Пример #1
//{{{ int main(int argc,char** argv)
int main(int argc,char** argv)
	get_batt();// 初次运行时获取电量
static void send_one_byte ( const uint8_t data )
  assert( connection_socket != -1 );

    write_loop( connection_socket, &data, sizeof(data) );
  catch ( const std::exception & e )
    throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error writing to the JTAG socket: %s", e.what() ) );
Пример #3
static void collect_cpu_stop_reason ( const bool stopped_via_edis )
  assert( rsp.is_target_running == false );

  uint32_t drrval;
  dbg_cpu0_read_spr_e( SPR_DRR, &drrval );  // Read the DRR, find out why the CPU stopped.

  // Note that the current OR10 implementation only supports the "trap" reason.
  assert( drrval == 0 || drrval == SPR_DRR_TE );

  int sigval;  // GDB signal equivalent to exception

  switch ( drrval )
    case SPR_DRR_RSTE:   sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_PWR;  break;
    case SPR_DRR_BUSEE:  sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_BUS;  break;
    case SPR_DRR_DPFE:   sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_SEGV; break;
    case SPR_DRR_IPFE:   sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_SEGV; break;
    case SPR_DRR_TTE:    sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_ALRM; break;
    case SPR_DRR_AE:     sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_BUS;  break;
    case SPR_DRR_IIE:    sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_ILL;  break;
    case SPR_DRR_IE:     sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_INT;  break;
    case SPR_DRR_DME:    sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_SEGV; break;
    case SPR_DRR_IME:    sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_SEGV; break;
    case SPR_DRR_RE:     sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_FPE;  break;
    case SPR_DRR_SCE:    sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_USR2; break;
    case SPR_DRR_FPE:    sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_FPE;  break;
    case SPR_DRR_TE:     sigval  = TARGET_SIGNAL_TRAP; break;

    // In the current OR10 hardware implementation, a single-step does not raise a TRAP,
    // so the DRR reads back 0. GDB expects a TRAP signal, so convert it here.
    // If the CPU was not in single-step mode, we have lost the last stop reason,
    // a TRAP should be alright too.
    case 0:
      assert( rsp.is_in_single_step_mode || stopped_via_edis );
      sigval = TARGET_SIGNAL_TRAP;

      assert( false );  // Should actually never happen.
      throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "The CPU SPR DDR register contains the illegal value 0x%08X.", drrval ) );

  rsp.sigval = sigval;

  for ( unsigned i = 0; i < rsp.watchpoint_count; ++i )
    dbg_cpu0_read_spr_e( SPR_DVR(i), &rsp.watchpoint_addr[ i ] );
    // printf( "Watchpoint addr: 0x%08X\n", rsp.watchpoint_addr[ i ] );
Пример #4
static void rsp_write_reg ( const rsp_buf * const buf )
  unsigned int  regnum;
  char          valstr[9];      // Allow for EOS on the string

  // Break out the fields from the data.
  if ( 2 != sscanf (buf->data, "P%x=%8s", &regnum, valstr ) )
    throw std::runtime_error( "Illegal write register packet." );

  // Set the relevant register.  Must translate between GDB register numbering and hardware reg. numbers.

  uint16_t spr_number;
  bool ignore = false;

  switch ( regnum )
  case PPC_REGNUM:
    // The OR10 CPU does not support this register, any writes to it are ignored here.
    // GDB should not try to read and write this register any more.
    spr_number = (uint16_t) -1;
    ignore = true;

  case NPC_REGNUM:
    spr_number = SPR_NPC;

  case SR_REGNUM:
    spr_number = SPR_SR;

    if ( regnum >= 0 && regnum < MAX_GPRS )
      spr_number = SPR_GPR_BASE + regnum;

    throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Unknown register number %d processing a write register packet.", regnum ) );

  if ( !ignore )
    const uint32_t new_val = parse_reg_32_from_hex( valstr );
    dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( spr_number, new_val );

  send_ok_packet( rsp.client_fd );
Пример #5
int main ( int argc,  char *argv[] )
  std::string exit_msg_prefix;

    exit_msg_prefix = format_msg( "Error running \"%s\": ", argv[0] );
    return main_2( argc, argv );
  catch ( const std::exception & e )
    fprintf( stderr, "%s%s\n", exit_msg_prefix.c_str(), e.what() );
    return 1;
Пример #6
static void rsp_write_mem ( const rsp_buf * const buf )
  unsigned int    addr;
  int             len;

  assert( buf->data[0] == 'M' );

  if ( 2 != sscanf( buf->data, "M%x,%x:", &addr, &len ) )
    throw std::runtime_error( "Illegal write memory packet." );

