CharString NounStructure::status() const { CharString info; info += "\n"; if ( damage() > 0 ) info += CharString().format("<color;0000ff>DAMAGE: %d%%</color>\n", (damage() * 100) / maxDamage() ); if ( workers() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Workers: %s\n", FormatNumber<char,int>( -workers() ).cstr() ); if ( power() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Power: %s\n", FormatNumber<char,int>( power() ).cstr() ); if ( technology() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Technology: %d\n", technology() ); if ( upkeep() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Upkeep: %d\n", upkeep() ); if ( active() ) { if ( food() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Food: %s\n", FormatNumber<char,int>( food() ).cstr() ); if ( habitat() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Habitat: %s\n", FormatNumber<char,int>( habitat() ).cstr() ); if ( mining() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Mining: %s\n", FormatNumber<char,int>( mining() ).cstr() ); if ( research() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Research: %s\n", FormatNumber<char,int>( research() ).cstr() ); if ( production() != 0 ) info += CharString().format( "Production: %s\n", FormatNumber<char,int>( production() ).cstr() ); if ( protection() != 0.0f ) info += CharString().format( "PD: %d%%\n", (int)(protection() * 100) ); } else if ( flags() & FLAG_ACTIVE ) { if ( flags() & FLAG_WORKER_SHORT ) info += "<color;0000ff>WORKER SHORTAGE!</color>\n"; if ( flags() & FLAG_POWER_SHORT ) info += "<color;0000ff>POWER SHORTAGE!</color>\n"; if ( flags() & FLAG_TECH_SHORT ) info += "<color;0000ff>TECHNOLOGY SHORTAGE!</color>\n"; } else { info += "\n<color;ffffff>INACTIVE</color>\n"; } if ( isBuilding() ) info += CharString().format("\nBuilding...%d%% complete\n", buildComplete() ); return info; }
void Core::begin(const IGui *gui) { Food food(_pos, _width, _height); if (gui) loopBegin(gui, food, SPACE_KEY); }
void eat(Snake* head) { Snake* vernier = head; if(foodx == 0 || foody == 0) { food(head); } if(head->x == foodx && head->y == foody) { foodx = 0; foody = 0; food(head); scoring++; add(head); } }
int expose_hook(t_env *env) { move(env); if (env->bouffe == 0) food(env); creator(env); mlx_put_image_to_window (env->mlx, env->win, env->image, 0, 0); return (0); }
void eat() { if(s == g && x == h) { food(); SCORE++; k++; add_length(); } }
void GamePainter::drawFoodCell(QPoint _pos) { QBrush food( Qt::red ); m_painter.setBrush( food ); m_painter.drawEllipse( _pos.x() * m_cellSize.width() + 5 , _pos.y() * m_cellSize.height() + 37 , m_cellSize.width()/2 , m_cellSize.height()/2 ); }
int main() { void control(); void print(); void seed(); void map(); void find(); void judge_1(); void follow(); void food(); void go_on(); void add(); loop1: tail = NULL; head = &b[0]; for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) { b[i].next = &b[i + 1]; b[i + 1].previous = &b[i]; } b[N].next = tail; b[0].x = 10; b[0].y = 11; b[1].x = 10; b[1].y = 10; b[2].x = 10; b[2].y = 9; for (i = 0; i <= N; i++) a[b[i].x][b[i].y] = 'O'; loop2: seed(); while (1) { map(); food(); find(); system("cls"); print(); Sleep(300); if (_kbhit()) { control(); follow(); } else go_on(); judge_1(); } return 0; }
int main() { int i, j; long long flag; clrscr(); printf("Enter the size of the matrix : "); scanf("%d", &n); for(i = 1; i < n-1; i++) { for(j = 1; j < n-1; j++) { c[i][j] = ' '; } } food(); c[s][x] = '>'; while(1) { clrscr(); c[g][h] = '$'; prints(); if(kbhit()) { hits(); if(checks()) { printf("\nGAME OVER.\n"); getch(); return 0; } delay(500); continue; } blank(); c[g][h] = ' '; pressed_key(); eat(); if(checks()) { printf("\nGAME OVER.\n"); getch(); return 0; } add_length(); delay(500); } }
void bar() { float c = 1.7; bool b = c; double e = 1.7; b = e; b = foof(4.0); b = foof(c < 1); // expected-warning {{implicit conversion turns floating-point number into bool: 'float' to 'bool'}} b = food(e < 2); // expected-warning {{implicit conversion turns floating-point number into bool: 'double' to 'bool'}} foo(c, b); // expected-warning {{implicit conversion turns floating-point number into bool: 'float' to 'bool'}} foo(c, c); }
int main() { hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); //标准输出句柄获得 SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cur_info); //隐藏光标 while(1) { system("cls");/*清屏*/ Snake* head = (Snake*)malloc(sizeof(Snake)); initialization(head); background(); while(1) { Sleep(500); refresh(); getkeys(); run(head); eat(head); if(door(head)) break; food(head); } release_list(head); SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, pos); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hOut, 0x07); system("cls");/*清屏*/ printf("得分:%d\n空格重新开始\n",scoring); while(1) { int w = getch(); if(w == ' ') { break; } else { continue; } } } return 0; }
void Game::run() { float GameTime; Gui gui(window); Player player(gui.view, START_WIDTH_HEIGHT, START_WIDTH_HEIGHT, &gui); Food food(gui, &player); AI ai(&gui, &player); int exitPressed = 0; while (gui.window->isOpen()) { GameTime = clock.getElapsedTime().asMicroseconds(); GameTime /= (float)GAME_SPEED; clock.restart(); Event event; while (gui.window->pollEvent(event)){ if (event.type == Event::Closed) { gui.window->close(); } } if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Escape) || player.gameOver) { if (!player.gameOver) gameOver(window, player.score); return; } gui.proceedKeyboardInput(player, GameTime); gui.moveOnMouse(player, GameTime); player.update(gui.view, gui.scoreText, gui.massText); gui.window->clear(); gui.drawBgAroundPlayer(player); food.draw(gui); gui.performFoodRenderQueue(); gui.window->setView(gui.view); ai.move(GameTime); ai.draw(); player.draw(*(gui.window)); gui.window->draw(gui.scoreText); gui.window->draw(gui.massText); gui.window->display(); } }
void CPlayState::Update(CGameEngine* game) { sf::Vector2u window_size = game->window.getSize(); //System Constants unsigned WINDOW_WIDTH = window_size.x; unsigned WINDOW_HEIGHT = window_size.y; unsigned FPS = 60; double PI = 3.14159265; //Window Settings /* sf::ContextSettings settings; settings.antialiasingLevel = 8; sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT), "Runner", sf::Style::Default, settings); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); */ sf::RenderWindow& window = game->window; double lastFrameTimeStamp = GetTickCount(); // GetTickCount is for Windows only double frame_length = 1000/FPS; //random generator std::default_random_engine rand_generator; rand_generator.seed(time(0)); // seed will only change once per second std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> random_x(25,WINDOW_WIDTH-25); std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> random_y(25,WINDOW_HEIGHT-25); //----------------------------------- //LOAD SOUND FILES sf::SoundBuffer buffer; if (!buffer.loadFromFile("eat.wav")) { //error loading file } sf::Sound eatsound; eatsound.setBuffer(buffer); eatsound.setVolume(30); sf::SoundBuffer buffer2; if (!buffer2.loadFromFile("gameover.wav")) { //error loading file } sf::Sound gameoversound; gameoversound.setBuffer(buffer2); gameoversound.setVolume(30); //----------------------------------- //LOAD FONT AND TEXT //Set Default font and text settings sf::Font font; font.loadFromFile("arial.ttf"); sf::Text