Пример #1
vips__fits_isfits( const char *filename )
	fitsfile *fptr;
	int status;

	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "isfits: testing \"%s\"\n", filename );

	status = 0;

	if( fits_open_image( &fptr, filename, READONLY, &status ) ) {
		VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "isfits: error reading \"%s\"\n", filename );
		vips_fits_error( status );
#endif /*VIPS_DEBUG*/

		return( 0 );
	fits_close_file( fptr, &status );

	return( 1 );
Пример #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  fitsfile *fptr = 0;  /* FITS file pointer */
  int status = 0;  /* CFITSIO status value MUST be initialized to zero! */
  int hdutype = 0, naxis = 0, ii = 0;
  long naxes[2], totpix = 0, fpixel[2];
  double *pix, sum = 0., meanval = 0., minval = 1.E33, maxval = -1.E33;

  if (argc != 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s array \n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Compute statistics of pixels in the input array\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Examples: \n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  imarith array.fits                    - the whole array\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  imarith 'array.fits[200:210,300:310]' - array section\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "  imarith 'table.fits+1[bin (X,Y) = 4]' - array constructed\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "     from X and Y columns of a table, with 4-pixel bin size\n");
    return (0);

  if (!fits_open_image(&fptr, argv[1], READONLY, &status)) {
    if (fits_get_hdu_type(fptr, &hdutype, &status) || hdutype != IMAGE_HDU) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: this program only works on arrays, not tables\n");
      return (1);

    fits_get_img_dim(fptr, &naxis, &status);
    fits_get_img_size(fptr, 2, naxes, &status);

    if (status || naxis != 2) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: NAXIS = %d.  Only 2-D arrays are supported.\n", naxis);
      return (1);

    pix = (double *) malloc(naxes[0] * sizeof(double)); /* memory for 1 row */

    if (pix == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");
      return (1);

    totpix = naxes[0] * naxes[1];
    fpixel[0] = 1;  /* read starting with first pixel in each row */

    /* process array one row at a time; increment row # in each loop */
    for (fpixel[1] = 1; fpixel[1] <= naxes[1]; fpixel[1]++) {
      /* give starting pixel coordinate and number of pixels to read */
      if (fits_read_pix(fptr, TDOUBLE, fpixel, naxes[0],0, pix,0, &status)) {
        break;  /* jump out of loop on error */

      for (ii = 0; ii < naxes[0]; ii++) {
        sum += pix[ii];                      /* accumlate sum */
        if (pix[ii] < minval) {
          minval = pix[ii];  /* find min and  */
        if (pix[ii] > maxval) {
          maxval = pix[ii];  /* max values    */

    fits_close_file(fptr, &status);

  if (status)  {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status); /* print any error message */
  } else {
    if (totpix > 0) {
      meanval = sum / totpix;

    printf("Statistics of %ld x %ld  array\n",
           naxes[0], naxes[1]);
    printf("  sum of pixels = %g\n", sum);
    printf("  mean value    = %g\n", meanval);
    printf("  minimum value = %g\n", minval);
    printf("  maximum value = %g\n", maxval);

  return (status);
Пример #3
bool FITSImage::loadFITS ( const QString &inFilename, QProgressDialog *progress )
    int status=0, nulval=0, anynull=0;
    long fpixel[2], nelements, naxes[2];
    char error_status[512];


    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)
        progress->setLabelText(i18n("Please hold while loading FITS file..."));
        progress->setWindowTitle(i18n("Loading FITS"));

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)

    if (fptr)

        fits_close_file(fptr, &status);

        if (tempFile)

    filename = inFilename;

    if (filename.contains("/tmp/"))
        tempFile = true;
        tempFile = false;


    if (fits_open_image(&fptr, filename.toAscii(), READONLY, &status))
        fits_report_error(stderr, status);
        fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status);
        if (progress)
            KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Could not open file %1 (fits_get_img_param). Error %2", filename, QString::fromUtf8(error_status)), i18n("FITS Open"));
        return false;

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)
        if (progress->wasCanceled())
            return false;

