static int info_cmd(int argc, char *argv[]) { image_t *image; uint64_t image_offset; uint64_t image_size = 0; fip_toc_header_t toc_header; int i; if (argc != 2) info_usage(); argc--, argv++; parse_fip(argv[0], &toc_header); if (verbose) { log_dbgx("toc_header[name]: 0x%llX", (unsigned long long); log_dbgx("toc_header[serial_number]: 0x%llX", (unsigned long long)toc_header.serial_number); log_dbgx("toc_header[flags]: 0x%llX", (unsigned long long)toc_header.flags); } image_offset = sizeof(fip_toc_header_t) + (sizeof(fip_toc_entry_t) * (nr_images + 1)); for (i = 0; i < nr_images; i++) { toc_entry_t *toc_entry; image = images[i]; toc_entry = lookup_entry_from_uuid(&image->uuid); if (toc_entry != NULL) printf("%s: ", toc_entry->name); else printf("Unknown entry: "); image_size = image->size; printf("offset=0x%llX, size=0x%llX", (unsigned long long)image_offset, (unsigned long long)image_size); if (toc_entry != NULL) printf(", cmdline=\"--%s\"", toc_entry->cmdline_name); if (verbose) { unsigned char md[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; SHA256(image->buffer, image_size, md); printf(", sha256="); md_print(md, sizeof(md)); } putchar('\n'); image_offset += image_size; } free_images(); return 0; }
static int create_cmd(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct option opts[toc_entries_len + 1]; unsigned long long toc_flags = 0; int i; if (argc < 2) usage(); i = fill_common_opts(opts, required_argument); add_opt(opts, i, "plat-toc-flags", required_argument, OPT_PLAT_TOC_FLAGS); add_opt(opts, ++i, NULL, 0, 0); while (1) { int c, opt_index; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "o:", opts, &opt_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case OPT_TOC_ENTRY: { toc_entry_t *toc_entry; toc_entry = &toc_entries[opt_index]; toc_entry->action = DO_PACK; toc_entry->action_arg = strdup(optarg); if (toc_entry->action_arg == NULL) log_err("strdup"); break; } case OPT_PLAT_TOC_FLAGS: parse_plat_toc_flags(optarg, &toc_flags); break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0) usage(); update_fip(); pack_images(argv[0], toc_flags); free_images(); return 0; }
static int info_cmd(int argc, char *argv[]) { image_t *image; uint64_t image_offset; uint64_t image_size = 0; fip_toc_header_t toc_header; int i; if (argc != 2) usage(); argc--, argv++; parse_fip(argv[0], &toc_header); if (verbose) { log_dbgx("toc_header[name]: 0x%llX", (unsigned long long); log_dbgx("toc_header[serial_number]: 0x%llX", (unsigned long long)toc_header.serial_number); log_dbgx("toc_header[flags]: 0x%llX", (unsigned long long)toc_header.flags); } image_offset = sizeof(fip_toc_header_t) + (sizeof(fip_toc_entry_t) * (nr_images + 1)); for (i = 0; i < nr_images; i++) { image = images[i]; if (image->toc_entry != NULL) printf("%s: ", image->toc_entry->name); else printf("Unknown entry: "); image_size = image->size; printf("offset=0x%llX, size=0x%llX", (unsigned long long)image_offset, (unsigned long long)image_size); if (image->toc_entry != NULL) printf(", cmdline=\"--%s\"\n", image->toc_entry->cmdline_name); else putchar('\n'); image_offset += image_size; } free_images(); return 0; }
static int remove_cmd(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct option opts[toc_entries_len + 2]; char outfile[FILENAME_MAX] = { 0 }; fip_toc_header_t toc_header; toc_entry_t *toc_entry; int fflag = 0; int i; if (argc < 2) usage(); i = fill_common_opts(opts, no_argument); add_opt(opts, i, "force", no_argument, 'f'); add_opt(opts, ++i, "out", required_argument, 'o'); add_opt(opts, ++i, NULL, 0, 0); while (1) { int c, opt_index; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "fo:", opts, &opt_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case OPT_TOC_ENTRY: toc_entry = &toc_entries[opt_index]; toc_entry->action = DO_REMOVE; break; case 'f': fflag = 1; break; case 