default_text_settings; default_text_settings.setFont(font); default_text_settings.setColor(sf::Color(254,255,221,100)); default_text_settings.setStyle(sf::Text::Bold); default_text_settings.setCharacterSize(24); sf::Text displayscore = default_text_settings; displayscore.setPosition(500,50); //-------------------------------------- //INITIALIZE GAME OBJECTS //game variables bool collision = false; bool game_running = true; double snake_speed = game->m_GameMode.getGameSpeed(); std::string gamespeed = "normal"; unsigned directional_speed = 10; double hitbox = 2.2; unsigned score = 0; if(game->m_GameMode.getGameSpeed() == .30) { gamespeed = "fast"; directional_speed = 15; hitbox = 3.3; } //snake unsigned snake_width = 10; unsigned snake_height = 10; int snake_length = 0; float snake_direction = 0; sf::Vector2f snake_coord; //snake head sf::RectangleShape snake(sf::Vector2f(snake_width*2, snake_height*2)); snake.setPosition(WINDOW_WIDTH/2, WINDOW_HEIGHT/2); snake.setOrigin(snake_width, snake_height); //snake head sf::Texture snakehead; if (!snakehead.loadFromFile("snake_head.gif")) { // error... } snakehead.setSmooth(true); snake.setTexture(&snakehead); //snake skin sf::Texture snaketexture; if (!snaketexture.loadFromFile("snake_skin.gif")) { // error... } snaketexture.setSmooth(true); //snake.setTexture(&snaketexture); //snake body std::deque<sf::RectangleShape> snake_body{}; sf::Vector2f snake_body_coord; //store past snake coordinates std::queue<sf::Vector2f> snake_history; //food sf::RectangleShape food(sf::Vector2f(6, 6)); food.setFillColor(sf::Color(255,153,0)); food.setPosition(random_x(rand_generator), random_y(rand_generator)); sf::Vector2f food_coord; //background sf::Texture bgtexture; if (!bgtexture.loadFromFile("grassbackground2.jpg",sf::IntRect(0,0,640,480))) { //error } sf::Sprite bgsprite; bgsprite.setTexture(bgtexture); //--------------------------------------- //GAME LOOP while(game_running) { double currentTimeStamp = GetTickCount(); if(currentTimeStamp - lastFrameTimeStamp >= frame_length) { //EVENT HANDLER sf::Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { switch (event.type) { case sf::Event::Closed: window.close(); game->Quit(); break; } } //USER INPUT HANDLER if(game->m_ControlMode.getControlType() == "keyboard") { if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left)) { snake_direction -= directional_speed;// move left } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right)) { snake_direction += directional_speed; // move right } } if(game->m_ControlMode.getControlType() == "mouse") { if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)) { snake_direction -= directional_speed; // move left } if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Right)) { snake_direction += directional_speed;// move right } } //GAME LOGIC //store past coordinates snake_coord = snake.getPosition(); snake_history.push(snake_coord); //limit size of history queue so it doesn't grow too large if (snake_history.size() > snake_length + 10) { snake_history.pop(); } //Create new snake shape sf::RectangleShape snake_temp(sf::Vector2f(snake_width, snake_height)); //snake_temp.setFillColor(sf::Color(128,128,0)); snake_temp.setPosition(snake_history.back()); snake_temp.setOrigin(snake_width/2, snake_height/2); snake_temp.setTexture(&snaketexture); //Add new temporary snake shape to vector snake_body.push_back(snake_temp); //remove oldest snake shape from snake body if snake did not grow if(snake_body.size() > snake_length) { snake_body.pop_front(); } //change snake head angle snake.setRotation(snake_direction); //move snake head forward snake.move((snake_speed * frame_length)*sin(snake_direction * PI / 180), (snake_speed * frame_length)*-cos(snake_direction * PI / 180)); //check if snake hit edge of window snake_coord = snake.getPosition(); if(snake_coord.x - snake_width < 0) { std::cout<< "Game Over: left edge hit" << std::endl; collision = true; } if(snake_coord.y - snake_height < 0) { std::cout<< "Game Over: top edge hit" << std::endl; collision = true; } if(snake_coord.x + snake_width > WINDOW_WIDTH) { std::cout<< "Game Over: right edge hit" << std::endl; collision = true; } if(snake_coord.y + snake_height> WINDOW_HEIGHT) { std::cout<< "Game Over: bottom edge hit" << std::endl; collision = true; } //SURVIVAL GAME MODE if(game->m_GameMode.getGameType() == "survival") { snake_length++; } //check if snake ate food snake_coord = snake.getPosition(); food_coord = food.getPosition(); if ((snake_coord.x <= food_coord.x + snake_width) && (snake_coord.x >= food_coord.x - snake_width) && (snake_coord.y <= food_coord.y + snake_height) && (snake_coord.y >= food_coord.y - snake_height)) { food.setPosition(random_x(rand_generator), random_y(rand_generator)); snake_length += 5;; score++; } //check for snake head and snake body collision for(std::deque<sf::RectangleShape>::size_type i = 0; i != snake_body.size(); i++) { snake_body_coord = snake_body[i].getPosition(); if ((snake_coord.x <= snake_body_coord.x + hitbox) && (snake_coord.x >= snake_body_coord.x - hitbox) && (snake_coord.y <= snake_body_coord.y + hitbox) && (snake_coord.y >= snake_body_coord.y - hitbox)) { std::cout << "Game Over: Collision with body piece: #" << i << std::endl; collision = true; break; } } //GAME OVER CONDITION if (collision) {; //Store the score in the file std::ofstream file; ("highscores.txt", std::ios_base::app | std::ios_base::out); file << game->m_GameMode.getGameType() << "," << gamespeed << "," << score << "\r"; file.close(); Sleep(1000); game_running = false; game->PopState(); game->PopState(); break; } std::ostringstream ss; ss << score; displayscore.setString( std::string( "Score: "+ss.str() ) ); //RENDER window.clear(); window.draw(bgsprite); for(std::deque<sf::RectangleShape>::size_type i = snake_body.size(); i != 0; --i) { window.draw(snake_body[i-1]); //i != vector.size } window.draw(snake); //head drawn after body so it is on top window.draw(food); window.draw(displayscore); window.display(); lastFrameTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp; //DEBUG //std::cout << snake_body.size(); } Sleep(1); // saves some cpu } //end core game loop }
void main() { int sss,q,ll,gd=DETECT,p,gm,area,a=(450-(50*5)),d,cat=77,ch,dh,eh,t1,t2,t12,t22,len,cc,hh; char *str,*str1,*tim; initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); p=1; front(); dr: viewport(); q=menu(); if(q==3) { arun: hh=help(); if(hh==1) { how(); goto arun; } if(hh==2) { select(); goto arun; } if(hh==3) { credit(); goto arun; } if(hh==4) { design(); goto arun; } if(hh==5) goto dr; } if(q==2) { rr: ll=sivakumar(); if(ll==1) { p=m2(); goto rr; } if(ll==2) { a=speed(); viewport(); goto rr; } if(ll==3) { topscore(); goto rr; } if(ll==4) goto dr; } if(q==4) exit(0); if(q==1) { names(); hide(); viewport(); x[0]=85; x[1]=70; x[2]=55; x[3]=40; y[0]=y[1]=y[2]=y[3]=35; setcolor(4); rectangle(24,19,626,396); ra(); setcolor(15); setfillstyle(1,10); bar(32,32,43,43); area=imagesize(30,30,45,45); buff=malloc(area); getimage(30,30,45,45,buff); putimage(30,30,buff,XOR_PUT); setpos(0,0); setfillstyle(1,0); bar(100,100,500,350); prakash(p); level=p; putimage(40,35,buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(55,35,buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(70,35,buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(85,35,buff,XOR_PUT); textcolor(GREEN+BLINK); len=0; status("Game Play: Arrow keys Menu: Esc Pause (or) Play: Others key"); while(1) { sss=getpixel(5,5); if(sss!