bool QGLPixmapData::fromFile(const QString &filename, const char *format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) { if (pixelType() == QPixmapData::BitmapType) return QPixmapData::fromFile(filename, format, flags); QFile file(filename); if (! return false; QByteArray data = file.peek(64); bool alpha; if (m_texture.canBindCompressedTexture (data.constData(), data.size(), format, &alpha)) { resize(0, 0); data = file.readAll(); file.close(); QGLShareContextScope ctx(qt_gl_share_widget()->context()); QSize size = m_texture.bindCompressedTexture (data.constData(), data.size(), format); if (!size.isEmpty()) { w = size.width(); h = size.height(); is_null = false; d = 32; m_hasAlpha = alpha; m_source = QImage(); m_dirty = isValid(); return true; } return false; } fromImage(QImageReader(&file, format).read(), flags); return !isNull(); }
void QMeeGoRasterPixmapData::copy(const QPixmapData *data, const QRect &rect) { if (data->classId() == QPixmapData::OpenGLClass) fromImage(data->toImage(rect).copy(), Qt::NoOpaqueDetection); else QRasterPixmapData::copy(data, rect); }
/* void CPixmap::toLuminosity(int value) { m_effects.push_back(...); QImage img = this->toImage(); QImage dest(img.size(), img.format()); QColor pixel; for(int x=0; x<img.width();x++) { for (int y=0; y<img.height(); y++) { pixel = img.pixel(x, y); int green = + value; int red = + value; int blue = + value; if(green > 255) green = 255; else if(green < 0) green = 0; if(red > 255) red = 255; else if(red < 0) red = 0; if(blue > 255) blue = 255; else if(blue <0) blue = 0; pixel.setGreen(green); pixel.setBlue(blue); pixel.setRed(red); dest.setPixel(x,y,pixel.rgb()); } } updateImage(dest); } */ void CPixmap::updateImage(QImage &newImage) { QString copyFilePath = m_filePath; QList<CEffect> copyEffects = m_effects; *this = fromImage(newImage); m_filePath = copyFilePath; m_effects = copyEffects; }
bool QPlatformPixmap::fromFile(const QString &fileName, const char *format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) { QImage image = QImageReader(fileName, format).read(); if (image.isNull()) return false; fromImage(makeBitmapCompliantIfNeeded(this, image, flags), flags); return !isNull(); }
void CPixmap::updateImage(QImage &newImage) { QImage copyImage = m_image; QString copyFilePath = m_filePath; QList<PictureEffect> copyEffects = m_effects; *this = fromImage(newImage); m_image = copyImage; m_filePath = copyFilePath; m_effects = copyEffects; }
bool QPlatformPixmap::fromData(const uchar *buf, uint len, const char *format, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) { QByteArray a = QByteArray::fromRawData(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buf), len); QBuffer b(&a);; QImage image = QImageReader(&b, format).read(); if (image.isNull()) return false; fromImage(makeBitmapCompliantIfNeeded(this, image, flags), flags); return !isNull(); }
QBitmap &QBitmap::operator=(const QPixmap &pixmap) { if (pixmap.isNull()) { // a null pixmap QBitmap bm(0, 0); QBitmap::operator=(bm); } else if (pixmap.depth() == 1) { // 1-bit pixmap QPixmap::operator=(pixmap); // shallow assignment } else { // n-bit depth pixmap QImage image; image = pixmap.toImage(); // convert pixmap to image *this = fromImage(image); // will dither image } return *this; }
void RadialMap::Map::invalidate(const bool desaturateTheImage) { delete [] m_signature; m_signature = 0; if (desaturateTheImage) { QImage img = this->toImage(); KIconEffect::deSaturate(img, 0.7); KIconEffect::toGray(img, true); this->QPixmap::operator=(fromImage(img, Qt::AutoColor)); } m_visibleDepth = Config::defaultRingDepth; }
