Пример #1
struct iso_dirtree *iso9660::FindFolder( char *Folder )
  char *work;

  work = (char *)malloc(from_723(m_info.iso.logical_block_size));

  char *temp;
  struct iso_directories *lastpath = NULL;

  if ( strpbrk(Folder, ":") )
    strcpy(work, strpbrk(Folder, ":") + 1);
    strcpy(work, Folder);

  temp = work + 1;
  while ( strlen( temp ) > 1 && strpbrk( temp + 1, "\\" ) )
    temp = strpbrk( temp + 1, "\\" );

  if ( strlen( work ) > 1 && work[ strlen(work) - 1 ] == '*' )
    work[ strlen(work) - 1 ] = 0;
  if ( strlen( work ) > 2 )
    if ( work[ strlen(work) - 1 ] == '\\' )
      work[ strlen(work) - 1 ] = 0;

  if (m_paths)
    lastpath = m_paths->next;
  while ( lastpath )
    if ( !stricmp( lastpath->path, work))
      free ( work );
      return lastpath->dir;
    lastpath = lastpath->next;
  free ( work );
  return 0;
Пример #2
iso9660_get_pvd_block_size(const iso9660_pvd_t *pvd)
  if (NULL == pvd) return 0;
  return from_723(pvd->logical_block_size);
Пример #3
void iso9660::Scan()
  if (m_hCDROM != NULL)
    return ;

  m_hCDROM = CIoSupport::OpenCDROM();

  m_paths = 0;
  m_lastpath = 0;
  memset(&m_info, 0, sizeof(m_info));
  m_info.ISO_HANDLE = m_hCDROM ;
  m_info.Curr_dir_cache = 0;
  m_info.Curr_dir = (char*)malloc( 4096 );
  strcpy( m_info.Curr_dir, "\\" );

  CSingleLock lock(m_critSection);

  DWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0;
  ::SetFilePointer( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, 0x8000, 0, FILE_BEGIN );

  ::ReadFile( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, &m_info.iso, sizeof(m_info.iso), &lpNumberOfBytesRead, NULL );

  if (strncmp(m_info.iso.szSignature, "CD001", 5))
    CIoSupport::CloseCDROM( m_info.ISO_HANDLE);
    m_info.ISO_HANDLE = NULL;
    m_hCDROM = NULL;
    m_info.iso9660 = 0;
    return ;
    m_info.iso9660 = 1;
    m_info.joliet = 0;

    m_info.HeaderPos = 0x8000;
    int current = 0x8000;

    WORD wSectorSize = from_723(m_info.iso.logical_block_size);

    // first check if first file in the current VD has a rock-ridge NM. if it has, disable joliet
    iso9660_Directory *dirPointer = reinterpret_cast<iso9660_Directory*>(&m_info.iso.szRootDir);
    ::SetFilePointer( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, wSectorSize * from_733(dirPointer->extent), 0, FILE_BEGIN );

    DWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead;
    char* pCurr_dir_cache = (char*)malloc( 16*wSectorSize );
    iso9660_Directory isodir;
    BOOL bResult = ::ReadFile( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, pCurr_dir_cache, wSectorSize, &lpNumberOfBytesRead, NULL );
    memcpy( &isodir, pCurr_dir_cache, sizeof(isodir));

    int iso9660searchpointer=0;
    if ( isodir.ucRecordLength )
      iso9660searchpointer += isodir.ucRecordLength;
      iso9660searchpointer = (iso9660searchpointer - (iso9660searchpointer % wSectorSize)) + wSectorSize;

    memcpy( &isodir, pCurr_dir_cache + iso9660searchpointer, std::min(sizeof(isodir), sizeof(m_info.isodir)));
    if (bResult && lpNumberOfBytesRead == wSectorSize)
      bResult = IsRockRidge(isodir);
    while ( m_info.iso.byOne != 255)
      if ( ( m_info.iso.byZero3[0] == 0x25 ) && ( m_info.iso.byZero3[1] == 0x2f ) && !bResult )
        switch ( m_info.iso.byZero3[2] )
        case 0x45 :
        case 0x40 :
        case 0x43 : m_info.HeaderPos = current;
          m_info.joliet = 1;
        //                        25 2f 45  or   25 2f 40   or 25 2f 43 = jouliet, and best fitted for reading
      current += 0x800;
      ::SetFilePointer( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, current, 0, FILE_BEGIN );
      ::ReadFile( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, &m_info.iso, sizeof(m_info.iso), &lpNumberOfBytesRead, NULL );
    ::SetFilePointer( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, m_info.HeaderPos, 0, FILE_BEGIN );
    ::ReadFile( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, &m_info.iso, sizeof(m_info.iso), &lpNumberOfBytesRead, NULL );
    memcpy( &m_info.isodir, m_info.iso.szRootDir, sizeof(m_info.isodir));