=0); { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,0); bar(0,0,15,15); } if(((i-4)%11==0)&&(bon==0)&&(len!=(i-4))) { len=(i-4); gettime(&t); bonous(); bon=1; t1=t.ti_sec; cc=10; } gettime(&t); if((t1!=t.ti_sec)&&(bon==1)) { cc--; t1=t.ti_sec; itoa(cc,tim,10); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,0); bar(470,0,530,18); outtextxy(500,0,tim); } if((cc==0)&&(bon==1)) { putimage(xc1,yc1,f2,XOR_PUT); bar(470,0,530,18); bon=0; } gotoxy(68,1); setcolor(6); itoa(score,str,10); setfillstyle(1,0); settextstyle(3,0,1); if(strcmp(str,str1)!=0) { bar(80,400,350,450); outtextxy(100,420,"Score : "); outtextxy(180,420,str); strcpy(str1,str); } if(kbhit()) { // ch=getch(); dh=getch(); cat=dh; } else { arrange(x,y,i); if(set==0) food(); if(cat!=dupli) cat=lock(cat,dupli); switch(cat) { case 72: if(y[1]==20) y[0]=380; else y[0]=y[1]-15; x[0]=x[1]; d=getpixel(x[0]+8,y[0]+8); if((d==10)||(d==14)) doctor(); if((d==4)&&(bon==1)) { i++; sound(1000); delay(90); nosound(); bon=0; score+=(cc*10); putimage(xc1,yc1,f2,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[i],y[i],buff,XOR_PUT); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,0); bar(470,0,530,18); } else if(d==15) { i++; set=0; sound(800); delay(40); score+=bb; nosound(); putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); } else { putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[i-1],y[i-1],buff,XOR_PUT); } delay(a); break; case 80: if(y[1]==380) y[0]=20; else y[0]=y[1]+15; x[0]=x[1]; d=getpixel(x[0]+8,y[0]+8); if((d==10)||(d==14)) doctor(); if((d==4)&&(bon==1)) { i++; sound(1000); delay(90); nosound(); bon=0; score+=(cc*10); putimage(xc1,yc1,f2,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[i],y[i],buff,XOR_PUT); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,0); bar(470,0,530,18); } else if(d==15) { i++; score+=bb; sound(800); delay(40); set=0; nosound(); putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); } else { putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[i-1],y[i-1],buff,XOR_PUT); } delay(a); break; case 75: if(x[1]==25) x[0]=610; else x[0]=x[1]-15; y[0]=y[1]; d=getpixel(x[0]+8,y[0]+8); if((d==10)||(d==14)) doctor(); if((d==4)&&(bon==1)) { i++; sound(1000); delay(90); nosound(); bon=0; score+=(cc*10); putimage(xc1,yc1,f2,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[i],y[i],buff,XOR_PUT); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,0); bar(470,0,530,18); } else if(d==15) { i++; sound(800); delay(40); set=0; nosound(); score+=bb; putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); } else { putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[i-1],y[i-1],buff,XOR_PUT); } delay(a); break; case 77: if(x[1]==610) x[0]=25; else x[0]=x[1]+15; y[0]=y[1]; d=getpixel(x[0]+8,y[0]+8); if((d==10)||(d==14)) doctor(); if((d==4)&&(bon==1)) { i++; sound(1000); delay(90); nosound(); bon=0; score+=(cc*10); putimage(xc1,yc1,f2,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[i],y[i],buff,XOR_PUT); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,0); bar(470,0,530,18); } else if(d==15) { i++; set=0; sound(800); delay(40); score+=bb; nosound(); putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); } else { putimage(x[0],y[0],buff,XOR_PUT); putimage(x[i-1],y[i-1],buff,XOR_PUT); } delay(a); break; case 27: goto dx; // break; } dupli=cat; } } } dx: call(); }
void CSnakeView::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent) { // TODO: 在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值 KillTimer(1); //停掉OnCreate中的定时器 CString score; score.Format(_T("分数: %d"), snakeLength-4); //游戏分数为蛇的节点数-蛇出生时的节点数 AliveOrDie(); //创建设备描述表 CDC *pDC, hDC; pDC = GetDC(); hDC.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); CBitmap hBitmap, *pOldBitmap ; hBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(pDC, 1000, 1000); pOldBitmap = hDC.SelectObject(&hBitmap); hDC.FillSolidRect(0, 0, 1000, 1000, RGB(255, 255, 255)); //设定白色区域范围 hDC.TextOut(550, 200, score); //在坐标(500,200)处输出游戏分数 hDC.Rectangle(CRect(90, 90, 520, 520)); //设定外矩形框 hDC.Rectangle(CRect(100, 100, 510, 510)); if(gameStart == 1) //游戏处于运行状态 { b.x = a[0].x; b.y = a[0].y; //第0个节点的变化 if (move == right) //向右移动 { a[0].x = a[0].x + 10; } else if (move == up) //向上移动 { a[0].y = a[0].y - 10; } else if (move == left) //向左移动 { a[0].x = a[0].x - 10; } else if (move == down) //向下移动 { a[0].y = a[0].y + 10; } //除第0、1个节点之外其它所有节点的变化 for (int i = 1; i < snakeLength - 1; i++) { a[snakeLength - i].x = a[snakeLength - 1 - i ].x; a[snakeLength - i].y = a[snakeLength - 1 - i ].y; } //第1个节点的变化 a[1].x = b.x; a[1].y = b.y; CBrush head(RGB(255, 0, 0)); //将蛇的头节点设置成红色 hDC.SelectObject(head); rect = new CRect(a[0].x, a[0].y, a[0].x+10, a[0].y+10); //头节点的边框 hDC.Rectangle(rect); for(int i = 1; i < snakeLength; i++) { CBrush body(RGB(255, 255, 0)); //将蛇的身体节点设置成黄色 hDC.SelectObject(body); rect = new CRect(a[i].x, a[i].y, a[i].x+10, a[i].y+10); //身体各节点的边框 hDC.Rectangle(rect); } if(a[0].x == xfood && a[0].y == yfood) //蛇吃了食物 { snakeLength++; //蛇的长度加1 foodOrNot = 1; //产生新食物 //蛇新增加的尾节点与原先的尾节点(现在的倒数第二个节点)的位置重合 //再移动一下才能看到蛇的节点加1 a[snakeLength-1].x = a[snakeLength-2].x; a[snakeLength-1].y = a[snakeLength-2].y; } if(foodOrNot == 1) { int x1 = int(Random(10,50)); // 产生的随机值在11~51之间 int y1 = int(Random(10,50)); xfood = x1*10; yfood = y1*10; for(int i=0; i<snakeLength; i++) { if(xfood==a[i].x && yfood==a[i].y) { //如果食物的位置恰好在蛇的某个节点的位置,重新设置食物的位置 int x2 = int(Random(10,50)); int y2 = int(Random(10,50)); xfood = x2*10; yfood = y2*10; } } foodOrNot = 0; } CBrush food(RGB(0,255,0)); //食物的颜色设置为绿色 hDC.SelectObject(food); hDC.Rectangle(xfood, yfood, xfood+10, yfood+10); //设置食物的边框 } pDC->BitBlt(0, 0, 1000, 1000, &hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); hBitmap.DeleteObject(); hDC.DeleteDC(); OnDraw(pDC); SetTimer(1, difficulty*30, NULL); //将游戏难度与移动时间相关 CView::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
bool game::dump_stats( const std::string &what, dump_mode mode, const std::vector<std::string> &opts ) { try { loading_ui ui( false ); load_core_data( ui ); load_packs( _( "Loading content packs" ), { mod_id( "dda" ) }, ui ); DynamicDataLoader::get_instance().finalize_loaded_data( ui ); } catch( const std::exception &err ) { std::cerr << "Error loading data from json: " << err.what() << std::endl; return false; } std::vector<std::string> header; std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> rows; int scol = 0; // sorting column std::map<std::string, standard_npc> test_npcs; test_npcs[ "S1" ] = standard_npc( "S1", { "gloves_survivor", "mask_lsurvivor" }, 4, 8, 10, 8, 10 /* DEX 10, PER 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S2" ] = standard_npc( "S2", { "gloves_fingerless", "sunglasses" }, 4, 8, 8, 8, 10 /* PER 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S3" ] = standard_npc( "S3", { "gloves_plate", "helmet_plate" }, 4, 10, 8, 8, 8 /* STAT 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S4" ] = standard_npc( "S4", {}, 0, 8, 10, 8, 10 /* DEX 10, PER 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S5" ] = standard_npc( "S5", {}, 4, 8, 10, 8, 10 /* DEX 10, PER 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S6" ] = standard_npc( "S6", { "gloves_hsurvivor", "mask_hsurvivor" }, 4, 