void WebPluginContainerImpl::loadFrameRequest(
    const WebURLRequest& request, const WebString& target, bool notifyNeeded, void* notifyData)
    Frame* frame = m_element->document()->frame();
    if (!frame)
        return;  // FIXME: send a notification in this case?

    if (notifyNeeded) {
        // FIXME: This is a bit of hack to allow us to observe completion of
        // our frame request.  It would be better to evolve FrameLoader to
        // support a completion callback instead.
        WebPluginLoadObserver* observer =
            new WebPluginLoadObserver(this, request.url(), notifyData);

    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(request.toResourceRequest());

        false,  // lock history
        false,  // lock back forward list
        0,      // event
        0,     // form state
Пример #2
void NavigationScheduler::scheduleLocationChange(Document* initiatingDocument, SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin, const URL& url, const String& referrer, LockHistory lockHistory, LockBackForwardList lockBackForwardList)
    if (!shouldScheduleNavigation(url))

    if (lockBackForwardList == LockBackForwardList::No)
        lockBackForwardList = mustLockBackForwardList(m_frame);

    FrameLoader& loader = m_frame.loader();

    // If the URL we're going to navigate to is the same as the current one, except for the
    // fragment part, we don't need to schedule the location change.
    if (url.hasFragmentIdentifier() && equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(m_frame.document()->url(), url)) {
        ResourceRequest resourceRequest(m_frame.document()->completeURL(url), referrer, UseProtocolCachePolicy);
        ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy = ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow;
        if (initiatingDocument)
            shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy = initiatingDocument->shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicyToPropagate();
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(securityOrigin, resourceRequest, "_self", lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::No, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, ReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL, shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);

    // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case.
    // This may happen when a frame changes the location of another frame.
    bool duringLoad = !loader.stateMachine().committedFirstRealDocumentLoad();

    schedule(std::make_unique<ScheduledLocationChange>(initiatingDocument, securityOrigin, url, referrer, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList, duringLoad));
Пример #3
    virtual void fire(Frame& frame) override
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);

        ResourceRequest resourceRequest(url(), referrer(), ReloadIgnoringCacheData);
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(securityOrigin(), resourceRequest, "_self", lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::Yes, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, m_shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);
Пример #4
    void fire(Frame& frame) override
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);
        bool refresh = equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(frame.document()->url(), url());
        ResourceRequest resourceRequest(url(), referrer(), refresh ? ReloadIgnoringCacheData : UseProtocolCachePolicy);
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(securityOrigin(), resourceRequest, "_self", lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::No, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, m_shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);

Пример #5
static Frame* createWindow(Frame* openerFrame,
                           const String& url,
                           const String& frameName,
                           const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures,
                           v8::Local<v8::Value> dialogArgs)
    Frame* activeFrame = V8Proxy::retrieveFrameForEnteredContext();

    ResourceRequest request;
    if (activeFrame)
    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(request, frameName);

    // FIXME: It's much better for client API if a new window starts with a URL,
    // here where we know what URL we are going to open. Unfortunately, this
    // code passes the empty string for the URL, but there's a reason for that.
    // Before loading we have to set up the opener, openedByDOM,
    // and dialogArguments values. Also, to decide whether to use the URL
    // we currently do an allowsAccessFrom call using the window we create,
    // which can't be done before creating it. We'd have to resolve all those
    // issues to pass the URL instead of "".

    bool created;
    // We pass in the opener frame here so it can be used for looking up the
    // frame name, in case the active frame is different from the opener frame,
    // and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame, for example
    // "_self" or "_parent".
    Frame* newFrame = activeFrame->loader()->createWindow(openerFrame->loader(), frameRequest, windowFeatures, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return 0;