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)

    if (fits_get_img_param(fptr, 2, &(stats.bitpix), &(stats.ndim), naxes, &status))
        fits_report_error(stderr, status);
        fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status);

        if (progress)
            KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("FITS file open error (fits_get_img_param): %1", QString::fromUtf8(error_status)), i18n("FITS Open"));
        return false;

    if (stats.ndim < 2)
        if (progress)
            KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("1D FITS images are not supported in KStars."), i18n("FITS Open"));
        return false;

    if (fits_get_img_type(fptr, &data_type, &status))
        fits_report_error(stderr, status);
        fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status);

        if (progress)
            KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("FITS file open error (fits_get_img_type): %1", QString::fromUtf8(error_status)), i18n("FITS Open"));
        return false;

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)
        if (progress->wasCanceled())
            return false;

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)

    stats.dim[0] = naxes[0];
    stats.dim[1] = naxes[1];

    delete (image_buffer);
    image_buffer = NULL;

    image_buffer = new float[stats.dim[0] * stats.dim[1]];

    if (image_buffer == NULL)
        qDebug() << "Not enough memory for image_buffer";
        return false;
    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)
        if (progress->wasCanceled())
        delete (image_buffer);
        return false;

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)

    nelements = stats.dim[0] * stats.dim[1];
    fpixel[0] = 1;
    fpixel[1] = 1;


    if (fits_read_2d_flt(fptr, 0, nulval, naxes[0], naxes[0], naxes[1], image_buffer, &anynull, &status))
        fprintf(stderr, "fits_read_pix error\n");
        fits_report_error(stderr, status);
        return false;

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)
        if (progress->wasCanceled())
            delete (image_buffer);
            return false;


    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)

    //currentWidth  = stats.dim[0];
   // currentHeight = stats.dim[1];


    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL)

        if (progress)

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)
        if (progress->wasCanceled())
            delete (image_buffer);
            return false;

    if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress)

    starsSearched = false;

    return true;