  // Find the start of the data and check there is the amount we expect.
  const char * const symdat = ((const char *)memchr( buf->data, ':', GDB_BUF_MAX ) ) + 1;
  const int datlen = buf->len - (symdat - buf->data);

  // Sanity check.
  if ( len * 2 != datlen )
    throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Illegal write memory packet: Write of %d data hex digits requested, but %d digits were supplied.",
                                          len * 2, datlen ) );

  // Write the bytes to memory.

  // Put all the data into a single buffer, so it can be burst-written via JTAG.
  // One burst is much faster than many single-byte transactions.
  // NOTE: We don't support burst data accesses any more, but that may change in the future.

  std::vector< uint8_t > data;

  for ( int off = 0; off < len; off++ )
    const unsigned char nyb1 = parse_hex_digit( symdat[ off * 2     ] );
    const unsigned char nyb2 = parse_hex_digit( symdat[ off * 2 + 1 ] );
    data.push_back( (nyb1 << 4) | nyb2 );

  const bool error_bit = dbg_cpu0_write_mem( addr, len, &data );

  if ( error_bit )
    put_str_packet( rsp.client_fd, STD_ERROR_CODE );
    send_ok_packet( rsp.client_fd );
static int cable_vpi_init ( void )
  assert( connection_socket < 0 );

  connection_socket = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );

  if ( connection_socket < 0 )
    throw std::runtime_error( format_errno_msg( errno, "Cannot create TCP socket: " ) );

  const hostent * const he = gethostbyname( remote_hostname.c_str() );

  if ( he == NULL )
    throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Cannot resolve host name \"%s\".", remote_hostname.c_str() ) );

  struct sockaddr_in addr;
  memset( &addr, 0, sizeof(addr) );
  addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  addr.sin_port = htons(tcp_port);
  addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr);

  const std::string ip_addr_txt = ip_address_to_text( &addr.sin_addr );

  printf( "Connecting to simulated JTAG at %s (IP addr %s) on TCP port %d... ",
          remote_hostname.c_str(), ip_addr_txt.c_str(), tcp_port );

  const int connect_res = connect( connection_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr) );

  if ( connect_res != 0 )
    const int saved_errno = errno;
    printf( "\n" );
    throw std::runtime_error( format_errno_msg( saved_errno, "Error connecting to simulated JTAG at %s (IP addr %s) on TCP port %d: ",
                                                remote_hostname.c_str(), ip_addr_txt.c_str(), tcp_port ) );

  printf( "OK\n" );

  return APP_ERR_NONE;
static uint8_t receive_one_byte ( void )
  assert( connection_socket != -1 );

    bool end_of_file;
    const uint8_t c = read_one_byte( connection_socket, &end_of_file );

    if ( end_of_file )
      throw std::runtime_error( "The remote server closed the connection." );

    return c;
  catch ( const std::exception & e )
    throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error reading from the JTAG socket: %s", e.what() ) );
Пример #9
static void rsp_pass_through_command ( const rsp_buf * const buf, const int cmd_str_pos )
  static const std::string HELP_PREFIX( "help" );
  static const std::string READSPR_PREFIX ( "readspr" );
  static const std::string WRITESPR_PREFIX( "writespr" );
  static const std::string RESET_PREFIX( "reset" );

    // The actual command follows the "qRcmd," RSP request in ASCII encoded in hex.

    std::string cmd = hex2ascii( &(buf->data[ cmd_str_pos ]) );
    ltrim( &cmd );
    rtrim( &cmd );

    if ( cmd.empty() )
      throw std::runtime_error( "No target-specific command specified." );

