Пример #1
// Pass in ratio... (for purchases)
void t_dialog_marketplace::init_dialog( t_window* parent, t_adventure_frame* frame, std::string const& name_text, std::string const& intro_text, 
                int market_efficiency_ratio )

	t_bitmap_layer const*   layer;
	//t_window *              window;
	t_window *              background_window;
	t_screen_point          origin(0,0);
	t_screen_point          point(0,0);
	t_screen_rect           rect;
	t_bitmap_group_ptr      material_bitmaps_ptr = k_large_material_bitmaps.get();
    int                     i;
	t_help_block const&     material_help = get_help_block( "material_display" );
	t_help_block const&		help = get_help_block( "marketplace" );

	m_player_ptr = &frame->get_map()->get_player();
	m_player_funds = m_player_ptr->get_funds()[k_gold];
	m_bitmaps_ptr = k_marketplace_bitmaps.get();
    m_market_efficiency_ratio = market_efficiency_ratio;

	layer = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "background" );
	background_window = new t_bitmap_layer_window( layer, origin, this );

	layer = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "frame" );
   	rect = layer->get_rect();
	m_player_frame = new t_bitmap_layer_window( layer, -rect.top_left(), this );
	m_player_frame->set_visible( false );

	layer = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "frame" );
   	rect = layer->get_rect();
	m_market_frame = new t_bitmap_layer_window( layer, -rect.top_left(), this );
	m_market_frame->set_visible( false );

    // Find wood frame (first item) - get diff for frame.
	t_screen_point  frame_diff(0,0);

    point = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "wood_icon" )->get_rect().top_left();
    frame_diff = (point - rect.top_left());

    ** Materials:
	std::string     material_icon_text;

	for (i=0; i<k_material_count; i++)
        // Player's material.
		material_icon_text = format_string ( "%s_icon", k_material_keyword[i] );
	    rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( material_icon_text )->get_rect();
        m_player_button[i] = create_marketplace_player_button ( rect.top_left(), background_window, i,
                        k_material_keyword[i], help );
        m_player_button[i]->set_click_handler( add_2nd_argument( bound_handler( *this, &t_dialog_marketplace::player_material_clicked ), i));
	    m_player_frame_locations.push_back ( rect.top_left() - frame_diff );

        // Market material.
		material_icon_text = format_string ( "%s_icon_2", k_material_keyword[i] );
	    rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( material_icon_text )->get_rect();
        m_market_button[i] = create_marketplace_player_button ( rect.top_left(), background_window, i,
                        format_string( "%s_%s", "available", k_material_keyword[i] ), help );
        m_market_button[i]->set_click_handler( add_2nd_argument( bound_handler( *this, &t_dialog_marketplace::market_material_clicked ), i));
	    m_market_frame_locations.push_back ( rect.top_left() - frame_diff );

    ** Create buttons.
	t_button            *button_ptr;
	t_button_handler    button_handler;

	rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "close_button" )->get_rect();
	button_ptr = new t_button( g_ok_button.get(), rect.top_left(), this );
	button_ptr->set_click_handler( bound_handler( *this, &t_dialog_marketplace::close_click ));
	set_help( button_ptr, help, "ok" );

    ** Add buy button.
	point = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "sell_button" )->get_rect().top_left() + origin;
	m_buy_button = new t_button( k_buy_button.get(), point, this );
	button_handler = bound_handler( *this, &t_dialog_marketplace::buy_clicked );
	m_buy_button->set_click_handler( button_handler );
	set_help( m_buy_button, help, "purchase" );
	m_buy_button->enable( false );

    // Add max button.
	point = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "max_button" )->get_rect().top_left() + origin;
	m_max_button = new t_button( g_max_button.get(), point, this );
	button_handler = bound_handler( *this, &t_dialog_marketplace::max_clicked );
	m_max_button->set_click_handler( button_handler );
	set_help( m_max_button, help, "maximum" );
	m_max_button->enable( false );

    ** Add scrollbar.
	layer = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "scrollbar" );
	rect  = layer->get_rect();

	m_scrollbar = new t_scrollbar( rect.top_left(), rect.width(), this, 0, 0, false );
	m_scrollbar->set_handler( bound_handler( *this, &t_dialog_marketplace::scrollbar_move));
	m_scrollbar->set_position( 0 );
	m_scrollbar->set_limits( 0, 0 );