void QVGPixmapData::copy(const QPixmapData *data, const QRect &rect) { // toImage() is potentially expensive with QVolatileImage so provide a // more efficient implementation of copy() that does not rely on it. if (!data) { return; } if (data->classId() != OpenVGClass) { fromImage(data->toImage(rect), Qt::NoOpaqueDetection); return; } const QVGPixmapData *pd = static_cast<const QVGPixmapData *>(data); QRect r = rect; if (r.isNull() || r.contains(QRect(0, 0, pd->w, pd->h))) { r = QRect(0, 0, pd->w, pd->h); } resize(r.width(), r.height()); recreate = true; if (!pd->source.isNull()) { source = QVolatileImage(r.width(), r.height(), pd->source.format()); source.copyFrom(&pd->source, r); } }
void QMacPixmapData::fromImage(const QImage &img, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) { setSerialNumber(++qt_pixmap_serial); // the conversion code only handles format >= // Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied at the moment.. if (img.format() > QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) { QImage image; if (img.hasAlphaChannel()) image = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); else image = img.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32); fromImage(image, flags); return; } w = img.width(); h = img.height(); is_null = (w <= 0 || h <= 0); d = (pixelType() == BitmapType ? 1 : img.depth()); QImage image = img; int dd = QPixmap::defaultDepth(); bool force_mono = (dd == 1 || (flags & Qt::ColorMode_Mask)==Qt::MonoOnly); if (force_mono) { // must be monochrome if (d != 1) { image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_MonoLSB, flags); // dither d = 1; } } else { // can be both bool conv8 = false; if(d > 8 && dd <= 8) { // convert to 8 bit if ((flags & Qt::DitherMode_Mask) == Qt::AutoDither) flags = (flags & ~Qt::DitherMode_Mask) | Qt::PreferDither; conv8 = true; } else if ((flags & Qt::ColorMode_Mask) == Qt::ColorOnly) { conv8 = d == 1; // native depth wanted } else if (d == 1) { if (image.colorCount() == 2) { QRgb c0 = image.color(0); // Auto: convert to best QRgb c1 = image.color(1); conv8 = qMin(c0,c1) != qRgb(0,0,0) || qMax(c0,c1) != qRgb(255,255,255); } else { // eg. 1-color monochrome images (they do exist). conv8 = true; } } if (conv8) { image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8, flags); d = 8; } } if (image.depth()==1) { image.setColor(0, QColor(Qt::color0).rgba()); image.setColor(1, QColor(Qt::color1).rgba()); } if (d == 16 || d == 24) { image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32, flags); fromImage(image, flags); return; } // different size or depth, make a new pixmap resize(w, h); quint32 *dptr = pixels, *drow; const uint dbpr = bytesPerRow; const QImage::Format sfmt = image.format(); const unsigned short sbpr = image.bytesPerLine(); // use const_cast to prevent a detach const uchar *sptr = const_cast<const QImage &>(image).bits(), *srow; for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) { drow = dptr + (y * (dbpr / 4)); srow = sptr + (y * sbpr); switch(sfmt) { case QImage::Format_MonoLSB: case QImage::Format_Mono:{ for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { char one_bit = *(srow + (x / 8)); if (sfmt == QImage::Format_Mono) one_bit = one_bit >> (7 - (x % 8)); else one_bit = one_bit >> (x % 8); if ((one_bit & 0x01)) *(drow+x) = 0xFF000000; else *(drow+x) = 0xFFFFFFFF; } break; } case QImage::Format_Indexed8: { int numColors = image.numColors(); if (numColors > 0) { for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { int index = *(srow + x); *(drow+x) = PREMUL(image.color(qMin(index, numColors))); } } } break; case QImage::Format_RGB32: for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) *(drow+x) = *(((quint32*)srow) + x) | 0xFF000000; break; case QImage::Format_ARGB32: case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied: for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) { if(sfmt == QImage::Format_RGB32) *(drow+x) = 0xFF000000 | (*(((quint32*)srow) + x) & 0x00FFFFFF); else if(sfmt == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) *(drow+x) = *(((quint32*)srow) + x); else *(drow+x) = PREMUL(*(((quint32*)srow) + x)); } break; default: qWarning("Qt: internal: Oops: Forgot a format [%d] %s:%d", sfmt, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } }
QPixmap QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(HBITMAP bitmap, HBitmapFormat format) { // Verify size BITMAP bitmap_info; memset(&bitmap_info, 0, sizeof(BITMAP)); int res = GetObject(bitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), &bitmap_info); if (!res) { qErrnoWarning("QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(), failed to get bitmap info"); return QPixmap(); } int w = bitmap_info.bmWidth; int h = bitmap_info.bmHeight; BITMAPINFO bmi; memset(&bmi, 0, sizeof(bmi)); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = w; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -h; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = w * h * 4; QImage result; // Get bitmap bits uchar *data = (uchar *) qMalloc(bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage); HDC display_dc = GetDC(0); if (GetDIBits(display_dc, bitmap, 0, h, data, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS)) { QImage::Format imageFormat = QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied; uint mask = 0; if (format == NoAlpha) { imageFormat = QImage::Format_RGB32; mask = 0xff000000; } // Create image and copy data into image. QImage image(w, h, imageFormat); if (!image.isNull()) { // failed to alloc? int bytes_per_line = w * sizeof(QRgb); for (int y=0; y<h; ++y) { QRgb *dest = (QRgb *) image.scanLine(y); const QRgb *src = (const QRgb *) (data + y * bytes_per_line); for (int x=0; x<w; ++x) { const uint pixel = src[x]; if ((pixel & 0xff000000) == 0 && (pixel & 0x00ffffff) != 0) dest[x] = pixel | 0xff000000; else dest[x] = pixel | mask; } } } result = image; } else { qWarning("QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(), failed to get bitmap bits"); } ReleaseDC(0, display_dc); qFree(data); return fromImage(result); }
QPixmap QPixmap::fromImage(const QImage &img, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) { QPixmap pixmap; if(img.isNull()) { qWarning("QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image"); return pixmap; } QImage image = img; int d = image.depth(); int dd = defaultDepth(); bool force_mono = (dd == 1 || (flags & Qt::ColorMode_Mask)==Qt::MonoOnly); if(force_mono) { // must be monochrome if(d != 1) { image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_MonoLSB, flags); // dither d = 1; } } else { // can be both bool conv8 = false; if(d > 8 && dd <= 8) { // convert to 8 bit if((flags & Qt::DitherMode_Mask) == Qt::AutoDither) flags = (flags & ~Qt::DitherMode_Mask) | Qt::PreferDither; conv8 = true; } else if((flags & Qt::ColorMode_Mask) == Qt::ColorOnly) { conv8 = d == 1; // native depth wanted } else if(d == 1) { if(image.numColors() == 2) { QRgb c0 = image.color(0); // Auto: convert to best QRgb c1 = image.color(1); conv8 = qMin(c0,c1) != qRgb(0,0,0) || qMax(c0,c1) != qRgb(255,255,255); } else { // eg. 1-color monochrome images (they do exist). conv8 = true; } } if(conv8) { image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Indexed8, flags); d = 