8, 10, 8, 10 /* DEX 10, PER 10 */ ); std::map<std::string, item> test_items; test_items[ "G1" ] = item( "glock_19" ).ammo_set( "9mm" ); test_items[ "G2" ] = item( "hk_mp5" ).ammo_set( "9mm" ); test_items[ "G3" ] = item( "ar15" ).ammo_set( "223" ); test_items[ "G4" ] = item( "remington_700" ).ammo_set( "270" ); test_items[ "G4" ].emplace_back( "rifle_scope" ); if( what == "AMMO" ) { header = { "Name", "Ammo", "Volume", "Weight", "Stack", "Range", "Dispersion", "Recoil", "Damage", "Pierce" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const item & obj ) { // a common task is comparing ammo by type so ammo has multiple repeat the entry for( const auto &e : obj.type->ammo->type ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( 1, false ) ); r.push_back( e.str() ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.volume() / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); r.push_back( to_string( to_gram( obj.weight() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->stack_size ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->ammo->range ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->ammo->dispersion ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->ammo->recoil ) ); damage_instance damage = obj.type->ammo->damage; r.push_back( to_string( damage.total_damage() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( damage.empty() ? 0 : ( *damage.begin() ).res_pen ) ); rows.push_back( r ); } }; for( const itype *e : item_controller->all() ) { if( e->ammo ) { dump( item( e, calendar::turn, item::solitary_tag {} ) ); } } } else if( what == "ARMOR" ) { header = { "Name", "Encumber (fit)", "Warmth", "Weight", "Storage", "Coverage", "Bash", "Cut", "Acid", "Fire" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const item & obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( 1, false ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.get_encumber() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.get_warmth() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( to_gram( obj.weight() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.get_storage() / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.get_coverage() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.bash_resist() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.cut_resist() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.acid_resist() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.fire_resist() ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; body_part bp = opts.empty() ? num_bp : get_body_part_token( opts.front() ); for( const itype *e : item_controller->all() ) { if( e->armor ) { item obj( e ); if( bp == num_bp || obj.covers( bp ) ) { if( obj.has_flag( "VARSIZE" ) ) { obj.item_tags.insert( "FIT" ); } dump( obj ); } } } } else if( what == "EDIBLE" ) { header = { "Name", "Volume", "Weight", "Stack", "Calories", "Quench", "Healthy" }; for( const auto &v : vitamin::all() ) { header.push_back( ); } auto dump = [&rows]( const item & obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( false ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.volume() / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); r.push_back( to_string( to_gram( obj.weight() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->stack_size ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->comestible->get_calories() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->comestible->quench ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->comestible->healthy ) ); auto vits = g->u.vitamins_from( obj ); for( const auto &v : vitamin::all() ) { r.push_back( to_string( vits[ v.first ] ) ); } rows.push_back( r ); }; for( const itype *e : item_controller->all() ) { item food( e, calendar::turn, item::solitary_tag {} ); if( food.is_food() && g->u.can_eat( food ).success() ) { dump( food ); } } } else if( what == "GUN" ) { header = { "Name", "Ammo", "Volume", "Weight", "Capacity", "Range", "Dispersion", "Effective recoil", "Damage", "Pierce", "Aim time", "Effective range", "Snapshot range", "Max range" }; std::set<std::string> locations; for( const itype *e : item_controller->all() ) { if( e->gun ) { std::transform( e->gun->valid_mod_locations.begin(), e->gun->valid_mod_locations.end(), std::inserter( locations, locations.begin() ), []( const std::pair<gunmod_location, int> &q ) { return; } ); } } for( const auto &e : locations ) { header.push_back( e ); } auto dump = [&rows, &locations]( const standard_npc & who, const item & obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( 1, false ) ); r.push_back( obj.ammo_type() ? obj.ammo_type().str() : "" ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.volume() / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); r.push_back( to_string( to_gram( obj.weight() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.ammo_capacity() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.gun_range() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.gun_dispersion() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.gun_recoil( who ) ) ); damage_instance damage = obj.gun_damage(); r.push_back( to_string( damage.total_damage() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( damage.empty() ? 0 : ( *damage.begin() ).res_pen ) ); r.push_back( to_string( who.gun_engagement_moves( obj ) ) ); for( const auto &e : locations ) { const auto &vml = obj.type->gun->valid_mod_locations; const auto iter = vml.find( e ); r.push_back( to_string( iter != vml.end() ? iter->second : 0 ) ); } rows.push_back( r ); }; for( const itype *e : item_controller->all() ) { if( e->gun ) { item gun( e ); if( !gun.magazine_integral() ) { gun.emplace_back( gun.magazine_default() ); } gun.ammo_set( gun.ammo_type()->default_ammotype(), gun.ammo_capacity() ); dump( test_npcs[ "S1" ], gun ); if( gun.type->gun->barrel_length > 0 ) { gun.emplace_back( "barrel_small" ); dump( test_npcs[ "S1" ], gun ); } } } } else if( what == "RECIPE" ) { // optionally filter recipes to include only those using specified skills recipe_subset dict; for( const auto &r : recipe_dict ) { if( opts.empty() || std::any_of( opts.begin(), opts.end(), [&r]( const std::string & s ) { if( r.second.skill_used == skill_id( s ) && r.second.difficulty > 0 ) { return true; } auto iter = r.second.required_skills.find( skill_id( s ) ); return iter != r.second.required_skills.end() && iter->second > 0; } ) ) { dict.include( &r.second ); } } // only consider skills that are required by at least one recipe std::vector<Skill> sk; std::copy_if( Skill::skills.begin(), Skill::skills.end(), std::back_inserter( sk ), [&dict]( const Skill & s ) { return std::any_of( dict.begin(), dict.end(), [&s]( const recipe * r ) { return r->skill_used == s.ident() || r->required_skills.find( s.ident() ) != r->required_skills.end(); } ); } ); header = { "Result" }; for( const auto &e : sk ) { header.push_back( e.ident().str() ); } for( const recipe *e : dict ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( e->result_name() ); for( const auto &s : sk ) { if( e->skill_used == s.ident() ) { r.push_back( to_string( e->difficulty ) ); } else { auto iter = e->required_skills.find( s.ident() ); r.push_back( to_string( iter != e->required_skills.end() ? iter->second : 0 ) ); } } rows.push_back( r ); } } else if( what == "VEHICLE" ) { header = { "Name", "Weight (empty)", "Weight (fueled)", "Max velocity (mph)", "Safe velocity (mph)", "Acceleration (mph/turn)", "Mass coeff %", "Aerodynamics coeff %", "Friction coeff %", "Traction coeff % (grass)" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const vproto_id & obj ) { auto veh_empty = vehicle( obj, 0, 0 ); auto veh_fueled = vehicle( obj, 100, 0 ); std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( ); r.push_back( to_string( to_kilogram( veh_empty.total_mass() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( to_kilogram( veh_fueled.total_mass() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( veh_fueled.max_velocity() / 100 ) ); r.push_back( to_string( veh_fueled.safe_velocity() / 100 ) ); r.push_back( to_string( veh_fueled.acceleration() / 100 ) ); r.push_back( to_string( ( int )( 100 * veh_fueled.k_mass() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( ( int )( 100 * veh_fueled.k_aerodynamics() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( ( int )( 100 * veh_fueled.k_friction() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( ( int )( 100 * veh_fueled.k_traction( veh_fueled.wheel_area( false ) / 2.0f ) ) ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; for( auto &e : vehicle_prototype::get_all() ) { dump( e ); } } else if( what == "VPART" ) { header = { "Name", "Location", "Weight", "Size" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const vpart_info & obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( ); r.push_back( obj.location ); r.push_back( to_string( int( ceil( to_gram( item( obj.item ).weight() ) / 1000.0 ) ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.size / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; for( const auto &e : vpart_info::all() ) { dump( e.second ); } } else { std::cerr << "unknown argument: " << what << std::endl; return false; } rows.erase( std::remove_if( rows.begin(), rows.end(), []( const std::vector<std::string> &e ) { return e.empty(); } ), rows.end() ); if( scol >= 0 ) { std::sort( rows.begin(), rows.end(), [&scol]( const std::vector<std::string> &lhs, const std::vector<std::string> &rhs ) { return lhs[ scol ] < rhs[ scol ]; } ); } rows.erase( std::unique( rows.begin(), rows.end() ), rows.end() ); switch( mode ) { case dump_mode::TSV: rows.insert( rows.begin(), header ); for( const auto &r : rows ) { std::copy( r.begin(), r.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>( std::cout, "\t" ) ); std::cout << r.back() << "\n"; } break; case dump_mode::HTML: std::cout << "<table>"; std::cout << "<thead>"; std::cout << "<tr>"; for( const auto &col : header ) { std::cout << "<th>" << col << "</th>"; } std::cout << "</tr>"; std::cout << "</thead>"; std::cout << "<tdata>"; for( const auto &r : rows ) { std::cout << "<tr>"; for( const auto &col : r ) { std::cout << "<td>" << col << "</td>"; } std::cout << "</tr>"; } std::cout << "</tdata>"; std::cout << "</table>"; break; } return true; }
void display2() { if((xa>=inx+50) ||(xa<=iny-50)||(ya>=inx) ||(ya<=iny)) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); pointsz(1.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); //show(); glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0); view(); //call3(); glutSwapBuffers(); glEnd(); glFlush(); } else { glColor3f(0.0,0.0,1.0); pointsz(1.0); view(); pointsz(4.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); dda(xa,ya,xb,yb);//snake if(start == 0) { glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); food(); start++; } if((((xf-20) <= xa) && ((xf +20) >= xa) && ((yf-20) <= ya) && ((yf +20) >= ya))) { score++; printf("%d\n",score); tailgrow(xf,yf,xa,ya,xb,yb); } glutSpecialFunc(specialKeys); //sleep(1); pointsz(4.0); if(xa==xb) { if(ya>yb) { ya=ya+i; yb=yb+i; } else { ya=ya-i; yb=yb-i; } } else if(ya==yb) { if(xa>xb) { xa=xa+i; xb=xb+i; } else { xa=xa-i; xb=xb-i; } } glBegin(GL_POINTS); dda(xa,ya,xb,yb); glEnd(); glFlush(); glutPostRedisplay(); pointsz(6.0); glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS); SetPixel(xf,yf); pointsz(1.0); glFlush(); } }
bool game::dump_stats( const std::string& what, dump_mode mode, const std::vector<std::string> &opts ) { try { load_core_data(); } catch( const std::exception &err ) { std::cerr << "Error loading data from json: " << err.what() << std::endl; return false; } DynamicDataLoader::get_instance().finalize_loaded_data(); std::vector<std::string> header; std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> rows; int scol = 0; // sorting column std::map<std::string, standard_npc> test_npcs; test_npcs[ "S1" ] = standard_npc( "S1", { "gloves_survivor", "mask_lsurvivor" }, 4, 8, 10, 8, 10 /* DEX 10, PER 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S2" ] = standard_npc( "S2", { "gloves_fingerless", "sunglasses" }, 4, 8, 8, 8, 10 /* PER 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S3" ] = standard_npc( "S3", { "gloves_plate", "helmet_plate" }, 4, 10, 8, 8, 8 /* STAT 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S4" ] = standard_npc( "S4", {}, 0, 8, 10, 8, 10 /* DEX 10, PER 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S5" ] = standard_npc( "S5", {}, 4, 8, 10, 8, 10 /* DEX 10, PER 10 */ ); test_npcs[ "S6" ] = standard_npc( "S6", { "gloves_hsurvivor", "mask_hsurvivor" }, 4, 8, 10, 8, 10 /* DEX 10, PER 10 */ ); std::map<std::string, item> test_items; test_items[ "G1" ] = item( "glock_19" ).ammo_set( "9mm" ); test_items[ "G2" ] = item( "hk_mp5" ).ammo_set( "9mm" ); test_items[ "G3" ] = item( "ar15" ).ammo_set( "223" ); test_items[ "G4" ] = item( "remington_700" ).ammo_set( "270" ); test_items[ "G4" ].emplace_back( "rifle_scope" ); if( what == "AMMO" ) { header = { "Name", "Ammo", "Volume", "Weight", "Stack", "Range", "Dispersion", "Recoil", "Damage", "Pierce" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const item& obj ) { // a common task is comparing ammo by type so ammo has multiple repeat the entry for( const auto &e : obj.type->ammo->type ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( 1, false ) ); r.push_back( e.str() ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.volume() / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.weight() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->stack_size ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->ammo->range ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->ammo->dispersion ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->ammo->recoil ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->ammo->damage ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->ammo->pierce ) ); rows.push_back( r ); } }; for( auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second.ammo ) { dump( item( e.first, calendar::turn, item::solitary_tag {} ) ); } } } else if( what == "ARMOR" ) { header = { "Name", "Encumber (fit)", "Warmth", "Weight", "Storage", "Coverage", "Bash", "Cut", "Acid", "Fire" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const item& obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( 1, false ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.get_encumber() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.get_warmth() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.weight() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.get_storage() / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.get_coverage() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.bash_resist() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.cut_resist() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.acid_resist() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.fire_resist() ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; body_part bp = opts.empty() ? num_bp : get_body_part_token( opts.front() ); for( auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second.armor ) { item obj( e.first ); if( bp == num_bp || obj.covers( bp ) ) { if( obj.has_flag( "VARSIZE" ) ) { obj.item_tags.insert( "FIT" ); } dump( obj ); } } } } else if( what == "EDIBLE" ) { header = { "Name", "Volume", "Weight", "Stack", "Calories", "Quench", "Healthy" }; for( const auto& v : vitamin::all() ) { header.push_back( ); } auto dump = [&rows,&test_npcs]( const item& obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( false ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.volume() / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.weight() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->stack_size ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->comestible->get_calories() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->comestible->quench ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->comestible->healthy ) ); auto vits = g->u.vitamins_from( obj ); for( const auto& v : vitamin::all() ) { r.push_back( to_string( vits[ v.first ] ) ); } rows.push_back( r ); }; for( auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second.comestible && ( e.second.comestible->comesttype == "FOOD" || e.second.comestible->comesttype == "DRINK" ) ) { item food( e.first, calendar::turn, item::solitary_tag {} ); if( g->u.can_eat( food, false, true ) == EDIBLE ) { dump( food ); } } } } else if( what == "GUN" ) { header = { "Name", "Ammo", "Volume", "Weight", "Capacity", "Range", "Dispersion", "Effective recoil", "Damage", "Pierce", "Aim time", "Effective range", "Snapshot range", "Max range" }; std::set<std::string> locations; for( const auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second.gun ) { std::transform( e.second.gun->valid_mod_locations.begin(), e.second.gun->valid_mod_locations.end(), std::inserter( locations, locations.begin() ), []( const std::pair<std::string, int>& e ) { return e.first; } ); } } for( const auto &e : locations ) { header.push_back( e ); } auto dump = [&rows,&locations]( const standard_npc &who, const item& obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( 1, false ) ); r.push_back( obj.ammo_type() ? obj.ammo_type().str() : "" ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.volume() / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.weight() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.ammo_capacity() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.gun_range() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.gun_dispersion() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.gun_recoil( who ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.gun_damage() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.gun_pierce() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( who.gun_engagement_moves( obj ) ) ); r.push_back( string_format( "%.1f", who.gun_engagement_range( obj, player::engagement::effective ) ) ); r.push_back( string_format( "%.1f", who.gun_engagement_range( obj, player::engagement::snapshot ) ) ); r.push_back( string_format( "%.1f", who.gun_engagement_range( obj, player::engagement::maximum ) ) ); for( const auto &e : locations ) { r.push_back( to_string( obj.type->gun->valid_mod_locations[ e ] ) ); } rows.push_back( r ); }; for( const auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second.gun ) { item gun( e.first ); if( !gun.magazine_integral() ) { gun.emplace_back( gun.magazine_default() ); } gun.ammo_set( default_ammo( gun.ammo_type() ), gun.ammo_capacity() ); dump( test_npcs[ "S1" ], gun ); if( gun.type->gun->barrel_length > 0 ) { gun.emplace_back( "barrel_small" ); dump( test_npcs[ "S1" ], gun ); } } } } else if( what == "VEHICLE" ) { header = { "Name", "Weight (empty)", "Weight (fueled)", "Max velocity (mph)", "Safe velocity (mph)", "Acceleration (mph/turn)", "Mass coeff %", "Aerodynamics coeff %", "Friction coeff %", "Traction coeff % (grass)" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const vproto_id& obj ) { auto veh_empty = vehicle( obj, 0, 0 ); auto veh_fueled = vehicle( obj, 100, 0 ); std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( ); r.push_back( to_string( veh_empty.total_mass() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( veh_fueled.total_mass() ) ); r.push_back( to_string( veh_fueled.max_velocity() / 100 ) ); r.push_back( to_string( veh_fueled.safe_velocity() / 100 ) ); r.push_back( to_string( veh_fueled.acceleration() / 100 ) ); r.push_back( to_string( (int)( 100 * veh_fueled.k_mass() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( (int)( 100 * veh_fueled.k_aerodynamics() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( (int)( 100 * veh_fueled.k_friction() ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( (int)( 100 * veh_fueled.k_traction( veh_fueled.wheel_area( false ) / 2.0f ) ) ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; for( auto& e : vehicle_prototype::get_all() ) { dump( e ); } } else if( what == "VPART" ) { header = { "Name", "Location", "Weight", "Size" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const vpart_info &obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( ); r.push_back( obj.location ); r.push_back( to_string( int( ceil( item( obj.item ).weight() / 1000.0 ) ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( obj.size / units::legacy_volume_factor ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; for( const auto &e : vpart_info::all() ) { dump( e.second ); } } else if( what == "AIMING" ) { scol = -1; // unsorted output so graph columns have predictable ordering const int cycles = 1400; header = { "Name" }; for( int i = 0; i <= cycles; ++i ) { header.push_back( to_string( i ) ); } auto dump = [&rows]( const standard_npc &who, const item &gun) { std::vector<std::string> r( 1, string_format( "%s %s", who.get_name().c_str(), gun.tname().c_str() ) ); double penalty = MIN_RECOIL; for( int i = 0; i <= cycles; ++i ) { penalty -= who.aim_per_move( gun, penalty ); r.push_back( string_format( "%.2f", who.gun_current_range( gun, penalty ) ) ); } rows.push_back( r ); }; if( opts.empty() ) { dump( test_npcs[ "S1" ], test_items[ "G1" ] ); dump( test_npcs[ "S1" ], test_items[ "G2" ] ); dump( test_npcs[ "S1" ], test_items[ "G3" ] ); dump( test_npcs[ "S1" ], test_items[ "G4" ] ); } else { for( const auto &str : opts ) { auto idx = str.find( ':' ); if( idx == std::string::npos ) { std::cerr << "cannot parse test case: " << str << std::endl; return false; } auto test = std::make_pair( test_npcs.find( str.substr( 0, idx ) ), test_items.find( str.substr( idx + 1 ) ) ); if( test.first == test_npcs.end() || test.second == test_items.end() ) { std::cerr << "invalid test case: " << str << std::endl; return false; } dump( test.first->second, test.second->second ); } } } else if( what == "EXPLOSIVE" ) { header = { // @todo Should display more useful data: shrapnel damage, safe range "Name", "Power", "Power at 5 tiles", "Power halves at", "Shrapnel