    ** Text windows.
	t_text_window* text_window_ptr;

    // Title.
	rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "title" )->get_rect() + origin;
	text_window_ptr = new t_text_window( get_font( 20 ), rect, this, name_text, t_pixel_24(0,0,0));
	text_window_ptr->set_drop_shadow( false );

    // Intro text.
	rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "text" )->get_rect() + origin;
	text_window_ptr = new t_text_window( get_font( 20 ), rect, this, intro_text, t_pixel_24(0,0,0));
	text_window_ptr->set_drop_shadow( false );

	std::string     material_text_box;
	for (i=0; i<k_material_count; i++)
        // Player's side.  Kindgom amount.
		material_text_box = format_string ( "kingdom_%s", k_material_keyword[i] );
	    rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( material_text_box )->get_rect();
	    m_player_amount_text[i] = new t_text_window( get_font( 16 ), rect, this, "", t_pixel_24(0,0,0));
        // Market exchange text.
		material_text_box = format_string ( "%s_exchange", k_material_keyword[i] );
	    rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( material_text_box )->get_rect();
	    m_market_exchange_text[i] = new t_text_window( get_font( 16 ), rect, this, "", t_pixel_24(0,0,0));



    // Player quantity text.
	rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "qty_selling" )->get_rect() + origin;
	m_player_quantity_text = new t_text_window( get_font( rect.height() ), rect, this, "", t_pixel_24(0,0,0));
	m_player_quantity_text->set_drop_shadow( false );

    // Market quantity text.
	rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->find( "exchange_rate" )->get_rect() + origin;
	m_market_quantity_text = new t_text_window( get_font( rect.height() ), rect, this, "", t_pixel_24(0,0,0));
	m_market_quantity_text->set_drop_shadow( false );


    ** Center the position and display the window.
    t_screen_rect parent_rect = get_parent()->get_client_rect();
    rect = m_bitmaps_ptr->get_rect();
    rect += (parent_rect.size() - rect.size()) / 2;
    init( rect );

Пример #2
bool GSRenderer::Merge(int field)
	bool en[2];

	GSVector4i fr[2];
	GSVector4i dr[2];

	GSVector2i display_baseline = { INT_MAX, INT_MAX };
	GSVector2i frame_baseline = { INT_MAX, INT_MAX };

	for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		en[i] = IsEnabled(i);

			fr[i] = GetFrameRect(i);
			dr[i] = GetDisplayRect(i);

			display_baseline.x = min(dr[i].left, display_baseline.x);
			display_baseline.y = min(dr[i].top, display_baseline.y);
			frame_baseline.x = min(fr[i].left, frame_baseline.x);
			frame_baseline.y = min(fr[i].top, frame_baseline.y);

			//printf("[%d]: %d %d %d %d, %d %d %d %d\n", i, fr[i].x,fr[i].y,fr[i].z,fr[i].w , dr[i].x,dr[i].y,dr[i].z,dr[i].w);

	if(!en[0] && !en[1])
		return false;

	GL_PUSH("Renderer Merge %d (0: enabled %d 0x%x, 1: enabled %d 0x%x)", s_n, en[0], m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.Block(), en[1], m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.Block());

	// try to avoid fullscreen blur, could be nice on tv but on a monitor it's like double vision, hurts my eyes (persona 4, guitar hero)
	// NOTE: probably the technique explained in graphtip.pdf (Antialiasing by Supersampling / 4. Reading Odd/Even Scan Lines Separately with the PCRTC then Blending)

	bool samesrc =
		en[0] && en[1] &&
		m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.FBP == m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.FBP &&
		m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.FBW == m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.FBW &&
		m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.PSM == m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.PSM;

	if(samesrc /*&& m_regs->PMODE.SLBG == 0 && m_regs->PMODE.MMOD == 1 && m_regs->PMODE.ALP == 0x80*/)
		// persona 4:
		// fr[0] = 0 0 640 448
		// fr[1] = 0 1 640 448
		// dr[0] = 159 50 779 498
		// dr[1] = 159 50 779 497
		// second image shifted up by 1 pixel and blended over itself
		// god of war:
		// fr[0] = 0 1 512 448
		// fr[1] = 0 0 512 448
		// dr[0] = 127 50 639 497
		// dr[1] = 127 50 639 498
		// same just the first image shifted
		// These kinds of cases are now fixed by the more generic frame_diff code below, as the code here was too specific and has become obsolete.
		// NOTE: Persona 4 and God Of War are not rare exceptions, many games have the same(or very similar) offsets.