Пример #4
void read_fits(const char* filename, int datatype, size_t* width, size_t* height, void** image)
    int status = 0;
    // the FITS file
    fitsfile* fptr;
    // metadata
    int bitpix;
    int naxis;
    long naxes[2];
    // total number of pixels
    long npix;
    // reading offset
    long fpixel[2] = { 1, 1 };
    // size of output image pixels
    size_t spix = 0;
    // open FITS file
    fits_open_image(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status);
        fits_error(filename, status);
    // get metadata
    fits_get_img_param(fptr, 2, &bitpix, &naxis, naxes, &status);
        fits_error(filename, status);
    // check dimension of image
    if(naxis != 2)
        errorf(filename, 0, "file has %d axes (should be 2)", naxis);
    // set dimensions
    *width = naxes[0];
    *height = naxes[1];
    // size of output pixels
        case TINT:
            spix = sizeof(int);
        case TFLOAT:
            spix = sizeof(float);
        case TDOUBLE:
            spix = sizeof(double);
            error("read_fits(): datatype %d not implemented", datatype);
    // create array for pixels
    npix = naxes[0]*naxes[1];
    *image = malloc(npix*spix);
    // read pixels into array
    fits_read_pix(fptr, datatype, fpixel, npix, NULL, *image, NULL, &status);
        fits_error(filename, status);
    // close file again
    fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
        fits_error(filename, status);
Пример #5
std::string read_image_3D(std::string pathname_3D, float *&array_2D_real, float *&array_2D_imag, int &naxis_2D, long *&naxes_2D) {
  // open FITS image file in READONLY mode
  fitsfile *fptr;
  int status = 0;
  fits_open_image(&fptr, pathname_3D.c_str(), READONLY, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // read number of HDUs in the file
  int nhdus = 0;
  fits_get_num_hdus(fptr, &nhdus, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // we expect only one HDU in the file
  if (nhdus != 1) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "nhdus is " << nhdus << ", not 1";
    return exit_oss.str();
  // read the type of the HDU
  int hdutype = 0;
  fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, nhdus, &hdutype, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // we expect the HDU to be an image
  if (hdutype != IMAGE_HDU) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "hdutype is " << hdutype << ", not IMAGE_HDU";
    return exit_oss.str();
  // read the type of data in the HDU
  int bitpix = 0;
  fits_get_img_type (fptr, &bitpix, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // we expect the data to be floats
  if (bitpix != FLOAT_IMG) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "bitpix is " << bitpix << ", not FLOAT_IMG";
    return exit_oss.str();
  // get the number of dimensions in the image
  int naxis_3D = 0;
  fits_get_img_dim (fptr, &naxis_3D, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  naxis_2D = naxis_3D-1;
  // we expect 3 dimensions in the image
  if (naxis_3D != 3) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "naxis_3D is " << naxis_3D << ", not 3";
    return exit_oss.str();
  // get the size of each dimension in the image
  long *naxes_3D = new long[naxis_3D];
  int maxdim = naxis_3D;
  fits_get_img_size(fptr, maxdim, naxes_3D, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  naxes_2D = new long[naxis_2D];
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis_2D; i++) {
    naxes_2D[i] = naxes_3D[i];
  // we expect two sub-images in the third dimension
  if (naxes_3D[2] != 2) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "naxes_2D[2] is " << naxes_2D[2] << ", not 2";
    TRACE_ERROR (exit_oss.str());
    return exit_oss.str();
  // fits_read_subset
  long *fpixel = new long[naxis_3D];
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis_3D; i++) {
    fpixel[i] = 1;
  long *lpixel = new long[naxis_3D];
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis_3D; i++) {
    lpixel[i] = naxes_3D[i];
  long *inc = new long[naxis_3D];
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis_3D; i++) {
    inc[i] = 1;
  float nulval = 0;
  long nelements_2D = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis_2D; i++) {
    nelements_2D = nelements_2D*naxes_2D[i];
  int anynul = 0;
  // read array_2D_real
  array_2D_real = new float[nelements_2D];
  fpixel[2] = 1;
  lpixel[2] = 1;
  fits_read_subset(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, lpixel, inc, &nulval, array_2D_real, &anynul, &status);
  // read array_2D_imag
  array_2D_imag = new float[nelements_2D];
  fpixel[2] = 2;
  lpixel[2] = 2;
  fits_read_subset(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, lpixel, inc, &nulval, array_2D_imag, &anynul, &status);
  // free arrays
  delete [] inc;
  delete [] lpixel;
  delete [] fpixel;
  // test read result
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // close the FITS image file
  fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  return "READ_OK";
Пример #6
std::string read_image(std::string pathname, float *&array, int &naxis, long *&naxes) {
  // open FITS image file in READONLY mode
  fitsfile *fptr;
  int status = 0;
  fits_open_image(&fptr, pathname.c_str(), READONLY, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // read number of HDUs in the file
  int nhdus = 0;
  fits_get_num_hdus(fptr, &nhdus, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // we expect only one HDU in the file
  if (nhdus != 1) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "nhdus is " << nhdus << ", not 1";
    return exit_oss.str();
  // read the type of the HDU
  int hdutype = 0;
  fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, nhdus, &hdutype, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // we expect the HDU to be an image
  if (hdutype != IMAGE_HDU) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "hdutype is " << hdutype << ", not IMAGE_HDU";
    return exit_oss.str();
  // read the type of data in the HDU
  int bitpix = 0;
  fits_get_img_type (fptr, &bitpix, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // we expect the data to be floats
  if (bitpix != FLOAT_IMG) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "bitpix is " << bitpix << ", not FLOAT_IMG";
    return exit_oss.str();
  // get the number of dimensions in the image
  naxis = 0;
  fits_get_img_dim (fptr, &naxis, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // we expect 2 or 3 dimensions in the image
  if ((naxis < 2) || (naxis > 3)) {
    std::ostringstream exit_oss;
    exit_oss << "naxis is " << naxis << ", neither 2 nor 3";
    return exit_oss.str();
  // get the size of each dimension in the image
  naxes = new long[naxis];
  int maxdim = naxis;
  fits_get_img_size(fptr, maxdim, naxes, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // fits_read_subset
  long *fpixel = new long[naxis];
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    fpixel[i] = 1;
  long *lpixel = new long[naxis];
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    lpixel[i] = naxes[i];
  long *inc = new long[naxis];
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    inc[i] = 1;
  float nulval = 0;
  long nelements = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < naxis; i++) {
    nelements = nelements * naxes[i];
  array = new float[nelements];
  int anynul = 0;
  fits_read_subset(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, lpixel, inc, &nulval, array, &anynul, &status);
  delete [] inc;
  delete [] lpixel;
  delete [] fpixel;
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  // close the FITS image file
  fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
  if (status != 0) {
    return FORMAT_STATUS(status);
  return "READ_OK";
Пример #7
static GwyContainer*
fits_load(const gchar *filename,
          G_GNUC_UNUSED GwyRunType mode,
          GError **error)
    GwyContainer *container = NULL;
    fitsfile *fptr = NULL;
    GwyDataField *field = NULL, *mask;
    gint status = 0;   /* Must be initialised to zero! */
    gint hdutype, naxis, anynull, nkeys, k;
    glong res[3];    /* First index is the fast looping one. */
    char strvalue[FLEN_VALUE];
    gchar *invalid = NULL;
    gdouble real, off;