    // Set dialog arguments on the global object of the new frame.
    if (!dialogArgs.IsEmpty()) {
        v8::Local<v8::Context> context = V8Proxy::GetContext(newFrame);
        if (!context.IsEmpty()) {
            v8::Context::Scope scope(context);
            context->Global()->Set(v8::String::New("dialogArguments"), dialogArgs);

    if (!parseURL(url).startsWith("javascript:", false)
        || ScriptController::isSafeScript(newFrame)) {
        KURL completedUrl =
            url.isEmpty() ? KURL("") : activeFrame->document()->completeURL(url);
        bool userGesture = activeFrame->script()->processingUserGesture();

        if (created)
            newFrame->loader()->changeLocation(completedUrl, activeFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer(), false, false, userGesture);
        else if (!url.isEmpty())
            newFrame->loader()->scheduleLocationChange(completedUrl.string(), activeFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer(), false, userGesture);

    return newFrame;
Пример #6
 virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
     OwnPtr<UserGestureIndicator> gestureIndicator = createUserGestureIndicator();
     FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(m_submission->state()->sourceDocument()->securityOrigin());
 void fire(LocalFrame* frame) override
     OwnPtr<UserGestureIndicator> gestureIndicator = createUserGestureIndicator();
     FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(originDocument());
Пример #8
DOMWindow* createWindow(const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures,
    LocalDOMWindow& callingWindow, LocalFrame& firstFrame, LocalFrame& openerFrame)
    LocalFrame* activeFrame = callingWindow.frame();

    KURL completedURL = urlString.isEmpty() ? KURL(ParsedURLString, emptyString()) : firstFrame.document()->completeURL(urlString);
    if (!completedURL.isEmpty() && !completedURL.isValid()) {
        // Don't expose client code to invalid URLs.
        callingWindow.printErrorMessage("Unable to open a window with invalid URL '" + completedURL.getString() + "'.\n");
        return nullptr;

    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(callingWindow.document(), completedURL, frameName);
    frameRequest.setShouldSetOpener(windowFeatures.noopener ? NeverSetOpener : MaybeSetOpener);

    // Normally, FrameLoader would take care of setting the referrer for a navigation that is
    // triggered from javascript. However, creating a window goes through sufficient processing
    // that it eventually enters FrameLoader as an embedder-initiated navigation. FrameLoader
    // assumes no responsibility for generating an embedder-initiated navigation's referrer,
    // so we need to ensure the proper referrer is set now.
    frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPReferrer(SecurityPolicy::generateReferrer(activeFrame->document()->getReferrerPolicy(), completedURL, activeFrame->document()->outgoingReferrer()));

    // Records HasUserGesture before the value is invalidated inside createWindow(LocalFrame& openerFrame, ...).
    // This value will be set in ResourceRequest loaded in a new LocalFrame.
    bool hasUserGesture = UserGestureIndicator::processingUserGesture();

    // We pass the opener frame for the lookupFrame in case the active frame is different from
    // the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame.
    bool created;
    Frame* newFrame = createWindowHelper(openerFrame, *activeFrame, openerFrame, frameRequest, windowFeatures, NavigationPolicyIgnore, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return nullptr;
    if (newFrame->domWindow()->isInsecureScriptAccess(callingWindow, completedURL))
        return newFrame->domWindow();

    // TODO(dcheng): Special case for window.open("about:blank") to ensure it loads synchronously into
    // a new window. This is our historical behavior, and it's consistent with the creation of
    // a new iframe with src="about:blank". Perhaps we could get rid of this if we started reporting
    // the initial empty document's url as about:blank? See crbug.com/471239.
    // TODO(japhet): This special case is also necessary for behavior asserted by some extensions tests.
    // Using NavigationScheduler::scheduleNavigationChange causes the navigation to be flagged as a
    // client redirect, which is observable via the webNavigation extension api.
    if (created) {
        FrameLoadRequest request(callingWindow.document(), completedURL);
    } else if (!urlString.isEmpty()) {
        newFrame->navigate(*callingWindow.document(), completedURL, false, hasUserGesture ? UserGestureStatus::Active : UserGestureStatus::None);
    return newFrame->domWindow();
Пример #9
    void fire(Frame& frame) override
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);

