Пример #1
void xyyx_flatfly( const Router *r, const Flit *f, int in_channel, 
		  OutputSet *outputs, bool inject )
  // ( Traffic Class , Routing Order ) -> Virtual Channel Range
  int vcBegin = 0, vcEnd = gNumVCs-1;
  if ( f->type == Flit::READ_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type == Flit::WRITE_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::READ_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReplyEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::WRITE_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReplyEndVC;
  assert(((f->vc >= vcBegin) && (f->vc <= vcEnd)) || (inject && (f->vc < 0)));

  int out_port;

  if(inject) {

    out_port = 0;

  } else {

    int dest = flatfly_transformation(f->dest);
    int targetr = (int)(dest/gC);

    if(targetr==r->GetID()){ //if we are at the final router, yay, output to client
      out_port = dest  - targetr*gC;

    } else {
      //each class must have at least 2 vcs assigned or else xy_yx will deadlock
      int const available_vcs = (vcEnd - vcBegin + 1) / 2;
      assert(available_vcs > 0);

      // randomly select dimension order at first hop
      bool x_then_y = ((in_channel < gC) ?
		       (RandomInt(1) > 0) : 
		       (f->vc < (vcBegin + available_vcs)));

      if(x_then_y) {
	out_port = flatfly_outport(dest, r->GetID());
	vcEnd -= available_vcs;
      } else {
	out_port = flatfly_outport_yx(dest, r->GetID());
	vcBegin += available_vcs;


  outputs->Clear( );

  outputs->AddRange( out_port , vcBegin, vcEnd );
Пример #2
void xyyx_flatfly( const Router *r, const Flit *f, int in_channel, 
		  OutputSet *outputs, bool inject )
  outputs->Clear( );
  int dest  = flatfly_transformation(f->dest);
  int targetr= (int)(dest/gC);
  int out_port = -1;

      f->x_then_y = true;
    } else {
      f->x_then_y = false;
  if(targetr==r->GetID()){ //if we are at the final router, yay, output to client
    out_port = dest  - targetr*gC;
  } else{
      out_port = flatfly_outport(dest, r->GetID());
    } else {
      out_port = flatfly_outport_yx(dest, r->GetID());

  int vcBegin = 0, vcEnd = gNumVCS-1;
  int available_vcs = 0;
  //each class must have ast east 2 vcs assigned or else xy_yx will deadlock
  if ( f->type == Flit::READ_REQUEST ) {
    available_vcs = (gReadReqEndVC-gReadReqBeginVC)+1;
    vcBegin = gReadReqBeginVC;
  } else if ( f->type == Flit::WRITE_REQUEST ) {
   available_vcs = (gWriteReqEndVC-gWriteReqBeginVC)+1;
   vcBegin = gWriteReqBeginVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::READ_REPLY ) {
   available_vcs = (gReadReplyEndVC-gReadReplyBeginVC)+1;
   vcBegin = gReadReplyBeginVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::WRITE_REPLY ) {
   available_vcs = (gWriteReplyEndVC-gWriteReplyBeginVC)+1;      
   vcBegin = gWriteReplyBeginVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::ANY_TYPE ) {
    available_vcs = gNumVCS;
    vcBegin = 0;
  assert( available_vcs>=2);
    vcEnd   =vcBegin +(available_vcs>>1)-1;
Пример #3
void min_flatfly( const Router *r, const Flit *f, int in_channel, 
		  OutputSet *outputs, bool inject )
  // ( Traffic Class , Routing Order ) -> Virtual Channel Range
  int vcBegin = 0, vcEnd = gNumVCs-1;
  if ( f->type == Flit::READ_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type == Flit::WRITE_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::READ_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReplyEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::WRITE_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReplyEndVC;
  assert(((f->vc >= vcBegin) && (f->vc <= vcEnd)) || (inject && (f->vc < 0)));

  int out_port;

  if(inject) {

    out_port = 0;

  } else {

    int dest  = flatfly_transformation(f->dest);
    int targetr= (int)(dest/gC);
    //int xdest = ((int)(dest/gC)) % gK;
    //int xcurr = ((r->GetID())) % gK;