8; } } if(image.depth()==1) { image.setColor(0, QColor(Qt::color0).rgba()); image.setColor(1, QColor(Qt::color1).rgba()); } if (d == 16) { QImage im = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32, flags); return fromImage(im); } int w = image.width(); int h = image.height(); // different size or depth, make a new pixmap if (d == 1) pixmap = QBitmap(w, h); else pixmap = QPixmap(w, h); quint32 *dptr =>pixels, *drow; const uint dbpr =>nbytes / h; const QImage::Format sfmt = image.format(); const unsigned short sbpr = image.bytesPerLine(); uchar *sptr = image.bits(), *srow; for(int y=0;y<h;y++) { drow = dptr + (y * (dbpr / 4)); srow = sptr + (y * sbpr); switch(sfmt) { case QImage::Format_MonoLSB: case QImage::Format_Mono:{ for(int x=0;x<w;++x) { char one_bit = *(srow + (x / 8)); if(sfmt == QImage::Format_Mono) one_bit = one_bit >> (7 - (x % 8)); else one_bit = one_bit >> (x % 8); if((one_bit & 0x01)) *(drow+x) = 0x00000000; else *(drow+x) = 0xFFFFFFFF; } break; } case QImage::Format_Indexed8: for(int x=0;x<w;++x) { *(drow+x) = PREMUL(image.color(*(srow + x))); } break; case QImage::Format_RGB32: for(int x=0;x<w;++x) *(drow+x) = *(((quint32*)srow) + x) | 0xFF000000; break; case QImage::Format_ARGB32: case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied: for(int x=0;x<w;++x) { if(sfmt == QImage::Format_RGB32) *(drow+x) = 0xFF000000 | (*(((quint32*)srow) + x) & 0x00FFFFFF); else if(sfmt == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) *(drow+x) = *(((quint32*)srow) + x); else *(drow+x) = PREMUL(*(((quint32*)srow) + x)); } break; default: qWarning("Qt: internal: Oops: Forgot a format [%d] %s:%d", sfmt, __FILE__, __LINE__); break; } }
void RadialMap::Map::paint(unsigned int scaleFactor) { if (scaleFactor == 0) //just in case scaleFactor = 1; QPainter paint; QRect rect = m_rect; int step = m_ringBreadth; int excess = -1; //scale the pixmap, or do intelligent distribution of excess to prevent nasty resizing if (scaleFactor > 1) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; rect.getCoords(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); x1 *= scaleFactor; y1 *= scaleFactor; x2 *= scaleFactor; y2 *= scaleFactor; rect.setCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2); step *= scaleFactor; QPixmap::operator=(QPixmap(this->size() * (int)scaleFactor)); } else if (m_ringBreadth != MAX_RING_BREADTH && m_ringBreadth != MIN_RING_BREADTH) { excess = rect.width() % m_ringBreadth; ++step; } //**** best option you can think of is to make the circles slightly less perfect, // ** i.e. slightly eliptic when resizing inbetween paint.begin(this); fill(); //erase background for (int x = m_visibleDepth; x >= 0; --x) { int width = rect.width() / 2; //clever geometric trick to find largest angle that will give biggest arrow head int a_max = int(acos((double)width / double((width + 5) * scaleFactor)) * (180 * 16 / M_PI)); for (ConstIterator<Segment> it = m_signature[x].constIterator(); it != m_signature[x].end(); ++it) { //draw the pie segments, most of this code is concerned with drawing the little //arrows on the ends of segments when they have hidden files paint.setPen((*it)->pen()); if ((*it)->hasHiddenChildren()) { //draw arrow head to indicate undisplayed files/directories QPolygon pts(3); QPoint pos, cpos =; int a[3] = {static_cast<int>((*it)->start()), static_cast<int>((*it)->length()), 0 }; a[2] = a[0] + (a[1] / 2); //assign to halfway between if (a[1] > a_max) { a[1] = a_max; a[0] = a[2] - a_max / 2; } a[1] += a[0]; for (int i = 0, radius = width; i < 3; ++i) { double ra = M_PI / (180 * 16) * a[i], sinra, cosra; if (i == 2) radius += 5 * scaleFactor; #if 0 sincos(ra, &sinra, &cosra); #endif