    // printf( "Monitor cmd: %s\n", cmd.c_str() );

    if ( str_remove_prefix( &cmd, &HELP_PREFIX ) )
      remove_cmd_separator( &cmd );

      if ( ! cmd.empty() )
        throw std::runtime_error( "Error parsing the target-specific 'help' command: this command does not take any arguments." );

      std::string help_text = "\nAvailable target-specific commands:\n\n";
      help_text += "- monitor help\n";
      help_text += "  Displays this help text.\n";
      help_text += "\n";
      help_text += "- monitor readspr <16-bit Special Purpose Register number in hex>\n";
      help_text += "  The register value is printed in hex.\n";
      help_text += "  This example reads the Debug Stop Register (DSR), whose number is\n";
      help_text += "  (6 << 11) [0x3000] + 20 = 0x3014:\n";
      help_text += "    monitor readspr 3014\n";
      help_text += "\n";
      help_text += "- monitor writespr <register number in hex> <register value in hex>\n";
      help_text += "\n";
      help_text += "- monitor reset\n";
      help_text += "  Resets the CPU.\n";
      help_text += "\n";

      send_pass_through_command_text_reply( rsp.client_fd, help_text.c_str() );
    else if ( str_remove_prefix( &cmd, &READSPR_PREFIX ) )
      remove_cmd_separator( &cmd );
      unsigned int regno;

      // Parse and return error if we fail.
      if ( 1 != sscanf( cmd.c_str(), "%x", &regno ) )
        throw std::runtime_error( "Error parsing the target-specific 'readspr' command." );

      if ( regno >= MAX_SPRS )
        throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error parsing the target-specific 'readspr' command: SPR number %u is out of range.", regno ) );

      uint32_t reg_val;
      dbg_cpu0_read_spr_e( uint16_t( regno ), &reg_val );

      const std::string reply_str = format_msg( "%08x\n", reg_val );

      send_pass_through_command_text_reply( rsp.client_fd, reply_str.c_str() );
    else if ( str_remove_prefix( &cmd, &WRITESPR_PREFIX ) )
      remove_cmd_separator( &cmd );
      unsigned int       regno;
      unsigned long int  val;

      if ( 2 != sscanf( cmd.c_str(), "%x %lx", &regno, &val ) )
        throw std::runtime_error( "Error parsing the target-specific 'writespr' command." );

      if ( regno >= MAX_SPRS )
        throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Error parsing the target-specific 'writespr' command: SPR number %u is out of range.", regno ) );

      dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( uint16_t( regno ), val );

      send_ok_packet( rsp.client_fd );
    else if ( str_remove_prefix( &cmd, &RESET_PREFIX ) )
      remove_cmd_separator( &cmd );

      if ( ! cmd.empty() )
        throw std::runtime_error( "Error parsing the target-specific 'reset' command: this command does not take any arguments." );

      // In order to save FPGA resources, there is no reset signal or command in the Debug Unit.
      // We reset the CPU here by manually writing all necessary SPRs.

      const uint32_t RESET_SPR_SR = 0x8001;  // See the RESET_SPR_SR constant in the CPU Verilog source code.
      const uint32_t RESET_VECTOR = 0x0100;  // See the RESET_VECTOR constant in the CPU Verilog source code.

      dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_SR , RESET_SPR_SR );
      dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_NPC, RESET_VECTOR );

      dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_EPCR_BASE, 0 );
      dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_EEAR_BASE, 0 );
      dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_ESR_BASE, 0 );

      // The CPU uses another initial value for the GPRs, namely 0x12345678, which is fine.
      // According to the OpenRISC specification, it is not necessary to initialise these registers.
      const uint32_t INITIAL_GPR_VALUE = 0xABCDEF01;

      for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_GPRS; ++i )
        dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_GPR_BASE + i, INITIAL_GPR_VALUE );

      std::string msg( "The basic CPU core was reset.\n" );

      if ( rsp.spr_upr & SPR_UPR_PICP )
        dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_PICMR, 0 );
        msg += "The CPU PIC unit (Programmable Interrupt Controller) was reset.\n";

      if ( rsp.spr_upr & SPR_UPR_TTP )
        dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_TTMR, 0 );
        dbg_cpu0_write_spr_e( SPR_TTCR, 0 );
        msg += "The CPU Tick Timer unit was reset.\n";