    if (fits_open_image(&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status)) {
        err_FITS(error, status);
        return NULL;

    if (fits_get_hdu_type(fptr, &hdutype, &status)) {
        err_FITS(error, status);
        goto fail;

    gwy_debug("hdutype %d", hdutype);
    if (hdutype != IMAGE_HDU) {
                    _("Only two-dimensional images are supported."));
        goto fail;

    if (fits_get_img_dim(fptr, &naxis, &status)) {
        err_FITS(error, status);
        goto fail;

    gwy_debug("naxis %d", naxis);
    if (naxis != 2 && naxis != 3) {
                    _("Only two-dimensional images are supported."));
        goto fail;

    if (fits_get_img_size(fptr, naxis, res, &status)) {
        err_FITS(error, status);
        goto fail;

    if (naxis == 3 && res[2] != 1) {
                    _("Only two-dimensional images are supported."));
        goto fail;

    gwy_debug("xres %ld, yres %ld", res[0], res[1]);
    if (err_DIMENSION(error, res[0]) || err_DIMENSION(error, res[1]))
        goto fail;

    field = gwy_data_field_new(res[0], res[1], res[0], res[1], FALSE);
    invalid = g_new(gchar, res[0]*res[1]);
    if (fits_read_imgnull(fptr, TDOUBLE, 1, res[0]*res[1],
                          field->data, invalid, &anynull, &status)) {
        err_FITS(error, status);
        goto fail;

    container = gwy_container_new();
    gwy_container_set_object_by_name(container, "/0/data", field);

    /* Failures here are non-fatal.  We already have an image. */
    if (fits_get_hdrspace(fptr, &nkeys, NULL, &status)) {
        g_warning("Cannot get the first hdrspace.");
        goto fail;

    if (!fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "BUINT   ", strvalue, NULL, &status)) {
        gint power10;

        gwy_debug("BUINT = <%s>", strvalue);
                                          strvalue, &power10);
        if (power10)
            gwy_data_field_multiply(field, pow10(power10));
    status = 0;

    if (get_real_and_offset(fptr, 1, res[0], &real, &off)) {
        if (real < 0.0) {
            off += real;
            real = -real;
            gwy_data_field_invert(field, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
        gwy_data_field_set_xreal(field, real);
        gwy_data_field_set_xoffset(field, off);

    if (get_real_and_offset(fptr, 2, res[1], &real, &off)) {
        if (real < 0.0) {
            off += real;
            real = -real;
            gwy_data_field_invert(field, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
        gwy_data_field_set_yreal(field, real);
        gwy_data_field_set_yoffset(field, off);

    /* Create a mask of invalid data. */
    for (k = 0; k < field->xres*field->yres; k++) {
        if (invalid[k])
            field->data[k] = NAN;
    if ((mask = gwy_app_channel_mask_of_nans(field, TRUE))) {
        gwy_container_set_object_by_name(container, "/0/mask", mask);

    fits_close_file(fptr, &status);

    return container;