Пример #1
int leveldb_client_stop(leveldb *db)
	int retval = 0;
	char *err = NULL;

	kp_debug("stopping db [%s]\n", db->name);

	leveldb_destroy_db(db->options, db->name, &err);  //destroy db on disk
	if (err) {
		kp_error("leveldb_destroy_db() returned error: %s\n", err);
		retval = -1;

	kp_debug("freed the leveldb, returning %d\n", retval);
	return retval;
Пример #2
int leveldb_client_get(leveldb *db, const char *key, char **value,
		bool add_null_zero)
	char *err = NULL;
	size_t keylen, vallen;
	char *re_value;

	if (!db || !key) {
		kp_error("got a NULL argument\n");
		return -1;

	keylen = strlen(key);
	if (keylen < 1) {
		kp_error("got empty string for key (%zu)\n", keylen);
	kp_debug("calling leveldb_get() with key=%s, keylen=%zu\n", key, keylen);
	*value = leveldb_get(db->db, db->roptions, key, keylen, &vallen, &err);
	if (err) {
		kp_error("leveldb_get() returned error: %s\n", err);
		return -1;

	/* leveldb_get() will return NULL if the key is not found. */
	if (*value == NULL) {
		kp_debug("did not find key=%s in db; returning 1\n", key);
		return 1;

	/* If we got a value back from the db, then it is not null-zero-
	 * terminated. If the caller asks us to, we can allocate another
	 * string that is null-terminated.
	kp_debug("get(%s) returned vallen=%zu, not-null-terminated-value=[%s]\n",
			key, vallen, *value);
	if (add_null_zero) {
		re_value = (char *)malloc(vallen + 1);
		strncpy(re_value, *value, vallen);
		re_value[vallen] = '\0';
		*value = re_value;
		kp_debug("created null-terminated value=%s; vallen=%zu, strlen=%zu\n",
				*value, vallen, strlen(*value));
	} else {
		kp_debug("add_null_zero is false, so value returned will not end "
				"in a null-zero\n");

	kp_debug("got a value, returning 0\n");
	return 0;
Пример #3
int leveldb_client_put(leveldb *db, const char *key, const char *value)
	char *err = NULL;
	size_t keylen, vallen;

	if (!db || !key || !value) {
		kp_error("got a NULL argument\n");
		return -1;

	/* The lengths that we pass into leveldb_put() should NOT include
	 * the null-zero!
	keylen = strlen(key);
	vallen = strlen(value);
	if (keylen < 1 || vallen < 1) {
		kp_error("got empty string for key (%zu) or val (%zu)\n",
				keylen, vallen);
	kp_debug("putting [%s:%s] into db [%s]; keylen=%zu, vallen=%zu\n",
			key, value, db->name, keylen, vallen);

	/* leveldb_put() goes to internal leveldb code that will copy the key
	 * and the value; we do not have to do this here in our leveldb client.
	 * After our client function returns, the caller will be able to free
	 * the key and the value. The leveldb code will call Slice() to slice
	 * off the null-zero from the key and value strings we are passing it,
	 * and just the character bytes will be stored in the db.
	leveldb_put(db->db, db->woptions, key, keylen, value, vallen, &err);
	if (err) {
		kp_error("leveldb_put() returned error: %s\n", err);
		return -1;

	kp_debug("leveldb_put() succeeded\n");
	return 0;
Пример #4
int leveldb_client_delete(leveldb *db, const char *key)
	char *err = NULL;
	size_t keylen;

	if (!db || !key){
		kp_error("got a NULL arguement\n");
		return -1;

	keylen = strlen(key);
	if (keylen < 1 )
		kp_error("got empty string for key (%zu)\n", keylen);
	kp_debug("deleting{%s} from db [%s]; keylen=%zu\n", key, db->name, keylen);
	leveldb_delete(db->db, db->woptions, key, keylen, &err);
	if (err){
		kp_error("leveldb_delete() returned error: %s\n", err);
		return -1;
	kp_debug("leveledb_delete() succeeded\n");
	return 0;
Пример #5
//TODO: add "bool create_if_missing" to this API!
int leveldb_client_start(leveldb **db, const char *name,
		size_t write_buffer_size, bool use_compression, bool sync_writes)
	int namelen;
	char *db_name;
	char *err = NULL;
	leveldb_t* db_t;
	leveldb_comparator_t *cmp;
	leveldb_cache_t *cache;
	leveldb_env_t *env;
	leveldb_options_t *options;
	leveldb_readoptions_t *roptions;
	leveldb_writeoptions_t *woptions;
	*db = (leveldb *)malloc(sizeof(leveldb));
	if (*db == NULL) {
		kp_error("malloc(leveldb) failed!\n");
		return -1;

