Пример #1
// {
//   account: <account>|<account_public_key>
//   ledger_hash : <ledger>
//   ledger_index : <ledger_index>
//   limit: integer                 // optional
//   marker: opaque                 // optional, resume previous query
// }
Json::Value doAccountChannels (RPC::Context& context)
    auto const& params (context.params);
    if (! params.isMember (jss::account))
        return RPC::missing_field_error (jss::account);

    std::shared_ptr<ReadView const> ledger;
    auto result = RPC::lookupLedger (ledger, context);
    if (! ledger)
        return result;

    std::string strIdent (params[jss::account].asString ());
    AccountID accountID;

    result = RPC::accountFromString (accountID, strIdent);
    if (result)
        return result;

    if (! ledger->exists(keylet::account (accountID)))
        return rpcError (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND);

    std::string strDst;
    if (params.isMember (jss::destination_account))
        strDst = params[jss::destination_account].asString ();
    auto hasDst = ! strDst.empty ();

    AccountID raDstAccount;
    if (hasDst)
        result = RPC::accountFromString (raDstAccount, strDst);
        if (result)
            return result;

    unsigned int limit;
    if (auto err = readLimitField(limit, RPC::Tuning::accountChannels, context))
        return *err;

    Json::Value jsonChannels{Json::arrayValue};
    struct VisitData
        std::vector <std::shared_ptr<SLE const>> items;
        AccountID const& accountID;
        bool hasDst;
        AccountID const& raDstAccount;
    VisitData visitData = {{}, accountID, hasDst, raDstAccount};
    unsigned int reserve (limit);
    uint256 startAfter;
    std::uint64_t startHint;

    if (params.isMember (jss::marker))
        // We have a start point. Use limit - 1 from the result and use the
        // very last one for the resume.
        Json::Value const& marker (params[jss::marker]);

        if (! marker.isString ())
            return RPC::expected_field_error (jss::marker, "string");

        startAfter.SetHex (marker.asString ());
        auto const sleChannel = ledger->read({ltPAYCHAN, startAfter});

        if (! sleChannel)
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        if (sleChannel->getFieldAmount (sfLowLimit).getIssuer () == accountID)
            startHint = sleChannel->getFieldU64 (sfLowNode);
        else if (sleChannel->getFieldAmount (sfHighLimit).getIssuer () == accountID)
            startHint = sleChannel->getFieldU64 (sfHighNode);
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        addChannel (jsonChannels, *sleChannel);
        visitData.items.reserve (reserve);
        startHint = 0;
        // We have no start point, limit should be one higher than requested.
        visitData.items.reserve (++reserve);

    if (! forEachItemAfter(*ledger, accountID,
            startAfter, startHint, reserve,
        [&visitData](std::shared_ptr<SLE const> const& sleCur)

            if (sleCur && sleCur->getType () == ltPAYCHAN &&
                (! visitData.hasDst ||
                 visitData.raDstAccount == (*sleCur)[sfDestination]))
                visitData.items.emplace_back (sleCur);
                return true;

            return false;
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    if (visitData.items.size () == reserve)
        result[jss::limit] = limit;

        result[jss::marker] = to_string (visitData.items.back()->key());
        visitData.items.pop_back ();

    result[jss::account] = context.app.accountIDCache().toBase58 (accountID);

    for (auto const& item : visitData.items)
        addChannel (jsonChannels, *item);

    context.loadType = Resource::feeMediumBurdenRPC;
    result[jss::channels] = std::move(jsonChannels);
    return result;
Пример #2
// {
//   account: <account>|<account_public_key>
//   account_index: <number>        // optional, defaults to 0.
//   ledger_hash : <ledger>
//   ledger_index : <ledger_index>
//   limit: integer                 // optional
//   marker: opaque                 // optional, resume previous query
// }
Json::Value doAccountLines (RPC::Context& context)
    auto const& params (context.params);
    if (! params.isMember (jss::account))
        return RPC::missing_field_error (jss::account);