'o': snprintf(outfile, sizeof(outfile), "%s", optarg); break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0) usage(); if (outfile[0] != '\0' && access(outfile, F_OK) == 0 && !fflag) log_errx("File %s already exists, use --force to overwrite it", outfile); if (outfile[0] == '\0') snprintf(outfile, sizeof(outfile), "%s", argv[0]); parse_fip(argv[0], &toc_header); for (toc_entry = toc_entries; toc_entry->cmdline_name != NULL; toc_entry++) { if (toc_entry->action != DO_REMOVE) continue; if (toc_entry->image != NULL) { if (verbose) log_dbgx("Removing %s.bin", toc_entry->cmdline_name); remove_image(toc_entry->image); } else { log_warnx("Requested image %s.bin is not in %s", toc_entry->cmdline_name, argv[0]); } } pack_images(outfile, toc_header.flags); free_images(); return 0; }
static int unpack_cmd(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct option opts[toc_entries_len + 3]; char file[FILENAME_MAX], outdir[PATH_MAX] = { 0 }; toc_entry_t *toc_entry; int fflag = 0; int unpack_all = 1; int i; if (argc < 2) usage(); i = fill_common_opts(opts, required_argument); add_opt(opts, i, "force", no_argument, 'f'); add_opt(opts, ++i, "out", required_argument, 'o'); add_opt(opts, ++i, NULL, 0, 0); while (1) { int c, opt_index; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "fo:", opts, &opt_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case OPT_TOC_ENTRY: unpack_all = 0; toc_entry = &toc_entries[opt_index]; toc_entry->action = DO_UNPACK; toc_entry->action_arg = strdup(optarg); if (toc_entry->action_arg == NULL) log_err("strdup"); break; case 'f': fflag = 1; break; case 'o': snprintf(outdir, sizeof(outdir), "%s", optarg); break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0) usage(); parse_fip(argv[0], NULL); if (outdir[0] != '\0') if (chdir(outdir) == -1) log_err("chdir %s", outdir); /* Mark all images to be unpacked. */ if (unpack_all) { for (toc_entry = toc_entries; toc_entry->cmdline_name != NULL; toc_entry++) { if (toc_entry->image != NULL) { toc_entry->action = DO_UNPACK; toc_entry->action_arg = NULL; } } } /* Unpack all specified images. */ for (toc_entry = toc_entries; toc_entry->cmdline_name != NULL; toc_entry++) { if (toc_entry->action != DO_UNPACK) continue; /* Build filename. */ if (toc_entry->action_arg == NULL) snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s.bin", toc_entry->cmdline_name); else snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s", toc_entry->action_arg); if (toc_entry->image == NULL) { log_warnx("Requested image %s is not in %s", file, argv[0]); free(toc_entry->action_arg); toc_entry->action_arg = NULL; continue; } if (access(file, F_OK) != 0 || fflag) { if (verbose) log_dbgx("Unpacking %s", file); write_image_to_file(toc_entry->image, file); } else { log_warnx("File %s already exists, use --force to overwrite it", file); } free(toc_entry->action_arg); toc_entry->action_arg = NULL; } free_images(); return 0; }
static int update_cmd(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct option opts[toc_entries_len + 2]; char outfile[FILENAME_MAX] = { 0 }; fip_toc_header_t toc_header = { 0 }; unsigned long long toc_flags = 0; int pflag = 0; int i; if (argc < 2) usage(); i = fill_common_opts(opts, required_argument); add_opt(opts, i, "out", required_argument, 'o'); add_opt(opts, ++i, "plat-toc-flags", required_argument, OPT_PLAT_TOC_FLAGS); add_opt(opts, ++i, NULL, 0, 0); while (1) { int c, opt_index; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "o:", opts, &opt_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case OPT_TOC_ENTRY: { toc_entry_t *toc_entry; toc_entry = &toc_entries[opt_index]; toc_entry->action = DO_PACK; toc_entry->action_arg = strdup(optarg); if (toc_entry->action_arg == NULL) log_err("strdup"); break; } case OPT_PLAT_TOC_FLAGS: { parse_plat_toc_flags(optarg, &toc_flags); pflag = 1; break; } case 'o': snprintf(outfile, sizeof(outfile), "%s", optarg); break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0) usage(); if (outfile[0] == '\0') snprintf(outfile, sizeof(outfile), "%s", argv[0]); if (access(outfile, F_OK) == 0) parse_fip(argv[0], &toc_header); if (pflag) toc_header.flags &= ~(0xffffULL << 32); toc_flags = (toc_header.flags |= toc_flags); update_fip(); pack_images(outfile, toc_flags); free_images(); return 0; }
