.c;
        auto slow_size = first_dim(laz.ref);
        auto slow_stride = laz.ref.indexmap().strides()[0];
        auto sendcounts = std::vector<int>(c.size());
        auto displs = std::vector<int>(c.size() + 1, 0);
        int recvcount = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), c.rank()) * slow_stride;

        for (int r = 0; r < c.size(); ++r) {
            sendcounts[r] = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), r) * slow_stride;
            displs[r + 1] = sendcounts[r] + displs[r];

        MPI_Scatterv((void *)laz.ref.data_start(), &sendcounts[0], &displs[0], D(), (void *)lhs.data_start(), recvcount, D(),
                     laz.root, c.get());
Пример #9
 std::c14::enable_if_t<is_amv_value_or_view_class<ArrayType>::value && !has_scalar_or_string_value_type<ArrayType>::value>
 h5_read(h5::group gr, std::string name, ArrayType& a) {
  static_assert(!std::is_const<ArrayType>::value, "Cannot read in const object");
  auto gr2 = gr.open_group(name);
  // TODO checking scheme...
  // load the shape
  auto sha2 = a.shape();
  array<int, 1> sha;
  h5_read(gr2, "shape", sha);
  if (first_dim(sha) != sha2.size())
   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << " array<array<...>> load : rank mismatch. Expected " << sha2.size()<< " Got " << first_dim(sha);
  for (int u = 0; u < sha2.size(); ++u) sha2[u] = sha(u);
  if (a.shape() != sha2) a.resize(sha2);
#ifndef __cpp_generic_lambdas
  foreach(a, h5_impl::_load_lambda<ArrayType>{a, gr2});
  foreach(a, [&](auto... is) { h5_read(gr2, h5_impl::_h5_name(is...), a(is...)); });
Пример #10
  /// compute the array domain of the target array
  domain_type domain() const {
   auto dims = ref.shape();
   long slow_size = first_dim(ref);
   if (std::is_same<Tag, mpi::tag::scatter>::value) {
    mpi::mpi_broadcast(slow_size, c, root);
    dims[0] = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), c.rank());

   if (std::is_same<Tag, mpi::tag::gather>::value) {
    if (!all) {
     dims[0] = mpi::mpi_reduce(slow_size, c, root); // valid only on root
     if (c.rank() != root) dims[0] = 1;        // valid only on root
     dims[0] = mpi::mpi_all_reduce(slow_size, c, root); // in this case, it is valid on all nodes
   // mpi::tag::reduce :do nothing

   return domain_type{dims};
Пример #11
   void invoke() {

    if (!has_contiguous_data(lhs)) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "mpi scatter of array into a non contiguous view";

    resize_or_check_if_view(lhs, laz.domain().lengths());

    auto c = laz.c;
    auto slow_size = first_dim(laz.ref);
    auto slow_stride = laz.ref.indexmap().strides()[0];
    auto sendcounts = std::vector<int>(c.size());
    auto displs = std::vector<int>(c.size() + 1, 0);
    int recvcount = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), c.rank()) * slow_stride;
    auto D = mpi::mpi_datatype<typename A::value_type>();

    for (int r = 0; r < c.size(); ++r) {
     sendcounts[r] = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), r) * slow_stride;
     displs[r + 1] = sendcounts[r] + displs[r];

    MPI_Scatterv((void *)laz.ref.data_start(), &sendcounts[0], &displs[0], D, (void *)lhs.data_start(), recvcount, D, laz.root,
Пример #12
    /// compute the array domain of the target array
    domain_type domain() const {
        auto dims = ref.shape();
        long slow_size = first_dim(ref);

        // tag::reduce and all_reduce : do nothing

        if (std::is_same<Tag, tag::scatter>::value) {
            mpi::broadcast(slow_size, c, root);
            dims[0] = mpi::slice_length(slow_size - 1, c.size(), c.rank());

        if (std::is_same<Tag, tag::gather>::value) {
            auto s = mpi::reduce(slow_size, c, root);
            dims[0] = (c.rank()==root ? s : 1); // valid only on root

        if (std::is_same<Tag, tag::allgather>::value) {
            dims[0] = mpi::all_reduce(slow_size, c, root); // in this case, it is valid on all nodes

        return domain_type{dims};
Пример #13
 // returns the # of cols of the matrix *seen* as fortran matrix
 template <typename MatrixType> int get_n_cols (MatrixType const & A) { 
  return (A.memory_layout_is_fortran() ? second_dim(A) : first_dim(A));
Пример #14
 void write_array(h5::group g, std::string const& name, array_const_view<std::string, 1> V) {
  std::vector<std::string> tmp(first_dim(V));
  std::copy(begin(V), end(V), begin(tmp));
  h5_write(g, name, tmp);
Пример #15
 det_and_inverse_worker (ViewType const & a): V(a), dim(first_dim(a)), ipiv(dim), step(0) { 
  if (first_dim(a)!=second_dim(a)) 
   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"Inverse/Det error : non-square matrix. Dimensions are : ("<<first_dim(a)<<","<<second_dim(a)<<")"<<"\n  ";
  if (!(has_contiguous_data(a))) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR<<"det_and_inverse_worker only takes a contiguous view";
Пример #16
 template <typename AA> inverse_lazy(AA &&a_) : a(std::forward<AA>(a_)), M{}, computed{false} {
  if (first_dim(a) != second_dim(a))
   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "Inverse : matrix is not square but of size " << first_dim(a) << " x " << second_dim(a);