        ResourceResponse replacementResponse(m_originDocument.url(), ASCIILiteral("text/plain"), 0, ASCIILiteral("UTF-8"));
        SubstituteData replacementData(SharedBuffer::create(), m_originDocument.url(), replacementResponse, SubstituteData::SessionHistoryVisibility::Hidden);

        ResourceRequest resourceRequest(m_originDocument.url(), emptyString(), ReloadIgnoringCacheData);
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(m_originDocument.securityOrigin(), resourceRequest, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::Yes, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, m_shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);
// Helper for window.open() and window.showModalDialog()
static Frame* createWindow(ExecState* exec, Frame* lexicalFrame, Frame* dynamicFrame,
                           Frame* openerFrame, const String& url, const String& frameName, 
                           const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures, JSValue dialogArgs)

    ResourceRequest request;

    // For whatever reason, Firefox uses the dynamicGlobalObject to determine
    // the outgoingReferrer.  We replicate that behavior here.
    String referrer = dynamicFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer();
    FrameLoader::addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(request, dynamicFrame->loader()->outgoingOrigin());
    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(request, frameName);

    // FIXME: It's much better for client API if a new window starts with a URL, here where we
    // know what URL we are going to open. Unfortunately, this code passes the empty string
    // for the URL, but there's a reason for that. Before loading we have to set up the opener,
    // openedByDOM, and dialogArguments values. Also, to decide whether to use the URL we currently
    // do an allowsAccessFrom call using the window we create, which can't be done before creating it.
    // We'd have to resolve all those issues to pass the URL instead of "".

    bool created;
    // We pass the opener frame for the lookupFrame in case the active frame is different from
    // the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame.
    Frame* newFrame = createWindow(lexicalFrame, openerFrame, frameRequest, windowFeatures, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return 0;


    // FIXME: If a window is created from an isolated world, what are the consequences of this? 'dialogArguments' only appears back in the normal world?
    JSDOMWindow* newWindow = toJSDOMWindow(newFrame, normalWorld(exec->globalData()));

    if (dialogArgs)
        newWindow->putDirect(Identifier(exec, "dialogArguments"), dialogArgs);

    if (!protocolIsJavaScript(url) || newWindow->allowsAccessFrom(exec)) {
        KURL completedURL = url.isEmpty() ? KURL(ParsedURLString, "") : completeURL(exec, url);
        bool userGesture = processingUserGesture();

        if (created)
            newFrame->loader()->changeLocation(completedURL, referrer, false, false, userGesture);
        else if (!url.isEmpty())
            newFrame->redirectScheduler()->scheduleLocationChange(completedURL.string(), referrer, !lexicalFrame->script()->anyPageIsProcessingUserGesture(), false, userGesture);

    return newFrame;
Пример #11
    virtual void fire(Frame& frame) override
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);

        // The submitForm function will find a target frame before using the redirection timer.
        // Now that the timer has fired, we need to repeat the security check which normally is done when
        // selecting a target, in case conditions have changed. Other code paths avoid this by targeting
        // without leaving a time window. If we fail the check just silently drop the form submission.
        Document* requestingDocument = m_submission->state()->sourceDocument();
        if (!requestingDocument->canNavigate(&frame))
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(requestingDocument->securityOrigin(), lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::Yes, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, m_shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy);
        frame.loader().loadFrameRequest(frameRequest, m_submission->event(), m_submission->state());
Пример #12
    virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
        UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(wasUserGesture() ? DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture : DefinitelyNotProcessingUserGesture);

        // The submitForm function will find a target frame before using the redirection timer.
        // Now that the timer has fired, we need to repeat the security check which normally is done when
        // selecting a target, in case conditions have changed. Other code paths avoid this by targeting
        // without leaving a time window. If we fail the check just silently drop the form submission.
        Frame* requestingFrame = m_submission->state()->sourceFrame();
        if (!requestingFrame->loader()->shouldAllowNavigation(frame))
        FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(requestingFrame->document()->securityOrigin());
        frame->loader()->loadFrameRequest(frameRequest, lockHistory(), lockBackForwardList(), m_submission->event(), m_submission->state(), SendReferrer);
Пример #13
    virtual void fire(Frame* frame)
        OwnPtr<UserGestureIndicator> gestureIndicator = createUserGestureIndicator();

        if (!m_historySteps) {
            FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(frame->document()->securityOrigin(), ResourceRequest(frame->document()->url()));
            // Special case for go(0) from a frame -> reload only the frame
            // To follow Firefox and IE's behavior, history reload can only navigate the self frame.
        // go(i!=0) from a frame navigates into the history of the frame only,
        // in both IE and NS (but not in Mozilla). We can't easily do that.
Пример #14
void TupFramesTable::emitFrameSelected(QTableWidgetItem *current, QTableWidgetItem *prev)

    TupFramesTableItem *item = dynamic_cast<TupFramesTableItem *>(current);
    if (item) {
        if (item->isUsed())
            emit emitRequestChangeFrame(k->sceneIndex, verticalHeader()->visualIndex(this->row(item)), this->column(item));
            // emit frameRequest(TupProjectActionBar::SelectFrame, this->column(item), verticalHeader()->visualIndex(this->row(item)), -1);
            tFatal() << "TupFramesTable::emitFrameSelected <- item exists but isn't used right now";
    } else { 
        emit frameRequest(TupProjectActionBar::InsertFrame, currentColumn(), currentRow(), k->sceneIndex);
Пример #15
LocalFrame* createWindow(const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures,
    DOMWindow& callingWindow, LocalFrame& firstFrame, LocalFrame& openerFrame, DOMWindow::PrepareDialogFunction function, void* functionContext)
    LocalFrame* activeFrame = callingWindow.frame();

    KURL completedURL = urlString.isEmpty() ? KURL(ParsedURLString, emptyString()) : firstFrame.document()->completeURL(urlString);
    if (!completedURL.isEmpty() && !completedURL.isValid()) {
        // Don't expose client code to invalid URLs.
        callingWindow.printErrorMessage("Unable to open a window with invalid URL '" + completedURL.string() + "'.\n");
        return 0;

    // For whatever reason, Firefox uses the first frame to determine the outgoingReferrer. We replicate that behavior here.
    Referrer referrer(SecurityPolicy::generateReferrerHeader(firstFrame.document()->referrerPolicy(), completedURL, firstFrame.document()->outgoingReferrer()), firstFrame.document()->referrerPolicy());

    ResourceRequest request(completedURL, referrer);
    FrameLoader::addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(request, AtomicString(firstFrame.document()->outgoingOrigin()));
    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(callingWindow.document(), request, frameName);

    // We pass the opener frame for the lookupFrame in case the active frame is different from
    // the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame.
    bool created;
    LocalFrame* newFrame = createWindow(*activeFrame, openerFrame, frameRequest, windowFeatures, NavigationPolicyIgnore, MaybeSendReferrer, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return 0;

    if (newFrame != &openerFrame && newFrame != openerFrame.tree().top())


    if (newFrame->domWindow()->isInsecureScriptAccess(callingWindow, completedURL))
        return newFrame;

    if (function)
        function(newFrame->domWindow(), functionContext);

    if (created) {
        FrameLoadRequest request(callingWindow.document(), ResourceRequest(completedURL, referrer));
    } else if (!urlString.isEmpty()) {
        newFrame->navigationScheduler().scheduleLocationChange(callingWindow.document(), completedURL.string(), referrer, false);
    return newFrame;
Пример #16
static Frame* createWindow(ExecState* exec, Frame* openerFrame, const String& url,
    const String& frameName, const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures, JSValuePtr dialogArgs)
    Frame* activeFrame = asJSDOMWindow(exec->dynamicGlobalObject())->impl()->frame();

    ResourceRequest request;