      send_pass_through_command_text_reply( rsp.client_fd, msg.c_str() );
      throw std::runtime_error( "Unknown target-specific command." );
  catch ( const std::exception & e )
    std::string err_msg( e.what() );
    err_msg += "\n";

    send_pass_through_command_text_reply( rsp.client_fd, err_msg.c_str() );
Пример #10
static int main_2 ( int argc,  char * argv[] )
    // This application does not output large number of text messages,
    // and, if logging is turned off, the user should see the log messages straight away.
    // Therefore, turn off buffering on stdout and stderr. Afterwards, there is no need
    // to call fflush( stdout/stderr ) any more.
    if ( 0 != setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ) )
      throw std::runtime_error( format_errno_msg( errno, "Cannot turn off buffering on stdout: " ) );

    if ( 0 != setvbuf( stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0 ) )
      throw std::runtime_error( format_errno_msg( errno, "Cannot turn off buffering on stderr: " ) );



    if ( parse_args( argc, argv ) )
      config_set_trace( trace_jtag_bit_data );

      char * server_port_first_err_char;
      const long int gdb_rsp_server_port = strtol( port, &server_port_first_err_char, 10 );

      if ( *server_port_first_err_char )
        throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Failed to parse GDB RSP server port from the given parameter \"%s\".", port ) );
        // This alternative code issues a warning and takes a default port number:
        //   printf( "Failed to parse GDB RSP server port \'%s\', using default \'%s\'.\n", port, default_port );
        //   gdb_rsp_server_port = strtol( default_port, &server_port_first_err_char, 10 );
        //   if ( *server_port_first_err_char )
        //     throw std::runtime_error( "Error retrieving the TCP port for the GDB RSP server." );


      // Initialize a new connection to the or1k board, and make sure we are really connected.

      long int jspserverport;
      jspserverport = strtol(jspport,&s,10);
      if(*s) {
        printf("Failed to get JSP server port \'%s\', using default \'%s\'.\n", jspport, default_jspport);
        serverPort = strtol(default_jspport,&s,10);
        if(*s) {
          printf("Failed to get default JSP port, exiting.\n");
          return -1;


      printf("The GDB to JTAG bridge is up and running.\n");

      // If you update the signal list, please update the help text too.
      install_signal_handler( SIGINT , exit_signal_handler );
      install_signal_handler( SIGHUP , exit_signal_handler );
      install_signal_handler( SIGPIPE, ignore_signal_handler );  // Otherwise, writing to a socket may kill us with a SIGPIPE signal.

      handle_rsp( gdb_rsp_server_port,
                  listen_on_all_addrs ? false : true,
                  trace_rsp ? true : false,
                  trace_jtag_bit_data ? true : false,
                  &s_exit_request );

      if ( s_exit_request )
        printf( "Quitting after receiving signal number %d.\n", s_received_signal_number );



    return 0;
  catch ( ... )
Пример #11
static bool parse_args ( const int argc, char ** const argv )
  port = NULL;
  force_alt_vjtag = 0;
  cmd_line_cmd_debug = -1;

  std::string optstring = "+g:w:x:a:l:c:v:r:b:th";

  #ifdef ENABLE_JSP
    jspport = NULL;
    optstring += "j:";

  const struct option longopts[] =
      { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
      { "listen-on-all-addrs", no_argument, &listen_on_all_addrs, 1 },
      { "trace-rsp", no_argument, &trace_rsp, 1 },
      { "trace-jtag-bit-data", no_argument, &trace_jtag_bit_data, 1 },
      { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }  // All zeros, marks the end of the long options list.

  for ( ; ; )
    const int c = getopt_long( argc, argv,
                               longopts, NULL );
    if ( c == -1 )
      break;  // Finished parsing all command-line options.

    switch ( c )
     case 0:
       // A long option was processed, nothing else to do here.

