Пример #1
void Branch::createRoot()
	m_radius = (s_settings->m_startRadius) + (s_settings->m_startRadiusVariation * floatRandom());
	m_position = curvePos();
	generateSection(m_strips, m_position, Vector3(0.0f, 0.01f, 0.0f));
	m_position.y += 0.1f;
Пример #2
void Branch::createRoot(const Vector3& orgin, const Vector3& direction)
	m_radius = (s_settings->m_startRadius) + (s_settings->m_startRadiusVariation * floatRandom());
	m_position = orgin;
	generateSection(m_strips, m_position, direction);
	m_position.y += 0.1f;

	if (m_curve)
		m_direction = direction;
Пример #3
bool Branch::makeNewDirection(float angleMul, bool hasReatchedTarget)
	if (m_curve)
		if (m_curveTarget == m_curveCount)
			return false;

		Vector3 pos = curvePos();
		Vector3 direction = pos - m_position;

		// rand...

		float x = (s_settings->m_angle + s_settings->m_angleVariation * floatRandom()) * angleMul * 0.005f;
		float y = (s_settings->m_angle + s_settings->m_angleVariation * floatRandom()) * angleMul * 0.005f;
		float z = (s_settings->m_angle + s_settings->m_angleVariation * floatRandom()) * angleMul * 0.005f;

		direction = direction.normalize();
		direction.x += x;
		direction.y += y;
		direction.z += z;
		m_direction = direction.normalize();

		// Set next target if we reatched our target point in the curve

		if (hasReatchedTarget)

		return true;

	Matrix4 matrix;

	float angle = (s_settings->m_angle + s_settings->m_angleVariation * floatRandom()) * angleMul;

	if (random() & 1)
		angle = -angle;

	switch (random() %3 )
		case 0 :
			matrix.makeXrotation(angle * (3.1415f / 180.0f));
			//m_direction.y = 1.0f;

		case 1 :
			matrix.makeYrotation(angle * (3.1415f / 180.0f));
			//m_direction.z = 1.0f;

		case 2 :
			matrix.makeZrotation(angle * (3.1415f / 180.0f));
			//m_direction.x = 1.0f;

		default : ZENIC_ASSERT(false);

	m_direction = matrix.apply(m_direction);
	m_direction.y += -s_settings->m_gravity;
	m_direction = m_direction.normalize();

	return true;
Пример #4
void Branch::generateSection(Vector3* coords, const Vector3& start, const Vector3& end)

	Vector3 up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	Vector3 rel = end - start;
	Vector3 n = rel.normalize();

	Vector3 right = up.cross(n);
	float rightLength = right.length();

	if (rightLength)
		right *= 1.0f / rightLength;
		right = Vector3(1.0f, 0, 0);

	up = n.cross(right);

	for (uint i = 0; i < s_settings->m_sides; ++i) 
		Vector3 temp = up * (s_cosTable[i] * m_radius) + right * (s_sinTable[i] * m_radius);
		coords[i] = start + temp;

	m_radius = m_radius * (s_settings->m_contact * 0.01f) + (s_settings->m_contactVariation * 0.01f * floatRandom());
Пример #5
void DistanceToAtom::compute(const QVector<QVector3D> &pointsOriginal, float cutoff)
    if(pointsOriginal.size() == 0) {
        qDebug() << "DistanceToAtom::compute WARNING: input vector is empty.";

    QElapsedTimer timer;

    float min = 1e90;
    float max = -1e90;
    for(const QVector3D &point : pointsOriginal) {
        min = std::min(min, point[0]);
        min = std::min(min, point[1]);
        min = std::min(min, point[2]);

        max = std::max(max, point[0]);
        max = std::max(max, point[1]);
        max = std::max(max, point[2]);
    max += 1e-5;
    const float systemSize = max - min;

    // Now translate all points
    QVector<QVector3D> points = pointsOriginal;
    for(QVector3D &point : points) {
        point[0] -= min;
        point[1] -= min;
        point[2] -= min;
    float cellSize;
    CellList cellList = buildCellList(points, systemSize, cutoff, cellSize);
    const int numCells = cellList.size(); // Each index should be identical


    for(int i=0; i<3*m_numberOfRandomVectors; i++) {
        m_randomNumbers[i] = floatRandom(0, systemSize);

    const float oneOverCellSize = 1.0/cellSize;