int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { /// initialisation son & image /// initialisation FMOD FMOD_SYSTEM * system; FMOD_System_Create(&system); /// initialisation image & son initialisation(system); /// verification de la date struct tm Today; time_t maintenant; time(&maintenant); Today = *localtime(&maintenant); Today.tm_year += 1900; Today.tm_mon += 1; Today.tm_mday; /// username DWORD StrLen = 256; TCHAR SysInfoStr[256]; GetComputerName(SysInfoStr, &StrLen); std::string nameComputeur = SysInfoStr; GetUserName(SysInfoStr, &StrLen); std::string nameUser = SysInfoStr; /// déclaration et chargements des ressources /// create a new window putenv("SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS=center"); /// pour centrer la fenêtre SDL_Surface* screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(LARGEUR_ECRAN, HAUTEUR_ECRAN, 32, SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF|SDL_RESIZABLE|SDL_FULLSCREEN); if ( !screen ) { printf("Unable to set 640x480 video: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } /// images SDL_Surface** images = NULL; images = (SDL_Surface **) malloc (sizeof(SDL_Surface*)*NOMBRE_IMAGE); load_images(images); /// sons FMOD_SOUND ** musiques = NULL; musiques = (FMOD_SOUND **) malloc (sizeof(FMOD_SOUND*)*NOMBRE_MUSIQUE); load_musiques(system, musiques); /// polices TTF_Font ** polices = NULL; polices = (TTF_Font **) malloc(sizeof(TTF_Font*) * NOMBRE_POLICE); load_polices(polices); /// Icone SDL_WM_SetIcon(images[0], NULL); /// titre SDL_WM_SetCaption("Julie", NULL); /// program main loop Input * in = new Input; int tempsPrecedent = 0, tempsActuel = 0; int ghost = 255; bool devient_ghost = true; int * menu = new int; *menu = -1; SDL_Rect place = {LARGEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[0]->w/2,HAUTEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[0]->h/2,0,0}; /// musiques FMOD_System_PlaySound(system, FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, musiques[0], 0, NULL); /// affichage du logo int i = 0; while(i<256) { SDL_FillRect(SDL_GetVideoSurface(), 0, SDL_MapRGB(SDL_GetVideoSurface()->format, 0, 0, 0)); place = {LARGEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[0]->w/2,HAUTEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[0]->h/2,0,0}; SDL_SetAlpha(images[0], SDL_SRCALPHA, i); SDL_BlitSurface(images[0], NULL, SDL_GetVideoSurface(), &place); i++; SDL_Flip(SDL_GetVideoSurface()); } while(i>=0) { SDL_FillRect(SDL_GetVideoSurface(), 0, SDL_MapRGB(SDL_GetVideoSurface()->format, 0, 0, 0)); place = {LARGEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[0]->w/2,HAUTEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[0]->h/2,0,0}; SDL_SetAlpha(images[0], SDL_SRCALPHA, i); SDL_BlitSurface(images[0], NULL, SDL_GetVideoSurface(), &place); i--; SDL_Flip(SDL_GetVideoSurface()); } place = {LARGEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[1]->w/2,HAUTEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[1]->h/2,0,0}; while(!in->get_touche(SDLK_ESCAPE) && !in->get_exit()) /// boucle principale { /// mise à jour des events in->update(); /// gestion du frame fps(&tempsPrecedent, &tempsActuel, SCREEN_REFRESH); /// resize taille écran resize_screen(*in); if(*menu == 1 || in->get_touche(SDLK_1) || in->get_touche(SDLK_KP1)) /// jouer { in->set_touche(SDLK_1, 0); in->set_touche(SDLK_KP1, 0); Jeu * party = new Jeu(images); party->game(); delete party; in->set_touche(SDLK_ESCAPE, 0); } if(*menu == 2 || in->get_touche(SDLK_2) || in->get_touche(SDLK_KP2)) /// jouer { in->set_touche(SDLK_2, 