    case 'h':
      return false;

    case 'g':
      port = optarg;

    case 'j':
      jspport = optarg;

    case 'x':
      target_dev_pos = atoi(optarg);

    case 'l':
        int idx;
        int val;
        get_ir_opts(optarg, &idx, &val);        // parse the option
        irset new_elem;

        new_elem.dev_index = idx;
        new_elem.ir_length = val;
        cmd_line_ir_sizes.push_back( new_elem );

    case 'c':
      cmd_line_cmd_debug = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16);

    case 'v':
      config_set_vjtag_cmd_vir(strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16));

    case 'r':
      config_set_vjtag_cmd_vdr(strtoul(optarg, NULL, 16));

    case 'a':
      if(atoi(optarg) == 1)
        force_alt_vjtag = 1;
        force_alt_vjtag = -1;

    case 'b':

      throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid command-line arguments, use the --help switch for help.\n" );
      // print_usage( argv[0] );
      // exit(1);

  if(port == NULL)
    port = default_port;

  if(jspport == NULL)
    jspport = default_jspport;

  bool found_cable = false;
  char * start_str = argv[optind];
  int start_idx = optind;

  for ( int i = optind; i < argc; i++ )
    if ( cable_select( argv[i] ) )
      found_cable = true;
      cable_name = argv[i];
      argv[optind] = argv[start_idx];  // swap the cable name with the other arg,
      argv[start_idx] = start_str;     // keep all cable opts at the end

  if( !found_cable )
    throw std::runtime_error( "No valid cable specified." );

  optind = start_idx + 1;  // Reset the parse index.

  // Parse the remaining options for the cable.
  // Note that this will include unrecognized option from before the cable name.

  const char * const valid_cable_args = cable_get_args();

  for ( ; ; )
    const int c = getopt( argc, argv, valid_cable_args );

    if ( c == -1 )
      break;  // Finished parsing all command-line options.

    // printf("Got cable opt %c (0x%X)\n", (char)c, c);

    if ( c == '?' )
      throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "Unknown cable option '-%c'.", optopt ) );

    cable_parse_opt( c, optarg );

  return true;
Пример #12
// Resets JTAG, and sets up DEBUG scan chain
static void configure_chain ( void )
  printf( "Resetting the JTAG interface...\n" );

  printf( "Enumerating the JTAG chain...\n" );
  jtag_enumerate_chain( &discovered_id_codes );

  printf("\nDevices discovered on the JTAG chain:\n");
  printf("Index\tName\t\tID Code\t\tIR Length\n");

  for( unsigned i = 0; i < discovered_id_codes.size(); i++ )
    const char * name;
    int irlen;

    if ( discovered_id_codes[i] != IDCODE_INVALID )
      name  = bsdl_get_name   ( discovered_id_codes[i] );
      irlen = bsdl_get_IR_size( discovered_id_codes[i] );
      if ( name == NULL )
        name = name_not_found;
      name = name_not_found;
      irlen = -1;
    printf("%d: \t%s \t0x%08X \t%d\n", i, name, discovered_id_codes[i], irlen);

  if ( discovered_id_codes.size() > 1 )
    throw std::runtime_error( "TODO: Support for JTAG chains with more than one device must be tested again." );

  if ( target_dev_pos >= int( discovered_id_codes.size() ) )
    printf("ERROR: Requested target device (%i) beyond highest device index (%u).\n",
           unsigned( discovered_id_codes.size() - 1 )) ;

  const unsigned int manuf_id = (discovered_id_codes[target_dev_pos] >> 1) & IDCODE_MANUFACTURER_ID_MASK;

  // Use BSDL files to determine prefix bits, postfix bits, debug command, IR length
  const int ir_size = get_IR_size(target_dev_pos);

  printf( "The target device is at JTAG chain position %d and has an IDCODE of 0x%08X.\nThe IR register has a length of %d bits.\n",
          ir_size );

  config_set_IR_size( ir_size );

  // Set the IR prefix / postfix bits
  int total = 0;
  for ( int i = 0; i < int( discovered_id_codes.size() ); i++ )
    if(i == target_dev_pos)
      //debug("Postfix bits: %d\n", total);
      total = 0;

    total += get_IR_size(i);
    debug("Adding %i to total for devidx %i\n", get_IR_size(i), i);
  debug("Prefix bits: %d\n", total);