count", "Shrapnel mass" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const std::string &name, const explosion_data &ex ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( name ); r.push_back( to_string( ex.power ) ); r.push_back( string_format( "%.1f", ex.power_at_range( 5.0f ) ) ); r.push_back( string_format( "%.1f", ex.expected_range( 0.5f ) ) ); r.push_back( to_string( ex.shrapnel.count ) ); r.push_back( to_string( ex.shrapnel.mass ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; for( const auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { const auto &itt = e.second; const auto use = itt.get_use( "explosion" ); if( use != nullptr && use->get_actor_ptr() != nullptr ) { const auto actor = dynamic_cast<const explosion_iuse *>( use->get_actor_ptr() ); if( actor != nullptr ) { dump( itt.nname( 1 ), actor->explosion ); } } auto c_ex = dynamic_cast<const explosion_iuse *>( itt.countdown_action.get_actor_ptr() ); if( c_ex != nullptr ) { dump( itt.nname( 1 ), c_ex->explosion ); } } } else { std::cerr << "unknown argument: " << what << std::endl; return false; } rows.erase( std::remove_if( rows.begin(), rows.end(), []( const std::vector<std::string>& e ) { return e.empty(); } ), rows.end() ); if( scol >= 0 ) { std::sort( rows.begin(), rows.end(), [&scol]( const std::vector<std::string>& lhs, const std::vector<std::string>& rhs ) { return lhs[ scol ] < rhs[ scol ]; } ); } rows.erase( std::unique( rows.begin(), rows.end() ), rows.end() ); switch( mode ) { case dump_mode::TSV: rows.insert( rows.begin(), header ); for( const auto& r : rows ) { std::copy( r.begin(), r.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>( std::cout, "\t" ) ); std::cout << r.back() << "\n"; } break; case dump_mode::HTML: std::cout << "<table>"; std::cout << "<thead>"; std::cout << "<tr>"; for( const auto& col : header ) { std::cout << "<th>" << col << "</th>"; } std::cout << "</tr>"; std::cout << "</thead>"; std::cout << "<tdata>"; for( const auto& r : rows ) { std::cout << "<tr>"; for( const auto& col : r ) { std::cout << "<td>" << col << "</td>"; } std::cout << "</tr>"; } std::cout << "</tdata>"; std::cout << "</table>"; break; } return true; }
void game::dump_stats( const std::string& what, dump_mode mode ) { load_core_data(); DynamicDataLoader::get_instance().finalize_loaded_data(); std::vector<std::string> header; std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> rows; if( what == "AMMO" ) { header = { "Name", "Ammo", "Volume", "Weight", "Stack", "Range", "Dispersion", "Recoil", "Damage", "Pierce" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const item& obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( false ) ); r.push_back( obj.type->ammo->type ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.volume() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.weight() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->stack_size ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->ammo->range ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->ammo->dispersion ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->ammo->recoil ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->ammo->damage ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->ammo->pierce ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; for( auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second->ammo ) { dump( item( e.first, calendar::turn, item::solitary_tag {} ) ); } } } else if( what == "EDIBLE" ) { header = { "Name", "Volume", "Weight", "Stack", "Calories", "Quench", "Healthy" }; for( const auto& v : vitamin::all() ) { header.push_back( ); } auto dump = [&rows]( const item& obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( false ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.volume() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.weight() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->stack_size ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->comestible->get_calories() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->comestible->quench ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->comestible->healthy ) ); auto vits = g->u.vitamins_from( obj ); for( const auto& v : vitamin::all() ) { r.push_back( std::to_string( vits[ v.first ] ) ); } rows.push_back( r ); }; for( auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second->comestible && ( e.second->comestible->comesttype == "FOOD" || e.second->comestible->comesttype == "DRINK" ) ) { item food( e.first, calendar::turn, item::solitary_tag {} ); if( g->u.can_eat( food, false, true ) == EDIBLE ) { dump( food ); } } } } else if( what == "GUN" ) { header = { "Name", "Ammo", "Volume", "Weight", "Capacity", "Range", "Dispersion", "Recoil", "Damage", "Pierce" }; std::set<std::string> locations; for( const auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second->gun ) { std::transform( e.second->gun->valid_mod_locations.begin(), e.second->gun->valid_mod_locations.end(), std::inserter( locations, locations.begin() ), []( const std::pair<std::string, int>& e ) { return e.first; } ); } } for( const auto &e : locations ) { header.push_back( e ); } auto dump = [&rows,&locations]( const item& obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj.tname( false ) ); r.push_back( obj.ammo_type() != "NULL" ? obj.ammo_type() : "" ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.volume() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.weight() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.ammo_capacity() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.gun_range() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.gun_dispersion() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.gun_recoil() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.gun_damage() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.gun_pierce() ) ); for( const auto &e : locations ) { r.push_back( std::to_string( obj.type->gun->valid_mod_locations[ e ] ) ); } rows.push_back( r ); }; for( const auto& e : item_controller->get_all_itypes() ) { if( e.second->gun ) { item gun( e.first ); if( gun.is_reloadable() ) { gun.ammo_set( default_ammo( gun.ammo_type() ), gun.ammo_capacity() ); } dump( gun ); if( gun.type->gun->barrel_length > 0 ) { gun.emplace_back( "barrel_small" ); dump( gun ); } } } } else if( what == "VEHICLE" ) { header = { "Name", "Weight (empty)", "Weight (fueled)" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const vproto_id& obj ) { auto veh_empty = vehicle( obj, 0, 0 ); auto veh_fueled = vehicle( obj, 100, 0 ); std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( ); r.push_back( std::to_string( veh_empty.total_mass() ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( veh_fueled.total_mass() ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; for( auto& e : vehicle_prototype::get_all() ) { dump( e ); } } else if( what == "VPART" ) { header = { "Name", "Location", "Weight", "Size" }; auto dump = [&rows]( const vpart_info *obj ) { std::vector<std::string> r; r.push_back( obj->name() ); r.push_back( obj->location ); r.push_back( std::to_string( int( ceil( item( obj->item ).weight() / 1000.0 ) ) ) ); r.push_back( std::to_string( obj->size ) ); rows.push_back( r ); }; for( const auto e : vpart_info::get_all() ) { dump( e ); } } rows.erase( std::remove_if( rows.begin(), rows.end(), []( const std::vector<std::string>& e ) { return e.empty(); } ), rows.end() ); std::sort( rows.begin(), rows.end(), []( const std::vector<std::string>& lhs, const std::vector<std::string>& rhs ) { return lhs[ 0 ] < rhs[ 0 ]; } ); rows.erase( std::unique( rows.begin(), rows.end() ), rows.end() ); switch( mode ) { case dump_mode::TSV: rows.insert( rows.begin(), header ); for( const auto& r : rows ) { std::copy( r.begin(), r.