0); in->set_touche(SDLK_KP2, 0); Jeu * party = new Jeu(images); party->conjugaison(); delete party; in->set_touche(SDLK_ESCAPE, 0); } if(*menu == -9) /// quitter le jeu { in->set_exit(1); } if(*menu == -1) { SDL_FillRect(SDL_GetVideoSurface(), 0, SDL_MapRGB(SDL_GetVideoSurface()->format, 0, 0, 0)); place = {LARGEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[1]->w/2,HAUTEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[1]->h/2,0,0}; SDL_BlitSurface(images[1], NULL, SDL_GetVideoSurface(), &place); /* if(devient_ghost) { ghost -= 8; } else { ghost += 8; } if(ghost >= 255 || ghost <= 88) { devient_ghost = !devient_ghost; } place = {LARGEUR_ECRAN/2 - images[2]->w/2,3*HAUTEUR_ECRAN/4 - images[2]->h/2,0,0}; SDL_SetAlpha(images[2], SDL_SRCALPHA, ghost); SDL_BlitSurface(images[2], NULL, SDL_GetVideoSurface(), &place); */ Texte menu1; Texte menu2; menu1.print("1 - Mathématiques", "arial", 60, {255,255,255}, SDL_GetVideoSurface()->w/3, 3*SDL_GetVideoSurface()->h/4); menu2.print("2 - Conjugaison", "arial", 60, {255,255,255}, SDL_GetVideoSurface()->w/3, 3*SDL_GetVideoSurface()->h/4+100); } SDL_Flip(screen); }/// end main loop /// nettoyage /// free pointeurs delete menu; delete in; /// free loaded bitmap and created surface SDL_FreeSurface(screen); free_images(images); free_polices(polices); /// libération des sons free_musiques(musiques); /// fermeture propre de ce qui est ouvert dans initialisation() fermeture(system); /// all is well ;) printf("Exited cleanly\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, iRet = 0; struct pwcmech * pwcmech; // // Signal Handling // sigset_t block_no_signals; sigemptyset(&block_no_signals); struct sigaction pwc_sig_handler; struct sigaction standard_sig_handler; struct sigaction video_io_sig_handler; pwc_sig_handler.sa_flags = 0; pwc_sig_handler.sa_handler = &sig_handler; sigaction(SIGINT, &pwc_sig_handler, &standard_sig_handler); sigaction(SIGTERM, &pwc_sig_handler, &standard_sig_handler); video_io_sig_handler.sa_flags = 0; video_io_sig_handler.sa_handler = &ioctl_callback; sigaction(SIGIO, &video_io_sig_handler, &standard_sig_handler); // // Userspace Driver Interfaces // struct devClass * video_dev; struct images * p_img; // // Buffering Initialization // printf("Allocating buffers..."); frames = alloc_buffers(); if ( frames == NULL ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto finish; } init_data_buffer(frames); printf("done!\n"); // // Device Initialization // printf("Create camera device..."); pwcmech = pwc_devmech_start(); if ( pwcmech_register_driver(pwcmech) ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto release_buffers; } printf("done!\n"); printf("Initialize camera device..."); if ( pwcmech_register_handler(pwcmech) ) { perror("Failed opening camera device"); printf("failed?!\n"); goto stop_usb; } printf("done!\n"); printf("Set camera's video mode..."); //if_claim should work seamslessly somehow iRet = usb_if_claim(pwcmech->com, pwcmech->com->standard_descriptors.highspeed.cameraStream.cameraStreamConf); if ( iRet ) { perror("Failed setting camera's video mode"); printf("failed?!\n"); goto close_camera; } iRet = setVideoMode(pwcmech, 9); //still old way, pre-setting instead of from V4L if ( iRet ) { perror("Failed setting camera's video mode"); printf("failed?!\n"); goto close_camera; } set_ctrl0_timeout(pwcmech->com, 1000); setLeds(pwcmech, 0,0); //don't bother with the light iRet = sendVideoCommand(pwcmech, video_mode_string, VIDEO_MODE_STRING_LEN); if ( iRet ) { perror("Failed setting camera's video mode"); printf("failed?!\n"); goto close_camera; } printf("done!\n"); // // Decompression // printf("Initializing decompression system..."); p_img = alloc_images(); if ( p_img == NULL ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto close_camera; } if ( ( iRet = init_images(p_img) ) ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto free_p_img; } printf("done!