  // Note that there's a little translation here, since device index 0 is actually closest to the cable data input
  config_set_DR_prefix_bits(int(discovered_id_codes.size()) - target_dev_pos - 1);  // number of devices between cable data out and target device
  config_set_DR_postfix_bits(target_dev_pos);  // number of devices between target device and cable data in

  // Set the DEBUG command for the IR of the target device.
  // If this is a Xilinx device, use USER1 instead of DEBUG
  // If we Altera Virtual JTAG mode, we don't care.
  if((force_alt_vjtag == -1) || ((force_alt_vjtag == 0) &&  (manuf_id != ALTERA_MANUFACTURER_ID)))
    const uint32_t cmd = get_debug_cmd(target_dev_pos);
    if(cmd == TAP_CMD_INVALID)
      printf("Unable to find DEBUG command, aborting.\n");
    config_set_debug_cmd(cmd);  // This may have to be USER1 if this is a Xilinx device

  // Enable the kludge for Xilinx BSCAN, if necessary.
  // Safe, but slower, for non-BSCAN TAPs.
  if ( manuf_id == XILINX_MANUFACTURER_ID )
    config_set_xilinx_bscan_internal_jtag( true );

  // Set Altera Virtual JTAG mode on or off.  If not forced, then enable
  // if the target device has an Altera manufacturer IDCODE
  if(force_alt_vjtag == 1)
  else if(force_alt_vjtag == -1)
    if(manuf_id == ALTERA_MANUFACTURER_ID)

  printf( "Performing a TAP sanity check (explicitly write the IDCODE instruction code and read back the IDCODE value)...\n" );
  const uint32_t cmd = bsdl_get_idcode_cmd( discovered_id_codes[target_dev_pos] );

  if ( cmd == TAP_CMD_INVALID )
    throw std::runtime_error( "Error: The BSDL file does not contain the IDCODE instruction opcode, which is needed for a basic sanity check." );

  uint32_t id_read;
  jtag_get_idcode( cmd, &id_read );

  if ( id_read != discovered_id_codes[target_dev_pos] )
    throw std::runtime_error( format_msg( "The IDCODE sanity test has failed, the IDCODE value read was 0x%08X, but the expected code was 0x%08X.\n",
                                          discovered_id_codes[target_dev_pos] ) );

  printf("IDCODE sanity test passed, the JTAG chain looks OK.\n");

  printf("Switching to the debug module of the OR10 TAP...\n");
Пример #13
/** Helper: sends a message to the appropriate logfiles, at loglevel
 * <b>severity</b>.  If provided, <b>funcname</b> is prepended to the
 * message.  The actual message is derived as from tor_snprintf(format,ap).
static void
logv(int severity, log_domain_mask_t domain, const char *funcname,
     const char *format, va_list ap)
  char buf[10024];
  size_t msg_len = 0;
  int formatted = 0;
  logfile_t *lf;
  char *end_of_prefix=NULL;

  /* Call assert, not tor_assert, since tor_assert calls log on failure. */
  /* check that severity is sane.  Overrunning the masks array leads to
   * interesting and hard to diagnose effects */
  assert(severity >= LOG_ERR && severity <= LOG_DEBUG);
  lf = logfiles;
  while (lf) {
    if (! (lf->severities->masks[SEVERITY_MASK_IDX(severity)] & domain)) {
      lf = lf->next;
    if (! (lf->fd >= 0 || lf->is_syslog || lf->callback)) {
      lf = lf->next;
    if (lf->callback && (domain & LD_NOCB)) {
      lf = lf->next;
    if (lf->seems_dead) {
      lf = lf->next;