    //int ydest = ((int)(dest/gC)) / gK;
    //int ycurr = ((r->GetID())) / gK;

    if(targetr==r->GetID()){ //if we are at the final router, yay, output to client
      out_port = dest  - targetr*gC;
    } else{ //else select a dimension at random
      out_port = flatfly_outport(dest, r->GetID());


  outputs->Clear( );

  outputs->AddRange( out_port , vcBegin, vcEnd );
Пример #4
//ugal now uses modified comparison, modefied getcredit
void ugal_flatfly_onchip( const Router *r, const Flit *f, int in_channel,
			  OutputSet *outputs, bool inject )
  // ( Traffic Class , Routing Order ) -> Virtual Channel Range
  int vcBegin = 0, vcEnd = gNumVCs-1;
  if ( f->type == Flit::READ_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type == Flit::WRITE_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::READ_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReplyEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::WRITE_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReplyEndVC;
  assert(((f->vc >= vcBegin) && (f->vc <= vcEnd)) || (inject && (f->vc < 0)));

  int out_port;

  if(inject) {

    out_port = 0;

  } else {

    int dest  = flatfly_transformation(f->dest);

    int rID =  r->GetID();
    int _concentration = gC;
    int found;
    int debug = 0;
    int tmp_out_port, _ran_intm;
    int _min_hop, _nonmin_hop, _min_queucnt, _nonmin_queucnt;
    int threshold = 2;

    if ( in_channel < gC ){
	cout<<"New Flit "<<f->src<<endl;
      f->ph   = 0;

      int load = 0;
      cout<<"Router "<<rID<<endl;
      cout<<"Input Channel "<<in_channel<<endl;
      //need to modify router to report the buffere depth
      load +=r->GetBuffer(in_channel);
      cout<<"Rload "<<load<<endl;

    if (debug){
      cout << " FLIT ID: " << f->id << " Router: " << rID << " routing from src : " << f->src <<  " to dest : " << dest << " f->ph: " <<f->ph << " intm: " << f->intm <<  endl;
    // f->ph == 0  ==> make initial global adaptive decision
    // f->ph == 1  ==> route nonminimaly to random intermediate node
    // f->ph == 2  ==> route minimally to destination

    found = 0;

    if (f->ph == 1){
      dest = f->intm;

    if (dest >= rID*_concentration && dest < (rID+1)*_concentration) {

      if (f->ph == 1) {
	f->ph = 2;
	dest = flatfly_transformation(f->dest);
	if (debug)   cout << "      done routing to intermediate ";
      else  {
	found = 1;
	out_port = dest % gC;
	if (debug)   cout << "      final routing to destination ";

    if (!found) {

      if (f->ph == 0) {
	_min_hop = find_distance(flatfly_transformation(f->src),dest);
	_ran_intm = find_ran_intm(flatfly_transformation(f->src), dest);
	tmp_out_port =  flatfly_outport(dest, rID);
	if (f->watch){
	  *gWatchOut << GetSimTime() << " | " << r->FullName() << " | "
		     << " MIN tmp_out_port: " << tmp_out_port;

	_min_queucnt =   r->GetCredit(tmp_out_port, -1, -1);

	_nonmin_hop = find_distance(flatfly_transformation(f->src),_ran_intm) +    find_distance(_ran_intm, dest);
	tmp_out_port =  flatfly_outport(_ran_intm, rID);

	if (f->watch){
	  *gWatchOut << GetSimTime() << " | " << r->FullName() << " | "
		     << " NONMIN tmp_out_port: " << tmp_out_port << endl;
	if (_ran_intm >= rID*_concentration && _ran_intm < (rID+1)*_concentration) {
	  _nonmin_queucnt = numeric_limits<int>::max();
	} else  {
	  _nonmin_queucnt =   r->GetCredit(tmp_out_port, -1, -1);

	if (debug){
	  cout << " _min_hop " << _min_hop << " _min_queucnt: " <<_min_queucnt << " _nonmin_hop: " << _nonmin_hop << " _nonmin_queucnt :" << _nonmin_queucnt <<  endl;

	if (_min_hop * _min_queucnt   <= _nonmin_hop * _nonmin_queucnt +threshold) {

	  if (debug) cout << " Route MINIMALLY " << endl;
	  f->ph = 2;
	} else {
	  // route non-minimally
	  f->minimal = 0;
	  if (debug)  { cout << " Route NONMINIMALLY int node: " <<_ran_intm << endl; }
	  f->ph = 1;
	  f->intm = _ran_intm;
	  dest = f->intm;
	  if (dest >= rID*_concentration && dest < (rID+1)*_concentration) {
	    f->ph = 2;
	    dest = flatfly_transformation(f->dest);

      // find minimal correct dimension to route through
      out_port =  flatfly_outport(dest, rID);