	/* Check arguments: */
	if (strlen(name) < 1) {
		kp_error("name has no length!\n");
		return -1;
	if (write_buffer_size == 0) {
		write_buffer_size = WRITE_BUFFER_DEFAULT;
	if (write_buffer_size < WRITE_BUFFER_MIN) {
		kp_error("write_buffer_size=%zu too small; min=%u\n",
				write_buffer_size, WRITE_BUFFER_MIN);
		return -1;
	kp_debug("got args: name=%s, write_buffer_size=%zu, use_compression=%s, "
			name, write_buffer_size, use_compression ? "true" : "false",
			sync_writes ? "true" : "false");

	/* Format of db name: LEVELDB_DIR + / + name */
	namelen = strlen(name);
	db_name = malloc(namelen + 1);
	if (!db_name) {
		kp_error("malloc(db_name) failed!\n");
		return -1;
	strncpy(db_name, name, namelen+1);          //copy null-zero
	(*db)->name = db_name;
	kp_debug("constructed db->name=[%s]\n", (*db)->name);

	/* Set up the database's comparator, environment, cache, etc. According
	 * to leveldb/include/leveldb/c.h, all functions that can raise an error
	 * must be passed a "char **errptr" (set to NULL!) as the last argument;
	 * I guess functions that don't take this pointer can't return errors.
	cmp = leveldb_comparator_create(NULL, cmp_destroy, cmp_compare,
			cmp_name);  //first arg is "state"
	env = leveldb_create_default_env();
	cache = leveldb_cache_create_lru(CACHE_CAPACITY);
	//	cache = NULL;
	(*db)->cmp = cmp;
	(*db)->env = env;
	(*db)->cache = cache;

	/* Set up the database's various options. Many of these will affect the
	 * database's performance! (see leveldb/include/leveldb/options.h).
	options = leveldb_options_create();
	leveldb_options_set_create_if_missing(options, 1);
	leveldb_options_set_comparator(options, cmp);
	leveldb_options_set_error_if_exists(options, 1);  //raise error if db already exists
	leveldb_options_set_cache(options, cache);
	//	leveldb_options_set_cache(options, NULL); //disable cache??
	leveldb_options_set_env(options, env);
	leveldb_options_set_info_log(options, NULL);  //NULL: write info to file in db's dir
	leveldb_options_set_write_buffer_size(options, write_buffer_size);
	  /* Amount of data to build up in memory (backed by an unsorted log
	   * on disk) before converting to a sorted on-disk file.
	   * Larger values increase performance, especially during bulk loads.
	   * Up to two write buffers may be held in memory at the same time,
	   * so you may wish to adjust this parameter to control memory usage.
	   * Also, a larger write buffer will result in a longer recovery time
	   * the next time the database is opened.
	   * Default: 4MB  (test file uses 100000 bytes)
	leveldb_options_set_paranoid_checks(options, 0);  //default false; test file uses true
	leveldb_options_set_max_open_files(options, MAX_OPEN_FILES);
	leveldb_options_set_block_size(options, BLOCK_SIZE);
	leveldb_options_set_block_restart_interval(options, BLOCK_RESTART_INTERVAL);
			use_compression ? leveldb_snappy_compression : leveldb_no_compression);
	(*db)->options = options;

	roptions = leveldb_readoptions_create();
	leveldb_readoptions_set_verify_checksums(roptions, 0);
	  /* If true, all data read from underlying storage will be
	   * verified against corresponding checksums.
	   * Default false; test file uses true.
	leveldb_readoptions_set_fill_cache(roptions, true);
	  /* Should the data read for this iteration be cached in memory?
	   * Callers may wish to set this field to false for bulk scans.
	   * Default true; test file uses false.
	(*db)->roptions = roptions;

	woptions = leveldb_writeoptions_create();
	leveldb_writeoptions_set_sync(woptions, sync_writes ? 1 : 0);
	  /* If true, the write will be flushed from the operating system
	   * buffer cache (by calling WritableFile::Sync()) before the write
	   * is considered complete.  If this flag is true, writes will be
	   * slower.
	   * If this flag is false, and the machine crashes, some recent
	   * writes may be lost.  Note that if it is just the process that
	   * crashes (i.e., the machine does not reboot), no writes will be
	   * lost even if sync==false.
	   * In other words, a DB write with sync==false has similar
	   * crash semantics as the "write()" system call.  A DB write
	   * with sync==true has similar crash semantics to a "write()"
	   * system call followed by "fsync()".
	(*db)->woptions = woptions;

	kp_debug("destroying previous copy of database, if it exists\n");
	leveldb_destroy_db((*db)->options, (*db)->name, &err);

	kp_debug("opening/creating database [%s]\n", (*db)->name);
	db_t = leveldb_open((*db)->options, (*db)->name, &err);
	if (err) {
		kp_error("opening db returned error: %s\n", err);
		return -1;
	(*db)->db = db_t;