  memcpy( &m_info.isodir, &m_info.iso.szRootDir, sizeof(m_info.isodir) );
  ReadRecursiveDirFromSector( from_733(m_info.isodir.extent), "\\" );
Пример #4
struct iso_dirtree *iso9660::ReadRecursiveDirFromSector( DWORD sector, const char *path )
  struct iso_dirtree* pDir = NULL;
  struct iso_dirtree* pFile_Pointer = NULL;
  char* pCurr_dir_cache = NULL;
  DWORD iso9660searchpointer;
  struct iso9660_Directory isodir;
  struct iso9660_Directory curr_dir;
  WORD wSectorSize = from_723(m_info.iso.logical_block_size);

  struct iso_directories *point = m_lastpath;
  if (point)
    while ( point->next )
      if (strcmp(path, point->path) == 0) return NULL;
      point = point->next;

  std::string strTmp;
  strTmp = StringUtils::Format("******************   Adding dir : %s\r", path);
  OutputDebugString( strTmp.c_str() );

  pDir = (struct iso_dirtree *)malloc(sizeof(struct iso_dirtree));
  if (!pDir)
    return NULL;

  pDir->next = NULL;
  pDir->path = NULL;
  pDir->name = NULL;
  pDir->dirpointer = NULL;
  pFile_Pointer = pDir;

  ::SetFilePointer( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, wSectorSize * sector, 0, FILE_BEGIN );
  DWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead = 0;

  pCurr_dir_cache = (char*)malloc( 16*wSectorSize );
  if (!pCurr_dir_cache )
    return NULL;

  BOOL bResult = ::ReadFile( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, pCurr_dir_cache, wSectorSize, &lpNumberOfBytesRead, NULL );
  if (!bResult || lpNumberOfBytesRead != wSectorSize)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s: unable to read", __FUNCTION__);
    return NULL;
  memcpy( &isodir, pCurr_dir_cache, sizeof(isodir) );
  memcpy( &curr_dir, pCurr_dir_cache, sizeof(isodir) );

  DWORD curr_dirSize = from_733(curr_dir.size);
  if ( curr_dirSize > wSectorSize )
    free( pCurr_dir_cache );
    pCurr_dir_cache = (char*)malloc( 16 * from_733(isodir.size) );
    if (!pCurr_dir_cache )
      return NULL;

    ::SetFilePointer( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, wSectorSize * sector, 0, FILE_BEGIN );
    bResult = ::ReadFile( m_info.ISO_HANDLE, pCurr_dir_cache , curr_dirSize, &lpNumberOfBytesRead, NULL );
    if (!bResult || lpNumberOfBytesRead != curr_dirSize)
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "%s: unable to read", __FUNCTION__);
      return NULL;
  iso9660searchpointer = 0;

  if (!m_lastpath)
    m_lastpath = m_paths;
    if ( !m_lastpath )
      m_paths = (struct iso_directories *)malloc(sizeof(struct iso_directories));
      if (!m_paths )
        return NULL;

      m_paths->path = NULL;
      m_paths->dir = NULL;
      m_paths->next = NULL;
      m_lastpath = m_paths;
      while ( m_lastpath->next )
        m_lastpath = m_lastpath->next;
  m_lastpath->next = ( struct iso_directories *)malloc( sizeof( struct iso_directories ) );
  if (!m_lastpath->next )
    return NULL;

  m_lastpath = m_lastpath->next;
  m_lastpath->next = NULL;
  m_lastpath->dir = pDir;
  m_lastpath->path = (char *)malloc(strlen(path) + 1);
  if (!m_lastpath->path )
    return NULL;

  strcpy( m_lastpath->path, path );

  while ( 1 )
    if ( isodir.ucRecordLength )
      iso9660searchpointer += isodir.ucRecordLength;
      iso9660searchpointer = (iso9660searchpointer - (iso9660searchpointer % wSectorSize)) + wSectorSize;
    if ( curr_dirSize <= iso9660searchpointer )
    int isize = std::min(sizeof(isodir), sizeof(m_info.isodir));
    memcpy( &isodir, pCurr_dir_cache + iso9660searchpointer, isize);
    if (!isodir.ucRecordLength)
    if ( !(isodir.byFlags & Flag_NotExist) )
      if ( (!( isodir.byFlags & Flag_Directory )) && ( isodir.Len_Fi > 1) )
        std::string temp_text ;
        bool bContinue = false;

        if ( m_info.joliet )
          bContinue = true;
          isodir.FileName[isodir.Len_Fi] = isodir.FileName[isodir.Len_Fi + 1] = 0; //put terminator by its length
          temp_text = GetThinText(isodir.FileName, isodir.Len_Fi );
          //     temp_text.resize(isodir.Len_Fi);