      // if we haven't reached our destination, restrict VCs appropriately to avoid routing deadlock
      if(out_port >= gC) {
	int const available_vcs = (vcEnd - vcBegin + 1) / 2;
	assert(available_vcs > 0);
	if(f->ph == 1) {
	  vcEnd -= available_vcs;
	} else {
	  assert(f->ph == 2);
	  vcBegin += available_vcs;

      found = 1;

    if (!found) {
      cout << " ERROR: output not found in routing. " << endl;
      cout << *f; exit (-1);

    if (out_port >= gN*(gK-1) + gC)  {
      cout << " ERROR: output port too big! " << endl;
      cout << " OUTPUT select: " << out_port << endl;
      cout << " router radix: " <<  gN*(gK-1) + gK << endl;
      exit (-1);

    if (debug) cout << "        through output port : " << out_port << endl;
    if(gTrace){cout<<"Outport "<<out_port<<endl;cout<<"Stop Mark"<<endl;}

  outputs->Clear( );

  outputs->AddRange( out_port , vcBegin, vcEnd );
Пример #5
void valiant_flatfly( const Router *r, const Flit *f, int in_channel, 
		  OutputSet *outputs, bool inject )
  // ( Traffic Class , Routing Order ) -> Virtual Channel Range
  int vcBegin = 0, vcEnd = gNumVCs-1;
  if ( f->type == Flit::READ_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type == Flit::WRITE_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::READ_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReplyEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::WRITE_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReplyEndVC;
  assert(((f->vc >= vcBegin) && (f->vc <= vcEnd)) || (inject && (f->vc < 0)));

  int out_port;

  if(inject) {

    out_port = 0;

  } else {

    if ( in_channel < gC ){
      f->ph = 0;
      f->intm = RandomInt( powi( gK, gN )*gC-1);

    int intm = flatfly_transformation(f->intm);
    int dest = flatfly_transformation(f->dest);

    if((int)(intm/gC) == r->GetID() || (int)(dest/gC)== r->GetID()){
      f->ph = 1;

    if(f->ph == 0) {
      out_port = flatfly_outport(intm, r->GetID());
    } else {
      assert(f->ph == 1);
      out_port = flatfly_outport(dest, r->GetID());

    if((int)(dest/gC) != r->GetID()) {

      //each class must have at least 2 vcs assigned or else valiant valiant will deadlock
      int const available_vcs = (vcEnd - vcBegin + 1) / 2;
      assert(available_vcs > 0);

      if(f->ph == 0) {
	vcEnd -= available_vcs;
      } else {
	// If routing to final destination use the second half of the VCs.
	assert(f->ph == 1);
	vcBegin += available_vcs;


  outputs->Clear( );

  outputs->AddRange( out_port , vcBegin, vcEnd );
Пример #6
//The initial XY or YX minimal routing direction is chosen adaptively
void adaptive_xyyx_flatfly( const Router *r, const Flit *f, int in_channel, 
		  OutputSet *outputs, bool inject )
  // ( Traffic Class , Routing Order ) -> Virtual Channel Range
  int vcBegin = 0, vcEnd = gNumVCs-1;
  if ( f->type == Flit::READ_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type == Flit::WRITE_REQUEST ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReqBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReqEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::READ_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gReadReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gReadReplyEndVC;
  } else if ( f->type ==  Flit::WRITE_REPLY ) {
    vcBegin = gWriteReplyBeginVC;
    vcEnd = gWriteReplyEndVC;
  assert(((f->vc >= vcBegin) && (f->vc <= vcEnd)) || (inject && (f->vc < 0)));

  int out_port;

  if(inject) {

    out_port = -1;

  } else {

    int dest = flatfly_transformation(f->dest);
    int targetr = (int)(dest/gC);

    if(targetr==r->GetID()){ //if we are at the final router, yay, output to client
      out_port = dest % gC;

    } else {
      //each class must have at least 2 vcs assigned or else xy_yx will deadlock
      int const available_vcs = (vcEnd - vcBegin + 1) / 2;
      assert(available_vcs > 0);

      int out_port_xy =  flatfly_outport(dest, r->GetID());
      int out_port_yx =  flatfly_outport_yx(dest, r->GetID());

      // Route order (XY or YX) determined when packet is injected
      //  into the network, adaptively
      bool x_then_y;
      if(in_channel < gC){
	int credit_xy = r->GetUsedCredit(out_port_xy);
	int credit_yx = r->GetUsedCredit(out_port_yx);
	if(credit_xy > credit_yx) {
	  x_then_y = false;
	} else if(credit_xy < credit_yx) {
	  x_then_y = true;
	} else {
	  x_then_y = (RandomInt(1) > 0);
      } else {
	x_then_y =  (f->vc < (vcBegin + available_vcs));
      if(x_then_y) {
	out_port = out_port_xy;
	vcEnd -= available_vcs;
      } else {
	out_port = out_port_yx;
	vcBegin += available_vcs;


  outputs->Clear( );

  outputs->AddRange( out_port , vcBegin, vcEnd );