static boolean isAdjacentFrames(struct exonFrames *ef0, struct exonFrames *ef1) 
/* check if exonFrames objects are adjacent and should be joined. ef0 preceeds
 * ef1 in the direction of transcription.  Must be i */
if (ef0->mf.strand[0] == '+')
    return (ef1->mf.chromStart == ef0->mf.chromEnd)
        && (ef1->mf.frame == frameIncr(ef0->mf.frame, (ef0->mf.chromEnd-ef0->mf.chromStart)));
    return (ef1->mf.chromEnd == ef0->mf.chromStart)
        && (ef1->mf.frame == frameIncr(ef0->mf.frame, (ef0->mf.chromEnd-ef0->mf.chromStart)));
static boolean isSplitCodon(struct exonFrames *ef0, struct exonFrames *ef1) 
/* Determine if the last codon of ef0 is split across maf blocks and is
 * continued in ef1. If codon is not split, or only partially aligned, false
 * is returned.  ef0 preceeds ef1 in the direction of transcription */
int tLen0 = ef0->mf.chromEnd - ef0->mf.chromStart;
if (ef1->cdsStart != ef0->cdsEnd)
    return FALSE; /* deletion in gene between two records */
if (frameIncr(ef0->mf.frame, tLen0) == 0)
    return FALSE; /* codon not split */
if (ef1->mf.frame != frameIncr(ef0->mf.frame, tLen0))
    return FALSE;  /* frame not contiguous */
return TRUE;
Пример #3
static struct codonCoords findLastCodon(struct genePred *gp, int *frames)
/* get the coordinates of the last codon (start or stop). It must be in
 * correct frame, or zero is returned. */
if (honorCdsStat && (gp->optFields & genePredCdsStatFld)
    && (gp->cdsEndStat != cdsComplete))
    return zeroCodonCoords;  // not flagged as complete

// find last CDS exon
int iExon, cdsStart = 0, cdsEnd = 0;
for (iExon = gp->exonCount-1; iExon >= 0; iExon--)
    if (genePredCdsExon(gp, iExon, &cdsStart, &cdsEnd))
if (iExon == -1)
    return zeroCodonCoords;  // no CDS

// get frame of last base and validate that we are on a bound.
int frame = (gp->strand[0] == '-') ? frames[iExon]
    : frameIncr(frames[iExon], (cdsEnd-cdsStart));
if (frame != 0)
    return zeroCodonCoords;  // not on a frame boundary

/* get last part of codon */
struct codonCoords codon = zeroCodonCoords;
codon.start= codon.start1 = max(cdsStart, cdsEnd-3);
codon.end = codon.end1 = cdsEnd;
codon.iExon1 = iExon;

/* first part, if spliced */
if ((codon.end1 - codon.start1) < 3)
    codon.start2 = codon.start1;
    codon.end = codon.end2 = codon.end1;
    codon.iExon2 = iExon;
    codon.iExon1 = iExon;
    if ((iExon == -1) || !genePredCdsExon(gp, iExon, &cdsStart, &cdsEnd))
        return zeroCodonCoords;  // no more
    int needed = 3 - (codon.end2 - codon.start2);
    if ((cdsEnd - cdsStart) < needed)
        return zeroCodonCoords;  // not enough space
    codon.start = codon.start1 = cdsEnd-needed;
    codon.end1 = cdsEnd;
return codon;