        if (!m_info.joliet && isodir.FileName[0] >= 0x20 )
          temp_text = ParseName(isodir);
          bContinue = true;
        if (bContinue)
          int semipos = temp_text.find(";", 0);
          if (semipos >= 0)
            temp_text.erase(semipos, temp_text.length() - semipos);

          pFile_Pointer->next = (struct iso_dirtree *)malloc(sizeof(struct iso_dirtree));
          if (!pFile_Pointer->next)

          pFile_Pointer = pFile_Pointer->next;
          pFile_Pointer->next = 0;
          pFile_Pointer->dirpointer = NULL;
          pFile_Pointer->path = (char *)malloc(strlen(path) + 1);
          if (!pFile_Pointer->path)
            return NULL;

          strcpy( pFile_Pointer->path, path );
          pFile_Pointer->name = (char *)malloc( temp_text.length() + 1);
          if (!pFile_Pointer->name)
            return NULL;

          strcpy( pFile_Pointer->name , temp_text.c_str());
          //std::string strTmp;
          //strTmp = StringUtils::Format("adding sector : %X, File : %s     size = %u     pos = %x\r",sector,temp_text.c_str(), isodir.dwFileLengthLE, isodir.dwFileLocationLE );
          //OutputDebugString( strTmp.c_str());

          pFile_Pointer->Location = from_733(isodir.extent);
          pFile_Pointer->dirpointer = NULL;
          pFile_Pointer ->Length = from_733(isodir.size);

          IsoDateTimeToFileTime(&isodir.DateTime, &pFile_Pointer->filetime);

          pFile_Pointer->type = 1;
  iso9660searchpointer = 0;
  memcpy( &curr_dir, pCurr_dir_cache, sizeof(isodir) );
  memcpy( &isodir, pCurr_dir_cache, sizeof(isodir) );
  while ( 1 )
    if ( isodir.ucRecordLength )
      iso9660searchpointer += isodir.ucRecordLength;

      iso9660searchpointer = (iso9660searchpointer - (iso9660searchpointer % wSectorSize)) + wSectorSize;
    if ( from_733(curr_dir.size) <= iso9660searchpointer )
      free( pCurr_dir_cache );
      pCurr_dir_cache = NULL;
      return pDir;
    memcpy( &isodir, pCurr_dir_cache + iso9660searchpointer, std::min(sizeof(isodir), sizeof(m_info.isodir)));
    if (!isodir.ucRecordLength)
    if ( !(isodir.byFlags & Flag_NotExist) )
      if ( (( isodir.byFlags & Flag_Directory )) && ( isodir.Len_Fi > 1) )
        std::string temp_text ;
        bool bContinue = false;
        if ( m_info.joliet )
          bContinue = true;
          isodir.FileName[isodir.Len_Fi] = isodir.FileName[isodir.Len_Fi + 1] = 0; //put terminator by its length
          temp_text = GetThinText(isodir.FileName, isodir.Len_Fi);
          //     temp_text.resize(isodir.Len_Fi);
        if (!m_info.joliet && isodir.FileName[0] >= 0x20 )
          temp_text = ParseName(isodir);
          bContinue = true;
        if (bContinue)

          //     int semipos = temp_text.find(";",0); //the directory is not seperate by ";",but by its length
          //     if (semipos >= 0)
          //       temp_text.erase(semipos,temp_text.length()-semipos);

          pFile_Pointer->next = (struct iso_dirtree *)malloc(sizeof(struct iso_dirtree));
          if (!pFile_Pointer->next)
            return NULL;

          pFile_Pointer = pFile_Pointer->next;
          pFile_Pointer->next = 0;
          pFile_Pointer->dirpointer = NULL;
          pFile_Pointer->path = (char *)malloc(strlen(path) + 1);

          if (!pFile_Pointer->path)
            return NULL;

          strcpy( pFile_Pointer->path, path );
          pFile_Pointer->name = (char *)malloc( temp_text.length() + 1);

          if (!pFile_Pointer->name)
            return NULL;

          strcpy( pFile_Pointer->name , temp_text.c_str());

          DWORD dwFileLocation = from_733(isodir.extent);
          std::string strTmp;
          strTmp = StringUtils::Format("adding directory sector : %X, File : %s     size = %u     pos = %x\r", sector, temp_text.c_str(), from_733(isodir.size), dwFileLocation );
          OutputDebugString( strTmp.c_str());

          pFile_Pointer->Location = dwFileLocation;
          pFile_Pointer->dirpointer = NULL;
          pFile_Pointer->Length = from_733(isodir.size);

          IsoDateTimeToFileTime(&isodir.DateTime, &pFile_Pointer->filetime);

          std::string strPath = path;
          if ( strlen( path ) > 1 ) strPath += "\\";
          strPath += temp_text;

          pFile_Pointer->dirpointer = ReadRecursiveDirFromSector( dwFileLocation, strPath.c_str() );

          pFile_Pointer->type = 2;
  return NULL;