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>( std::cout, "\t" ) ); std::cout << r.back() << "\n"; } break; case dump_mode::HTML: std::cout << "<table>"; std::cout << "<thead>"; std::cout << "<tr>"; for( const auto& col : header ) { std::cout << "<th>" << col << "</th>"; } std::cout << "</tr>"; std::cout << "</thead>"; std::cout << "<tdata>"; for( const auto& r : rows ) { std::cout << "<tr>"; for( const auto& col : r ) { std::cout << "<td>" << col << "</td>"; } std::cout << "</tr>"; } std::cout << "</tdata>"; std::cout << "</table>"; break; } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { Settings settings=Settings(); std::vector<Snake> players; sf::Text scores; Flag flags[2]={Flag(sf::Color::Blue,sf::Vector2f(XRES-50,YRES/2)),Flag(sf::Color::Red,sf::Vector2f(50,YRES/2))}; flags[0].setFillColor(sf::Color::Blue); flags[1].setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); scores.setPosition(0,0); scores.setColor(sf::Color::White); players.push_back(Snake(5,0,sf::Vector2f(15,15),new Turner(settings.controlls[0]))); players.push_back(Snake(5,-3.1428,sf::Vector2f(XRES-15,YRES-45),new Turner(settings.controlls[1]))); std::srand(time(NULL)); sf::RectangleShape food(sf::Vector2f(20,20)); food.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(15*(std::rand()%(XRES/15)),15*(std::rand()%(YRES/15)))); food.setFillColor(sf::Color::Green); int difficulty=40; sf::RenderWindow win(sf::VideoMode(XRES,YRES,32),"Snake"); win.setFramerateLimit(difficulty); sf::Event mainloop; while (win.isOpen()) { win.clear(); for (int i=0;i<players.size();i++) { bool eaten=false; players[i].turn(); eaten= eaten || players[i].try_eat(food); if (eaten) { food.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(15*(std::rand()%(XRES/15))+5,15*(std::rand()%(YRES/15))+5)); }; } win.draw(food); std::string scorestr=""; for (int i=0;i<players.size();i++) { win.draw(players[i]); for (int y=0;y<2;y++) { if (players[i].collide(flags[y])) { if (i!=y) { if (players[i].isCarrying()) { flags[y].reset(); players[i].drop(); players[i].score++; }; } else players[i].carry(flags[y]); }; win.draw(flags[y]); }; //scorestr+="P"+std::to_string(players[i].id+1)+": "+std::to_string(players[i].score)+"\n"; }; scores.setString(scorestr); win.draw(scores); while (win.pollEvent(mainloop)) { if (mainloop.type==sf::Event::Closed) win.close(); if (mainloop.type==sf::Event::KeyPressed) { switch (mainloop.key.code) { case sf::Keyboard::Key::Add : {TURN_SPEED+=0.05;break;} case sf::Keyboard::Key::Subtract : {TURN_SPEED-=0.05;break;} default: break; }; }; }; win.display(); for (int i=0;i<players.size();i++) players[i].move(players); }; return 0; }
void move( int matrix[][50], int v[][2], int f[]) // move the vector v in a direction // OBS: building // portal1 = 1 // portal2 = 2 { int k; // counter to the vector v int save[2]; save[0] = v[length-1][0]; save[1] = v[length-1][1]; // saving the position of last element of snake for(k=(length-1); k>=1; k-=1) { v[k][0] = v [k-1][0]; // positions will "delay" v[k][1] = v[k-1][1]; } if (dir==u) look = 'u'; else if (dir==d) look = 'd'; else if (dir==l) look = 'l'; else if (dir==r) look = 'r'; // first, check of portal1 if((dir==u)&&(v[0][0]-1==portal1[0])&&(v[0][1]==portal1[1])) { v[0][0] = portal2[0]-1; v[0][1] = portal2[1]; if(t>20) { t -= 1; sp++; } } else if((dir==d)&&(v[0][0]+1==portal1[0])&&(v[0][1]==portal1[1])) { v[0][0] = portal2[0]+1; v[0][1] = portal2[1]; if(t>20) { t -= 1; sp++; } } else if((dir==l)&&(v[0][1]-1==portal1[1])&&(v[0][0]==portal1[0])) { v[0][0] = portal2[0]; v[0][1] = portal2[1]-1; if(t>20) { t -= 1; sp++; } } else if((dir==r)&&(v[0][1]+1==portal1[1])&&(v[0][0]==portal1[0])) { v[0][0] = portal2[0]; v[0][1] = portal2[1]+1; if(t>20) { t -= 1; sp++; } } // now, check of portal2 else if((dir==u)&&(v[0][0]-1==portal2[0])&&(v[0][1]==portal2[1])) { v[0][0] = portal1[0]-1; v[0][1] = portal1[1]; if(t>20) { t -= 1; } } else if((dir==d)&&(v[0][0]+1==portal2[0])&&(v[0][1]==portal2[1])) { v[0][0] = portal1[0]+1; v[0][1] = portal1[1]; if(t>20) { t -= 1; } } else if((dir==l)&&(v[0][1]-1==portal2[1])&&(v[0][0]==portal2[0])) { v[0][0] = portal1[0]; v[0][1] = portal1[1]-1; if(t>20) { t -= 1; } } else if((dir==r)&&(v[0][1]+1==portal2[1])&&(v[0][0]==portal2[0])) { v[0][0] = portal1[0]; v[0][1] = portal1[1]+1; if(t>20) { t -= 1; } } else if ((dir==u)&&(v[0][0]-1 == v[1][0])) { v[0][0] +=1; } else if((dir==u)&&(v[0][0]==0)) { v[0][0]=24; } else if(dir==u) { v[0][0]-=1; } else if ((dir==d)&&(v[0][0]+1 == v[1][0])) { v[0][0] -=1; } else if((dir==d)&&(v[0][0]==24)) { v[0][0]=0; } else if(dir==d) { v[0][0]+=1; } else if ((dir==r)&&(v[0][1]+1 == v[1][1])) { v[0][1] -=1; } else if((dir==r)&&(v[0][1]==49)) { v[0][1]=0; } else if(dir==r) { v[0][1]+=1; } else if ((dir==d)&&(v[0][0]-1 == v[1][0])) { v[0][0] +=1; } else if((dir==l)&&(v[0][1]==0)) { v[0][1]=49; } else if(dir==l) { v[0][1]-=1; } if((v[0][0]==f[0])&&(v[0][1]==f[1])) // if the snake eat the food { score = score + 10; length = length + 1; sp = sp + 1; v[length-1][0] = save[0]; v[length-1][1] = save[1]; food(matrix,f); } }
int main() { int field[25][50]; int python[1000][2]; int fd[2]; int k,i,j,n=1,counter=0, over,t2; char directory[] = "Music/x.mid"; allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); set_color_depth(32); set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 600, 272, 0, 0); install_sound(DIGI_AUTODETECT,MIDI_AUTODETECT,NULL); BITMAP *buffer = create_bitmap(600,272); MIDI *music; while(n>0) { dir = r; length = 4; score = 0; t = 100; sp = 1; over = 0; look = 'r'; t2 = 1; python[0][0] = 15; python[0][1] = 10; python[1][0] = 15; python[1][1] = 9; python[2][0] = 15; python[2][1] = 8; python[3][0] = 15; python[3][1] = 7; srand(time(NULL)); directory[6] = intchar(rand()%9 + 1); music = load_midi(directory); play_midi(music,0); clear_to_color(screen,0x000000); opening(); menu_mode(field); init(field); position(field,python); // position the snake food(field,fd); guardi = python[length-1][0]; guardj = python[length-1][1]; display(field,python,fd,t2); while(over!=1) { if(t2<10) { t2++; } guardi = python[length-1][0]; guardj = python[length-1][1]; save = dir; python[length][0] = i; python[length][1] = j; rest(10); if(keypressed()) { dir = readkey(); } else if ((dir & 0xff) == 'w') dir =u; else if ((dir & 0xff) == 's') dir =d; else if ((dir & 0xff) == 'a') dir =l; else if ((dir & 0xff) == 'd') dir =r; if((dir==u)||(dir==d)||(dir==l)||(dir==r)) { over = analysis(field,python,fd); rest(t-10); } else if(dir==esc) { over=1; n=0; } else { dir = save; over = analysis(field,python,fd); rest(t-10); }; display(field,python,fd,t2); } portal1[0] = 50; portal1[1] = 50; portal2[0] = 50; portal2[1] = 50; clear_to_color(screen,0xFFFFFF); textout_ex(screen,font,"Score: ",225,160,0x02094A,0xF7FF0B); outnumber(265,160,score); saverec(field,python,fd); destroy_midi(music); rest(100); if(readkey()==esc) { n=0; } } destroy_bitmap(buffer); return 0; }