Пример #1
main(int argc, char *argv)
	name *n = mkName("Yoshikuni", "Jujo");

	return 0;
Пример #2
Пример #3
HRESULT WalkTreeFromPart(
    IPart *pPart,
    EDataFlow eDirection,
    bool bFollowConnector,
    int iTabLevel /* = 0 */
) {
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    UINT nId = 0;
    hr = pPart->GetLocalId(&nId);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        LOG(L"Could not get part id: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
        return hr;

    LPWSTR pwszPartName = NULL;
    hr = pPart->GetName(&pwszPartName);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        LOG(L"Could not get part name: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
        return hr;
    CoTaskMemFreeOnExit freeName(pwszPartName);
    LOG(L"0x%x: %s", nId, pwszPartName);

    // see if this is a volume node part
    IAudioVolumeLevel *pVolume = NULL;
    hr = pPart->Activate(CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IAudioVolumeLevel), (void**)&pVolume);
    if (E_NOINTERFACE == hr) {
        // not a volume node
    } else if (FAILED(hr)) {
        LOG(L"Unexpected failure trying to activate IAudioVolumeLevel: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
        return hr;
    } else {
        // it's a volume node...
        ReleaseOnExit releaseVolume(pVolume);
        hr = DisplayVolume(pVolume, iTabLevel);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            LOG(L"DisplayVolume failed: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
            return hr;

    // see if this is a mute node part
    IAudioMute *pMute = NULL;
    hr = pPart->Activate(CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IAudioMute), (void**)&pMute);
    if (E_NOINTERFACE == hr) {
        // not a mute node
    } else if (FAILED(hr)) {
        LOG(L"Unexpected failure trying to activate IAudioMute: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
        return hr;
    } else {
        // it's a mute node...
        ReleaseOnExit releaseMute(pMute);
        hr = DisplayMute(pMute, iTabLevel);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            LOG(L"DisplayMute failed: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
            return hr;

    // see if this is a jack description part
    IKsJackDescription *pKsJackDescription = NULL;
    hr = pPart->Activate(CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IKsJackDescription), (void**)&pKsJackDescription);
    if (E_NOINTERFACE == hr) {
        // not a jack description part
    } else if (FAILED(hr)) {
        LOG(L"Unexpected failure trying to activate IKsJackDescription: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
        return hr;
    } else {
        // it's a mute node...
        ReleaseOnExit releaseJackDescription(pKsJackDescription);
        hr = DisplayKsJackDescription(pKsJackDescription, iTabLevel);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            LOG(L"DisplayKsJackDescription failed: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
            return hr;

    // get the list of incoming or outgoing parts, according to the direction
    IPartsList *pParts = NULL;
    hr = (
        eRender == eDirection ?
            pPart->EnumPartsIncoming(&pParts) :
    if (E_NOTFOUND == hr) {
        // not an error... we've just reached the end of the path
    } else if (FAILED(hr)) {
        LOG(L"Couldn't enum next parts: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
        return hr;
    } else {
        ReleaseOnExit releaseOnExit(pParts);
        UINT nParts = 0;
        hr = pParts->GetCount(&nParts);
        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            LOG(L"Couldn't get count of incoming parts: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
            return hr;

        // walk the tree on each incoming/outgoing part recursively
        for (UINT n = 0; n < nParts; n++) {
            IPart *pNextPart = NULL;
            hr = pParts->GetPart(n, &pNextPart);
            if (FAILED(hr)) {
                LOG(L"Couldn't get part #%u (0-based) of %u (1-based:) hr = 0x%08x", n, nParts, hr);
                return hr;
            ReleaseOnExit releaseNextPart(pNextPart);

            // if the incoming/outgoing part is a connector, follow it
            hr = WalkTreeFromPart(pNextPart, eDirection, true, iTabLevel + 1);
            if (FAILED(hr)) {
                LOG(L"Couldn't walk tree on part #%u (0-based) of %u (1-based:) hr = 0x%08x", n, nParts, hr);
                return hr;
    if (bFollowConnector) {
        // if this part is a connector, do the connector dance
        IConnector *pConnHere = NULL;
        hr = pPart->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pConnHere));
        if (E_NOINTERFACE == hr) {
            // that's fine
        } else if (FAILED(hr)) {
            LOG(L"Unexpected failure getting the connector on the endpoint: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
            return hr;
        } else {
            ReleaseOnExit releaseConnHere(pConnHere);

            // get the connector on the other side
            IConnector *pConnOtherSide = NULL;
            hr = pConnHere->GetConnectedTo(&pConnOtherSide);
            if (E_NOTFOUND == hr) {
                // that's fine, it just isn't connected to anything
            } else if (FAILED(hr)) {
                LOG(L"Couldn't get the connector on the upstream device: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
                return __LINE__;
            } else {
                ReleaseOnExit releaseConnOtherSide(pConnOtherSide);

                // QI on the device's connector for IPart
                IPart *pPartOtherSide = NULL;
                hr = pConnOtherSide->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pPartOtherSide));
                if (FAILED(hr)) {
                    LOG(L"Couldn't get the part on the other side: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
                    return __LINE__;
                ReleaseOnExit releasePartOtherSide(pPartOtherSide);

                // get the device topology interface for the other side
                IDeviceTopology *pDTOtherSide = NULL;
                hr = pPartOtherSide->GetTopologyObject(&pDTOtherSide);
                if (FAILED(hr)) {
                    LOG(L"Couldn't get the other side's device topology: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
                    return __LINE__;
                ReleaseOnExit releaseDTOtherSide(pDTOtherSide);
                // get the device name for the other side
                LPWSTR pwszDeviceName = NULL;
                hr = pDTOtherSide->GetDeviceId(&pwszDeviceName);
                if (FAILED(hr)) {
                    LOG(L"Could not get device name: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
                    return hr;
                CoTaskMemFreeOnExit freeDeviceName(pwszDeviceName);
                LOG(L"%s", pwszDeviceName);

                // walk the other side's tree
                // but don't follow the connector back to here
                hr = WalkTreeFromPart(pPartOtherSide, eDirection, false, iTabLevel + 1);
                if (FAILED(hr)) {
                    LOG(L"Couldn't walk the tree: hr = 0x%08x", hr);
                    return __LINE__;
    return S_OK;