Пример #1
void dbChannelExit(void)
    dbChannelFreeList = chFilterFreeList = dbchStringFreeList = NULL;
Пример #2
cac::~cac ()
    // this blocks until the UDP thread exits so that
    // it will not sneak in any new clients
    // lock intentionally not held here so that we dont deadlock 
    // waiting for the UDP thread to exit while it is waiting to 
    // get the lock.
        epicsGuard < epicsMutex > cbGuard ( this->cbMutex );
        epicsGuard < epicsMutex > guard ( this->mutex );
        if ( this->pudpiiu ) {
            this->pudpiiu->shutdown ( cbGuard, guard );

            // make sure no new tcp circuits are created
            this->cacShutdownInProgress = true;

            // shutdown all tcp circuits
            tsDLIter < tcpiiu > iter = this->circuitList.firstIter ();
            while ( iter.valid() ) {
                // this causes a clean shutdown to occur
                iter->unlinkAllChannels ( cbGuard, guard );
    // wait for all tcp threads to exit
    // this will block for oustanding sends to go out so dont 
    // hold a lock while waiting
        epicsGuard < epicsMutex > guard ( this->mutex );
        while ( this->iiuExistenceCount > 0 ) {
            epicsGuardRelease < epicsMutex > unguard ( guard );
            this->iiuUninstall.wait ();

    if ( this->pudpiiu ) {
        delete this->pudpiiu;

    freeListCleanup ( this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList );
    freeListCleanup ( this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList );

    delete [] this->pUserName;

    tsSLList < bhe > tmpBeaconList;
    this->beaconTable.removeAll ( tmpBeaconList ); 
    while ( bhe * pBHE = tmpBeaconList.get() ) {
        pBHE->~bhe ();
        this->bheFreeList.release ( pBHE );

    this->timerQueue.release ();

    this->ipToAEngine.release ();

    // clean-up the list of un-notified msg objects
    while ( msgForMultiplyDefinedPV * msg = this->msgMultiPVList.get() ) {
        msg->~msgForMultiplyDefinedPV ();
        this->mdpvFreeList.release ( msg );

    errlogFlush ();

    osiSockRelease ();

    // its ok for channels and subscriptions to still
    // exist at this point. The user created them and 
    // its his responsibility to clean them up.
Пример #3
// cac::cac ()
cac::cac ( 
    epicsMutex & mutualExclusionIn, 
    epicsMutex & callbackControlIn, 
    cacContextNotify & notifyIn ) :
    _refLocalHostName ( localHostNameCache.getReference () ),
    programBeginTime ( epicsTime::getCurrent() ),
    mutex ( mutualExclusionIn ),
    cbMutex ( callbackControlIn ),
    ipToAEngine ( ipAddrToAsciiEngine::allocate () ),
    timerQueue ( epicsTimerQueueActive::allocate ( false, 
        lowestPriorityLevelAbove(epicsThreadGetPrioritySelf()) ) ),
    pUserName ( 0 ),
    pudpiiu ( 0 ),
    tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList ( 0 ),
    tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList ( 0 ),
    notify ( notifyIn ),
    initializingThreadsId ( epicsThreadGetIdSelf() ),
    initializingThreadsPriority ( epicsThreadGetPrioritySelf() ),
    maxRecvBytesTCP ( MAX_TCP ),
    maxContigFrames ( contiguousMsgCountWhichTriggersFlowControl ),
    beaconAnomalyCount ( 0u ),
    iiuExistenceCount ( 0u ),
    cacShutdownInProgress ( false )
    if ( ! osiSockAttach () ) {
        throwWithLocation ( udpiiu :: noSocket () );

    try {
	    long status;

         * Certain os, such as HPUX, do not unblock a socket system call 
         * when another thread asynchronously calls both shutdown() and 
         * close(). To solve this problem we need to employ OS specific
         * mechanisms.
        epicsSignalInstallSigAlarmIgnore ();
        epicsSignalInstallSigPipeIgnore ();

            char tmp[256];
            size_t len;
            osiGetUserNameReturn gunRet;

            gunRet = osiGetUserName ( tmp, sizeof (tmp) );
            if ( gunRet != osiGetUserNameSuccess ) {
                tmp[0] = '\0';
            len = strlen ( tmp ) + 1;
            this->pUserName = new char [ len ];
            strncpy ( this->pUserName, tmp, len );

        this->_serverPort = 
            envGetInetPortConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_SERVER_PORT,
                                        static_cast <unsigned short> (CA_SERVER_PORT) );

        status = envGetDoubleConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO, &this->connTMO );
        if ( status ) {
            this->connTMO = CA_CONN_VERIFY_PERIOD;
            epicsGuard < epicsMutex > cbGuard ( this->cbMutex );
            errlogPrintf ( "EPICS \"%s\" double fetch failed\n", EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO.name );
            errlogPrintf ( "Defaulting \"%s\" = %f\n", EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO.name, this->connTMO );

        long maxBytesAsALong;
        status =  envGetLongConfigParam ( &EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES, &maxBytesAsALong );
        if ( status || maxBytesAsALong < 0 ) {
            errlogPrintf ( "cac: EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES was not a positive integer\n" );
        else {
            /* allow room for the protocol header so that they get the array size they requested */
            static const unsigned headerSize = sizeof ( caHdr ) + 2 * sizeof ( ca_uint32_t );
            ca_uint32_t maxBytes = ( unsigned ) maxBytesAsALong;
            if ( maxBytes < 0xffffffff - headerSize ) {
                maxBytes += headerSize;
            else {
                maxBytes = 0xffffffff;
            if ( maxBytes < MAX_TCP ) {
                errlogPrintf ( "cac: EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES was rounded up to %u\n", MAX_TCP );
            else {
                this->maxRecvBytesTCP = maxBytes;
        freeListInitPvt ( &this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList, MAX_TCP, 1 );
        if ( ! this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList ) {
            throw std::bad_alloc ();