    Ledger::pointer ledger;
    Json::Value result (RPC::lookupLedger (params, ledger, context.netOps));
    if (! ledger)
        return result;

    std::string strIdent (params[jss::account].asString ());
    bool bIndex (params.isMember (jss::account_index));
    int iIndex (bIndex ? params[jss::account_index].asUInt () : 0);
    DivvyAddress divvyAddress;

    auto jv = RPC::accountFromString (
        divvyAddress, bIndex, strIdent, iIndex, false);
    if (! jv.empty ())
        for (auto it = jv.begin (); it != jv.end (); ++it)
            result[it.memberName ()] = it.key ();

        return result;

    if (! ledger->exists(getAccountRootIndex(
        return rpcError (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND);

    std::string strPeer (params.isMember (jss::peer)
        ? params[jss::peer].asString () : "");
    bool bPeerIndex (params.isMember (jss::peer_index));
    int iPeerIndex (bIndex ? params[jss::peer_index].asUInt () : 0);

    DivvyAddress divvyAddressPeer;

    if (! strPeer.empty ())
        result[jss::peer] = divvyAddress.humanAccountID ();

        if (bPeerIndex)
            result[jss::peer_index] = iPeerIndex;

        result = RPC::accountFromString (
            divvyAddressPeer, bPeerIndex, strPeer, iPeerIndex, false);

        if (! result.empty ())
            return result;

    AccountID raPeerAccount;
    if (divvyAddressPeer.isValid ())
        raPeerAccount = divvyAddressPeer.getAccountID ();

    unsigned int limit;
    if (params.isMember (jss::limit))
        auto const& jvLimit (params[jss::limit]);
        if (! jvLimit.isIntegral ())
            return RPC::expected_field_error (jss::limit, "unsigned integer");

        limit = jvLimit.isUInt () ? jvLimit.asUInt () :
            std::max (0, jvLimit.asInt ());

        if (context.role != Role::ADMIN)
            limit = std::max (RPC::Tuning::minLinesPerRequest,
                std::min (limit, RPC::Tuning::maxLinesPerRequest));
        limit = RPC::Tuning::defaultLinesPerRequest;

    Json::Value& jsonLines (result[jss::lines] = Json::arrayValue);
    AccountID const& raAccount(divvyAddress.getAccountID ());
    VisitData visitData = { {}, raAccount, divvyAddressPeer, raPeerAccount };
    unsigned int reserve (limit);
    uint256 startAfter;
    std::uint64_t startHint;

    if (params.isMember (jss::marker))
        // We have a start point. Use limit - 1 from the result and use the
        // very last one for the resume.
        Json::Value const& marker (params[jss::marker]);

        if (! marker.isString ())
            return RPC::expected_field_error (jss::marker, "string");

        startAfter.SetHex (marker.asString ());
        auto const sleLine = fetch(*ledger, startAfter,

        if (sleLine == nullptr || sleLine->getType () != ltRIPPLE_STATE)
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        if (sleLine->getFieldAmount (sfLowLimit).getIssuer () == raAccount)
            startHint = sleLine->getFieldU64 (sfLowNode);
        else if (sleLine->getFieldAmount (sfHighLimit).getIssuer () == raAccount)
            startHint = sleLine->getFieldU64 (sfHighNode);
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        // Caller provided the first line (startAfter), add it as first result
        auto const line = DivvyState::makeItem (raAccount, sleLine);
        if (line == nullptr)
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        addLine (jsonLines, *line);
        visitData.items.reserve (reserve);
        startHint = 0;
        // We have no start point, limit should be one higher than requested.
        visitData.items.reserve (++reserve);

    if (! forEachItemAfter(*ledger, raAccount, getApp().getSLECache(),
            startAfter, startHint, reserve,
        [&visitData](std::shared_ptr<SLE const> const& sleCur)
            auto const line =
                DivvyState::makeItem (visitData.accountID, sleCur);
            if (line != nullptr &&
                (! visitData.divvyAddressPeer.isValid () ||
                visitData.raPeerAccount == line->getAccountIDPeer ()))
                visitData.items.emplace_back (line);
                return true;

            return false;
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    if (visitData.items.size () == reserve)
        result[jss::limit] = limit;