    FrameLoader::addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(request, activeFrame->loader()->outgoingOrigin());
    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(request, frameName);

    // FIXME: It's much better for client API if a new window starts with a URL, here where we
    // know what URL we are going to open. Unfortunately, this code passes the empty string
    // for the URL, but there's a reason for that. Before loading we have to set up the opener,
    // openedByDOM, and dialogArguments values. Also, to decide whether to use the URL we currently
    // do an allowsAccessFrom call using the window we create, which can't be done before creating it.
    // We'd have to resolve all those issues to pass the URL instead of "".

    bool created;
    // We pass in the opener frame here so it can be used for looking up the frame name, in case the active frame
    // is different from the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame, for example
    // "_self" or "_parent".
    Frame* newFrame = activeFrame->loader()->createWindow(openerFrame->loader(), frameRequest, windowFeatures, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return 0;


    JSDOMWindow* newWindow = toJSDOMWindow(newFrame);

    if (dialogArgs)
        newWindow->putDirect(Identifier(exec, "dialogArguments"), dialogArgs);

    if (!protocolIs(url, "javascript") || newWindow->allowsAccessFrom(exec)) {
        KURL completedURL = url.isEmpty() ? KURL("") : activeFrame->document()->completeURL(url);
        bool userGesture = activeFrame->script()->processingUserGesture();

        if (created)
            newFrame->loader()->changeLocation(completedURL, activeFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer(), false, userGesture);
        else if (!url.isEmpty())
            newFrame->loader()->scheduleLocationChange(completedURL.string(), activeFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer(), false, userGesture);

    return newFrame;
Пример #17
LocalFrame* createWindow(const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures,
    LocalDOMWindow& callingWindow, LocalFrame& firstFrame, LocalFrame& openerFrame, LocalDOMWindow::PrepareDialogFunction function, void* functionContext)
    LocalFrame* activeFrame = callingWindow.frame();

    KURL completedURL = urlString.isEmpty() ? KURL(ParsedURLString, emptyString()) : firstFrame.document()->completeURL(urlString);
    if (!completedURL.isEmpty() && !completedURL.isValid()) {
        // Don't expose client code to invalid URLs.
        callingWindow.printErrorMessage("Unable to open a window with invalid URL '" + completedURL.string() + "'.\n");
        return nullptr;

    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(callingWindow.document(), completedURL, frameName);

    // Normally, FrameLoader would take care of setting the referrer for a navigation that is
    // triggered from javascript. However, creating a window goes through sufficient processing
    // that it eventually enters FrameLoader as an embedder-initiated navigation. FrameLoader
    // assumes no responsibility for generating an embedder-initiated navigation's referrer,
    // so we need to ensure the proper referrer is set now.
    frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPReferrer(SecurityPolicy::generateReferrer(activeFrame->document()->referrerPolicy(), completedURL, activeFrame->document()->outgoingReferrer()));

    // We pass the opener frame for the lookupFrame in case the active frame is different from
    // the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame.
    bool created;
    LocalFrame* newFrame = createWindow(*activeFrame, openerFrame, frameRequest, windowFeatures, NavigationPolicyIgnore, MaybeSendReferrer, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return nullptr;

    if (newFrame != &openerFrame && newFrame != openerFrame.tree().top())


    if (newFrame->domWindow()->isInsecureScriptAccess(callingWindow, completedURL))
        return newFrame;

    if (function)
        function(newFrame->domWindow(), functionContext);

    if (created)
        newFrame->loader().load(FrameLoadRequest(callingWindow.document(), completedURL));
    else if (!urlString.isEmpty())
        newFrame->navigationScheduler().scheduleLocationChange(callingWindow.document(), completedURL.string(), false);
    return newFrame;
Пример #18
DOMWindow* createWindow(const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures,
    LocalDOMWindow& callingWindow, LocalFrame& firstFrame, LocalFrame& openerFrame)
    LocalFrame* activeFrame = callingWindow.frame();