		int topDiff = fr[0].top - fr[1].top;
		if (dr[0].eq(dr[1]) && (fr[0].eq(fr[1] + GSVector4i(0, topDiff, 0, topDiff)) || fr[1].eq(fr[0] + GSVector4i(0, topDiff, 0, topDiff))))
			// dq5:
			// fr[0] = 0 1 512 445
			// fr[1] = 0 0 512 444
			// dr[0] = 127 50 639 494
			// dr[1] = 127 50 639 494

			int top = min(fr[0].top, fr[1].top);
			int bottom = min(fr[0].bottom, fr[1].bottom);

			fr[0].top = fr[1].top = top;
			fr[0].bottom = fr[1].bottom = bottom;

	GSVector2i fs(0, 0);
	GSVector2i ds(0, 0);

	GSTexture* tex[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
	int y_offset[3]   = {0, 0, 0};


	bool feedback_merge = m_regs->EXTWRITE.WRITE == 1;

	if(samesrc && fr[0].bottom == fr[1].bottom && !feedback_merge)
		tex[0]      = GetOutput(0, y_offset[0]);
		tex[1]      = tex[0]; // saves one texture fetch
		y_offset[1] = y_offset[0];
		if(en[0]) tex[0] = GetOutput(0, y_offset[0]);
		if(en[1]) tex[1] = GetOutput(1, y_offset[1]);
		if(feedback_merge) tex[2] = GetFeedbackOutput();

	GSVector4 src[2];
	GSVector4 src_hw[2];
	GSVector4 dst[2];

	for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
		if(!en[i] || !tex[i]) continue;

		GSVector4i r = fr[i];
		GSVector4 scale = GSVector4(tex[i]->GetScale()).xyxy();

		src[i] = GSVector4(r) * scale / GSVector4(tex[i]->GetSize()).xyxy();
		src_hw[i] = (GSVector4(r) + GSVector4 (0, y_offset[i], 0, y_offset[i])) * scale / GSVector4(tex[i]->GetSize()).xyxy();

		GSVector2 off(0);
		GSVector2i display_diff(dr[i].left - display_baseline.x, dr[i].top - display_baseline.y);
		GSVector2i frame_diff(fr[i].left - frame_baseline.x, fr[i].top - frame_baseline.y);

		// Time Crisis 2/3 uses two side by side images when in split screen mode.
		// Though ignore cases where baseline and display rectangle offsets only differ by 1 pixel, causes blurring and wrong resolution output on FFXII
		if(display_diff.x > 2)
			off.x = tex[i]->GetScale().x * display_diff.x;
		// If the DX offset is too small then consider the status of frame memory offsets, prevents blurring on Tenchu: Fatal Shadows, Worms 3D
		else if(display_diff.x != frame_diff.x)
			off.x = tex[i]->GetScale().x * frame_diff.x;

		if(display_diff.y >= 4) // Shouldn't this be >= 2?
			off.y = tex[i]->GetScale().y * display_diff.y;

			if(m_regs->SMODE2.INT && m_regs->SMODE2.FFMD)
				off.y /= 2;
		else if(display_diff.y != frame_diff.y)
			off.y = tex[i]->GetScale().y * frame_diff.y;

		dst[i] = GSVector4(off).xyxy() + scale * GSVector4(r.rsize());

		fs.x = max(fs.x, (int)(dst[i].z + 0.5f));
		fs.y = max(fs.y, (int)(dst[i].w + 0.5f));

	ds = fs;

	if(m_regs->SMODE2.INT && m_regs->SMODE2.FFMD)
		ds.y *= 2;
	m_real_size = ds;

	bool slbg = m_regs->PMODE.SLBG;

	if(tex[0] || tex[1])
		if(tex[0] == tex[1] && !slbg && (src[0] == src[1] & dst[0] == dst[1]).alltrue())
			// the two outputs are identical, skip drawing one of them (the one that is alpha blended)

			tex[0] = NULL;