	kp_debug("successfully started leveldb [%s]\n", (*db)->name);
	return 0;
Пример #6
int main (int argc, const char ** argv)
  void           * p        = NIL; /* WGetOpt object */
  void           * a        = NIL; /* an ARC file object */
  void           * w        = NIL; /* a WARC file object */
  void           * u        = NIL; /* a UUID object */
  char           * aname    = NIL;
  afile_comp_t     amode    = ARC_FILE_DETECT_COMPRESSION;
  warc_bool_t      b        = WARC_FALSE;
  warc_i32_t       c        = 0;
  warc_u8_t      * flags    = uS ("ca:f:t:");
  char           * fname    = NIL;
  char           * wdir     = ".";
  wfile_comp_t     cmode    = WARC_FILE_UNCOMPRESSED;

  if (argc < 5 || argc > 9)
      fprintf (stderr, "ARC to WARC convertor\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s -a <file.arc> -f <file.warc> [-c] [-t <working_dir>]\n",
               argv [0]);
      fprintf (stderr, "\t-a    : valid ARC file name\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "\t-f    : valid WARC file name\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "\t[-c]  : WARC file will be GZIP compressed (default no)\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "\t[-t]  : temporary working directory (default \".\")\n");
      return (2);

  p = bless (WGetOpt, makeS (flags) );

  assert (p);

  /* parse command line parameters */

  while ( (c = WGetOpt_parse (p, argc, argv) ) != -1)
      switch (c)
          case 'f' :

            if (w_index (flags, c) [1] == ':')
              fname = WGetOpt_argument (p);


          case 'c' :
            cmode = WARC_FILE_COMPRESSED_GZIP;


          case 'a' :
            if (w_index (flags, c) [1] == ':')
              aname = WGetOpt_argument (p);


          case 't' :

            if (w_index (flags, c) [1] == ':')
              wdir = WGetOpt_argument (p);


          case '?' :  /* illegal option or missing argument */
            destroy (p);

            return (1);

  unless (aname)
    fprintf (stderr, "missing ARC file name. Use -a option\n");
    destroy (p);
    return (1);

  unless (fname)
    fprintf (stderr, "missing WARC file name. Use -f option\n");
    destroy (p);
    return (1);

  /* open an existing ARC file */
  a = bless (AFile, aname, amode, wdir);
  unless (a)
    fprintf (stderr, "unable to create the Arc object\n");
    return (2);

  /* open or create a WARC file */
  w = bless (WFile, fname, WARC_MAX_SIZE, 
             WARC_FILE_WRITER, cmode, wdir);
  unless (w)
    fprintf (stderr, "unable to create the Warc object\n");
    return (3);

  /* create a UUID object */
  u = bless (WUUID);
  unless (u)
    fprintf (stderr, "unable to create a UUID object\n");
    return (4);

  /* loop over all ARC records */

  while (AFile_hasMoreRecords (a) )
      void * ar   = AFile_nextRecord (a);
      void * wr   = NIL;

      /* check the next ARC record */
      unless (ar)
        fprintf (stderr, "corrupted ARC\n");
        free_err_out ( 5);

      /* create an empty WARC record */
      wr = bless (WRecord);
      unless (wr)
        fprintf (stderr, "unable to create the WARC record object\n");
        free_err_out (6);

      /* set the subject URI */
      b = WRecord_setTargetUri  (wr, makeS (ARecord_getUrl (ar) ) );

      if (b)
        free_err (7);

      /* set the record tyep */
      b = WRecord_setRecordType  (wr, WARC_RESPONSE_RECORD);

      if (b)
        free_err (8);

      /* set the creation date */
      b = WRecord_setDateFromArc (wr, makeS (ARecord_getCreationDate (ar) ) );

      if (b)
        free_err (9);

      /* set the content type */
      b = WRecord_setContentType  (wr, makeS (ARecord_getMimeType (ar) ) );

      if (b)
        free_err (10);

      /* Create a UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier) based on URL + Timestamp */
      WUUID_hash (u, makeU (ARecord_getUrl (ar) ) );

      WUUID_hash (u, makeU (ARecord_getCreationDate (ar) ) );

      b = WRecord_setRecordId (wr, makeS (WUUID_text (u) ) );

      if (b)
        free_err (11);

      WUUID_reinit (u); /* re-initialize the UUID object */

      /* add the ARC IP as an Anvl */
      b = WRecord_setIpAddress (wr, makeS (ARecord_getIpAddress (ar) ) );

      if (b)
        free_err (12);

      /* move the ARC record payload to the WARC record */
      b = ARecord_transferContent (ar, wr, a);

      if (b)
        free_err (13);

      /* save the WARC record into the WARC file */
      b = WFile_storeRecord (w, wr, NIL);

      if (b)
        free_err (14);

      /* free the ARC and the WARC records */

    } /* end of while */

  /* free the ARC and the WARC files */

  return (0);