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(8)
    for(int i=0; i<m_numberOfRandomVectors; i++) {
        const float x = m_randomNumbers[3*i+0];
        const float y = m_randomNumbers[3*i+1];
        const float z = m_randomNumbers[3*i+2];

        const int cx = x * oneOverCellSize;
        const int cy = y * oneOverCellSize;
        const int cz = z * oneOverCellSize;
        float minimumDistanceSquared = 1e10;
        const float minimumDistanceSquared0 = minimumDistanceSquared;

        // Loop through all 27 cells with size=cutoff
        for(int dx=-1; dx<=1; dx++) {
            for(int dy=-1; dy<=1; dy++) {
                for(int dz=-1; dz<=1; dz++) {
                    const vector<QVector3D> &pointsInCell = cellList[periodic(cx+dx, numCells)][periodic(cy+dy, numCells)][periodic(cz+dz, numCells)];
                    const int numberOfPointsInCell = pointsInCell.size();

                    for(int j=0; j<numberOfPointsInCell; j++) {
                        // const QVector3D &point = points[pointIndex];
                        const QVector3D &point = pointsInCell[j];

                        float dx = x - point[0];
                        float dy = y - point[1];
                        float dz = z - point[2];
                        if(dx < -0.5*systemSize) dx += systemSize;
                        else if(dx > 0.5*systemSize) dx -= systemSize;

                        if(dy < -0.5*systemSize) dy += systemSize;
                        else if(dy > 0.5*systemSize) dy -= systemSize;

                        if(dz < -0.5*systemSize) dz += systemSize;
                        else if(dz > 0.5*systemSize) dz -= systemSize;
                        const float distanceSquared = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz;
                        if(distanceSquared < minimumDistanceSquared) minimumDistanceSquared = distanceSquared;

        if(minimumDistanceSquared == minimumDistanceSquared0) {
            minimumDistanceSquared = -1;

        m_values[i] = float(minimumDistanceSquared);


    // qDebug() << "DTO finished after " << timer.elapsed() << " ms.";
    m_isValid = true;

    //    if(pointsOriginal.size() == 0) {
    //        qDebug() << "DistanceToAtom::compute WARNING: input vector is empty.";
    //        return;
    //    }

    //    float min = 1e90;
    //    float max = -1e90;
    //    for(const QVector3D &point : pointsOriginal) {
    //        min = std::min(min, point[0]);
    //        min = std::min(min, point[1]);
    //        min = std::min(min, point[2]);

    //        max = std::max(max, point[0]);
    //        max = std::max(max, point[1]);
    //        max = std::max(max, point[2]);
    //    }
    //    max += 1e-5;
    //    const float systemSize = max - min;

    //    // Now translate all points
    //    QVector<QVector3D> points = pointsOriginal;
    //    for(QVector3D &point : points) {
    //        point[0] -= min;
    //        point[1] -= min;
    //        point[2] -= min;
    //    }

    //    float cellSize;
    //    CellList cellList = buildCellList(points, systemSize, cutoff, cellSize);
    //    const int numCells = cellList.size(); // Each index should be identical

    //    const float voxelSize = systemSize / m_size;
    //    for(int i=0; i<m_size; i++) {
    //        for(int j=0; j<m_size; j++) {
    //            for(int k=0; k<m_size; k++) {
    //                const QVector3D voxelCenter((i+0.5)*voxelSize, (j+0.5)*voxelSize, (k+0.5)*voxelSize);
    //                float minimumDistanceSquared0 = 1e10;
    //                float minimumDistanceSquared = 1e10;
    //                // Find the cell list where this position belongs and loop through all cells around
    //                const int cx = voxelCenter[0] / cellSize;
    //                const int cy = voxelCenter[1] / cellSize;
    //                const int cz = voxelCenter[2] / cellSize;

    //                // Loop through all 27 cells with size=cutoff
    //                for(int dx=-1; dx<=1; dx++) {
    //                    for(int dy=-1; dy<=1; dy++) {
    //                        for(int dz=-1; dz<=1; dz++) {
    //                            const vector<int> &pointsInCell = cellList[periodic(cx+dx, numCells)][periodic(cy+dy, numCells)][periodic(cz+dz, numCells)];
    //                            for(const int &pointIndex : pointsInCell) {
    //                                const QVector3D &point = points[pointIndex];

    //                                const float distanceSquared = periodicDistanceSquared(point, voxelCenter, systemSize);
    //                                minimumDistanceSquared = std::min(minimumDistanceSquared, distanceSquared);
    //                            }
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                }
    //                if(minimumDistanceSquared == minimumDistanceSquared0) {
    //                    minimumDistanceSquared = -1;
    //                }
    //                setValue(i,j,k,float(minimumDistanceSquared));
    //            }
    //        }
    //    }

    //    m_isValid = true;