    if (!formatted) {
      end_of_prefix =
        format_msg(buf, sizeof(buf), domain, severity, funcname, format, ap,
      formatted = 1;
    if (lf->is_syslog) {
      char *m = end_of_prefix;
#ifdef MAXLINE
      /* Some syslog implementations have limits on the length of what you can
       * pass them, and some very old ones do not detect overflow so well.
       * Regrettably, they call their maximum line length MAXLINE. */
#if MAXLINE < 64
#warn "MAXLINE is a very low number; it might not be from syslog.h after all"
      if (msg_len >= MAXLINE)
        m = tor_strndup(end_of_prefix, MAXLINE-1);
      syslog(severity, "%s", m);
#ifdef MAXLINE
      if (m != end_of_prefix) {
      lf = lf->next;
    } else if (lf->callback) {
      lf->callback(severity, domain, end_of_prefix);
      lf = lf->next;
    if (write_all(lf->fd, buf, msg_len, 0) < 0) { /* error */
      /* don't log the error! mark this log entry to be blown away, and
       * continue. */
      lf->seems_dead = 1;
    lf = lf->next;
Пример #14
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****
 * templates_help_dialog: put up an information window without grabbing control
 * **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
static void templates_help_cb(
	Widget w,
	XtPointer cbd,
	XtPointer cbs)
	Widget dismiss_btn_area, dismiss_btn;
	static Widget	shell,
	Widget		form,
	Dimension h;
	int i, fbase, x, y;
	if(shell) {
		XtPopup(shell, XtGrabNone);
	} /* else */

	shell = XtVaCreatePopupShell("xpp-Help",
		xmDialogShellWidgetClass,	root,
		XmNdeleteResponse,		XmUNMAP,
#ifdef EDITRES
	common_dialog_setup(shell, popdown_cb, shell);
	help_pane = XtVaCreateWidget("help-pane",
			/* Motif won't let us set these to 0! */
			/* Make small so user can't try to resize */
		XmNsashWidth,	(Dimension) 1,
		XmNsashHeight,	(Dimension) 1,

	introduction = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("introduction",
		xmLabelGadgetClass,	help_pane,
		XmNlabelString,		format_msg(Help_Templates_Tool,
		XmNalignment,		XmALIGNMENT_CENTER,


	XtVaGetValues(introduction, XmNheight, &h, NULL);

		XmNpaneMaximum,	h,
		XmNpaneMinimum,	h,

	fbase = (template_table_size + 1) & ~0x01;

	form = XtVaCreateWidget("help-form",
		xmFormWidgetClass,	help_pane,
		XmNfractionBase,		fbase,

	for (i=0; i < template_table_size; i++) {
		x = (fbase / 2) * (i % 2);
		y = 2 * (i / 2);

		help_item = XtVaCreateWidget("help-item",
			xmRowColumnWidgetClass,		form,
			XmNorientation,			XmHORIZONTAL,
			XmNpacking,			XmPACK_TIGHT,
			XmNleftAttachment,	XmATTACH_POSITION,
			XmNleftPosition,	x,
			XmNrightAttachment,	XmATTACH_POSITION,
			XmNrightPosition,	x + (fbase / 2),
			XmNtopAttachment,	XmATTACH_POSITION,
			XmNtopPosition,	y,
			XmNbottomAttachment,	XmATTACH_POSITION,
			XmNbottomPosition,	y + 2,

		template_icon = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("template-icon",
			xmLabelWidgetClass,		help_item,
			XmNlabelPixmap, get_pixmap(w,
			                           i < template_table_size - 1),
			XmNlabelType,			XmPIXMAP,

		template_text = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("template-text",
			xmLabelGadgetClass,		help_item,
				format_msg (template_table[i].help_text,



		XmNbottomAttachment,	XmATTACH_FORM,


	dismiss_btn_area = XtVaCreateWidget("dismiss_btn_area",
			xmFormWidgetClass,	help_pane,
			XmNfractionBase,	30,

	dismiss_btn = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Dismiss",
		xmPushButtonGadgetClass, dismiss_btn_area,
		XmNtopAttachment,		XmATTACH_FORM,
		XmNbottomAttachment,		XmATTACH_FORM,
		XmNleftAttachment,		XmATTACH_POSITION,
		XmNleftPosition,		10,
		XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_POSITION,
		XmNrightPosition,		20,
		XmNshowAsDefault,		True,
		XmNdefaultButtonShadowThickness, 1,

	XtAddCallback(dismiss_btn, XmNactivateCallback,
			popdown_cb, shell);


	XtVaGetValues(dismiss_btn, XmNheight, &h, NULL);

		XmNpaneMaximum,	h,
		XmNpaneMinimum,	h,

	XtPopup(shell, XtGrabNone);
	fix_pane_height(introduction, introduction);
	fix_pane_height(form, form);
	fix_pane_height(dismiss_btn_area, dismiss_btn_area);