        DivvyState::pointer line (visitData.items.back ());
        result[jss::marker] = to_string (line->key());
        visitData.items.pop_back ();

    result[jss::account] = divvyAddress.humanAccountID ();

    for (auto const& item : visitData.items)
        addLine (jsonLines, *item.get ());

    context.loadType = Resource::feeMediumBurdenRPC;
    return result;
Пример #3
// {
//   account: <account>|<account_public_key>
//   ledger_hash : <ledger>
//   ledger_index : <ledger_index>
//   limit: integer                 // optional
//   marker: opaque                 // optional, resume previous query
// }
Json::Value doAccountLines (RPC::Context& context)
    auto const& params (context.params);
    if (! params.isMember (jss::account))
        return RPC::missing_field_error (jss::account);

    std::shared_ptr<ReadView const> ledger;
    auto result = RPC::lookupLedger (ledger, context);
    if (! ledger)
        return result;

    std::string strIdent (params[jss::account].asString ());
    AccountID accountID;

    // Intentional assignment in if.  Extra parentheses silence warning.
    if ((result = RPC::accountFromString (accountID, strIdent)))
        return result;

    if (! ledger->exists(keylet::account (accountID)))
        return rpcError (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND);

    std::string strPeer;
    if (params.isMember (jss::peer))
        strPeer = params[jss::peer].asString ();
    auto hasPeer = ! strPeer.empty ();

    AccountID raPeerAccount;
    if (hasPeer)
        // Intentional assignment in if.  Extra parentheses silence warning.
        if ((result = RPC::accountFromString (raPeerAccount, strPeer)))
            return result;

    unsigned int limit;
    if (auto err = readLimitField(limit, RPC::Tuning::accountLines, context))
        return *err;

    Json::Value& jsonLines (result[jss::lines] = Json::arrayValue);
    VisitData visitData = {{}, accountID, hasPeer, raPeerAccount};
    unsigned int reserve (limit);
    uint256 startAfter;
    std::uint64_t startHint;

    if (params.isMember (jss::marker))
        // We have a start point. Use limit - 1 from the result and use the
        // very last one for the resume.
        Json::Value const& marker (params[jss::marker]);

        if (! marker.isString ())
            return RPC::expected_field_error (jss::marker, "string");

        startAfter.SetHex (marker.asString ());
        auto const sleLine = ledger->read({ltRIPPLE_STATE, startAfter});

        if (! sleLine)
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        if (sleLine->getFieldAmount (sfLowLimit).getIssuer () == accountID)
            startHint = sleLine->getFieldU64 (sfLowNode);
        else if (sleLine->getFieldAmount (sfHighLimit).getIssuer () == accountID)
            startHint = sleLine->getFieldU64 (sfHighNode);
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        // Caller provided the first line (startAfter), add it as first result
        auto const line = RippleState::makeItem (accountID, sleLine);
        if (line == nullptr)
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        addLine (jsonLines, *line);
        visitData.items.reserve (reserve);
        startHint = 0;
        // We have no start point, limit should be one higher than requested.
        visitData.items.reserve (++reserve);

        if (! forEachItemAfter(*ledger, accountID,
                startAfter, startHint, reserve,
            [&visitData](std::shared_ptr<SLE const> const& sleCur)
                auto const line =
                    RippleState::makeItem (visitData.accountID, sleCur);
                if (line != nullptr &&
                    (! visitData.hasPeer ||
                     visitData.raPeerAccount == line->getAccountIDPeer ()))
                    visitData.items.emplace_back (line);
                    return true;

                return false;
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    if (visitData.items.size () == reserve)
        result[jss::limit] = limit;

        RippleState::pointer line (visitData.items.back ());
        result[jss::marker] = to_string (line->key());
        visitData.items.pop_back ();

    result[jss::account] = context.app.accountIDCache().toBase58 (accountID);

    for (auto const& item : visitData.items)
        addLine (jsonLines, *item.get ());

    context.loadType = Resource::feeMediumBurdenRPC;
    return result;
Пример #4
// {
//   account: <account>|<account_public_key>
//   account_index: <number>        // optional, defaults to 0.
//   ledger_hash : <ledger>
//   ledger_index : <ledger_index>
//   limit: integer                 // optional
//   marker: opaque                 // optional, resume previous query
// }
Json::Value doAccountOffers (RPC::Context& context)
    auto const& params (context.params);
    if (! params.isMember (jss::account))
        return RPC::missing_field_error (jss::account);