		GSVector4 c = GSVector4((int)m_regs->BGCOLOR.R, (int)m_regs->BGCOLOR.G, (int)m_regs->BGCOLOR.B, (int)m_regs->PMODE.ALP) / 255;

		m_dev->Merge(tex, src_hw, dst, fs, m_regs->PMODE, m_regs->EXTBUF, c);

		if(m_regs->SMODE2.INT && m_interlace > 0)
			if(m_interlace == 7 && m_regs->SMODE2.FFMD) // Auto interlace enabled / Odd frame interlace setting
				int field2 = 0;
				int mode = 2;
				m_dev->Interlace(ds, field ^ field2, mode, tex[1] ? tex[1]->GetScale().y : tex[0]->GetScale().y);
				int field2 = 1 - ((m_interlace - 1) & 1);
				int mode = (m_interlace - 1) >> 1;
				m_dev->Interlace(ds, field ^ field2, mode, tex[1] ? tex[1]->GetScale().y : tex[0]->GetScale().y);




	return true;
Пример #3
int main (void)
	cc3_histogram_pkt_t my_hist;
	cc3_color_info_pkt_t s_pkt;
	cc3_frame_diff_pkt_t fd_pkt;

	cc3_timer_wait_ms (500);

	cc3_gpio_set_mode (0, CC3_GPIO_MODE_SERVO);
	cc3_gpio_set_mode (1, CC3_GPIO_MODE_SERVO);
	cc3_gpio_set_mode (2, CC3_GPIO_MODE_SERVO);
	cc3_gpio_set_mode (3, CC3_GPIO_MODE_SERVO);

	// configure uarts
	cc3_uart_init (0, 

	cc3_uart_init (1, 

	// Make it so that stdout and stdin are not buffered
	setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
	setvbuf (stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

	printf( "Opening UART1 file pointer\n" );
	FILE *fp = cc3_uart_fopen(1, "r");
	if (fp)
		int i = 0;
		while (1)
			fprintf(fp, "i = %08d\n", i++);

	printf( "Calling camera init\n" );
	cc3_camera_init ();
	cc3_camera_set_colorspace (CAM_COLOURS);
	cc3_camera_set_resolution (CAM_FORMAT);
	cc3_pixbuf_frame_set_coi (CC3_CHANNEL_ALL);//for full 'colour_info'

	//cc3_camera_set_colorspace (CC3_COLORSPACE_YCRCB);?All switches handled?
	//cc3_camera_set_resolution (CC3_CAMERA_RESOLUTION_HIGH);// 352, 288
	//cc3_pixbuf_frame_set_subsample(CC3_SUBSAMPLE_RANDOM, 2, 2);

	printf( "Camera init done\n%d x %d\n", 
		cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.raw_width, cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.raw_height );

	// frame difference
	fd_pkt.coi = CC3_CHANNEL_ALL;
	fd_pkt.template_width = 16;//8;
	fd_pkt.template_height = 16;//8;
	fd_pkt.total_x = cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.width;
    fd_pkt.total_y = cc3_g_pixbuf_frame.height;
    fd_pkt.load_frame = 1;  // load a new frame

	fd_pkt.previous_template = malloc (fd_pkt.template_width * fd_pkt.template_height * sizeof (uint32_t));
	if (fd_pkt.previous_template == NULL)
		printf ("Malloc FD startup error!\r");

	cc3_camera_set_auto_white_balance (true);
	cc3_camera_set_auto_exposure (true);

	// The LED test masks the stabilization delays (~2000ms)
	printf ("Waiting for image to stabilize\n");
	led_test ();

	cc3_camera_set_auto_white_balance (false);
	cc3_camera_set_auto_exposure (false);

//	printf ("\nPush button on camera back to continue\n");
//	while (!cc3_button_get_state ())
//		;

	cc3_led_set_state (0, true);

	cc3_pixbuf_load ();

	my_hist.channel = CC3_CHANNEL_ALL;
	my_hist.bins = 24;
	my_hist.hist = malloc (my_hist.bins * sizeof (uint32_t));

	while (true) {
        printf ("<3 EE\n   0x%02X\n   ", (unsigned int)cc3_timer_get_current_ms());

		// Grab an image and take a frame difference of it
		cc3_pixbuf_load ();
        frame_diff (&fd_pkt);

		// Rewind and take a histogram of it
		cc3_pixbuf_rewind ();
		//get_histogram (&my_hist);

		// Rewind and get some stats
		cc3_pixbuf_rewind ();

		printf( "min = [%d,%d,%d] mean = [%d,%d,%d] max = [%d,%d,%d] deviation = [%d,%d,%d] ",

/*		printf ("hist[%d] = ", my_hist.bins);
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < my_hist.bins; i++)
			printf ("%08X ", my_hist.hist[i]);

			// sample non-blocking serial routine
			if (!cc3_uart_has_data (1))
				cc3_gpio_set_servo_position (0, SERVO_MID);
				cc3_gpio_set_servo_position (1, SERVO_MID);
		printf ("\n");

	//	if (cc3_button_get_state())
	//		break;

	printf("\n\nAll done!\n");
	return 0;