Пример #1
void fluid_win32_destroy_window(void)
  HWND hwnd = fluid_win32_get_window();
  if (hwnd) {
    fluid_wnd = 0;
Пример #2
 * new_fluid_dsound_audio_driver
new_fluid_dsound_audio_driver(fluid_settings_t* settings, fluid_synth_t* synth)
  fluid_dsound_audio_driver_t* dev = NULL;
  DSCAPS caps;
  char *buf1;
  DWORD bytes1;
  double sample_rate;
  int periods, period_size;
  fluid_dsound_devsel_t devsel;

  /* check if the globals are initialized */
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "FluidSynth hinstance not set, which is needed for DirectSound");
    return NULL;

  if (fluid_wnd == NULL) {
    if (fluid_win32_create_window() != 0) {
      FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Couldn't create window needed for DirectSound");
      return NULL;
  /* create and clear the driver data */
  dev = FLUID_NEW(fluid_dsound_audio_driver_t);
  if (dev == NULL) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory");
    return NULL;
  FLUID_MEMSET(dev, 0, sizeof(fluid_dsound_audio_driver_t));

  dev->synth = synth;
  dev->cont = 1;

  fluid_settings_getnum(settings, "synth.sample-rate", &sample_rate);
  fluid_settings_getint(settings, "audio.periods", &periods);
  fluid_settings_getint(settings, "audio.period-size", &period_size);

  /* check the format */
  if (!fluid_settings_str_equal(settings, "audio.sample-format", "16bits")) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Unhandled sample format");
    goto error_recovery;

  dev->frame_size = 2 * sizeof(short);
  dev->buffer_byte_size = period_size * dev->frame_size;
  dev->queue_byte_size = periods * dev->buffer_byte_size;
  dev->write = fluid_synth_write_s16;

  /* create and initialize the buffer format */
  if (dev->format == NULL) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Out of memory");
    goto error_recovery;
  ZeroMemory(dev->format, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));

  dev->format->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
  dev->format->nChannels = 2;
  dev->format->wBitsPerSample = 16;
  dev->format->nSamplesPerSec = (DWORD) sample_rate;
  dev->format->nBlockAlign = (WORD) dev->frame_size;
  dev->format->nAvgBytesPerSec = dev->format->nSamplesPerSec * dev->frame_size;
  dev->format->cbSize = 0;

  devsel.devGUID = NULL;
  /* get the selected device name. if none is specified, use NULL for the default device. */
  if(fluid_settings_dupstr(settings, "audio.dsound.device", &devsel.devname) == FLUID_OK /* ++ alloc device name */
     && devsel.devname && strlen (devsel.devname) > 0) {
    /* look for the GUID of the selected device */
    DirectSoundEnumerate((LPDSENUMCALLBACK) fluid_dsound_enum_callback2, (void *)&devsel);

  if (devsel.devname) FLUID_FREE (devsel.devname);      /* -- free device name */

  /* open DirectSound */
  hr = DirectSoundCreate(devsel.devGUID, &dev->direct_sound, NULL);
  if (hr != DS_OK) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to create the DirectSound object");
    goto error_recovery;

  hr = IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel(dev->direct_sound, fluid_win32_get_window(), DSSCL_PRIORITY);
  if (hr != DS_OK) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to set the cooperative level");
    goto error_recovery;

  caps.dwSize = sizeof(caps);
  hr = IDirectSound_GetCaps(dev->direct_sound, &caps);
  if (hr != DS_OK)  {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to query the device capacities");
    goto error_recovery;

  /* create primary buffer */

  ZeroMemory(&desc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC));
  desc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);

  if (caps.dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers > 0) {
    desc.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_LOCHARDWARE;

  hr = IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer(dev->direct_sound, &desc, &dev->prim_buffer, NULL);
  if (hr != DS_OK) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "Failed to allocate the primary buffer");
    goto error_recovery;

  /* set the primary sound buffer to this format. if it fails, just
     print a warning. */
  hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat(dev->prim_buffer, dev->format);
  if (hr != DS_OK) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_WARN, "Can't set format of primary sound buffer", fluid_win32_error(hr));

  /* initialize the buffer description */

  ZeroMemory(&desc, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC));
  desc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
  desc.lpwfxFormat = dev->format;
  desc.dwBufferBytes = dev->queue_byte_size;
  desc.dwReserved = 0;

  if (caps.dwFreeHwMixingStreamingBuffers > 0) {
    desc.dwFlags |= DSBCAPS_LOCHARDWARE;

  /* create the secondary sound buffer */

  hr = IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer(dev->direct_sound, &desc, &dev->sec_buffer, NULL);
  if (hr != DS_OK) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_ERR, "dsound: Can't create sound buffer: %s", fluid_win32_error(hr));
    goto error_recovery;

  /* Lock */
  hr = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock(dev->sec_buffer, 0, 0, (void*) &buf1, &bytes1, 0, 0, DSBLOCK_ENTIREBUFFER);

  if ((hr != DS_OK) || (buf1 == NULL)) {
    FLUID_LOG(FLUID_PANIC, "Failed to lock the audio buffer. Exiting.");
    goto error_recovery;

  /* fill the buffer with silence */
  memset(buf1, 0, bytes1);

  /* Unlock */
  IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock(dev->sec_buffer, buf1, bytes1, 0, 0);

  /* start the audio thread */
  dev->thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, &fluid_dsound_audio_run, (LPVOID) dev, 0, &dev->threadID);
  if (dev->thread == NULL) {
    goto error_recovery;

  return (fluid_audio_driver_t*) dev;

  delete_fluid_dsound_audio_driver((fluid_audio_driver_t*) dev);
  return NULL;