    Ledger::pointer ledger;
    Json::Value result (RPC::lookupLedger (params, ledger, context.netOps));
    if (! ledger)
        return result;

    std::string strIdent (params[jss::account].asString ());
    bool bIndex (params.isMember (jss::account_index));
    int const iIndex (bIndex ? params[jss::account_index].asUInt () : 0);
    DivvyAddress divvyAddress;

    Json::Value const jv = RPC::accountFromString (
        divvyAddress, bIndex, strIdent, iIndex, false);
    if (! jv.empty ())
        for (Json::Value::const_iterator it (jv.begin ()); it != jv.end (); ++it)
            result[it.memberName ()] = it.key ();

        return result;

    // Get info on account.
    result[jss::account] = divvyAddress.humanAccountID ();

    if (bIndex)
        result[jss::account_index] = iIndex;

    if (! ledger->exists(getAccountRootIndex(
        return rpcError (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND);

    unsigned int limit;
    if (params.isMember (jss::limit))
        auto const& jvLimit (params[jss::limit]);
        if (! jvLimit.isIntegral ())
            return RPC::expected_field_error (jss::limit, "unsigned integer");

        limit = jvLimit.isUInt () ? jvLimit.asUInt () :
            std::max (0, jvLimit.asInt ());

        if (context.role != Role::ADMIN)
            limit = std::max (RPC::Tuning::minOffersPerRequest,
                std::min (limit, RPC::Tuning::maxOffersPerRequest));
        limit = RPC::Tuning::defaultOffersPerRequest;

    AccountID const& raAccount (divvyAddress.getAccountID ());
    Json::Value& jsonOffers (result[jss::offers] = Json::arrayValue);
    std::vector <std::shared_ptr<SLE const>> offers;
    unsigned int reserve (limit);
    uint256 startAfter;
    std::uint64_t startHint;

    if (params.isMember(jss::marker))
        // We have a start point. Use limit - 1 from the result and use the
        // very last one for the resume.
        Json::Value const& marker (params[jss::marker]);

        if (! marker.isString ())
            return RPC::expected_field_error (jss::marker, "string");

        startAfter.SetHex (marker.asString ());
        auto const sleOffer = fetch (*ledger, startAfter,

        if (sleOffer == nullptr ||
            sleOffer->getType () != ltOFFER ||
            raAccount != sleOffer->getFieldAccount160 (sfAccount))
            return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

        startHint = sleOffer->getFieldU64(sfOwnerNode);

        // Caller provided the first offer (startAfter), add it as first result
        Json::Value& obj (jsonOffers.append (Json::objectValue));
        sleOffer->getFieldAmount (sfTakerPays).setJson (obj[jss::taker_pays]);
        sleOffer->getFieldAmount (sfTakerGets).setJson (obj[jss::taker_gets]);
        obj[jss::seq] = sleOffer->getFieldU32 (sfSequence);
        obj[jss::flags] = sleOffer->getFieldU32 (sfFlags);

        offers.reserve (reserve);
        startHint = 0;
        // We have no start point, limit should be one higher than requested.
        offers.reserve (++reserve);

    if (! forEachItemAfter(*ledger, raAccount, getApp().getSLECache(),
            startAfter, startHint, reserve,
        [&offers](std::shared_ptr<SLE const> const& offer)
            if (offer->getType () == ltOFFER)
                offers.emplace_back (offer);
                return true;

            return false;
        return rpcError (rpcINVALID_PARAMS);

    if (offers.size () == reserve)
        result[jss::limit] = limit;

        result[jss::marker] = to_string (offers.back ()->getIndex ());
        offers.pop_back ();

    for (auto const& offer : offers)
        Json::Value& obj (jsonOffers.append (Json::objectValue));
        offer->getFieldAmount (sfTakerPays).setJson (obj[jss::taker_pays]);
        offer->getFieldAmount (sfTakerGets).setJson (obj[jss::taker_gets]);
        obj[jss::seq] = offer->getFieldU32 (sfSequence);
        obj[jss::flags] = offer->getFieldU32 (sfFlags);

    context.loadType = Resource::feeMediumBurdenRPC;
    return result;