sinra = sin(ra); cosra = cos(ra); pos.rx() = cpos.x() + static_cast<int>(cosra * radius); pos.ry() = cpos.y() - static_cast<int>(sinra * radius); pts.setPoint(i, pos); } paint.setBrush((*it)->pen()); paint.drawPolygon(pts); } paint.setBrush((*it)->brush()); paint.drawPie(rect, (*it)->start(), (*it)->length()); if ((*it)->hasHiddenChildren()) { //**** code is bloated!; QPen pen = paint.pen(); int width = 2 * scaleFactor; pen.setWidth(width); paint.setPen(pen); QRect rect2 = rect; width /= 2; rect2.adjust(width, width, -width, -width); paint.drawArc(rect2, (*it)->start(), (*it)->length()); paint.restore(); } } if (excess >= 0) { //excess allows us to resize more smoothly (still crud tho) if (excess < 2) //only decrease rect by more if even number of excesses left --step; excess -= 2; } rect.adjust(step, step, -step, -step); } // if( excess > 0 ) rect.adjust( excess, excess, 0, 0 ); //ugly paint.setPen(COLOR_GREY); paint.setBrush(Qt::white); paint.drawEllipse(rect); if (scaleFactor > 1) { //have to end in order to smoothscale() paint.end(); int x1, y1, x2, y2; rect.getCoords(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); x1 /= scaleFactor; y1 /= scaleFactor; x2 /= scaleFactor; y2 /= scaleFactor; rect.setCoords(x1, y1, x2, y2); QImage img = this->toImage(); img = img.scaled(this->size() / (int)scaleFactor, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); this->QPixmap::operator=(fromImage(img, Qt::AutoColor)); paint.begin(this); paint.setPen(COLOR_GREY); paint.setBrush(Qt::white); } paint.drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, m_centerText); m_innerRadius = rect.width() / 2; //rect.width should be multiple of 2 paint.end(); }
LayerTileSet LayerTileSet::fromImage(const QImage &image) { return fromImage(image, image.size(), QPoint()); }
void QVGPixmapData::fromNativeType(void* pixmap, NativeType type) { if (type == QPixmapData::SgImage && pixmap) { #if defined(QT_SYMBIAN_SUPPORTS_SGIMAGE) && !defined(QT_NO_EGL) RSgImage *sgImage = reinterpret_cast<RSgImage*>(pixmap); destroyImages(); prevSize = QSize(); TInt err = 0; RSgDriver driver; err = driver.Open(); if (err != KErrNone) { cleanup(); return; } if (sgImage->IsNull()) { cleanup(); driver.Close(); return; } TSgImageInfo sgImageInfo; err = sgImage->GetInfo(sgImageInfo); if (err != KErrNone) { cleanup(); driver.Close(); return; } pfnVgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR = (pfnVgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR) eglGetProcAddress("vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR"); if (eglGetError() != EGL_SUCCESS || !(QEgl::hasExtension("EGL_KHR_image") || QEgl::hasExtension("EGL_KHR_image_pixmap")) || !vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR) { cleanup(); driver.Close(); return; } const EGLint KEglImageAttribs[] = {EGL_IMAGE_PRESERVED_SYMBIAN, EGL_TRUE, EGL_NONE}; EGLImageKHR eglImage = QEgl::eglCreateImageKHR(QEgl::display(), EGL_NO_CONTEXT, EGL_NATIVE_PIXMAP_KHR, (EGLClientBuffer)sgImage, (EGLint*)KEglImageAttribs); if (eglGetError() != EGL_SUCCESS) { cleanup(); driver.Close(); return; } vgImage = vgCreateEGLImageTargetKHR(eglImage); if (vgGetError() != VG_NO_ERROR) { cleanup(); QEgl::eglDestroyImageKHR(QEgl::display(), eglImage); driver.Close(); return; } w = sgImageInfo.iSizeInPixels.iWidth; h = sgImageInfo.iSizeInPixels.iHeight; d = 32; // We always use ARGB_Premultiplied for VG pixmaps. is_null = (w <= 0 || h <= 0); source = QImage(); recreate = false; prevSize = QSize(w, h); setSerialNumber(++qt_vg_pixmap_serial); // release stuff QEgl::eglDestroyImageKHR(QEgl::display(), eglImage); driver.Close(); #endif } else if (type == QPixmapData::FbsBitmap) { CFbsBitmap *bitmap = reinterpret_cast<CFbsBitmap*>(pixmap); bool deleteSourceBitmap = false; #ifdef Q_SYMBIAN_HAS_EXTENDED_BITMAP_TYPE // Rasterize extended bitmaps TUid extendedBitmapType = bitmap->ExtendedBitmapType(); if (extendedBitmapType != KNullUid) { bitmap = createBlitCopy(bitmap); deleteSourceBitmap = true; } #endif if (bitmap->IsCompressedInRAM()) { bitmap = createBlitCopy(bitmap); deleteSourceBitmap = true; } TDisplayMode displayMode = bitmap->DisplayMode(); QImage::Format format = qt_TDisplayMode2Format(displayMode); TSize size = bitmap->SizeInPixels(); bitmap->BeginDataAccess(); uchar *bytes = (uchar*)bitmap->DataAddress(); QImage img = QImage(bytes, size.iWidth, size.iHeight, format); img = img.copy(); bitmap->EndDataAccess(); if(displayMode == EGray2) { //Symbian thinks set pixels are white/transparent, Qt thinks they are foreground/solid //So invert mono bitmaps so that masks work correctly. img.invertPixels(); } else if(displayMode == EColor16M) { img = img.rgbSwapped(); // EColor16M is BGR } fromImage(img, Qt::AutoColor); if(deleteSourceBitmap) delete bitmap; } }
FFTWMatrix::FFTWMatrix(const QImage& image) : data(0), m_width(0), m_height(0) { (void)fromImage(image); }
void QRasterPlatformPixmap::copy(const QPlatformPixmap *data, const QRect &rect) { fromImage(data->toImage(rect).copy(), Qt::NoOpaqueDetection); }
bool Drawing::DrawingImpl::loadRoom(const char *name) { fromImage(name); return true; }
void QPlatformPixmap::fromImageReader(QImageReader *imageReader, Qt::ImageConversionFlags flags) { const QImage image = imageReader->read(); fromImage(image, flags); }
bool Drawing::DrawingImpl::loadProject(QXmlStreamReader *reader) { if (!reader->isStartElement()) { return false; } if (reader->name().toString() != "drawing") { return false; } reader->readNextStartElement(); if (reader->name().toString() != "image") { return false; } reader->readNext(); fromImage(reader->text().toString().toStdString().c_str()); reader->readNext(); if (!reader->isEndElement() || reader->name().toString() != "image") { return false; } reader->readNextStartElement(); std::map<int, bool> showMap; while (true) { if (reader->isStartElement()) { QString name = reader->name().toString(); if (name == "algorithm") { reader->readNext(); if (!reader->isCharacters()) { return false; } if (reader->text().toString() == "Dijkstra") { room->setAlgorithm(Room::Dijkstra); } else if (reader->text().toString() == "A*") { room->setAlgorithm(Room::AStar); } reader->readNext(); if (!reader->isEndElement() || reader->name().toString() != "algorithm") { return false; } reader->readNextStartElement(); continue; } QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader->attributes(); QString showValue = attributes.value("show").toString(); bool showValueInt = showValue.toInt(); if (name == "show_triangulation") { showMap[ShowTriangulation] = showValueInt; } else if (name == "show_room_triangulation") { showMap[ShowRoomTriangulation] = showValueInt; } else if (name == "show_waypoints") { showMap[ShowWaypoints] = showValueInt; } else if (name == "show_path") { showMap[ShowPath] = showValueInt; } else if (name == "show_neighbours") { showMap[ShowNeighbours] = showValueInt; } } else if (reader->isEndElement() && reader->name().toString() == "drawing") { reader->readNextStartElement(); bool result = room->loadProject(reader); if (result) { for (std::map<int, bool>::const_iterator i = showMap.begin(); i != showMap.end(); i++) { show_[i->first] = i->second; } } return result; } reader->readNext(); if (!reader->isEndElement()) { return false; } reader->readNextStartElement(); } return false; }