        freeListInitPvt ( &this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList, this->maxRecvBytesTCP, 1 );
        if ( ! this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList ) {
            throw std::bad_alloc ();
        unsigned bufsPerArray = this->maxRecvBytesTCP / comBuf::capacityBytes ();
        if ( bufsPerArray > 1u ) {
            maxContigFrames = bufsPerArray * 
    catch ( ... ) {
        osiSockRelease ();
        delete [] this->pUserName;
        if ( this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList ) {
            freeListCleanup ( this->tcpSmallRecvBufFreeList );
        if ( this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList ) {
            freeListCleanup ( this->tcpLargeRecvBufFreeList );
        this->timerQueue.release ();

     * load user configured tcp name server address list,
     * create virtual circuits, and add them to server table
    ELLLIST dest, tmpList;

    ellInit ( & dest );
    ellInit ( & tmpList );

    addAddrToChannelAccessAddressList ( &tmpList, &EPICS_CA_NAME_SERVERS, this->_serverPort, false );
    removeDuplicateAddresses ( &dest, &tmpList, 0 );

    epicsGuard < epicsMutex > guard ( this->mutex );

    while ( osiSockAddrNode *
        pNode = reinterpret_cast < osiSockAddrNode * > ( ellGet ( & dest ) ) ) {
        tcpiiu * piiu = NULL;
        SearchDestTCP * pdst = new SearchDestTCP ( *this, pNode->addr );
        this->registerSearchDest ( guard, * pdst );
        bool newIIU = findOrCreateVirtCircuit (
            guard, pNode->addr, cacChannel::priorityDefault,
            piiu, CA_UKN_MINOR_VERSION, pdst );
        free ( pNode );
        if ( newIIU ) {
            piiu->start ( guard );
Пример #4
Файл: dbnd.c Проект: ukaea/epics
static void dbndShutdown(void* ignore)
Пример #5
static long dbReadCOM(DBBASE **ppdbbase,const char *filename, FILE *fp,
	const char *path,const char *substitutions)
    long	status;
    inputFile	*pinputFile = NULL;
    char	*penv;
    char	**macPairs;
    if(*ppdbbase == 0) *ppdbbase = dbAllocBase();
    pdbbase = *ppdbbase;
    if(path && strlen(path)>0) {
    } else {
	penv = getenv("EPICS_DB_INCLUDE_PATH");
	if(penv) {
	} else {
    my_buffer = dbCalloc(MY_BUFFER_SIZE,sizeof(char));
    if(substitutions) {
	if(macCreateHandle(&macHandle,NULL)) {
	    epicsPrintf("macCreateHandle error\n");
            status = -1;
	    goto cleanup;
	macParseDefns(macHandle,(char *)substitutions,&macPairs);
	if(macPairs ==NULL) {
	    macHandle = NULL;
	} else {
	    free((void *)macPairs);
	    mac_input_buffer = dbCalloc(MY_BUFFER_SIZE,sizeof(char));
    pinputFile = dbCalloc(1,sizeof(inputFile));
    if(filename) {
	pinputFile->filename = macEnvExpand(filename);
    if(!fp) {
	FILE	*fp1;

	if(pinputFile->filename) pinputFile->path = dbOpenFile(pdbbase,pinputFile->filename,&fp1);
	if(!pinputFile->filename || !fp1) {
	    errPrintf(0,__FILE__, __LINE__,
		"dbRead opening file %s",pinputFile->filename);
	    free((void *)pinputFile->filename);
	    free((void *)pinputFile);
            status = -1;
            goto cleanup;
	pinputFile->fp = fp1;
    } else {
	pinputFile->fp = fp;
    pinputFile->line_num = 0;
    pinputFileNow = pinputFile;
    my_buffer[0] = '\0';
    my_buffer_ptr = my_buffer;
    status = pvt_yy_parse();
    if(!status) { /*add RTYP and VERS as an attribute */
	DBENTRY	dbEntry;
	DBENTRY	*pdbEntry = &dbEntry;
	long	localStatus;

	localStatus = dbFirstRecordType(pdbEntry);
	while(!localStatus) {
	    localStatus = dbPutRecordAttribute(pdbEntry,"RTYP",
	    if(!localStatus)  {
		localStatus = dbPutRecordAttribute(pdbEntry,"VERS",
		    "none specified");
	    if(localStatus) {
		fprintf(stderr,"dbPutRecordAttribute status %ld\n",status);
	    } else {
	        localStatus = dbNextRecordType(pdbEntry);
    if(macHandle) macDeleteHandle(macHandle);
    macHandle = NULL;
    if(mac_input_buffer) free((void *)mac_input_buffer);
    mac_input_buffer = NULL;
    if(freeListPvt) freeListCleanup(freeListPvt);
    freeListPvt = NULL;
    if(my_buffer) free((void *)my_buffer);
    my_buffer = NULL;
Пример #6
casBufferFactory::~casBufferFactory ()
    freeListCleanup ( this->smallBufFreeList );
    freeListCleanup ( this->largeBufFreeList );
Пример #7
    freeListCleanup ( this->smallBufFreeList );