    KURL completedURL = urlString.isEmpty() ? KURL(ParsedURLString, emptyString()) : firstFrame.document()->completeURL(urlString);
    if (!completedURL.isEmpty() && !completedURL.isValid()) {
        // Don't expose client code to invalid URLs.
        callingWindow.printErrorMessage("Unable to open a window with invalid URL '" + completedURL.string() + "'.\n");
        return nullptr;

    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(callingWindow.document(), completedURL, frameName);

    // Normally, FrameLoader would take care of setting the referrer for a navigation that is
    // triggered from javascript. However, creating a window goes through sufficient processing
    // that it eventually enters FrameLoader as an embedder-initiated navigation. FrameLoader
    // assumes no responsibility for generating an embedder-initiated navigation's referrer,
    // so we need to ensure the proper referrer is set now.
    frameRequest.resourceRequest().setHTTPReferrer(SecurityPolicy::generateReferrer(activeFrame->document()->referrerPolicy(), completedURL, activeFrame->document()->outgoingReferrer()));

    // Records HasUserGesture before the value is invalidated inside createWindow(LocalFrame& openerFrame, ...).
    // This value will be set in ResourceRequest loaded in a new LocalFrame.
    bool hasUserGesture = UserGestureIndicator::processingUserGesture();

    // We pass the opener frame for the lookupFrame in case the active frame is different from
    // the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame.
    bool created;
    ShouldSetOpener opener = windowFeatures.noopener ? NeverSetOpener : MaybeSetOpener;
    Frame* newFrame = createWindow(*activeFrame, openerFrame, frameRequest, windowFeatures, NavigationPolicyIgnore, opener, created);
    if (!newFrame)
        return nullptr;

    if (!windowFeatures.noopener)

    if (!newFrame->domWindow()->isInsecureScriptAccess(callingWindow, completedURL)) {
        if (!urlString.isEmpty() || created)
            newFrame->navigate(*callingWindow.document(), completedURL, false, hasUserGesture ? UserGestureStatus::Active : UserGestureStatus::None);
    return newFrame->domWindow();
Пример #19
void InspectorFrontendClientLocal::openInNewTab(const String& url)
    UserGestureIndicator indicator(DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture);
    Frame& mainFrame = m_inspectedPageController->inspectedPage().mainFrame();
    FrameLoadRequest request(mainFrame.document()->securityOrigin(), ResourceRequest(), "_blank", LockHistory::No, LockBackForwardList::No, MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::Yes, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, ReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL, ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow);

    bool created;
    WindowFeatures windowFeatures;
    RefPtr<Frame> frame = WebCore::createWindow(mainFrame, mainFrame, request, windowFeatures, created);
    if (!frame)


    // FIXME: Why does one use mainFrame and the other frame?
    ResourceRequest resourceRequest(frame->document()->completeURL(url));
    FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(mainFrame.document()->securityOrigin(), resourceRequest, "_self", LockHistory::No, LockBackForwardList::No, MaybeSendReferrer, AllowNavigationToInvalidURL::Yes, NewFrameOpenerPolicy::Allow, ReplaceDocumentIfJavaScriptURL, ShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy::ShouldNotAllow);
Пример #20
void SVGAElement::defaultEventHandler(Event* event)
    if (isLink()) {
        Node* target = event->target()->toNode();
        if ((focused() || target->focused()) && isEnterKeyKeypressEvent(event)) {

        if (isLinkClick(event)) {
            String url = stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(hrefString());

            if (url[0] == '#') {
                Element* targetElement = treeScope().getElementById(AtomicString(url.substring(1)));
                if (targetElement && isSVGSMILElement(*targetElement)) {

            AtomicString target(m_svgTarget->currentValue()->value());
            if (target.isEmpty() && fastGetAttribute(XLinkNames::showAttr) == "new")
                target = AtomicString("_blank", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral);

            LocalFrame* frame = document().frame();
            if (!frame)
            FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(&document(), ResourceRequest(document().completeURL(url)), target);