\n"); #ifndef NO_IMG // // Open video pipe // printf("Opening the video pipe (vl4 device emulation)..."); video_dev = alloc_devClass(); if ( video_dev == NULL ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto free_p_img; } p_img->img_buf = init_devClass(video_dev, argv[1], p_img); if ( p_img->img_buf == NULL ) { perror("Initializing device class failed"); printf("failed?!\n"); printf("Did you input the device path, \"/dev/video0\"?\"\n\n\n"); goto free_video_dev; } printf("done!\n"); #endif // // ISO transfers // printf("Create USB isochronous transfers..."); for (i = 0; i < ISO_BUFFERS_NR; i++) { iRet = assignVideoBuffer(pwcmech, frames->iso_buffer[i], ISO_BUFFER_SIZE); if (iRet) { perror("Failed creating image transfer"); printf("failed?!\n"); goto unregister_buffers; } } printf("done!\n"); // // Threads // printf("Set-up threads..."); int active_threads = 0; pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS]; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); struct acqArg * acq_arg; acq_arg = malloc(sizeof(struct acqArg)); if ( acq_arg == NULL ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto close_threads; } acq_arg->abort = &thread_abort; acq_arg->pwcmech = pwcmech; struct imgArg * img_arg; img_arg = malloc(sizeof(struct imgArg)); if ( img_arg == NULL ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto close_threads; } img_arg->frames = frames; img_arg->p_img = p_img; img_arg->video_pipe = video_dev; img_arg->capture = 0; img_arg->abort = &thread_abort; printf("done!\n"); // // MAIN // printf("Registering callback function for Isochronous transfer..."); setPower(pwcmech, 0); //enable camera (our state machine discovered that this was missing) registerVideoCallback(pwcmech, acquire_frame, pwcmech); if ( acknowledgeVideoCallback(pwcmech) ) goto close_threads; printf("done!\n"); #ifndef NO_COM printf("Creating the data acquisition thread..."); if ( ( iRet = pthread_create(&threads[active_threads], &attr, process_usb, (void *)acq_arg) ) ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto stop_camera; } active_threads++; printf("done!\n"); #endif #ifndef NO_IMG printf("Creating the image fill thread..."); if ( ( iRet = pthread_create(&threads[active_threads], &attr, fillImageData, (void *)img_arg) ) ) { printf("failed?!\n"); goto stop_camera; } active_threads++; printf("done!\n"); #endif while (!op_abort) { // sigsuspend(&block_no_signals); if ( ioctl_call ) { devClass_ioctl(video_dev, &img_arg->capture); ioctl_call = 0; } } // // ~MAIN // stop_camera: printf("Releasing video callback..."); releaseVideoCallback(pwcmech); printf("done!\n"); printf("Unregistering buffers..."); unassignVideoBuffers(pwcmech); printf("done!\n"); close_threads: printf("Closing all threads..."); thread_abort = 1; for ( i = 0; i < active_threads; i++) pthread_join(threads[i], NULL); free(acq_arg); free(img_arg); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); printf("done!\n"); unregister_buffers: printf("Unregistering buffers if not done before..."); unassignVideoBuffers(pwcmech); printf("done!\n"); free_video_dev: #ifndef NO_IMG printf("Closing video pipe..."); close_devClass(video_dev); free_devClass(video_dev); printf("done!\n"); #endif free_p_img: printf("Releasing decompression system..."); free_images(p_img); printf("done!\n"); usb_release_interface(pwcmech->com, pwcmech->com->standard_descriptors.highspeed.cameraStream.cameraStreamConf); close_camera: printf("Close camera device..."); pwcmech_deregister_handler(pwcmech); printf("done!\n"); stop_usb: printf("Stopping USB interface..."); pwcmech_deregister_driver(pwcmech); printf("done!\n"); release_buffers: pwc_devmech_stop(pwcmech); //release buffers, they are linked to the camera device //so only release them after releasing the camera printf("Releasing buffers..."); free_buffers(frames); printf("done!\n"); finish: return 0; }